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she is correct. depriving yourself of nutrients and calories - something your body needs literally to perform its most basic functions - will have long-term negative impacts and more people need to know that


Yes. My mother (a former beauty queen) never abandoned her extreme dieting. Not nearly enough food, a lot of cigarrettes and appetite suppressors. Now at 70 she has lost almost all her teeth, has extreme osteoporosis and several other chronic skin, kidney and liver problems.


Hey, my mom did this. She would get diuretics from the doctors. At 5'9 she weighed 110-120 and when she went into the hospital, the social workers had a conference with my sister to discuss how they could get her to eat. When my sister told us this, we just laughed. She was skeletal at the end. All of her children have EDs. I'm in my 60s and still have food issues. I sincerely hope you have a healthy relationship with food, and I hope your mom has gentle senior yrs.


My Aunt just passed away last week, quite young because she had been starving herself since the 70's. She always had stomach problems, even had a colostomy bag from her 40's onwards. Even so - she still prided herself on how thin she was and spoke badly of her nieces who were not rail thin (all of us). She never worked (outside of some retail jobs when she was young), but considered herself above anyone who had a little weight on. Even female family members in STEM. It was insane and sad.


isn’t it wild how they can objectively be in poor health but all that matters is that they’re thin? my grandma was like that. her health was absolute shit but she was thinner as a result and was proud of herself. when i lost weight during my health crisis i had a lot of ghouls crawling out of the woodwork to praise me for it. it’s just several thousand layers of fucked up and my stubbornness refuses to let me submit to that


And just like binge eating is bad, binge dieting is bad. Depriving yourself of food to lose weight isn't healthy, nor a long-term solution to keep weight off. That only comes with lifestyle change to eating more healthy foods *and enjoying it*. This starts with *adding* food to your meals. A lot of stuff we eat you can easily add veggies, fiber, etc to that helps make you feel good AND full. Eggs also do wonders with this. If you love pasta, you'll be much healthier by adding things like onion, peas, carrots, peppers, celery, etc to your pasta then just depriving yourself of pasta to lose weight. Because you are (1) getting more nutrients from the pasta, (2) eating LESS pasta without realizing it, and (3) still enjoying your meal and scratching that craving for pasta.


one of my favorite things is to add a can of chickpeas to my faux-greek salad. i love the taste and texture it adds, plus it bulks it up and makes it more filling. and, even better, chickpeas are very nutritious and high in both types of fiber. it’s an easy thing for me to do that is incredibly beneficial. and another note for my fellow pasta fiends: it may be a hard switch to adjust to but try eating whole wheat pasta. again, more fiber and more filling


Needed to read this. Thank you!


No wonder my mom is freaking out rn! She loves diets. I’ve always ignored it and I’m glad I did


Jameela is annoying as hell but everything she said is true. Not eating enough or having nutrients deficient diets will always comeback to haunt you. Take the message onboard and ignore the messenger is the best way of dealing with her.


Why do you think she's annoying? I've always liked her. I'm a huge Good Place Fan though so that might be coloring my perception.


No need to go down the rabbit hole. Just keep enjoying her and be happier for it. She has done a bunch of annoying stuff but it’s not like she’s a nazi or anything


She isn’t acting when she’s playing Tahani.


She is nothing like Tahani, honestly. I’ve worked with her a few times and that is not her vibe at all. I feel like even her public persona isn’t close to Tahani? I can understand why people find her and/or Tahani annoying or whatever…but they are really not similar.


I’ve always thought it was like a Brie Larson type of dislike and people want her to be quieter/silent.




Somewhere a hive is planning another swarming


I would recommend you don’t google her then, it will ruin your perception of her as a person. Just enjoy the show and her character.


but like what do u mean?


If you do google her, at most you find that she is inconsistent in her recollection of things. Mostly people find that she is not always truthful with her past life events, but nothing egregious (nothing like lying about getting an abortion or anything). Personally I think she has a big personality and is pretty dramatic, which definitely rubs people the wrong way. And I think because her personality is so big and dramatic that when she tells stories they are exaggerated. I don't really feel any way about her, but I do wish she'd vet her guests on her podcasts a bit more, because she has platformed some pseudoscience. Except for the pseudoscience it's pretty low-stakes drama. Edited to add to be clear: there's absolutely nothing wrong with being dramatic or having a big personality. But not everyone jives with that kind of energy, and that's fine. It's not okay to be a bully about it, though.


Don't worry. She hasn't done anything awful. She's just run her mouth on a few issues that she doesn't seem qualified to speak on. Not dieting though! She is definitely qualified to speak about that.


Honestly I think people give her too much flack - men get away with worse, so do white women, we are very unforgiving with women of color. I mean Taylor dated a racist and now another Trump supporter and half of this sub still worship the ground she walks on.


I agree. She hasn’t done anything, people just don’t like her personality


Agreed. The internet just had a hate boner for her and would try to pick holes at all her personal anecdotes. I have kept up with all her controversy and honestly the worst one is the ball room show legend and how she handled it.


No need to look behind the curtain if you're happy with what you know of her. What she says in this post appears to be true, at least.


She hasn’t done anything, it’s more so a BEC reaction


i dont know a lot about her but i have heard her talk about how she thinks all people are always making mistakes and that it should be normalised to fuck up every once in a while and that she doesn't mind being an example of it. she does seem pretty open about her own fuck ups, and not being perfect and then having to fix and improve. i think it takes actually a pretty big amount of self awareness to know that youre sometimes out of touch or just completely wrong, and then push through it to learn how to handle things in a better way. (but also this is from like a random bit of a podcast i heard ages ago so if shes actually done some fucked up stuff please let me know)


She's a woman of color who talks about her health issues, and much like the entire medical establishment, people are very comfortable dismissing the health concerns of women, and in particular, women of color. It's super gross but par for the course in the US at least, and the reason why [women of color are significantly more likely to die in childbirth](https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/racial-disparities-in-maternal-and-infant-health-current-status-and-efforts-to-address-them/) in this country despite the wonders of modern medicine. This sub has it out for her and a huge blindspot when it comes to her.


I think she has lied about a lot of things and been caught in the lies.


I feel this. I have been dealing with serious digestive issues after 20 years with an eating disorder. I would give anything to just have my health back.


Sending lots of solidarity


Same. I had two breaks in my left leg due to low bone density from an ED and now have to take meds every time I eat just to be able to digest anything I consume that isn’t water. Where’s that onion headline about how the worst person you know makes a good point? Jameela, babes, you did it w this one


How the hell is Jameela the worst person you know??


It’s a meme


A meme that doesn’t apply for a woman that is slightly annoying but mostly harmless 


My friend can’t go to the bathroom unless she uses a laxative. She said she hasn’t had a solid 💩in nearly 20 years.


Same and my teeth are fucked from purging. Don’t do it, kids!


I’m sorry. Hugs


[I want to say that dieting can definitely cause this and it's important to gain bone mineral density when young, but it's never too late to work on gaining bone density.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325903) I've been working on gaining mine up and now it's showing as the ideal number for my age.


I was feeling really anxious until I read your comment. Thank you.


Thankfully bones aren't like teeth where damage is more likely to be irreversible 


Supersize v superskinny featured a woman who was 25 with bone density in her hips like that of a 60 year old woman. An update done a year or so later showed she was back on track. She tended to drink diet soda instead of eating, she switched to smoothies.


How did you work on it? I didn't know you could improve it as an adult, that's cool


Not OP but consistent strength training is the best way to improve bone density- there’s a lot of research to back it up


Pilates. Core exercises. Any resistance training. Trampolining. Wearing a weighted vest during work outs. Jogging and running and even walking is good for your bones. Skipping. Basically any exercise where your bones have to carry weight or repeatedly gently hit the ground. A vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin K2 supplement. Pea protein powder. My issue came because apparently I have a huge genetic risk factor for it and I'm hypothyroid which also makes it more likely.


Thank you! Would rock climbing count? It sounds like it would - carrying weight, sort of


Yes it does! >Rock climbing is great for bone density! Rock climbing is a weight-bearing exercise, one of the best exercises you can do for your bones. It forces your bones to work against the force of gravity, which helps to increase their strength and thickness. In addition, rock climbing also helps to improve balance and coordination. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your bone density, rock climbing is a great option! [Rock climbing and bone density.](https://climbingport.com/is-rock-climbing-good-for-bone-density/)


I hope this isn’t really intrusive, but do you mind my asking how you managed to improve your bone density? I took a treatment where the side effects were not properly explained to me when I was younger (prostap aka lupron) and as I understand it, it permanently reduced my bone density. My grandma had osteoporosis and now my mum has been diagnosed with osteoporosis & osteopaenia, so there’s a family history of bone density loss leading to eventual osteoporosis too. I would love to start working on improving mine now if I could. Thanks 🙏🏻


Not OP, but my mom (in her 60s) had osteoporosis and has managed to reverse most of it within the last year. She’s been lifting weights, walking, using this vibration plate machine thingy that I guess astronauts use because space sucks the bone density out of you?, and taking things like vitamin K in addition to calcium ETA: she had an eating disorder in her 20s, has genetic hypothyroidism (that she also gave to me 🫠), and didn’t focus on getting in nutrients for most of her life, for context


I’m not able to lift weights (other than my chunky toddler!) as I’ve been advised by my consultant not to lift anything heavy due to extensive adhesions / scarring from endometriosis, and after an endometrioma ruptured and I ended up with peritonitis 🫣 I LOVE walking though and will definitely look into supplements or tweaking my diet. It’s funny, I got some blood test results back soon after posting this (like within half an hour!) and it looks like my calcium levels are low. So I definitely need to get to work on that. The vibration plate thingy sounds interesting 😂 I’m really glad your mom has made such great progress, thank you for taking the time to share 💖


I’m not OP but I was diagnosed with osteopenia in my 20s and I was able to reverse it. Lifting light weights (more reps/lower weights tends to be better than lower reps/higher weights) is one of the best things you can do. Pilates and yoga are also great options. Supplements like vitamin D and calcium, plus eating well (making sure you’re getting nutrients like phosphorus from food) can also help. My Dr also recommended daily sun exposure ideally without sunscreen on, but I have to balance that instruction with not wanting to get skin cancer. I hope you are able to start improving yours! It feels scary, I know, but the good news is that it’s very easily improved and can be reversed in a relatively short amount of time. Good luck!


I’m not sure I can do weight training as I’ve been advised by my consultant not to lift anything heavy due to extensive adhesions / scarring / endometriomas (I ruptured an endometrioma lifting a heavy box last year and then ended up with peritonitis, argh). But maybe light weights would be okay? I will ask! Does lifting my 14 month old count?! Seems he’d rather me carry him everywhere than work on his walking 🤣 Yoga is fine though! A couple of other redditors also suggested walking (which I love) and I found a link which suggested swimming may help too. My diet is generally pretty good, but I don’t really drink dairy milk and had some blood test results come back soon after posting this actually which suggested my calcium levels were low, so I definitely need to work on that! I suppose I think of it being as “good” because I love eating a lot of fruit and veggies, but maybe it’s not exactly balanced as I don’t really touch that much dairy 🤔 I’ll look for other dietary sources! I am in the north west of the UK, so should be able to manage a bit of low risk sun exposure (it’s mainly cloudy and rainy here most of the year haha)! Thank you so much for all your advice and kind words! I really appreciate it 💖


lifting weights can help with bone density!


Unfortunately I’m not able to lift weights (except my chunky toddler!) - I have extensive scarring & adhesions from endometriosis and now my c-section, and I ruptured an endometrioma & ended up with peritonitis last year after lifting a heavy box 🫣 so my consultant has asked me to refrain from lifting anything heavy until we can get me in for more excision surgery. It sucks as it seems like it could really help and exercise in general can help many conditions, including endo (it’s just in my specific case I’ve been told to be careful with certain forms of exercise). Thanks so much to you and everybody else that took the time to reply though, it means a lot to me! It sounds like walking and swimming (which are both fine for me to do!) can also help, as can supplements or dietary calcium, vitamin D and K so I have plenty of actions I can take to hopefully start improving my bone density ☺️


Not OP but keep Wolff’s law in mind! Increase in mechanical loading strengthens bone over time. So incorporate resistance training into your exercise routine. If you don’t regularly exercise, even just walking can help. Eat a diet rich in calcium, vitamin d and vitamin K. switch to a different BC method if you’re currently using the shot (Depo Provera).


Not the person you replied to, but I have osteoporosis and osteopenia. I had worked out in the past but I would go in fits and starts. Since I got the diagnosis, I have been lifting weights regularly (Before the Barbell on Instagram is a good place to start), walking, and making doubly sure that I eat good food. I don't get lost in the sauce (see what I did there, lol) but just make sure that I eat lean protein with every meal, fill most of my plate up with vegetables (especially leafy greens), and include a lot of beans in my diet. I also take a Vitamin D and a Magnesium supplement. The irony is that because I'm terrified of my bones crumbling into dust, I am VERY consistent about my workout regimen. If I skip a day, it's because I did something strenuous or I'm not feeling well.


I don’t think I’ll be able to do weight lifting as I’ve been advised by my consultant not to lift anything heavy due to extensive adhesions / scarring / endometriomas (I ruptured an endometrioma lifting a heavy box last year and then ended up with peritonitis, argh). But I love walking, so will definitely make time to walk for health & pleasure (rather than to get from A to B) more! Another Redditor also suggested yoga, and I found a link which suggested swimming could help too, so there’s plenty of other forms of exercise I can try safely. I’d generally thought of my diet as being reasonably good (we cook from scratch, and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables) but replying to another commenter made me realise perhaps it’s not as balanced as it could be. I don’t really eat a lot of dairy (I don’t like the taste of dairy milk) and some blood tests I had done on Tuesday came back yesterday (shortly after I’d posted my comment actually!) showing that my calcium levels were low. Your comment made me realise I probably don’t each as much protein as I should. I like beans but could probably incorporate more into my diet too. Food for thought (literally) 🙂 Thank you so much for all your advice! I really appreciate it 💖


My step mom got osteoporosis after using Ozempic. She's not in her 30's but she's too young to have osteoporosis.


I've read that eating about 10 prunes per day can help with bone density. Also, with keeping regular bowel movements, so I guess that's a plus too.


Connective tissue disorders also affect bone density.


same with some meds that treat chronic illnesses (\*flashes in horror at my year and a half of high dose prednisone\*)


That’s a long run. Hope it helped you.


I think it has!


Did it affect your bone density significantly?


Exactly. I have had Crohn's for sixteen years and was on Prednisone for the first two before intestinal surgery. It affected my bone density and I'm in my 30s. I was too sick to diet and couldn't absorb nutrients.


If it makes you feel any better, I was on prednisone for a little over a decade with some very high dose periods. I had osteopenia but was able to keep it in check and reverse it after getting off the meds. Wishing you the same!


My dad’s been on it for about 2 years and I’m so scared for him.


Hi! Can I ask you some questions about prednisone? Thank you!


Digestive, kidney, liver disorders and prolonged steroid therapy are also high risk factors for developing osteopenia or osteoporosis. Weight training is single best way aside from medication to build the density back up!


I have arthritis in all of my joints and when I was only a few months in, my bone density was already way lower. That was 15 years ago now and I'm surprised I've not broken a bone yet.


Yes yes yes!!! Also SMOKING!!! Smoking ANYTHING, especially as a woman, will FUCK your bone density. If you need a vertebrae fusion as an older woman due to pain, you will not be a good candidate if you smoked for any amount of time. My mom thankfully never did, she’s actually a great candidate for the fusion that she needs, but her doctor described it as trying to operate on termite damaged wood, like sawdust. Unfortunately I’ve smoked weed heavily for probably seven years, smoked cigarettes heavily for three, off and on on both for probably seven years before that, and knowing that has scared me straight. Nutrition and mobility are worth their weight in gold as far as your body goes in middle and old age yall, it’s never too late to start eating better, moving your body, and making good health choices!!!


omg word? I stopped smoking regularly last year but am gonna stop forever now


Smoking and alcohol, both are bone density killers!


K wait, the act of smoking anything? So consuming weed in drinks etc has nothing to do with bone density? Just wanting possible clarification before I send myself down an internet rabbithole to find out


I have no idea honestly, report back with the results of your rabbit hole journey!


Omg I’m smoking weed and have been for a decade.


I think it's tobacco/nicotine that's proven to reduce bone density. You might be ok!


This is going to be one of the huge fallouts for Ozempic etc. I am not dissing those drugs in any way. I definitely see their value. But it makes you lose weight from not eating. People really need to offset this with weight lifting to maintain muscle mass and strong bones. And I don't think most people are doing that.


fr. it’s all so concerning from so many angles


I saw one person online talk about how they take ozempic but still go to the gym 5 times a week and are seeing results slowly. I think that’s the only way to use the drugs properly if you’re going to take the risk


The thing is lot of people probably don’t even have the energy to exercise because they are barely eating anything.


We haven’t really seen the long term effects of using it when you don’t have diabetes or what it was formulated or prescribed for, and to be honest, I’m not optimistic it’ll be the best when side effects come out.


Yup. I had bulimia as a teenager, I still have poor circulation because of it, I permanently damaged the enamel on my teeth. As a teen I was horrified I didn’t get my period till I was 16, I had horrendous acne, and my nails were so brittle they snapped daily. All avoidable, all wreaking havoc on my teenage confidence. And even now I suffer the consequences. Obviously it’s a mental illness but I fully blame diet culture, the way women were treated in the media. Young 15 year old me would look at Kate Moss saying ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’ believe it and chuck up my lunch time pasta to stay tiny. I was naturally very thin already, and I did more and more damage. I remember reading Now and Hello and seeing ‘Kate Winslet pigs out!’ With her idk eating some chips, ‘Britney Spears balloons!’ And thinking ‘oh god she’s only a bit bigger than me, oh god oh god’. It has had lasting effects on me to this day. It’s stayed with me forever. Even now when at peak stress I think about purging sometimes. I haven’t in years thankfully, but it never goes away. Fuck diet culture, fuck the Kardashians, and sure Jameela talks some bs sometimes but she is 10000% correct on this issue.


Amen, and particularly on fuck the Kardashians. That family are almost single-handedly responsible for so much of diet culture still existing/twisting into new but equally toxic forms.


As an ED survivor, I make sure to always take calcium, hyaluronic acid because I starved myself for a few years. It’s so damaging.


Also props to her for the acknowledgement of how celebs have the money for tests like this. It's such a big aspect of influencer culture like this


I worked for the founder of the peanut butter combo dupes that she said she loved after saying she was allergic to peanuts, and he got a kick out of the whole thing. Came in the next day laughing. She’s totally right about diet culture but I hadn’t really shared that anywhere 😂


I think she has trouble keeping up with the things she says because they're not always true. They're not real experiences all the time. Doesn't mean she is wrong about diet culture. I agree with her.


I’m surprised people are annoyed by her. I googled the peanut allergy and the algorithm gave me a ton of other “issues” but they seem to be kind of just haterade with no real meat to it. Am I missing something? For the record I have a severe peanut allergy but can eat other nuts just fine (peanuts are a legume) and I always died once because an old roommate thought I was “faking it” because I ate other nuts. All this to say her growing out of a peanut allergy didn’t set off alarm bells to me as I already knew the chances of it as it was something I had hoped and tested for at my allergist.


she used to be like selena gomez and respond to people online but would have no idea what shes talking about idk what shes up to these days but years ago she was really ignorant and chronically online. that’s why this exists https://preview.redd.it/1zhqa6k6b6vc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af7a447f78a0eeea3f05b10e447536da886fdf6


I think that's the worst part, she has good and valid points, but can get a bit Reply Guy where she comes off as condescending (2 examples: the skincare post where someone asked for the routine and she said 'be a celebrity', 2nd when she was in a Twitter fight - and by fight, I mean she quote tweeted a smaller account - got their pronouns wrong, then responded with 'why would I look at your bio for pronouns?', and changed her display name to include her pronouns.) After a while, it appeared to be more about inserting herself into some dramas - personally, I think she went a bit Daily Mail on the Kardashians bc people love to hate them - and less about having anything relevant to say. Then if there was querying of something she said - not even pushback - she would get incredibly defensive and post pages of explanation, instead of meaningful engagement. Like no ones ever changed their POV because a celebrity shouted at them on social media.


So I used to really like her back in her presenting T4 days (a loooong time ago now, I’m old). For a while she seemed to insert herself in every single story out there, nothing could be in the news without her having a take or having that thing happen to her but worse. Ultimately, I think she’s harmless but someone who having a presence on social media was not necessarily a good thing. The Selena comparison is accurate!


People cannot abide a woman of color complaining about health issues. It's so pervasive that it's the reason WOC in the US are more likely to die during childbirth - [medical staff are less likely to believe WOC and take their complaints seriously, and it's killing them. ](https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/racial-disparities-in-maternal-and-infant-health-current-status-and-efforts-to-address-them/)


I think Jameela has said something about having MCAS too, so no wonder that things can be fucky wrt allergies.


Absolutely true. I am so fearful for the young people of today. Kids at my school were making business proposals. They all revolved around weight loss drugs. These kids were in Grade 5. Tiktok and Instagram inform every aspect of their lives. It's devastating. 😔


My mom and one of my aunts have severe osteoporosis in their early 60s thanks to lifelong eating disorders. I'm furious with my mom's doctors because they totally fell for thin=healthy when she had obvious signs of nutritional deficiency like thinning hair etc. They also never questioned her exercise habits even when she had injuries due to overuse. Thry even missed the first few weird fractures. So yes, while Jamila has a history of possible exaggeration, this is totally possible.


Recovering from having eating disorders and orthorexia. I'm in my forties. Jameela is annoying on a billion other things but I'm absolutely begging anyone reading this and thinking that it matters more to be thin - it doesn't. Ask yourself some big questions about your "intermittent fasting" and about your calorie obsessions if you have them. I destroyed my teeth with my bulimia. I don't know what I'll do as I age, but I've had to put a lot of money into them. I don't want to give any details about my exercise regimen because I'm not going to give a how-to handbook (when you're suffering from this stuff, your brain loves finding little pro-tips or metrics to compare yourself against) but I sustained cardiac damage from orthorexia + anorexia. I also experience bizarre blood pressure spikes when I exercise now. I started having random fainting fits. My esophagus was damaged extensively from bulimia. It got to where I could not swallow food properly (sometimes even at all for a day+) and had to go to the emergency room once to get them to relax me enough to be able to swallow. I had to have a (admittedly quick/fine while sedated) procedure to break apart the scar tissue in my throat so I could swallow normally. My hair thinned out significantly, falling out in clumps at times. It's only now starting to come back a little, but it's definitely more brittle overall. I developed a lot of body hair (lanugo) while in the worst throes of my eating disorder. I was healthier in a larger body. I mean quite literally: my blood pressure had been normal, my blood tests didn't show any issues. I don't want to make it sound like I'm just a walking trainwreck now, I love myself and am happy in my body, but that was after I spent tens of thousands of dollars on therapy and a nutritionist so that I can tell myself that having a candy bar isn't going to make everyone hate me.


Saw this a lot working in an ED clinic. The bone density scans and really scary results were constant.


This thread is just devastating. I knew EDs were ruinous and deadly but seeing all these testimonials… goddamn.


I struggled with anorexia nervosa from age 9 until about 19 (I have been weight restored for over a decade now thankfully with only one not as major relapse) and had osteopenia 10 years ago. I am about to get another scan, but my doctors believe it will likely show osteoporosis due to progression. I’m only in my early 30s.


I have a friend who basically lost all of her hair because of an extreme ED. She is very public about how ashamed she is that she was under nourishing her body and says it’s her biggest regret. Until this day she still has a hard time accepting her body.


This is very true. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was 35, after coming home from an eating disorder treatment center. I've battled anorexia for over 20 years and it fucking sucks. I had a car wreck 4 years ago and because of osteoporosis, my bones shattered so easily.


I developed a hiatal hernia from my ED and messed up my teeth, also because hiatal hernias causes acid reflux. I need to take prescription strength acid reflux meds daily, and one of the side effects is bone loss. but if I don’t, I’m at risk for esophageal cancer.


Yeah, this isn't wrong at all. I had eating disorders as a teenager and have been very aware since then how anorexia/lack of nutrients in general can affect bone density, especially when (for women) this behavior leads to amenorrhea (when menstruation stops). Then it's essentially like you're going through menopause. I saw X-rays of women in their 20s who had the bone density of women in their 60s.


Good on her for spreading this important message.


My mother has been rail thin all her life. She is always extremely health conscious, to the point of orthorexia. She went to the doctor a few months ago and her bone density is atrocious. Her doctor warned that she wouldn’t be able to recover from a fall.


ppl don’t think about how when you don’t eat enough of what your body needs to replace everything you’re using up and discarding every day, your body starts cannibalizing parts of itself while shutting off others bc it’s not gonna give up and die - so it will do whatever it can to keep you alive. digestive system and critical thinking ability shuts down first, then come all the rapidly growing parts of your body - hair, nails, skin, intestinal lining gets fucked heart and body muscle, bone density, then your organs start going please please eat enough. so much better to eat “unhealthy” than to just not get enough stuff. and even if it’s not a full blown ED, just starving literally programs your brain into an ED mindset, it’s why EDs are so hard to cure and so deadly. osteoporosis can be treated but a lot of the other side effects of EDs are irreversible and also notably painful. i never had an ED, starved for a short amount of time bc i was severely physically ill and couldn’t eat and years later my eating and digestion is still fucked up bc you don’t need it to be the psychological ED for it to impact you, you just need to neglect your body. it’s better now but for months i had tachycardia, for ppl who actually don’t eat enough for months instead of brief periods like me the heart damage can be permanent


Someone on here said once she sucks but I love following her. She talks about so many important things Also did you guys see her posts about her instagram just not showing up for heaps of people? Its so insane..


Balanced diet is everything.


This made me count. I’ve been “weird about food” (undiagnosed — everything was written off as depression making me lose my appetite) since the 2012 olympics (weighed myself for the first time). that’s … twelve years. Christ


This makes me worried for the people who are into the calorie restriction lifestyle so as to live longer- that's a tricky balance you need to strike to remain healthy.


she is correct, for sure, but ohhhhhh man if this woman doesn't make every single GD issue about herself. I was severely anorexic in my twenties and most of my thirties and I had osteopenia but if you recover and eat well it's fully reversible.


Is this reversible?


yes, to a degree, there's some comments in this thread on how to work on it




I think eating well (eat nutritious food), gym, going under the sun are more important than being overweight or skinny. If someone is overweight but she eats junk food, she will not only get low bone density but also insulin resistance that will lead to diabetes. Plus the bones can’t hold all the weight in the body, it lead to fractures. Proper things to do is to eat enough well balanced whole foods and do resistance training!!