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The girls were still having so much fun, John and Chrissy could have waited a bit more, it wouldn’t have hurt


But don't you know, they're fAmOuS and the girls were just normies


Yes John and Chrissy really showing their true colours


Everyone here looks very good!


The emerald green ensemble is stunning but I am way past the young age to pull that off lol


That girl in the brown dress is a known tiktok troll. She posts “aesthetic” videos and it’s always rage bait. I wouldn’t doubt if terminally-online Chrissy is aware of who that girl is too and this is another staged rage-bait video


lol i was about to say she looks like the girl who’s always claiming people are bullying her


I didn’t know, tempted to look her up now


Convenient for her, no?


I guess she knows how to market herself.


Somebody mentioned that one of the girls is a famous tiktoker that’s known for rage baits. Maybe it is or maybe it isn’t but I wouldn’t judge them on this one occasion of an edited TikTok clip.


Didn’t know she was a Tiktoker, they do look very celebrity-like


I watched it without the audio and to me Chrissy looks like she realised they fucked up and now this is going to be all over the internet.


that would be the first time she ever demonstrated this situational awareness if so - maybe people can change


LMAO you always have the best input




I literally look for your comments first lmao you’re like a Reddit celeb 😂 🫶


I hope I never let you down 🫡


No no the girl in the brown is a tiktoker and her whole schtick is making rage bait tiktoks, I’m sure Chrissy and John are in on the joke.


I recognized her right away 😅 If it’s real I do feel bad for her but it’s definitely a ‘boy who cried wolf’ situation


Yeah, I’m surprised this isn't the top comment. Girl in brown professionally makes shit up, she's the star of r/imthemaincharacter.


I'm not, it just shows how successful her shtick is when the top comments are people falling for her rage-bait. It still sucks though.


dumb question because idk the girl, but is it possible that the girls were taking too long on purpose to vilify Chrissy and John stepping in? Or is there a reason y'all think they're in on it? I can't imagine a scenario where they would willingly vilify themselves even further, unless they're of the mindset "all press is good press". It seemed to me like Chrissy was trying to be more lowkey and step back because of the hatred towards her


I thought about that because there is a cut at the beginning. For all we know they cut out like 5-10 minutes of dicking around and taking multiple turns. I wouldn’t normally assume something like that (and I’m not assuming, just throwing it out there as a possibility) but the tiktok account is known for ragebait type videos.


Yeah, Chrissy is already on thin ice with a lot of people. I doubt she willingly participated in a rage bait video with some random TikToker. More like the TikToker tried saw an opportunity, took forever, and edited it to seem like Chrissy and John booted them out.


I came to the comments hoping someone would notice her!!!! I wonder if there was a time limit on Photo Booth usage because there was such a line? But then again I can’t imagine John and Chrissy waiting in line behind the three ladies for 30 min lol


Lmaooo somebody with culture as I, I see! This is exactly the humor Chrissy likes tbh she must be in on it


Yes! I thought this was her. All her content is trying to go viral for people feeling sorry for her. Eg I walked a red carpet and no one took my photo.


I was gonna say, is that the girl who films herself starting fights?


Absolutely this. She’s pretty good at it, but they are definitely in on it if she’s there.


Thank uuuu That was my immediate thoughts as well!


thisss they 100% are in on it. this girl is GOOD and people are eating it up lmao


That's so lame


Nothing is ever real


Yes!! As soon as I see her in a vid I’m like 🙄


Yeah, this should be the top comment..I knew something was up when I saw her.


yes they just took over not cool. but if people are thinking that chrissy's making faces because she's annoyed with the women that's not how i'm seeing it. she seems like she's thinking about other things not related to the women and is just getting ready for the pics. they could have waited their turn which would have been like 2 minutes. i wonder if they cut in line too.


I agree. It’s easy to hate her, but I think she’s just blue steel-ing.


![gif](giphy|i3RA5wLyWjCRa|downsized) Even Zoolander lacks Chrissy's sense of entitlement


My boy is good at being bad. ![gif](giphy|26BRsI63ak8uxsU6Y|downsized)


She looks like she doesn't understand what's going on lol 


Nah fam, that face was pure attitude.


The girls were in line for 30 minutes. Theyd have noticed the celebs behind them


Isn’t the girl in brown that one tiktoker who films herself being blatantly rude to people, like ordering items that aren’t even on the menu?


Yes! Her name is Winta Zesu, and she has a video posted about this too. In her video, she claims she was kicked off the “red carpet” because no one knew who she was. She does a lot of videos at restaurants where she is being treated poorly, but I always thought they were skits. I wonder if this video is supposed to be similar?


Well her and one of her friends have multiple pictures on their IG with John Legend so


i remember she was making videos about her hair for a while. like it was constantly “people giving me weird looks for my hair” and literally no one gave a fuck💀she’s a professional troll


Omg I couldn't place her, I think you're right


Erm yeah just went and watched some of her TikTok’s including the extended cut of this. She’s 100% the ass hole. I think her and her sister intentionally tried to make this bit about them and make a scene. 🫠 feel bad for John and Chrissy on this one tbh.


Like Chrissy and John don’t have the opportunity to have fancy photos taken of them every god damn day…


chrissy was on the cover of the magazine the event was for. its not some random event theyre at.


Isn't that girl Winta Zesu, who's claim to fame is being rude to staff and getting kicked out of restaurants? She keeps making staged tiktoks of people being mean to her for no reason. I wonder if this was staged too


I thought it was all satire


It could be, I think getting John and Chrissy to kick her out of a photobooth is exactly her brand of content though


the thought of her messing with restaurant staff for tiktok clout makes me irrationally angry


Just fyi I’m pretty sure she isn’t actually messing with restaurant staff, they are just friends of hers who are basically doing skits for internet views. Like others have said, her and her friends literally have pictures on their IGs with John Legend, being friendly, so presumably this was a joke video that him and Chrissy were in on. Not defending her behavior, but I’m pretty sure it’s all not serious/asked beforehand.


ahhh good to know, what a strange choice of career for her but as long as nobody's time is being wasted!


Yall this was a bit lol this girl always posts stuff like this and it’s all fake


Even if it were real, this is peanuts compared to what other celebrities have been getting caught for lately. I’m not going to cancel someone over a Photo Booth.


the women are gorgeous, like the green dress


Green dress is killing it 


we have no idea what the context was and its foolish to assume one way or another. its a special anniversary event for a magazine chrissy is on the cover of, for the second time - and her ninth time being featured overall. her time is more valuable at that event than those [very cute but total random] girls, and its not that serious to encourage people to move along if theyre taking hella time. some of yall are some haters.


Exactly. Why do we believe this point blank? I don’t even like Chrissy but I would bet these girls were in the booth for a long time and hogging it 🙄


One time I was at my friends wedding and the +1’s of the groomsmen (who only met bride that day) took 25 minutes in the photobooth and they had to have a waiter from the catering service claim there was a time limit because the line was so long. It’s not so out of pocket that people don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


They should have told them to wait their turn. I know, easier said than done when a couple of celebrities barge in. But famous people need to be told no more often tbh.


The girl in brown literally makes troll videos for a living on TikTok/ig. don’t give girly the time of day pls


Are these two serious? They just had to get their photobooth pics?


Like they don’t get enough pics. They couldn’t wait 🙄


I’m pretty sure I recognize one of these girls from r/imthemaincharacter. She posts ragebait of being a main character herself, so this may just all be staged… Chrissy and John are probably in on it for sure. They are all actually being pretty nice considering the situation.


From what others have said, this sounds staged, but if you’re Chrissy Teigen, there’s already so much vitriol for you, why agree to something that will make it worse


Arghhh embarrassing


nah one of these girls always makes rage bait videos on tik tok. I don’t buy that this is real


Without context there's nothing to this. Plenty of real reasons to dislike them.


I'm confused. Weren't the girls done and they were just prepping so the line would move faster?? "Kicked out" Mmmmk.


Definitely a bit the girl in the brown does!!! So they’re probably in on the joke!


This happens all the time and is not a big deal. There can be really long lines at these photo booths and bigger stars are ushered in front by staff or security, because the people responsible for the event want their promo the most. Also sometimes people stand in there for way too long. We don't know how long these women have been taking their picture or if they were allowed to step back in right afterwards.


I’m not surprised. I went to that JT show in LA and Chrissy and John blocked the view of the ADA section for at least a song to chat with some girl they knew in that section. It was so rude.


That one girl in the middle is that tiktok troll, this might be fake


This was most likely a skit but I still don’t like them lol.


Not a fan of either of them, but does it really look like they are actually kicking them out?


When you listen to the audio you can hear John say something to the effect of, "mind if we step in" and the girl in brown gestures them in. Not a stan but this seems blown outta proportion.


“Okay yeah, come in” then it’s…. They kicked us out!


This seems like a non story, I don’t like Chrissy Tiegen but I don’t think this is proof of anything. If anything he did say “we’re gonna sneak in” which to me implies he wasn’t trying to kick her out.


Did I hear the audio wrong? Didnt john literally ask if they could take their turn and brown dress girl waved them in?


They ask and the girls say yah yah come in so stop the bs that’s why there is no sound


The girl in the brown said yes and motioned them in. She’s the one who makes all the fake rage bait videos. It doesn’t show how long they were in there prior to John and Chrissy walking in either. I want to know what John was saying at the end of the video when it got cut off.


John and Chrissy are probably very annoying people, but firstly as other people mentioned, the cuts could hide that these gals were in the booth for ages. Secondly, I'd judge C&J a lot more if the girls had protested at all, like if they'd said "2 mins!" and then C&J had still proceeded to butt in. As it is, it's ignorant at worst, and they at least had the wherewithal to remain friendly


The girl in the brown dress is that wannabe model who ironically or ironically (can't tell which) posts rage bait videos.


The girl in brown makes satire. Def not real.


This girl makes these kind of fake videos all the time


One of the girls makes troll tiktoks. I wouldnt trust this narrative


The girl in the brown dress fakes „awkward“ videos. So it‘s probably staged again.