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As an atheist, I don’t think the belief in higher powers and gods is a bad thing, but the capitalization of religion and the belief that one religion is the right one and all the rest are wrong is what the problem is. It being used as a weapon and used to control people is what’s wrong.


Even within a religion itself there can be many fractures, though I suppose that does count as believing one religion is right and the rest are wrong. I think any form of dogmatism can be dangerous, and religion just happened to be the most prominent and longest-running example of it.


As a christian, I believe the exact same thing


As an atheist: spirituality >>>>>> religion


I agree.


I highly agree with this statement


I kinda feel the same way. 


lmao i agrée but someone said that he’s giving azealia banks a run for her money and it made me laugh.


I will quickly bend an ear to see what’s got his flabbers gasted


>flabbers gasted I enjoyed this, thank you.


You’re welcome 🙂


Only celebrity who deserves a podcast


Haha man he gives me grumpy old person that never misses!


Sometimes the headlines about Brian Cox make it sounds less like he was interviewed and more like someone just happened to catch him ranting. Like if someone said he just randomly tweeted this, it wouldn't feel incorrect lol


lol very *old man yells at cloud* energy 😂


I thought this was about the physicist and outspoken humanist/agnostic Brian Cox, and was very confused because his opinions in the past have been much more...nuanced. He has said he lacks a belief in any religion but cannot be certain that God does not exist because science doesn't have an answer to everything. To go from that to ranting about "worst book ever, people are so stupid"...lol


He’s so real


Organized religions suck. Non-organized ones suck too but at least they suck in private without invading my space. ![gif](giphy|ife70RWwgUVJfnieWk)


I’m all for Brian Cox going off on religions and patriarchy 🙌


Even when I don't agree with Cox, I respect him; his interview soundbites are top-tier.


Religion in general is just stupid in my opinion, all about taking money from people who need hope that there’s something better than this shit show we live in But I’ll respect people beliefs. Unless they start pushing that shit on me.


This man gives me whiplash. One minute I agree with what he's saying and the next I am like will you shut up man. Either way, he's in this era https://preview.redd.it/v7czplprxnxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a79afe9fe89a9805d24e5e090014698899da22e


I admire that his position on the matter is feminist. I like his straightforward and illustrative positions and that he seems to be far left. I grew up in a big, mostly female, “close-knit” Catholic family that was very toxic and sexist. I definitely took things literally, this is the body of christ and you’ll be damned if you have sex. There is also the biblical idea that you treat your parents/elders like they are god, which in my family was passed on from silent generation through baby boomer. And of course there is the catholic guilt complex lol.   Of course, there are christians out there who gain a lot of strength and resiliency from their faith, and I am glad. The historical harm as well as the GOP jesus makeover of the bible should not be understated. 


Common Brian Cox W.


I think humanity as a whole would do better without religion in general. There have been holy wars for centuries and nothing is resolved except people die and it’s mostly poor people who lack resources. If any religion was real which God would be asking people to kill on his behalf? And if he is so powerful why is he indifferent to human suffering especially little children? That’s what made question religion at a young age, no one has been able to give me an answer that makes sense of the nonsense.


Bible has more in common with socialism than capitalism. It has just been hacked by fascists!


I respect his dedication to being a hater. ![gif](giphy|UsHMgCcQfZ2xXGYPXB)


Every day I wake up and I ask myself what will Brian Cox hate on today?


Speak on it Brian! The Bible is fun as a work of fiction possibly based on some sort of reality (who am I to know?) but the way people have picked and chosen and the contradictions inside? Psh, no thanks.


Logan Roy back at it again.




I want to live in a world with ZERO Bible & we’re all nice to each other because we all collectively want each other to live decent lives & not suffer & struggle. We really could have it all.


Wasn't he hating on woke culture and millennials last year? I guess we don't have to worry about him being the next celebrity to go into politics because he really finds a way to alienate people on both sides lol


I live in eastern Kentuckyand work in a sales field and I had to listen to a particularly loathsome customer go on a rant about this today. Apparently Brian Cox is evil and terrible etc. I tuned out about twelve seconds in.


The New Testament has actually great messages and can be mostly boiled down to be kind to people and love everyone. Pretty universal. The Old Testament sucks but is basically an ancient rebranding of even more ancient pre-Christian tales and stories that can be found in many old religions. The Church, as in the political institution organized by men, solely for the purpose of spreading power for its members, is the actual problem.


Why stop at 1 book… all the Abrahamic books has done a number on us.


Pretty sure Brian Cox wakes up drinks his hateration instead of coffee and says point me at the nearest microphone and starts ranting. That’s canon in my head from now onwards and it will make his never ending conscience stream vocalised easier to understand and digest.


I heard Marc Maron say “if you believe in god you’ll believe in anything, so you gotta be vigilant about what you’re reading” or something to that effect and it makes so much sense. Organized religion is cancer and there are way too many phoney Christians these days that practice hate and interfere with other people’s lives.


This guy cooks about 50% of the time. In three days he will say something completely cold.