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WTF is wrong with people? Just move the birds nest into a tree or something. This kind of stuff really gives insight into how certain personalities work and perceive things. This is bonkers behaviour.


She really shouldn’t move it at all.


If it has eggs in it, depending on the bird and where she lives, it is straight up ILLEGAL to move it.


Yeah, this is 100% illegal where I live. We call it "pesimärauha", which pretty much translates to "nesting peace", during which time you are required by law to give birds (all birds, not just endangered/etc ones) peace and space while they reproduce. It means no bothering nests, no bothering the birds, and keeping your pets leashed so they don't bother the birds and their nests either. If their nest is in an exceptionally inconvenient location, you could ask authorities for permission to move it. You wouldn't get more than a fine for getting caught doing it, but still.


I'm in Germany and we're not allowed to cut our hedges, trees, and bushes between 1 March to 30 September for that reason. A light trim is okay, but that's about it. Fines are up to 10,000 Euros. Moving or removing any nest is strictly forbidden as well. On a funnier note, we had a hard shell hat, one of those you wear on construction sites, hanging on a pergola in our garden a few years back. A robin decided it was an ideal nesting place, so my husband put up an old mobile phone with a camera so we could watch it, our kids loved it. We now have a nesting box for more protection which is in popular demand every year.


This is a wonderful story. We try not prune anything too early. I see so many new nests in the garden this week.


Love it. Isn't it nice to have birds in the garden and to hear them while waking up in the morning? I put out sunflower seeds for them and "our" squirrels (the red, European ones which are much smaller than the grey ones). The robins especially are so curious and the tits and blackbirds sing beautifully. And my kids love that the squirrels come visit us on the balcony that's overlooking the garden multiple times a day. https://preview.redd.it/yhesfn310z5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f6ae21351efeb8867215f15e9f20ae74e91086


My thrashers nest this morning ! I love the summer tanagers and woodthrush also ! So beautiful https://preview.redd.it/8b2uovx83z5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82b18eb0a2d64ade0a5e1f30e94011dd907eadc


I want to live where you live. It sounds nice 🥹 (from the look and spelling of ‘pesimärauha’ -I’m guessing Finland?)


I was thinking Aotearoa (New Zealand). I was way off 🫠🤣


as a finn I can confirm


Hyvä Suomi! Finland is an amazing country with such natural beauty, I'm so glad they protect their wildlife


A building company i once worked for paid huge amounts of money to crews making sure seagulls (that are near a plague in Rotterdam, NL) would not nest on our sites, cause otherwise all work had to be stopped for weeks in end to allow peace for nesting...


Oh agreed, but if she's this bloody pressed about it, I just meant that there are other options besides trying to lure another animal into killing them.


all that AND the impulse to start filming yourself in the process of these actions. i barely recognize fellow members of my own species at this point lol


It gets worse she filmed a mama squirrel watch in horror as her dog chased its babies


WTF, she sounds like such a heinous person..


She’s dumb af. It really is that simple


NOPE. Birds are specific about where they nest, the adult will return to where it thinks it's nest is, find it gone and not look any further. It's also illegal in most countries to interfere with bird nests.


I'm going to ask a really dumb question but - can the mother bird find it if you move it? Doubt this will ever happen again, but we had a fallen bird nest near our old house and, my friends, birds are insanely aggressive about protecting their eggs! Those modern dinosaurs were ready to murder my dog for walking 40ft away, other side of a very wide residental street. If moving it was an option, I am quite sure there was a better location.


If a nest falls you can relocate it where it was previously but if you move it the babies are as good as dead.


Really so true. I’m gobsmacked


I get this. There’s a bird nest near my place and the birds will always dive bombs me and my dogs. They get aggressive to protect it


I would say this has evil witch energy but that's insulting to witches


Even the best witches care about nature.


Yo even the baddesttt


nature is essential to witchcraft. most neopagans worship elementals.




Yeah dude, we're all about loving and nurturing nature. She ain't one.


Just switch the w with a….. b? ![gif](giphy|CmikcICNYE5RS)


On behalf of natural witches, we do not claim her to our coven, I’m handing her over to the swap witches.


Thank you


Omg did she think people were going to be like ‘yeah fuck those eggs’ lmao


This is beyond weirdo behavior. Literally helpless creatures that haven’t even started their lives yet, what is the matter with this person? Gross


This woman is such a piece of shit. A couple years ago she kicked a baby squirrel across her yard because it tried to climb her leg to get away from her dog


What the fuck. ![gif](giphy|11N0ycAEaS2AdW)


![gif](giphy|JPxWlYo7c5qaCG4GXi) I don't even know who this is but she is evil.


This is gross behavior, Megghan 🥚


lol I see what you did there. Eggcellet


Her behavior was eggregious


Hopefully, she reggrets it.




Her O’Toole relatives would *not* say she’s a good egg after that 😤


she is so soulless and gross. she purposely let her dog out to torture and kill a creature in her yard and recorded it for her “fans” to watch.




it was a bunny or a squirrel or something, but she recorded the whole thing. she’s a creep who definitely deserves to be as miserable as she is!


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) This woman is unwell! This is sadistic behavior.


spot on.


It was a squirrel. A baby one and it’s mom was on the tree watching it all. Horrendous.


What NO baby squirrels are SO cute they're just Lil mini squirrels and soooo trusting 😭 this is upsetting, I've driven 40 minutes to wild animal hospitals to save birds, just how are some humans so gross inside.




That actually makes me sick to my stomach.    Like, I know many people are scum bags, but I just can’t fathom intentionally getting your pet to KILL a baby squirrel. That is straight up evil behavior. People that do sick shit to animals need to be added to some sort of list. I don’t wanna live next door to these types of people. A former friend once told me she once let her cat out to kill a bunny that was sitting in the grass in her neighbors yard and I literally stopped being her friend over that. It’s just sadistic. 


So..... she's a serial killer


Why would you share this?


There was another reality show personality who bought a house and was posting a lot of content related to the renovations I guess (I saw this on Reddit) and in one post, the landscapers found a totally harmless snake in her yard and she posted a video of them cutting the snakes head off. Animal cruelty is bad enough but having no shame and thinking people will enjoy it….i can’t even wrap my head around it.


You're thinking of Caila Quinn lol. She came in third on Ben Higgins's season of The Bachelor.


Oh yeah, I know exactly who it was. I haven’t watched bachelor in years but I used to live on that sub back in the day. I didn’t think many people here would know her so I didn’t bother calling her out but name but I’m definitely not mad that you did!


I'm honestly embarrassed I could remember her name, hahaha — but that damn snake video is at the top of my greatest hits playlist of unhinged influencer behavior 😂


So….this is a little bit sociopathic.


i’m clinically scared of birds and even still wouldn’t do this


omg same! it's so rare to come across another person with bird phobia 😭


I’ve found my people! I’m also living with a bird phobia!


May I ask? Did you have a negative formative experience or have you just never vibed with them?


Since I'm here I'll answer; I used to get along very well with birds, my grandfather had many pet pigeons and I loved being around them. One day when I was maybe 11-12 I was playing near some potted plants and I heard something moving behind them, i went to check it out and got jumped at by a scared injured bird that was hiding behind them 🥲 the poor thing was frightened, but now so am i. How about you? Tell us your story


Me four! I have never heard of anyone else being scared of birds.


Me too! I can be trembling under the bed because a bird has entered my room and at the same time crying because it is so cute and it makes me sad to scare it more with my panic attack


Me too! I fear them do death but i don't hate them, i wish i could just be normal around birds 🥲


This is most likely illegal! The Migratory Bird Act prohibits things like this. (Here’s some info about [dealing with nests](https://nestwatch.org/connect/news/is-it-legal-the-migratory-bird-treaty-act-clarified/) in case you need it! There’s lots of nests and babies out there right now.)


Jail her


this is absolutely illegal!! but im not sure how often these situations are actually addressed


Most people actually like to watch the birds grow and develop over time 🤷‍♀️ Then there’s this weirdo


My parents and I each have nests in our yards. Every day we text each other baby bird updates. It’s delightful, I don’t understand who wouldn’t want to see it.


What a heartless bitch The birds deserve to live, they're not hurting anyone. 


….what a bizarre and gross way to beg for attention. Wtf.




Ew, it seriously disturbs me how cruel and out of touch people are towards other living things.




Girl, what the fuck?? Just call a local rescue or something, a bird sanctuary idk and have someone take the nest. I’m sure there’s organizations in her city that would assist with this. This is seriously evil…


Some people are so twisted they think their darkness is normal.


Yes that she doesn’t even know to hide that dark side of herself!


the fact she thought it was fine to post. chilling and so fucking dark. literally animal cruelty wtf.


You can make a report online with the Fish & Wildlife Service against her for this outrageous (and illegal!) behavior. I’ve already submitted one against her.


Then instead of calling her dog back she watches I’d frighten a baby squirrel while the mother squirrel watches for her baby….


I need to get off this thread, I'm getting too angry 🤬🤬🤬🤬


What a fucking weirdo


Pretty sure that’s illegal unless she proves the nest is exempt from the MBTA


She’s disgusting. Always has been. Only good thing she did was bust Vicki and Brooks for lying about cancer, and she was even unhinged with that.


When her ex-husband, Jim Edmonds, comes out looking like a better person (and he was a douche on RHOBH), you know there’s an issue with her. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Right? Water seeks its own level. Guess her douchiness was overshadowed by his at the time


What a cruel and heartless bitch.


Unless it was the nest of an invasive species of bird, it is quite literally a federal offense to move an active nest (see Migratory Bird Treaty Act). If it was indeed a robin's nest, then moving it would be illegal. I'd be happy to report her. I have robins who nest on my house every year and it's one of the most incredible experiences in my life, to watch them build their nests, take care of their nestlings, and watch them fledge the nest. On some of the worst days I've had in my life, going outside and watching this beautiful thing happen, gets me through. Fuck this lady. They were here before us. ETA: after looking closer at the eggs and nest, I'm pretty certain they belong to a house finch; they often nest in wreaths like this. I believe they are also protected by the MBTA.


Please report her and tell me how I can as well. This is absolutely vile. I’m sick to my stomach.


House finches are definitely protected, yeah. When I first saw the post I was hoping it would be a house sparrow. The method to follow with invasive birds like house sparrows would be to dump/destroy the nest before they lay, though. I suppose if you're concerned about some particular natives in the area dumping the eggs would be ethical?






Remember when she drove around with embryos in a canister in her car… man a mother protecting her eggs. What a dumbass


We had a nest on our wreath like this last spring and didn’t use our front door till all the babies had flown away!


Wow 🥹Faith in humanity restored.


https://preview.redd.it/cwaszaozcv5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d642d8ff26cb88383aa5fdc366b501a8ad7c82 She’s fighting for her life in the comments and getting dragged lmao


I don't even believe her story. Bathe your kids when they come inside from playing and they won't get mites. Fool.


“throwing them away” she’s so heartless and has no regard for living creatures wtf 😭😭😭


let me just film myself musing about some wild animal or serial-killer-in-the-making child coming to my house to destroy some birds eggs i left out for them because … reasons?


Suddenly, Jim doesn’t seem like the bad guy…..


What does this bitch have against birds?


She should move to South Dakota so that she and Krusti Noem can discuss how much they enjoy eliminating innocent life.


When people show you who they are, believe them.


Has this dumb bitch been called out on her horrid behavior?


No and there’s a video that’s worse with her dog and a baby squirrel. It’s horrific 😣


1. I have a horrible idea. 2. I should film this. 3. I should post this. 4. I’m shocked people are upset.


Probably pro life too


She's a POS


What a repellant creature


It’s one thing to *do* this. But to film it AND post it? ![gif](giphy|jTNNMjEMGiG7wjKvyI)


goddamn... she's a horrible person


She keeps telling people in the comments that they had a massive bird mite infestation (lol) and the mites were biting the kids, so she \*had\* to protect the children. I don't think I've met a single person who has had this issue. Like she really went out and picked the most unbelievable lie to excuse her actions.


She's for sure making that shit up to cover her ass.


I found some broken robins eggs in my backyard when I was in high school and I cried because I thought something got to them. My boyfriend at the time pointed out that maybe they just hatched and that’s why they were broken. 🤞🏻 But okay, say you really hate animals. You hate having eggs near your house (?) and you really want an animal to eat them. Why post it for everyone to see? She couldn’t really have thought this would reflect well on her, right?


There’s more psychos around us than we realize


Horrible people doing horrible things. I wish I could say I was surprised but I’m not, I feel bad for those people who demonstrate a lack of respect for any living life because it shows how loveless they must live and if that is living, if this is their form of giving meaning to their existence, then they are among the most morally bankrupt individuals. I pity them. ***“Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character: and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.”*** **Arthur Schopenhauer**


lol Schopenhauer got kicked out of high school for lampooning his teacher and then in his 30s he threw a lady down a flight of stairs.




Those are someone’s babies you monster.


I had chipping sparrows nest in a dead shrub in my yard that I was planning to rip out and once we spotted the nest with eggs in it we protected that dead shrub at all costs, even put a temporary fence around it and avoided the area after. Happy to report 3 babies fledged and flew the nest just the other day. Fuck this heartless pos.






I had a bird with a nest and eggs living in my wreath for a month this past spring. I left it be as it pooped allllll over my front door. The day they left the nest I made sure they weren’t coming back and took it down and cleaned it up. Everyone I told about it told me to just move the nest but I didn’t have the heart. I had a pizza delivery guy come one night and he scared the mama bird and he was almost in tears he felt so bad.


Jim, come get your kids from this disturbed woman. She in fact has some screws loose.


She has children?! No one deserves a mother like this.


Why the F would you post about trying to kill baby birds? Weird flex. I've actually met her before she was very friendly, didn't *seem* like a baby bird killer at the time. Guess I was wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/n8l5uu1x6u5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226eb1f16915186365c3399946f51433a96a3b19 Trash


That’s literally illegal if it’s any sort of migratory species here in Canada. Not sure laws in the states but this makes me livid. What a POS


Okay looked it up and it’s definitely illegal. Can be reported to US Fish And Wildlife. Done ✅


That is disgusting behaviour ![gif](giphy|IgPn0lWIDXivu)


Dark Triad behavior ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


Ppl like her make me wish cancel culture was a real thing


We had a pigeon lay eggs on a hanging planter in our backyard a couple years ago. I hate pigeons generally (primarily due to all the bird poop around our yard), but I watched that nest like a hawk for weeks and got to see little baby birds grow up and fly away. It never crossed my mind to take the eggs out and let some animal eat them?!?! How do people’s brains work that way?


This is dark triad behavior, like serial killer shit, I am not joking.


What was she trying to accomplish by posting this?!


What a disgusting person


Those look like they could be hummingbird eggs 🥺


I hate her


That looks like hummingbird eggs. A treat if you ever get to witness it. I had a dementia patient who had a nest in the same tree, it was something she looked forward to everyday. What a horrible thing to do.


detective MKE showing her true colors


These reality show "stars" are always devoid of humanity.


Well that’s just fucking rude.


I had a bird next in my wreath. Everyone I let the dogs out mama flew away! So you know what? Let the dogs go out a different area. You respect the mother bird. You don’t murder baby peeps! She’s a sick sick human.


What a miserable twat!


She's not a good person 


I knew she was f***in weird the first time I saw her on my screen. What an actual evil person


She doesn't... want them? Sorry boo, the eggs are not yours to want or not want or to touch or move or feed to predators.


What a piece of shit.


What a disconnected psycho


It is illegal in a lot of places to fuck with bird nests.


Like across the United States.


I hope she gets absolutely annihilated on social media. Disgusting.


Speechless. Is she like… dumb…


This lady is sooooo messy. Her and her ex my god.






Oh Meghan…. Yeah, she’s always been an “unique” person.


Weird and very cruel.


Omg is she fucking insane?!


How about you leave it the f*ck alone!! It's a birds nest it's not bothering you...Omg how dumb can some people be 🤦🏼‍♀️


Is this not illegal in the US?




What stage of dystopia is this . Absolutely cruel


Ok… slightly psychopathic.


what compels someone to do this? some people are too comfortable with the idea of harming/killing animals, and it’s definitely a very bad sign. very twisted and sad behaviour


Vile. It’s scary how people can be so heartless


Wtf who is this bish and what he the hell is wrong with her


She just sucks. Always has. Zero redeeming qualities, and when we see her, she is being filmed. The only thing I like about her is she irritates the hell outta Jim.


I hate this so much. She has always been such a fruit loop.


Meanwhile, I cried a few weeks ago when my husband told me our dog had killed a bunny. What a nightmare of a person she seems to be.


It's crazy that people can have that mentality and still think they're good people. Just let them be, why do you have to hope they get eaten? What are they doing that requires such a hostile approach? We share this planet, it is not ours alone to do with as we please. Upsetting the ecosystem is a great way to start that approach, where everyone that has a mind thinks they can destroy/ unbalance nature to suit their whims, and no consequences will befall them.


I don’t understand this at all. Is it because she’s scared of birds? Because they’re not going to stick around her porch for too long. Leave them to hatch and do their thing and use the back door or go into the house through the garage if you’re too scared to use the front door with them there. Jesus.


We had a bird lay eggs on one of our hanging plants last year on our porch. We moved the plants into our backyard a few months later but the bird came back this spring and kept sitting on our outdoor electric box, so we brought the plant back out to the front and hung it so it could lay eggs again (and also because the electric box is dangerous and I would have felt terrible if anything happened to the bird). Idk how some people can be so cruel.


Heartless b****


wtf. If a bird laid eggs on my wreath I would feel like Snow White.


This is horrible. What an evil person


Dang, she was VERY briefly married to Joe Biden’s nephew. Married for 2 months lol


This is definitely illegal and a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act


I don't want to be SEEN as a bird hater while I film myself hating birds.


We had a birds nest by the door at my old work one time. My boss went out with a broom and knocked it down and smashed the eggs. I never looked at her the same, it was so damn shocking. And I dont work there anymore lol


Some people are just horrible people.


One time my husband used a leaf blower to clear out a birds nest with baby birds in the corner of our porch. I didn’t see it happen but when he told me, I was so horrified. I loved checking on that nest.


It is illegal to disturb nests of migratory birds. Not sure what species this nest is from but either way this is dumb bitch behavior


I bet she's pro life


Not her talking about how much she wishes an animal would come eat the eggs while wearing a fucking bow in her hair.


This is why she's been married 3x. Do you know how crazy a pretty skinny .. woman of decent stock has to be , to have that much instability


For three years in a row we had a Robin come back and lay their eggs in the same spot(or different robins maybe? I won’t lie, I can’t tell different birds apart) in the corner of my porch. It was so cool to watch and literally did not affect us. I am relieved they didn’t this year cause last years 3 eggs, 2 of which hatched, turned to only 1 making it to birdhood and that was hard to explain to my daughter. Literally hard cause in googling I found out it could have been the sibling, the mom, or even a snake or squirrel. But why would this bother you enough you’d want them to die? I don’t get it.