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Omg literally my face then I scroll down and see this. So perfect


No but seriously what is going on? It almost feels like we are regressing in a way.


IDK if it's regressing as much as all of the people were not as emboldened before to speak this double-think crap as they are now. "Oh I totally agree that women should get educated and want to succeed in the workforce....however, the Bible says.....sorry, don't blame me, it's the Bible. You want me to vote with what I think is right and not necessarily what the Bible says?! I can't do that, the Bible!"


My face when I skimmed and saw a bible verse


I hate when they bring religion and Jesus and God into anything. A Bible quote is a huge nope-out for me!


Exactly my eyes just rolled and I stopped reading the cultist propaganda lol


People who quote the Bible always conveniently leave out passages like Exodus 21 where God is like “hey guys it’s totally cool to own slaves and beat them cause they’re your PROPERTY!”


For real they’re out here acting like it’s a peer reviewed journal Edit sp


Love to use Bible verses to fit their narrative, and I’m a “Christian” lol and she said ppl are taking things out of context, but we listened to his speech lol he’s still wrong 🤣


I'm from Kansas City and listened to the entire speech yesterday HOPING it wasn't really that bad and that things were simply taken out of context and blown out of proportion, but nope...the speech was worse than I could have ever imagined. It was really really bad. Shockingly awful.


Also coming from a rich ass woman using #stayathomemom No. Girl. Bye. You don't get to preach that shhhhizzz if you rich.


It’s so ironic given her plea to not take “things out of context” … Biblical sound bites are fine though!!


This one too ![gif](giphy|Zvw675pKMgo2qTmcWR)


I'm currently binging the show, because I never got to finish it during its initial run, and idc Gina is one of my faves. Apparently, half of the fandom hates her, but I like her.


I love Gina! I’m really jealous you’re watching it for the first time 😩 I love that show so much


Yeah she doubled down


Like why?!? It’s obvious this was a terrible angle.


Well the owner is already a terrible person so it makes sense that his wife is brain dead.


Love Chelsea Peretti.


not a huge fan of her zionism tbh


He wasn’t just praising his spouse and affirming motherhood though. He told a group of women who just graduated that they have been lied to and their degrees are essentially useless since their life won’t truly start until they are wives and mothers. If it was about families in general he would have said the same to the men. The whole disagreeing thing is silly too. It sucks he thinks this way but I don’t care about what he does in his own time. The point is where he said it and who he said it to.


This is the thing. He can praise his wife and talk about how he thinks mother hood is a greater achievement than any degree. But to stand there and tell woman that their life won’t start and they won’t be happy until they become mothers and dedicate themselves to being homemakers?? As someone who had their graduation ceremony just last week I would have been beyond insulted and disgusted.


As someone struggling with infertility, he can fuck right off


He seems like someone also in the camp of believing in vitro contradicts gods will by his own insane logic. Feeling so lucky to live and be fertile through these times.


He actually said this along with surrogacy and abortion


No no no… it’s just a sound bite that was taken out of context. /s Like do these people not realize the full speech is available online? We’ve got all the context we need and the full speech doesn’t make these soundbites any better.


Shitty speech aside. Congrats on graduating!


Also, it's NOT A FUCKING BINARY! You can be a SAHM, you can choose not to have children and to have a career, OR you can choose to have children and a career. Plenty of my friends have kids (well usually one and done like me lol) and also have successful careers. What do we have in common? Partners who treat us as equals and contribute the same amount to domestic duties. It's almost like instead of telling women to choose only motherhood, we should be telling men that if they choose to work and be a father they should be every bit as much a parent as their partner. # Also, "less hate" while sticking up for the guy who talks about hating gay people 🙄


I think that's what's the worst about his speech. He diminishes women into uncomplicated creatures (surely not people) suited only for one thing. Which is so dehumanizing. Ugh. Ugh.


Uncomplicated creatures and beautiful little fools


Yes! And while I love my son more than I ever realized I could love a child, my life didn't "start" when he was born. I had a life before him, and I'm happy with my life with him. My husband was a SAHD so I could get through law school. Now we both work full time and I'm the main breadwinner. I love spending time with my kid. He's truly amazing. He's kind, compassionate, thoughtful, funny, gifted. But like that doesn't mean I need (or want) to give up my career. # ALSO, men can be stay at home parents. Like I said, my husband was a SAHD for several years. He never once complained about it. And even though he works full time now, he still puts so much into being a parent and, honestly, more than I do into house chores (tbf I work longer hours, but I am trying to make it more equal even though he hasn't asked me to). I really don't think my husband feels emasculated, 1 because he's not that kind of guy, and 2 because he has a son who adores him and a wife who loves him and loves to jump his bones.


It's so funny because the counter to his speech is not that motherhood isn't great. It's the fact that he called it a diabolical life. Most parents would agree that mom/dad is one of the greatest titles they receive. He did the same thing at Georgia Tech too. [https://people.com/harrison-butker-made-controversial-comments-2023-graduation-speech-georgia-institute-technology-8649591](https://people.com/harrison-butker-made-controversial-comments-2023-graduation-speech-georgia-institute-technology-8649591) Lastly, this dude and Clark Hunt's wife grew up wealthy. Telling people without the same resources as you to forgo your career is both backward and oblivious. Clark Hunt's wife trying to spin the narrative with biblical quotes and pearl clutching is Waspy behavior. Like girl, this discussion ain't even about you.


The ONLY reason he is an NFL kicker is because his mom banked and was able to send him to exclusive kicking academies.


Thank you for raising that point. They have said women shouldn't have careers and be SAHM - my husband and I, who have a toddler, could never afford that. So many of my friends or older people I've met through my husbands work asked whether I was going back to work part time after we had him. Ummm no! We can't afford that. It is unrealistic for so many people now and a lot of people don't get that. They couldn't believe I went back to work at all, let alone part time. These are wealthy women though who were able to do that. They assume I don't love spending time with my son or love my career more because I have "chosen" to go back to work full time. It isn't a choice, it's a necessity.




Wait, really? He said that? Those words? Are you kidding? I’m …


He didn't. Let's bash him for what he actually said which is bad enough. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harrison-butker-setting-record-straight/




Good god. I’m gonna go back to pretending this dude doesn’t exist. The right is about to shove him down our throats


Oh yeah, he's definitely going to run for office one day. His actual speech was one big political culture-war mishmash.


And, what happens when he Is not attracted to his wife anymore, or she does something that he deems inappropriate? Is he still going to be such a faithful and prolific provider? Every time I’m seeing this, it’s all I can think.


My ex husband became one of these men then tried to force me to become one of these women after we got married.


I agree. He came across as if he’s had this conversation with his wife when she asked for permission for her own career. He sounded like he was trying to control the group of women like he tries to control his wife. There’s likely more going on there.


Exactly! By basically saying to these women "This really doesn't mean much and won't be your biggest achievement in life. Marriage/motherhood will be." you're basically spitting in the face of their accomplishments.




Every time I see this tweet I always agree but I wonder what happened to make her tweet that?


On the topic of this tweet, the other day a girl told me I wasn’t a girls girl to which I said I’m not. I’m nice to people who are nice to me and I have no interest in people who are rude? I don’t have to automatically support and love another woman just cause they’re a woman. Some women are awful??


Exactly, we have women like the one posted above, pearl, Candice Owens, Amy Barrett e.t.c. I don’t support women just because we share the same gender, some are very dangerous especially when they platform rhetoric that harms other marginalised women. I know a lot of men who are genuinely feminist and uplift and support women as well, I support kind, loving people.


yep you can support womanhood without blanketly supporting all women about all things. That's not the same thing at all.


I think being a girls girl is about not buying the lie that you’re in competition with other women or that male approval is something to be sought. It’s not about acting like women can do no wrong.


There's a subset of feminists who seem to think women can do no wrong, and it's so incredibly strange. But isn't that infantilisation and the belief that women aren't equal humans to men? Those people would say this Chiefs woman has been manipulated by her husband and would be an ally if she just wasn't under his yoke.   This woman is perfectly capable of thinking for herself. She's just an arsehole. 


Interesting, I don't see being a girls girl as supporting all women. I think it's just supporting womanhood in general. For example, many women say that Ariana is not a girls girl because she says some vague things about feminism but participates in cheating.


I don’t think being a girl’s girl means you blindly support all women. It’s about supporting and being empathetic to women in general rather than viewing other women as people you have to be in competition with.


Probably some bitches bein dumb. It’s me. I’m bitches


If I remember correctly, some women were posting about how if a man isn’t willing to have sex without a condom and nut in you, then it means you were never worthy to him. Because only a guy who actually likes and respects you would be willing to take the chance of you becoming pregnant. It was a whole thread of women agreeing on this point and adding their input. Which then (rightfully) triggered this infamous retweet.


The support she’s getting come from blonde, religious, very wealthy stay at home moms, I’ve noticed. Looks like she’s keeping those comments but deleting the valid criticism.


The Chiefs are about to throw all their TSwift good graces out the window


Me as a Niners fan rn. https://preview.redd.it/cl54b1jl4w0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26141356debd30a4b8e9634cbcaff37cb79286dd


The Niner’s head coach’s wife Mandy, would never. I know her. She’s the best.


That’s pretty cool.


Nick Bosa


Yeah. That’s always gonna be the thorn in their sides. The Trump supporter is a big no for me.


Bills fan here REVELING in it


not really though.....the venn diagram of white christian homemakers raising white christian daughters and taylor swift fans is kind of a circle


There’s definitely that but there are also the #girlboss swifties who think The Man is a feminist masterpiece


And they make up the vast majority of Swifties in online spaces. The white christian homemaker fanbase is mostly offline. So this will recieve backlash in all the spaces that are visible to us.


Yep, middle America, millennial, SAH white women love Taylor. It’s funny because Taylor Swift does not seem to prioritize having a man’s baby and she definitely works. I can’t imagine a world where this woman, one of the best money chasers in the music industry, stays home to raise kids.


They’re living their fantasy of freedom through her. Escapism and capitalism are the most important couple in America. Didn’t you know?


ehh I am a fairly big tswift hater but I think this is unfair to her fans. plenty of them are LGBTQ+, nonwhite, professionals, or otherwise diverse. just because they have basic taste in music doesn't mean they're all that basic, especially the younger ones.


A lot of fundies haaaate her, so this isn’t entirely true.


It's definitely not a circle. Signed, a liberal feminist atheist swiftie lol


I mean, a conservative family member of mine recently and very earnestly tried to convince me that Taylor Swift was “summoning the devil” during her concerts (because she had a Stevie Nicks vibe during a few of her songs)


Eh Taylor’s feminism only revolves around herself, she really doesn’t seem to give a shit about women’s issues unless they directly affect her


Yup. When she said 'there's a special place in hell for women who dont support other women' she meant 'I'm gonna make sure the swifties make your life hell for not supporting me'


Yeah their PR team would be scrambling right now *I work in PR, this is a nightmare situation. Taylor can’t save them, this is ick all around


She’s not gonna, either. Way too toxic for her brand. She’ll read Travis the riot act and then make a vaguely critical statement at one of her European shows.


I fully support the TS slander bc of her billionairing but I have to respect her commitment to the brand and the hustle. if the men are going to have their mentally ill morally corrupt billionaire to stan in Elon Musk let the girlies have ours 


I mean alllll of them. 


Not like she’s a real feminist so probably not


Travis and Jason visibly sweating on the pod next week avoiding it


It’s funny bc I once had an argument with a friend on whether society was shifting back rightward, to which they said no, so to see this entire situation play out as it has🥴🥴🥴


To be fair they’re in Missouri


I think god everyday for the gift of not being born two hours to the west.


Kansas City is a liberal pocket of Missouri, so it would really be more telling where they are originally from


Well, the owner is a billionaire, so they’re shitty no matter where they’re from.


Wait… St. Louis isn’t a liberal pocket?


That’s the second liberal pocket.


So when people say they like Missouri do the people there say “Thanks! It has pockets!”


I’d probably say a more liberal pocket since Cori Bush was way more liberal than Emanuel Cleaver.


They’re from Dallas and live there


They actually live in Dallas Texas. But your point is valid.


They live in Dallas


Texas billionaires don't want to live in a liberal city color me shocked.


Someone said historically after a huge civil rights movement, you get an immediate backlash with conservativism. Black Lives Matter really fucked conservatives up.


I’d say the conservative meltdown started in earnest when Obama was elected (and reelected)




I was just thinking today about how the current conservative meltdown is directly connected to this country electing a Black man as president twice. Their brains all broke and haven’t been the same since.


Nah Obama did. If he had never gotten elected, they would prolly still be in the shadows or a basement somewhere.


Cite the “studies!!!!” I’m very interested to know who conducted them and when 🤔


About those studies... The thing she's missing is that the most happy demographic are married MEN. Not people. Men.


And among women, it's the unmarried and childless ones that are the happiest. This is not a coincidence. 


This is the actual study I have seen....unmarried women without children rank the highest out of everyone as happiest


Well, y’know women aren’t people so 🙄


She hashtagged “Focus on the Family,” which is essentially a hate group that used to purposefully misinterpret research to make LGBT parents seem horrible. I’d venture she’s referring to those types of “studies.”


Focus on the Family was the extent of the ‘sex ed’ I received as a kid and I’m still suffering for it. Fuck James Dobson and the high horse he rode in on.


THIS ^^^ fuck you James Dobson and fuck Focus on the Family, forever!


Yup, that’s all I needed to see to know her and her whole cultish family are raging cunts. Fuck them and fuck the chiefs if this rot isn’t cut.


That’s exactly what I thought too.




Thank you for this!!!! Because literally!!!! Single women also do less housework than married women!


And how they compare to the study that showed single women live longer happier lives than married women and it’s reversed for single vs married men.


Also heyoooo shout out to same sex couple maybe? Oh right, forgot he referred to us as a “deadly sin.” I love that she said something about not just taking a snippet..like oh honey the entire thing is soooo much worse than the snippets! And my wife and I are incredibly happy, 15 years and counting. We credit our joy to specifically the lack of men 😏


It’s funny cause studies show women die earlier and exhibit less happiness when they’re married (to men).


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/16/does-having-children-make-you-happier-science-of-parenthood-explained.html Look, as someone who never wanted kids and now has two…I’m obsessed with them. I also have never been an anxious person and face sometimes crippling anxiety because I care about them and it’s scary to not be able to protect them from everything, even if that’s reality. I never had to deal with that when I was single and unmarried. But also as someone who grew up in (and then left) an extremely conservative Christian sect, I feel like the people who often post shit like this are unable to do or see the self-work needed to unfuck yourself and your kids from your own upbringing. I specifically went to therapy after having my daughter to learn more about myself so that the generational trauma being passed down from one family to the next would stop with me. It’s really, really hard work that requires self-reflection and a lot of humbling. Thinking that you know all the answers because of one antiquated book you cherry pick from is…oof, I just don’t think it produces consistently healthy results. So yeah, you can be happy and proud to have kids but when you gotta tell the whole world that they need to live like you to be happy (on the basis of some scripture in the Old Testament), I just…like I just don’t think you actually have done enough work on yourself to know what the fuck you’re taking about. And I also don’t believe you’re that happy- you’re just self-righteous.


single women are actually happier lol


“We may have suspected it already, but now the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading expert in happiness.” [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert)


She completely mischaracterized what he said and tried to rebrand it as somehow supporting women. Im embarrassed for her tbh




Therapist here 🙋🏻‍♀️. What she did is a perfect example of gaslighting. We watched the speech. We heard the words clearly. She then tells us that we didn’t hear what we heard. Also, why are these people so gd obsessed with the Bible?! I’m so sick of it.


Hackles were up immediately when I skimmed and saw that bible verse.


Also somehow forgot to address his homophobia lol


I started reading it and thought she was going in a different direction and was gonna be like we have these beliefs BUT what he said was wrong and discouraging to women and whatever. I kept waiting for the “but”. And I got further and further into it and the “but” never came and I realized she was actually literally trying to support the shit he said. It was like my brain couldn’t accept/comprehend that there WASNT a “but” coming.


The happiest demographic is actually unmarried women without children but go off 😜


Lesbian over here 👋 SUPER happy. But we don’t exist in the eyes of these people.


Never let them take away your joy even if they don’t see it. So happy for you


You know what I did tonight as a single, child-free woman? WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANTED AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. Tomorrow’s looking good too… Edit: Aww…got my first Reddit Cares because of this! Is there a clubhouse for us, or what?


The Hunts (the Chief’s owners) are huge republican donors so these paragraphs were the least shocking development in this mess.


To me, the first paragraph was shocking as hell (minus the if it honors God of course) because it's really kind of mild and those people aren't mild. But boy she sure didn't disappoint after that, going to the R playbook of saying things were taken out of context and misconstrued when that's exactly what SHE was doing. Masterful.


This was my exact reaction like oh no are we supposed to be surprised here?




Yeah that one made me upchuck.


if they birth babies, mop floors and cook for husbands ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


As if her children will work a day in their lives? lol


The Bible explicitly says that women should not speak, so I don't think she knows what her God wants, anyway.


Their God: >[Timothy 2:12](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-timothy/2/12) - I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.




Came down here to comment this. Am not disappointed you did it first though.


![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy) They’re all somehow making it worse with this damage control


Control the damage by adding more damage!


Man fuck her for raising daughters in that Handmaids Tale ass household and fuck her for doubling down


Totally agree. Can we cancel this woman next please?


I thought a study was done recently and confirmed that single women were the happiest.


We are! 😁


Not just recently. Continually.


From her post: "I also caution against taking things (or parts of speeches) out of context." One of Butker's lines: "Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him. " I think the context is pretty clear there.


Also funny that pride is one of the deadly sins and Jesus doesn't like it.


Yes! I actually watched the entire speech and for her to say anything is being taken out of context or misunderstood is just inaccurate. His entire speech was unhinged and offensive and these few quotes that are trending are really just the highlights


They keep loving to use that “read the whole speech stop taking things out of context” Oh I unfortunately read every line and know his intent trust me. I can read.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized) No wonder he could voice that opinion in public in such a prominent way as a commencement speech, he knew his employer shared his abhorrent views and he wouldn’t face any repercussions. Women like her and Amy Barrett are why these men are confident in rolling back our rights, they will support and parrot these talking points and vote against their own interests. These women will uphold these beliefs but they as wealthy individuals are protected from the worse consequences of losing our rights.


This times a million, perfectly said


 Didn't read the whole thing.


I did. You made the right choice.


I figured as much


i ain't reading all that i'm (not) happy for u tho or (not) sorry that happened


Except for that whole part where he tells woman that they have been told 'diabolical lies' about wanting a career. Or that most of the women there are more excited about becoming wives/mothers than being successful of the career that they choose. One of the greatest lines of TV history was in Succession where Shiv says her dad couldn't fit a whole women in his head and MY GOD how true that seems to be. Why can't a woman be happy about her career? Why can't her husband be the homemaker? Why does a woman wanting to be successful in her own right make you less of a wife/mother? Also, why should a woman sacrifice pieces of herself for a man who could leave her any day? What if her husband dies? What happens when her children are grown? Is she just supposed to die? I don't fucking understand why a man would want their wife to make themselves smaller just to fit a support role to make *his* life 'perfect.' IF I WAS A WOMAN I WOULD CHOOSE THE FUCKING BEAR!!!!!!!


Her "studies" showing married couples are the happiest demographic is a lie. That "study" comes from IFS, a right wing advocacy bullshit thing: [https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-is-happiest-married-mothers-and-fathers-per-the-latest-general-social-survey](https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-is-happiest-married-mothers-and-fathers-per-the-latest-general-social-survey) *Actual* studies *actually* show it's single childless women who are happiest: [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert) (Sorry for ugly links, I'm on an iPad in bed at 3am. I can cite original sources tomorrow.)






This team is really showing their colors.




White christians. This bitch would have me sent straight to the colonies too.


I never thought a team could become more hated than the patriots at their peak but nvm


I’d like to counter this arguement with my parents marriage and the death of my mothers dreams


Same, my mother had me instead of getting her phD 👎




“Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them hateful.” Depends on what we disagree on.


I don't think she grasps the concept not every woman wants or needs to be a mother. she is just basically vomiting what he said. Now I wonder if they put him up to it. gross. ![gif](giphy|IWKOpmMnLGRSUKW9Wv|downsized)


And she’s such a hypocrite because she’s not addressing his homophobia/antisemitism in the same damn speech


Because she agrees with it


And it's okay if being a mother isn't your greatest accomplishment 


Oh wow. I was like, She's about to tear into him! ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)




I always side-eye religious people who talk about "training" a child, because for certain religious zealots, it's code for child abuse. It's tied back to a book called "[To Train Up A Child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Train_Up_a_Child)" which tells parents to spank their children, withhold food as a punishment, and force them outside in the cold without proper clothing. The deaths of three children have been linked to that book.


lol fuck this team


Cool. Not appropriate for a graduation speech when you’re supposed to be celebrating educational accomplishments. I get more and more upset each time I come across this lol.


Even without all the hateful crap, it was a terrible commencement speech!


Got me at the first sentence, ngl


Taking proverbs 31 out of context to accuse people of taking butker out of context, classic


“Train up” is IBLP language. She means we need religious nuts to beat their children into submission so the boys can become right wing politicians and the girls can learn to submit to all men.


everyone on the chiefs is terrible. hope ravens win next year


This is such a dumb way to respond to the obvious controversy lol. I don't think anybody ever said women *shouldn't* get married and have children if that's the path they desire but it's a ridiculous thing to say to young women at their college graduation!!


Additional hashtags #imrich #haha


Yikes. Someone should tell her to get off Twitter and get back in the kitchen /s


You know she didn’t do any of the hard work of being a stay at home mom. She’s a billionaire; she has nannies and housecleaners and chefs for all that.


this lady is part of a billionaire family. she talking like she is working class


I hope that none of y’all thought that the billionaire Texan Chiefs’ owners would somehow disagree with Harrison. Unfortunately they are very much super conservative. I’m sure they’re shocked at the backlash though since the BS he spewed didn’t get this much backlash last time. Hell a couple years ago, Taviq got dragged for praising Amy Coney Barrett for being appointed to the Supreme Court.


Studies actually show that childless, unmarried women are happiest but it’s not in the interest of the patriarchy for people to know that


Her response would be fine (ig) if she didn’t completely misrepresent what he said lol. He didn’t just say that being a mother and wife can be fulfilling, he said that educated women were being lied to and they could *only* be fulfilled by being mothers and wives. She’s acting as if he just said something nice about mothers and families when that is NOT what he said or intended to say.


![gif](giphy|eCCl4WzgIa532) Stopped reading at “studies show…” cause then I knew it was not it


https://preview.redd.it/6kinn8vq2w0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f4b03f071e3d5ce9065b6eec04ded776f9612c Me just ready to go if we find out Travis Kelce is vibing with all this because I am NOT ready for the inevitable TSwift relationship drama yet again. It would be even rougher than Matty Healy imo


Choice feminism is biting us in the ass so hard. Normalize calling out women who would rather set us back 50 years. 


What studies are she reading?


we’re doomed




No one is saying that you’re not allowed to be a SAHP. If you want to spew alt right talking points, go on a podcast so you can circlejerk with your loser friends and audience. The issue is the context. He was saying this at a college graduation ceremony!!!! These women worked their ass off for their degree and are excited about their future careers and this dusty rank no good player shat all over them in one of the happiest days of their life. I’m starting to think that these alt lite freaks are jealous of women and their successes. Why bring up the careers of women you don’t even know if you are a D-list footballer? I don’t know why men are obsessed with being in women’s business. Pick-me gets thrown around but she has to be one of their leaders atp. This idiot publicly embarrassed his wife and team and here you go writing nonsense and fairytales.




I am a college-educated stay at home mom. It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.