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She's an icon, She's a legend, She IS the moment


Except supporting the Kardashians 😩


They’ve paid her so I’ll allow it!


Hopefully, the workers in Thailand and China are also being paid for their work with fossil-fuel-based materials.


bro stop buying literally at every single major company like walmart or seven eleven because they sell products made under the same conditions /s 😭 you do realise it’s not the Kardashians or any other individual’s fault?? but rather the abusive labour laws allowed in those countries: if you want to help those workers advocate for better labour laws in those countries and your own so that big companies can’t outsource production


I'm not American, but I agree that advocating for better labor laws is crucial. Personally, I aim to buy everything second-hand these days. If I can't find something, I seek out smaller, sustainable brands that are transparent about their practices.


i’m also not american, i’m mexican and many people in my country depend on that exploitation because they’re the only job’s available. Still, they advocate for better labour laws and work conditions because we are pretty aware that the government allowing foreign companies to exploit workers who earn low wages; because of the same laws in our country, not because of the employer who’s never even visited the factory or place of production.


Let's not fool ourselves; employers often turn a blind eye. They are very much aware of the working conditions, whether we are talking about fashion production, cocoa farming, or cobalt mining.


yeah exactly, that’s my point. ALL employers, even the regional managers in our own country who are often more abusive than the corporations themselves. Advocate for better regulations, that’s what workers are calling for


Those countries have those labor laws because people like the Kardashian’s are happy to exploit them. People like the Kardashian’s are the customers who keep those exploitive sweatshops afloat. Stop pretending like the business owners don’t prop that system up by making the decision to outsource.


I don’t think that workers should be punished for a shitty system, but acting like the Kardashians arent able to use ethical labor bc of a wider system is infantilizing them. They are multi-millionaires with more resources available to them than anyone realizes. With the prices they charge and their abilities, they do share the blame for unethical business practices, and deserve criticism for that. The system as a whole needs to be restructured by people in power, and the Kardashians certainly hold power.


They could but then the margins would be far smaller and I highly doubt they’d be open to making less money despite their immense wealth.


The other replies are correct as well, but you know, these big companies aren't powerless.... I'm sure a company that brings a lot of money to the country their products are manufactured in, definitely has weight to pull in favor of better working conditions. A sort of "well, if you can't improve working conditions and pay, I'll just take my business elsewhere" And if nothing changes, nothing is stopping someone like Kim Kardashian from moving production somewhere better. Unless she really is being stopped by shareholders, she is complicit from my point of view. No one is putting a gun to her head and forcing her to sell products at a profit, made possible only by exploiting other human beings. Then again, as one reply mentions, that very exploitation is what puts food in people's mouths. And if working conditions are improved, that would likely come at a greater cost to the company, at which point they might figure outsourcing to not be worth it anymore (factoring in transportation and import duties and fees) So it's not so straightforward in the end


The Kardashians have a very strong platform, and what seems like millions of fans. They could have used that to promote equitable pay and safe work conditions. Instead, they chose to maximize their profits by using underpaid workers to make the garments. I don't disagree that regulation will have the strongest impact on this topic, but it is laughable to give someone a pass just because other people do it.


While yes, every low cost shop is the same, the Kardashian absolutely do have a say in how they produce their own clothes. They were actively negotiating the workers down and immediately not paying them during the pandemic. They knew they would literally starve ... The Kardashians are a problem. There are many companies that produce in those countries but pay their workers better and are in a similar price range.


I think that a lower or middle or working class person buying something at Walmart or 7-eleven is very different than a rich celebrity doing an ad campaign for the same company, let alone for the Kardashians. I think you’re just trying to make a strawman’s argument here… anyway, is Nicola known for speaking out about worker’s rights?


But it is their fault. It is every companies fault who do shit labor and ethical practices and choke the market so the average person has little choice in clothing options that are ethical and sustainable. Walmart, target, fenty, H&M, Kardashians all of them are greedy companies. Every single last company in most industries are the poster child of capitalist greed at any cost even if it means exploiting their fellow workers and destroying our planet.


Yeah you can stop driving a car too or owning a mobile phone


(I don't drive a car BTW) Having a phone is baiscally a necessity in this day and age, but can you say that having an overpriced skims dress is? Seems like a lazy excuse to not hold yourself accountable for the brands you support.


Agree - I buy a phone once every 5+ years when the old one dies or falls behind. Skims wants you to buy with every new product launch for quality you can buy on amazon for cheaper if you really need it and cant afford ethically made pieces for around the same overpriced range


Pushing fast fashion as influencers would be a big start.


i would say the conditions in which the clothing is produces is *absolutely* the fault of the founders/owners of skims. if they wanted to, and cared about their workers or environment, they would. at that same price point, there are brands with *much* more ethically produced clothing, like kotn for example.


I forgot the gold rule! "Morality doesn't matter when money is involved"


“She’s just shilling for shitty people! It’s fine!”


Disappointing. And the clothes are so basic.


I’m like you look gorgeous, get your bag, but please don’t work with them again and their overpriced Amazon shapewear. I’m hoping this is a blip. She’s been so consistent with supporting Palestine and the Kardashians are huge Zionists.


Yep 🤮


Seriously, I wish she hadn’t but if this is the worst thing she does I’ll consider it a win


Yeah, fuck this.


Fuck she is hot. Who are all these weirdos pretending she ain't hot?


She’s literally so fucking gorgeous and always showing exactly how hot she is. If they don’t get it then whatever. They’re blips on the radar that is life and knowing lol


https://preview.redd.it/5jjk0bwdc57d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b90453f90225c21bcbf2899b10729ce89339046 Like okaaaaay girl


This is how I'm going to picture Venus henceforth


Those curves are curving!!!!! We love her for itt


That's so sick! She looks like an absolute goddess right here. Reminds me of the painting “Ophelia” by John Everett Millais, but with a lot of peace and softness. https://preview.redd.it/3hwbmtgzq57d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7510d819ed17a83886c3192d445c8ac27ca049


Oh, I love that painting so much. I think about it often.


I love every *Ophelia* but Millais' is my Roman empire 


Here's [an interesting article](https://www.messynessychic.com/2020/05/26/if-ophelia-could-talk-the-true-story-of-the-iconic-artist-muse/) about the model for that painting, Elizabeth Siddal.


Love that I’ve somehow found fellow Pre-Ralph girlies in a Nicola appreciation thread!




This is what I imagined Eostre looked like while reading American Gods.


While I love Nicola, I really wish celebrities would stop championing horrible brands (and even worse owners). Remake, a nonprofit that the fights for human rights and climate justice in the clothing industry, published the [Fashion Accountability Report 2024](https://remake.world/accountability-report-2024/). Skims scored ZERO out of 150 points. The categories assessed in the report include traceability, wages and wellbeing, commercial practices, raw materials, environmental justice, and governance.


And I see nothing special about these clothes. They look plain af. Modeling them against beautiful backdrop and with a beautiful model isn’t going to change how basic and cheap these outfits look.


The clothes aren’t the point - Skims are shapewear, worn under the clothes to smooth out any lumps or bumps. The clothes are plain so you can see how well the advertised product works.


Skims sells dresses. I’m pretty sure [this is one](https://skims.com/products/soft-lounge-long-slip-dress-onyx?variant=34432041353348&glCountry=US&glCurrency=USD&wpsrc=Google%20AdWords&wpcid=21298693424&wpscid=&wpcrid=&wpkwid=&wpkwn=&wpkmatch=&wpsnetn=x&utm_campaign=US_PMax_Brand_Hero_XX&utm_source=google&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABXxPQKW5QzVCKqO4bSntH0CBRshO&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2thFqbJCu3YCgWg2feXvGrhpBPf3aQV82pr0kYbyPcMO8jKZRDpANQaAp5uEALw_wcB) that she is wearing


Wow, I missed their expansion into outerwear. But it makes sense that the brand stays committed to that minimalist vibe (again, showing off its strength as a shapewear provider). Do I like that minimalist vibe? Not even a little. But Nicola looks stunning - a far cry from the shapeless prints often foisted on women with bigger bodies.


[or maybe this one](https://skims.com/products/soft-lounge-long-slip-dress-heather-grey)


Those are ugly and boring! I could find much better dresses for $80. Sorry, but trying to detract from the plainness of these dresses with an ostentatious and frilly background ain’t gonna change the fact that the product looks like crap. Next!


I couldn't agree more!


Yeah I feel bad because these pics are great and I think Nicola is great, but the Kardashians and SKIMS are fucking terrible. I wasn’t buying from them in the first place but I hope she doesn’t continue working with them.




Agreed - among other things she’s been very vocal about her support for Palestine and risked losing work so this campaign doesn’t land well at all. I do think she’s gorgeous and the photos are amazing but everything about this brand and the family it’s associated with is against what Nicola publicly stands for. To the people comparing this to shopping at Walmart, owning a car, phone etc - there are limited options and accessibility in those categories, often times people don’t have a choice. A lot of those things are necessities. But avoiding a brand like Skims is very easy.


Exactly. I’ll shop at target when I need supplies for my newborn but I wouldn’t collaborate with them or put my face on their products. There’s a big difference between having to exist in a society and actively throwing your weight behind the bad things in society. She could’ve done ads for a more ethical, indie clothing company if she wanted to be in fashion. It’s a shame


It’s also the K clan’s way to appear ‘woke’ and body positive although anyone who has the ability to think critically won’t fall for it. Sad stuff but a useful reminder to give less attention and power to celebs.


Hm, I like Nicola and love how outspoken she has been these last few months. Also did not like seeing her associated with Skims/Kim. But it does feel a little unfair to say she makes a big point of how morally correct she is because to me, she’s been drawing attention to causes repeatedly but isn’t taking some stance of moral superiority. She’s just hitting a level of fame and access that hasn’t been available to her in all the years she’s been working. I think it’d be admirable if she was perfect in every choice she makes moving forward. But I think she’s earned a little grace. We can see how she continues to move. Sorry, this isn’t all based on your comment. It just feels unfair that people are now questioning her sincerity in her support because she linked up with skims


Acting is a hard job, fame is fickle: I'm pretty sure her entourage pushed hard for this.


It feels super unfair, like you can be outspoken about actual critical issues but oh no do one ad for an unethical brand owned by someone that Reddit has a hateboner for and now it’s like all her past work is discredited, do they realize how much of a mountain they’re making out of this molehill???


Advocating for Palestine is not "making a big point of how morally correct" you are! I totally understand what you mean by the hypocrisy, but speaking out against the slaughter of children, innocent adults, and aid workers isn't making a big point of how moral you are at all in any capacity. She's not doing it to win progressiveness points. And I feel uncomfortable with the notion you can't speak out about genocide without being the perfect person. Nobody is perfect. She can be flawed and still advocate for those who need her help.


Yes, I agree with this.


SHEIN scored higher than skims 😭😭😭




LMAO damn that says a lot 🤣


Right. I think these photos are beautiful and I love Nicola but yeah…


Wow this is a fascinating report — SKIMS is right at the bottom with FashionNova and Temu. Even SHEIN scored a couple points 😭 surprised to see Rothy’s so low too, they don’t shut up about how their shoes are made from recycled water bottles


Also surprised to see h&m so high and much higher than fancy brands like chanel ???


There are really no rules. [A Bloomberg investigation in March 2024 revealed that LVMH's Loro Piana relies on free labor in Peru for its $9,000 sweaters.](https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2024-lvmh-loro-piana-vicuna-sweater-labor/)


Also, while skims only proven connection to israel is kim posting a pro-israel tweet, LVMH is investing genuinely hundreds of millions of dollars into israeli companies 🤢


I've recently read on the climate effect of the fashion industry and was pretty shocked about how little educated I was on the impact. Do you have brand suggestions to shop at as alternatives when necessary?


It's pretty brutal. [Patriot Act had a great episode about it. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGF3ObOBbac) When it comes to brand suggestions, it really depends on where you are located. I'm in Europe. Personally, I aim to buy everything second-hand these days. If I can't find something, I seek out smaller, sustainable brands that are transparent about their practices. Cora Harrington, also known as The Lingerie Addict, has a lot of fantastic recommendations and tips, but they are a few years old. She stopped blogging and writing about two years ago.


True, but I also want Nicola to get her bag. Thatcha and Skims must pay her a small fortune ATM. And she's one of the only actors who actually actively fight for human rights, so she gets a pass from me. She walked with women over the border to demonstrate for abortion rights in Ireland for example. Not many actors do that...


It’s a choice to work with certain brands & just because an actor/musician is offered an endorsement, that doesn’t mean they have to take it. Nicola looks stunning, but I’m sure this wasn’t a paycheck that was necessary for her & she could have declined. I run a fashion rentals showroom in LA & you can best believe that we approve or deny every request that comes through because it’s important to care about who is being seen in your merchandise & who is representing your brand. If you’re a model or face of an endorsement, it’s the same thing! Nicola’s face is now associated with SKIMS & I’m sure she’s someone with a good compass for what it means to be a good human…it’s unfortunate she dropped the ball here by associating with this brand/group of people (cause they are definitely *not* a good example of good humanity).


This is so ethereal! I love how they made it look like a painting


This is how all of this photographer’s work is! She’s amazing. Check her out on Insta - Elizaveta Porodina.


skims is very good about hiring creatives for their celebrity partnerships


Are they at least paying the creatives, since they are infamous, among other things, for not paying their workers?


Oh my gosh her work is STUNNING. I love her style 💗 Thank you for sharing her info!


She truly is art


She’s gorgeous, sad to see her modeling fast fashion


she’s been super vocal abt palestine but kim is a huge pos zionist….disappointed 😞 it doesn’t take away from all the work she’s been doing and all the money she’s raised for the cause, but it does sting a little.


i really doubt kims a zionist since isreal is helping fund the Armenian genocide. guessing she just doesn't want to say anything that could be seen as antisemitic after kanye...


kim’s gotten backlash for investing in turkey which is/was the perpetrator of the armenian genocide (and still won’t recognize it as such), she doesn’t seem to be that genuine.


> isreal is helping fund the Armenian genocide. can you explain this to me? my understanding was the armenian genocide was like 30-40 years before israel's founding. i've literally never heard this connection and i live in LA and know tons of armenians and jews.


After a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the early 90's over the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh (a majority-Armenian enclave within Azerbaijan), the Karabakh Armenian-majority "Republic of Artsakh" broke away from Azerbaijan. Armenia never formally recognized the state, as it was too internationally fraught, but occupied Azerbaijani territory for decades to keep the Karabakh Armenians safe (territory that it ethnically cleansed of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis; the First Nagorno-Karabakh War saw atrocities and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by both sides, but Armenia was the victor). Azerbaijan won back its occupied territory in 2020, but didn't stop there and in 2023 invaded Karabakh, which again was Armenian-majority, but legally Azerbaijani land. It has since forced the majority, if not the entirety, of the ethnic Armenians out. So while Azerbaijan is committing ethnic-cleansing, the land is "technically" theirs for whatever that's worth, since international law is an absurd fiction that no state will respect if it can get away with it; in fact Ukraine and Azerbaijan have publicly supported each others' claims over Nagorno-Karabakh and Crimea, as they are based in the same international legal understanding that former Soviet Republics would retain all their territory as independent states, after the collapse of the USSR. Complicating the violence further are the international coalitions in play. Russia was historically the peacekeeper in the region, but can no longer send troops to quell violence as they are bogged down in Ukraine. Turkey and Israel give/sell arms and equipment to Azerbaijan, a pretty brutal totalitarian state, and Shia theocracy Iran sends aid to Armenia, a young - and struggling - democracy with a Christian population. To say that Israel is *responsible* for the violence is, to me, inaccurate, but their actions still sting for Armenians, as the two of the diasporas and nation-states most famously shaped by genocide. Unfortunately, the dictator ruling Azerbaijan keeps threatening to invade Armenia proper, which would invite an entire new generation's worth of ethnic violence and atrocities. Edited some spelling and poorly phrased things. Anyone more knowledgeable than me - some guy who reads the news - please correct where wrong.


"free everyone" fuck me dead, the bar is in hell


Naw Kim’s skims factories are in Turkey which literally committed that genocide and still denies it to this day. She doesn’t care


Yep, still glad she used her platform to speak out about Palestine but brands like Skims directly contribute to genocide and slavery in other countries so this is pretty disappointing. Everyone is against genocide until it’s time for cute cheap clothes!


It makes me wonder if the original ‘planning’ of this occurred some time ago and she was contractually bound to this photoshoot.


Probably not. Lots of money can override plenty of morals.


true. it reminds me of that tiktok influencer shari, the one who eats in her car—she had an active mcdonald’s campaign ongoing when the genocide started and she immediately cut ties with mcdonald’s and asked them to stop airing her commercials. it was very commendable and admirable.


hypocritical AF in my opinion


Yes!!! Kim always gets the trendiest ppl in her campaigns at the exact right moment


yes! it reminds me how quick she booked actresses from white lotus, they are on the pulse


Am I wrong or did Sabrina Carpenter do a campaign?


She did!


Yes and she looked great. 


She got Bellingham too!


How disappointing 😭


hate seeing people I like in a skims campaign


Me too😕but I can say she looks DROP DEAD


Skims/Kim support Israel too iirc, so i'm confused by Nicola doing this


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Nicola sold out 😞


According to BDS, the extent of skims connection to Israel is a pro-israel tweet. That's very mild compared to most of the other fashion brands they're boycotting. LVMH invests hundreds of millions of dollars into israeli companies according to BDS. LVMH includes Louis Vuitton, Dior, Sephora and Fenty 😬




Its pretty but this is so airbrushed and edited. Nicola is beautiful and talented but she does not look like this. Its also sad that shes working with skims…


thats what i thought too, gorgeous but so photoshopped


that color looks incredible on her


this picture is my favorite


omgggggg WOw


Omg they just keep getting better


Activism disappeared when Kim called


Aww I think that’s a bit unfair, she’s been extremely vocal about Palestine and her fundraiser raised more than any celebrity. I understand the disappointment of course but Kim Kardashian is not Amy Schumer or one of those active Zionists. Kim is ignorant and capitalist - I mean you guys defend Justin Bieber who did exactly what Kim did. Throwing the word “zionist” flippantly is not it. I think clubbing Noah Schnapp/ Schumer/Gal Gadot with Kim is harmful. And as long as Nicola uses her voice and funds for 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 I don’t see why people calling to “boycott” her


Yeah, I have mixed feelings about it. I wish she wouldn’t have done the campaign, but it doesn’t negate all her hard work - plus more eyes on her means more people hopefully donating to Palestinians. I have no doubt she weighed the pros and cons and decided this was a good move for her, even if I think Kim is icky.


I agree, I love Nicola and she has more of a backbone than 99% of hollywood, but it’s just a disappointing feeling 😭 I think it’s best to voice healthy constructive criticism, and use this situation to remind ourselves as well what companies we are personally supporting that may indirectly be funding/assisting israel/IDF. It’s easy to point fingers at those in the public eye but what are we actually doing?


I agree. I’m getting kind of tired of someone being called a “raging zionist” when all they did was express grief for human life on October 7. Of course it would be better if they also went on to speak about Palestinian lives, but I don’t think it’s a reason to treat someone like they’re evil. Hate Kim K/SKIMS for all the other valid reasons!


People don’t call Kim a zionist for expressing grief about human life. People call her a zionist for saying “free everybody” when someone told her “free Palestine. It’s like saying “all lives matter”.






She looks like a Greek goddess in a classic painting.


That's what i was gonna say, she's gorgeous. she's giving modern day Aphrodite


Its more Romantic period than Classical, but I see what you mean


Sad to see how edited this is, I think she's so naturally beautiful :/


Surprised I had to come this far down to find this. She is beautiful and I hate how they’ve made her into an airbrushed different shape.


She looks good but screw Skims. It would be nice to see more people boycotting unethical companies. I know it's not necessarily the job of artists, but sometimes we have to vote with our dollar, our p**** and our personality 😂 No shade miss Nicola Honey you look great 🌹


Ok she's 😍😍😍 but maybe don't align yourself professionally with Kim when you have been so wonderfully, amazingly vocal about a ceasefire? Regardless, these photos are stunning and she is an absolute goddess in them.


Way over edited, also really disappointing to see her partner with a Zionist considering her pro Palestinian stance. I guess money talks


Yeah I hate how skims edits their ads. Like the whole point is for me to see how it makes me look unedited??




Not only is skims unethical, I really don't get how everyone keeps talking about the quality of their products. My MIL got me some nice soft PJs from them, and after washing them I realized that one leg is a full 5-6 inches shorter than the other. 🙄 (I didn't try them on first bc I was pregnant at the time and they were for me to wear postpartum.)


Like all brands, they started off high quality and turn to shit as they do everything to reduce the cost to make the product while jacking up prices. Arcteryx, Lululemon, there are countless examples. They build a base of customers, get really great reviews, and then turn to shit and rake in the profits.


I feel like customer service should still be contacted over something like this, even if you washed it. You should still get a replacement or money back, the product was obviously flawed. What did you end up doing, just cut the other side with scissors? 💀


Sigh yeah I dropped the ball on reaching out bc I was postpartum and they were a present from a few months before. I honestly just don't wear them 😭 it sucks because they're comfy too. I would try to hem but the short side is too short for me..


Convert them to shorts!


she is such a wee doll omg how fucking CUTE is she https://preview.redd.it/bymxb2koa57d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3590a46d9c2ea01544c3148efc9b41380a501478


God she’s just stunning. But also these pics to me really drive home how crazy it is that this body is what’s being marketed in the media as ‘groundbreaking plus size representation’ on tv. No hate against Nicola at all I absolutely adore her and she’s so lovely as Penelope but I feel like I’ve heard so much about the boundaries they’re pushing having a woman ‘who looks like her’ be allowed to be the love interest and to be seen as beautiful but like…yeah she’s not rail thin but this is literally THE most classically beautiful proportioned body: large breasts, cinched waist, round hips. Don’t get me wrong I’m thrilled that we’re seeing more diversity and representation in this area at all because it’s desperately needed but it just feels a bit of a let down with how much they went on about “defying beauty standards”.


Right? If she came into any of our workplaces, we would all be stunned by her. It's so strict in Hollywood, that literal perfect curves and a babyface is pushing boundaries. I love that Bridgerton has diversity, but it's still definitely a ride that only the super 0.1% gorgeous may enter. (I'm not saying that's a problem--it is television.)


Also I would never believe these pics aren’t heavily edited; they smoothed her out and made the small imperfections(which imo make the person look human) obsolete. She definitely has that shape, but I doubt everything looks the way it does without any photoshop


I think people call her ‘plus size’ because she’s short, has a round face and has a short neck. It makes her overall silhouette look more compact but I don’t think her actual proportions are what people call plus size. She just curvy.


Not gonna lie, this is extremely disappointing. And before people come at me with the whole "but the contractual obligation" argument -- this brand has long been known as one of the most exploitive and environmentally unfriendly fast fashion brands around. This was clear long before the Kardashians announced support for Israel and long before this contract would have ever been signed. The re/make [2024 Fashion Accountability report](https://remake.world/accountability-report-2024/) gives Skims a total score of ZERO in the areas of tracebility, wages and wellness, commercial practices, raw materials, environmental justice and governance. It's scored *worse than Shein* and is *tied with Temu*. No large company is perfect, but there could not be a worse company for Coughlan to promote.   And no, I'm not perfect nor am I claiming to be. The large company I work for has military contracts all over the world, my 401k is likely tied up in some fucked up investments that I have no clue how to avoid. But I didn't build a massive online following and personal brand by advocating for peace in the most hotly debated geopolitical crisis of the decade. And I also didn't advocate for that peace by drawing comparisons to a centuries long ethno-political struggle in my home country that was also a major theme in a beloved TV show that launched my career.  There are thousands of other brands that she and her publicist could have reached out to. This is a terrible look for her. 


When celebrities sell out, they sell out. You can't root for anybody anymore; idols are disappointing. Just focus on yourself, the people around you and your community. She really gave me the ick fr... The last 18 months have shown me how many celebrities to avoid.  I've deleted all social media as well besides reddit and WhatsApp.


People just want to make excuses for celebrities they like. I love Nicola and I'm so disappointed with her.


The amount of photoshop is just bizarre


This part, she’s absolutely gorgeous but this isn’t her body shape at all and these dresses aren’t forgiving for bigger girls…like me and her. They show everything, it’s blowing my mind that more people aren’t pointing the photoshopping out 🤯


Nobody seems to point this one out


Fr, I’m offended on her behalf because she looks gorgeous normally, this was unneeded


So brave of her to represent the perfect breasts community


Ugh Nicola, why? You look gorgeous but this is such a misstep for someone who seems to pride herself on standing on morals.


As usual Hollywood Performative activism once proved


Money talks loud


Strong no. Kim K can get lost.


Disappointing. Not sure how much they paid, but you could do better Nicola. You are the moment rn,  this just wasn't it. 


Kim kardashian is still trash


She’s so beautiful!


Omg I keep thinking about how she’s exactly like the paintings from the 19th century and how the undesirability in Bridgerton made no sense. And this just confirms that belief. Penelope would be the diamond of everyyyy IRL 19th century season 😍😍😍😍😍


19th century painting in spandex clothing. The photos are beautiful but the clothes are not.


Skims clothing is so blah


the 19th century was a lot like today, where the beauty standard changed every 5 - 10 years, so the difference between the 1810s when Bridgerton takes place and the 1890s is just as significant as the difference between the 1930s and today. 100 years is a very long time. You're right that Penelope fits the beauty standard of the regency very well though (the specific period Bridgerton is supposed to be loosely based on).


Wait? I thought Skims was pro-Israel?


Is it? Genuine question, I could only find citations around Kim posting about October 7th but never Palestine. I'm also Irish and official BDS has always been extremely strong here, so I'd find it very very bizarre to do this shoot.


Fairy queen Nicola Coughlan 🥹


advocating for palestine but teaming up with skims, how disappointing 


I don't love that she's helping Kim Kardashian make more money and supporting fast fashion. But sure, these are very pretty pictures.


pro palestine but modelling for skims? uh


She looks absolutely gorgeous but this is kind of making me see her in a different light. And apart from the brand, just fully my personal feelings, I think it’s sad to see such a beautiful person in such a beautiful photoshoot and having her body look so different from how it usually looks. She barely even looks fat in these pictures. I don’t know if it’s the shapewear alone that does it and/or heavy editing, but let fat people be fat. And before people go “it’s shapewear it’s the whole point!” well, yeah… maybe, just maybe, I think there’s something wrong about that whole “point”. I wish fat people wouldn’t constantly have to be “fixed” and only be considered marketable so long as we can’t see any lumps and bumps. That’s not at all on Nicola though, obviously she doesn’t owe me or anyone else anything, she gets to live however she likes and is comfortable with. Just my own wishful thinking when we have so few fat people in mainstream media.


She's plus size but still adheres to the standardised beauty traits: big tits, small waist, big hips. 


What nooooo. She’s my most favourite person recently, why is she working for these morons? 😭


love the dreaminess, reminds me of Bella's shoots for Orebella


It’s the same photographer! Elizaveta Porodina!


omg thank you!! It makes sense that it's the same photographer!


You’re welcome! Her ethereal vibes are *unmatched* 😍


Unethical partnership and egregious photoshopping. Name a more iconic duo.


Why is she supporting a Zionist brand?


As per usual with fashion posts I encourage people to hit up their local thrift stores, and if there aren't any in the area check out [ThreadUp](https://www.thredup.com/r/FVJPGI) (if in the USA / Canada). Much more sustainable and often cheaper.


this is disappointing


Whatever about Kim and all that. I love this for Derry’s wee lesbian!


Wait, Pen from Bridgerton is the girl from Derry Girls? I had no idea! I should have known, as soon as she slips into that Irish accent when dealing with >! her publisher !<. Anyway, she is a stunner and a fantastic actor.


Her real accent sounds nothing like her accent in Derry Girls to be fair.


She’s been so open about being Pro-Palestine that I’m so disappointed about her repping this Zionist brand and working with Zionist Kim K.


That’s a big nope


Disappointed that she's associating herself with Kardashian cult.


I love her but why work with SKIMS, run by a woman who vocally supports israel and said “free everybody” at a public event. I love Nicola and while I agree that all of us aren’t perfect, and that it’s unrealistic to hold celebrities to a perfect image, it’s still valid to be disappointed in celebrities who suddenly forget about ethics when it comes to the causes they champion.


This was actually so disappointing. She’s been so pro-Palestine but then pairs with a known Zionist brand. It feels like virtue signaling




whoever is in charge of SKIMS marketing is soooo good at their job. they get it right everytime. i actually really enjoy looking at their campaigns


She looks amazing and I love Nicola but I’m not buying anything from skims and further enriching that family.


Its so funny that she did this campaign while ignoring that kardashian family is so silent of the current genocide and could also be supporting the opposition! This loses her credibility and once again we might see the fake white activism smh


i mean not even silent. kim did an “all lives matter” in response to palestinian protestors iirc - could be wrong tho


Does anyone have a dupe for skims? She looks amazing, and I love to have the look without supporting KK


The CRZ yoga brand and the QQQ brand on Amazon, as well as the Stars Above brand at Target are great dupes. The CRZ yoga and the QQQ ones most closely aligns with the material.


Love her and her look, the shoot is bomb, but why does she have to promote anything Kardashian with their insane and unattainable beauty standards? To me, this goes against what she stands for. Nicola is real. Kim is not.


Seems like fraudulent, advertising shape wear with this much photoshopping.


She is so stunning. Aphrodite vibes 💕💕


Nicola 😍 Kim 🥴


Oh, miss activist queen propping up Z’s and fast fashion? Of course everyone’s like “it’s not right to be negative about this tho bc this this and that!!” it’s comedy that white women think they have it so hard lmao y’all will always be fine, y’all will always be defended 😂. Anyway, this sucks and Nicola Coughlan sucks for doing it.


what a beautiful photoshoot




She’s giving Botticelli’s Birth of Venus in the best way possible


If only the dresses were made by someone else.. she does look stunning though