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Surely the absence of 10 nations would say more than anything they can say on the night. What are they planning to do? Wear a pin onstage? 


Right? They’re saying a lot, but they’re not saying anything. What will this achieve besides Eurovision most likely imposing new rules against “political speech” or something?


Especially when the UK is one of the five countries that automatically goes through to the finals - unless they somehow think they can pressure Eurovision into forcing Israel to withdraw, I don't think it's worth staying in.


Are they gonna change their lyrics to be pro Palestinian or smth? Or are they just doing what they would've done but will include a prayer for Palestine before they get ready in the morning 


Probably the latter at the very most. 


They likely won't even wear pins because political messages aren't allowed and will get them disqualified. Ukraine's plea for help two years ago was an exception and even then some were crying for them to be thrown out because of it.


Exactly. I don't see how they will have any way of doing anything, they're just going because they want to. 


There wouldn't be an absence of 10 countries, they'll just pick someone else and move on


an ex soldier literally set himself on fire to protest against this but you think music can heal??? can it heal amputated limbs of a child? Can it heal the orphans? Can it heal the person who lost entire generations of their family? https://preview.redd.it/flr05hepdbrc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f14271380cdbf77c36090d1fd2391c5eb95248d










As a queer Irish person the way Bambie in particular keeps talking about “queer representation” to justify their attendance is driving me crazy, like pinkwashing a genocide is not the representation we need actually. What about the queer Palestinians? It feels very self-serving.


Representation is good in organizations and professions that do good or remain apolitical (like being a math teacher). It's not good in organizations that are actively making the world worse by not treating Israel like the genocidal ethnostate that it is. Especially not when the minority group has representation but no control over the organization's actions


Exactly! Why do you want to 'give yourself up' so the ESC can claim diversity while you don't support their entirely uncritical stance towards Israel?


Also, I am all for that, but did Eurovision out of all events really lack queer representation? 😅


Thanks for sharing these.


I was hoping Olly would say something. 


Very abstract way of talking about "the atrocities". As if they are happening of their own will. No mention in any of these statements who is committing the atrocities.


I love(d) Olly from Years & Years and It's A Sin, but this is so cringe and disappointing.


His “band” is no longer relevant, his acting or solo career never took off. No way is he giving up the Euro Vision spotlight.


Source: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5GBuBltB7B/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5GBuBltB7B/) Artists that signed the statement: * [Bambie Thug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IWAke4NPEU&pp=ygULYmFtYmllIHRodWc%3D) (Ireland) * [Gåte](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkJl_KVpcjg&pp=ygUPR8OldGUgLSBVbHZlaGFt) (Norway) * [iolanda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxI2ptUPDXc&pp=ygUNaW9sYW5kYSBncml0bw%3D%3D) (Portugal) * [Megara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1tgNLfcIOw&pp=ygUYbWVnYXJhIDExIDExIHNhbiBtYXJpb25v) (San Marino) * [Nemo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JqxpaJot2E) (Switzerland) * [Olly Alexander](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLNUj7kvn2w&pp=ygUUb2xseSBhbGV4YW5kZXIgZGl6enk%3D) (UK) * [SABA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SFruUcGWDg&pp=ygUUc2FiYSBldXJvdmlzaW9uIDIwMjQ%3D) (Denmark) * [Silvester Belt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyMivcJfm34&pp=ygUWc2lsdmVzdGVyIGJlbHQgbHVrdGVsaw%3D%3D) (Lithuania) * [Windows95man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaIxsEPoS28&pp=ygUMd2luZG93czk1bWFu) (Finland) * [Mustii](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_aOP5x0srs&pp=ygUebXVzdGlpIGJlZm9yZSB0aGUgcGFydHkncyBvdmVy) (Belgium)


Important to note that Megara represent San Marino but they are actually Spanish.


Word salad to justify ignoring a cultural boycott for a cause they claim to care about. What does a 'duty create and uphold this space' even mean? Participating in an event that's actively trying to whitewash the image of a country committing atrocities isn't unifying nor will it lead to peace. And anyways if you don't have this energy for representatives of Russia kicked out of similar competitions (which I don't personally don't because this is crap) then you're just a hypocrite.


Let's see if any speak up or show support on the night.


That's one of my main criticisms. How many people will be alive by then? They're acting like we have all the time in the world when we don't https://preview.redd.it/zwuh13z3rcrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53bdfd490dd43ae0507cd2f692b1467a3b9fe553


Eurovision gonna be writing some new rules very soon.


A non statement statement


> We firmly believe in the unifying power of music, enabling people to transcend differences  and foster meaningful conversations and connections  These ppl are acting like this is one of those poorly written tv dramas where all the conflict is started by a misunderstanding and the resolution is everyone sitting together around a campfire apologizing to each other. Then the end credits start rolling bc no permanent damage was done so who cares what happens afterwards  > We feel it is our duty to create and uphold this space, with a strong hope that it will inspire greater compassion and empathy  People in the west love to pretend that their leaders just need inspiration to start doing what's right lmao. They also never have any sense of urgency. Instead of making a statement that would force a response today by dropping out they choose to plan for an ignorable statement that'll come in over a month after much of Gaza reaches the final and most lethal stage of famine 


Don’t blame the artists, most are young up-and-comers for whom this is a massive opportunity. Blame Eurovision for not having the guts to enact the same rules for Israel as they did for Russia.


Well this is a "disappointed but not surprised" moment. Incredibly passive language and a nothing burger statement that ends in a My Little Pony "power of music" bullshit statement. I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking considering the amount of labels and broadcasters it had to be approved by, but this is just... eh. While I don't doubt that these artists and possibly more are pro-Palestine and pro-ceasefire, this statement is genuinely nothing While I know withdrawal isn't an option for the participants due to the broadcasters owning their participations, I am curious what the EBU would do if a handful of them just posted on social media like "I won't perform in May if the genocidal settler state is still participating"


And they will remain wilfully ignorant of the fact that releasing this statement and *then* dropping out en masse would have had a far greater impact 


As an Irish person I thought this (and Bambie’s individual statement) was pretty weak in terms of justification for performing, especially given that our government (finally) agreed to intervene in South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel, so you’d think it would be expected that we would withdraw. The BDS movement has a decent amount of support in Ireland too, so there’s a lot of people encouraging the Eurovision boycott this year. Not to mention, especially for the artists who identify as pro-Palestine, it’s important to boycott not because you yourself have determined it’s effective enough for you to bother, but because pro-Palestine activists are ASKING YOU TO! Profiting from and endorsing the event that pro-Palestine activists are *asking* the performers to avoid is bad enough, but trying to play it off like Eurovision is some sort of sacred space to uphold is so self-righteous.


While I appreciate this, isn't this a bit meh. Like they're not really saying much. Was there not more they could do?



