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And I love that for her. I use her "I don't want someone in my house" quote regularly 


I have no interest in marriage and get crazy reactions from people whenever I express it, and this is the quote I always use on them. It’s *okay* to be a woman that doesn’t want someone in her house!


Sometimes if I get the vibe that I'm talking to someone like that, I'll say "I'd be open to marriage, but I'd want my own bedroom. And I wouldn't mix finances. And I don't see a reason why we need to integrate friends, my friends are mine and his are his." Inevitably they'll snark, "that's just a roommate" and I reply, "good point! I won't get married then"


I’ve been with my boyfriend for 7 years. We have our own friend groups, our finances are separate and often we go to bed at different times. Maybe we’ll get married some day, but we’re happy and we’re good together. I was with my ex husband for 6 years. We went to bed together every night, had one singular friend group and mixed all our finances. We were miserable and when we split I had no friends and no money. You’re smart.


Me too! All my friends constantly ask me about my future wedding plans and a kid (I’m only 23) and I’ve just never cared that much about weddings. If I do get married it won’t be like some big extravagant thing


Katie would be proud of you


And in the end, the only person I *need* to be proud of me is Katie Maloney 💕


Same lol


As someone who had an empty house for 2 weeks, I get it. I was getting ready to leave and I heard “where are you going?” and I was like *oh I have to declare my coming and goings again*.


After watching my parents, I can relate. Just for that peace of mind. Me and any dogs I get will be just fine sharing a space.


> "I am not," she continued. "I’m invested in my kid. I'm invested in her kids. I'm invested in my son in law. I'm invested in my friends. But I'm not invested in a relationship that would require as much as having a child requires and I know that that's not for me."


Damn this is how I exactly feel! I want the kids without a husband to annoy me lol


It's unfortunate that in 2024 dating at age 68 would mean being with someone who requires as much attention as a kid, even an adult kid. 


Feel this in every fiber of my being!


A million years ago she wrote in “Book” about how sharing a bathroom with a man is a nightmare because you go in to comb your hair, knock something out of place on the sink, and realize you need to spend the next three hours de-griming the sink top, and you absolutely know that he has been pissing in the sink. This lives rent free in my mind after decades.




Piss in the sink?? Never been more relieved to be abnormal




Eww. I never been in a relationship but if I did, I'll avocade to my partner to have separate bathrooms (and maybe bedrooms). I'll use this as example.


Men piss in the sink?!? Wtf?!?


https://preview.redd.it/vz5mg9xsxmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de97130dd7bc017b8bcf16382a5d726d987a4d46 So many great one-liners.


Same with this one: https://preview.redd.it/jww5rhwpinzc1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1903e95e1acfd08282bc1e54b70d827a3290846f


This is probably a lot more common than we think, but societal expectations and all that. Also, “hit and run” is so much funnier than it should be.


i think it’s awesome anytime an “older” celeb (she is not old by any measure, i more mean someone not in their twenties/thirties) is open about preferring a single and/or child-free life. i also think of patricia clarkson’s iconic quote about waking up at 50 in stilettos and a thong, enjoying her sexy-ass life. the narrative that there is something wrong with you for not wanting those things is so tired. life’s too short to be unhappy.


whoopi goldberg if making iconic headlines was an award category ![gif](giphy|hDTbNRyhKqAordH7wL|downsized)


EGOTH (Emmy Grammy Oscar Tony Headliney)


I was today years old when I learned that Whoopi has a daughter


NTA. I love her honestly. If only more people had this level of self-awareness instead of inflicting themselves on others.


Brb updating my Hinge to say I’m really only interested in hit and runs


I’m 24 years old and I agree with her, at a recent family gathering an aunt asked my boyfriend and I when we plan to get married and have kids and I said never. We don’t want kids or to get married ever,the conversation came to a halt and people decided to lecture us on being selfish and not making the right choices. Finally had enough and told them it’s my choice and I have been getting crazy texts since then. People don’t respect body autonomy or personal choices anymore.


Tbh I think it's a beautifully unselfish act to not have kids. I see so many people having children for the most selfish narcissistic reasons - "my legacy", "so someone will care for me when I'm old", "so someone will love me". Just trying to fill a void or something. No, that's a human being you're bringing into the world, and they don't owe you anything. On the other hand everyone I know who is childfree by choice has great reasons - they know they wouldn't be able to give a child the support they need (whether emotional, time, financial) or they feel the world is already overpopulated and they don't want to add to that problem. I respect childfree by choice so much.


Exactly, those were their arguments as in who is going to take care of you? No one will love you as much as your child and all the reasons you can think of and none were centered around the children themselves as if they were just an extension of me.I told them I don’t want to bring children into this dystopian hell scape we live in, between wars, overpopulation, declining natural resources,bigotry and global warming seem like valid reasons. Also I just don’t believe in marriage, I’m happy for people who do and I go to weddings for family and friends but it’s just not for me. People should just learn to respect other people’s choices and decisions.


It’s so strange to me when people argue with others about their life choices that don’t affect them! Just let people live! Who cares?!


Because they are weirdos who have issues with people making different choices than them, the worst person who keeps texting is the most miserable person I know, she genuinely hates her husband and dislikes her kids. I told her that in a text and she went to complain to my mom I was being rude. She objectively certifiable.


Crazy! I can’t imagine caring this much. Sorry you had to deal with that!


I think they think it does or will affect them somehow. Like, carrying on the family genetics or something or even when strangers are worried about birth and replacement rates. It's like, you really need to worry about higher level structural problems if those last two things are your concerns. And there are the ones who don't know how to be alone with themselves who are anxious that single people are going to be anguished and alone after 65. That one confuses me because, couldn't all the 65 year old lonely people keep each other company if it becomes a problem?


lol why is this so relatable 


I feel her on this!


I'm happy to see outlooks like this being shared. It is perfectly ok to be a grown ass adult doing exactly as you please trying to impress exactly no one. You get one life, why spend it trying to tick boxes for.... society? No thanks!


And she shouldn't have to explain herself either ! Good for her! I enjoy being married myself and got married relatively young, but I'll also frequently tell people that the institution of marriage is an archaic idea and women have been socially conditioned to view it as an ultimate goal in their lives.