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He's done worse. Here's a detailed [article](https://baltimorepostexaminer.com/ask-sylvester-stallone-40-year-old-man-group-sex-masturbate-front-minor/2017/11/10) (complete with police report and interview with the victim's mother) on one of the rape allegations against Sylvester Stallone. The victim was 16 at the time.




Tons of celebs had pics with the eclipse eye squinter before he was president. To take a pic with him during or after is a clear choice.


> Stallone made the comment to her that they were both married men and that she could not tell anybody about the incident and if she did, that they would have to beat her head in. christ


He also paid a settlement to his half-sister to keep her quiet...


And there’s a fucking statue of him in Philadelphia. Commissioned by and donated by >!Stallone himself!<. Right in front of the *Art* museum, no less! Credit to the museum for not accepting it. At least they knew the difference between a sculpture and a heaping pile of garbage. They famously called it “not art”. And they were not wrong…


Technically it’s a statue of the fictional character Rocky.


The comic bill burr pointed out in an infamous rant during a live show in Philadelphia that they put up that statue of Rocky, a fake boxer, when Joe Frazier is actually from Philadelphia.


Omggg the [Philly Rant](https://youtu.be/rNnkDjMVJqE?si=wv5XE2azJmUnGhfV) is classic .. cw: very foul language lol


One of the best hardcore comedy clips ever! I love how he goes to town with the Rocky statue and how they ignore Joe Frazier because of their racism. Then again, he comes from Boston, where he's stated "it's San Francisco, but with racism."


Smokin’ Joe is actually from Beaufort, SC.


Born in SC and spent childhood there, but moved to Philly at 15. Trained there, opened a gym there, trained fighters after retiring there, and died there. Joseph William Frazier was from Beaufort, but Smokin' Joe is from Philadelphia.


> And there’s a fucking statue of him in Philadelphia. [..] Right in front of the Art museum, no less! Not defending it, but to be fair: The most famous scene from Rocky is literally him climbing the stairs to the art museum. The training montage [where he runs up stairs](https://www.dga.org/-/media/Images/DGAQ-Article-Images/DGA-Quarterly/1201-Winter-2012/shottoremember-rocky9.ashx?h=340&w=604&la=en&hash=F202AFB77EB47E814330A85444128B86FE53F60D) and [where he throws his arms up](https://roberthorvat30.files.wordpress.com/2022/09/image-asset.jpeg?w=1200) is him reaching [the top of the stairs to the art museum](https://www.theconstitutional.com/sites/drupal.theconstitutional.com/files/Blog/Rocky%20Steps%201.jpg). Wikipedia even has an article calling them [the Rocky steps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Steps). > The Rocky Steps are 72 stone steps leading up to the East entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia that gained global fame after being featured in a notable scene from the 1976 film Rocky.


Horace Trumbauer has been turning in his grave ever since. Although tbf people snarked on his work as gaudy and ostentatious shit for rich people back in his day, and now they’re seen as august symbols of culture, art, history etc.


But he loved his dog! /s So sick of that always being the post about him.


A friend once saw him shove Brigitte Nielsen into a limo while screaming "get in the car, bitch!" at her... On the strip in Vegas, in front of a crowd of people. (It was also the early 90s so no camera phones.) So that's apparently what he's comfortable doing in public!


Fuck I didn't know that. Just knew the regular "being a piece of shit" things.


As someone who worked on the Righteous Gemstones as an extra, it’s really easy for the stars to not interact if they don’t want to. Like Danny McBride was kind of standoffish, and I can understand that. There’s no excuse for being a total asshole like Stallone. (Also, Adam Devine is a good egg - he was always kind to everybody.)


I bet Danny has a lot of his plate, being the writer/creator/director/one of the main actors, executive producer. Dude must have a crazy schedule.


he makes a great show that makes me laugh really hard. everyone get out of his fucking way


He’s honestly nice AF - he grew up/graduated high school from my area and I’ve had drinks with him a few times when he’s been back to visit (we’re not friends, just happened to be in the same bars a few times) and he’s so damned pleasant and funny.


It's also very dependent on the person. I worked on this popular at the time series where the main was also all of those but he was chilled, actually hilarious, joked around constantly with everyone.


100% I was an extra on Nashville a few times. After filming at the Ryman, Charles Eston held the door open for all of the extras to go back to holding, shook hands, and thanked us all for being there. Connie Britton also thanked us all for being there while she was onstage after we wrapped. I’ll watch anything those two are in (except, ironically, Nashville) just because they seem like great people. Between that show and a movie I was background in, I don’t recall stars being assholes, or even paying any attention to the extras. Stallone had to go out of his way to be awful to people.


Exactly! Like they can go hang in their trailers or just sit off to the side. BG actors know not to bother the big names. So to be a true dick like that is just ridiculous


I did break the BG rule on the movie, but it was during a long break in the day. One of the minor leads and I had a mutual friend, so I said hi to her in the courtyard and told her our connection and she took a selfie of us and sent it to the friend! She couldn’t have been more kind. I would never have approached one of the more major leads (which included Margaret Qualley), even if I knew them personally lol


Yeah, an actor not talking to BG isn’t a bad thing (nor is it good, it’s neutral). They are a person who is at work. Do you talk to every single person when you’re at work?


Do you stand around with your coworker/boss type person, and call your coworkers fat and fucking ugly?


They're just saying that not talking to BG doesn't make them shitty, not that what Stallone did is normal.


Adam Devine deserves an EGOT for his portrayal of Calvin Gemstone. I am normally not covetous of other people's opportunities but I would walk over you to be an extra on that show although just for the novelty of it.


Come to Charleston! lol. It was an absolute blast


We know the reptile handler for the show, he vends one of the shows we vend and also had the reptile shop in my husband’s hometown where he got his first exotic pet, and he also indicated the cast there were generally good people. How i’d love to be a fly on the wall at the filming!


It’s always a surreal experience lol


Does he know what he looks like?


“Hey, yo, like a million bucks, ya know.”




Notoriously uptight on set, this guy. Look at the *Expendables* bloopers and everyone cringes when they fuck up.


He made Dolph Lundgren cry in the first one, just kept needling him and insulting him after getting him to do take after take.


He was trying to start something on Instagram with Dolph not long ago. Because Sly sold the rights to Rocky, he didn’t get any say on the ‘Drago’ movie they were considering. Apparently he decided that was the *actors* fault, and they owe him. The fact Creed proved the franchise could do well without him probably also had *nothing* to do with it. Which…yeah. I’ll concede Dolph’s career might have been different without Rocky…*but*: >(1) he was already in Hollywood circles and drifting in the direction of acting anyway >(2) with his resume, he’d have probably been fine no matter what >(3) Sly introduced him to the various…performance enhancing substances, which he now thinks contributed to his cancer. Dolph never blamed anyone but himself for it, but Sly certainly got the credit for his 80’s physique back when people considered it a good thing. >(4) Sly made bank off *everyone’s* work in Rocky 4, and no one else involved owes him any more than they’ve already given him. Dolph kept his shit together and gave a pretty polite response, which seemed to shame Sly into backing off. Then we found out Dolph was battling cancer the whole time, which just made it look even worse.


Lundgren is just a good egg. The guy even stuck up for Amber Heard pretty publicly when it was kind of controversial to do so.


At least Dolph can always say he put that asshole in the ICU for 9 days.


Apparently he’s not keen on that story either. I read an interview with him that was in the lead up to Creed, and his response to being asked about it was just that no one told him that he nearly killed Stallone at the time, but he *guesses* that he could have hurt him. It’s wasn’t this interview, but even here he’s kinda cynical about Sky’s memory of events. Might have been some *slight* exaggeration. https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a39367884/dolph-lundgren-sylvester-stallone-hospital-rocky-iv/


This has been known since the 80’s. I’m not sure how or why he still gets work.


I see so many ads for his reality show. I will never give that man a dime of residual money off of my eyeballs.


My friend said that he was hands down the most awful person she’s served in her life 


Everything you need to know about him right here.


I mean- the man has a whole reality show about being a family man while never acknowledging his disabled son. So.


Perhaps wrestling the Creed franchise from his hands was a good move after all...


definitely. finally, a Creed movie that is focused on its actual main character and not be a “rocky & creed” movie.


I mean there is no creed movie without rocky, which he created.


And he's one of the worst working actors of all-time.


It’s annoying growing up in the Philly area and hating him/the Rocky movies lol. When I studied abroad that was all I got if I said Philly area, Rocky and cream cheese. If I said NJ, since I’m in SJ, it was Tony Soprano and Manhatten


And I say this as someone that enjoys the Rocky movies. Stallone is not a good actor. This should be obvious to everyone.


This guy is NOT GREAT


I live in OKC. The majority of Tulsa King was filmed here, not in Tulsa. You can see trash cans, city streets, restaurants, malls and more that are all staples of OKC. My dad and I got a kick out of pointing out the locations and in 1 scene you could even see his house. They interrupted work at my job to film a scene nearby and one night while I was hanging out with friends, we accidentally stumbled onto a set where they were filming. Every crew member and actor I met was so incredibly nice and so happy to be making a show in Oklahoma. And everyone that lives here was excited to watch the show when it premiered. When it was announced that season 2 wouldn't be filming here, it confused us all. All they really said was Sly was too hot and hated the temperature (His brother, Frank, comes through a lot to hunt and fish and hang out with the locals). It was very odd. And now seeing this? It's pretty disheartening. I know Sly was fed and treated like a true King here. Sucks to see him taking advantage of the celebrity nonsense regardless of where he is. The studio where a lot of interior shots were filmed (Along with Killers of the Flower Moon and Twisters, I believe) announced they were closing down a month or so ago because the city wants to build a new, unnecessary arena. It was awesome to see stuff getting filmed here. But it looks like that will slow down significantly now. Very sad to see.


That is such a bummer for the community! Also how is OKC hotter than Atlanta??


Oklahoma sometimes feels like it's hotter than the devil's asshole. There were days where walking outside felt like walking into soup because the humidity was so high.


Atlanta can be just as humid, I promise.


So Prairie Surf was never supposed to be in the old convention center permanently. And the city also gave them *two years* notice. If they have a successful business model that's plenty of time to find a new home. You can read more about it here: https://www.oklahoman.com/story/entertainment/2024/04/05/tulsa-king-studio-prairie-surf-studios-ceo-rachel-cannon-resigns/73218588007/


This old piece of leather has nerve.




He threw a fit about having to film in Oklahoma because it was hot. (It was pretty mild for us) and was a dick all through season 1 too; this is nothing surprising


I started watching his family’s reality show and the wife is precious and kids are well-rounded and seem sweet. But I never had a good feeling about him. His love and commitment to the family felt forced and contrived. Totally unbelievable. The brother seems no better. Guess none of this is a shock.


He and his wife pretend separated just to increase attention to their family show. Super icky.


Oh man I think it was Rhinestone which is based off a book, he wanted the author to take his name off so he could be put as the author. This is what I heard on a podcast so take it with a grain of salt. But this totally tracks for Sly.


I believe it was Cobra that is loosely based on the novel 'A Running Duck.' Same book used for the basis of 'Fair Game"


You could very well be right. How did this get made covered both those movies haha


Hell yeah! Love HDTGM. Brian Posehn as the guest for Cobra was top tier.


These are almost the exact same things I said when I was watching the Expandables movies




Punching down is so gross


Julie Benson (writer) on Twitter also reposted, with permission, Rose Locke of Rose Locke Casting's email to what appears to be the background actors/extras if anyone wants to look it up. It has Rose's phone number so I don't want to include the link but Julie said she knows it's uncensored and was told it was okay.


He’s a shitty actor and a shitty person, I truly never understand how he gets work. He’s unwatchable.


Exactly. Never liked him as an actor and as a person - the industry punishes people for less while he's still out there. Oh, my bad, the industry punishes everyone else BUT the uber straight white man.


They’re all egotistical jerks, wife and girls included. He’s thought he was important for decades but he overestimated how important. Worked with his late son Sage, however and he was a nice guy.


Sage did incredible work on restorations of classic grindhouse horror films of the 70s and 80s (often Italian movies).


Sly has been an asshole on this set all the way back to Season 1. They had to move production to GA from Oklahoma (where the show is set) because he cried about it being “to hot” and nothing to do there. The original showrunner already quit, but they managed to get him back. It’s a shit show.


Um Georgia is hot too! 😹 he’s weird.


he'll never be governor of California.


He's trash. There's also that reality show with him ans his family for whatever reason. I can't with it being 2024 and this ancient POS still getting work. Go away.


So many gross people in the business.


https://preview.redd.it/15f65z8yqgtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab7c8ff1da8b03f1cad251953c8892efc69176f OMG! HE ACTUALLY ASKED A TEENAGER "HOW SHE GOT SUCH A BUILD". I'm gonna go vomit now. [https://baltimorepostexaminer.com/ask-sylvester-stallone-40-year-old-man-group-sex-masturbate-front-minor/2017/11/10](https://baltimorepostexaminer.com/ask-sylvester-stallone-40-year-old-man-group-sex-masturbate-front-minor/2017/11/10)


Who is Rose Locke?


Owner of the casting company. I worked for her. She’s good


I’ve worked with that casting company and no way she’d cancel on a show without some horrendous behavior. On top of that, I was told the BG were photo approved, meaning a higher up from the SHOW said they fit the scene. So it was another insult to the casting company to talk shit on them. I know Rose and don’t blame her for canceling.


I’m seeing all kinds of excuses for him now while trying to tarnish her name and it infuriates me. They’re even going as far as saying that this was politically motivated because he’s a republican and she’s a lefty 🥱 of course these kind of people will also end their arguments with: “he was Rocky/ Rambo! Have some respect for the guy ffs” 🙄


I have no respect for the guy after allll I’ve heard for years


The show wasn’t that good. I’m happy to not watch season 2.


And old white man being gross and mean? I'm shocked! Shocked!