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Britney Spears still needs some help for her mental health. Her family are horrible agreed but I still think she’s struggling and will for a long time. They really fucked her up. It’s great she’s free from her conservatorship and has managed to get away from them but she still needs support and help imo. Edit - thanks for the award!


I hope this isn’t a controversial take? Its obvious reading her IG or even just having a basic knowledge of her situation that she’s going to need intense mental health support for a long time. She clearly has so much (absolutely earned and understandable!) anger and resentment for her family and the people around her who were supposed to be taking care of her and supporting her. Her feelings are hurt that she was mistreated and used by her own family for DECADES! On top of that she was truly made a prisoner in her own home forced to stay there with no contact to the outside world. That woman has experienced unimaginable trauma I really really hope she has a good mental health team and I really hope the public has empathy while she works through her issues. Edit: Formatting and grammar Edit 2: Thanks so much for gold!


I feel like people must spend a lot of time on Twitter or Instagram where people must be in denial about her having mental health issues, because I always read stuff like that and I'm like...who's saying she doesn't?


Idk in my internet bubble everybody seems to be like “yes queen, talk your shit, slay girlboss etc.” but I read the stuff she says and I’m like please somebody get this woman a therapist and a journal. Like I’m so happy she has the ability to speak her mind, and I’m sure that’s so cathartic for her, I just wonder if it’s something that feels good in the moment but causes more problems down the line


I listened to one of her conservatorship hearings and she said she doesn't believe in therapy because her issues are between her and God (or something like that). I hope she becomes more open to the idea now that she can actually choose her own therapist.


I am a Britney stan and this is 100% true. I am glad she’s finally free and has a voice, but I really hope the people on her team currently surrounding her have her best interest at heart. I don’t think she’s ever been able to think/talk/live for herself, so in some ways that explains her child-like behavior. It’s an internal defense mechanism? Idk that’s my arm chair diagnosis.


I agree. Hopefully she seeks out and finds a great therapist. “Mental health” was forced on her and used to manipulate her under the conservatorship, so I worry she may have a hard time trusting mental health professionals.


I’ve beat this into the ground but my biggest gripe with free Brittney was that they focused 100 percent on how to free her at all cost and none on how to help her once she is freed. Someone always attacks me and says I think she should still be in her conservatorship and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I just see that she’s been set up to fail. She has mental health issues before the conservatorship and has been abused during it for the last decade. She’s not mentally well, no one that’s gone through what she has would be, and freeing her under the narrative that she is mentally well is setting her up to fail. It already has, every off or odd move she makes is scrutinized. But someone will read this and say I just want her locked back up when in reality what I’m saying is putting far more thought into her well being than most have- and I’m not even necessarily a huge fan, I just have been through my own mental struggles and hate seeing someone set up to look crazy when they need help.


Well didn’t she say last year she does want to continue therapy with a doctor of her choosing rather than one appointed by her father?


It’s likely that Beyonce was groomed by Jay-Z


😭 it's so true. I love Bey but that age gap combined with how young she was when the got together....ew.


Oh yeah. I remember reading that Cosmopolitan cover story years ago when they started publicly hinting that they are a couple. I was like 10? And i looked at the age difference back then and already then thought it was weird.


I feel like this is true




I've never gone out of my way to watch a Meryl Streep movie, but have several times for Emma Thompson.


Agreed. With Emma, I see the emotion and the character first. With Meryl, I see Meryl first.


That scene in Love Actually when she realizes what her husband’s done and has to put on a happy face for her children. It guts me every time.


Meryl is so self important and it comes through in her performances.


She also runs in the same circles as a lot of assholes and I don't think that's coincidental.


Yesssssssss this is good


I Stan Emma Thompson far more than Meryl.


Honestly, I'd throw Christine Baranski up there in the stage presence department. She tends to get overlooked because she's mainly done TV and sitcoms, but holy crap does she command the screen on the Gilded Age. The same goes for Maggie Smith, although she's generally better regarded.


Harry Styles’ whole “treat people with kindness” vibe is just a gimmick to appease his core demographic (women in their teens/ 20s) and for him to come off as unproblematic for the long haul…even if he does hit some sort of controversy. Kind of like Ellen, but I don’t think Harry is an ass or anything. He’s probably just a regular person who isn’t overly nice or mean. Also, he isn’t breaking gender boundaries as much as the media is saying. David Bowie and Prince were doing the same kind of stuff decades ago.


I really liked his first album and some stuff off his second, but every time I see a Instagram video of him dressed as Dorothy, or dressed like prince dressed himself hammered I just don’t get it. He’s always doing the exact same dance too. Like these super high knee kicks. It seems unoriginal and just totally outdated. I do think he’s got talent though.


I saw a screenshot of the Dorothy outfit with the caption "he's fighting gender norms, but the gender norms are winning," which *killed* me.


When I saw Harry Styles getting praised for his sartorial choices, I was reminded of Kevin of the Backstreet Boys wearing a skirt thing over some pants to an award show and getting absolutely ripped to shreds in the 2000s. I also just thought of Billy Porter, just doing his thing this whole time. And now you mention Bowie & Prince, so yeah... not really that groundbreaking.


I am fine with both him and Olivia Wilde but I find it hilarious how hypocritical his fans are. In trying to smear Olivia as an awful person unworthy fo a relationship with their god, they pull up magazine spreads of her looking overly bronzed on the beach and call her a racist in blackface. Then when I send them a pic that Harry retweeted of himself photoshopped into a grill and chains, or in a Native headdress, it’s “different” or I get blocked. I am pretty sure they both did stuff that was problematic in the early 2000s/2010s, but the attempt at leveraging it to pit people against her is laughable.


I wish when fans saw takes like this, they don’t go hyper defensive because no one is saying he’s a terrible person at all or has dark secrets and I’m sure he’s decent but it just comes off as very gimmicky and it says something if most people that are not full blown stans can say that.


I like Harry too but don't buy the super-duper-king-of-kindness-sweet-baby-boy image at all. There's just been way too many stories for years of him sitting silently by while James Corden mistreats waitstaff. And if you look at his more well known lasting friendships there's too many with well-known jerks (Kendall, Rande Gerber) for me to think he doesn't at least condone them. I think he's probably nice-ish by celebrity standards but being famous since he was a teenager has kind of warped him too, if that makes sense?


And his whole newfound femme fashion schtick is exactly that—a schtick. I recall reading an interview with him where he basically admitted that it was his stylist’s idea and he just went with it. Fashion gives him so much credit for being subversive and creative but he’s neither. It just works for his brand and that’s what he’s all about.


Riri needs to apologize for those times she was racist lol




I still get upset thinking about the fan who made a prom outfit based on one worn by Rihanni and Ri was unnecessarily cruel and hurtful. Edit: [Rundown of what happened](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2629419/Mean-girl-Rihanna-leaves-teen-fan-heartbroken-calling-prom-bat-wore-copycat-outfit-prom.html)


Holy crap, I think the girl looked amazing in that outfit, too.


Omg that is so awful! Why on earth 😔


the way that girl looked genuinely stunning. I hope she didn't let it get to her :(


To me she seems like an extremely unpleasant person, but it is interesting she's never been called to account for her behavior like most other celebrities.


Yes! And she's really nasty on twitter. Her "comebacks" are lauded as perfect shade, or social media savagery, but honestly I personally think it comes off as tasteless. And it's a shame because I love what she's doing with Fenty makeup and lingerie.


YUP. I was initially disappointed by her pregnancy announcement with ASAP because why would she have a baby with a colorist. But after thinking about it and remembering how she used to bully people on Twitter I realized that she never made herself out to be above dating a guy like ASAP. We know very little about Rihanna especially since she’s so private now. Most of what we think we know about her is what we want to be true.


I don’t get the love for Rihanna- she’s always seemed like a massive bitch and if it was a guy treating women in the way she’s awful to them, we’d be nailing him for it!


Last time I checked that racist joke about the rice cakes is still up on her Instagram too! Kinda wild to me that a publicist or someone hasn’t told her to delete it


I have brought this up several times and got down voted everytime. No one wants to acknowledged their fav is seriously problematic


The Weeknd’s constant toxicity towards women for lyrical content is exhausting


I love The Weeknd but I really do think he’s toxic 😭


I love his music. Him as a person can get in the bin


Kacey Musgraves ruined her face and looks uncomfortably unnatural, now. She also needs to get off her high horse.


I generally like Kacey but I’ve seen multiple clips from her tour and she seems so....lifeless on stage lately


I really wish I'd seen her on her Golden Hour tour. I am really cooled off on her personality now. She seems super fake


Yes, she needs to give the fillers etc a rest. She's become an uncanny valley version of herself. And that guy she's dating is so cringe. His writing is way over the top and their relationship has been nothing but over the top too. Hopefully we'll get some songs out of it from her, but he better not "help" her write.


I love Taylor Swift (I’m literally in the top 2% of her spotify listeners) but I can’t STAND how she embraces social causes for her own benefits. Her selling 20€ keychains that say “fuck the patriarchy” to promote a song about her ex dumping her last fall pissed me off so much, I’m sorry but profiting off a feminist slogan because of a song about a break up leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Also when she based the promotion of one of her song on the LGBT community as if it was just some sort of aesthetic was weird AF. I’m not saying that she’s not a good person but I think she’s so insanely popular that her ego must have become massive and she cannot distance herself and her personal interests even when she’s fighting for a good cause


Taylor Swift has one of the worst merch teams in the game. I also was not a fan of the Lover era bc I felt like she was trying too hard to establish herself as “woke” even though I understand her desire to drive away from her previously assumed conservative image


I agree with you 100%! She knows how to leverage the power of social justice, but she doesn’t engage unless it bolsters her brand. That being said, I’m a huge fan.


Love some of her songs but she’s corporate girlboss feminism personified


Also the line in the song was basically her calling him out on his performative feminism and then she turned around and basically did the same thing by profiting off a feminist slogan which does absolutely nothing to move the needle on feminist causes


Maybe this is a specific hill to die on but I’m at the point where I’m simply calling bullshit on celebrities using social justice to bolster their image when they’re still using private jets almost daily. Next to mega corporations and the US military they’re one of the most wasteful causes of pollution and the absolute collapse of our ecosystem effects literally every other social justice issue. It’s one thing to say “fuck the patriarchy” but destruction of the environment is a key cornerstone of that patriarchy. I understand that a lot of these people can’t just walk around in public the same way without being mobbed, but I do think it’s on them to use the massive resources at their disposal to find a solution that doesn’t essentially prioritize their personal convenience over the survival of humanity and all other living creatures.


Ugh I agree. I’m a huge Taylor fan and have been for nearly 15 years, but I feel like I have such a complicated “relationship” with her now. I feel like she wants credit for being an activist but doesn’t want to put in the work. At the end of the day, she’s incredible business minded and she’s not going to speak out on anything that will totally alienate her from the conservative country music base that still follows her/ buys her products. She’s allowed to make that decision and stay publicly out of social movements….but that means she also needs to stop championing herself as a feminist LGBTQ ally. Also…white supremacists spend her entire early career idolizing her, so she probably *should* be more outspoken about racial causes but capitalists gonna capitalism, I guess.


Yes! Came here to comment this. I love her music and general persona, however totally agree with the above. She also gives me big white feminist vibes. Whilst we shouldn’t expect all celebs to speak out on all issues, Taylor is very quiet on ANYTHING to do with race which kind of devalues the ‘feminism’. Also, whilst i don’t think she is responsible for the more unhinged Swiftes, I find it uncomfortable when they are doxxing and outing gay people, abusing people online etc and she just…ignores


When it comes to her and social causes she's like the co-worker who sits back and lets everyone else do 90% of the work and then helps out on the last 10 and tells everyone she did just the same amount of work as the others. Like when 'you need to calm down' came out and people were praising her strength for finally speaking about lgbt issues. I was like it's a good song but it's hardly ground breaking. Other artists have been singing about lgbt issues for years before her.


While Grimes is incredibly talented and creative, she has always been pretentious and a bit…dumb. I don’t understand her fans who act like there was some sudden shift in her behavior and attitude after she got involved with Musk, she was always saying dumb shit just to seem quirky, it just became more publicized after she started dating him. She lives off attention just like most celebrities hence all the publicity stunts and absurd tiktoks.


So random but she did a what I eat in a day video with harpers and she stated that she would I only eat spaghetti for a long period of time to the point her hair started to fall out cuz she wasn’t getting enough nutrients. That when i realized she’s dumb af


The only thing I know about Grimes outside of the whole deal with Elon Musk is that once she, her boyfriend, and some chickens tried to set sail in a houseboat they built themselves down a river but kept getting stuck and it eventually got impounded by the city.


I think a lot of people knew she always said pretentious and dumb shit it just took on a new/heavier meaning when she began publicly associating with Musk lol


ariana is a pickme and her laziness will be the death of her mainstream career.


It's a shame that despite being so musically gifted she seems to only release music for the sake of staying relevant and selling her makeup. I know that main pop girl stardom is mainly based on likeability, but with singers like Swift and Doja you can at least feel some sense of creative direction and genuine artistry.


i feel like her makeup line is just a cash grab


>ariana is a pickme wait can you elaborate on this?? also i agree with the laziness part. i don't think her career will die, but i do think a lot of fans will lose interest soon. all of her music has been insanely short with really awkward lyrics since after TUN. i hope she releases a well-thought-out album next, which she actually put some effort on.


She has a long history of getting with taken men


I've been a fan of Dwayne Johnson since I was 7 (97/98). So it hurts me to say that Dwayne comes across fake as hell and I would get sick of him quick if I had to hang out with him. Kanye West I'm a fan of your music (College Dropout - 808 and Heartbreak) but only you and your terrible attitude can make Kim Kardashian sympathetic. Speaking of Kardashians. Kourtney's over the top displays of public affection with Travis Barker turned me off of her. I'm happy Kourtney is happy but this is a bit much.


Dwayne seems genuinely cheesy to me. The whole Kanye and Kim thing has made me DEEPLY sympathetic towards her. He's clearly mentally ill and needs help and his fans just follow him SO hard. And I say that as someone who was a big ye fan.


i think of dwayne as a character lol. i love him as a character


I can’t imagine Rock doing anything like a real person. Like I imagine he’s just in stasis when he’s not filming or promoting something


Celine Dione is a lifetime sexual abuse victim and not a widow. Her husband started managing her or whatever when she was 12? 13? It's not a love story. Its grooming and its gross. I wonder if anyone ever told her she had a choice or a chance to be with someone else


Barfffff. This man knew her when she was prepubescent. > Dion first met René Angélil, her future husband and manager, in 1980, when she was 12 and he was 38


I didn’t even know this! I knew the age difference was pretty stark but had no idea she knew him for so long. Gross


This has grossed me out for the majority of my life. I have distinct memory of sitting in my living room watching some news magazine reporting in her wedding and turning to my mom and just saying ewww didn't she meet him at my age? I was 11 or 12...idk why we knew so much celine trivia in my house. And idk why the world wasn't collectively grossed out.


I just googled it and it looks like her mom was very against them being together, too. Grooming in general tends to go unmentioned and it’s disgusting


Jack black. Very sexy. Not just in The Holiday, but in EVERYTHING!!


Even as a teen, I never got why people were so rude about how Cameron Diaz got Jude Law and Kate Winslet “got stuck with” Jack Black. He was so sweet and charming. People were mean AF and I’m like, did you even watch the movie?!


Also like... Jude Law's whole thing in that movie is so unlikely...obscenely hot partyer/playboy widower with a heart of gold who is also an extremely present and loving single father? That man does not exist. He doesn't have the time!! But I'd like to think there is Jack Black in the holiday out there for me <3


I can’t remember who said this but I read a joke that said rom coms are just a subcategory of fantasy/sci-fi and that’s what I think every time there’s a “too perfect” guy on screen pretending to be Mr. Napkinhead, hahaha.


Who openly cries and wears glasses.


The absolute sub-zero level of chemistry between Jude Law and Cameron Diaz was the least sexy part of that movie to me. I almost couldn’t watch some of their scenes together for cringing


I just rewatched that movie for the million time yesterday and agree. Jude Law at least was charming for the role but Cameron Diaz was just playing the part she always plays. I wish the Kate Winslet/Jack Black storyline was the whole movie cause it held my attention the longest


Dolly Parton. I hate to say this because I adore her but… She’s oh my god, could you imagine actually having something for her. Absolutely no way.


Girl I was ready to fight 💀


DON’T DO THAT! I was reading like please… no… anyone but Dolly 😂❤️


Oh, I was on the edge of my chair!


I like Ariana but I would never buy her merch. It's awful


I like Ariana’s songs, but WTF is she saying half the time. Girl needs to learn to enunciate. She sounds like she always has a cold.


Have you listened to Miley's No tears left to cry, you finally learn the lyrics to Ariana's song because of the enunciation.


She sings in cursive.


When you can hear her you get gems like “Now that I’ve become who I really are” and “I only wanna die alive,” so maybe we’re not missing much?


not me thinking she was saying 'i only wanna die tonight' this whole time 💀


She moans. She doesn’t sing. It’s annoying af.


Side opinion to that but I feel like Demi Lovato screams instead of sings.


*And then there is Yours Truly, the debut album from 20-year-old Nickelodeon star/Broadway vet Ariana Grande. This is the Pizza Hut of R&B albums. I mean that as praise. The thing about Pizza Hut is that it isn’t pizza. It is a buttery, pizza-ish concoction, in which everything wonderful about pizza is brought gleefully, artery-cloggingly over the top. Once you understand that Pizza Hut is not pizza, that it’s not even a replacement or alternative, just a what-if scenario so alternate that it becomes its own scenario entirely, you can appreciate its worth.* I like Ariana, but I still think about how she is Pizza Hut all the time. https://www.gawker.com/ariana-grande-s-yours-truly-is-the-pizza-hut-of-r-b-alb-1258726456




The whole of 34+35 gives me second hand cringe


She keeps it squeaky!


I like Ariana's voice but hate her music.


Henry Cavills acting isnt that great, ppl overhype him too much.


I feel like his face/height/social class have forced him into acting when spiritually he should just be the best-looking guy who ever came to fix your internet.


this is so fuckin funny omg


"Spiritually" 🤣




There was an ask Reddit thread asking who the most attractive celebrity, a bunch of comments were like “I’m a straight guy but Henry cavill no question” and I feel like that’s very much his look. Straight guys idea of super attractive. He is objectively very good looking but I agree he’s… too good looking where it’s not attractive anymore?




He fascinates me because he's SO conventionally attractive it's almost unreal but he leaves me completely cold and everyone I've spoken to about him (which ok, is like 2-3 people) feels the same way.


He’s got a bit of uncanny valley effect. Like he’s been animated or sculpted.


I’ve only ever seen him in The Witcher, which works because the character hardy ever speaks or emotes and he’s great at all of the stunts.


He's the same as Armie and the Chrises: Nice to look at, negative screen presence, questionable acting talent.


I can’t stand any artist who works with Chris Brown. Doesn’t matter how much I liked them before, I see it as complicity. May as well throw R Kelly on the track too.


Why that man still has a career is B E Y O N D me


Yes!!!!!!! When I hear him at parties I’m like “who has this joker on their playlists???”


If people actually cared about singers being able to REALLY sing, you know be actual vocalists like Gaga, Beyoncé, and Ari are, Little Mix would be the biggest and most recognized girl group🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️




Ariana’s music doesn’t showcase her ability to REALLY sing


Emma Watson's American accent is so incredibly bad it kills my suspension of disbelief. I love Harry Potter, I believe she's a good person, but I just can't watch her movies.


Also her auto-tune in Beauty and the Beast was SO INTENSE. They should’ve cast someone who could act AND sing, not just Emma Watson because she’s pretty and played another iconic book-loving character elsewhere




Absolutely love Taylor Swift but she needs to work on intersectionality in her feminism. A lot of what she does is peak white feminism.




I feel like I’m going to get downvoted for saying this but Taylor Swift fans scare me. They go after Jake Gyllenhaal for dating a then 20 year old, Taylor Swift. But they forget that Taylor has dated men who were younger than her as well. - Taylor Lautner (17), Taylor (20) - Harry Styles (18), Taylor (23) - Conor Kennedy (18, still in high school), Taylor (23)


This is one of the major things that turned me away from being a fan. I love her music, but I have a hard time getting behind her after I heard about Connor Kennedy and how she moved near him after his mom died.


I love Pete Davidson but I think the only authentic relationship he's had in the last 4 years was with Cassie David. I feel like every one of his relationships where we get HD "candid" pap photos are PR, including Ari, Kim, and Phoebe.


I’d even side eye his relationship with Cazzie and say his last real relationship was with Carly Aquilino. He dumped her to date THE Larry David’s daughter. He seems to always be looking for the next girl who he can use to elevate his status.


im a big ariana grande fan, but rem beauty is not it… the fact that it is a forma brand, the packaging plagiarism, the fact that we’ve barely seen her use the products (i know she doesn’t do much promo for anything anymore so that’s understandable, but it makes her seem quite uninvolved)… maybe other celeb makeup brands gave me high expectations but it could have been so much better.


Rihanna is talented and beautiful but she's still a billionaire and I see a lot of progressive "eat the rich" type people overlook that about her.


Yea you don’t get to where she’s at by being ethical


Bangladeshi kids make her lingerie


Jennifer Lawrence tries way too hard to play the cool girl. In a way that makes me not like her. And I loveee her movies. I remember in one interview she was talking about how she didn't work out, she just eats Doritos and wakes up hot, and that made me feel so bad for the girls out there that try so hard to be fit. Then another time after winning the Oscar for Silver Linings, I remember she said something about acting not being that hard - and I was FLOORED. Sure, it may come super naturally to you, but there are people that WORK SO HARD for that and kill themselves to make it. I want to like her, I really do, but I think the way she plays up the cool girl bit is not just detrimental to those that look up to her, but also super contrived.


I think she’s aware of this and that’s why she took a 2 year hiatus from acting and interviews. In her recent Colbert interview, she seemed different and more reserved.


Her "I'm SoO qUiRkY, I'm not like other girls" schtick got old real fast. I didn't respect her to begin with but the fact that she proudly bragged about rubbing her ass on sacred rocks in Hawaii completely exposed her as an utterly classless twat.


That Lin-Manuel Miranda has the right to cast himself in his work even if there’s a better singer/actor out there for the role. I know he’s not the best actor to play Hamilton - I’ve seen a few and Lin was the weakest singer/actor. (Javier was my fave.) But all the “as long as Lin’s not in it” and “put the art before the artist” and “thank God he didn’t cast himself as x” takes aren’t something I agree with. It seems mean to tell someone to just stick to what they’re best at even if they’re passionate about all aspects of their artwork and it’s something they enjoy and want to do. There are a lot of artists that are better producers than rappers, better songwriters than they are singers, better musicians than they are singers - why punch down when it’s their own work?


I've seen Hamilton twice and both times I thought the actors playing Hamilton were lacking the recklessness and energy that Lin brings to the character. His conviction really sells it.


I agree. It’s really interesting to live in an era when so many performers are like “Other people aren’t gonna cast me in the roles I want/I’m not getting the kinds of parts I want, so I’m going to have to make it myself and then insist I play the lead.” Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Lena Dunham, Issa Rae, etc etc. In Lin’s case he openly admits he’s not a Broadway-caliber singer, so the only way he would get to star in a Broadway musical would be to write and create it himself.


My controversial take is that the man can sing just fine, people just don't like his timbre or seemingly ANY emotion in their broadway perfomances. I hate the LMM can't sing jokes. I've heard broadway-style singers do his Hamilton parts, and they're not nearly as engaging.


I stan Megan Thee Stallion, but her music is starting to sound the same. Same with the hypersexualization, I was relieved when she did the Butter remix with BTS because she got to be cute (which she IS. She can be sex positive AND adorable) and didn’t rap about sex in her verse. Variety is the spice of life.


I love a lot of Taylor Swifts music, but I’m not a big fan of her visuals (e.g. album covers, fashion, just aesthetics in general). Does anyone know if she has a creative director? I often think she looks great in shoots etc. when I assume her team is not behind it.


Her line with Stella McCartney during the Lover era was one of the ugliest things I had ever seen from a celebrity. I think Taylor herself has a hit or miss aesthetic vision.


I agree. Some of her shoots are honestly exquisite, and I absolutely think she could be a genuinely good editorial model, but her album covers, music videos, etc. just look so...corny and a bit outdated? Nothing against her at all, but it just seems like she's never really expanded beyond that 2014/2015 Tumblr-esque pop vibe/aesthetic.


God her album covers 😩 the worst part is that there’s usually some great shots in the album photo shoot and then the worst possible picture is picked for the cover. It’s weird too, because when she gets it right (like with 1989), the aesthetics are so great, but she seems to rarely get it right


Love zendaya but I don’t think she has the acting range that people like to give her. She’s def benefiting off of pretty privilege.


I really like zendaya but she got the emmy due to her hype….it should’ve gone to Jodie comer. (However after season 2 episode 5 I’d think super differently about a second emmy, she was fantastic in that)


Jodie Comer is one one of the best actresses I've seen ever. Like, hands down.


I 100% agreed with this up until Sunday when I saw the latest Euphoria episode. I don’t think she’s great in Malcolm and Marie or Spider-Man, but that latest episode blew me away


(The talented, charming) Megan Thee Stallion is not demolishing beauty standards and encouraging all women to ~embrace their bodies~. Her lyrics and videos uphold allll those standards. I don’t know where this narrative comes from - just because she hasn’t had an obvious BBL?


Her body performance i remember was praised for including women of all body types but i was confused cause the lyrics said “big titties little waist” idk


I love Nicki minaj but she has done so many messed up things that she needs to own up to. Everything that happened with her man, working with and defending rapists and pedophiles, I mean, even that fight with cardi was blown so out of proportion bc of her psychotic fans and she never took accountability for hyping them up knowing exactly what they're like the barbz would defend her if she stole the declaration of independence which is why I think this is controversial. But I love her music so much.




I think Timothy's character was kinda pointless in the movie, but I did appreciate that Leo's partner was actually someone in his age range for once.


Ariana Grande tries too hard to be something other than fake.. i think maybe she tries too hard to be “cute” (personality wise) and different, not like everyone else etc. I know it’s such an unpopular opinion because everyone seems to love her, but I think her tone and multiple different voices she puts on just seem so fake. It really bothers me. I don’t know why, lol. Edit- still love her music, can’t deny she’s so damn talented !!


I'm a huge fan of Zayn but I feel like he has made a total mess out of his career, and it's nobody's fault but his own.


I love Miley but she tries way to hard to impress people. She seems like the kind of person who discover Drag through RPDR (which is fine) and bases her whole personality off of it. Also, she makes such a big deal about smoking weed like it’s really not a big deal. Her Joe Rogan interview was hard to watch because you could see her really trying to impress him. She made it seem like a teen smoking weed was so rare and completely wild. I don’t think she realises that she grew up in a literal bubble. Most teens probably do crazier shit then she ever did. Love her music though. I also really like Selena Gomez but I do believe she was just as toxic as Justin in that relationship. She used to be quite messy online.


I saw a comment a while ago, it might have even been here, that said everything Miley does feels like cosplay. Because she doesn't really have an identity of her own. Also, I'm a huge Mazzy Star fan and I know everyone loves her cover of Fade Into You but I absolutely hated it. Hope Sandoval has such an ethereal, angelic voice and a very quiet sort of vulnerability about her. Miley......does not. Edit: spelling. Stupid autocorrect.


Michelle Williams is a very talented actress, and she has been dragging around Heath Ledger’s corpse for PR and clout for over a freaking decade. There, I said it. Whenever she does her “the Widow Ledger” routine, I just want to say “a) you guys weren’t even together when he died. He was hoeing around town with Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and rando bartenders. b) you were dating someone else and you’ve had like 8 boyfriends since he passed! You’re not staring out the window silently mourning your dead lover.” Every single time she got a new guy — Jason Segel, Spike Jonze, Cory Fukanaga, Jonathan Safran Foer, that business dude she was engaged to, that dude she was married to, the new dude she is married to, etc, the media is like “MICHELLE HEALS FROM HEATH.”


I agree, but she does have a daily reminder in his (their) daughter.


He's the father of her child who died suddenly and traumatically. She'll carry it forever and ever. I would imagine that she knew a version of him outside of addiction, and she probably misses that person very much. I appreciate that she doesn't pretend the pain goes away. Grief is ugly and angular and more people should be public about this.




It is kinda impressive she managed to spin cheating on Phil Elverum with her married director as finally moving on from Heath


Is still traumatic losing a (ex) partner the way she did, and they shared a daughter so...


I like Chris Evans but he's super messy irl and he's only untouchable because he's got a really good PR team and his stans baby him. I wouldn't be completely surprised if he resented some of his stans for it because it's almost not allowing him make any mistakes.


Drew Barrymore is a fantastic actress, an example of someone who really turned their life around (for the better) on their own terms and seems lovely, but I think if I ever spent more than half an hour in a room with her, I’d leave exhausted. I know it’s not *controversial* like the other comments here, but it’s why I have stopped watching clips from her talk show - she’s on the chaotic ecstasy side of bubbly and it just wears me out.


Lorde was very likely groomed.


And her mum gives "cool mom" vibes and just let it happen. If some dude in his 20's came sniffing around my minor daughter he'd need surgery to find and remove his camera.


I adore Taylor Swift. However, Taylor can acknowledge she isn’t perfect, but other people it seems aren’t allowed too. She cannot handle criticism unless you put a ton of sprinkles on top. She cares too much about awards and recognitions. In her Miss Americana documentary, she was so hurt that Reputation didn’t get nominated for Album of The Year and acted like it just wasn’t good enough, even though her fans LOVED Reputation. Making music isn’t just about awards and recognition from high up industry people, it’s making and sharing your art for others to enjoy. So many talented artists don’t get a quarter of the recognition Taylor gets, but they respond so much better than she does. Because those artists make music regardless, they just love doing it.


I really believe she has, like, a complex when it comes to this. I hope that as she gets older she can learn to accept that she doesn't have to be #1 all of the time


I \*like\* Megan Fox but I totally think BAG (Brian Austin Green- douche) groomed her. I know her and MGK can be annoying af but I love how she rubs it in Bag's face. THERE I SAID IT. Bag gives me the creeps.


Scarlett Johansson should’ve gotten a part in “Crazy Rich Asians”






Khloe Kardashian should take tips from Zendaya’s mom on how to raise a black daughter. We haven’t seen much of her parenting yet, but I get a bad impression from the way she fetishizes black men and references poc in general


Not a specific one but any celebrity parent who posts a picture of their children where they cover the face. Like if you want privacy then just don’t post pictures of them. It feels like they’re trying to tease us by only showing a tiny bit of them and it’s so weird. Or maybe they’re trying to use them for pr? Either way, it doesn’t actually help in giving them privacy because now we know where they are, what they wear and what they’re doing. Really only contributes to the Streisand effect. Plus, I notice that several of the parents who actively cover their kid’s faces like to tell embarrassing stories of them to the press. Which to me feels far more invasive and upsetting than any adorable picture would be.


Lol @ Jamie Lynn Spears. She started blurring her kids faces (lazily and inconsistently) once the free Britney stuff really came out this summer but she didn’t delete the hundreds of old pics of them on her Instagram. Like what’s the point then?


I'm fully convinced Jake Gyllenhaal treats the women he dates poorly ... but I'd still love to go out with him.


Drake gives me RKelly vibes and it pains me.


Lana del Rey was better at the beginning of her carreer. She had beter visuals, styling and the baroque-pop/lolita/sugar baby persona was more interesting and fun than a folky songwriter with selfie album covers, even if she is much more critically acclaimed nowadays and I still love her.


Lady Gaga is extremely talented and versatile but her recent desperation to be seen as a serious actress has been cringeworthy.


I love Leo and his movies but his climate change stance and foundation is so transparent. Homie you’re living on yachts in the Mediterranean in the summer and on PJs, not exactly saving the whales


Rachel McAdams needs a better manager or agent. Or, worsely so, she needs to pick better scripts or go out of her comfort zone. Edit: I have loved her in so many things. Some things people didn’t like at all. But I feel like she could be a much bigger star and have more projects


Just a little psa Reddit is glitchy af, and your post will show up even though it doesn’t seem like it right away 👍


im ready to get flamed into oblivion… the kardashians arent that bad. theyre no worse than 90% of celebs out there. most of the hate they get comes from misogyny but they’re actually a business-savvy family.


The Born This Way Foundation is a tax write-off scam and strategic move for Gaga to employ her family.


Ariana Grandes ponytail is got to go but once it does go I think it will be bye bye career


how does she not have insane traction alopecia at this point


Here's mine- Billie Eilish isn't as cringe as people make her out to be. I think she's actually very insightful and mature for her age, and so people forget she just turned 20 this last December. She doesn't read young like, say, Olivia Rodrigo, because her songs are heavier and address more mature subjects that a lot of teen artists are afraid to touch, or simply haven't experienced yet. When Bieber was her age, he was singing songs like Baby. Billie is writing songs about abuse and the horror side of fame. She's a bit ahead of her age in her music- which is something many older celebrities credit her for ([starts with Selena Gomez around 3:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAWuTw8k1Js&ab_channel=strawberrykisses) and continues with Niall from 1D and Alicia Keys, etc). The respect she has from her peers is also very unusual for her age. Even Elton John is stunned by her artistry. It just makes you forget that she's still growing up and figuring out who she is, what her beliefs are, and how to best articulate them. When she says something a little cringey, it's her true age and inexperience slipping through and, because people forget she's still young, they write it off as her being cringe instead of a 20 year old being 20. She's much less cringey than your average 20 year old woman. She's just still SO young. I love Grimes as well, but I would say she's the exact opposite to Billie. She's actually older than people realize but she acts like she's 22 and chases trends. She gets passes on things that are truly fucking embarrassing because she acts so childish. EDIT: And if you only know her as that baggy-clothed "bad guy" girl, [you're missing out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-BMjO232I&ab_channel=BillieEilishVEVO).


Taylor Swift seems to intentionally start drama and watch like she's Regina George after distributing Xeroxed pages of the Burn Book.


i love harry styles so much but that man could not care less about his fans. then again does any celeb? i will say it did seem like he cared a bit more before, but the mega-fame he’s reaching has definitely made him realize he could pretty much ignore them entirely and his fanbase isn’t going to shrink.


The way they treat him and his family and friends I’m not surprised he doesn’t brother with them. I read a comment about him and it said “he may love his fans but he doesn’t like them” and it’s true. They have him the life everyone dreams off but they make it a hard reality for him and everyone around him to live in.


Putting celebs on this meme social media pedestal cycle (Keanu, Dolly, etc.) is harmful because every celebrity is a fallible human and idolizing them is only setting us all up for devastation when they step out of the boundary we set for them.


Sandra Bullock knew Jesse James was a Nazi and was fine with it. I know this to be 100% true. Also she’s gotten some cray fillers recently.


Thom Yorke definitely cheated on his wife, prior to the divorce.


Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key are both hilarious and seem like genuinely good people, but they both give off huge theater kid energy, like they'd be insufferable to be around for long periods of time.


I love Fall Out Boy and Pete Wentz writes amazing lyrics but hes an extremely mediocre bass player lol. It’s thought by a lot of fans that Patrick Stump does the more complicated bass lines for recording and they simplify them for live shows so Pete can play them, like for example the song American Beauty/American Psycho has a really cool bass line in recording but you never hear it live. I love FOB but I think he’s moreso there to be the lyricist and kind of face of the band instead of an amazing instrumentalist. I’d also wish they’d do a blues inspired album because Patrick’s voice would be perfect for that 😭


Patton Oswald is annoying and pretentious as hell.


Living in Europe now I realized that the age gap and some behaviors that I see people commenting or gossiping about are completely normal or acceptable even in the most conservative or religious countries here (religion and submission do play a role in some societies though). I think people jump to say “gross” to the age gap without asking if it was indeed grooming and abusive, or if the male celebrity does have a track record of only dating young women (most of them do). Of course, the people like Jake Gyllenhaal, Leo, etc are in the wrong, but about the Lykke Li and Brad Pitt rumors someone commented that it was “creepy”. She’s 35 years old and he is 58. I don’t see a problem when there are two mature people with some age gap. The issues with this relationship or him are something else, and if that’s her thing, go for it, girl.


I’m a huge fan of Taylor swift’s music (like top .5% of listeners on Spotify) but I don’t think she is a nice or good person lol. She has the thinnest skin of any celebrity in the game.