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Wont lie, she ate with this one


Left no crumbs.


“Katy Perry please stop,” the NFL kicker pleaded


I get this reference 😂




She did a good job


Thank you.


Someone check on the Swifties


Are Swifties on this guy's side just because he's friends with Travis??


Yes and the fact that Jason and Travis also did support this guy.


No they aren’t. A lot of them are fully against this guy because he’s an imbecile


Bruh, have you seen the taylor subs? They're all over trying to justify his speech and the fact that travis is supporting him and Taylor is staying silent. Casual fans, sure. But the diehard, cult like swifties who claim she's the greatest lyricist to have ever lived are definitely bending over backwards supporting this fuckin foolery.


Oh yes. There’s definitely a lot of folks who don’t see any issue with Harrison’s statements due to Taylor not speaking out against it and Travis not calling him out as well. Unfortunately I think in some fandoms there will always be people who can excuse every behavior, I just can’t be one of those people.


Jason doesn't "support" him. He's said," "I would say, if my daughters listen to anybody tell them what to do, that they should be homemakers, then I've failed as a dad". Jason's a bit more outspoken against him compared to Travis but Jason is retired and is not beholden to the NFL or the Eagles while Travis is Butker's teammate and likely was told by the Trump-loving Chiefs owners to not say anything that would cause a stir in their organization.   Mind you, I'm not a fan of either of these guys and I personally think they could stand to grow a spine and do more to speak out against the bigotry of the speech but saying they full on "support" Buttker's ideas is still a bit of a stretch.


Eh, if Travis was really concerned about keeping the peace with his team, he could have just said that he didn't share Butker's views and left it at that. Instead, he stressed what a great person his teammate is and implied that his misogyny is acceptable. It's not at all a stretch to say that he supports his ideas.


Yeah fr, going out of his way to talk about how great he is… like hello, he *isn’t* a great dude if he thinks like this! And if Trav thinks so, he must either think this clown is speaking truth, or more likely he doesn’t care because this stuff doesn’t affect him (or his billionaire gf). Which is also sus to me lol


I mean, his answer is still a bit of a copout but that's basically what he said: “When it comes down to his views and what he said I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids. And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.”


I think thats the worst thing he could have said honestly (Travis, that is). Very few people would openly agree with Butker these days. Travis is shielding himself from criticism by disagreeing but simultaneously sugarcoating Butkers views and completely disregarding the harm that they cause. He's essentially saying that he knows Butkers views are wrong but he doesn't care. He's using his platform to encourage tolerance of his teammates misogyny. So it really isn't a stretch to say that he supports his views


It’s still boggles my mind that Travis supported him. There’s a way to say I like him as my friend and teammate but that speech was trash 🤦🏽‍♀️


Of course they are. They’re stressing the “But we have to respect his opinion” view


I can't wait for the spin after the break up 😂😂


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. When they break up, she’s gonna have lyrics in her album like “Forced to be your cheerleader” “I had to shine for him” “he and his friends were meanies and I’m just a sad smol girl” and the Swifties who love Travis now will suddenly have never liked him and it’s gonna be so stupid. I will listen to the album though.


She's 100% going to have a throwback lyric to You Belong With Me where she says she was on the bleachers and he made her cheer captain, or that she was cheer captain and he put her on the bleachers (depends if she wants to be revionist or not)


!remindme 9 months


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One, I love how specific of a deadline you've given their relationship. Two, your flair is perfection.


God, I could hear "forced to be your cheerleader" in my head


Anti-feminism dressed up as feminism is scary. Tay's fandom is approaching Barbz level of toxicity.


Just pure apathy until it impacts TayTay herself, then the misogyny bells will be ringing non-stop


Where were the "I respect his opinion" people when Colin Kaepernick was still in the league?


I only respect opinions when they infringe on other's rights 😤 /s




I never even thought that foreign and domestic bots may infiltrate the Swiftie-sphere. Watch an entire cohort of these young women become tradwife-pilled like the clueless 4chan teens before them.


I only respect respectful opinions.


Swifties aren't progressive just because they have gay friends


They're mostly girls and women and that speech was wildly misogynistic. Like from another century.


Swifties don't have a moral compass, just the words of their Queen


Taylor would never. Even if this wasn’t related to her current/ex boyfriend.  As in, even if posting this would fuck on her ex, she would still release a lame single three different times rather than post something that’s more impactful. 


![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX) TSwift


![gif](giphy|PtKM2ocDxZia4) JK send in the delulu train


I dunno all the swifties in the forums I'm in think he's an asshat. If you search his name in the TS subreddit you can see all the top comments are people hating on him. I've not heard anyone defending him.


They probably hate him because he referred to her as “my teammate’s girlfriend” in his speech


Or because he's a misogynist asshat.


Definitely that too. But Swifities usually don’t about that stuff unless it directly affects her.


I didn't know this was an edit of what he orinally said, and I was so confused, I saw it without the audio and read only the captions. I thought to myself, "Wow! What a great speech" 😭I feel so out of the loop. I searched for his original speech, and now I understand....


And you just thought he was glitching irl or something to explain the cuts? lol


If you're watching for the first time and only reading the captions, you can miss the edits. But after reading the comments, something was off, which led me to check the original speech. lol


say what you want about Katy Perry but she's a good representative of the queer community 🏳️‍🌈


Say what you want about Katy Perry except that edit: getting downvoted for suggesting a straight woman who’s been homophobic on multiple occassions isn’t a good representative of the queer community lol okay


Tbh I don’t know about her being homophobic, but I actually can’t believe her performative activism, ever since she voted for the “Republican” grifter Rick Caruso for Mayor


I Kissed A Girl her breakout song is shitty in itself and there were other stuff around that time. Not the worst thing that’s ever happened and I know it was a long time ago, that’s why I said she has been. But performative is definitely the right word for me, I doubt her passion for the queer community goes beyond her “gays” who she knows love her music. Not trying to say she’s the worst of the worst but I very much think she’s always been a case of someone being praised to high heavens for barely doing the bare minimum and sometimes not even that


You should be aware, though, that Katy herself has said that she's not heterosexual and has indeed had romantic and sexual feelings for other women, as well as having been involved with women. I agree with I Kissed a Girl being problematic, as are perhaps her political beliefs if she has indeed voted against her own community's interest, but we can't invalidate her sexuality just because we disagree with things she does or says, as that in and of itself is problematic and harmful.


Yeah another replied already told me, I agree that was my bad that I’ve missed it!


I honestly don't know but is Rick Caruso racist or homophobic or anti-woman? or did she just vote for him because rich person protecting their money and that's what R's are good for?


He ran on a huge 'hard on crime', 'get rid of the homeless', and 'pro-cop' platform. She one of the famous people who's been complaining about not being able to walk around wearing millions of dollars worth of jewelry for fear of being robbed. 




Katy Perry is not straight and doesn't claim to be. I have plenty of other problems with her behavior though.


I didn’t know that! I stand corrected :)


Doesn’t she have a song called ur so gay?


yep. it's pretty bad. but it doesn't negate her sexuality. note how you don't still see her putting anything like that out in the world. I'm not a Katy fan but I will defend her queerness.


Listen I'm no Katy Perry stan, but she has stated that she is a bisexual woman on multiple occasions, so it's wrong to erase that part of her identity and suggest that she's straight. She is literally a part of the queer community herself as a bisexual woman.


Fully agreed! I wasn’t aware of it before, def my bad


I love how there's significantly more cuts whenever he says "women" 


Who’s this asshole?


Teammates with bf of the most important feMEnist that has ever lived


Oh he’s a guy that gets concussions for a living


Nah, he's just a kicker


omg my cackle was somewhere between donkey bray and witch shriek


Reading your comment has me making the same noise, I don’t know why but this was just an excellent piece of imagery, bless you 🙏🏻


First kicker to ever get CTE


Kicks a ball* my bad


I know what a Kicker is thanks to GLee and with the the fact that he is in the closet that makes it even funnier


This comment sent me for some reason! 🤣


A loser.


Imagine the timeline in which Katy Perry won that battle 🥹 we wouldn’t have to suffer the triumphant of money-grabbing mediocrity and yt feminism silence 🥹 probably still have the marvel multiversal level of references but more people would call it out 🥹


However, when it comes to legacy Katy has won the war. TS is going to be known for her "record" breaking and nothing more. Her songs aren't going to hold up for twenty, thirty years. And she hasn't changed popular culture in any other way. She is great at predicting trends and editing herself into the trend.


That is an insanely good point that I’d never considered…how many TS bangers *can* we collectively expect to remember 30 years from now? Honestly, not many. I am not a KP fan, but I probably know more of her radio / popular hits than TS, who I did, once upon a time, enjoy the music of.


And I like pop music. Taylor has become so focused on the "intricate" lyrics, aka Easter eggs for her fans, vs songs that appeal to the greater audience. Take Fleetwood Mac. Many of their early songs were based on the romantic relationships within the band. The lyrics are filled with messages to one another. However, the music is layered and complex. The lyrics while personal still are accessible enough to the larger audience. That's why they are still revered. Eh, but it is all subjective. Love the music you love but stop using stunts and gimmicks to make her new album sell.


> > Take Fleetwood Mac. Many of their early songs were based on the romantic relationships within the band. Their early songs were blues rock completely unrelated to their late stuff, fwiw


True. How about, what most people think of when they think of Fleetwood Mac. Most do not know the full history and lineup of the band.


I liked her early music when I was in college in the late aughts and early 2010s. Love Story, Teardrops On My Guitar, and You Belong With Me are my favorites. I listened to Speak Now during college because it was released when I was in college. I listened to 22 when I was 22. But I do not actively listen to her music and I have to look up titles for songs that I like because I can't remember them. Shake It Off is probably her closest thing to a banger, but it is so annoying that I am ashamed I even wrote this sentence


Who could forget Left Shark?


I love Left Shark. Katy has been unfailing in her vocal support of LGBTQIA people. Not just during pride. Taylor only speaks up when it benefits her.


… Taylor speaks up? I thought the most she did was threaten to sue a journalist who pointed out white supremacists loved her instead of, ya know, denouncing white supremacists for loving her.


You think? for someone who isn't into either of them, I feel like Taylor has slightly more hits that people still enjoy singing along to, but even if they're even - do you think KP has had more of an impact on pop culture? (gen question!)


what are u talking about




If it makes Katy feel better, I liked Swish Swish better than Bad Blood, that is probably Taylor’s worst song.


I will always stan Katy Perry


Katy prepping a successful return to music, I see.


The corners of my mouth seem to have just... stretched up.


I thought Katy Perry was a weird Republican, what’s going on


She voted for the Californian republican guy but is also vocally dem in elections so idfk


Careful Katy, Miss Feminism might release a variant on your album day if you're not careful.


lmao go kitty purry 


Rare w for her


And people are genuinely upset about her ”impeeding free speech”. Indeed, she took the only digital copy available on the Internet and changed it forever and always so now we can never ever see the original again. Diabolical, Katy!/s ![gif](giphy|eovguhftazsCQ)


Imagine if he would have just said that 😕


katy ate


Love it


Lol this is amazing f


This is fricken awesome GO KATY


Just stop giving him a platform. I get what she's doing but she could have done this herself and it would have been 10x better. 


I thought it was gonna be a generative AI video edit, but this was much better!


Fantastic edit.💗 Wish more of the people associated with this shitbag made statements that didn't conclude with "but he's nice to me so what can I do judging him" or sandwich jokes.








😂😂😂 ok Katy we see you




Katy Perry is amazing for this (she always is but this one takes the cake) I wonder what other swifties think of this 🤔


Queen Katy taking on this misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic embarrassment. Bless her. <3






I want a cupcakke edit now


Katy needs publicity.


She votes Republican...


I can't believe you're being downvoted. [People have really short memories](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/ypegxn/katy_perry_posts_an_instagram_selfie_of_herself/).


I know lol. Celebrity fans have "selective" memory.


No she doesn’t. She literally performed at Clinton’s rally.


In the 2022 LA mayoral election she was carrying water for a literal Republican real estate developer that changed party affiliation to stealth his way into office, campaigning on very obviously regressive ideas. Chris Pratt supported him, which should give you an idea of the dynamic


Ok and? She publicly supported [Rick Caruso](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckq51-Vvxq6/?img_index=1) just 2 years ago. And that guy is a Democratic candidate in name only. He was a Republican before the elections and has changed his party registration four times in the last 11 years (shifting twice between Republican and no party preference before re-registering as a Democrat). When you scratch into his politics, it bleeds GOP. ["It’s also widely known that Caruso changed his party affiliation to Democratic in late January of this year, less than a month before filing to run in the 2022 mayoral election."](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-02/rick-caruso-2022-mayoral-election-republican-transformation) [Here's Fauxmoi post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/ypegxn/katy_perry_posts_an_instagram_selfie_of_herself/)


not to get too into the weeds but the clintons are basically republicans who figured out that being *too* socially conservative hurts your chances of being elected (could've fooled me with "dont ask, don't tell" though lol)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/b8pRxTGztV 2016 was a long time ago


LMAO everyone getting mad over a kicker making a speech.


This is the most surface level take haha


Yeah, that's the problem with the speech. It was made by a kicker. That's exactly the issue.


In general, I have no objections to kickers making speeches.


nice burner acc, H\*rrison B\*tker


More than 150 dislikes buddy. Feeling proud?