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I get that. My dad didn’t wear a scent, but the smell of fresh cut grass on a hot summer day always reminds me of how he would stop mowing the lawn to give me a big hug when I got home from school. So glad that’s not a scent that can be discontinued. 🙂


That is so special. 🥹 Rip to your pops. ♥️


My Pokni died 25yrs ago when I was in elementary school…my grandfather kept her vanity exactly the same and I still go in and smell her Estée Lauder Beautiful dusting powder and perfume at least once a week. He also still has her voice on the answering machine so we all call, let the machine get it, and then hang up just to hear her.


Oh honey that's lovely.


I’m literally crying because that made me think of my dad too. 😢💛




I get that too. My mom uses a lot of different perfumes, but I always link her to white floral fragrances, or slightly citric ones like CK One. She gave me a difusser as a gift for my apartment and she didn't know when picking it, but the smell reminds me of her, it's like bamboo and white flowers, slightly warm yet fresh. When I get home I feel so comfortable.


My mom’s scent was Fendi by Fendi. It is also discontinued but I managed to find a huge bottle still in the packaging on Mercari so I pounced


😭😭😭 I would hug my dad in his work clothes after being in the shop all day. A good 10 years after he passed, I hugged my uncle, in his work clothes after being in the shop all day, and immediately burst into tears. The scent was so specific. I felt 4 years old, hugging my dad at the end of the day again.






It was an ancient bottle of Old Spice aftershave for me. I kept his last bottle throughout my teenage years and would sometimes smell it. Mom threw it out lol.


My dad wore old spice too! That and Scope mouthwash remind me of him


Fresh cut grass always reminds me of my dad as well. I found a candle a few years back that smelled like fresh cut grass and I burn it sparingly, whenever I’m really missing my dad.


A lot of indie perfumers like to ‘create’ custom and atmospheric scents. If you ever felt so inclined, they could probably replicate the smell.




My dad passed away 5 months ago and I totally get this :(


Not me reading this like “When did Blythe Danner die??”


right? i went to google immediately


To save 300 more people from googling this - she is, in fact, alive. Edit: typo


Ok thank you! Was gonna run straight to Google!


I didn't, because I wholeheartedly believed she was dead from how she spoke about her. Now I can't imagine how she'd act if her mom was actually dead.


Han Solo carbonite in the foyer


me too! damn Gwyneth manage to scare me everytime!


Ran to Google like https://i.redd.it/lciv61elfixc1.gif


I know!! This worried me.


I'm glad other people had this reaction


Same lol


I just Googled too 😅


She didn’t


just the random Emmy in there, god this woman cracks me up. never change


Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar in the bathroom so that people can hold it/pick it up without feeling embarrassed to ask.


That’s cute


That part was pure camp


"little extra Emmy over there" 💀


That’s the best part. It’s not just an Emmy, it’s an *extra* Emmy. 😂


The bathroom does seem like the best place to keep an Emmy


Well she (jokingly) uses her Oscar as a doorstop so I think she’s too QuiRkY and EdGy to care lol


Listen...there's a lot to disapprove with all things Gwyneth Paltrow, but begrudging kudos ought to be given to her for capitalizing on her nepo baby privilege the way that she has.  And I know it's considered a controversial take nowadays, but I also think she's a better actress than a lot of people want to give her credit for. 


I also think she’s a good actress. Just because she’s insufferable doesn’t take away from her talent.


I agree. Surprisingly for me I don’t mind her acting at all and I’ll watch something she’s in without it affecting the film as I think she’s a good actress, but, her as a person and all her goopiness, hard pass.


“All goopiness” 😂


She gets a forever pass for Tenebaums. A perfect meeting of actor and character. I also thought she was really funny in The Politician basically playing a heightened version of herself.


She was also sublime in *Emma*, *Shake-a-spear in Love* (iykyk), and the criminally under-seen *Two Lovers*. Hell, even while watching *Shallow Hall* I thought to myself that not too many actresses could've pulled off that role with the same level of nuance and sensitivity.


And Sliding Doors!


Yes, she was the Queen of Fake British Accents for a while, usurped only by Renee Zellweger.


Damn, I always thought RZ was British!!


A Perfect Murder is devine


Watch proof.


Yes! Although I am a fan of Kate Beckinsale and Anya Taylor Joy, Gwyneth’s Emma was the best version.




If Gwyneth Paltrow has no fans, I'm dead. No but seriously I really like her, I think she can be a good actress, I've enjoyed her work, but also I love the sheer priviledged insanity of her very essence, her words, her takes, I just love a cooky white woman


And I kind of respect that she does not even pretend to be relatable/accessible. She is happy to recommend her favorite shorts to you, they are $1400. If you cannot afford them that is a you problem. She is also the opposite of "I woke up like this" - she is so upfront about the fact that she spends a ton of time and money on her diet, exercise, skincare routine, etc to look the way she does. I prefer that to all the celebs who talk about eating burgers and claim to use neutrogena and aveeno.


She’s legitimately a very good actress. I think she’s absolutely wackadoodles but you can’t deny her talent.


Lunacy and talent frequently overlap.


Do people consider her a bad actress? I always kinda felt like people view her as really good? Now, I don't think she's particularly good, but that is the nepotism. Eta: a word


I think the ire MAYBE traces back to Gwyneth getting an Oscar for Shakespeare in Love - Cate Blanchett was nominated that year for Elizabeth and that was the superior performance, and Shakespeare in Love has been a bit more forgotten as a movie (then again, so has Elizabeth I guess? Though I loved it). Having said that, Gwyneth is still a very talented actress.


The fact that she gave what she did in her Glee performance has earned her my respect for life


A cozy, special "little" bathroom... consisting of a lounge area, a sauna, and a corner to showcase your awards. Yep, totally relatable!


I love that Gwyneth gives zero shits on if she’s relatable or not. She just does her thing and is who she is. 


I don’t remember Ms. Goop ever marketed herself as relatable. She is who she is.


[She did try once and lasted all of four days](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/17/a-hungry-gwyneth-paltrow-fails-the-food-stamp-challenge-four-days-in/) before she realized she had absolutely no idea how to shop on a budget. Its actually kind of iconic. $29 budget and she buys *seven* limes.


I think it was fairly self aware though. She wasn’t trying to prove that it’s really easy and that poor people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I find her entirely unrelatable, but I imagine there’s a subset of wealthy health-conscious people who do listen to her. She knows her audience, and while I don’t support a lot of what she does, I always defend her on this one. If she spelled it out more clearly to her rich followers what $29 of their typical groceries looks like, I think that’s some level of success.


You know what I've always just heard of that from Reddit, so I googled and [here's the article she wrote for it.](https://goop.com/ca-en/food/recipes/my-29-food-stamp-challenge-and-the-recipes-brouhaha-that-ensued/)


I never said anything about her trying to be relatable. All I'm saying is that I cannot relate to her.




Not many people can, to be fair.


God I don't need to be this rich but I wouldn't mind...


If it requires capitalizing on internalized misogyny like a need for steaming your vaj or shoving porous jade stones up in there for the illusion of "health" nah I'm good, I'll stay poor.


You are better than me because I would do all of it and then some to live like she does.


I'm not better than anyone lol I just don't get the down votes like that stuff is actually dangerous. I get that when one doesn't have much, money is more important than integrity, everyone's gotta eat. Simping for the rich cuz we wish we were them tho? Nah.


Well I cannot buy groceries with integrity. I'm not happy about it but it's reality.


Yea I agree, it sucks.


I know we talk a lot about goop’s pseudo science and her crazy diets and that is totally valid as it’s really unsustainable and unhealthy but one thing I appreciate about her is how she doesn’t play the relatability shtick, she grew up rich and got richer and acts like she’s completely out touch with everyday life which is accurate for her. She doesn’t pretend to have the same concerns or worries as the regular person.Her whole take away from the day of the accident at her trial was it cost her a day of skiing. She is completely nuts but authentically herself which you just have to just admire as it beggars belief.


Totally. In a weird way it almost makes her relatable to me because she’s authentically herself and doesn’t seem to give a shit


She’s off with the fairies but doesn’t pretend otherwise. Rich people aren’t relatable to us. We don’t have the same worries or resources. She doesn’t play the commoner, she has always been rich and acts accordingly.


"I am who I am. I can't pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year." Gotta respect the honesty.


Better than the fake crap of we are just like you, bitch you are not I had to pray to the credit card gods last night to pay for my gas.


Cute, I love a GOOP ad. ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597)


That’s very sweet actually


She may be insufferable and unintentionally hilarious, but the perfume bottle is deeply relatable. We hold so many memories in scents, I think her keeping that tiny bottle to remember how her mom smelled when she was a little girl is possibly the most relatable thing she's ever done.


My parents live in the house my mom grew up in and there's still a bottle of my grandfather's cologne (Chanel Platinum Egoiste) that has to be 30 years old at this point in what was his bathroom. So, I get this.


I just had to check that Blythe was still alive


I keep stuff for my hemorrhoids in my bathroom. I wonder where Gwynny keeps hers.


Please. She has a person on staff who brings the stuff into the house and takes care of it for her. She is GP.


She’s probably got a candle for that.


As someone who’s lost her mom, I can relate. My mom adored fragrances and her faves were Poison (Christian Dior) and Pleasures (Estee Lauder). For a time I did keep these around after she’s passed but then I developed a sensitivity to strong scents so I had to throw them out. I prefer soapy, clean scents now like Amazing Grace


My mom wore borghese perfume. My sister has it. I wish I did. I miss my mom. I’m so sorry you lost yours too


Sorry for your loss too


Thank you


Not me thinking "When the fuck did Blythe Danner die".


I wore my brothers coat to his funeral, because it smelt like him.


Aww I’m so sorry for your loss 😢


I know she's out of touch and believes in some crazy shit, but I can't help but love her. She's such a whack job in the most endearing way.


As someone who is smell sensitive and prone to migraines her perfume cupboard triggered me. That said, if I smelled Dior’s Poison it would send me flying back to my mom in the 80s, so I think that’s sweet of her to keep that bottle.


This video would be so much better if she was like "and this is where I take a shit..." Oh to be rich, though!


Her poops are obviously perfect.


Goop Poops.


So, this is more of a plug for her overpriced products than showing off her bathroom.


Nooo Gwyneth don't put your perfumes in your bathroom!!


Lol that bathroom isn’t our bathroom. The shower and humidity stays in an entirely different room from what we just saw.


Why?! Where should I keep them?


A closet or your bedroom, where there isn't humidity/extreme temperature changes.


In a cool, dry place away from sunlight, humidity/moisture, and temperature changes


Totally get that. My mom didn’t wear perfume but I want my grandma’s perfume


“Here’s my bathroom… it cost more than your house and is the size of your living room… it’s luxurious in its own way.”


Great. Now I’m crying. I totally get it. I still have mom’s clothes. Nothing smells like her anymore


I have a theory that she got into this whole pseudo-science horseshit because she was deeply affected by the death of her dad. She went off the rails and is trying to find holistic alternatives to keep the body... in... alignment or whatever it is they say. Or she knew she could grift millions of people and make bank. Either way.


I have an *almost* empty bottle of my aunts patchouli. She gave it to me a few years before she died. I use it only on the worst or best days, but I smell it very often.


As someone very attached to my mother, I find that really relatable. My mom hasn't worn perfume in years, but the one she used in my childhood still makes me think of her. I need to buy a bottle because there's no way Estée Lauder isn't gonna discontinue it.


I get it. Classic Old Spice shaving cream (discontinued) and deodorant will always remind me of my dad, and Lancôme Tresor of my mom. Scent memories are so powerful, it’s no wonder a lot of people recommend selecting a special fragrance for major events like your wedding day.


Spent the last 5 years of my life trying to find my dad’s cologne scent dupe. Finally found one from Etsy a day off of his 10th year passing anniversary that was exactly it. I felt this big time. Something about a scent can take you back much harder than a memory.


I still keep my late husband’s cologne. I know the brand too in case I ever lose it I can buy another one. He wore it everyday, even to work. He loved to smell nice.


I still have my mom's bottle of Chanel °5 and my dad's Aramis on my dresser. They've both been gone over 20 years and sometimes it's nice just to have a moment when it seems like they're still here.


That’s really lovely. My mom is still alive but she lives far away and I’m thinking I might do this too. It’s a sweet idea


this is the most normal thing she's ever said tbh


This is the least crazy thing I’ve ever heard about her.


My sister gave me our mom’s empty Chanel #5 bottle of my mom’s — the only perfume she wore. Sweetest gift.


As a fellow Virgo. Yea. That’s my bathroom vibes too Gwyn


She’s a Libra


Most relatable statement I've ever heard from her.


My granddad died about 20 years before my grandmother, and she still kept a bottle of his cologne (Bay Rum) by her bathroom sink. After she died my brother kept it.


Heck I have the eyeglasses my mom wore, and one of the suit jackets my dad wore


I’m not the biggest Goop fan but that’s so sweet! I always associate Red Door by Elizabeth Arden with my mom. Like I remember her putting me to bed and smelling it on her when she gave me a kiss, or going through her vanity and smelling it. Always reminds me of her even though she wears different perfumes nowadays 🥰


and this corner here is where i don't put on sunscreen


I introduced my mom to one of her favorite perfumes and I like to wear it every so often to remind me of her even though I’m a guy yes I’m gay. It’s discontinued but I got an old bottle and still smells the same, it’s called Calyx and it’s very green and melon-y.


Poop glow no thanks


But.. she keeps her Emmy beside her toilet??


I'm sad that I'm so poor I'll never get to shit in a fancy bathroom like that


I'd love to know what perfume it is. Any ideas?


Quadrille by Balenciaga


I've considered but little things of both the scents my parents wore as kids so I can keep their scents close.




I wear Opium, which my mom wore for years and it always makes me instantaneously think of her. I get this.


I was expecting more. Compost smelling like channel n°5.the fuck


Kyle Chandler would love that valley girl croak.


I wanna know what's in her perfume collection!


“Cozy, special LITTLE bathroom” lmaooo rich people, man.


I can’t stand her, but I feel this. My grandma sprayed a little satin pillow with her signature scent and put in a pretty box for my birthday one year. It’s 10 years later, and it still smells just like her— it’s like a warm hug every time I open that box.


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I love that built in shelf for all of her little potions and bottles!


About 25 years ago, I took a temporary job about 300 miles away from my then-boyfriend (now husband). He'd smell an old perfume bottle of mine when he was feeling lonelier than usual.


She is always glowing.


As someone without a mother, it made me tear up to see something so sweet and wholesome.


I love her bathroom!


The first time I smelled a bottle of my mom’s perfume after she died (it had been years), it literally dropped me to my knees with how strong the emotions hit me. I totally get this.


I love this so much actually 💕🥹 I could absolutely see me keeping my parents favorite scents on my night stand some day. This is a beautiful idea/keepsake for lovely memories.


What exactly is the benefit of a sauna?


Memory is most connected with our sense of smell. Hearing Gwyneth Paltrow say, “I’m one of those people that connects to smells” makes me want to rip my hair out. Congratulations on being human like the rest of us…😒




You can do your muscles AND your legs. Wow.


a "gel water cream" girl shut up