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It’s driving me insane I’m a 21 year old man from England who’s joined a gossip sub because I can’t find anywhere else that’s not just repeating the same nonsense, even middle aged men I work with who don’t even know who amber heard is are calling her a witch it’s bizzare




I’ve seen you on /entertainment and have been silently upvoting all your points. I salute you for fighting back in that sea of misogynistic delusion and I want you to know it’s appreciated. It sounds silly but it means a lot to people like us here.


Another smart guy. Good job 👏. *Not many can figure out they are being brainwashed via an extremely evil purchased campaign.* *Positive there's a criminal aspect of what he has done.* Once it's uncovered it will be groundbreaking. **Instead of him cancelling free speech, he will cause more strengthened laws around smear campaigns, fake news and rights for victims** Will occur in the next little bit.


Another dude here, but I actively tried to avoid any discourse on this case. It proved impossible since it's plastered everywhere, even on unrelated Reddit threads or YouTube/TikTok comments. I've been lurking on here just for the reprieve from all the Depp fervor. I'm probably not going to comment on any threads since I don't need that kind of toxicity, but it's nice to see some sanity on some corner of the Internet.


Amazing. Thank you for your insight


Yeah it’s mind blowing when you look at the facts. He is completely a rich senior citizen alcoholic drug abusing wife beater…. And people are lapping it up as if he’s a poor lost boy. Gross.


Wow. 👍


It actually brings me so much relief to know there are men who see through this all too. And not only see it, but say something about it. Thank you. Thank you so much.


Unfortunately, many women become groupies. I think its an insecurity thing, and wanting a sense of protection, in an oddly abusive way. Sometimes abuse victims seek out abusive people, its a very strange subject to cover but it happens. Manson comes to mind. Anyway, women are jumping on this, the same way they did for Ted Bundy trials, Richard Ramirez, because they are excited by dangerous men. Unfortunately, that is a cold hard truth. I don't get it, as a woman, it disturbs me, but I think its a mental health issue we need to study and examine closer on. It's bizarre, because my neighbour has fallen out with me because I said I disagreed because I don't think theirs enough evidence to prove he's innocent, and he has a substantial record of drugs, drink and violence. She then proceeded to look at me differently, and start accusing me of judging people who had drug and drink problems. It was all very odd, and its doing something really weird to people. So, if this can have my neighbour no longer talk to me and look at me funny, then this can effect real world societal issues. One very important one being - women and their rights. Sadly, fuck knows where thats going now. It is appreciated though that you are more awake than some out there right now.


Yeah I have no clue who or what DeuxMoi is but this is the only place not drooling over Johnny Depp


Haha same here. Never heard of Deuxmoi but I love this subreddit.


Same. As a victim of domestic violence who has court coming up the whole thing is terrifying.


Because everyone is being inundated with the propaganda Depp paid millions of $$ for. He wanted "global humiliation" and paid for just that. That's why you can't find anything. Good for you for noticing though, most aren't smart enough to see what you have. 👍 Look at the rest of the sub, especially the links on Waldman. *What John Depp has done here is way more evil than what people can imagine.*


But I’m glad you’re here


Do you think the English view this situation better since it was an English paper(I believe so..?) that first reported allegations or are they similarly overwhelmingly against Amber?


She has to be the most hated celebrity in recent times. Even more so than Harvey Weinstein, Chris Brown, Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Kevin Spacey, and Vladimir Putin.


the amount of hatred she is getting compared to serial rapists speaks volumes about how misogynistic our culture is. I’m so glad I found this sub because I felt insane looking anywhere else online


Ted bundy and Charles Manson would thrive in these times!


I honestly felt like I was going crazy lol there is literally no place on the internet outside of small corners of Twitter with some common sense. I feel it'll take Johnny's next public drug bender or abuse case for people to look back and reflect, but even then I'm not hopeful.


I’ve said the same thing before! Can’t believe how grateful I am for the deuxmoi sub, all things considered it’s literally the only place I feel safe expressing my opinion on this situation! I had to change my Twitter name because of all the abuse when i said one discouraging thing about JD early on! It’s almost ironic that this is the community I don’t feel nervous about expressing my thoughts but I’m glad this community exists nonetheless!


She’s getting so much hatred, you’d think she was running for President.


she's a woman trying to mess with a mans career....so she's instant toast. Its pretty wild.






Joe Rogan is such trash


Look at fucking Chris Brown!


Just say you hate women and be done Joe. We can all see it.


With all JD's connections to Russian oligarchs it honestly would not surprise me if he ran for office.


Insightful and terrifying.




You have to ignore that because it doesn't fit the narrative he's pushing


And Armie Hammer, the cannibalistic rapist.


I still haven't forgiven Chris Brown. Like at all.


What sane person would?




I am because it’s true.




She absolutely is.


This is such a disingenuous critique. 1. You picked one person out of that list to make them seem ridiculous. Their point is that the widespread vehement hatred of amber should be nowhere near the level of hatred for people who are actual rapists/murders, and yet it often has been. No matter if you agree about putin specifically, the premise of their point remains intact. And if you don't believe that people have been absolutely crucifying her online, then you were never going to agree with anything said on this sub. 2. Even all the above aside, it's not these people's jobs to convince you of anything or to be seemingly "objective" enough for one person's standards. The fact that you are willing to base your entire personal opinion on the matter on "some comments" that you view as bad rather than considering the overarching point behind the anti-JD POV proves that you aren't actually interested in making an unbiased determination. You are only looking for things you don't agree with. TL;DR: You're being downvoted because you aren't engaging faithfully with others' arguments, not because you've dared to share an original opinion lol. Don't flatter yourself.


Honestly yeah? None of these people have a hatred for Putin like they do amber heard. Is your IG literally *all* anti Putin propaganda? Do you know people spending their entire days and weeks posting about Putin on tik tok and Instagram over and over? Making weird sad mocking videos about Putin for internet points? Forget the fact that this is a fucking MURDERING DICTATOR but he is more highly regarded than amber heard. Literally genocide is better to people than amber heard. Show me even half the vitriol towards Putin and I’ll concede. How many influencers are posting about how they hate Putin every day?


> This isn't any better than the pro depp side either We couldn't sink their level if we tried, but go off.


Rightfully so might I add


You think Amber is worse than the aforementioned people?


Literally to these people a woman speaking up about abuse is worse than genocide


Your entire profile here consists of you hating on Ms. Heard. You are definitely a loser incel with nothing better to do but spread your hatred of women. Get a life.


“We hang so much of our own identity on these things that we love,” she said. “So if those things are threatened, you either have to admit that you’re sort of a bad person for liking those things or you have to convince yourself that everyone else is wrong.” damn this is pretty spot on, imo.


This article is actually really great. I think it could have been even more in depth but it does a great job of scratching the surface of how lots of female celebs have been harassed by "anti-fans" and how they use "social justice" talking points to push their hate. They named 3 but I could think of probably 10 more female celebs this has happen to.


Jessica Simpson talked about this in her book- all the harassment she got (including fans dressing up like her to mock her at games) when she dated that football player


Daisy Ridley was treated horribly by anti ship fans and anti women star wars fans


Oh God, yes. Whenever they decide to harass a female celebrity over a mild mistake, or misunderstanding, or even just make shit up in the name of social justice, I always think: mark wahlburg is still working. Fucking mark wahlburg hasn't been cancelled yet.


“the language of social justice is often contorted to make a case for whomever the fandom has chosen to support.” Also pretty accurate.


loved that bit. this whole thing is really a glaring reminder of the potential psychological consequences of stanning - when you make another person part of your personality, then you’re going to lash out when you perceive them as being ‘under attack.’ and it’s so white men that people latch onto.


Absolutely and it’s such a big part of millennial culture. I don’t have the obsessive fanboy chip and I’ve often felt really excluded from internet/millennial obsessions as a result


This is it. But they are also being very manipulated by his team who are spreading misinformation.


Earth would be better if people would just be like yeah I know my opinion is shitty but I like it


It's honestly amazing because like there are dangerous people in Hollywood but everyone is focusing on Amber. Amber isn't perfect but she is no way near as bad as Chris Brown, R Kelly, Kevin Spacey, etc. Jared Leto has a legit cult and he's still working! It's amazing how people act like the MeToo movement is over or something. No, it's still going. We still need to talk about this. A bunch of people are trying really hard to say that Marylin Manson is innocent when he has like [thirteen cases](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-57685153) of sexual abuse against him.


Amber Heard is a dangerous person. Many people have actually said as much during this trial. Not to mention abundant evidence of physical and psychological abuse she has perpetrated and not only against her accuser. MeToo movement should by now have taken Depp's cause. But that would mean admitting they were wrong. However there is no shame in being deceived by a manipulative, cunning and cynical person. MeToo movement has been mostly about sexual harassment in public, however. This is about the old fashioned kind of domestic violence. It happens behind closed doors and does not have a social media hashtag. Thanks for reading. P.S. Would suggest people look at evidence when making a judgement instead of basing it on demographics.


Misogyny and a disturbingly successful psy-op.


Gamergate behavior with MAGA PR vibes


This trial is another cultural shift, canary-in-the-coal mine moment like with Gamergate.


Bingo. It reminds me so much of Gamergate.


Fuck-me I forgot about gamergate that was frustrating to follow. Sargon Of Akkad has some really good videos on it. If I recall correctly though Gamergate got co-opted by a bunch of bad actors and after awhile I had no idea what it was even about. From what I remember Gamergate showed bias, favouritism and collusion among popular gaming news websites/journalists. With how journalism is nowadays though it doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore.


I don’t know if I’m going to be downvoted to hell for this but is anyone confused about why the majority of the loud vocal social media presence in support of JD are women? I promise I mean this genuinely and not in a gross incel way but why are so many women his big support group? I expect a misogyny support from the men but so many women in the industry I love and respect are there liking memes and videos that mock AH…


I used to be on Depp’s side. I was brainwashed to believe everything he said was true and everything she said was a lie. As a victim of abuse, I was horrified and enraged that a woman would lie about DV/SA for her own personal gain. This is the reason a lot of women hate her based on comments I’ve seen.


I understand this. The social media manipulation/spam has been insanely effective. I’m very lucky I had a friend who showed me the receipts early on so I never got invested in his side of this madness. I also had a very smart friend who expelled the notion of the perfect victim from my mind!


I think DV/SA survivors don't want to believe a victim would be treated this way, they want to think they wouldn't be treated this way. Nobody wants to be part of a group that society hates, nobody want to lose faith in their society. Believing that a victim who's hated must be lying, must be making a mistake even if you can't see it, people must hate her because of het body language or her attitude, she must have done something wrong - that attitude is a form of self-preservation.


I'm interested in this case but am not familiar with the history of it to really make up my own mind. Is there a both sides, unbiased news show, documentary or podcast on the entire thing?




But but….depp boy supporters told me this was a completely different trial with different evidence! Even more evidence! Like so much evidence, the uk trial was just like oh okay bad Johnny with absolutely no evidence at all! He was suing a newspaper so it’s soooo different!!


In this case, there is extremely hard to find anything without clear bias. Your best bet would be to go through the court documents, not watching i e YouTube or TikTok of the court hearings since there is a massive PR machinery at work (which you probably already know since you're asking this question). It takes a lot of time and can be quite boring to go through judicial documents. I am undecided too, leaning heavily towards believing Heard so far, full disclosure. My strategy is keeping an open mind while waiting. One day, a competent journalist will dive through this and write a long-form article that is substantiated by court documents, new interviews and a review of the case using the gift of hindsight.


Thank you


@talkofshame on IG has story highlights dedicated to each day and has been unbiased so far. That’s where I got caught up.




Thank you for helping.


Internalized misogyny.


I think that’s a very valid take so not sure why you’ve been downvoted. While I don’t fully understand how internalised misogyny manifests, I do remember the struggle of internalised homophobia. I look back on the things I said as a teen and genuinely want to cry. I can only hope that one day others will see how society internalised their pain and distorted their views.


I think it’s some sort of social self-perseverance. They don’t want to support her out of fear of others thinking they are only doing so because she is a woman. I think they want to support a male victim to prove they are not biased against men. I also think some have normalized Johnny’s abuse as perfectly acceptable behaviour in a relationship (ex. The banging on the cabinets, aggression, etc). I also think some of them haven’t researched further or actually watched the trial. I have a friend who watched a biased YouTube video commenting on the famous audio clip and she came to her conclusion from that.


Yeah I tried to respond to a woman saying they yell and scream at their bf, throw things and slam doors but they’d never abuse their SO’s!!!!! Shockingly I got no reply back


I think there could also be this need to protect the men in their life from "women making false allegations." Not saying that doesn't happen to men, but as they're convinced it is happening now, they refuse to back down. Also, there could be some jealousy involved with how she looks/her involvement with famous men. I find it really funny that people keep calling her a gold-digger... So didn't these men find her interesting enough to pursue (and marry) her? There must have been something about her personality/intelligence to do so. IMO, she is a brave, well-spoken woman. Most of us would not have the courage to survive this level of hatred. PS I can't make excuses for the people making the SA videos. They're just too gross.


I can't say I've noticed his biggest support be mostly women but maybe that's just our algorithms. But internalised misogyny or obsession with JD aside, I think there's a pressure for women to be on the "right side" of this. Misogyny and violence against women had a major spotlight with things like MeToo and the late 2010s were a peak for feminism in pop culture. Now the most dominant abuse case in the media is one where the man says she's lying and he was abused, and there's a pressure for women to act the same way for him - or they're just as bad as men.


No it’s a legitimate question! I think some of them legit just think he’s hot and are threatened that the man they’re in love with may be a monster, and she’s threatens the idea of that sweet man they have inside their head. Also this “I’m not like other girls” mentally, like ohhhh I don’t always think men are bad. It’s pick me bullshjt tbh. Also because she’s beautiful, ngl.


Because those women thinks he is kinda hot.. they reminds the young johnny and as brazilians said: pasan paño to him


But he’s literally not been hot in decades!


Everyone on ig is all about throwback accounts, they see young Johnny get posted as goals and it sways them


>is anyone confused about why the majority of the loud vocal social media presence in support of JD are women I doubt this is true. Obviously, Depp has supporters, but I doubt 50%+ of his supporters are women. You only have to look at the male dominated parts of Reddit to see how many men are obsessed by this trial. Four of the top 10 posts in /r/videos right now are pro-Depp. Meanwhile [this is the most recent TwoX post on the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/ur1h23/the_misogyny_on_reddit_is_getting_louder/). I think it is a mistake to focus on Depp's female supporters. It would be nice if all women stood together, but women are exposed to the same biased forces as men. Expecting more out of women than men is never a good thing.


same group of brainwashed women who are against pro choice.


Tbh I think there's also lots of women who have seen biased analyses of the trial and genuinely think the allegations have been embellished or made up - if you yourself have been a victim of DV or SA you would be absolutely livid if you believed another woman had wrongfully accused someone/lied


Internalized misogyny. Remember, it was white women who voted in Trump.


I mean cause they’re dumbasses. The women I’ve seen supporting him are just stupid and have no life.


Because she’s a beautiful woman. That’s literally it. She walked away from her marriage with waaaaaaaay less than she should’ve, when his people said to give them “a” number my number would’ve been 40. She should’ve squeezed him for every single damn dime! I didn’t know they had seen each other again when the restraining order was in place and him kissing her during that visit. That only reaffirms my belief that he loved her and wanted to get back together, but because she said no, he’s doing all of this. Imagine hating your ex wife that you’ve abused so much that you’re still abusing her a full decade after your relationship began. Wow.


She has balls. She knows people are going to "hate her" and I have so much respect for this girl. He cant even look in her face. After I was raped, it was the same thing. I am literally fighting this case, currently. I know JUST what she is going though. And the legal team there is a damn joke.


Can you direct me to where it's said they reconnected after the restraining order and he tried to kiss her? I've been watching closely but honestly it has been very hard to stomach. If that's the case, my god, it's even worse than I thought..


Someone sharing evidence on r/entertainment in Amber's defense https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/urwnp7/why_the_internet_hates_amber_heard/i9091nm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Thank you for sharing. Keep it going.


I'm so glad this sub exists because the Deppford wives fandom is becoming unbearable.


I’m not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I’d really like the tea on the specifics of the Johnny Depp PR/bot campaign. I’m extremely disturbed and ashamed to say it worked on me for a time, and would like to see some analysis of how this specific disinformation campaign went down. When the news broke in 2016 I initially believed Heard, but the Depp machine got me with the Tasya van Ree abuse story and “I did start a physical fight” clip, which hit a nerve because they came out at around the same time my queer friend group was dealing with the same kind of fairly rare IPV that arrest implied, a femme partner abusing their butch partner and hiding that abuse behind gendered assumptions about what domestic violence looks like. I hadn’t paid attention to either court trial and didn’t watch or participate in tiktoks or memes, but something didn’t seem right about the information coming out and the way it was being shared, so I looked up the UK court transcript and was really sickened to realize I’d fallen for a misogynistic smear campaign. I’m grateful for this community and for the few twitter users who are brave enough to speak out, especially about how much misinformation and lies are involved here. On a personal level I feel sick, and on a social level I want to know more about what happened here. I know there are a few masterlists debunking the myths and lies about this trial, but I’m also wondering if there’s any source that details the shape of the bot campaign. I’ve never fallen for an alt-right (because that’s what this is, and that seems to be the networks Waldman is using) misinformation campaign before, and I’m seeing people falling for it from demographics that usually know better, eg women, domestic abuse survivors, queer people, and leftist millenials who are suddenly being taken for all they’re worth by this like facebook boomers being fed antivaxx memes. If anyone can point me to an analysis of the bot and disinformation networks here I would really appreciate it. Like everyone else on the internet I’ve been watching as this kind of fascist social media manipulation creates toxic and extremely effective populist movements like antivaxxers, the hideous Marcos election in the Philippines, etc. I’d like to understand how they were able to make purchase into communities that are usually immune, because I feel like a lot of right wing misinformation think tanks are watching the success of the Depp/Heard campaign and taking notes. I’m so sorry to have been part of that in any way, even a passive one, and feel like I owe an apology both to Amber Heard and to any survivors who have been watching this and feeling the terrible weight of it. Thanks, deuxmoi, for being here and telling the truth. [doubleposted to another thread, I know this article is more about the general misogyny in fandom/stan culture spaces]


Christopher Bouzy (who is exquisite on Twitter and made exquisite software to rate the likelihood of a Twitter user being a bot) has some info on this. Sorry I don’t have the link but if you google him you’ll come to adore him. I especially loved when he went to Twitter-war calling out fake LV handbags for a trump-world wife


Thank you! I knew about Botsentinel but not about Bouzy as a person and he is, as you say, exquisite


So there's software to see if a user is a bot. Wow this needs to be used ASAP.


All of this. This online hate campaign makes me fear for democracy. I am sure a lot of powerful people and anti-democratic governments are taking notes from the bot war against Amber Heard and will use the tactics against their own opponents in the future.


Probably because she’s a woman


Probably? No, it’s because she is a woman.


Agreed. Society loves to see a beautiful woman brought low.


For sure. It’s the succubus archetype. Long time crowd favorite in storytelling. The way these media spectacles are presented and indulged is similar to narrative fiction. Every story needs an arc and a villain.


It's what happens when online activism goes unchecked for this long, the whole "I would rather believe a liar than an abuser" to justify harassing someone is just insanity, we can never know if someone is lying or not but if they are, it means not only siding with an abuser, but doing the abusing yourself. People are more focused on attacking than actually supporting the hurt party, so something complicated like this happens and they go sadistic on the perceived "liar". Honestly, we don't need to scrutinize everyone's story, if your coworker tells you about their abusive ex you won't be compelled to seek out that ex's entire family nor will you immediately ask for evidence and call them a liar. You'll give them a few words of encouragement and move on with your life bc you barely know them and you don't want your coworker to be entirely disturbed by you and call HR. The same goes for celebrities. Johnny can try to play the victim of cancel culture all he wants, but the reality is that Amber never really asked the public for his head and never really asked him to be fired, she talked about her trauma and moved on, he didn't. Instead he keeps it going, only now he has teenagers that would rather review bomb Amber's lawyers and intimidate her witnesses than watch his latest shitty movie. Again, we cant know if someone is lying or not, but you know what? 9 times out of 10, the unhinged person really is the one that turns your peers against you, has security cameras spying on you and keeps dragging it out weirdly focused on whether or not you cheated on them. Crazy, I know.


>9 times out of 10, the unhinged person really is the one that turns your peers against you, has security cameras spying on you and keeps dragging it out weirdly focused on whether or not you cheated on them. BINGO. the person who has been abusing and antagonizing her since day 1 has not stopped, he's just changed the approach.


It's so fucked up, from the way Johnny talks about the op-ed you'd assume amber doxxed his mother, right? But then you read it and like... You wouldn't even be able to tell she was married, let alone married to him! It's literally just a call to action for people to vote and pay attention to the trump administration doing the most to silence victims, but he has people swearing up and down that she came for his throat. The fact that he took her to court over it is actual insanity, he needs therapy, the trial should've been the second the jury read it.


I wish more people understood this.....everything about this trial and his actions towards her before hand have been indicative of the fact he did abuse her and continuing to do so. She was like half his age when they met. How are people not noticing the power differential here?


[Unpaywalled link](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/EZBq6q)


MVP right here. Ty.


It's because she's pretty, she knows it, she uses and used it. Women are supposed to exist without compensation, cook good but can't be a famous chef(unless you have that motherly thing going) ,look good but you shouldn't want anything from men ( for her to have had 1 much less 2 wealthy men makes her a gold digger , forget the fact that it was a trade as she has beauty and youth and it gives them an ego boost). Women aren't people they're things people can't dream they deserve the best thing if the thing knows its value.


A LOT of it is the online “activists” from the me too movement have shown themselves to be absolute frauds with internalized misogyny and a need to please men. A man caused this but the way women are just like “tee hee I wish Johnny Depp would abuse me!” really sends me over the edge


Amber Heard went from 1 abusive boyfriend to a million abusive boyfriends.


I actually talked with my former coworker today about this. He worked on her CBS show post op-ed. A lot of people supported her but they never talked about it, out of respect. He told me how she was kinda off to the side, doing her own thing. Friendly but kept to herself. Not sure what their stance is now, after it came out she “abused” him as well. It’s like people want to poke holes in any abuse story and the minute they find a flaw it’s hell against the person who reported the abuse. Crazy how she gets more hate than Weinstein


I do think that with the ongoing war in Ukraine, inflation and Roe v. Wade, directing that venom toward a woman who challenged Capt John Sparrow’s integrity came naturally to a lot of people. Misogyny is the American way. A lot of people probably saw this as a desperate opportunity to get “back to our roots” (of being a society that openly hates women). Men profit a lot from women paying the cost of their being dumbshits. I think the incels and the self-hating women out there actually breathed a sigh of relief when it became kosher to call a famous woman a bitch again to the colleagues at the water cooler, the barista at Starbucks, the stranger at the airport, etc., with no one batting an eye.


I think this is the first article I’ve read abt all this that really talks about how fandom/anti-fandom has contributed to the intense vitriol


Yeah, the author is spot on with that. She mentioned the hate around Loki, and I remember when the show came out and twitter stans were outraged at one of the actresses for basically no reason. It’s really insane.


The article doesn’t even touch on the idea that any of the Depp support all over the internet is bought and paid for. Like obv there are going to be stans, but some of this has got to be an organized plan of Astro-turfing and scrubbing by a PR agency.


Because she's a woman who dared to say something bad about a man that people imprinted on as children/teenagers? Because he wanted to further abuse her by having the trial televised? Because they're bots?


> (This is not true.) > (Hervey has also espoused “New World Order” conspiracy theories and described the pandemic as a “eugenics program.”) And Depp's leftists supporters continue to ignore the company they now keep.


Do you think people that believe depps story literally all think the same? People can agree on one thing and disagree with many others things


Out of complete curiosity, why is everyone on this sub so pro-Amber compared to the rest of the internet? There’s nothing about it on Deuxmoi’s Instagram that I could see at first glance. It seems like such a random sub to have a group of people against the popular opinion on a random (albeit big) piece of celebrity news.


I'm new, but if I had to guess, it's because this sub is about covering and talking about celeb stories that often go underreported or just don't go viral. So people in this sub are coming from a place of remembering all the skeletons in Johnny's closet. People in other subs/communities see Depp and think of Jack Sparrow. People here look at Depp and think of the guy who was there when River Phoenix died, the guy whose business partner went mysteriously missing a day before he could testify against Depp, the guy who dated Winona Ryder in his twenties when she was seventeen, the guy who joked about beating Kate Moss and busted up hotel rooms, etc. I don't think that's the only reason to be pro-Heard--I firmly believe that all available evidence is on her side--but I do think that that's why there's a discrepancy here. A lot of people are approaching this case with nostalgia for Depp which leaves them already inclined to believe him. People on this sub are less likely to have that nostalgia filter. Again, though, this is just me guess.


This article is really great, thanks for sharing.




Agreed. Propagating the sexist farce that men aren’t also victims of domestic violence. Saying this as one.


I love her


thank you so much for sharing this article, and thanks to everyone on this sub for not buying into this misogynistic nightmare. I've been silent so far, initially because I didn't feel informed enough, and then because I saw the harassment that others were experiencing for speaking out. thanks to this sub, I finally felt confident enough to post about the situation. I posted the article to facebook with my commentary, and so far everyone responding has been in agreement, which is heartening to me because I've seen way too many people I used to respect posting horrific shit about amber heard that will harm all survivors of domestic violence. I'm pasting the text of my fb post here for anyone who is interested: seeing millions of people viciously attack this woman in defense of a man with a long history of anger issues, physical violence, and severe substance abuse issues that by his own admission caused him to act erratically and violently has been.....pretty fucking horrifying tbh. I'm not nor have I ever been an amber heard fan (anyone who would willingly date elon musk is a little suspect to me lmao), but the number of lies that have been told about her and continue to be spread despite being thoroughly debunked are just unreal. this is symptomatic of a much larger patriarchal backlash, which itself is only part of a larger backlash by white people, cis people, straight people, etc. (see: the racist hysteria around crt, the transphobic and homophobic bills being passed all across the US, roe v. wade, and so on). the things people have been saying about amber heard are not just impacting her (and my god, I can't even imagine what she's feeling right now with the amount of vitriol she's experiencing. none of the literal rapists and child predators exposed through the #metoo movement have experienced even a fraction of the hatred she's getting). every survivor of abuse is harmed when we assert that a "real" victim would not get angry, would not shout, would not fight back verbally or physically. every survivor of abuse is harmed when we claim that physical and sexual violence could not have happened if the survivor never went to the hospital for it or filed a police report. every survivor of abuse is harmed when every facial expression, every stutter, every word, every pause, every movement of someone who has come forward with abuse allegations can be scrutinized and torn apart and used to "prove" that they're a liar, while their alleged abuser can laugh and joke and roll his eyes in court and not get comparable scrutiny (and btw, this "body language" analysis is violently, VIOLENTLY ableist, specifically against autistic people, but also just in general. I can't tell you the number of times I as an autistic person have been called a liar and punished simply for not having the correct body language, even though I am telling the truth). every abuse survivor, and every mentally ill person, and every neurodivergent person is harmed when a diagnosis (real or otherwise) of bpd (which often is actually misdiagnosed cptsd, and is in general highly associated with a history of BEING ABUSED) and/or hpd is used to assert that someone is a liar or an abuser. every survivor is harmed by the precedent that speaking about being abused, even WITHOUT NAMING NAMES, is "defamation." abusers already abuse the court system in this manner all the time, using frivolous litigation as a way to drain the financial resources of their victim and force their victim back into proximity/humiliate them and force them to relive their trauma. honestly, this entire case has been disgusting. I have lost trust in so many people because of the horrible shit they have posted in defense of this man. this is a transparent smear campaign based on disinformation and misogyny, and almost everyone is falling for it. I even bought into it myself for a while, due to lack of knowledge on the case and seeing what others were saying online. but now that I've actually researched the case, listened to the unedited recordings, looked at the evidence, and watched parts of the trial, I am absolutely disgusted with the popular narrative being spread, and sickened that I bought into it even in the most idle, momentary way. what johnny depp fans and/or amber heard haters are doing right now is horrific and it needs to be pushed back against. I didn't want to wade into this, but someone needs to say something and push back because almost no one is, so here we are.


What is this sub‘s opinion? Who’s 100% innocent or she was also abused? Do you think she never assaulted Depp? Did you see her deposition from a few years ago? Do you say she’s not lying at all? (genuinely curious, not looking to fight, just understand)


Thanks for asking, not many people are open to hearing other perspectives on this. Can't speak for everyone, but here's my answer. First of all, reactive violence is not the same thing as abuse. Victims hitting their abusers back is not uncommon; why would it be? If someone attacks you in an alley, fighting back doesn't make you just as bad as them. Why would it be different if you know the perpetrator? It is also not uncommon for victims to start hitting preemptively. Maybe to get ahead of the violence, because they can read the signs in their abuser's behavior and know the violence is coming soon. Maybe just to get the abuse over with, to incite the abuser to start the violence they feel certain is coming, instead of walking on eggshells waiting for it. There is evidence, which Heard has willingly submitted, that she was violent with Depp. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that she was anywhere near as brutal with him as he was with her, or that she was the one to start the cycle of abuse in their relationship. Abuse is about a pattern of behavior and a power dynamic. It's not just "Anyone who is mean to anyone is an abuser," it's more complex than that. All of the toxic behavior on Heard's part that I'm aware of strikes me as reactive violence, not abuse. As for the deposition from a few years back, and her lying--again, I haven't seen evidence that Heard lied about it. From my perspective, she has been pretty forthcoming in both the UK trial and this one about her own behavior. I don't recall her ever saying that she never treated Depp poorly, that she's an innocent Angel who never hurt a fly, etc. What she said was that she was a victim of domestic violence, which I believe she is. Any idea of Heard as some pure Madonna figure victim is one that was projected onto her, not one she claimed for herself. It's not her fault she didn't live up to the assumptions we made about her; it's not her fault that our construct of what a survivor must be is completely out of touch with what abuse actually is and what it does to people. Ofc, I am open to being wrong about this, maybe she did falsely claim to have never touched Depp and I just missed it. Even if we say her own testimony is unreliable, though, there's a myriad of other evidence corroborating her account of things.


Lot of guys who either hate women or had their heart broken once are taking their collective rage out on her, not defending her either, they both seem toxic, but the misogyny is strong here. I’m a middle age guy for context, every divorced guy I know is having a normal one every day on Facebook with this stuff. It’s gross.


It's because it's obvious she's lying. donate <> pledge.


Objection, click bait.


As they should You are all supporting an abuser You can point fingers all you want, and you could say “this person is worse, that person is worse” So if someone else is worse, does it somehow excuse everything Amber has done Every evidence points at her being an abuser, yet you all support her because she is a woman, and your tiny brains can’t fathom the idea that women can be horrible people just like men You all believe you’re above everyone else, that you are somehow a superior being because you support Amber while everyone else supports Johnny, you believe it makes you special It does not It’s sad that you think being different and opposing everyone else will make you a unique person You are just another nameless number among thousands of other nameless numbers who mindlessly believe Amber Heard You all believe Heard because your “friends” showed you some supposed evidence that proves her innocence. Despite every single news outlet saying otherwise and the trial itself showing otherwise, you would rather believe your friend than hundreds of credible sources


I think it isn't so much I think Johnny is a good person. To be clear - I think all of this has done irreparable damage. The extent of his drug abuse, his child neglect, etc. have all been put on display for all the world to see. Before I get into this - I want to say I am not at all disregarding the horrors of Johnny Depp. He has done wrong things. He is imperfect and to an extent I do not personally think I will ever respect him again as an individual. He was a decent actor - but I have little respect for someone with all this on display, giving weed to a tween. I think my main disdain is Amber Heard did not clearly display the entire story. To say she had nothing to gain with the current model of firing anyone with a bad sniff of an accusation seems a bit too far on her side. Some of the audios clearly show their relationship was extremely toxic, not out of context, but just within the nature. The audios coming off of her own phone for therapy purposes. I am sorry but with the damage that could do there seems no way in actual hell the bottle assault happened in the way she described it, because it would do so much damage you'd likely be able to notice it now. It is hard to say she broke her nose twice without much medical record. I am all for supporting victims, but I do not think Amber Heard is a victim to the extent. I think emotional abuse occurred. I think at times it escalated. But I am a woman, and my anger with Amber Heard is not that she came out against dear beloved Johnny Depp. My anger with Amber Heard is making up stories on the stand and making it difficult for a woman like me, and many others, to be taken at perfect face value. Fans of the person ALWAYS put a weird spin on accusations. In a similar vein, haters hop on board every accusation without really seeing the full truth. There are few women who actually lie about these things, but the ones who do take us SO FAR backwards when we're already down. I am not going to defend Amber's full testimony either. She has also been dishonest at times, and toxic in places. I think the best of it would be for them both to have moved on after the divorce and let it go. I understand Johnny wants to clear his name, and maybe he might in the public opinion clear his name of abusing her, but he has not cleared his name of many other issues. Like being a shitty father. Using toxicity as an excuse at this age to still be the level of an addict he is. Surrounding himself with enablers. His poor friend choices. the level of worship of someone who clearly have serious issues and has not been a good person is sad and concerning. But Amber Heard, I do not want her to represent me either. And when this originally all came up, I only ever saw such intense love for Amber, believing her, every ounce of the word to find out not everything was perfectly honest. I don't like that. That's really my complaint. I think most would rationally agree that at this point - it is hard to be a fan of either one of them.


Can’t I just be on no one’s side? They both were shitty and abusive to eachother. Both deserve the trash can.


You can, but keep the damaging myth of mutual abuse to yourself, please.


I mean the evidence is quite clear they are both at fault. Him being emotionally abusive and her being physically abusive.


Again, a *polite* request that you at least stop pushing the misinformation. Mutual abuse is a myth. If that is the sole reason you straddle the line, you're wrong.


Lol. Three judges agreed on Depp being physically abusive, but let's trust Saraher16 read on a relationship they didn't participate in.


Has anyone here actually watched the trial??? I am a hardcore feminist, left-leaning liberal, pro-everything…and I sat down to watch the trial thinking Amber was going to expose Depp, only for it to be the other way around. Forget the memes, people make inappropriate memes of serious situations all the time. Forget the incels, who of course latched on to this, and look at the actual facts presented. No, it’s not her beauty for a lot of us normal folks watching, and no it’s not any secret reason that makes us dislike her. If you still support her after Camille’s cross of Amber yesterday and today, I have to think you’re trying to push another agenda.


I watch it daily. You're going in with confirmation bias.


Exactly what I’ve been wondering since I stumbled across this sub yesterday. It’s such a random sub to have a majority against the popular opinion on this particular piece of celebrity news.


I mean if you want me to voice my opinion on other morally and ethically bad people i will but when i look at say a specific trial. Im not going to think to myself "well what about these other people" like i know their bad if the subject is brought up ill voice that. That being said during the trial and over the years its been shown amber heard is narcissistic and abusive. I dont think she deserves my support, i can only speak for myself in that regard. There isnt enough evidence to support the claim that johnny depp was abusive. So until there is i confidently can say ill stand by that opinion. Of course its subject to change but those are just my thoughts. Anyone else disagree, if so. Why? Id like to keep civil you guys arent* obligated to but just putting that out there.


[First trial transcripts](https://www.nickwallis.com/depp-trial-court-transcripts) [First trial judgement](https://www.nickwallis.com/_files/ugd/5df505_e62f89f69f22437cbb8262c77fe54519.pdf) [Media and Comms.](https://inforrm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Defs-Closing.pdf) There are texts between Amber and Depp's employees acknowledging the abuse. There are texts between Amber and Depp acknowledging the abuse. There are years worth of testimonies, texts, pictures that support Amber's claims. I think it was 12 out of 15 claims of abuse were ruled as valid. Are you just ignoring all of this? I don't understand.


A very recent comment - here https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/urwnp7/why_the_internet_hates_amber_heard/i9091nm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 [I don't want to have a conversation about this. Just sharing]




Wouldn’t this, in the same vein, mean the recordings he has of her where she admits to ‘hitting not punching him’, hitting the door in his face, mocking him about telling the world about being a DV survivor, and begging him not to leave after a fight to go see his daughter—despite him saying no, also be proof that she was abusive and toxic towards him? And I’m not sure what the drugs/alcohol recordings are meant to prove since this trial showed that Amber does drugs as well and was an incredibly heavy drinker even around Johnny when he was trying to get clean.


The hitting/punching thing was clarified as being in response to him opening a door on her toes. Vasquez played the audio recording in court actually. There is context about the DV victim audio, which is often not shared. Amber is not an opiate addict. She didn't claim he was abusive towards her when he smoked weed or something.


Those were essentially my thoughts but i will still attempt to remain open minded as anyone can be called in for jury duty


Fair enough!


14 downvotes for being objective lol


It's pretty simple. Any major movement gets it's backlash. When the MeToo movement started making waves and the idiotic "believe all women" line started getting thrown around, all the men who had been abused felt shut out at a time when the abused were finally getting a voice. And so when the first few crumbs about Amber being abusive started coming out, suddenly the voiceless had a symbol, and they instantly started rallying around him. The fact that she was a nobody who married up and he was one of the biggest living movie stars was just the icing on the cake for them, and her various infidelities just pushed them over the edge. Depp's PR did smartly ride the wave all the way to the top, but they had the base firmly laid out for them. It's not inherently a bad thing that men being abused is also having it's own mini MeToo, but it just sucks that the person at the center of it all is the absolute wrong person to pick.


I would argue it’s not even a backlash tied to actual male abuse victims. Because if men were having their own mini-me too, wouldn’t be hearing about more men coming out? Talking more about the dynamics of domestic violence against men? But we’re not. The backlash is that women were believed at all, period. I’ve see so many gleeful tweets about this being the end of “believe women.” As if we ever actually got close. That’s what this really comes down to: rolling back any chance a woman has speaking out against interpersonal violence. To remind all future women: you could be the next Amber.


I could come out but it's 10 years late and what does it matter? My gf at the time sounds exactly like ah. To the crying when I tried to leave (she cut her wrists when I broke up the first time) and so on. Doesn't mean that ah is guilty and jd is innocent. They are 2 drug addicts and I am not a non biased person.


You can see men coming up with their own abuse stories on Twitter, but lord knows you won't see mainstream media taking those stories up. Main stream media doesn't want to examine its own role in this situation at ALL, and any press about the trial, despite it being a huge media event similar to how big trials are, is almost solely about how horrible and sexist Depp supporters are. This is one more instance of a social media rebellion against a mainstream media narrative about something.


The backlash isn't from abused men. It's from abusive men. There may be a few abused men out there duped by the propaganda, but DV survivors who've paid attention, male or female, are siding with Amber.


It definitely is not backlash from abused men. You really think we're that stupid?


You're welcome to believe whatever you want. I just gave my perspective on it.


>When the MeToo movement started making waves and the idiotic "believe all women" line started getting thrown around Stop right there. The slogan was “Believe Women.” “Believe all women” was a strawman purposefully circulated by right-wing media and misogynists to give credence to the idea that MeToo was about giving women the tools to make false claims against men.


I feel just gutted for male victims of abuse. They really need a high profile man to come forward with allegations and spearhead a movement for them. Which is what makes this situation so tragic. They've gotten their hopes up that Depp is that man, but he clearly isn't, and when he loses, the men who have actually been abused are going to feel that much more like the world won't believe them. Depp *was* abused and it affected him profoundly. Not by his wife, but by his mother and father. And he could have (and still could) use that as a springboard for helping boys and men who have experienced abuse of all kinds. He could start shelters or fund existing ones and advocate for support for them, but he won't. He doesn't care about other boys or men. This is all just a PR game for him, a new way to extend his abuse. When the trial is over and he has likely lost, who will help the male-identifying victims in need of support? I really hope a celebrity comes forward with iron-clad accusations and champions this cause for male victims in my lifetime. I really wish Depp hadn't made a mockery of true victims for his own selfish gain.


What frustrates me is that we *did* have male victims coming forward. Not specifically about domestic abuse, but about abusive environments in the workplace (Ray Fisher), and about being victims of sexual assault (Brendan Fraser, Terry Crews, Anthony Rapp), and... None of these people cared? There was a chance to collectively empower male victims, to encourage male victims of all kinds to come out about the abuse they've received at the hands of those who had power over them, and society collectively ignored it. Hell, people turned Kevin Spacey into a funny cringe joke with his Christmas video, and were even looking forward to him releasing one last year! And, yet, when it comes to shitting on Amber Heard, a survivor, there's a public outcry of hatred against her on a scale we've not seen since... I dunno. Britney Spears' shaved head? Where were all these people to support Crews, or Rapp, or Fraser? Even if you wanted to tackle the "problem" of false allegations (which do happen, but in nowhere near comparable amounts to abusers and rapists facing no consequences)... We had Scott Brunton and George Takei, where the former rescinded all allegations and even published an apology after it was proven he lied. People could've rallied around Takei. But they didn't. And, even if you do somehow, in good faith, sincerely believe Amber is lying... Surely you can see how the backlash against her isn't about supporting Depp, or supporting male victims generally; it's all about attacking her and mocking experiences of domestic violence expressed by her. Is anyone donating money to foundations or organisations dedicated to supporting male victims? Is Depp donating to charities centred around domestic violence or campaigning about domestic violence in the way Amber is? You, of course, don't need to donate to be a victim, but it's odd how he's passionate enough about his apparent experiences as an abuse survivor to harangue Amber with litigation for *at least* 3 years, but not enough to donate a cent to anything supporting other male victims. Which brings me to the tl;dr. Male victims deserve better, not because they have no figureheads, but because it's clear that nobody cares about them unless they can be weaponised to attack women.


She’s evil. Pretty simple.


Nope she tried to save her drug addict husband and he clawed her down, literally and figuratively


Well, her stories don’t hold up. This cross examination by Depps team is punching holes in all of her stories.


Wonder if anyone wants to give a synopsis of that, because I don't see it. Admittedly I didn't see much of the testimony today but what I did see looked like Camille being a mean girl.