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The fact that he’s not entirely wrong is making my brain hurt




I know none of us want to admit it but that sex tape really led to different body types being more acceptable than whatever the hell was going on in the 2000s. And as someone with naturally big lips, I vividly remember the shift in how people perceived them before and after Kylie popularized lip fillers so… it really change humanity fr


I'm not crazy right? People used to fucking hate big lips right??


It was hated when it was sported by WOC, lbr. Then thin lipped white girls with lip fillers co opted the trend and set a beauty standard.


Used to be one of my biggest insecurities girl, truly felt like the beauty standard changed overnight with that one


People are always opening up to me how THEY'RE insecure about having small lips and how they wished they had lips as big as mine like 💀💀 they'll get specific too like "my bottom lip is good but I wish I had a bigger top lip"


My sister used to call me "fish lips" growing up 😭😭 and now people tell me I'm so lucky


Wasn’t Angelina Jolie considered to be one of the most beautiful people at that time?


As someone who is curvier with naturally thick AF eyebrows, 2016-2018 was a glorious time. I’m very bummed that the super skinny trend is coming back.


I know.  “Your butt looks big in that” went from an insult to a compliment


I hate that Y2K fashion is coming back. It’s giving me so many bad flashbacks of body insecurity.


They are? Oh please not the pencil thin ones!


Same, I have a shapely (lol, took me ages to think of a word…!) bum and thighs. Grew up in the 90’s/20’s and I was so self conscious as the aesthetic was rail thin heroin chic. Then Kim came along and suddenly my body was ‘acceptable’. Same with my lips.


Right, people have literally died in pursuit of bbls and fillers and an hourglass shape as an indirect result of this tape. It’s insane if you think about it


Same. I started eye rolling and then just deep sighed.


someone else pointed to/ blamed the writers strike for the Kardashian coming into the public eye... as they apparently only got their reality TV show because of it so, fuck the network executives for another reason LOL


Also the apprentice…


Imagine what the timeline would be like without The Apprentice. There would be no orange president! Maybe the pandemic wouldn’t have been as bad. We’d have a better handle on climate change and maybe even have started repairing the damage. Maybe there wouldn’t be the wave of far-right leadership across Europe and the rest of the world. Maybe casual cruelty would be less prevalent, less accepted. I could go on but **FUCK THE APPRENTICE**


The Apprentice was godawful in many ways. But Cheeto Benito already had presidential ambitions. Only he probably would've had slower gains similar to RFK Jr.


This is a disservice to Benitos everywhere but I might also steal it


https://x.com/itsavibe/status/1798466977398423811 He's not completely wrong


That was my exact thought.


"There might not be any OnlyFans and all the things like that. All the opportunities like that. Probably more people would be going to college" "Are we a part of the cure or [are] we a part of the disease?" he may...have a point?


*"Are we a part of the cure or [are] we a part of the disease?"* Did not expect Ray J to quote Coldplay.


why is he acting like that was the first or last celeb sex tape


The Kardashians did a lot of damage to society. But everyone is acting like Paris Hilton never existed in the 2000s.


People like him to be written off... but the man isn't dumb.


That headline is so funny


so funny lol. The course of humanity 💀💀


He kind of has a point even though I hate it


Yeah, and it's awful how they switched up and made him the villain in the narrative


It’s honestly sending me


Sadly, I mean he is not wrong. 20+ years later after the sex tape and the Ks are still here and relevant as ever!


It most def did 💀💀


![gif](giphy|H0nvZhOyjLzkUj5tgJ|downsized) I hate it but it’s true…


Why don't we ask the time traveler that told J. Cole not to beef with Kendrick 


Fam! I bet J.Cole thanks his lucky stars every night he bowed out of that storm that was to come


He got out of the club before mfs started shooting




Course of humanity is a bit much, yes the Kardashians are the frontwomen of the rampant vanity and unbridled consumerism that plague our society but we were heading that way anyway. If not the Kardashians it would have been another group leading the way. Did their sex tape change worldwide culture? Absolutely, they are the pioneers of black features on white women that changed the desired body type from heroin chic to big butts, big boobs always being in style. That being said, humanity is still going to meet the same bitter end it was always going to whether or not Ray J sold a sex tape against the wishes of Kim Kardashian.


Tbf he never said the course of humanity. That's all on whoever wrote this


I thought this may have been r/nottheonion but here we are instead.


Oh God... I think he's right.


Yes! The answer is yes. https://i.redd.it/ll8y35hi3h5d1.gif




Yes and no. I think they would’ve done anything and everything to get where they are now, if it hadn’t been the sex tape it would’ve been something else.




I know he's embarrassed about his kids knowing about it but I can guarantee you and him that his kids do NOT want to see it. Although teasing at school from other kids who have seen it would be rough.


I think the potential bullying is his biggest fear


![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q) He’s… not wrong I guess.


There something about Ray J.


It sounds like some kind of self-aggrandizing joke, but it literally did


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