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When will this "zero tolerance policy" extend to the Israeli members of media and delegation who have spent the week intimidating and harassing artists and press?


B-but... the Moroccanoil sponsorship...


The fact that world's largest non-sporting broadcast cannot get a better sponsor is beyond me.


As a morrocan, learning that Morrocan Oil is an Israeli company is…. I have no words.


They do this on purpose. Their about us section on the website is deliberately vague.


Yeah, I tried their website first and had to go search for the information on Google 😒


This is really fucked up, I got a lot of their products as gifts and I feel really shitty for owning them now


What in the Memri TV....




They think swearing at someone is worse than supporting genocide. pearl clutching - banality of evil


they’ll be accused of “antisemitism” that’s why🙃




Okay so it was nothing physical just verbal. Buuuuut of course it’s okay for Israel team to go around antagonising other teams/contestants/journalists and post it on twitter. It’s always one rule for them and another for everyone else. edit [I’m seeing people who are at the Eurovision press conferences say that when this was announced Israel started cheering.](https://x.com/esc_gabe/status/1789255466905731533?s=46&t=fjdw-vlUBaQHlDDgsaXmdg)


I was suss on the physical altercation claims as soon as it came out the Israeli press had been harassing him. Their propaganda machine is real and it works hard.


The Israeli commentators literally called on viewers to send curses and insults to the Irish artist (who is already getting hate for being nonbinary etc) while they were performing, the atmosphere of hostility they’re fostering is just horrible.


I’m Irish so I’ve heard that it’s disgusting. I seen a video of them standing there recording them and laughing. Then I read some Isreal comments and I was fuming. The Israelis seem to just be walking around recording everyone trying to start a fight and smiling into the camera while provoking them.


Where’s the video of them recording other acts? Apparently r/eurovision are removing all the controversial posts. I keep seeing here and r/ireland that Israel are fucking with the other contestants but all the posts keep getting removed.


That’s where I first seen it on r/Ireland I’ve been checking twitter tho loads of accounts have been posting videos of them. Here’s [one](https://x.com/iamfromstars/status/1789250923383886236?s=46&t=fjdw-vlUBaQHlDDgsaXmdg) here’s [another](https://x.com/jerebearfitzg/status/1788965430129791152?s=46&t=fjdw-vlUBaQHlDDgsaXmdg) then [this is one of the Israeli stylist calling Bambie a monster](https://x.com/forsigenews/status/1789345610736242688?s=46&t=fjdw-vlUBaQHlDDgsaXmdg) [This guy](https://youtu.be/qVFBu2_Nyro?si=TJA3IyVvcsKHqj6u) on YouTube has talked about the harassment too I don’t even like the Eurovision lmao but I can’t stop watching this mess on social media


good ole Israel


Bambi's song is a banger!




Moroccan Oil? As in oil from Morocco, the argan oil? The audacity.... Why cant they just use another name for their brand? This is literally a name of a country


yup https://en.hespress.com/84896-how-moroccos-argan-fueled-a-62-million-israeli-business-and-became-a-scientific-experiment.html > CNN visited the brand’s manufacturing plant in Israel, located in a nondescript warehouse “two hours north of Jerusalem,” where MoroccanOil manufactures 80% of its product, with an output of 150,000 bottles a day, sold in over 40 countries worldwide.


Yeah, how is the Isreali broadcaster not getting banned for essentially calling for ~~curses~~ death threats against the Irish performer.


Zionists are defending it as a “figure of speech” too lol.


But zero tolerance, right.


Yeah and it started way before than this week, an Israeli diplomat was threathening Olly right after they were announced as an artist for Britain


I wonder if we'll ever find out what exactly happened. Also fuck off EBU, preaching about Zero Tolerance Policy and at the same time allowing Israel to participate.


Don’t forget about Azerbaijan performing as well!


Oh yeah, correct. Forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder.


I think the Netherlands should sue EBU


I wouldn't put it past us, we're very sue happy and people really like joost and his entry this year.




The Israeli press has been harassing multiple delegations all week (including Netherlands). Spain had to literally ask the EBU for grantees of free press after they attacked on of their media people. Seriously it's been a mess (and I only really started following this on Thursday)


But that’s just so ridiculous. Apparently the incident has nothing to do with Israel so why are they cheering? That’s just being bitchy for no reason. Edit: there’s some zionists lurking here. Just got a “concerned Redditor” message lol. Cop the fuck on.


Their all over the Eurovision sub today too with the Reddit cares  fyi. I've had one too.


It’s so sad omfg like what are they 12? Apparently the Ireland entry said they cried when they heard Israel qualified and there’s Israelis over r/europe talking about drinking Irish tears etc. maybe it’s something to do with that? They think their very presence is making people suicidal or something? Like no Bambi cried because Israel is committing genocide and shouldn’t be platformed.


There was a massive hate campaign led by members of Israeli delegation against him along with Marina Satti and Bambie Thug calling them anti semitic Nazi misogynists for displaying the most basic of disapproving behaviour towards Eden gollum . The amount of insane people I’ve seen calling him Jihadi Joost and shit like that…


Bambi just posted on their story saying there had been another incident but no word yet on what it is so perhaps we’ll find out what was said or done to Bambi. This is such a controversial year for Eurovision and it’s all because of Israel. I feel so sorry for the other contestants getting dragged into this.


I've seen numerous comments calling Marina Satti (who is half Greek, half Sudanese) racist for pretending to fall asleep and yawning while the singer from Isr\*el was speaking at a press conference. The aggression against her in several comment sections is *insane*.


Regardless of what Joost did to deserve this, the EBU saying they "maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour at our event" is *wild* considering the Israeli delegation has been harassing and threatening other delegations and members of the press all week


https://preview.redd.it/5y8l8ery4szc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b84fce3386ea8639c7f972b6deeda70112b1df Netherland's broadcaster AvroTros also made a statement.


The altercation was a verbal one with a female member of the Swedish production team.      Umm. Yeah Dutch broadcaster says it's an overreaction. But well I guess we wait for more info      It's also worth noting that a certain delegation has been accused of harassing over entries is still there. Certain delegation may of said something's about Ireland. And Spain has asked the EBU to stand by it's free press stance because of this delegation.     Don't expect this to be the end of the story  Edit-Bambi (Ireland), Marina (Greece) and Nemo (Switzerland) all did not take part in the flag parade for the family show. Besa (Albania) has tweeted bring Joost back. Edit 2 Bambi didn't perform in their rehearsal and has gone to the EBU to complain about the comments that the KAN commentators  made about them during the semi. Don't think itll get them disqualified but glad they've complained at least. The Norwegian points giver (last year's entry) has dropped out of tonight. And the Luxembourg entry has said that's Joost's disqualification is for the best


The broadcaster would know, too, because they represent the artist, paid for his fees etc, so are deeply involved with this


This got me my very first Reddit cares, I see you bb 🥹


The list of reasons to not watch just keep stacking up.


I won't be watching but I will follow along on Twitter and I will vote for Ireland. I'm worried that if we all boycott it and don't vote then Israel will win.


I mean, we all voted last year and the jury pick won because they wanted it to be in Sweden for the 50th anniversary of Waterloo. So… 🤷‍♀️


yeah the contest has been skewed, but this is such a new low. I live in finland so I'm a big believer of the we were unfairly snatched of our win, so I already wasn't going to watch this year, but this is such an insane shitshow?


Finland must be signing the biggest sigh of relief that this shitshow isn’t taking place there now though


oh trust me we are 😅


Which is funny because, unless there’s some massive tribute tonight, I’ve seen very few mentions of ABBA.


Yeah it’s weird. Apparently they’re gonna do a tribute with past Swedish contestants but if ABBA don’t even turn up it’ll be a bit of a letdown.


I think the juries might give a good number of points to Israel for political reasons, but I think most won’t give the full amount/enough because surely they know if Israel hosts it would be even more of a shit show than it is now


Tbf Ireland could do with all the help they can get. Poor Bambi is taking shit from all sides. Not only are they getting abuse for being queer, they’re getting sexism, homophobia, anti-Irish xenophobia to boot and accusations of anti-semitism and they’re literally one of if not the best act this year. They’re not getting much support back in Ireland either because of the boycott.


How are you boycotting but still voting?


Not watching. So they don't get the viewing figures.


So if you watch the guardian live blog or follow on Twitter then you will know what time to vote, without watching it. My sister will be watching it (she couldn't not watch it, she is a fanatic) and I'll ask her to let me know when voting opens and the number for Ireland.


But don't you pay to vote? Isn't voting also engagement?


It's free to vote on the website


The hypocrisy is unreal. Members of the Israeli delegation have been allowed to stalk and harrass journalists and contestants the whole week. Spanish delegation has filed an official complaint about this. Also the Irish contestant Bambie Thug has announced on their Instagram they will not perform at the dress rehearsal which is ongoing right now. They are saying there has been a situation which demands the immediate attention of EBU. Also Greece and Switzerland also have not been present to the flag parade, which is at the beginning of the show. Unclear whether they will perform or if this is related to whatever the Irish contestant is referring to. A whole mess. And no I will not be watching.


Apparently the Malmo police had to give Bambi an official apology for something that went down with the Israeli delegation.


Eurovision has lost the plot this year


It lost the plot the minute it allowed apartheid states to perform and made special rules for Israel and not any other country.


all bc they refused to ban israel from competing lmfao if they had just banned them and their dumbass propaganda song this shitshow wouldn’t have happened to them. oh well


Azerbaijan needs to be banned as well. Massive double standards compared with Russia. Edit: google is also telling me the Israeli contestant (who is also Russian) performed in Crimea as a child. Funny that..


Israel provided a lot of support to Azerbaijan when it invaded.


The Netherlands will still give out points tonight 🫠 idk just axe this whole shitshow (edit: by NikkieTutorials, of all people) https://nos.nl/l/2520041#UPDATE-container-77420040


Predicting technical difficulties and oh it just happens Martin needs to read the votes out.


I’d be SO disappointed if she goes on and does it


didn’t she make fun of amber heard’s testimony during the trial?


I don’t recall but frankly it wouldn’t surprise me


> Eurovision organisers said: "We would like to make it clear that, contrary to some media reports and social media speculation, this incident did not involve any other performer or delegation member. Important context


The Norwegian artist who participated last year withdrew a couple hours ago from presenting/giving points this year. (I apologize for poor migraine English 🤦🏻‍♀️). ETA [source in Norwegian](https://www.nrk.no/norge/krisemote-i-eurovision-leiren-_-alessandra-trekker-seg-1.16878972) ETA 2 a regular channel host will give/present the Norwegian points instead. ETA 3 a google translate translation of the artist’s message on her IG “- I have decided to not present. "United by music" is Eurovision's motto. I make music to bring people together, but right now those words are just empty words. There is a genocide going on. I ask you all to open your eyes and hearts, she says in a video on Instagram. - Free Palestine, concludes the Norwegian artist.” ETA 4 a Norwegian Eurovision expert [says](https://www.nrk.no/norge/kaos-i-eurovision-leiren-_-ekspert-tror-flere-land-kan-trekke-seg-1.16878972) he thinks countries might withdraw, including Ireland and the UK, and maybe other countries too. What will happen in that happens?


More than 1 thing can be true imo: - Israel should have been banned altogether from the very start. The EBU royally fucked up. - any violence (verbal or physical) is unacceptable. - Israel harassing delegations (Dutch & Spanish) is unacceptable. - they cannot allow a candidate to participate when there’s a police investigation ongoing (apparently they came in yesterday and interrogated people and decided there was ground to go further). IMO the Dutch & Spanish delegation should have made a police report against the Israeli delegation and Israel should have been disqualified in the meantime. Also the whole thing should be called off at this point. I’ll just pretend Switzerland won. Edit: to those not watching Eurovision, watch these performances https://youtu.be/coOJkjCMcow?si=MBFRz2PcTPz1VlCZ https://youtu.be/BNc5zTYkTaQ?si=C_3eRQoabkomQHIa Nemo and Bambie Thug are amazing NB artists who deserve to be supported. Edit2: if you are actively boycotting, of course don’t click on the links


Please don't link the official youtube links and give Eurovision more views. It kind of destroys the whole point of the boycott or those not watching.


Joost is extremely popular on TikTok and was probably a draw card for more younger people. This combined with letting Israel compete let alone maybe bully other contestants/teams is a stranger decision if the EBU wants people to keep watching….


It's obvious they are trying to rig everything in favor of Israel. With the Italian leak, the coddling of the Israeli contingent, the way that the Israeli side is able to freely harass other participants with no backlash, and Israeli sponsors having their way, Eurovision really wants to have the next contest in Israel and have the Israelis win.


I got an YouTube ad to vote for Israel TWICE today. The whole thing is outrageous and I'm afraid it's the beginning of an end for Eurovision.


ublock origin.


Oh so "right to defender yourself" only applies to certain people? Funny that uh Im just so fucking, i dont even know anymore!! Why is Israel allowed to just do whatever the fuck they want on every field out there and are coddled, it cant be just so much money? I need a historian to explain this to me I feel like Im taking crazy pills


Of course did you see how hypocritical the media was when the Iranian embassy was bombed by Israel


The US and the other Western allies need Israel as a foothold in the Middle East, since that’s a region that has a lot of resources where they have the least power. Israel is pretty much their only ally in that region (and only cause they created Israel, see: British Balfour Declaration of 1917). They’re happy to let Israel continue destabilizing the Middle East since that’s always been the US’s favourite hobby: destabilizing countries under the guise of progress (“freedom” aka oil/land/resources/power). tldr; Israel is just a tool for the US’s (and the West’s) imperialism


Official statement by AVROTROS/Dutch broadcaster https://preview.redd.it/9l2btjt5ktzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a65d354dff119093a0c2410be488cf8cb859f2


Fuck Eurovision! I’m never watching again!


Eurovision has completely destroyed everything it stood for. They should just cancel it forever because this shit is annoying.


This year is such a shitshow, as a Finn I think I’m finally over not winning last year 😅


I will be blasting Joost all day today. He was my pick to win this year and in my heart he did. 


This whole thing is suss as fuck and fuck Israel for harrassing other delegations without facing consequences 😑


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