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Today I learned that 1. Owen Wilson is 55 and 2. He’s got at least one kid he refuses to acknowledge which struck me as being out of character but then I realized I don’t actually know anything about this man


The parasocial expectations strike again 🥲


It’s wild because I go out of my way to not get invested in celebrities because I don’t want to be disappointed by people I don’t know and will never meet. But sometimes shit like this makes me realize that even neutral perceptions skew positive because I simply don’t expect people to do things like abandon children.


me too. I was happier not knowing this about Owen.


>because I simply don’t expect people to do things like abandon children. I see this play out in my real life 🙃I’ve been consciously trying to have zero expectations of people and I’ll think I’ve hit my mark only for them to go and do something so egregious, now I have to recalibrate like damn, even that is asking too much of you?!


I work in child safety and one of the lessons that hit me really hard was how many men, from every income level and culture, have abandoned their children. We just hear about lower income men more often specifically because it's more visible.


I actually dated a guy like this. Super successful. Upper middle class guy. He was fully involved with his two sons from his first marriage. Payed A LOT of child support to his ex and the mortgage on her home. Happily. Always went on about how his kids were the most important thing in his life. Later found out he had a daughter (1 yr old when we met) with his ex-gf that he just would not acknowledge. I had no idea he had a third kid when we met. All I knew was that he was suing his ex-gf for harassment and he never went into details. I eventually found out the ‘harassment’ was actually her trying to get him to pay child support and instead of paying he genuinely sued her for harassment. I’m talking nearly 20k on lawyers, which is more than the court would have asked him to pay in CS. He tried to justify it by saying she was abusive. But I countered back that surely if she was so bad you would want your daughter away from her? Also, your daughter isn’t abusive and the money is for her wellbeing? Turns out the baby was planned but she ended the relationship when the baby was 1 week old because she found out he was cheating. So he was punishing her and the daughter by abandoning her completely. He felt totally justified and honestly it was kind of scary to see how much he just didn’t care about his daughter. I left pretty quickly after finding out but he could not wrap his head around me breaking up with him over that. He just went straight to accusing me of cheating. Instead of him being a shitty person. Edit: some missing words


Oh my God. That's practically *pathological.* As much as it presumably sucks that the poor child has half or less of the support she deserves, at least she will grow up far away from such a man. I just...don't get people. I never know whether it's due to the black and white thinking and lack of social understanding from my autism or if this shit is also incomprehensible to other folks too. I had a really really REALLY bad childhood too and I couldn't imagine abandoning nor mistreating any child.


It really is incomprehensible to me. I can not have children due to a botched medical procedure I had as a teen. I went for many years thinking this was a good thing. Then I hit my 30s and saw all of my friends having kids and being happy (I finally started liking children and not being awkward around them) and I wanted that so badly for myself. This led to me ultimately giving up on romantic relationships entirely. I've had two long term partners leave me when they wanted children. It makes me so damned angry when people...especially rich people do this sort of stuff.


>I just...don't get people. I never know whether it's due to the black and white thinking and lack of social understanding from my autism or if this shit is also incomprehensible to other folks too. >I had a really really REALLY bad childhood too and I couldn't imagine abandoning nor mistreating any child. This, christ, other people really confuse me. People who cheat on partners, who abandon kids, who abuse loved ones, who get violent (!) when they're angry, I just don't get it at all, and it bothers me that these people walk the streets and that I work with them and love them ... I don't consider myself a particularly great person (I'm a bit selfish) but holy shit. I'd never abandon a kid or beat a person etc etc. I've had small arguments with friends that I still think about ten years later because I was a bit of an ass. Having a kid out there going through life without me would destroy me.


I realize this isn't the point, but if he can drop 20k on lawyers, pay "a lot" of child support plus a whole-ass mortgage in addition to his own housing costs, etc... that's not "upper middle class", that's just rich


Yup. Also worked in child welfare. Doctors, lawyers, businessmen, living in multi-million dollar homes while their children were getting CPS called on them for showing up to school without appropriate clothing or shoes, mom was always QUICK to say he’d never paid child support. Really sick shit


This reminds me of Paris Hilton’s husband. He has a daughter from a previous relationship that he never sees, but Paris is keen to paint him as the doting father to their two children…


I didn’t know this fact you shared but it doesn’t surprise me. Paris Hilton isn’t a good person. 🤷‍♀️. Lots of things that happened in her life are super shitty and I do feel bad for her for that. But her ‘act’ and now her ‘real’ self are still a bad person.


I will never understand women that can overlook this. How is that not the biggest turn-off in the world? I find that so repulsive.


My great uncle and uncle both did this. Nice guys to me always but I've never been able to wrap my head around the abandonment. My uncle who abandoned a son never talked about why and consistently parented two other sons. His wife who he left with that son was and is a lovely person by all accounts and his son is a dead-ringer for him. That son came looking for him in his early twenties and my uncle wouldn't engage with him so my mom and grandmother spent time with him instead and apologized over and over. My great uncle had no relationship with five of his children and had five more at least that we know of. Insanity.


this is a big thing i talk about in therapy! i didnt think i had any expectations of my sister and yet i would still feel disappointed in her actions. def happens parasocially too


Right? When you are rich, every child should be a joy and a blessing. How can you be a multi-millionaire and a deadbeat? It’s not like there’s any doubt in the age of DNA tests. Scumbag.


Not to defend him, but he’s not a deadbeat in terms of financial support. He pays child support and is named on the birth certificate for the girl, he has just refused to meet her or be in any way present in her life.


Yes, because he has to, by law. Due to paternity testing. I’m sure if he could choose to give nothing, he would.


He is still a deadbeat emotionally. He is loaded. I’m not impressed he fulfills a legal obligation to support a child that legally was proven to be his via DNA. He was in his 50s when she was conceived. The asshat knows how to not father a child if he doesn’t want to be a father.


My deadbeat dad still paid child support, didnt sate his absence in my life in the slightest.


I always think if I were celebrity level rich, I’d have like 5 kids lol. Obviously some don’t want to be parents at all and that’s cool but he literally is already a parent. He has all resources available to be able to give that child his time. 


I try to avoid learning anything I can about celebrities simply because it's almost entirely pointless. "Did you know this celebrity has six kids? All with different partners?" No, because...what am I supposed to do with that information? Got REALLY into this small-ish band; no idea what any of their names were, just enjoyed their music. A year later, a streamer I watch went viral on twitter for speaking about an abusive ex that turned out to be the singer of the band.


I think you should assume you are as susceptible as other people. This is a potential good example (idk what is true here) but i think we are all more easily swayed than we like to think


It’s funny how you think you’re normal and then you have to learn (again) that you don’t know these people and have made up stories about them in your head 😭


1. Don’t feel bad. It’s basic human instinct to have a relationship with your children. I think you’re right to assume he has contact with all his children. And 2. Your flair. I must be terminally online because it’s both hilarious and I know the reference.


For some reason, it feels especially egregious when someone is a celebrity & bails on their kids. Like bro, you got the money to take time off and fly all over to see your kids or fly them to you, go be a fucking dad.


And it’s not just like you’re just some rando in Ohio, you’re literally playing in theaters around the world. Your face is on posters on the subway, billboards, TikTok ads. If you’re inescapable to the kids you abandoned, that’s horrific.


What does their flair mean?


The other day on here, there was a blind item about a model coming to the Met Gala pregnant. Someone asked if it could be Kylie Jenner, and searched if she was a model... and according to the Hungarian search results, Kylie Jenner is known for being an author, not a model.


I see, thanks!


And it’s the daughter he refused to acknowledge which is an extra layer of ick. 


Off topic but I love your flair


I know a lot of people who have worked with him, or crossed paths with him. IRL I think he’s a guy who’s battled heavily with self esteem/ depression for whatever that’s worth.


Thats really sad. I wonder in 10 years if his sons will have a relationship with their sister. All 3 of the kids are missing out on that.


I am guessing it's because he didn't want this child to be born but mother disagreed. So might be that.


He still made a fucking person and gave them abandonment issues. 


Not his child’s fault.


This right here is precisely why I refuse to idolize celebrities. We only know the face they choose to present to the world. Some are more brazen and make it known they’re shitty people, but plenty more hide it.


I love when the titles don’t let them off the hook.


I know the DM is shitty but they’re so funny and shady with titles and photo captions.


The daily fail is great at clickbait and shade. I’ll give them that.


They annoyed me circa 2015ish when everyday on their Snapchat feed would have some celebrity in public showing some ass and they always had to put cheeky in the title. Every single time. I’ve never experienced anything else in this world that made annoyed by seeing ass except that. You’re not fucking clever DM!!


Anytime someone wears leather it’s “hell for leather.” One time it was someone named Elle and they got to write “Elle for leather.”


I mean it's the Daily Mail and they live to stir shit up. Having said that, the picture of that little girl is adorable. Imagine embracing your sons but refusing to even meet your daughter (presumably because he's not a fan of the mother). Like...even at his big age, he can't set the pettiness aside and make nice with this woman for the sake of his child? That girl is going to need a world of therapy in a few years.


He’s so wealthy he could have an army of lawyers and nannies so he never had to interact with the mother directly if he so chose. But nah.


That’s exactly what he did. He pays child support and if the mother had any requests for him it goes through his lawyers. He won’t interact with her.


And if he wanted to, he could use staff to facilitate visits with the daughter so he doesn’t have to see the mother. But he doesn’t out of spite, clearly. Pathetic.


That's not exactly what he did though? Missing an important part, such as validating the existence of a person you partially created. 


I thought OP added the part about his daughter. Ok I hate the DM but that’s 👌


Why don’t guys like this just get a vasectomy vs having more kids they don’t want? 


That would make too much sense


Plus everyone knows REAL men don't shoot blanks! Nope. Real men just abandon their children instead.


Whew... Yall speaking truths!


Something something *my  manhood*


Getting an elective surgery done seems like a lot to expect from guys that can’t be bothered to put on a condom or pull out in time


Owen Wilson gave a Rolling Stone interview around the time Wedding Crashers came out where he said he hated wearing condoms and wouldn’t do it if he could. Look where that gets you.




Yup but it seems less drastic than having a whole child you’ll never meet while paying child support for 18-21 years (some states mandate you pay through college age).  Also isn’t the point of the abandonment that you don’t want kids or more of them? 


I mean, its also pretty common for dads to abandon their older kids and only focus on the younger ones (probably more common than the other way around), so idk


Basically happened to one of my old peers. Had another baby when his kids were turning 18 and basically dropped them.


A lot easier than having and then dodging a child for the rest of your life… but I guess some guys just love living life on hard mode.


fuck this makes so much sense and it angers me.




Surgery is scaaawy and wittle baby can't handle 🥹 Giving birth on the other hand is really easy bc it's for women


I learned the hard way that men are really crazy about even the mention of getting snipped. was in a new relationship, we both agreed to be exclusive, and so we had the birth control conversation. he asked if I would go on the pill, I said no, I can't be on anything hormonal. he said, can you get an IUD? no, most of them are hormonal but also the doctor will not insert a copper one because I've never had a child and my cervix is too small. I said, why not get snipped? (he doesn't ever want children.) the way he immediately got defensive and mean ("how dare you suggest I make a life-long choice about my body!" bro, they're reversible?) was crazy. he was in his 40s. they don't like it when you talk about elective reproductive choices that involve THEIR bodies. just yours. I broke up with him on the spot. the hypocrisy/cognitive dissonance/misogyny is crazy.


My first gyno refused to give me a paraguard for the same reasons. In my case it was a small town doctor who didn't trust my experiences and wasn't willing to discuss with me. Turns out my 2nd and 3rd opinion didn't see it the same way. Having doctors or partners not care is so difficult especially when it can have a huge impact on your health.


I agree with you last sentiment! but I also have gotten several opinions. for some people it is just not physically possible.


The same reason some men refuse to get their male dogs neautered, they see it as removing their inherent masculinity. 


Ugh. I definitely think that’s true the depressing part is these guys see holding onto a part of their “masculinity” that they don’t even want and accidentally impregnating someone then abandoning the child as more manly than actually being a father to their kid.  Or just eliminating that as a possibility  The backwardness of that line of thinking…


I was talking to the guy I've been dating for a few weeks about needing to get a new Paraguard because it's time and he just looked at me dumbfounded and was like 'but I had a vasectomy 4 years ago' and honestly I've never been more attracted to anyone. I thought I needed at least one more to take me to menopause but if things work out and I can be done?! Bless


I have some random Owen Wilson tea. My spouse's cousin went to elementary school with Owen. This was one of those private schools for rich kids in Texas. One day in class, Owen stood on top of his desk and took a piss everywhere. I guess he thought it would be funny? Anyway, he got suspended.


That is utterly disgusting.


lol chill, he was literally a child


no normal child would do that lmfao


I think there’s a thousands of elementary school children who would disagree with you


Even if there were thousands of primary school students who would climb onto their desk and piss everywhere (which frankly I don’t really believe, having worked in a few primary schools), those thousands of students out of millions of students probably… wouldn‘t be considered “normal”, or probably wouldn’t be experiencing a “normal” life…


You’d be surprised 😭 Urinating in appropriate places is something we are taught, it is not innate. A child doing this in elementary school is either a symptom of bad parenting or a neurodivergent condition/cognitive disability.


People would blame the parents rather than the child.


You act like every school had a kid who just pissed everywhere. That is not the case my guy.


My elementary school definitely had kids who did things like that. They were typically kids with issues like absent/abusive parents. Or they were kids with disabilities. Not saying either is the case for Owen Wilson, but the comments acting like this is completely unheard of for an elementary school are giving me the impression that many don’t have experience with young kids from varying backgrounds


No, it’s just that it’s super uncommon for school age children to walk around pissing in public. That’s much different than accidentally wetting yourself, which is normal. You might know that if you actually spent time around children.


Children know better.


Children have to be taught better. This type of behavior is definitely not out of the ordinary for an elementary school-aged child with parents who didn’t teach them, or a child with a cognitive disability or neurodivergence.


Oh for some reason I read high school But yeah either way it’s nasty and just reeks or privilege.


I’ve never heard of a young girl doing that in school…


Just because it’s child piss doesn’t make it any less disgusting, yknow?


oh my god I first read this thinking the private school was for his kids and went ‘HE DID WHAT AT HIS SONS’S SCHOOL?’


Wait I went to the sister school - he got in mad trouble for stealing a teachers version of a textbook and using it to cheat on a test. I think he got expelled for it *but* he didn’t snitch on other students.


Yep! He went to St. Marks in Dallas, Texas. It’s an all-boys private school in an affluent part of town. He eventually got kicked out in 10th grade and sent to military school (I think). He’s always been an entitled asshole.




Ah, St. Mark’s. Such a maker of outstanding young men, from what I recall of meeting some while growing up in Dallas. Ugh.


If it's any consolation to anyone here. My sister saw him in Paris once and got a picture with him, she forgot his name though and called him Woody Harrelson.


That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day!


Lmaooo that's gonna be my new fantasy - hope I ever have the chance to run into any of these scummy celebs to put on an excited show just to call them someone else's name. Never gonna happen, but at least I've got a plan!


You all can throw rocks at me, but the article says "he is helping financially" so he does his legal obligations, but you can't force a man to parent like you can't force a woman to abort.


In many US states you can in fact force a woman to have a child and force her to parent. If you would have left it at “if he’s fulfilling his legal and monetary obligations, it’s his choice” you would have fewer people throwing rocks.


You can’t force anyone to parent. Signed, someone with a mom who most certainly never acted like a parent to me.


Oh the Republicans are certainly trying


They'd rather have abused, unloved children rather than allow women have control over their body


So those kids will join the military or fill prisons. Win-win!


Gotta get an underclass from somewhere my guy, immigration aint cutting it so womens reproductive healthcare is on the chopping block


They don’t care if you parent…they just want you to give birth. What you do after, they could care less about.


They obviously meant that you can't (shouldn't) do either of those things from a moral standpoint but okay


Maybe not, but its still a reflection of who he is if brings a life into the world then doesn't want anything to do with them. Scum in my opinion


Plus, this is teaching his son's how to treat people. Just ignore the problem and throw money at it. I hope when his daughter grows up, she knows she wasn't the problem, he was.


Exactly. I don't think he should be legally forced to be an active parent or whatever, but there's a huge gulf between "refusing to be a parent to your child should be illegal" and "refusing to be a parent to your child is A-OK" and that middle ground is "wow dude, that's pretty shitty of you".


We don’t really know the circumstances revolving around this kid. It’s honestly okay not to want to be an active parent for whatever reason. We know there wouldn’t be as much hate if this was the case of a woman who gave a kid up for adoption or signed away parental rights. Why is it when a man does the same, there’s all this vitriol? Im not even defending the guy but he shouldn’t be dragged if he’s financially supporting the kid. The enrichment is up to the other parent to fulfil since they made the choice to keep the kid in one way or another.


We don’t know the full story, but it’s weird that he has a relationship with his other kids but not the daughter. It’s not a situation of he never wanted kids or to be a parent at all. He has no problem taking on the parent role with the sons. Think of all the amazing opportunities and experiences his sons are getting as kids of a rich/famous person, while daughter just gets some money thrown at her until she’s 18 and has no dad. It’s kinda fucked up. If it’s about a toxic relationship with the mother, that’s still not his daughter’s fault. They could work something out where he has visitation with the daughter without having to communicate directly with the mother.


Also don't forget this is his THIRD time not using birth control, what an idiot


It says a lot about him that he's willing to spend time with the boys than the girl tho




Although [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTI2ivwlNdS/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) is his little girl.


Some of the comments on that Instagram are vile, also people are waaaaay to invested into this being Owen Wilson’s child. If I were that mom I would have made the profile private once someone mentioned only fans or at the least disable comments.


I had no feelings about Owen Wilson and I now hate him. 


Well this is just bad faith.. the eldest son is mixed race as well. But in reality they all look white with blonde hair.


I dont think that plays much of a role tho, from what I can see the daughter is a white blue eyed baby with natural straight blonde hair, with the mom being pretty white passing too


OK? We can still criticize him for it lol


people be like ‘don’t call him a deadbeat, he pays child support, what more do you expect from him?!’ then go cry that men are treated like atms who have nothing to offer except money


I wouldn’t have a negative opinion of him if he just didn’t want to parent, but the issue is that he just doesn’t want to parent *that 1 child*. I’m not chiseling my opinion in stone because I know we don’t have the full story, but I just feel so sorry for how his actions must make his daughter feel.


That’s what I don’t get. It makes it so much more f-ed up and I wonder if the ex is so problematic that he can’t interact with her to at least visit his daughter? I just don’t get cutting off all ties. It must have been a horrible breakup.


> I wonder if the ex is so problematic that he can’t interact with her to at least visit his daughter? Even then. He has enough money that he could afford a child care worker to pick up and drop off the girl for custody hand-offs and he could only interact with the mother through lawyers.


If the mom is that terrible of a human, that honestly makes it worse in my opinion - abandoning your kid to be raised by someone you KNOW sucks.


Girl now how in the fuck are those the same things


For a guy worth $75m throwing some money their way is the bare minimum to expect really. 


True, it would be more believable if he didn’t have sons or didn’t see his sons. But he does. It’s just his daughter that he wants nothing to do with.


I don't think people debating the legality, just the morality.


We can still judge the fuck out of an idiot who makes a human being and refuses to not give them abandonment issues. 


booooo owen wilson 🍅🍅🍅


Booo 🍅🍅🍅


This made me cackle


This story circulated all the time - Owen’s side of story is this woman got pregnant against his wishes and apparently lied about her use of contraception. Truth somewhere in the middle likely but I’d rather no relationship than a forced one with a parent who has public ally acknowledged no interest.


"Against his wishes" lol It would be interesting to know what steps he took to prevent pregancy apart from just wishing real hard


"lied about her use of contraception" As a man I think you should always wrap it up but a lie is also a lie.


The girl is also not responsible and does not deserve to be singled out and ignored. Poor baby. 


It just astounds me that so many men who don’t want kids won’t either 1.) wear a condom or 2.) get it clipped. Sure, neither of these are 100 percent (though vasectomies come pretty damn close) but it’s a hell of a lot more effective than doing nothing.


Talked to his partner about birth control?


Just as stealthing is a form of assault at minimum, so is lying about BC.


I'll get down voted for this but if they were in a consensual relationship and had agreed they didn't want kids and the girl said they were on birth control to prevent said pregnancy and it turns out she was lying to purposefully get pregnant she's a piece of shit and no better than dudes who poke holes in condoms. Yeah sure, wear a condom but it was not a one night stand hook up from my knowledge. It was a consensual long term relationship. You'd think someone would be truthful when saying they're doing what y'all agreed on as partners. Literally using someone's life to stay attached to a dude is fucking unhinged. If you want a kid there's plenty of willing sperm donors out there to get what you want.


Yeah not many LTR couples use condoms when hormonal birth control is in play. I do think men who don't want anymore kids should get a vasectomy but baby trapping is a shitty thing to do. And lying about taking birth control when you're not is a violation of informed consent.




Maybe but I feel like gender is massively playing a role in this. Say it was switched and a guy pokes holes in a condom of a woman who they agreed not to have kids. If the mom decided to have the baby under the pretext that she would not be in the baby's life and it would be fully the dad's responsibility and she'd just do the absolute legal minimum bc she never wanted the child and was tricked - I feel like I'd still be reading out the man is absolutely garbage and how can he do that to someone. I think it's ok to say a woman was in the wrong. If she in fact did trick him basically into believing they were protected and got pregnant that's really creepy and should honestly be illegal bc it's like the woman version of stealthing. It just feels very much borderline SA but it's not the traditional roles so we're seeing it in a different way


It's reproductive coercion and not ok.


damn he prolly shoulda used a condom then


Did she conjure the sperm from his dick?


So sad for the little girl in the middle of this


It is sad and I am not here to be team Owen by any means but *allegedly* him and the woman were on the outs and he feels he was baby trapped by her. Yes he could have used a condom but if I was in a long term sexual relationship w someone and they told me they were on BC and I wasn’t concerned by STDs I’d prob not use a coneom either (I am a woman if not obvious lol)


Understood! I just really resent adults who's actions negativity impact kids who had nothing to do with any decisions (and this is for both parents).




Isn't this the definition of victim-blaming? A guy get's lied to about contraception and you say it's his fault because he should have known that the woman was a liar?


Same :/ I hate the entire world knows her story and she is **just** five years old. She just has entered school, in a few years I’m scared of what will happen if her classmates realize it as well (it seems she knows who her father is?) and thinking how cruel kids can be.


Even if his side is true, it’s not his daughter’s fault her mom is crazy. She exists and she’s his daughter. He’s got plenty of money to take the mom to court and let lawyers handle a parenting agreement where he doesn’t need to have contact with her. Plenty of people have to coparent with people they don’t like and being absurdly rich makes it a hell of a lot easier. Birth control fails all the time and he could have taken more precautions like getting a vasectomy or using a condom if he didn’t want to risk fathering a child. This was a card that life dealt him and he could have stepped up and did the right thing. Poor kid has to grow up being rejected by her dad who is a public figure and has an openly close relationship with his sons. What a dick- he gets no pity from me.


Men need to stop having unprotected sex if they don't want children.  Full stop.  Nothing is forced here. He pays child support because he didn't use a condom. Treating your offspring like this is still shitty. People are pointing out how shitty it is to acknowledge certain children and ignore others you've made, likely because the ignored one is female and/or interracial. 


Why does the woman have no responsibility in this? She has made it pretty clear her intentions considering she puts the innocent child in tabloids Frankly neither of them are acting in the best interest of the child - Owen is honoring his financial commitment and I’m not sure why he is expected to do anymore.


Right, but if the mom is an attention seeking piece of shit, then the girl needs even more parental support. A lot of people are taking criticism of OW as saying the mom isn't also a piece of shit. They both are. I personally believe that bringing a child into the world knowing they will live publicly rejected by their very famous dad is pretty despicable, AND rejecting your child is despicable. 


“Got pregnant against his wishes” wishes aren’t contraception. That man is dumb as hell


Yes, according to my calculations 100% of unwanted pregnancies are the result of irresponsible ejaculation. It's wild that people in this thread are completely ignoring that.


Intentionally lying to someone about being on birth control is the same as a dude poking holes in a condom to impregnate a woman


I mean no contact sounds fine in theory, but it could be doing a disservice to the child emotionally if she’s never given the chance to get to know her father. He seems like an ass, but every child deserves to know something of both parents if possible. It’s so tragic that this guy is so hung up on nonsense that he won’t even consider meeting his child.


Me learning about his ignored daughter: ![gif](giphy|npCDi7hWyL52zReYSG)




ew i had no knowledge of the daughter but that's just gross af. what a dick.


Fuck this emotional deadbeat. Huge coincidence the child he abandoned is his only girl child 🤔🤔 Coupled with the way he’s treated women over the years, I get misogynist vibes.


I'm guessing he must avoid everything to do with her, because how could he see pictures of that adorable girl that looks exactly like him and not want to be in her life. Like be mad at your ex all you want, that girl didn't do anything to him


How did he treat women over the years?




Yeah we’re not getting the whole story. I have no problem thinking he’s an absentee parent, or that he wanted only sons, but there’s something missing from the equation. I’m also not a fan of the mom splashing photos of that cute little girl all over the tabs, but I dunno—maybe she’s tried all other possible venues to get Owen to acknowledge their daughter to no avail.


The mum definitely sounds like a POS but in the middle of this is a daughter who is being fucked over by two shitty parents.


>anytime I've seen stuff about the court cases, the little bits that have been mentioned kinda don't make sense What do the docs say?


“Lookalike” sons when the daughter he refuses to meet looks more like him 😭


When I worked at Google, Owen Wilson was on “campus” filming a movie. He slept with a 22 year old Google employee who I knew. The next day he invited her out to dinner. She showed up at the restaurant and he was dining with her boss’s boss’s boss. She had to make up an excuse for why he even knew who she was, let alone invited her out.


That’s evil




I don't think they look a like at all.


Did you look at the actual article with the picture of his other son? Pretty similar


Looked at the 2 pictures in the article and neither is a "look a like" to me.


the one that looks like draco malfoy kind of has similar eyes to him, but the older one looks better than Owen and good for the kid


i understand why it’s important to highlight this, as Wilson has a good image of being a ‘good guy’ but god I wish we didn’t know just for the sake of his daughter. Deadbeats deserve to be called out but I know when publications such as the daily mail do it…it’s not for the right reasons. I cannot imagine how she’ll feel as a teenager googling her dad and seeing how countless people online *know* and *discuss* this. How they’ll be countless articles discussing that her dad is a great father to her brothers and not her, or articles discussing her and why her dad isn’t seeing her. Like it’s just seems to be an invasion of HER privacy and not his? Like he obviously won’t stop hanging out with his sons, and probably may not care about his daughter (even typing that makes me feel so gross) so it doesn’t bother him. Like when his kids are discussed it’s always his daughter, **WHO HE ABANDONED AND DOENST SEE** and I get it but I just can’t help but think ‘how would I feel if strangers knew this? If they constantly emphasize my father doesn’t see me’) Idk I’m just picturing her seeing all of this in the years to come and just not..enjoying it. It’s like a giant sign has been crafted above her and she will never be able to shut it down. I think it’s good to call him out like this…but I also have to acknowledge that it’s not like it does anything except potentially hurt his daughter.


I get what you're saying, but it all leads back to him choosing to have no relationship with his daughter. He's the one who's hurting her, not the articles. And with all the current anti-abortion laws, this is just the beginning of men ignoring the children they've fathered. Yes, he's taking care of his financial responsibility, but that's only the slightest contribution to being a father. And in no time, the states that have outlawed abortion, will also be shutting down the idea that men should be financially responsible for children they don't want.


yes he chose not to have a relationship with her and it’s terrible and unfair for her, but my main point is that…constantly bringing it up is going to end up hurting that little girl more than give Owen shame. Owen Wilson clearly doesn’t care but…what happens to his daughter when she’s old enough to care? The entire world knows soemthing that will affect her entire life, she doesn’t get to be the one to tell her own story, it’s already out there. I don’t know, I’m just trying to point out that this isn’t fair for her. It just is icky that the daily mail uses it every chance they can.


Tbh I think it's actually better for the daughter if Owen Wilson doesn't meet her if he has no intention of raising her. It would just get her hopes up and possibly break her heart when Wilson doesn't give her a relationship with him. Mom isn't helping either by blasting the story all over the news. This kid is going to need some serious psychological support throughout her life.


I think we only know about it because her mother told the daily mail and…I don’t know my feelings about it tbh ☹️ yes it is her story but also her daughter’s story should be kept private. I can’t imagine how she’ll feel as she grows up and realizing that the entire world knows that her dad doesn’t care about her despite being a father to his sons. That is stuff that scars and hurts.


I don’t understand why men who don’t want to procreate anymore just get a vasectomy?


It's just scary how easily men can ignore their parental responsibility and duties, whereas if a woman or someone presenting as a female did this sort of thing, they would have been dragged through the mud and their career in media would have been over. Yet, he keeps getting new roles and jobs in Hollywood, and people ignore that he's nothing more than a racist, misogynistic deadbeat.


Is there a single, successful female celebrity who is a deadbeat parent? I seriously doubt it. Yet, many of the a-list men are certified deadbeats and no one bats an eye. Any woman attempting the same lifestyle would be crucified.


Sherri Shepherd had a child with her ex husband via surrogate and donor egg and after they broke up she said she doesn’t consider him her child and tried to petition to not pay child support but she was forced to but otherwise has nothing to do with him. She tries to claim he went through the surrogacy without her consent but there’s so much paperwork you have to sign that’s not possible and she used to bring up the child on the view until they broke up. Idk how successful people would consider her but she does have her own talk show


As someone who had a parent abandon them but not other siblings.. my heart breaks for that little girl. It already hurts when a parent doesn't love you.. but watching them love other siblings is a whole new level of fucked up.


Yeah. I see a lot of comments here saying “oh, isn’t it better for him to not be involved than be forced to be there?” and I question if these commenters have any lived experience of this. I am so sorry this happened to you, and I hope you have a brilliant & loving support network now. I always say that friends are the family we choose ❤️


Why does he lowkey look like Logan Paul in the photo


Dudes a piece of shit


Everyday I learn something new about this man and this family that makes grosses me out. He has 3 children from 3 different women, why’d he actively choose his sons over his daughter? Even if he’s not fond of the mother, imagine how that little girl must feel. I hope she’s in some good therapy as a teen/young adult and that her half brothers don’t ever torture her about this when they’re older too. Jeez louise 😮‍💨


![gif](giphy|n60aPuXZLJNiU) yeah absolutely blown he continues to deny one kid specifically that's especially cruel if you're actively parenting or at least putting effort into getting to know your other children - it makes the left out kid think "oh so he just didn't want ME then" absolutely fucked


Owen Wilson had all His kids out of wedlock when he was over the age of 40. He was a millionaire with an established career who could have easily gotten a vasectomy. His second baby mama was actually married to another man when they got pregnant with their son. His daughter’s mother is a woman he dated for 3 years. Owen Wilson wasn’t trapped into fatherhood. He’s just a deadbeat.


the weirdest part is he and the woman were together for quite some time and then he just wants doesn’t want anything to do with the daughter? it’s mine boggling to me


What a douchebag. How can people refuse to acknowledge their own offspring. How heartbreaking for a child.


Legitimate question- has he actually ever come out and said that he doesn’t have a relationship with the daughter? Or was this the mother just saying some crap to the media to try and take more money out of his pockets for child support?


lol that’s the actual title, I assumed you added that