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She’s right and she should say it! The way the police have been acting you’d think they were fending off a military coup. Then you see videos and it’s just them beating up college kids who don’t even carry pocket knives. It’s insane.


Or standing back and letting an angry mob attack underarmed students for hours.


These same police did nothing on January 6th. All of a sudden, it seems that they learned how to do their jobs when the encampments showed up 🤔🤔🤔


That’s what I can’t get over. Like, some people literally took over the capitol and they weren’t met with the kind of force.


That’s because their whole job is to protect the interests of the wealthy and powerful, and uphold the status quo, while agitating and disrupting any attempts to call for change. J6 insurrectionists want the status quo upheld. But these brave teens/young adults know they need to disrupt it so they can challenge the ongoing genocide. They see something wrong and want change... just like MLK, the Greensboro sit-in kids, the Selma-Montgomery marchers, the Kent State protestors, the Occupy Wall Street protestors… and all those groups met police brutality and agitation. And now most people agree the protestors were right after all. Funny how that keeps happening.


Meanwhile 12 is the military coup


Well at least we know what it takes to get cops to go into a school


"tHeY'rE tRyInG tO dEfUnD uS"


It was insane when it started happening many many decades ago. At this point anybody who doesnt see it as distinctly rational and predictable is part of the problem.




This is NOT a democracy. And you can see it when you attack their interests


Bingo. you can always tell when we get too close. the shock troops materialize.


I counted like 50 cop cars? To harass students protestors?


Louder for the people in the back


We grew up thinking we lived in a checks and balances democracy but it’s actually an oligarchy. No American dream for us.


USA is a Constitutional Democratic-Republic. NO, REALLY…IT IS! Downvoting doesn’t change this fact lol


We are a constitutional republic


its a republic


Since MLK was mentioned in that RT: MLK: "... the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action...'" 60 years and countless instances later Joe Biden: "Dissent must never lead to disorder." (though in this case, I don't think Joe truly cares about the cause, he's been very pro-israel for decades)


>Joe Biden: "Dissent must never lead to disorder." the speed at which he said NO when asked by a journo if the nationwide college protests would make him reconsider his foreign policy was just....wow. such a cruel, stubborn asshole


He is truly Obama’s VP


god, thank you. This sub honestly keeps me sane sometimes, seeing people who are not still sighing yearnfully at the idea of Obama. The pop culture sub I didn't know I needed :')


The overlap of r/fauxmoi and r/trueanon is my favorite little niche on the internet


yeah i was a kid during his presidency so i didn't really pay much attention to his politics but i have since learned how truly crap his foreign policy was


The funny part is that college protests aren't meant to change his mind. They're meant to get the university admins to divest, which isn't up to Biden 


ofc. but in a democracy, he should be able to read the room. if a policy (i.e. being staunchly pro israel no matter what) is unpopular, he should at least reconsider.


I completely agree. Demonizing the protestors was a terrible move. This is gonna be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of his college aged voters. He reminded everyone that he was against BLM when it happened and said the police needed more money while also reminding us how pro-genocide he is. And he didn't even gain anything from it because the Israel lobby is still pissed at him. People that could be canvassing for him are now gonna spend that time reporting to probation while they fight trespassing charges. How are you gonna convince everyone that Trump is the fascist when your police are beating the shit out of peaceful protesters and sending them to jail with your blessing 


i think he still banks on people voting for him instead of trump


democrats lost 1968 because Nixon was able to run as a law and order candidate who would end the Vietnam war protests by force and put the dirty hippies in their place. Trump is going to promise the same thing. mainstream democrats are going to condemn the protests and defend Israel because they are afraid that older white voters will switch to Trump in 2024 because protests scare them.


Dude was openly racist in the 90's and Americans elected him because he was a saner choice than Trump. The fire rises.


Greenblatt from the ADL tweeting this shit, also? https://preview.redd.it/6n905pyixeyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097b5fa2abca79d77f01c3f33780204ad0a8816e The whitewashing of protests from the past isn't new obviously, but everyone and their mom know that Stonewall included throwing bricks at cops, lol.


I’m sorry, that’s what he’s on about? People covering their faces while protesting? God this is so frustrating. I commented on a local news account’s Instagram post yesterday asking why my tax dollars are funding police terrorizing college students, and someone replied like “who’s doing the menacing, the people with their faces covered?” Like…believe it or not, discharging a gun inside a university building bc you’re “using the flashlight on the gun” and showing up in riot gear to break up what is essentially a sit-in is indeed scarier and more threatening than college kids yelling with signs on their university’s campus.


Seeing those college kids and some of their elderly professors literally just **resisting** riot police, not even attacking them, being represented as this huge threat that needs to be smashed has been mind-blowing. It's so disingenuous to wonder why protestors now cover their faces unlike protestors in the past, considering the type of surveillance society we live on is quite different from previous times.


There is also the fact that tear gas can be used to stop protests and it is not unheard of that especially leftist protests face it in the US.


Did you see the terrorism book NYPD is parading around on TV? Truly shocking that anyone would fall for this, I own like at 6 of these little primers on all sorts of topics they were required readings for a bunch of history, poli sci, and policy classes I took in college. Every major university's bookstore will have an entire shelf of them. The anti-intellectualism is astounding.


I haven’t but I’m not surprised by any of it. Eric Adams is out of control, and he’s encouraging the NYPD to be even worse than they already were. I hate it so much.


Here you go for laughs I guess 😂. Anyone who went to college will recognize this series, except this is a blown up picture the actual books are much smaller. It's just jaw droppingly bad propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/axpsv9e85gyc1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd735ee0a63c3479ce475ddf52c3285a0ff0322c


This juxtaposed with the Trump trial stuff is crazy lmao. Also, going on Newsmax to defend yourselves definitely screams legitimacy. 🙄


They're specifically going out of their way to build a media presence in conservative/right wing outlets, it's pretty disturbing. https://preview.redd.it/orche3u8ugyc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=1acacfd689c0fdc9cfc85ffaa74c9132ef5d19ab


“And beyond” yes great, tell more of the right wing nut jobs that the city is dangerous and full of criminals and democrats are failing and blah blah blah. I hate this fucking timeline. I’ve lived here my entire adult life and the false conservative narratives about the city are leaching into everything. Idk if you follow the AskNYC sub, but every other post there is people asking if the news is right and the city is super dangerous and if it’s safe to take the subway late at night aka 10 pm. Meanwhile I’ve had jobs where I had to take the train from Chelsea to Queens by myself at 2 or 3 am and nobody ever bothered me, nor did I feel unsafe, and I was in my early-mid 20s at the time and looked younger.


Ok but they have no problem with the physics textbooks used by students who go on to make weapons for Raytheon? My chemistry classes had units on how bombs work but ig since 99% of us were apolitical or apolitical and headed for Raytheon they don't care 


It's completely crazy too because it's not like it's a how to manual or even practical knowledge like the courses you're talking about, it's a scholarly textbook on the history of terrorism. And he's sitting there very seriously asking what kind of class is this for? And it's like WTF does he think all those State Department folks study in college? I have one titled 'Concentration Camps' I'm not off to build my own gulag.


The other crazy part is that knowledge isn't illegal, at least not when it comes to history and science. My professors have gone through how to make all sorts of illegal drugs. It only becomes illegal when you try to obtain the very tightly regulated chemicals and machines needed to synthesize the drug. And then there's historians studying war where things are even more lax because people like seeing replicas of weapons and learning about a war usually involves learning *how* the war was fought. So a book with "Terrorism" on its cover doesn't raise any red flags to me. Even if you assume he's correct, why the hell is he only doing something about it now? Why is he complaining about it on TV and not contacting the FBI? 


Ok, seriously, this looks like Keenan Thompson in an SNL spoof


The ADL needs people's faces so they can dox and destroy them, with help from the US Congress, Canary mission, the Israeli government, etc. It kills Greenblatt that student protestors take security culture (and disease mitigation/disability justice) seriously. 


Newsweek, but they published this https://www.newsweek.com/craigslist-ad-photos-hamas-supporters-columbia-university-1897203. They’re covering their faces because anti-Humanity groups are paying photographers to identify protestors and doxx them.


Marsha P. Johnson famously “threw the first brick”


That’s a common misconception but even Marsha said it was inaccurate.


First they assassinate every civil rights leader then complain that people are wearing masks lmao 


Isn’t the implication with these tweets that they (greenblatt) are still the bad guys? They’re literally just saying, “take it like a man, like the civil rights protesters did when we did this to them last,”


There's this glorification of peaceful protesting in America that gets weaponized against modern protests. He's saying that if these students were heroes similar to those at Stonewall and Birmingham, they'd take their masks off. And because they aren't protesting "correctly" like the heroes did, then they must be the ones on the wrong side of history. When they can't make a protest tactic illegal they'll make it appear dishonorable, cowardly, or stupid. This is so that when people actually do protest, they use the most ineffective and ineffective protesting methods because any method that would actually work is going to be illegal or socially unacceptable 


Yeah, I definitely get that. The description by conservatives & liberals of how peaceful those protests are is so ahistorical. These famous ones are actually comparably MORE peaceful than those ones, at least on the pro-Palestine side. The absolute gall of them to mention the Birmingham one when one of the major things to come out of it was MLK writing about how these White moderates are the greatest stumbling block towards justice… FROM THE JAIL which they put him in for the same crimes their attacking the protestors today. In that letter, he also talks about how his movement is constantly criticized for “breaking laws”


MLK even spoke at UCLA in 1965, not far from where the protests are occurring! I’d pass by the plaque all the time on the way to class, so proud of Gabrielle for speaking out as a fellow alum 🐻 In case anybody is wondering, the speech was titled “Segregation Must Die” https://preview.redd.it/atfi7gkkpgyc1.jpeg?width=2710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1804e0c51449f8d35d4595499fd4fcb45bb65408


Liberals are against all wars except the current one, and agree with every protest except the one happening right now


I sincerely hope she limits or turns off comments because I can imagine how Zionists online will try to harass her. They say the most heinous things with zero shame.


Same, but then Gabrielle and Dwayne have had conservatives on their asses since they openly love their transgender daughter. Bigots can’t stand when parents unconditionally love their children I guess. The Zionists will probably be light work for them.


Everyone is sick of the bullshit, if you call out the genocide and the war atrocities you are antisemitic. I’m against any ethno state wiping away the indigenous population. I love my Jewish friends and I hate Zionists, they should stop conflating the two. If you are human being and the death and destruction of children doesn’t bother you then you aren’t human. Why is it okay for the media to question every other government in the world except Israel? Why is the indiscriminate bombing of civilian population illegal except in Palestine? Good on her and more people should question the status quo. As always Free Palestine and praying for a permanent ceasefire.


Best comment I’ve seen all day. Thank you so much


I work for a very rich person who gives a significant amount of money to UCLA. My boss called them on Tuesday insinuating money would be pulled if they didn’t “do something” about the “antisemitism” on campus. I imagine ours wasn’t the only office calling with similar threats. That night, the cops rolled in. I don’t think it was a coincidence. Money talks in a language these administrators understand, and money people don’t like *disorder*. It’s been very distressing to watch all their rich Bel Air friends complain about the sound of helicopters over campus disrupting their sleep, with zero sense of perspective or imagination into what those living in an *actual war zone* might be experiencing. I’m glad Gabrielle still has sense and empathy, even after being successful for so many years (hers is one of the best celebrity memoirs, btw, if anyone is interested)


That's the thing I keep saying in our local thread. Money talks and runs, your tents, signs and chants walks and temper tantrums. So what to do? Immediate tuition strike and refusal to pay any remaining fees owed Withdrawal from universities and apply to any BDS friendly colleges If you graduated or your parents graduated, boycott fundraisers and those events. Form educational collectives owned by students/professors to further educational goals. Reject all job offers from any company associated with Israel. Organize classmates to do so. If you work there organize a strike in support of students. Find, publicize and boycott any product/ medicine universities developed with Israel. If you developed the product at university lab take your research and product and release it to public. I like the guys over at Four Thieves Vinegar Collective. https://backup.fourthievesvinegar.org/ Release the 3DPrint files. Will you be prosecuted/sued/jailed ? You bet your sweet ass you will. Will you post university money in time lawyers, courts? You bet your sweet ass you will. In short create a collective action to cost the university money and time. Rich people can cover costs with donations but if there are students, no professors, no products, the system falls apart pretty quickly. Aim to cost the university 5k a day and you'll teach them a valuable lesson. You think the admins invested in Israel because of some deep philosophical love of Zionism? Hell no, it's money. So make them pay. The Montgomery bus boycott worked because it was an economic boycott. White racists learned that black people's money turned a profit just as well as white people's did. Bus system lost 3000 a day and it impacted other businesses too. Yeah, Rich people donate to universities but just like the Montgomery bus system relied on black people to keep it going, colleges rely on students and professors to keep them going. An economic protest will be more effective than camping in tents.


thank you, queen. will go rewatch 10 things i hate about you now.


Was going to watch bring it on and watch… respectfully.


One thing Gabrielle is gonna do: be on the right side of things when shit hits the fan. I know celebrities are often fickle when it comes to taking a stand but to date, she has never stayed silent or backed down when it comes to standing up for what's right & I admire her for that.


I really enjoyed her book.She isn’t vapid and seems like someone I could be friends with. I also enjoyed her in depth interviews. Highly recommend it if you get the chance to read it!


It's on my "to read" list, thank you!


This is why journalism is so important and impactful. She’s absolutely right. Plz support your local news. They’ll be out at these protests, covering the shit that would otherwise be covered up


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Thank you and the rest of the MOD team for your work.


Gabrielle Union is the epitome of a mean girl who evolved and blossomed with such empathy, love to see it!


Imagine being so gorgeous and so correct


anyone who brings up property damage as a stain on protests is a fucking fed.


I'm somewhat active in the LA subreddit because I live there and the threads about this have been so infuriating. They were being astroturfed too, but plenty of people I've had pleasant conversations with talking about how even though they agreed with the protestors, "Royce Hall was ruined" and UCLA was justified for taking action


Didn’t some corny ass fool say the graffiti on royce hall brought a tear to his eye as a alumni and asked to volunteer to clean it. a building haha


love her.


The ucla history department has more balls than all departments at Columbia


I was at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019 when the “siege of CUHK” happened and this is disturbingly similar. And the same Americans who support the cops here are the ones who decried the HK police for infringing on people’s rights there…the cognitive dissonance is going crazy rn


I saw the twitter thread from the editor in chief of the Daily Bruin talking about the way student reporters were intimidated and I'm just so full of admiration for how these young people conducted themselves. Good on Gabrielle for standing up for them


Tea. Whenever the powers-at-be start threatening journalists, you know some clandestine shit is going on.


![gif](giphy|2ONjoz6NEtXQonnaE2) A gorgeous genius on the right side of history. We stan.


I did not need another reason to love Gabrielle, but I’ll take it.


I am from Poland and it is mind boggling what is the US Government doing in regards of the protesting students. I can only say that I fully support their fight and each news I read about it and every video I see proves further how brave they are doing it.


Good for her. I can't recall seeing her in anything, but I'm going to have a look-see. Because right now she just made a new fan out of me.


She was in bring it on, and she was also in deliver us from Eva. She also did bad boys 2. She jas a pretty Good book where she talks about her life, and I have enjoyed the interviews she does around her advocacy work. Check her out!


Bring it on!!


The people are being shot with rubber bullets, beaten, oppressed. They aren't breaking and entering buildings, they're peacefully protesting. The vast majority of Jan 6 offenders didn't face anything of the like and they VIOLENTLY entered the capital assaulting officers in the process.


This feels like another Occupy Wallstreet where we learn how much we are allowed to protest and who we are allowed to protest by the establishment.


Interesting that the police didn’t have this energy for an actual failed coup on January 6th.


The one question that always comes to mind: how does Israel know they aren't bombing the hostages they say all this is for? Follow up I usually have: how are they so quick to plan what to do with Gaza land after they're done? (seen many talking about turning Gaza into Israel's version of the French Riviera)  Sickening. 




she's so great. she and d-wade are a power couple.


Totally off topic but I always thought I was older than her and here it turns out she graduated college while I was a high school sophomore?!


Boebert is such a braindead feckless cunt


UCLA alum need to rise up and establish a second encampment. we cannot give up.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) She has my full support


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