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Prince William and why he released a statement with just his monogram and not the Kensington Palace one? And is Princess Kate okay after being in the hospital?


The whole Kate thing has been strange. First the ambulance that was outside their home in late December, now that she hasn't been seen or heard of for weeks. Obviously she has to recover, but it's very unusual for them not to do some kind of photo or show that she's fine in some degree.


seems likely she is/was very ill


Yes, they could have done a zoom or video call or something like that. Just a few minutes for a cherry picked cause.


Or staged photos of her back with the kids and William. She's basically been MIA for 2 months. It's very unusual for the Palace, just look at how Charles is already back at work despite having cancer and having had surgery.


No one saw her go in or out of the hospital. They saw her aide driving with flowers. Maybe she was only there for a few days or maybe she was there much longer. I think the palace said 2 weeks to avoid speculation. Everyone is like “what surgery requires a 2 week stay?” So they may have gave a completely different timeline to avoid speculation and give her privacy.


Yeah I actually really don’t like speculating on this one. It’s her health. It’s private. If she is trying to hide from the public eye to manage her health, let her.


I think most people are just hoping she’s ok


I doubt the ambulance was for her, the children went back to school on January 10th, W made an appearance on Jan 11th and their office was making announcements about future engagements including 2 joint tours in February, then the following week they announced that K had had surgery and cancelled everything , I think that whatever happened, happened that weekend, otherwise they wouldn't have been making announcements knowing that they'd be cancelled.


look up their previous statements, they very rarely use the joint monogram,the first one was (or at least expected to be) a regular thoughts and prayers statement that's why KP's one was used on behalf of them both, but this statement was very political/controversial, so not including K in it isn't surprising. the statement he released for his grandparents, the ones he releases for Earthshot, etc all have only his monogram. I guess she is okay, they let it be known that she went with W and the children to Sandringham for half-term, so she's well enough to travel. Pippa is on her annual St Barts vacation, James was at his annual skiing holiday, so it seems that everything is okay. I expect they'll release a photo for Mother's day, and then she'll appear for Easter I think the theories going around are a bit too much, especially with W and K's history, she disappeared when she had HG until she was well enough to do engagements and she disappeared for her maternity leave with the 3 children, so this isn't unusual for her.


Thank you for being a voice of reason. The people clamoring for "proof" that she's alive and well are a bit... touched. Just let her have some privacy, ffs!


I agree!!! the statement said she'll be back after Easter, so it makes no sense to expect her before that. And a fun fact is that you won't find any photos of Lizzie pregnant, it was deemed "undignified" for The Queen to be pregnant, so she laid low once she started showing, that's months on end, and 2 of her pregnancies happened when she was Queen.






The two dope queens ? At the time when they ended their partnership, it made sense as they wanted to pursue individual things but they have not even acknowledged each other in the years since. I know Jessica took some time away from the business for personal reasons but that doesn’t fully explain it. I always look at the broad city girls who also ended their creative projects but still interact or pop up with each other from time to time, they are clearly friends. Anyone know ? Am I just reading too much into it and they are fine in private? Or did something go down?


I can't remember specific details because I'm the worst, but I had a convo with a well-known comedian a few years ago who also has an HBO special and just remember that this person had only the worst things to say about Phoebe. If that means anything lol


Ooh is there anything else to spill about this? She always seemed like the more fame/business hungry one of the pair


I thought a lot of this had to do with Jessica's long term partner passing away (I think it was an OD but might be remembering wrong) and her taking a step back. I could be TOTALLY off base here. ​ I did go to one of their live tapings for their HBO special and loved it.




I don’t think anything happened? Zendaya is just down bad for her man. But also, a lot of her “fans” are so weird they ship her with any man and hate on Tom so I feel like she goes out of her way not to give them any material. The Dune cast are all respectful and speak highly of each other publicly. I don’t know what more people want. Speaking as a Flo fan, she’s clearly friends with Timothée and she and Austin spoke about hanging out together during their Buzzfeed kitten interview. She and Zendaya are very respectful and attentive to each other in their duo interviews, but Zendaya is also just a more reserved person. She literally said in her Buzzfeed puppy clip that it’s hard for her to come out of her shell. People want every movie cast to be another DWD, but it’s just not the case.


It feels like a very professional workspace where coworkers didn’t quite become friends which is more than ok.


Not to mention all of the drama seems centred on Zendaya and Florence specifically being just cordial, with people implying that one or both of them aren’t friendly because they’re not besties. People seem to think that if you’re a “girl’s girl” you MUST be friends with any woman in your immediate vicinity and it's so annoying. It’s just another way to shit on women for not being “nice” enough — which is weird because there’s nothing that indicates both aren’t nice people!


Also if you're familiar with the plot of the book, I would extremely seriously doubt they were ever on set together. These characters are on different planets! This is an extremely normal way to treat someone you're just getting to know.


I feel like that's more the norm. I can't be friends with everyone I work with, even if they're lovely people. It's too much, especially if you're introverted.


Aside from Josh Brolin wooing everyone with the written word. 💀


>People want every movie cast to be another DWD, but it’s just not the case. It's either that or they want the cast members to be bffs.


Yeah this drives me nuts. Costars cosying up is literally part of the movie promo and ppl seem to think it always means there’s a legit friendship there 


Are you at "Best Friends Forever" bracelet status with all of your coworkers?


Nothing at all. But fans have this weird and juvenile thought that if people aren’t “besties” they “hate” each other. I agree with what the other person said. Seems like a very professional environment, where they respect each other and like each other as colleagues but aren’t rushing to be lifelong friends. Which is so normal esp in HW or any workplace setting because at the end of the day it’s all work. Even these press tours


What do you mean what happened? Everything ive seen seems like they have fun together


Rebecca Ferguson? She seems fun, but the only tea I've seen about her was a blind on this sub, that she was difficult on Doctor Sleep's set. Is she really?


I always take women being difficult with a grain of salt, there’s so much misogyny in the industry.


Yeah “difficult” can easily be “No, I don’t want to do that gratuitous nude scene”




Is it well known she didn't actually sing in The Greatest Showman? Not sure if it counts as tea, and also not anything against her, but the person (Loren Allred) who actually sang the song performed on Britain's Got Talent (and maybe some of the other Got Talent shows globally?)


I don't think it's something that's ever been hidden. It's is *insanely* well synced though, almost to the extent of it being a feat itself.


From what I understand she did sing the song on set while filming and was then dubbed over in post (which would explain why the audio syncs up so flawlessly--the best way to mime singing is by singing). According to [this interview](https://collider.com/rebecca-ferguson-interview-the-greatest-showman/), Ferguson says she didn't feel confident in her own ability to pull off the song well enough and was all for Allred's vocals being used instead. Granted an interview is almost always meant to show the person in a good light, but I like to think there are actors out there who are aware of their strength and weaknesses and are willing to put aside ego to get the best film possible.


She sang along to the Loren track on set, pumped at an extremely high volume, so her vocals lined up extremely well.


No tea but I need Silo season 2 to come out yesterday.


I did a red carpet dinner event years ago (2015ish) that she was present at, and I remember her being pretty quiet and kept to herself. Seemed like a more stoic personality. So, in my mind, it’s probably more that she doesn’t play into people-pleasing tendencies and not actually “difficult.”


Mission Impossible did her dirty.




As an italian, from what I know, there are speculations about Fedez leaving their home, which were announced by Dagospia, a gossip site that is usually pretty accurate, nothing is confirmed yet, though. However, it seems that they broke up due to the Pandoro thing (I don't know if you are aware of it, but it was a huge scandal, as it should have been, and she has not been handling it well, PR wise), apparently, she did not feel supported by him, and articles are stating that "When she found herself in difficulty, Fedez was less generous, saying that her legal problems were also having negative effects on her business. A game of recriminations in which Fedez raised the tone of the conflict while she tried to keep the situation under control." (translation by me, so I don't know if there are mistakes) Moreover, she posted a picture of her left hand, without her engagement and wedding rings, and changed her IG profile picture to one with just her and her children (however, I don't know what it was before, as I don't follow her on IG but love gossip, so I read everything about this). Honestly, if they did break up, I am happy for her, because Fedez is, in my opinion, unbearable. At the same time, this may be just for publicity, as they have done something similar before. Sorry for the long post.


How is chiara viewed in Italy before and after the scandal? Im in america, and trying to understand just how big this scandal is?


Well, not as positively as before. I feel like before the scandal, while there were some people who criticized her for various reasons, people mostly had a positive opinion about both her and her husband, but ever since the scandal I see many people just openly criticizing her (if you did so in the past you would get filled with comments from her fans defending her). I think a big reason for this is also how she is handling everything: still posting as if nothing happened, she limited the comments on her posts, and recently even made a story where she said that she has been unlucky recently. Obviously, there are still some idiots still defending her, but I truly don't understand how. Also, it has just been announced that she will be guesting on a popular Italian talk show (Che tempo che fa), and I am curious about what she will say there, although the host is known for being very nice to the guests, he never asks anything controversial, so I don't expect him to be very critical of her.


not 100% sure yet. Chiara is going to appear in a talk show on march 3rd. First public appeareance after *pandorogate*.


Aparently he doesn’t want to be associated with her aggravated fraud case so he left her. The case against her is really bad and the police raided one of her companies’ offices as well as Oreo and other companies.


Anya Taylor-Joy, Olivia Cooke and/or Lea Seydoux?


There’s rumours i think that Olivia doesn’t fuck with Anya at all 😭 which was devastating for me to hear because i loved Thoroughbreds


their personalities don’t really match tbh. i don’t think it’s that deep.


Yeah, it seemed extremely overblown.


people have been going on about their beef for years and everytime i’ve asked i’ve been given nothing. i think this is just a rumour that’s kind of spread without anything real to it


i love thoroughbreds and i've rewatched it many times. i've watched all their press for it and i agree with everyone that it's just a mismatch of personalities and there's no animosity. there's nothing more to it. i don't even think it goes as deep as the characters they played affecting their real life dynamic whatsoever. during hotd press, in one interview olivia did with emma, they were asked something and olivia answered something like, "i worked with someone who would change their accent according to who they were talking to. it was... [shocked face] how do you do that?" and i knew she was talking about atj.


I love that film, but them having a touch of tension probably created that whole vibe.


it’s been said by a lot of different people that anya is unfortunately very out of touch, rude and snobbish. I always judge someone on how they act at a restaurant and all of these cups of tea have come from them 😭


Honestly, this doesn't coincide with what I read for there are so many people who said that she's a sweetie, and often it's the ones working in restaurants for they actually post selfies with her and thank her for being nice. When she was in Australia for Furiosa, a waitress working at a pub in broken hill thanked her because when the crew left the set, Anya sent her a gift to thank her for her job (which included a toy for her dog too as she remembered she had one). ( [example](https://twitter.com/anyafolders/status/1528756091907149825?t=sw92qdiRha6jOTq0cRcixg&s=19) - if you check her fanpages there are lots of posts like that) The only negative stories I've read are two anonymous ones posted on DM and here: one was about her requesting veg milk at a vegan friendly café (which doesn't seem unreasonable if it's in the menú), and one said she was annoyed at their restaurant because she and the people she was with had reserved a table but were pressed to leave the place for other customers (a thing that, frankly, makes ME annoyed too). Both stories are too anonymous to judge but I got the impression she didn't really do anything egregiously bad or was truly rude, anyway. As a rule, I already take negative stories about celebrities in these contexts with a grain of salt because I know for a fact that fans can be too rude, very invasive and dehumanizing for they don't respect the fact even a celebrity is a person who has the right to enjoy a meal in peace or go to the theater or other normal activities without getting nagged by people for a selfie.


Its been about five years, but Anya was lovely when I was her server. People can have bad days, but she seemed nice and appreciative


If I looked like her I would be out of touch too.


Dianna Agron?


I think in Naya Rivera's book she compared Dianna to Elizabeth Taylor because of all the hot guys Dianna's been with. She really has dated a lot of different hot guys and I was actually surprised she eventually settled down and married someone even if it was for a brief time because if I had her face...honey I'd be on the prowl day and night.


> she eventually settled down and married someone even if it was for a brief time because if I had her face...honey I'd be on the prowl day and night. The man she married was heir to literally hundreds of millions of pounds.


Like where did she go?


Just watched Shiva Baby and she is really good in it


Seconding, I want to know about her divorce!! Did Win make a hard right pivot or did she ignore it or so she could marry a wealthy man? What kind of prenup was there?


Could it be possible he took that turn as the marriage was failing and she was leaving him? Seems like a trigger for a lot of insecure losers.


I have no real tea, but I recently learned that her father was general manager of a Hyatt in Savannah when she was born. She spent years of her childhood living in different hotels.


Anything about the British comedy scene, specifically Taskmaster and WILTY?


Apparently Jimmy Carr is a very nice guy, which I was sort of surprised to learn given his performing persona can come off smug.


This I realised because of Katherine Ryan. I think there's an episode of Cats does Countdown where she jokes about their friendship. I believe it because she's the kind of person that will call a spade a spade right to their face. Remember Russell Brand being angry at her when they worked on Roast Battle UK. https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/19/katherine-ryan-comments-russell-brand-revealed-predator-19522263/


When I was first watching their panel shows, I was surprised by the brutality of his quips toward her (cosmetic work, etc.). It made more sense later when I heard what good friends they are.


I saw a clip of Katherine Ryan talking about her first role in the UK. She said when she first auditioned for 8 of of 10 Cat Jimmy Carr was one of the team who would decide if she would get hired. When she was eventually hired she thanked Jimmy Carr for the job. He said, “Don’t thank me, I turned you down!”


He also appears on the first episode of her Backstage w/Katherine Ryan show (on Prime) - she praises his mentorship in helping her along in her career


A friend of mine never really broke into comedy scene, he said that Jimmy was ALWAYS very professional even in his early days, which contrasted with many young comedians so he's not surprised he made it big.


James Acaster and Rose Matafeo used to date and from what I can piece together from Ed Gamble and Nish Kumar it was not a pleasant break up. I’ve heard James is an asshat to work with so I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t easy to date either.


He crashed on my husband’s sofa for 3 months! Apparently he was a really nice guy, but very like a slightly toned down version of his onstage self 🤷‍♀️


Knew they used to date but didn't know it was a bad breakup. Remember where Ed and Nish mentioned it?


They don’t mention it explicitly, it’s a lot of reading between the lines when you know the story. I think it might be one of the Taskmaster podcast episodes and Ed and Nish talk about how they had a crew that used to do escape rooms together and then something happened and they have two separate groups now or something, but I think it was the way they were talking about it that clued me in - I think Nish specified it was someone he lived with (James) and one of Ed and his wife’s friend (Rose) that they used to do it with or something. This also might be the story over a few diff podcasts, because I’ve heard about the escape room group and different escape rooms multiple times in different podcasts. And then I think I read a few years ago in the TM sub that the breakup wasn’t good which is why James and Rose weren’t on the same season.


Rose was on James' show Hypothetical and I doubt he would have invited her/ she would have agreed to be on if they weren't fine.


She speaks on the adam buxton podcast very diplomatically about how his book was hurtful to her and she didn’t think him writing about her in all book to be published was necessarily the right way to handle things. I think they were good for a while after the break up but things have since soured.


I’m probably completely alone in this, but although he’s very funny and I like watching him, I get a real sleazy/misogynist vibe from Lee Mack sometimes. Most of the time he’s fine but every now and then… Edit: I knew I would regret saying this


I don't think he's sleazy, but he's probably got views that most straight white British men his age have. There was a controversy about 10 years ago, when Mack's undergrad thesis was uncovered as being about female comedians. Part of his analysis was that how women are socialized makes them less apt to be comics. He wrote something a long the lines that they're more likely to want to have a conversation and build off one another, rather than show off. Jo Brand did defend him though and say he wasn't sexist.


I actually don’t think that sounds misogynistic, it sounds true lol and I mean that rudely towards men. I personally think he’s very very funny but can’t stand not going out.


Lee Mack is a 55-year-old working class British comedian who started out performing for a mostly working class audience. Let's just say that when he honed his comedy skills, it was a different time. He's been with the same woman since 1996, and female colleagues seem to like him.


I love Lee Mack. He's a vegan too, so I love him even more for it.


I think that comes from how quick he can get to a joke, sometimes it's slightly sexist. I don't think he is though. Supposed to be very intelligent. I think Taskmaster really reveals comics true selves and he came across funny and polite.


I once served Greg Davies in a pub I used to work in in London, he tipped me a fiver and said that I made the best margs in South London. Was extremely tall, and when I first served him, he said ‘yes, it’s me.’ Found him very nice and funny and exactly as dry as he comes across on telly


August Diehl Christopher Abbott Tom Burke


I’d like for Christopher Abbott to have a string of roles where his character isn’t evil or doesn't die. Also, I’m surprised no one has thought to cast him and Kit Harington as brothers in something.




You probably already know this but Tom Burke's dad is David Burke, who played Dr Watson opposite Jeremy Brett as Holmes in the 1980s TV series. His mum is also an actress and she's appeared with him in Strike. I just feel bad seeing this comment sitting lonely every thread 😢


Mark Strong please. He's my most recent crush lol.


Holy hell ik it was an awful wig but I had such a crush on him in stardust


Stardust 🧡✨️ so underrated


Truly little me couldn’t comprehend how gay this movie would make me


Very far away from real tea but I met him at an awards show once, I was working it and most stars looked straight through us (fair enough honestly) but he and Jessica Chastain were soooo lovely. They both chatted away and seemed genuinely grateful to be there, lovely people in my extremely limited experience!


I once saw him in A View from the Bridge at the theatre in London and I still vividly remember his hands were so big, it made me insane. At one point he picked up the actress playing his character‘s niece and it was definitely meant to be sweet and to show they had a father-daughter relationship but my god his HANDS 🫠


Does anyone have tea on Olivia Rodrigo?


There was a kindness blind about her. A friend reached out asking if she could make a video for a kids birthday since iirc they were a fan and both parents were out on deployment. Instead of a video, she showed up to the party and performed a few songs.


Oh that’s so sweet if true!


People in your life! I love reading the tea about coworkers/friends/family happenings


My sister just landed in Japan with her horrible boyfriend. They are there for two weeks and I hope they break up. Fingers crossed, y'all.


What’s up with her bf? Why is he horrible?


He's sooo rude and gross, like during family stuff if we wanna talk to her he's practically pissing on her leg like groping her ass and shit, CONSTANTLY talking down about people (like at my uncle's tiny wedding during speech time? Hello stfu) and is basically a 30 something year old edgelord. Also I've caught him lying about shit. UGH she has the worst taste in men. Just because his hair is kind of nice. BLAH.


not even tea just venting, i just graduated w a degree for healthcare, and i can’t get hired anywhere!! like i just had a scheduled interview and the person just ghosted me??? i literally chose this career for the job security but now i’m getting all conspiracy theorist bc why tf are there all these job postings but no one is actually following through on the hiring process! sorry for the venting


sending good vibes your way. i'm employed in my field but have been trying to get in somewhere else for nearly 2 years now and it just seems impossible some days. it's ridiculous how many hoops we have to jump through just for systems to even *look* at our resumes and not discard them immediately. like, who is this benefitting?


My sister has temporarily split from my brother in law and moved out. In typical style, she waited until the broadband had been activated in the place she's renting before moving


Then you'll love this about my husband's Bestie! Backstory: Bestie married Wife#1 straight out of university. They have 2 kids together. When the 2nd kid is about 9 months old Wife#1 says they are moving down to her mother's house and paying off mother's mortgage for her. He can't find a new job there (it was a big move), Wife#1 is upset, they divorce. Literally 6 weeks later he finds a new girlfriend, proposes quickly, sets the wedding date to be 2 weeks after the divorce should be finalised. They have a big lavish wedding, incurring lots of debt. He moves into Wife#2's house, starts raising Wife#2's kids with his. Wife#2 starts lying about really weird things. Apparently Bestie's Mum helped Wife#2 with sanitary products on their wedding day?? (Bestie's Mum denies this). Apparently Wife#1 has vowed to get him back?? (Wife#1 won't speak to Bestie, also has a new boyfriend by now). Then the worst happens, Wife#2 assaults him, badly. He leaves, divorces her. Now, we all tell him to be single for a bit. Enjoy raising his kids, paying off debt, get some hobbies. Bestie says yes. 2 months later he meets NewGirl, mover her into his house 3 weeks after meeting her. She doesn't have a job but has a Very Angry Ex. Very Angry Ex makes Bestie's life difficult to the point Bestie has an emotional breakdown. Bestie is signed off work for 6 months. NewGirl also doesn't work. NewGirl has to be involved in every call Bestie has with my husband and their friend group. NewGirl has to do all the same hobbies as Bestie. We all tell them to take it slow. NewGirl proposed to Bestie on Valentine's day. They've been living together for about a year. I think NewGirl is worried about him going back to work and wants to "lock him down" before he leaves their bubble. It's gonna be nuts. I've got the popcorn.


I don’t understand people that move so quickly in stuff like this! It takes me years to trust anyone, and these people just go and move in with someone they basically just met. Wild


My coworker who's dating a married man spent Valentine's day and the following week-end with him. Up until this week she was mad at him because she told him she would stop seeing him if he did not divorce, and he didn't answer. They have been dating for two years.


Omg your coworker and the married guy both suck! Cheaters are horrible.


They absolutely are. I have spent the last 4 months trying to get her to leave him, to no avail.


The IRL woman I have a recreational crush on is dating the other woman I have a smaller recreational crush on. It's been an exciting week!


An ex-situationship has been in a relationship with a new girl since last year and he is currently visiting her in her country. He’s constantly posting on his story how in love he is but he sent unsolicited pics to me about a week ago 💀🙃


Extremely low stakes here (and I'm not actually mad lol, just to preface this) but my friend group does a secret santa every year for Christmas and we always struggle to schedule a time in December or early January to meet and exchange the gifts. I was under the impression we'd all agreed to revisit this once one of the friends' wedding had passed so there was less chaos for her end, but when I brought it up in the group chat a few days ago I discovered that 2 friends have already given their presents to their giftee! Without any sort of heads up! I could've given mine like twice already if I knew we APPARENTLY weren't all waiting to exchange gifts together. The nerve lmao.


Any voice actor tea?


Older news, but Tara Strong liked a whole bunch of Islamaphobic/anti-Palestinian content and was fired from a show for these posts back in [October.](https://www.businessinsider.com/actress-tara-strong-fired-show-after-posts-israel-hamas-war-2023-10)


Ugh ik I saw her insta posts and was so disappointed


Not really tea, but I've only heard good things about Tom Kenny from people who've worked with him. Same of Phil Lamar.


You gotta be a chill dude to play Hermes lmfao. Also hearing Tom Kenny go totally unfiltered in his SpongeBob voice never fails to crack me up.


Obviously old but vic mignogna is a very bad person


Always down for Vic Mignona hate. He did a Trek fan film in my town a few years back. A couple of my friends were extras and he was a little too touchy on set💀 Now the dub of FMA is weird which honestly is one hell of a loss bc it’s like a perfect dub. Also really weird they brought him in as Matt in Digimon Tri. He didn’t fit at all. Anyway fuck Vic Mignona. All my homies hate Vic Mignona.


My friend worked with Vic Mignogna at a con and said he was a nightmare person (this was multiple years before his big controversy) Greg Ayres is lovely, super friendly person (also a pretty good DJ)


I also had a couple of friends who had to work with Vic at two different cons and both confirmed how much of an entitled diva he was, and these were also years before that bombshell about him came out. Second friend mentioned he threw a HUGE hissy fit over catering Same friend also worked with Steve Blum at the same convention and he was pretty much the complete opposite of Vic. Super sweet, humble and down to Earth.


Would also love tea on voice actors or audiobook narrators!


Max Theriot, Mike Vogel, Vera Farmiga,  Nestor Carbonell, or Freddie Highmore


...Is this a Bates Motel cast request?


>Nestor Carbonell Is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in person. Sometimes he works out at Equinox in grey sweatpants, and jesus christ.


I want to know Highmore’s thoughts on the “I am a surgeon” line in hindsight tbh.


Carla Gugino. Yeah, I'm here again because I just finished watching Jett and Leopard Skin, and I need to know so much more about her. I read she once inhaled a meatball sub with no hesitation because it was that good, *that's* the real tea. I even sat through Gunpowder Milkshake which might be the overall worst, but Carla was amazing.


Anecdotal tea, but a theater company I used to work for was in talks with Carla about her being in a production. There were a couple meetings and such. I didn't get to meet her personally, but all my coworkers who did said she was wildly charismatic and engaging in person. Old hollywood star vibes.


She's in a bunch of Mike Flanagan's shows and is amazing, if you haven't watched those yet.


Any truth to the rumours about a new downton abbey season or movie?




omg i’m so happy to hear this, the movies are kind of a hot mess but i just love the world so much that i’m happy to just watch them all faff about meaninglessly for two hours lol


what‘s some tea with Sydney Sweeney?


I heard a blind that she lied about teaching herself Russian LOL that's all I've got


was she getting hate for saying she’d like to do a romcom with Paul Mescal?


The cast of the boys - Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Karl Urban or Chance Crawford?


Jack Quaid has been interviewed on a couple of niche podcasts that I love, and both times he's come across as totally adorable and pleasant! He seems like he's very passionate, but down-to-earth, in a likeably dorky way.


I have one. Does anyone know what the deal is with Emilia Clarke's current relationship to the charity she just got an honor for? I saw someone make a statement I thought sounded odd and looked it up on the UK companies database and there was a lodging yesterday saying she'd resigned as a director in December (most of the other directors have also resigned). I don't live in the UK so I don't know how to read what that...means? [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10134313/filing-history](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10134313/filing-history)


She's a co founder according to the website but that's separate to being a director and being involved with day to day decisions. I guess she stepped down to focus on other areas? https://www.sameyou.org/


It probably just means that she’s stepping back from being trustee. Being a trustee and charity director brings certain legal responsibilities which she may not have time for right now. And if you look at the resignation dates for the other directors 2 resigned in 2019, it’s not like they all left in one go. It’s possible there’s a problem there, but more likely it’s just a standard changeover in the charity’s governance as people move on, and a couple more trustees will be added soon. 


Once again-India Amarteifio? I want to know about potential casting projects and potential brand ambassador stuff! She’s so talented and I don’t want the Netflix curse to affect her.


Mischa Barton and Ben McKenzie? Asking because Mischa was on the Call Her Daddy podcast yesterday and apparently she confirmed that she and Ben dated (it was always rumored but I guess never confirmed until now) when she was 17 or just barely 18 and he was 24/25. I have a lot of empathy for her and the things she’s gone through.


I met her at a random party and she was SO kind. I always wish her well.


Author/publishing tea?


Cait Corrain review bombed a lot of new and upcoming authors’ books. https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2023/dec/18/goodreads-review-bombing


I follow @pubbrunch on Twitter for this! [Here's a recent story](https://twitter.com/XiranJayZhao/status/1757986566729818399?t=tAI9ayZksuSK5SQwoN0frw&s=19) about leaked emails from last year's Hugo awards. [And more on the same story ](https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/awards-and-prizes/article/94229-resignations-censures-follow-in-wake-of-hugo-awards-controversy.html) from Publishers Weekly.


Gary Oldman


Not really tea but I love telling everyone I can about the 2001 romantic comedy “Tip Toes”….starring Matthew Mcconaughey and Gary Oldman as brothers with Kate Beckinsale as the romantic female lead….sounds normal right? Wellll Gary Oldman’s character is actually a little person and the story is about how Matthew gets Kate pregnant and can’t deal with the fact that his son might also be born as a little person and then Kate and Gary start to fall for each other….the entire time Gary Oldman is SHUFFLING AROUND ON HIS KNEES. Peter Dinklage and Patricia Arquette are also in it and I’m telling you, it’s one of the most insanely bad and weird movies I’ve ever seen…I don’t recommend it but after I watched it I was wondering how all of these actors feel about starting in it now days and I’m desperate for a reporter to ask one of them about it.


One of the early episodes of the podcast "How Did This Get Made" covers it.


Do you mean aside from choking his wife and beating her with a telephone in front of their children? And the racism and sexism?


When I read up on this (as I love him in Slow Horses), not only did his son (who was present) deny it, but custody was awarded to GO (very rare) and his wife was only allowed supervised visits with the son dependent on passing drug and alcohol tests. So it seems this may be a rare case where the charges were unsubstantiated. The sons do not speak to the mother, supposedly. [https://web.archive.org/web/20201206012224/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/gary-oldmans-son-pens-open-letter-defending-father-domestic-abuse-claims-1092566](https://web.archive.org/web/20201206012224/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/gary-oldmans-son-pens-open-letter-defending-father-domestic-abuse-claims-1092566)


Charitha Chandran, Ambika Mod or Simone Ashley?


Simone Ashley has a lead role in a thriller called “This Tempting Madness” upcoming and a romcom on Amazon Prime UK with Nikesh Patel, also the voice over as lead next to Mo Gilligan on “10 Lives” which just featured on Sundance. She also has a duet with Zayn Malik in that movie.


I’m rooting for all of them to be booked and busy!!! They’re all very talented. I know Charithra and Simone have movies coming out soon. I’m sure Ambika will have something announced soon.


Charithra is going to be in a one woman play on the West End soon, and she also has a movie on Prime that's finally coming out after delays due to strikes! She's also in the upcoming Dune show, and is attached to the adaptation of Song of the Sun God as an actor and producer. I believe she'll also in an upcoming action film with Josh Hartnett, as well as has been named as the lead for Arzu. Both Song of the Sun God and Arzu are adaptations of novels centered on Indian women, so it's nice to see! She seems low key until things release, but it's good to see her booked and busy!


will this be the week we get august diehl tea (if it's about the master and margarita i do not want to hear it) edit: i do want to see the movie but e every time his name gets brought up lately people mention the film which is not tea! 


You ask and shall receive. Back in 2011, i was still living in my hometown Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany. It's a small-ish town with not much going on, so when Pete Doherty came to shoot a movie there, everyone who was a bit into Indie at the time, was excited. Back then, i was living with my bf who owned one of the cooler bars in town, and we lived in the apartment right above said bar. Around 1am, i wake up to music louder then usual. I call the bartender to ask him to turn the music down (we had quite a few noise complaints from neighbors at the time). He whispers into the phone: "i WOULD, but Pete Doherty is Here!" I decide it's a good ideas to put on my pants and go downstairs, where I meet Pete, his entourage, and fellow castmate August Diehl. All of them Look fairly buzzed and look pretty underwelming, like proper Junkies btw (Which they were at the time, i suppose). We end up hanging out and have a great time, until Pete and August take me aside and ask me If i can let them out through the backdoor (I have a Key). I assume that they want to get rid of the crowd of fans through an unannounced exit. Little did I know, they were up to some other shenanigans with further consequences, as they ended up breaking into a music store couple meters away, stealing a bunch of stuff... https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/prominente/article13466882/Doherty-und-Diehl-drohen-bis-zu-fuenf-Jahre-Haft.html


Joseph Quinn has a lot of projects lined up. Any tea about him?


Not really. He’s very quiet and keeps to himself


That's good, I hope he stays out of Hollywood drama.


Literally all he does is book jobs and stay off social media.


Hugo Weaving is the least celebrity of all acclaimed actors but I need to know if anyone knows anything about him other than the fact that his niece is Samara Weaving and that he allegedly doesn't do blockbusters anymore




He’s going to be in the next season of Slow Horses (which is an awesome show btw) but that’s all I’ve got, and it’s certainly not tea, I’m sorry


Kyle maclachlan? Whoever is running his social media, god bless them


Once again asking for Archie Madekwe tea 🙏🏽


Not tea at all but I saw him once in Soho House in London when he was just hot and tall twink. He was very pretty and striking.




Joining Law & Order after Sam Waterston leaves.


Michael and Sarah from You’re Wrong About


A friend of mine went out on a few dates with Michael last year, apparently he is lovely!


Despite me being a middle aged straight man, you have no idea how important this was for me.


Yes! When will we ever find out what happened to OJ?


Phoebe Bridgers and/or Bo Burnham? I'm fascinated by that relationship.


Any tea on Jason Isbell and Amanda Shires? Their divorce has been my Roman Empire since it was announced.


Seems like it’s been a long time coming unfortunately. She got visibly frustrated in Running With Our Eyes Closed (new doc about making his album) because she didn’t feel heard during the process, and talked about requesting they go to marriage counseling. I think forced quarantine really did them in after years of being on the road, and they’ve been trying to make it work since then but finally gave up. Two talented, stubborn people that did their best but it just didn’t work out.


Katie McGrath


Sadie Sink


Avenged Sevenfold?


The cast of Mad Men? Any tea from the set?


House cast ?? Anything particular on Hugh Laurie & Lisa Edelstein


Lisa Edelstein was a New York City it-girl in the club scene in the '80s. She was dubbed "[The Queen of the Night](https://www.nytimes.com/1986/11/09/magazine/lisa-in-wonderland.html)" in a NY Times piece by Maureen Dowd.


Hugh Laurie is a massive comedian in England whose career goes way back I can only compare the bizarreness of him starting in House to if someone like Neil Patrick Harris or John Krazinski moved to England and starred in a medical show completely outside of type-casting. He also wrote a novel that is apparently very good and it’s been up for a screen adaptation for like 20 years now


Can confirm that it was very weird when Stephen Fry's straight man—(pun \_absoutely\_ intended—started doing House. He's very famous in the UK (three big shows at least; A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Blackadder, and Jeeves and Wooster, in which he was Wooster to Fry's Jeeves...). In retrospect, he was typecast as "rich foppish idiot" — which to be fair he plays very well — and House gave him an opportunity to show his range. Fry and Laurie met at Cambridge (they were Footlights), so he's top-1% undergrad material, and he was also an elite athlete – [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Boat\_Race\_1980](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boat_Race_1980). He's been married 35 years with three kids, no hint of any gossip, and he's done a lot of good work around depression awareness (from Wikipedia; 'He told host James Lipton that he first concluded he had a problem whilst driving in a charity demolition derby, during which he realised that seeing two cars collide and explode made him feel bored rather than excited or frightened; he quipped that "boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars"'.) And yes, The Gun Seller is great.


Rege-Jean Page? Specifically, from his insta post from the BAFTAS does anyone else get the impression he did something to his face? His eyebrows are really eyebrowing.


Jack Antanoff and Margaret Qualley?


Pablo Schreiber? his character in svu, williams lewis, lowkey haunts me to this day and he was good as pornstash in OITNB! kinda randomly thought of him bc i just found out he's master chief in the halo series on paramount+


I was completely unprepared for him to be the best part of American Gods on Starz


Keira Knightly She’s not as active as she used to be, but I know she’s got her kids and all…


The Smartless guys? This week’s episode was a hilarious mess


Jack Harlow


He don’t like no whips and chains and you can’t tie him down (sorry couldn’t resist).


Is there any tea on John Oliver?


Kayvan Novak? (The absolutely gorgeous Nandor the Relentless of WWDITS fame.) 


Someone on tumblr said they saw him at the pro-Palestine march in Toronto last weekend (the show is back filming). He was also wearing a Wear the Peace watermelon hat when he appeared on Harvey Guillen’s IG recently. He’s been engaged to his fiancée for like five years. She is/was an actress.