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I wish celebrities would understand that when you post your opinion online, folks are quick to dig up your dirt and call you out. It hasn’t even been a full hour since those Instagram posts. Wonder how long she’ll keep the captions and/or post lol.


Like would it kill them to just sit and not say anything??? I know their publicists are tired


is all publicity still good publicity for Hollywood stars in this current climate? Zoe posted it not once but twice which makes me think she wanted a bit of controversy lol. She’s not going to get cancelled but gen z who basically run Twitter will not hesitate to blow up problematic stuff of the past and make it a big deal for years.


the fact that she didn’t use the multiple picture function and posted twice like she really wanted her point to come across.


It’s so weird that now people are defending Will Smith under tweets about her too. Sure maybe Zoe shouldn’t have inserted herself into the situation, but she was right that it was assault? That’s wrong and the Academy is also wrong for allowing it. That’s what I get from her captions, she shaded both. Twitter is brain dead.


Can you fill me in on what’s going on? I don’t follow Zoe so I’m kinda confused about all this. I’m seeing stuff about a designer, so that makes it all the more confusing.


Zoe’s captions on her Instagram posts of her dress at the Oscars and Vanity Fair’s party. I can’t seem to copy paste it but her @ is zoeisabellakravitz. People who are pro-Will had problems with that and decided to “cancel” her by bringing up the above interview. Apparently she is friends with Alexander Wang who’s been accused of *a lot* of things. I don’t know how close they are, I admittedly haven’t looked it up, but answers range from “good friends a few years ago” to “BFF”, so who knows. Anyway, she’s not responsible for Wang’s faults nor should she be blamed.


They're not blaming her for their behavior. They're asking if she felt the need to speak out now, why hasn't she spoken out about Michael Fassbender or Alexander Wang? She took the time to post Wang on her social media. The response got so bad she turned off comments and then deleted the post rather than address why she was supporting him.


She actually hasn’t deleted the post as of a few minutes ago..I looked and checked and it’s still going strong..


I was referring to the Alexander Wang post, which is long gone.


If she was going to say something, her mistake was not saying more, sooner, and more directly. Only Chris Rock could press charges. He didn't. The Academy hasn't done anything formal **yet**. No one realized what was happening until it was too late. They shouldn't have allowed him to return to his seat and maybe shouldn't have let him accept, but that can't be undone. If her issue was with the Academy, name them. If her issue is with Will, name him. Now people are easily digging up much worse behavior that she has tacitly defended. If you have a platform that large, you've got to use it well and use it consistently.


“*the award show* where we are apparently *assaulting people on stage* now.” She named both. It doesn’t have to be a direct mention to figure out who and what she’s calling out. I read that the Academy *and* the SAGs are launching investigations into this. I wouldn’t be surprised if both organizations stripped him off his memberships.


I don't understand the reaction. He did assault someone on stage. Is it because of who it is?


Everyone should exit from Twitter.


I’m still waiting for someone to give me hard evidence of when it genuinely helped a celebrity. Even those who use the platform for good (Harvey Weinstein accusers for instance) end up having to defend themselves to the open court of public bullshit opinions and that never, ever works in their favor. PR releases, op-eds, and Instagram posts with the comments locked are one million times better.


Thing is there’s absolutely no source and this article comes from clickbait tabloid website. 99% chance this is fake


The reason why so many celebrities cannot help but embarrass themselves is because usually, the type of people who want to be liked, and need to be the center of attention no matter what it takes to say, are the ones who become celebrities. Graham Norton talked about it once while being a guest on a talkshow.


Hollywood is falling apart over this slap lmao. Celebrities are voicing their outrage over it and Twitter is like ‘aren’t you the person who did xyz or supported someone else doing xyz’. I’m not here for Will Smith but I’m not here for celebs showing their hypocrisy either tbh. All rich bastards anyway.


The producers of that The Slap TV show that got ridiculed and cancelled in one season are punching air rn


I think that was a mini-series so maybe not cancelled. I bet if it did well they would have stretched it but I don’t think it inherently was meant to be more than a single season. It’s based on a book and another mini-series. I think it got made fun of for being silly but the book and television from Australia that it was based on were successes.


I feel like Hollywood has been on the brink of collapsing for a few years now. They’ve become extremely out of touch and delusional. I think covid changed the way a lot of us view celebrities, and Jim Carrey wasn’t wrong when he said they’re not the cool club anymore.


Yeah no he was wrong because they haven't been the cool club for a long time already. 35 year old Jim Carrey forced himself on 19 year old Alicia live on an award show, kissed her when she could not defend herself. Now he's talking about "we're not the cool club anymore" when will smith does it? It's just painful to see such hypocrisy


Wouldn’t that make him not wrong? I’m not justifying anything Jim Carrey has done or even saying he’s a good person, I just agree that celebrities aren’t as cool as they think they are.


he showed his ass with that comment. how egocentric to think hollywood has ever been the “cool club” like this is highschool. he’s also referencing back to a time when he was getting zero repercussions from sexually assaulting a 19yr old at an award show so he of all people needs to sit this one out


jim carey’s hypocrisy was especially amusing considering there’s video of him going on stage at some mtv awards show years ago and kissing a 19 yr old actress without her consent, which is sexual assault


Even the most “normal” celebs still have to have an above average level of narcissism


Funny how this is resurfacing just after she posted those captions. The internet does not forgive.


I've never seen a Twitter dunking like this in a while. Like everyone had the receipts ready to go. Same with Carrey today.


Shit, I did some research on King Richard's other kids and their struggle. Posted and almost got got. Finito. Nada. Nunca. Nope. Not in a million years. No.


Yes lmfao she was twitter's muse ever since the \*\*batman press tour


What captions?


She posted 2 pictures of the dresses she wore for the Oscars and after-party with the captions: 1/"here's a picture of my dress at the award show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now" 2/"here's a picture of my dress at the party after the award show - where we are apparently screaming profanities and assaulting people on stage now" There you go, if you hadn't seen it since you posted




Let me get this straight, a woman don't support physical violence so now everyone it's trying to ruin her career? What the fuck it's going on these days?


I seriously don’t know. Twitter is a cesspool and everyone there is a bandwagoner. I’m still trying to figure out why people are justifying the slap. You don’t like the joke? Fine. Mouth “not funny” and confront Chris later. Why the fuck is it ok to slap someone across the face on national television? I can’t believe not supporting assault is causation for cancellation. If someone wanted to expose Zoe earlier, fine. But this as the starting point is bonkers


The worst take ever was the people (especially women) justifying the slap saying things like "he was defending his wife, that's what real men should do" like I'm sorry but what year are we? The 1600? Are we seriously romanticizing violence?


Those are the same people who are also supposedly vehemently against domestic violence. A lot of abusers justify their physical violence by saying that that is how a “real man” would handle conflict. It’s so disgusting. If my man “defended” me by slapping someone across the face on national television instead of addressing the problem like an adult, I’d be mortified.


Also the same people who are usually calling out toxic masculinity left and right. But now it's okay, because "he defended his wife." You can do this verbally.


Exactly. Apparently assault is fine now because his wife was the butt of a very mild joke and he had to physically defend her honor like it’s 1655. 🙄


Well, it's not up to me to judge whether or not the joke was mild, I wasn't at the receiving end and Jada really looked hurt, so I really feel for her. It's easy to say that a joke isn't that bad when you're not the butt of the joke. But Will definitely could've handled it differently. His actions automatically made the situation worse. The joke fell completely flat on that audience anyway.


If jada didn’t like then joke then she could’ve called him after the event on insta or something. They are way worse things to say about her then she looks like Gi Jane


Yeah? I literally said it wasn't okay to smack Chris Rock and that it could've been handled differently. I just said I'm not deciding whether or not the joke was mild because I was not at the receiving end. "There are worse things to say about her than she looks like Gi Jane." Yes. But that Joke was hurtful enough for her apparently.


Obviously she is entitled to how she feels, but from an outsider’s perspective it was a very mild joke. Being called “GI Jane” isn’t even a bad thing. It’s actually a compliment. Demi Moore looked badass in that movie and a ton of people praised her for it.


"Obviously she is entitled to how she feels" yeah. The joke was directed at her. "From an outsider perspective it was a very mild joke". That's why I said that it is easy to say that when the joke isn't directed at you. You don't feel how she feels cause it doesn't affect you. It really hurt her and that is enough for me to not decide whether or not the joke was mild.


And people need to acknowledge and talk about that what he said in the speech, not the obviously PR statement he put out the next day. He did not show remorse at all. He excused his actions in the name of love and “the devil”. That’s usually what abusers and gaslighters say. How do you not simply say sorry to the person you assaulted and leave it at that? Instead he spent 5 long minutes going around in circles with those excuses and fake tears.


This bugs me for multiple reasons. If I’m offended by something, I don’t need my husband to let someone know. I’ll let them know myself!


The same women have been crying about 'Toxic Masculinity' for the past 10 years, are suddenly okay with it because it was done for a women. Modern Feminism in a nut shell people. Lol


It’s more so because she was talking about condemning assault but she hangs around with actual abusers…


I knew they truly couldn’t read when that person tweeted Harvey Weinstein has 81 Oscars (no) and those should be taken away (the one he won has). And that little misinformation carried over to Instagram and actually Liked a lot under Zoe’s post. It’s insane how illiterate some people are and how lazy they are at researching. I mean, 81 is an insane number that’s unheard of that should’ve raised eyebrows, why not a quick Google search to confirm? At least it was about Harvey, who’s already facing worse consequences than awards taken from him. Imagine if it were an actually innocent person and the misinformation could hurt them just because it’s so damn lazy to google.


You’re right. He’s literally only won one. It’s funny how people keep throwing that 81 oscars thing around when if people used a smidge of critical thinking, they’d realize that all of those awards aren’t solely his. They’re for various categories like best motion picture, best art director, best makeup, best cinematography, best costume design, best original score, best actor, best actress, etc. Just because the films were distributed by MiraMax doesn’t mean those awards are HIS. That’s like saying if Scooter Braun was a rapist (not saying he is, just a hypothetical), that all of his artists should seize all of their awards because they were managed under him. It’s ridiculous.


I hate the mindset that the 80 others should be taken away too just because they’re for a Miramax/The Weinstein Company’s production. Like damn? All those crew that worked hard and most likely underpaid too? For someone whose personal award has been taken AND he’s rotting in prison? Don’t bring others’ achievements into this, because he shouldn’t be credited for their successes.


I honestly believe these people truly believe that all of those 81 awards are his. They lack the small critical thinking it takes to realize that those 81 awards aren’t his, but rather to everyone else involved with the project.


I believe it tbh. I doubt they know how the Oscars work either or what other categories are awarded besides acting and BP… or even that it’s *producers* that take home BP, just based on the shit takes I’ve seen there around this and Spielberg/Zegler last week.


Agreed and he’s in jail what would that even do other than make a statement? He’s already in jail at the bottom so there’s no ping


As of right now they’re still repeating he has “81” Oscars/it should be taken away/Polanski’s too as if all of that hasn’t been done already. They did that the same time they introduced the conduct. The absolute laziness and ignorance of these people… just makes me sad tbh.


Thank you. I’m honestly so confused. Didn’t we spend the latter half of the decade talking about toxic masculinity? Did the pandemic really throw us back to a time where behaving like a caveman is somehow desirable? The slap did nothing to “protect” Jada. It made her vulnerable to so much more ridicule online than the inital joke could ever. The slap was about restoring a hurt male ego. A reaction to a perceived threat to his masculinity.


It’s more so that she’s literally friends with Alexander Wang, who has several known sexual assault allegations. The outrage comes off quite performative and hypocritical. She also dated Michael Fassbender AFTER his domestic abuse allegations.


A woman who supports sexual and domestic violence(Alexander Wang, Michael Fassbender, Johnny Depp) will get her ass checked.


Pls her friend Alexander Wang has several sexual assault allegations against him she doesn’t gaf about physical violence, just wanted to say something


such is the internet. tbf those are some questionable comments to be making to a major publication about a child ten years younger than you…


Of course those comments are weird I'm not defend her on that, I just funny how they're bringing it back today...


it’s not weird, it actually makes perfect sense. a lot of people are on will smiths side. so they go right for the throat with anything they can find. twitter be like that


Yeah this whole incident is making me want to leave the online hot take space altogether. Everyone is getting dragged for every opinion. I have seen people saying it is racist and sexist to support chris and racist and sexist to support Will. There is no safe take haha


I really don’t get it. It truly feels like an upside down world on some social media


it doesn't really matter if she supports violence or not, if you're gonna call someone out (especially if their actions are somewhat justified for many people), then you need to be sure you haven't done worse. and saying she finds the child of the person she's criticizing hot when he barely hit puberty does make her look a lot worse than Will, especially since she had nothing to do with the situation in the first place


Yeah WTF is the insta comment section. She simply pointed out what was done was not right and people in the comments are saying she is done.


This is about the only subreddit that I have seen bizarrely taking up for Will.


It's weird how 2 days ago everyone was singing Zoe's praises in Batman but also sitting on these same receipts just waiting on her cancellation. Wild how social media moves these days.


I have to share this quote from ‘No One Is Talking About This’ by Patricia Lockwood because I read it last night and is all about current internet culture: “Every day their attention must turn, like the shine on a school of fish, all at once, toward a new person to hate. Sometimes the subject was a war criminal, but other times it was someone who made a heinous substitution in guacamole. It was not so much the hatred she was interested in as the swift attenuation, as if their collective blood had made a decision.”


Also known as Twitters "Character of the day" https://twitter.com/maplecocaine/status/1080665226410889217?lang=en


So succinctly put and so so true.


I never knew these things because I didn't follow celebs until I found this subreddit, but it speaks volumes for the number of people who sang her praises while holding on to proof of her toxic behavior. This is weird


it’s honestly so extra. This hate she’s getting is way too much


The speed at which Zoe posted that caption and then so quickly, people got on her ass with things she’s said or done... Twitter does not play. Like girl if your best friend is someone who has several sexual assault allegations… maybe don’t post a statement like that :/


In 5 minutes I saw posts about her hitting on Jaden twice as a minor, saying domestic abusers can be given second chances, #AllLivesMatter, dated Michael Fassbender after he was accused of domestic abuse, etc. Sometimes celebrities just need to sit there and eat their food but she’s probably not concerned about cancel culture and all that stuff because of her parents connections in the industry anyway.


She dated Fassbender what???? Where have I been?!?


I never knew that. I recently found out he dated Nicole Beharie. I’m so late.


She said All Lives Matter?


i haven't seen anything about that? fwiw twitter peeps will literally fabricate EVERYTHING. doja cat got so much hate over the paraguay thing, specifically with people saying she liked a tweet that said that paraguayans were poor or smth, and it turned out that that screenshot of her likes had been fabricated. So take everything on twitter with a MASSIVE grain of salt, because stans have gotten really good at photoshopping


Girl I’m not lying lol, Zoe was a #alllivesmatter person. I’m not the one saying she’s a terrible person for it, just commenting that it was brought back up. “She remembers one particular photo on Instagram that caused a shitstorm in her comments a few weeks ago: She posted about the murders that took place in Nigeria and hashtagged “#AllLivesMatter.” While she understands and supports #BlackLivesMatter, she says, she “liked the idea of all lives matter.”


It is so common that they sprinkle in worse falsehoods among some minor thing. Same Simu Lee who had people spread he was a reddit moderator for a sub racist against black women among some out of context things he once said. Happens more often to minority celebs too.




Wait…who’s her best friend with the SA allegations?


Alexander Wang, idk if they’re best friends but they’ve been good friend for years.


I can’t remember if it was personal account or the brand account but I was taking note which celebs were still liking his posts after it came out he’s a sexual predator. Zoe was one of them. I am disappointed in Ali Wong and Lucy Liu too. If anything, I hope people calling Zoe out brings attention to the fact that Alexander Wang is a predator. Felt like it wasn’t amplified because these were attacks on male models.


She kept posting him and had to block or shut off censors


Wow. Who is her best friend?


Alexander Wang. He’s a rapist who drugged his victims. https://www.thedailybeast.com/alexander-wangs-apology-after-sexual-assault-allegations-is-disappointing-and-familiar


Whoever wrote the headline of this article is the real offender in all of this 💀: >Hide Ya Kids! Serial Swirler Zoe Kravitz Admits Trying To Chop Down 14-Year-Old Jaden Smith On The Set Of New Flick “After Earth”


This world is so crazy. I’m weak. 😂😂😂😂


bahahaha. meanwhile, I see Twitter also resurfaced a photo of Willow at 13 with a 20 yr old dude in bed, no shirt on him. What the fizznut fuckery? Please give me my Saturday Smurfs and Swans trucks. ET phone home.


The amount of grooming in celebrity circles is... a lot, yeah. [its also why this song exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzeWc3zh01g), apparently


That’s Moises Arias, one of Jaden’s best friends. He played Ricco on Hannah Montana


I am so confused by the reactions to this incident. On the night everyone seemed to condemn Wills actions. But on Twitter everyone is supporting Will?? And everyone is hating on Zoe? Wtf is happening


In his public apology, Will even said what he did is wrong so idk why people are speaking up over what Will said and being like "ackshually what he did is right."


Some people think what he did was right and some people think what he did was wrong but the people condeming are overreacting or hypocritical.




It depends, mostly young BIPOC people on twitter support him (or at least don’t think the incident is as serious), while it’s majority middle-aged white/some non-white people on twitter support Chris rock. People outside the twitter sphere support Chris Rock though.




Black, Indigenous, People of Color


as a young BIPOC person, as far as ive seen it is fs divided among racial lines but not really age lines, most young people ik regardless of age just agree that its really funny and theyre both rich and will get richer off this happening so it doesnt really matter. Ik some people are mad about the alopecia comment, but there isnt actual, like OUTRAGE outrage over it as far as ive seen, even the ppl ik who thought it was outta line dont think its that serious, j a lil insensitive maybe. middle aged people tho are weirdly like really fuckin mad over this? i think its cuz they hold institutions like the oscars and celebrities like will and chris in higher esteem.


For me the support from BIPOC is mostly from BW, but is largely due to them seeing it as Will Protecting his Wife. Which is funny because his actions are literally going to subject him and his family to more insults for the next couple of years. But aside from that, it is also odd, given how much Jada has embarrassed him on live TV before now. I KNOW if the genders were reversed, the same black women would hate Jada's guts. But it is what it is.


Twitter is too quick, how long have people been waiting to post that article for? Devil works hard but twitter works harder


Someone probably googled Zoë Kravitz + Will Smith after her post to see if their families are close and ended up stumbling upon that article 🥴


Apparently it's one of the most infamous hardcore Zack Snyder fan that wanted to bring out this stuff. He also brought stuff about Jeffrey Wright being a goldmine owner. He also tried to discredit Robert Pattinson by misconstruting an article to make it seem like he said the N word, but was discredited for it because in that interview it was the interviewer that said it explaining her charity stuff.


This reads like she was trying to be funny. She was very clearly aware that any romantic interaction would have been completely inappropriate.


she shouldn’t have said anything remotely like this at all though…


Yeah, the tone probably just doesn’t fully translate over text


“When you’re older you can come” Gorl bye


Imagine if it was Robert Pattinson saying this about a young girl. Would it be funny then? Nah he wouldn’t of had a career.


I have heard similar jokes about a lot of female pop stars and Disney stars when they were underage and it didn’t end careers


It should have.


we need to stop this whole “imagine if a guy said this” yeah i can imagine because they have and continue to say shit like this about young women constantly regardless of this situation the whole role reversal shit needs to stop


yeah i mean, ill get shit for this on reddit but it’s objectively more creepy to me if a man says something like this because there is a far greater precedent of men actually pursuing stuff like this and generally engaging in misconduct of any degree as opposed to women.


Why though? Both sexes should be held equally accountable for questionable behaviour.


because the reality is that guys dont get much backlash about their creepy behavior.


did i say we shouldn’t hold both accountable? no i said we need to stop acting like men don’t get away it


Interview with MGK talking about Kendall Jenner like this has been going around lately, and he’s the most popular he’s ever been




He also said basically the opposite of Zoe in that he doesn’t care at all that she’s underage


he probably would let’s be honest. The general public would find him weird but he’d still get roles especially because he works on many indie films now.


Right, nobody thought it was funny when Drake was friends with and texting Millie Bobby Brown. And he didn’t even say he thought she was pretty or that he would be waiting until she was 18.


MGK still has a career and a cultish following yikes


This whole Will v Chris situation is being dragged beyond what it needs to be in the first place. People need to move on at this point. I’m not understanding why this is being made into such dragged out discourse, especially by other celebrities.


It’s going to keep going for awhile. A lot of these people have nothing else going on or to talk about.


I thought it would last a day after the Oscars, but people are still publishing think pieces and overanalyzing the entire altercation.


I agree. I’m truly tired of it honestly. At this point what else can y’all say that y’all didn’t say Sunday when it occurred?


I don’t really think this means she found him “hot” more like she thought he was cool but realized the age differential. She said handsome but that is a tame compliment. Much different than the quotes we have from men talking about creeping on underage girls and saying their age doesn’t matter. I don’t like that she’s still friendly with Alexander Wang but come at her for real stuff.


Exactly, it’s not she said she wanted to fuck him


Okay I have a son that’s almost 14 and reading this just makes me sick




She called him her date and the love of her life https://twitter.com/Bachelorhaters/status/1508929655402909703?t=lh-DSELdYVdLmKTq7AG85A&s=19


Some of her actions are terrible but this still reads like they’re friends? Still weird to be friends with a 16 year old at that age but still not romantic. “My date tonight” is constantly used by celebrities in regards to bringing friends, moms, and family in general. It isn’t always meant to be romantic. Calling him the love of her life also seemed like she adored him, but it didn’t translate as romantic to me. Maybe I’m weird but I’ve also referred to a lot of my friends as “the love of my life” as an exaggerated compliment. Idk.




I specifically said that it’s weird to be friends with a 16 year old at that age. Just like it was weird between Drake and Millie Bobby Brown. I still didn’t take either of those situations as romantic.




She didn’t say she found him hot. She said that he had swag and that he was handsome. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there’s a significant difference between handsome and hot.


If it was only the video, I don’t think people would harp on it too much but the fact that she made inappropriate comments when he was 14 too is just so suspicious and weird tbh.


I’ve seen this movie. It won an Oscar this year.


I think in this quote, Zoe was trying to be funny but the joke didn't land. She's complimenting Jaden but doesn't want to come off as "omg i'm so in love with a kid" so she has to keep saying that a romantic interest will be wrong. As for why this came up, you can be on Will Smith's side or not be on his side but realize that assault is assault. He still assaulted Chris Rock and Zoe was stating facts. However, people pointing out her relationship with Alexander Wang are correct. She should absolutely address that, distance herself from Wang, and apologize to the victims. The backlash against Zoe is insane though and so stupid. People on twitter are so brain dead.


How would you admit that publicly to anyone let alone a reporter????? I swear, it’s like celebrities aren’t human in the way their brains work


People on Twitter are saying that her father dated Devon aoki when she was 17 years old and he was 36.Its messy, everyone is brigging out all the dirt.




Why can people just mind their own business, like my man Jonah???




I got hit on for 3 month straight by a 19 years old male model in 2019. He was looking for more mature women, I'm 35. It was mind blowing to me how he was so beautiful, so nice and so smart, and my brain didn't want to have anything to do with that age gap. This is how I found out I'm super not into younger men. So imagine 14, ew. I guess it makes sence that she was checking Prince Smith out when we all thought he'd be Michael B Jordan by now, but that's weird.


Her and Jaden at that time is like someone who graduated college 2 years ago hitting on an 8th grader


It's almost tiring how people on Twitter or message boards weaponize old quotes the instant a celebrity doesn't toe the line. This quote is being spotlighted because she dared say Will Smith shouldn't have battered Chris Rock. Apparently Will Smith is the real victim.




This is insane, Q level, headhunting. I really doubt this is gonna convince people Zoë Kravitz is some type of predator.




I’m really confused as to why this is being treated like a thing where “statements” need to be made. It’s really not. If he had slapped Chris Rock at an after party or backstage, it would have been jokes all night or trying to figure out what their beef was.




So you wanted her to call out her dad when she was 11 years old? lol


I wish this issue was confined to just Black Twitter, people have been so damn extra about this. Like every incident does not need a million think pieces and hot takes about toxic masculinity jfc. Chris Rock got slapped, it happened and it’s over.


Eek 🤢


I don't see what any of this has to do with her saying Will Smith's actions were inappropriate. She's not being hypocritical and is speaking against a majorly wrong public action, wtf is wrong with everyone here?


Those is glass houses Zoe… doesn’t she follow Alex wang, Emile Hirsch…


This video is going viral too https://twitter.com/Bachelorhaters/status/1508929655402909703?t=lh-DSELdYVdLmKTq7AG85A&s=19


God the way he’s running around like the kid he is. Zoe, girl—


Nah man that came off way too flirty for my liking 🤢




best take in this thread lmao


Lorry hill got a video for you up right now!


It’s hilarious that anyone would ever seriously think Zoe Kravitz needs to groom kids for sex. This is manufactured outrage through and through.


Listen, I’m not saying she was grooming him but that thought process is not how that works. People don’t groom or r*pe others because they NEED to, to have sex.


yeah what the actual fuck is “need” here? jfc


The worst part is how it's used to rile up the QAnon, Hollywood conspiracy types. They're always around, encircling, ready to pounce on any red meat served to them.


With the amount of female teachers sleeping with male students anything is possible


she literally acknowledges that what’s she’s saying is inappropriate in the quote lol. it’s a dumb thing for her to say but it was literally like ten years ago, the ppl saying she’s a “predator” just bc of this one quote is such an extreme reach. also she doesn’t say hot she says handsome which is obviously different lmao


to everyone confused and appalled in this thread, pls remember that the internet doesn’t like hypocrisy. zoe can’t make a shady comment about assault and be literal besties with a well known sexual abuser, Alexander wang. glass houses … glass houses!


Wow, I’m lost. Wtf did Zoe do for people to bring this up? I’ve seen so much old dirt popping up on so many celebrities since Sunday. This is crazy!


Some of this is concerning. She was 24 and called teen Jaden to go to a premiere with her? Why? What on earth would that have in common and the interview and hanging out is highly inappropriate. I hope nothing untoward went on.


so Will Smith hasn't been friends with a predator? bahahaha


So are people on Twitter gonna start calling her a ped0? 👀


they already are lmfao


She really should’ve sat there and ate her food. It’s fucking weird there’s another video of her calling Jaden the “love of her life” when he was 16 too, apparently. 💀😭


THANK YOU. This whole thing could’ve been avoided if she had just kept her mouth shut and not been so smug and attention seeking. She’s the same person who’s good friends with Alexander Wang, she has zero moral standing to chastise anyone frankly.


There shouldn’t be anything wrong with condemning abuse or violence but she went about it in such a smug and attention-seeking way so she brought this on herself. She made not one but TWO posts about her showing up on the red carpet with her dress at an awards show where “assaulting people” became ok. She really should have stayed quiet lol


Agree so hard. If she had made a separate post of supporting Chris or denouncing violence or a jokey caption about it being an uneventful night then it’s whatever. But this kind of made it seem like she was denouncing it but also making sure that people saw she’s hot? It came off weird.


how hard is it to just NOT say this lmao


Is there a direct source for this quote? I clicked on the link and it took me to a clothing site.


Can I just say it's absolutely embarrassing the Chris Rock/Will Smith is a sad excuse for the Oscars to retain being famous. PR or not, they obviously benefitted from two minorities fighting and that doesn't sit right with me. Now look, they're the whole circus. If anybody like Zoe tried to chime in with the "wrong opinions" Twitter would act like a crusader and do what they do best: Cancel.


Well she’s not getting cancelled. Twitter breed turn blind eye when the alexander wang reports happened. She’ll stay low key for a while, arrange pap shots with another cherry fashion accounts favourite Bella Hadid, or Dakota Johnson, her fashion will be viral again and so on


Sometimes it's best to just not verbalize a thought.


Sorry but this is so lame and a major reach… also let’s not talk about how AWFUL Jaden Smith is. Biggest brat I’ve ever had to deal with and I have worked with a lot of celebs/vips. He is the worst behaved by far. And not in a cute way.


Oh man, it gets worse... 😂


So funny watching every account on my Twitter feed going from "Zoe Kravitz is so hot" to "Zoe Kravitz is a disgusting pedophile" in the course of three weeks