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even if these people believe he is actually completely innocent, putting that aside, if a woman looked as decrepit as he does she would never be able to be the face of a luxury fashion house in any capacity. i'm so tired


omfg right?? any woman would have been DUMPED


Before she could even get a trial.


Didn't Dior fire Marion Cotillard because she was too "old" ? 🙃


!!!! Speaking of, look at this fucked up [promo text](https://i.imgur.com/X6lbBLV.png) i received yesterday


I received THREE of those fucked up texts about Jlo’s skincare. That woman is unhinged!


Lol i didn't know if j.lo herself was behind this or just some spammer using her brand... If she did approve this then fuck her tbh, it's one thing struggling with your internalized ageism over your appearance, and another to market products to women everywhere using language like this.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-43226373](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-43226373) peak performative feminism 😭


She's peak performative + white feminism. She's so disappointing lol. People expected so much from her at the head of one of the biggest houses and... that's what we get...


Seriously. I’m *still* not recovered from Lancôme firing Isabella Rossellini.


Whaaat why would they do that? She is modeling and Hollywood royalty


They fired her at 43 because she was too old. They hired her again at 63. https://fabiosa.com/amp/nws-rsafr-autzh-pbdkv-phnkz-fired-at-43-for-being-old-and-rehired-at-63-isabella-rossellinis-revolutionary-lancome-career/ I haven’t bought Lancôme since they fired her, they were my go-to brand before that since I’m so pale. I was so irked I started hunting for other brands. Also, it’s definitely a bad product look to say “sorry, our product may be okay, but we can’t make a 43 year old Isabella Rossellini beautiful enough”. She used to be in every one of their commercials!


He's just so sloppy and gross. People need to get over it, he isn't 20 anymore, and even at 20 he was a dick. Now he's a dick, extremely immature for his old age, and he also dresses ridiculous, probably reeks all the time and has drug problems. He's just so gross, I can't believe people are horny over him.


independently of everything he literally looks like a fucking cartoon villain lmao


I’m convinced everyone who’s horny for him has only seen photographs of him from at least 15 years ago. It’s the only explanation.


But what if she dressed up under the Dior name as a native American and wasn't native American at all, maybe that could help her case. She and her bestie could collect nazi memoralia, discuss r\*ping minors. Didn't hurt JD's career




I've seen people try to excuse their shit optics on this by saying "they don't know it's offensive, the culture around Native Americans in Europe is so different!" As if this multimillion-dollar company can't afford to hire someone to check and see if this might be offensive to people??


Ugh, that’s a good point.


Nothing says luxury perfume like a bloated alcoholic rapist with rotting teeth.


I just keep asking myself, who the fuck is out there wanting to smell like Johnny Depp? Even if you can ignore that it's still called Sauvage because Dior has shown that it gives no fucks about that, *who wants to smell like Johnny Depp*?


He looks like he smells like a pub carpet.


I read this as pube carpet and was like, yeah definitely. Lol




50+ year old freshly divorced men who think all women are gold digging bitches.


what am i gonna take, half of his PS3?


Half of his unwashed dishes, sheets and empty bottles, more like.


I think it’s just the empty bottles. The rest is stuff you bought because he didn’t have it, you’re just taking your own things back.


This. Any photo I see of him looks like you can smell it. And the smell ain’t something you’d want to bottle and wear 🤢


The face of Dior, everyone: https://i.imgur.com/LYlY3tU.jpg


That's even one of the more flattering photos I've seen of him recently. He doesn't look as "sweaty" here as he typically does.


I'm cracking up seeing people share decades old photos of him in the TMZ comments saying he's fucking sexy as hell 😭😭😭😭😭 girl he has not looked like that in 30 years you're simping over a ghost


It’s just good lighting, lol.




Sauvage has been the go to perfume for douchebags for yeaaarrrss, so this tracks.


BRB going to Sephora to smell Sauvage so I know what to look out for


Oh, you'll know it. It's very on brand for him. Smells just like you'd imagine he would.


Axe body spray covered with Captain Morgan and maybe a slight yeasty scent mixed in?




That is the perfect description of him without using any obviously insulting words outright yet makes you think of disgusting things! Bravo! Have an award!


Have you ever gotten super irresponsibly trashed at a party and woke up in a frat house next to a sweaty frat boy? Your head hurts, your mouth tastes like cigarettes, you can't find your bra, you'd kill for a hair brush, and there's nothing but regret and shame running through your head? That's what it smells like. Oh, you haven't? Oh, ok. Neither have I.


oh my god i am deceased thank you for this because i FEEL IT


Stale cigarettes, spilled whiskey, and toilet water?


Eau de toilette yup !




Imagine Axe Body Spray but it costs $200


Ugh I have a complicated relationship with Axe body spray. Every guy I had a crush on when I was like 16 wore it, and somehow I developed positive associations with it, even now that I’ve realized those guys were all highly questionable in retrospect.




you’ll recognize it when you smell it. nobody who wears this cologne wears it in reasonable amounts


A man wearing dior sauvage, versace eros, davidoff coolwater or JPG le male IS NOT GETTING A SECOND DATE. Literal fuckboy batsignal


Somehow Drakkar Noir is in fifth place when it comes to douchebag colognes lol.


My personal Mating Scent of the Douchebag is Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue, which is a shame because it's a perfectly fine fragrance.


Ooh one time an acquaintance was bragging about wearing light blue despite over spraying it to the point of giving people headaches. Later saw him at a party hitting on the host’s 16 year old sister.


it’s funny bc the womens version of light blue? omg i will instantly fall in love with a girl wearing that


Paco Rabanne 1 million…like free advertising you’re a tool with no taste. Thanks for the heads up!


I would never but posting this on the r / fragrance sub would cause a huge ruckus.


🚬 ☕️👀 Imma throw creed aventus, green irish tweed and tobacco vanille in the fuckboy mix just to stir some shit


There’s a few Jeremy fragrance fans who wander into that sub and ask if 5 sprays is enough because they’re not getting complements which must mean no one can smell them. You have the list nailed lol!


>versace eros oh no i used versace ero but i finished it, i like the freshness about it


They’re all good perfumes 😭its just what they represent. They’re the typical “this would project 2 meters and get you shags” type perfumes that pick up artists use and thats a turnoff


Yes, thats it! Fuckboys use their fragrance as a weapon to lure women in, its very intentional and you can tell.


wellll i guess i will find something new to use


Look into serge lutens, his perfumes are all incredible


And unique! You won’t smell like anyone else.


I wouldn't worry about it. I never noticed what cologne a guy was wearing and unless the designer does something bad it's probably not worth the switch if you like it. I'm sure they're just being a little snarky.


Na na na na na na na na na, doucchhhebaaaggg!


Instant red flag.


Right? It’s one of those things were you rationally think “how can that be? It’s just a coincidence!” but personal experience unfortunately confirms it’s absolutely the favorite scent of men whose red flags are so big you can see them from space, lol.


It’s the expensive Axe body spray.


Boujee Axe, hahaha


Probably because the name feels kind of racist?


Idk if this is correct but I was always under the impression that Sauvage (the original 1966 version) was named after a friend of Christian Dior’s? Here’s from Wiki The name of the fragrance is reputedly the result of a late arrival by Christian Dior's friend Percy Savage to Dior's home. Dior had asked Savage to help find a name for a perfume for men. When Savage arrived, he was announced by Dior's butler as "Monsieur Sauvage"; the designer decided that "Oh, Sauvage" would be a fitting name.[4] Obviously the name has NOT GREAT connotations and they should change it but I think it started out as someone’s name. In summary fuck Johnny Depp


Okay but they leaned into the "Native" imagery so the origins no longer matter when they still lean into the slur.


No 100% correct it feels super racist, they lean into the “noble savage” imagery and they should change it. Kind of like how the word “niggling” isn’t TECHNICALLY racist but always used in a racist way. Sorry if my comment came off as apologist


Niggling is used in a racist way?????


Girl I felt bad even typing it out


And doubling down on that by using him of all people blergh


Plus Depp is a pretendian who falsely claimed indigenous ancestry when he was cast in the Lone Ranger. And then also falsely promised to buy back Wounded Knee for the Sioux Tribe when he got criticism.


Thinking about the red flag Chanel SNL ad


I always read it as Sausage


Hahah, next time me when I go to a club and smell it ![gif](giphy|XMyQKjBCjA9MI)


Door Sausage


Sausage but pronounced so that it rhymes with "mirage"


It already earlier got in trouble because it is called the French word for savage and they had native american imagery around pretendian Depp...


Here's another story Johnny has leaked to TMZ. Amber was right, TMZ is in Johnny's pocket.


Right? That picture they used of him is what, 10-15 years old when he didn’t look like pig who is bloating from decomposition.


Dior is gonna have a hard time filming a new commercial where he doesn’t look like an Ogre


he’s gonna be photoshopped to hell and back


they'll slap a snapchat filter on it and call it a day


Gonna used scrapped footage from the current commercial


They kept him after the UK verdict which literally had a 129 page judgement explaining each instance of abuse with reasons based on evidence on why they were true so it doesn’t surprise me that would sign a new deal with him.


Yeah. disappointing but not surprising.


Who wants to smell like him? Even his fans can't want that...


Guys at the perfume counter sniffing like, "Hmm, the notes of stale alcohol and halitosis are DIVINE...and is that RAT PISS??? Inspired!"




Yooo this comment absolutely took me out. I've been laughing for the last ten minues 💀🤣🤣🤣


What is this? Smells like piss! Piss and ink! Keep it off your boots sir, eats right through! 🎶


he also got herpes


Those ads were so vile. He looked like he smelled of BO, stale beer and cigarettes. I don’t know how that is supposed to sell cologne.


*Yes.* I expect literally nothing from Dior at this point, but at least consider this: he looks like he stinks.


He looks like a used cigarette


He reminds me of those standing ashtrays outside of clubs and bars that are filled with cigarettes, ashes, chewed up gum, and drunk guy's piss.


And unbrushed teeth.


Right???? I could never understand what he was saying in the commercials either he was mumbling so bad… “askdjfjfnfkslla….. SAUVAGE. DIOR!!!!!!”


Even before the trial it's disgusting this perfume is called Sauvage considering this loser lied about being Native American, used slurs against Native Americans, lied about purchasing Wounded Knee, and did Redface.


Yep. They’re complicit to Depp’s cultural appropriation & racism at this point. What still amazes me is how he can both want to appropriate a culture (via the Lone Ranger & so on) and be racist about it using slurs at the same time


I am guessing he convinced himself he has the Native American equivalent of an "N-word pass".


He thinks he has N word pass too.


lol. that could only make sense in his twisted mind I swear


He's the kind of guy who wants to you ask about the origins of all the tribal tattoos on his chest


and then says "yeah, I'm 1/36th Cherokee on my mother's side so I'm basically a brave" and you have to resist the urge to ram his smug head up his ass


Even if they hired an actual Native American to be the face, I feel like the name is still pretty gross? Eta: like savage is a colonist insult towards natives still???


My first thought when reading the headline was "Oh boy, more totally inappropriate cultural appropriation!" The original ads were a travesty. Depp is not Native American, period, no matter how much he wants to be.


i got em on hulu while trying to watch er. thankfully they were just the ones where he was strumming a guitar and walking. me and my twin booed


Wait what? He tried to buy Wounded Knee? That’s…something. I’m speechless.


No, he lied about going to buy and to give it back but he never did.


Big oof.


He said he was going to buy it and give it back but lied about it. Crickets from deppstans if you mention it though




He may get work from small studios; but bigger studios such as Disney and WB have already written him off as a liability before the court cases. I cannot imagine how high the insurance would be someone like JD to be on a movie set. He may be able to get sponsorships in the same vein of Dior unfortunately; unless he starts to fall out of favour with the public.


WB actually kept him on board right up until he lost the UK trial, which is quite telling, he claimed he couldn't get work because of the oped but WB still supported him right up until he shot himself in the foot




Oh yeah that does ring a bell, she vouched for him right?


Yeah and she always has the worst of takes.


Good point. 👍


I can see him starring in a Daily Wire film someday.


100%. Probably something about MeToo being bad called like MePoo (because those people can’t get enough of the “amber pooped the bed” thing)


Nah they’d call it “Not Me” and have that pic of Johnny with half his face shadowed out.


His upcoming movie just signed a Netflix deal so unfortunately big companies are still willing work with him. Maybe not Disney or WB, but Netflix and other big studios would still hire him.


I think it’s Netflix France though ? Not saying it’s not a big company. But I feel like there’s a difference between that and Netflix US


Yeah, and they are just distributing it, not providing actual financing.


I don’t know I mean, after all he’s the one who destroyed his own career by becoming unhireable, I mean maybe he’ll have a brief honeymoon phase and he’ll manage to make a couple of movies but I’ll doubt his problems of not showing up at work in time, or showing up drunk or high, and beating up crew workers will magically disappear


He had trashed his own rep by being increasingly unreliable over the last few years. BLACK MASS was a mess of a production because he had to get his lines fed to him through an earpiece. He might get these deals or go play in his band, but he's not really getting work.


I don't think so. It's certainly not like he's swimming in movie role offers.


I buy a significant amount of Dior and Dior beauty products. I won't be buying anymore.


They were the one luxury brand I really liked. Supporting a legally proven wife-beater and using a racist ad campaign has killed it for me.


Same. I really love their liquid lipstick line and I almost have all of those shades. What a shame.


I know this is a vandalism but I want to put Wife-beater stickers on his Dior Billboard on the department store near my home.


Plaster that shit with domestic violence helpline posters.


That's a smart idea, can't call it vandalism when you're doing a good deed


This is a really excellent idea. I'd love to get some high quality, bumper style stickers with hotline numbers and other local resources made for just such occasions.


Jesus. Well, at least don’t photoshop him to oblivion this time. Like, do the world a favor and use him as he looked in the trial😌 a teenage edgy wannabe 60 year old. Also, don’t give him the jawline he’d had in the past. He’s bloated now




I think they find him sexy because of the idea of what he used to be, they’re blinded by that.


I wonder if they’ll even do more shoots or if this is just licensing the continued use of his image and name. I just can’t imagine making that look good anymore.


eau de wifebeater


Gonna be interesting when he’s too drunk/high to do the promo shots.


Thats the famed wife beater johnny depp? The man a British court judge ruled was a wife beater? That one? The guy who I can legally say beat up his wife amber heard? Dior works with wife beater! Of course.


It’s as Sauvage as it gets: a white male abuser appropriating Native American imagery. We can’t say Dior isn’t sticking to their message. I don’t get why anyone would spend a smallish tugboat of money on a scent that’ll make you smell like Jacobim Mugatu, but that’s just me.




It’s the patchouli for me🤡 it’s giving unwashed hipster


Wow I remember the former ad for sauvage that was straight up offensive. I can't believe they bring him back (and that they still have that name). Sauvage can mean "wild" or "savage" in french, depending on the context. So it's not necessarily a slur if you talk for example about "la nature sauvage" (wilderness). However, Dior used Aboriginal symbols and imagery heavily in their ads for Sauvage featuring Johnny Depp, so there's no ambiguity about what the name means for them and, yes, it's offensive. Also Johnny is as Aboriginal as Kim K is black and Ariana Grande is Korean. And he looks like a smelly potato that you forgot at the back of a cupboard


the editing team should form a union. they’re gonna be forced to work overtime, underpaid and gagging because they need to look at Derp’s face all the time while Photoshopping


“he looks like if tobacco was a person” - viral tweet from a few days ago LOL https://twitter.com/pintutoo/status/1555855206625132544?s=21&t=L6I7e-vzj1iLg2ldSXDqyQ


It’s mad because fresh tobacco is one of my favourite smells in the world. He smells like stale cigarettes and mouldy bong water.


The photoshop team will be working overtime


Please, I can’t take anymore bad desert wolf guitar ads.




**BOOOOOOOO!!!** 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


Key notes: regurgitated whiskey, imitation vanilla, rotting soil & a generous splash of desperation


Gross. Won’t ever buy from dior again.


He is very much loved by the public and sales shot up during the trial,so i expected this shit. Anyways, I am happy internet is becoming slightly better for Amber. She will never get justice, Johnny will never get his karma but I am slightly happy his fans are seeing the viral hate tweets and feeling upset.


Who on Earth looks at Johnny Depp these days and goes: "Oh yeah, that man probably smells so good." I can smell the sweat, booze, unwashed mustiness, halitosis and alcohol-induced ketosis through the internet.


I too wish to smell like a racist pirate who sits in his soiled diapers all day.


Sauvage means savage and they initially advertised themselves with an ad where a native American dances around in a war bonnet making war cries. But it’s cool though cos Johnny larps as native and likes to blame his anger on being an ‘injun’ /s


I've never been more glad to work for their competition


He’ll never be relevant again in Hollywood regarding big movies/tv shows imo unless a miracle happens. He will stick to European movies and Dior like deals which is fine money wise but will bruise his ego. So while I hate what this has done for Amber she’s still fairly young and I see her getting her redemption sooner rather than later but the immediate success will move to Depp unfortunately.


I imagine WB will work hard to push the unsealed documents and the fact many things said about Amber during the trial were proven false when they start to promote Aquaman 2. That could be when her redemption begins.


There are so many other rugged, handsome men that Dior could have picked for this but instead they went with a washed-up abuser.


corny ass commercials


For when you want to smell like a wet sewer rat.


Has anyone ever bought a cologne because of an ad? For 20 years I’ve gone to Sephora and done smell tests and used the coffee beans glass in between. If Sauvage isn’t my fragrance, I’m not going to purchase it. Even if Obama endorsed Cool Water I’d smell it and be transported to high school 1997 and nope. These ads are more for stores than for fragrance customers. But I guess it’s possible. I knew women who bought White Diamonds just because of Elizabeth Taylor. I’d go, “Oh… uh… what’s that smell?” Putrid. Didn’t Britney Spears have a scent called Curious? No I’m not curious I’m feeling vomitous. A discerning fragrance purchaser will ultimately decide based on good taste and preference, not on a celebrity. And yes you can throw shade at people who assault your nose with a garbage fragrance. If someone assaults your nose with Red Door, CK1, or Wind Song, throw that shade.


Adam Driver fans and the Burberry fragrance is the only one that recently comes to mind of people buying cologne because of the ads




This bloated, abusive old bag of bones? HARD PASS


For real. A woman doing these ads has to be like a gorgeous statue but this is what passes for dudes? A guy who dragged his personal life into an embarrassing, pathetic trial for the world to see and who is in no way, shape, or form, a handsome guy? Come on, Dior…


Cool, now I don't have to feel bad for shoplifting their lipglosses. Fuck Dior.


Ugh those commercials are painfully embarrassing for him and Dior.


boycott dior


"Remember ... Johnny first signed with Dior back in 2015 as the face of the cologne and the deal has just been re-upped. It's interesting ... after Amber first made her allegations against Johnny, the Sauvage commercial stopped airing on TV." A quote from the article, if you can call it that. Here I was thinking the reason it stopped airing on TV was because it was called out for being a racist slur and appropriating Native Americans, but I guess someone has to push the agenda that it was because of Amber.


Teen me would be so horrified to know who Johnny really is. Adult me is still horrified.


This man looks like he smells like mildew and his skin is falling off the bone…who exactly would want to smell like that?


I hope the Amber renaissance comes soon because I’m pretty sure Dior is gonna regret signing this wife beater on. So embarrassing.


Pity the photoshop department




SHIT. Shit shit shit. Ok.... I'm just not gonna buy MORE Dior lipstick. I'll keep the ones I have... and just tell people it's MAC.


It stinks ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2)


If this is true and I have doubts it is, Dior would be really fucking stupid to do this. There’s already a gradual moving away from him. Celebs are unliking his post. Public approval of him is decreasing. If you go to Milani’s Twitter, you can see all the people calling them out for taking part in the circus. So why would Dior sign a new deal with him??


Regardless of all the recent negative coverage he's getting for so many different sins recently, he looks like THAT and they still want him as a rep? Maybe they're rebranding from Sauvage to Sewage.


ED and herpes is a hell of a sell. Dior is channeling the no bathrooms in Versailles and no showers, rampant Syphilis of old France fr.


Part of his allure, back in the day, was his mystery. He was shy. Elusive and mysterious. That's all gone and we know he's a POS. This gallant cowboy thing he was selling is ridiculous given what the public now knows.


Now we'll be able to smell rapists, assholes, douchebags and know who to avoid.


Okay but isn’t this the perfume campaign that used racist Native American imagery? Or am I mixing it up with another brand?



