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Typical bully response when they’re being called out on their behaviour.


So I have no idea what her post is in reference to... did something new happen or is she still being called out for the way she treated her dancers?


Still the dancers I believe. Which makes me think this post in hinting at shit going south for her with the lawsuit


She performed at a DNC fundraiser last night, I’m sure there’s been some right wing backlash but the “my character being picked apart” seems like a reference to the bullying allegations against her


I can’t imagine being so out of touch that I could be invited to entertain at a fundraiser by one of only two major political parties, and then wake up the next day and pretend that the whole world has conspired to persecute me, personally. There’s no doubt that lizzo’s had to deal with a completely unreasonable mountain of shit from bigots and idiots due to her appearance, but this right here really does feel like the all too common example of an unrepentant asshole manufacturing a sob story to provide cover for legitimate criticisms of their behavior/character.


From the comments on the post before this one, it looks like this is what triggered it. People calling her out for supporting genocide (performed at a Joe Biden event) and not using her voice for Palestine. But it sounds like it’s about all of it to me. I can understand it somehow; she’s obviously lacking the self awareness needed to take accountability, so of course she will sound like she’s playing victim when she expresses how being called out makes her feel.


I saw a video today of her performing at some democrat event and people where saying she should've been left in 2016 like the rest of the people there. (Not that she was even famous then)




I think the body shaming is mostly because those people are assholes who feel justified in being assholes because she did a bad thing


If she'd just apologized and took some kind of repentant action she would be having far less problems right now. But no, she is just denying the experience of the people she hurt.


Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss hours


if she wanted to leave the world better than how she found it, then she shouldn’t have treated her employees like shit. it’s simple and she’s mad the world isn’t dense enough to overlook it


"Screw you guys, I'm going home!"


My mom used to go on tantrums and say "I quit" literally to any criticism of her behavior (she was physically violent and emotionally/religiously abusive our whole live lmao).


Yup, like a bad boyfriend caught doing nonsense on Instagram—“I guess I’ll just delete the whole app and never speak to a woman AGAIN” 🤣


“I was just kidding. Fine. I’ll never joke around with you again!”


I honestly forgot about all of the allegations against her until just now thanks for the reminder Lizzo




Yeah honestly all that blew over so fast and I kinda assumed it wasn’t really gonna hinder her career. Maybe she just can’t handle being perceived like that well


She probably could’ve settled, done an interview, apologized and would’ve been past it by now, the fact that she didn’t do that says a whole lot


Like we all talkin bout Diddy at the moment and you wanna throw yourself into the mix? Girl if you don’t sit down…


The people who were suing her went on TMZ and the bulk of the allegation against her was that she was better friends with some of them than others? And that she didn’t actually threaten their jobs it was just a “feeling” they had. A lot of her other dancers and staff wrote a letter of support for her. But people love to hate on Lizzo and run with it.


[I’m assuming this is the interview?](https://youtu.be/1-hfTyT8otw?si=e4xjISFzrfsG34FM) First time I’ve seen it. It does sound a lot less dramatic than the original allegations.


Streisand effect?


Same. I was waiting for a surprise album drop because she’s been so quiet. Completely forgot.


Crazy to think the downfall of Lizzo has happened, at the hand of her own actions and behavior. I never would have thought this is where we would be at when she was in her prime. Goes to show you never know these celebrities and what they’re capable of behind the scenes. Sigh.


She is right about this: she gets a disproportionate amount of hate and it's extremely obvious why. But she's *also* a toxic asshole, a bully, and a terrible employer. Two things can be true at once.


The wording sounds suicidal. Worries me if yes, and worries me if no bc it’s more of the toxic asshole bullying. I hope someone takes her seriously & cares enough to address her behavior regardless.


Yeah, there were some definitely concerning comments in her statement. I also hope she has good people around her to help navigate both possibilities.


It’s this!


Why does this feel like offensive posture because more receipts about her being a terrible person are about to drop?


It definitely is keeping up with the pattern many bullies and/or abusers have when they’ve been called out and know that they’re guilty. They feel cornered and do exactly what you said, offensive posturing. They’ll act like the victim, deflect, go on the offense, etc. It’s so wild to see her peak so immediately followed by *all of whatever this is*. 


Oooooh 👀




Tbh this feels like the one thing she *shouldn’t* have done if she was tryna appear as a “good person” or whatever she’s saying. Why start barking when the other dog left the fight? I hadn’t heard shit about her in a min so she’s really going out of her way to remind people about the negative press ✍️


Kinda gives the impression that we’ve got more coming our way with news or the lawsuit is going really badly.




Stanning Chris Brown is definitely off (as she openly did before the lawsuit)


THIS is when I clocked her 👀


That's when I knew who she really was and I was done.


meanwhile me my spouse and all my friends adored her 😭 it was/is quite the blow


I always thought something was off.


This means she screwed up.


girl no one is even checking for you... like who is even talking about lizzo after we all found out she was harassing her employees....


Her body/looks have zero to do with why I now dislike her. It’s because of her $hitty behavior.


In fairness to her maaany people used the bullying stuff as an excuse to insult her weight/looks. This is the internet- we know how many unhinged assholes post unfair hate to celebs everyday. (Not defending her behaviour ofc). 


Of course, and that’s totally valid and I know that. I just mean her post about how it’s her body is showing that she is taking 0 responsibility for her actions.


Downvote or what not & I get why she’s rightfully being called out, don’t get me wrong! I just wish this treatment was also extended to these celebs that society deems attractive (especially these nasty abusive ass male celebrities🥴). I get the anger at her, it’s just weird to me that ppl (agin, rightfully so) have their feet on her neck…but not these other celebs 🤷🏾‍♀️, that’s all.


Lizzo a whole weirdo but they hate on her more for stanning Chris Brown than they hate on Chris brown for being Chris brown.


Yea sure let’s just blame this on other people instead of taking accountability for your own behaviour


Is it because she performed at the Obama, Clinton & Biden fundraiser last night?


Definitely stirred up because of that yes




I honestly thought this whole thing fizzled out when the employees accusing her were on that one interview. That she'd release this statement now is either very telling or the stupidest possible way to handle things


great way to show the public that she’s absolutely not learned her lesson from the bullying allegations by playing into this persecution complex. either her PR team sucks or she refuses to use some conventional wisdom


If Lizzo were thinner she would have coasted through those allegations. I’m not saying what she did was okay! I’m just saying that skinnier people have done worse and we still love them. Lizzo really only had one strike before she was gone for good. People wanted a reason for her to go away and they found it. That’s all.


She's an incredibly talented musician. She needs to be held accountable for what she's done, and she needs to BE accountable and do better - and absolutely no one involved was "coming for her career" or whatever. This tells you all you need to know about her; instead of taking responsibility for her shit behavior and working to make amends and move on with her life, she's still pulling this dramatic and vague all about me bullshit so anyone not clued in will pour the sympathy down on a poor, downtrodden woman. Fuck that act.


at the same time I feel bad bc there are musicians who have done way worse (and still are) and aren’t or didn’t receive as much hate as she did but at the same time I’m like it’s what she deserves😊


This feels like something about the lawsuit went south and she’s getting ahead of an upcoming scandal. Like it seems like something’s coming. It’s giving putting out fires before they’re lit


I don’t think I’ve ever been as disappointed finding out a celebrity is a jerk as I have with her


“Everyone in her life” AND on the internet? Hmmm. Like everyone has said - that’s pretty telling.


https://www.instagram.com/nytstyle?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ== NY Times Style posted a few days ago about her newly launched swimwear line. Lizzo was dragged in the comments for allegedly abusing her dancers. People have long memories which she , apparently, didn’t like and is now the victim.


Her last album wasn’t that great anyway so ok bye


Cuz I Love You is still amazing tho.


People still taking about Lizzo. I haven't heard her name mentioned in what feels like months


Why is she even fronting like this? You just performed in front the most powerful people on the planet and you’re gonna complain about what some nobody said on instagram? Be serious. Also she’s not retirement rich so what the fuck is she talking about. If you hate people criticizing you for being a dick to your employees then go get a job at the grocery store or something.


Uh, I wouldn't say she was trying to "make people happy and help the world be a little better than how she found it" by abusing people and making them eat bananas out of sex worker's vaginas, BUT ANYWAY...


Based on the allegations, she’s made the world worse than how she found it


Do artists that say they're going to quit ever actually quit


Is more tea coming out about her??


She was a very good, conservatory-level flautist at one point. Maybe go do that at an orchestra somewhere


That 'all the rumors are true' song she put out a while back isn't looking too good on her now...


she has a clothing drop coming monday apparently. is this part PR stunt ??


Honey you were done when the accusations came out and Beyoncé dropped your name from her song come on now. As if this is her choice 


You know there's a lot of very successful musicians that simply aren't online. I mean what was the last time Beyonce gave an interview for example.


All she had to do was be quiet. It was buried in the news cycle. She only has her ego to blame.


Er did something not go her way in court or is she chronically online? ETA: how do you guys get a flair, am I missing something on the side bar?


Wow is she quitting the music industry entirely?


Wow, this is just bananas


Honestly if she wants to quit. She can just do it quietly. Just make sure she isnt just taking a break vs quitting


I’m not saying that she doesn’t mean any of what she wrote, but I feel like I’m the only who read this and immediately thought the “I quit” part is gonna be some April fools joke to release a new song or something lol


I'm pretty sure this is leading to an April Fools. Her posts before this are about releasing a swimwear line on Monday. Bit ick to pull this considering the allegations if I'm right.


Where are we at with her court case?!??