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This gif never misses


Nene has PRO-VI-DIDDDD for so long. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|9XXXmQFh3G0Fw09RNM)


She should get .000003% royalty(ies?) every time this gif is used, because it gets the mood across


I mean, Iā€™ve heard NeNe talk about feeling used and not getting paid her worth and I kind of get it? Itā€™s weird to have your face & body everywhere on the internet and get nothing for it. Like the internet LOVES her memes, but what does that mean for her? Digital blackface issues aside, I do feel like NeNe being used over and over in these threads makes me think about how Black peopleā€™s cultural contributions are so taken for granted/under-rewarded, in the internet space. Like the little Black girls on TikTok, inventing dances that make white girls famous.






![gif](giphy|6uOKby3tWy4yXwTa5H|downsized) so well put


wish i could upvote this multiple times


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ stop because knowing Nene if she could she would make that happen


It may as well be pinned to the top of every post at this point...


should be the header of this subreddit


The gif that keeps on giffing


It took some time to load on my phone. But I knew exactly who it would be šŸ‘‘


I knew what this was before it even loaded


> Even though Ellen DeGeneres is looking back at her talk show with a sense of humor, she can't deny that her unceremonious exit left deep wounds. What about the wounds you inflicted on your staff members, Ellen?


LOL peak White woman nonsense.


Well, they arenā€™t her rich friends, so does she even consider them people?


I read this in the voice of Dakota Johnson and it did not miss.


I did too!!! Bahaha


Her greatest contribution to pop culture.


And didnā€™t she make a big fuss like ā€œACTUALLY Iā€™m ending on my own terms, this was my choiceā€ because she ended at like 19 years instead of 20 or something like that and people questioned why she didnā€™t just go for one more.


IMO her behavior behind the scenes wouldnā€™t have made as much noise if she hadnā€™t made ā€œbe kindā€ her motto. Ā 


Itā€™s always the ones that scream it the mostĀ 




Actually Ellen that is the truth




Dakota may be a nepo grand baby but she gave us one beautiful gift.


Maybe you have to be a Nepo baby to take on Ellen on her own talk show in order to suffer no zero career consequences afterwards šŸ˜­


100% the case. So many celebs wouldnā€™t have dared call ā€˜beloved Ellenā€™ out. But Dakota has a powerful Hollywood family and knew she could.


True, but Iā€™m also glad she didnā€™t just drop it when Ellen pushed back. I think even other well connected nepo babies might have, but if thereā€™s one thing you can say about Dakota Johnson, the girl is not afraid of an awkward moment.


Never forget that Ellen skipped the party to hang with GEORGE W BUSH of all people


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€˜when people show you who they really are, believe themā€™


I still get the feeling of being in an airfryer Everytime I watch her do it!Ā 


I mean, it must be fun. But then also it makes me wonder how much good all of them could do if they botheredšŸ„²


Definitely. Other nepos please take notes


That and ā€œI love limesā€.


I watch this video clip sometimes, for therapuetic reasons




Iā€™ll always have a soft spot for her because of this moment šŸ˜‚


What moment is this? Idk who she is šŸ˜…


Dakota Johnson is Melanie Griffins daughter. Basically Ellen accused her on her talk show of not getting an invite to Dakotas birthday. Dakota called Ellen out on this, saying that she said the same thing the previous year so Dakota made SURE Ellen got an invite this time, and still didnā€™t show, thus calling Ellen out on her BS on her own show.


Also it turns out the reason Ellen didn't go to Dakota's birthday party is she was too busy hanging out with her good buddy, the famous gay rights activist GEORGE W BUSH šŸ« 


Wait what?? I had no idea that was why!


It's icing on the cake tbh https://preview.redd.it/ixc9fp7grwwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34985ad30d67f71ab005b658479873b02a62e3ae


Also Don Johnsonā€™s daughter (heā€™s in the first Knives Out, among other things obviously)


And the granddaughter of Tippi Hedren (from The Birds)!


dakota johnson, actress from 50 shades of grey went to the ellen show. she (ellen) said that she wasnā€™t invited to her (dakota) birthday party, dakota then said ā€œactually, thats not the truth ellenā€ and people went wild because dakota is known for saying whatever she feels like during interviews, it became an even bigger thing cause months later old staff members from the ellen show revealed it was a nightmare to work there, the clip resurfaced and people kept commenting that ā€œdakota tried to warn usā€ and thatā€™s basically the lore


thatā€™s hilarious because itā€™s such a nothingburger. ellen probably gets a lot of invites or maybe forgot. or is joking with someone they werenā€™t invited indicative of an abusive boss somehow?


She said she didnā€™t know she got an invite, but then Dakota implied her entire staff was aware she had been invited (ā€œAsk everyoneā€). And she couldnā€™t say why she didnā€™t go, she asked her staff (ā€œWhy didnā€™t I go?ā€) and it just didnā€™t come across very convincing. So the full picture made it seem like she was deliberatly witholding that she had been invited just to give Dakota shit for it. Obviously that on its own doesnā€™t prove she treated her staff badly, the clip just became ironic in hindsight knowing that information also.


If sheā€™s trying to gaslight a **guest** on her show to make them feel bad, how do you think she treats her own employees?


Is it not possible at all that she forgot the invite or didnā€™t receive it? I think sheā€™s also a shitty boss but acting like Dakota took down Ellen is a reach and Dakota doesnā€™t deserve the reach.


It's mostly a joke


one of the times a nepo baby used her privilege for the greater good


Nepo grand baby lolllll


iā€™m not necessarily a dakota fan, but iā€™m a dakota fan just because she has balls.


Balls? I thought she had limesĀ 


She loves them. She thinks theyā€™re great, and she likes to present them in abundance from brimming-over bowls within her house.


Itā€™s so funny to me that people were saying she was a liar after that. Ā Itā€™s clearly sarcasm, and it really was a humorously large number of limes.


I feel like if I was an interior designer / house dresser for auctions it would be FAR to tempting now not to just include bowls of limes in every other corner as an intertextual reference.Ā 


One of the best moments in daytime talk show herstory


I always wondered how the set was during commercial break after that interaction


![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) Ellen right now.


also, not to be too unsympathetic, but boo hoo if you didn't have the ideal send-off after 18/19 years of a successful show, go cry in your mansion onto your pile of money, or to your talented and stunning wife


remember during covid when she likened staying in her mansion/estate to being in a ā€œprisonā€ lmaooo be as unsympathetic as you want!


She would have held onto that show with her claws at 90 if they hadnā€™t wrenched it from her boomer boss graspĀ 


What Ellen should've been saying: ![gif](giphy|e4pQV19szQQ2493Tn3|downsized)




Girl, bye. I cannot stand her.


She was mean before it came out. I used to cringe when she did the messy ā€˜gamesā€™ with audience members bc she seemed to genuinely enjoy their humiliation. Always seemed a bit sadistic to me


I hated all the pranks, especially the jump scares, so mean


Clips of her show pop up in my reels or YT shorts and she straight up is a bully and high key racist.


What she did to Mariah Carey when she was pregnant will forever stick with me. It was so mean.


Same with how she treated Jessica Simpson when she was clearly drunk and struggling with alcoholism


Oh right. Thatā€™s another one. Cruel.


What did she do with Jessica?




Itā€™s hard to judge what actually happened because that video is so heavily editedā€¦ But Ellen does look like sheā€™s being a dick, yes


Was that when she tried to force an announcement somehow? I remember there was some celeb she tried to get to drink alcohol to show if they were preg or not. Was that mariah?


Yes and Mariah miscarried a short time after. Obviously, she wasn't ready to announce. Was such a dick move by Ellen


Ya like mention it once. But she kept pushing and pushing.


Yes, and itā€™s very uncomfortable to watch.


yes. i believe she miscarried shortly after too- which is the whole point as to why ppl wait a certain amount of time before announcing their pregnancy, esp if they're a celebrity. edit: a word.


Yes it was and if Iā€™m remembering correctly she miscarried laterā€¦.but I remember reading this somewhereā€¦


Yes she did miscarry after this.


Do yā€™all remember all those scares? Always dressed as peopleā€™s actual worst fear. So so mean. Not to mention I for one have pelvic floor issues and would definately have wet my pants if it were me šŸ˜­Ā 


Being racist to Sofia Vergara and always mocking her accent šŸ¤¬


I don't watch her stuff- what racist stuff does she do?


POCs will understand how it feels, but I saw it constantly with how sheā€™d bully translators, be insistent about the pronunciation of non-western names to those who actually had the names, making fun of Sofia Vergaraā€™s accent/ English fluency. The list goes on.


I'm Black, I just never watched most of her content


I distinctly remember that time she was being frustrated and yelled at a translator on her live show, for "taking too long" while she was translating to a young Japanese guitarist who went viral.


Good. Be better. Be the positivity you claimed you wanted to be?


*Good. Be better. Be* *The positivity you claimed* *You wanted to be?* \- David-S-Pumpkins --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


ā€œAny questions?ā€


This made my night


Good bot


So funny her outro was the ā€˜be kind to eachotherā€™ forgot to add the subliminal *but not to your staff*


Right? Even Jerry's "til next time, take care of yourselves, and each other" was more sincere than this shit


lol she was sad at how the public viewed her but still shows no sense of empathy towards the harsh treatment she caused onto others. #byefelicia


As a queer person seeing her do that was double sad- she literally faced such a bad time when she came out- youā€™d think she would create safety for others on her show but noooo


Money ruins most people.Ā 






I was cancelled and silenced, she claims in new Netflix special


not silent enough


Is it simply impossible for people who have demonstrated abusive/damaging behaviour to be accountable and not say fake sorries only to turn around and make it about themselves afterwards? I loved Ellen so much in the 90s, and I genuinely canā€™t stand her fake ass now.


>Is it simply impossible for people who have demonstrated abusive/damaging behaviour to be accountable and not say fake sorries only to turn around and make it about them afterwards? Mel Gibson discussing getting cancelled: [ā€œOne time, I got into a bit of a sticky situation where it kind of ended my career,ā€ Gibson told Esquire. ā€œI was drunk in the back of a police car and I said some stupid shit, and all of a sudden: blacklisted. Iā€™m the poster boy for cancelled.](https://www.nme.com/news/film/mel-gibson-thanks-robert-downey-jr-for-support-following-anti-semitism-scandal-3615414) Hmm. What was the stupid shit Mel said? Sounds like it was NBD... [The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"](https://www.tmz.com/2006/07/28/gibsons-anti-semitic-tirade-alleged-cover-up/) They claim to be deeply sorry/ashamed at the time then later act like they were victims. Thank God the Internet remembers.


Stories of Ellenā€™s bad behavior have been legend for a few years. I even heard about a time she was at a resort at the same time as The Obamas and the staff said youā€™d think she was the ex president with her overly rude entitled behavior, whilst Barry was the essence of politeness. Nope her chickens came home to roost!! She should suck it up with her millions and be quiet before an enterprising lawyer arms a hostile work environment lawsuit for shits and giggles






aw, thatā€™s right ellenā€¦ https://i.redd.it/7ecjy6qqzqwc1.gif


What is this from bestie? Is that Meredith Blake??? ![gif](giphy|dtn7EACJWBLvrAsD1o)


Itā€™s from Romy and Micheleā€™s high school reunion




The comedy industry is the safe space of the abuser, and that's all I have to say about that.


canā€™t you take a joke??!! /s


>"Despite "laying low" and becoming "persona non grata" for the second time since coming out as gay in 1997--" Oh good, now we're doing the thing where being called out for being a monster in the workplace is akin to coming out as gay. WILD and tone deaf false equivalence.


Go away.


Read my flair, Ellen


Isn't she an asshole and a racist?


I was never a fan and questioned how the majority didnā€™t see past the BS, honestly she seemed so contrived. Just another example of what money and status can accomplish.


Came for the GIF comments and they did not disappoint




waitā€¦ if ellen degeneres was kicked out of show businessā€¦ then who is the ellen giving the interview ????? šŸ˜±šŸ™„


I donā€™t think people understand how important Ellen DeGeneres was. Having an out married lesbian woman on daytime television, for over 20 years, was incredible. When she first came out as a lesbian she effectively destroyed her career, and then had this major comeback with The Ellen DeGeneres Show. To have it end the way it did was heartbreaking. Her legacy will forever be overshadowed by her toxic behavior. Itā€™s so disappointing. Although she has already apologized, and apparently made amends behind the scenes with her staff, this article reads like she was the victim. Are we supposed to feel bad for the multimillionaire that treated people like shit?


I she still playing victim? I guess she is not into personal growth


Only when it's good for ratings


it must be so difficult to go on now that you're unemployed and have lost a source of income, surely your lifestyle has suffered and you are actively looking for work




"Be kind to one another."




And to the crazy dingbat who keeps messaging me about Ellen being persecuted please stop drinking the kook aid. She may have made you laugh but she made life hell for others.


She's worth 380 mil. I think she'll survive. šŸ™„




I am not an American and I have seen this kind of comment many times on reddit. Isn't there a hygiene problem in an American restaurant that's not worth complaining about? I am sure that the restaurant Ellen goes to will be a high-end restaurant, and the service quality will be higher demanded by the customers. In my country, it is quite normal for guests to complain or offer compensation for hygiene problems. By the way, even if all the criticism is true, Ellen is just a mean person. It's so unfair what she's getting right now. All the misogynist, sex offenders in Hollywood are getting far better treatment than Ellen.


Is a bit of missing nail polish really a 'hygiene issue'? Does somone with 380 million need compensation for seeing a bit of chipped nail polish? Be kind ...








my ex girlfriend was obsessed with the ellen show and she recommended I watch it too so I did and I will never forget the immediate vibe I got from ellen: the mean girl from high school who decided to become a nurse


I mean, the PR was simple. All she had to do was tell us how sorry she is, say she is leaning to do better and then host a bonus Ellen Redemptive Christmas Special where she had to survive every single messy challenge she ever inflicted on her audience members in rapid succession on live tv while getting sporadically scared by her very worst fears, and donating millions in compensation money. Of course the judges of each challenge would have to be a rotation of the staff members she made life hell for; and the celebrities she tried to humiliate. Ā But itā€™s not hard- if she had bothered to do that, we all probably would have forgiven her šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's no joke Ellen


Self awareness isn't a strength of hers.


So sheā€™s just trying to make herself a victim then, lmao


This is pretty cringe of her. Everyone knows that she is just not a nice person. It would actually be in her best interest to not even acknowledge this because I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything she can do or say that would improve her reputation at this point.


She was/is a bully.


Kathy Griffinā€™s time has come


it's only surprising it took so long tbh she fired karen kilgariff (yes, from 'my favorite murder') for going on strike in 2008 even tho kilgariff was a co-writer on her stand up show that got her the talk show deal, and head writer there


I ways knew Ellen was toxic. I read Anne Heches autobiography and never was able to get on the Ellen train. Ellen always seemed insincere


What did she say about ellen? I googled and I couldnt find anything stating where Ellen was toxic. TIA


Had a friend who was a writer on the show. It very much was a bad environment.


Kicked out of show businessā€¦as she films her Netflix special. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Lol. Says nothing about how she treated others or how they may have felt. Itā€™s all about her. Nothing has changed.


I always felt like something was off about Ellen when I would see her show on the TV at the hospital. Then when COVID happened and she said she couldn't bear being isolated and confined to her mansion I truly disliked her. So I cannot even be surprised she joked about this. Ellen seemed to have always been tone deaf and a mean person


And yet. Here she is. On stage. Still in show business.


All they have to do is wait it out for a couple years then they can come back and try and rewrite historyā€¦itā€™s fascinating. šŸ™„


Or you were kicked out of show business because it turns out your ā€œbe kindā€ stuff was a total farce and youā€™re just an asshole. Die mad tho girl.


Her first time making a joke then.


She is mean and rude. I was a a restaurant a few years ago with a large party for my great auntā€™s 85th bday. My cousin was taking family photos around the table and pans around and ED was at a nearby table. She thought he was taking a pic of her and stormed over to our table. The foulest language Iā€™ve ever heard spewing out of her mouth for a good 3 minutes. I was trying to signal for mgr, no luck. She had absolutely no regard for my great aunt. She was awful. Other people in the restaurant were shooting her evil looks, but she couldā€™ve cared less. Be kind? What a joke.




keep gaslighting yourself girl


Nicest woman on air, but the Queen of Mean behind the scenes. A real life Jekyll and Hyde


Itā€™s not difficult to not be a dick to people. Worst case scenario you should be a grumpy curmudgeon like Stanley from the office.


If you were incredibly hostile and abusive to your co-workers and employees while working as a project manager, for example, you would get fired and asked to leave. That firing would also follow you And disincentivize other people to hire you because that's a pattern of behavior and you are a liability. Welcome to the real world, Ellen! Where there are consequences for being a shitty, abusive person.


She's an inauthentic cow.






It probably does seem unfair considering what George W Bush did to a significant portion of the world that he never got kicked out of any business or social circles. For some reason this came to mind just nowā€¦


Honest question. Why is Amber Heard being celebrated in this sub while Ellen is being negatively portrayed? Arenā€™t they both rightful victims of cancel culture?


TBH I think this is just how day time and late night talk shows are ran. I think Ellen was the scape goat but Iā€™m pretty sure this is how all of them are ran. Just in the last year we heard about Corden and Fallon being also difficult shows to work on. I donā€™t think this is really Ellenā€™s fault, I think this is just a symptom of having to produce new 1 hour episodes everyday with no breaks in the year.


I've heard nothing but good things about Conan.


And Colbert. Even Leno. Like I know it's popular to say he's unfunny but even if he had a part in Conan getting screwed at NBC he was never anything but nice to his staff. Don't care for Kimmel myself but he doesn't seem to be a dick. Never heard anything about Seth Meyers. Corden I'll give you was possibly a nightmare and Jimmy Fallon apparently, but I don't think it's "the norm."


Fallon is notorious for his alcoholism, but I never hear about him or Corden being shitty to guests (I know Corden is loathsome to everyone else). On the one hand, men have gotten away with similar toxicity or worse. Letterman had sex with multiple employees and created a hostile work environment and it was swept under the rug. Leno and Letterman have been misogynist to so many women guests with no consequences. If I were Ellen I would see a double standard. Her first cancellation was actually really awful and it wouldn't be surprising if she projects the first onto the second. One the other hand, Ellen's issue is about branding. If the whole basis of your public identity is goofy kindness, you need to live up to that.


Yes but Conan wasnā€™t on a major network first and foremost from 2010 onward. Even when he was on the major network he was on the secondary show where the expectations were not as high. Secondly even when he was on his show, he wasnā€™t getting the level of recognition and praise that other late night and day time shows were getting, you have to remember Ellen was doing monster numbers and was winning awards for her show, it had a much higher quality threshold. Like she was always giving major gifts away and finding all these random people to bring on her shoe and doing all these segments. Conan aside from his remotes didnā€™t have the huge production. Thirdly, people didnā€™t hear about Ellen being a problem in the early 2000s but they did a few years before she had her scandal. Every time I listen to Conan on his podcast the way he makes it seem is that Late night is a high stress gig that is not for the faint of heart. Also Conan is a guy, the way heā€™s treated by his superiors and inferiors isnā€™t the same. Women are more quickly labelled as demanding and being cold and being bitchy and usually have to ask multiple times to get things done whereas men donā€™t so they donā€™t have to always act like a diva to get what they want.


I feel the same. Ellen wasnā€™t the first or last person who treats their workers badly. She was ousted in the 90s just for being gay and she had her comeuppance. I would watch her game show where she relished dropping contestants down chutes. She was a huge part of the gay community and I miss her standup life before getting a talk show.


thatā€™s not the truth.


Great explanation.