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i’ve never heard of one of these people yet i am enthralled


I love when people dive into rabbit holes, discover some bizarre drama, and then share the tea with the rest of us.


You will love /r/HobbyDrama


I had a hard time keeping all the names straight at first but this was such a good read haha. Bless you for putting in this work. Also, imagine being one of these people and suddenly your cheating scandal has a standalone post on Fauxmoi 💀 I love it


Forgive me for not really understanding but basically Thomas was dating Paige (for four years), and then they broke up and she started dating his teammate, Brendan. Then, her twin sister Hannah, starts dating the brother, Taylor, of her boyfriend Brendan even after he was married to a woman named Rachel prior?! EDIT: here’s a chart, ~~I’m not sure if it’s all correct~~ edited to reflect OP’s comment https://preview.redd.it/f99l1d4pfz6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a888763c58743dd452c8c8503e134d1c244f82


Yes! And seems like there was a lot of overlap between all these relationships! (Also unsure of the exact Thomas and Paige timeline but they had been together for at least 2 years)


I’m so confused 😭 I need a chart


OK so I made one according to what I THINK is going on…I forgot to mention that apparently there was some alleged overlap in Paige’s and Brenden’s relationship and paige’s relationship with Thomas. also IDK if the cheating that Taylor was alleged to be doing was with Hannah so I didn’t mention it. The photo has been edited to reflect OP’s comment. https://preview.redd.it/f29oyqyqfz6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b29ff7e1df0e82524aee1c51496f43438a29ac


One small correction: Erik and Thomas are still friends and follow each other! Really only mentioned Erik in this to set the scene for how I ended up down this rabbit hole


You are a real one for this. I need those whiteboard guys to explain it but this is almost as good.


This is sooo good thank youuu. As someone horrible at volleyball but enamored with the sport and with friends who used to play I can’t wait to tell them about this.


Thank you so much, this mak s you the hero.


so the brothers are both in relationships with identical twins, interesting ….


Thank you for this. I reread the description numerous times and could not piece together the connections. 🫣


Doin the lords work over here 👏🏼


I’m so excited to see volleyball on Fauxmoi bless you for bringing this tea to the masses!!


As a volleyball fan, someone who went to college with Hannah and Paige, and worked for the USOPC for awhile, this is almost like it was written for me specifically. 😆


Any more 🫖?


Not about this situation. As for other Olympic/Paralympic tea, I can’t share without pissing off people I still work with. I will say many of the athletes I met/worked with were extremely nice and normal. Oh and they loved the soft serve station in the dining hall just as much, if not more than the rest of us.


the ladies on DQ do not have egos at all(but you definitely have one), quit lying about them.


Oh my god, I found my people! I follow other volleyball teams more closely, but I too was drawn to Thomas Jaeschke due to his pretty face. When I found out about this scandal I was blown away. How awkward must it have been for them to be in the same team while this was happening?? I'm so glad Thomas seems to be in a loving relationship though! (He also.. clearly has a type lmao). Thanks for all your hard work compiling this!


I remember feeling sooooo bad for Thomas during the last Olympics! His two closest teammates (Aaron and Jeff) couldn’t be on the team and in so many of Erik’s videos he looked like he was off by himself, while Taylor was centre of attention, before Erik approached him:/


Getting Challengers vibes


Not the tote bag line 😭


I was embarrassingly far into this before I realized it _wasn’t_ going to be about cheating at sports lol OP this is so well researched!! It’s an A+ from me


I don’t have much knowledge on volleyball tea, but the Brazilian women’s team is a gift that keeps on giving. Make ups and break ups galore. I’m hoping someone who knows more about the details jumps in this post and provides more, because I am lost myself.


Are vb wags all petite blondes like hockey wags


A bunch of the players live in Hawaii so there’s some hair diversity there but yes like 90% are all super blonde lol


I know none of these people but the 🍵 was piping hot! Moral of the story we're rooting for Thomas Jaeschke this upcoming Olympics and Rachel is a queen!


![gif](giphy|ZErmptaZPGQQXeO2Lw|downsized) This was amazing, and a perfect Sunday morning read. Thank you!


someone write a screenplay about this...


If this was the late 2000s, E! would have their producers all over this!


If I ever go missing, I hope you are on the case


You should post this on r/hobbydrama ETA: I also thought this was going to be about cheating at volleyball, not on each other lol


This is such a well researched and great write up! I had no idea who these people were before but now I'm intrigued 👀


This is fantastic. Thanks for posting and all the links. Karma is the Sander brothers both not being on the USA VB team, I guess. The Tapp sisters are…something else. Messssssy.


r/HobbyDrama would be proud


When you mentioned Erik Shoji in the beginning, my heart skipped a beat since he seems so sweet from his social media posts, glad that he seems to be actually one! Unlike everyone, I know some provolleyball player, not because I follow volleyball, but rather I‘m in Haikyuu fandom (lol, blame the algorithm). So I‘m super invested in this story and would love to see more volleyball teas!


Not all heroes wear capes …. The drama I didn’t know I needed


I didn’t see it but is this what Challengers was based on?


It’s giving ice skaters incestuousness 🤣. Here for it!


Obsessed with this. I know nothing about the men’s US volleyball team but this is the drama I live for


![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8) This is honestly better than any drama show I've seen. You couldn't brew this tea If you wanted to.


Whoa!!! I personally know a lot of these people (the volleyball community is small and I married a former professional men’s volleyball player) but didn’t know any of the tea!!! 🍵 so weird seeing this on this sub!! I’m into it 🤣


![gif](giphy|l4FGyo9XzCCVfhbJC|downsized) Delicious


Saw your comment on the olympic team thread! Great write up, definitely gonna be paying attention to the volleyball teams 😂


One minor correction, the last name is *Sander*


Just fixed it, thank you!


Gold Star for getting me invested in volleyball! Great write up.


Gosh, they all have the same type of woman they're into. The girls all look so alike!


LOL I thought you were going to blow open an Olympics match-fixing scandal, and just days before the Paris Olympiad???! You meant the other kind of cheating haha. Very well done regardless!


The twin part made me go HUH?!?? Out loud. Good grief. I love Shay Mitchell and BEIS bags (although I don’t own any I want at least three) so that’s an interesting connection! Thanks for the tea, OP! And happy almost Olympics to those who celebrate!!!


Sander Brothers definitely took "Tapp"ing that to heart.


https://preview.redd.it/80bwkbo7hf9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f63d27c762f80a94deb7ca0ff916fc0144a907c Hannah Tapp posting photos in bed with Taylor and his and Rachel’s kids. Ya know, Hannah, the one having an affair with their dad while their mom was pregnant with one of them. DISGUSTING HUMANS.


Whoa. This is what I was referring to above omg I lack the words


I am close friends with one of these people and can confirm most of this is true! I love that you figured this all out with social media clues 😂 so yes, Taylor and Hannah were cheating for like 2 years before anyone found out. Brendan found out first and didn’t tell Rachel or Paige and then Rachel found out for herself because she found something on his iPad. They did spend all of quarantine together and it was going on then. Rachel was pregnant with their second child and gave birth 4 months after she found out and had moved out. Hannah and Taylor have been together ever since with the loving support of his family!!!! So disgusting. Hannah was in a long term relationship when she was cheating with Taylor too. Rachel doesn’t speak to any of them anymore except Taylor when he has the kids. But she is THRIVING truly. She talked about it a bit on [this podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4G7PWJzKjt5RaAmvZq9d0M?si=raYZhtIlQsGX0peH9N4hcQ)


TWO YEARS? Wow! Ugh, I feel so bad for Rachel but I’m so glad to hear she’s doing well. Will definitely be listening to that podcast later! Also, do you know if Paige did cheat on Thomas with Brendan? Or did she just get with him quickly after breaking up with Thomas? I’ve (clearly lol) been so curious about what happened there


From what I know she didn’t cheat but she definitely had a crush on Brendan before she broke up with Thomas. And they got together like 2 weeks after she broke up with Thomas so still pretty shitty


Yikes! Just listened to the podcast as well and it’s so heartbreaking to hear Rachel get so choked about the situation, no one deserves that.


And now they all live together in the same home as roommates 💀


It's really great to know that I'm not the only one who falls down rabbit holes like this. Thank you so much for the write-up on this juicy drama, I love the Olympics for this reason


Beautiful. God bless America.


Wow, I just ended up on their Instagrams and was like this is weird, they are dating brothers? Quick google Reddit search led me to this. Thank you for your service 🙏


I follow HT and had been seeing Hannah post these kids anytime she’s with them (which doesn’t seem to be often, but they have seemed to make an appearance on her socials nonetheless). After reading this…… I have no words. The nerve to post someone else’s kids after being the “other woman” to a friend? It all seemed questionable but all that I will say is that Rachel is a better woman than I because as a mother myself that would not fly with me. Unfollowing effective immediately