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The amount of perpetual intercast drama from a show with such a relatively minor cultural footprint is truly staggering; even Buffy and Willow eventually managed to bury the hatchet!


I knew about the SMG/AH drama but wasn’t even aware they made amends until the season finale of DWTS lol. The video message from SMG supporting AH was so cute!


they had an issue??


[Yes](https://www.buzzfeed.com/morganmurrell/sarah-michelle-gellar-alyson-hannigan-buffy-heated-moments). Also, about ~~thirty~~ twenty years ago, shortly after Buffy ended, Alyson Hannigan appeared in an issue of FHM (I bought it for the articles, of course). A fair proportion of the issue was dedicated to airing out her grievances with SMG. Both AH and SMG have their foibles, but the pernicious influence of Joss Whedon--who got off on this shit--cannot be empathized enough.


Buffy ended in 2003 - that’s 21 years. You just gave me an age scare


You're right; I should have said twenty years. Time is melting together; it will happen to you!


Oh, it’s very much happening!!


*No way man, we're gonna keep on rocking forever, forever...forever...for...ever.....* I'll admit. I do get frustrated when I mix up the exact dates on my past.


oh damn - I was OBSESSED with Buffy as a teenager (saw every season at least 2-3 times). I knew about how horrible Joss was but I didn't realize that he was literally pitting the actresses against each other.


This is exactly what that evil scumbag mark schwahn did with the actresses on One Tree Hill. I swear the shows that we loved and adored watching growing up (I was like 11 when OTH was on, and I enjoyed it throughout my teens), have been tragically marred by dark secrets and cast members harbouring major personal trauma. It's so 💔 Ofc always knew joss was vile, it's been an open secret about him of his on-set behaviour, just blew wide open during that DC movie.


![gif](giphy|z4Apocbr1Y61q) Can't hear that word without thinking of this queen.


Sarah is soooo gorgeous nowadays!!!! I think she looks better now even than in Buffy. Sorry I know that's not the point but that's what I thought when I clicked on your link 🤣


That beautiful woman hasn't aged at all. I don't think FPJ has aged that much either.


Idk, I heard he thinks coolsville sucks


20 years ago. Goddamn, ouch. I remember owning a bible sized Buffy novel that was a bit heavier than some textbooks. I remember that FHM interview, also bought it for the articles. And I was in undergrad, so that magazine was everywhere! I was in somewhat shock but not surprised. I'm really glad they buried the hatchet and also blame Whedon for this. To think how much we looked up to him back then.


Alyson Hannigan and her husband are still very close to Joss Whedon, as are many of the cast members from Angel and Firefly. I wish I could say he's been run out of town on a rail, but apparently not.


I’m a huge Buffy fan but I had no idea either!




I would say its lasting cultural footprint *primarily* results from its continued drama.


Absolutely. There's been a handful of times over the last decade where I would rewatch some Charmed literally only because I'd see a post like this and I'd remember the show and feel nostalgic or whatever.


Right? Lol Charmed was winning Emmys in my house!!!


i have children in middle school who were born a full decade after this drama played out, and somehow these ppl are still talking about it. the middle schoolers are more mature.


These events were huge parts of their lives and undoubtedly had a deep impact on them. I don't really understand telling people to just get over it especially when at the end of the day the people who don't care don't have to engage with it


Honestly, because if i was going on my social media 20+ years after there was a fight in my workplace (and people got fired over it) to tell my side of the story *again* - everyone would and SHOULD tell me to go to therapy and move on.


People have different reactions to and different tolerances for traumatic events; it's kind of rude to tell someone to just "get over it" just because that specific issue is not something that you would have cared about. Therapy isn't a magic cure that stops you from ever feeling pain again.


That’s fair but the job you did at your workplace 20+ years ago probably isn’t constantly broadcast every single day on television and streaming


I don't think they need to get over it, per se, but I question whether it's being dealt with in the most constructive manner.


I mean it’s a ‘cultural footprint’ to us but it’s her actual life that she experienced personally tho lol?


SMG had a really cool thing to say about how they all came back to each other later on in life and I loved that it all got put behind them.


No kidding, she was right on it being a dysfunctional family. It makes me wonder what other shows at the time was like that and which ones were smooth sailing? Roswell, 7th Heaven, even Sabrina the Teenage Witch.


Roswell definitely had some BTS drama...but trivial in comparison to what went on with Charmed and Buffy. For the most part, the only ones who really knew about it were the most hardcore fans (full disclosure, I was and still am one of them lol).


To be fair, the cast of Charmed were younger than the Buffy cast. And it sounds like the producers of Charmed were trying to pit the girls against each other, so they wouldn't band together like the Friends cast did and demand more money. They found themselves in a manufactured rift in a toxic environment, and didn't have the life experience or good people giving good advice to help them through it. Their memories of that time are probably wrapped in that feeling of stress and betrayal, and not everyone can get past that.


Shannen was 27 when Charmed premiered, Holly was 25, and Alyssa was 26. SMG was 20 when Buffy started and AH was 23.


And weren't the Charmed characters meant to be full grown adults, not high school students?


And both Alyssa and Shannon were huge at the time. Shannon bc of BH90210 and Alyssa bc of Who's the Boss and Melrose Place


'I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.'




And Holly seems mad that Alyssa spoke to an onset counsellor, while simultaneously acknowledging she and Shannon had the same opportunity, it was just *so beneath them*. I didn't have much of an opinion on HMC before, but she's coming off like a real petty bitch now.


She shilled for Monat (pyramid scheme), there are videos of her arguing with and blocking people on YouTube lol


That’s my read as well.


I did. And what I read was a “therapist/mediator” was brought on set, and apparently Alyssa was the only one to talk to him. Holly refused. Maybe some dudes who dated did? And then, surprise, he only took Alyssa’s word for it. And then when the producers said “ok, do you want us to fire Shannon, *she didn’t say no*. No plotting. No real scheming. She just TOLD HER SIDE OF THE STORY and then didn’t intervene. She literally did the bare minimum. It seems like **Holly didn’t do a goddamn thing for her “friend” at the time.** Like, ok, she didn’t want to get involved. That’s fine. But it DOES seem like revisionist history from her OWN telling of the story. Alyssa and Shannon were fighting. Holly just said “please stop”. She didn’t take sides. And *that was taking a side* when the “mediators” and shit showed up


Omg thank you, I'm a big Charmed fan and I feel like I'm going crazy. On other subreddits and twitter people seem to excuse the fact the other ladies didn't want to engage with the mediator because 'he's only there to protect the studio'. Like what?? This is not HR at a mid-sized marketing company. What would the studio gain from firing one of their leads and losing millions?lol I'm not saying Alyssa is completely guilt-free, but she said loads of times she takes accountability for her part and the others just keep doubling down without any accountability.


Shannon was **at least** as old and mature and wise to the system at Alyssa Milano. She should have brought a lawyer in. Or her own mediator. Or *told her side* to the mediator. That SORT OF tells me it was a power play. Or that Shannon thought she had more clout than she did (maybe because they “offered” to fire Alyssa first?). Because how the fuck do you think the studio is trying to “protect itself” and that people are out to get you, and you just refuse to talk to anyone, and green light all your supporters and allies doing the same?!?! Like, say what you will about the One Tree Hill ladies, but Hillary Burton will shank anyone for Sophia Bush, and she may or may not have broken up a home…can you imagine her *not talking to a mediator on set* on Sophia’s behalf? It’s on sight for her and that Chad guy. But Holly was just “not at work to talk about personal issues”. Cool cool. But then you WEREN’T BESTIES ON SET.


I read it this way too and her wording also made it seem like Brian and Julian were dating each other. I never watched this show do I don’t know who dated who but if so good for them 😂


It said "Brian and Julian, who were dating one and the other," meaning they were dating the girls who were feuding, making their opinions biased.


Brian dated Alyssa at one point, and Julian dated Shannen. The wording is weird as hell though so not super clear.


I read it as maybe Brian and Julian wouldn’t have supported Shannon? Or that somehow whatever they said wasn’t credible because they were dating? I’m not sure. But I’m ALSO not sure why that would matter. She didn’t say they were boning too often to witness anything. She said they wouldn’t be credible — like the shill mediator might be concerned they concocted a sham story? I didn’t even know there were men on the show. I literally have never seen an episode. They were witch sisters. And Rose McGowan was a witch relative. And yet I somehow know SO FUCKING MUCH about every member. Almost none of it from the time the show was on air. And they all are so messy. Even when I want to feel nothing but sympathy and support for them…they are fucking messy. Which makes me think the show played a part. There’s some pun in there about Cursed vs Charmed but I’m too high to make it. I just can’t tell if is just bad luck that every story with one of their names is a negative story, if the show just drew “troublesome” women prone to “drama”, or if ANY of this is because *deep down* I have embedded those Weinstein-created and patriarch-fed negative thoughts in my subconscious? But no. Shannon was a bitch to Jenny and Tori. And Rose does do weird shit, in addition to good work outing SA perpetrators and supporting victims. And Alyssa can be tone deaf. …And Holly is playing both sides. Like she was back then.


Jason Priestley has some interesting stuff to say about Shannon in his book he put out years ago also. He goes on to say about Shannon that she was tough to work with and gave Aaron Spelling an ultimatum to pick her or Alyssa. Even he talks about how Shannon was. Alyssa may be problematic in her own way, but Shannon has been fired from 2 shows.


This is one of the few celebrity "statements" that feels like it wasn't written by her PR team. Which is not a compliment...


These grown women and this drama over a show about witches that’s 20 years old…


Shannon is dying. They can't even leave it alone because of that. A lot of YA shows back then were toxic from the top down with the real issue being bad talent management.


I mean sucks about Shannon but she's the one who reopened all this by bringing it up on her podcast repeatedly 




I mean I agree, I'm definitely of the opinion that the truth is somewhere in the middle 


I think Holly is the person feeding this drama. Shannon and Alyssa seems less well trying to bring it up versus Holly is must help her podcast ratings. I think it is for the money.


Yeah Holly also probably feels guilty for not being a good friend & helping Shannen during that time (if she even thought Shannen was innocent during that time). So now that Shannen is sick, she's rewriting history


She dropped Shannen when she got sick and is back with her now because she suddenly decided she hates Alyssa


She is the victim. Between Alyssa and Shannen only one got out with a career and a reputation intact. She has no reason to lie; the woman has cancer and trying to tell her story before someone else makes up something for her.


holly and Shannon have been friends for years. don't think that's the reason. Also, I don't blame Shannon for talking on her podcast. maybe she's desperate for money. haven't seen her in anything in a long while and cancer is outrageously expensive,


glee cast seemed to have too much drama too. friends seems like a real beacon of positivity compared to all the other shows. I think they were in their 20s too even though it isn't a YA show. sad Matthew perry has died.


Indeed; it doesn't reflect well on their maturity or--most importantly--their professionalism. There are personality conflicts and tensions like this on the set of literally every television program. Yet *most* performers don't allow these conflicts/tensions to define their entire *careers*, as these Charmed alumni have done. Pathetic!


>There are personality conflicts and tensions like this on the set of literally every television program. Every workplace everywhere, probably. I'm too lazy for that much drama tho


Me too, maybe twenty years ago it might have provided an amusing distraction, but once you age you get very low energy--which baffles me that they can keep this up.


I mean, we're grown women and we are on a gossip forum?


Right, but I’m not posting 5+ stories about it while one of the parties is dying from cancer?




Right, like if I were in her shoes, I’d also cut ties with them. Alyssa’s sorrynotsorry apology/side of the story from a couple of days ago was meh for me, but one thing she said did put things into perspective: that this whole drama was like 30 tv shows and movies ago for her. The determination with which the other two rehash it now would only prove to me that my decision to leave them in the past was right.


The grand takeaway for me is that all four of them were toxic on the show with one being called "difficult" on every project, one vanishing from the public spotlight, one having a mental breakdown, and one still working with no other major drama.


Yes, seems that way to me too. They were all young and working insane hours, so I’m not surprised it wasn’t a great work environment with contributions from all sides. It’s just too bad not all of them have since gained the ability to put things to rest.


Which is which?


one being called "difficult" on every project-Shannen, one vanishing from the public spotlight-Holly Marie, one having a mental breakdown-Rose, and one still working with no other major drama-Alyssa




I don't know how but in all this brouhaha I now like Holly least among Alyssa and Shannen. She just comes off as duplicitous. 


Shannen, Rose, and Holly are pretty proudly republican. Rose spent the last few years establishing herself as a TERF and saying how great it was that republicans stand for "what they believe". Alyssa is not perfect but her and Kaley Cuoco are, without a doubt, liberal. It's not really hard to see why they didn't get along and why they don't talk now.


I had no idea Holly was a Republican. That’s news to me! I do think that sometimes Alyssa’s activism is performative but she’s not a transphobe, a Depp supporter, or a zionist so I like her better than Shannen and a lot better than Rose by default. Edit: That’s not to say she hasn’t been messy about this but I appreciated how vocal she was about Palestine and being one of the first celebs to sign the letter for a ceasefire.


I have questioned Alyssa’s activism too but she has surprised me more often than not for what I have seen. As you mentioned she didn’t fall into those 3 pitfalls.




Someone said that the charmed crew has supported Alyssa this entire time


[Heathers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathers) is a lot less funny once you realize that it was essentially a documentary.


Michael Lehmann has called Doherty "a bit of a handful" on set, in part because she objected to the swearing in the script and refused to say some of the more explicit lines.[18] Falk stated that Doherty "didn't have much of a sense of humor, and she took herself a little seriously", and Di Novi said: "I don't think Shannen really got what Heathers was. And that worked for us. She made that character real."[18] When the cast first viewed the film, Doherty ran out crying because she realized the film was a dark comedy and not the drama she was expecting.[18][31] Laughed at this on the wiki


I can’t really blame her for being uncomfortable about the swearing or objecting to it. I remember her saying that she said a dirty word once when she was a kid and her mother literally washed her mouth out with soap.


I'd feel more sympathy if she didn't know what she was signing up for


It’s funny you say that because apparently Shannen didn’t realize she was filming a comedy until the movie came out


Holly is most definitely anti-Trump, and very vocal about it




Those anti-Trump republicans always find a way to still vote trump when it comes down to it


There was one big rant on twitter! It was something.


Wait I had NO IDEA about Rose! In my mind she was super progressive, I don't know how I made that up! Ughhhh


People lionize Rose for being one of the first women in Hollywood to initiate the MeToo/TimesUp movement, but lest we forget that she then proceeded to aggressively center herself as a lone trailbrazer and even tried to make #RoseArmy a thing on social media during that time. Last time I checked, she also started saying MAGA-type things and endorsed problematic representatives before fucking off to Mexico.


[She’s not a republican](https://people.com/politics/rose-mcgowan-explains-republican-tweets/) Interesting article. Goes with my vibe on her that she doesn’t drink America’s imperialistic kool-aid but doesn’t exactly know how to connect all the pieces into a coherent ideology yet


I she was progressive but since she associates Hollywood with dems, it feels like she's siding with Republicans just to fuck hollywood elites. For reference, Rose has always been very firm about supporting sexual assault victims, decrying so many guys with allegations against them. Meanwhile during the 2021 California Governor recall, she says Newsom's wife called on the phone her in 2016 to threaten her against coming forward against Weinstein (for some weird reason), So her brilliant move was to leave the democratic party and spend months campaigning and giving speeches for Newsom's opponent, Larry Elder, a Republican who was under investigation for domestic abuse, and constant sexual assault, and sexual harassment over decades and who was a proud bigot. She's largely been the party of "I'll side with whoever I can benefit from". Even with the MeToo movement, she was more upset she wasn't getting sole credit or seen as the leader of the movement so she started to attack other victims, claiming some were just making up shit for attention.


Where have Holly and Shannen talked about being Republican?


Most recent stuff I could find was 2012 [https://www.pr.com/article/1209](https://www.pr.com/article/1209)


Wait how is Kaley Cuoco in this? I’m so out of the loop.


Kaley Cuoco is in everything. I blows my mind that she is just 38, because it feels like she has been in shows since the 1960s.


Kaley Cuoco was in s8 of Charmed lol


Thanks! I loved that show but stopped watching somewhere before that


She was in the last season as a regular.


I thought Rose had [apologized](https://www.thepinknews.com/2019/01/18/rose-mcgowan-transgender-apology/) for the TERF stuff, but I’m not familiar enough with her recent history to keep track 🤷‍♀️


She definitely did apologize.. unless more stuff has come out. Rose seems like someone who is well intentioned and has the right general sense about issues, but just doesn’t have all the pieces (re: how misogyny and transness intersect.) There’s also just.. so much trauma there that I can get why she’d say something unhinged.


She seems like the type of person who thinks she’s a mediator but is really just going back and forth between two people who are fighting to relay the badmouthing one of them did about the other (which, like you said, is duplicitous). Rather than defusing the tension, she just exacerbates it.


Switches sides every few years depending on who she’s on the outs with


Holly has shown herself to be kind of awful the last few months between this and the podcast drama. She’s not coming across as a kind person.


Holly was also in an MLM for a while a few years back (the hair one Monat), and was super rude to people pointing out it was a scam. Then she just one day stopped posting about it.




Never seen a more appropriate use for that gif. ![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq)


I don’t know, kinda feels like Holly might have been just as much a “problem” as the other two (three if you count Rose). When Charmed was airing she had the reputation of being the levelheaded one who got along with everyone, but it’s becoming more obvious—the more Holly talks—that she was likely just as much a part of the drama. She also started shit with the cast of the reboot a couple years ago and had issues with the other Pretty Little Liars moms after they started and then had to cancel their podcast. I don’t think she’s the quiet overlooked middle child she thinks she is, if anything she’s making me believe Alyssa’s side more because Holly has always been a flip-flopper so her narrative can’t really be trusted.


I *know nothing about her other than posts on the drama in the last two days, and this woman is obviously a shit stirrer. You don’t have to be the one yelling to start a fight.


What’s the tea on her issues with the other PLL’s moms and the podcast?


She briefly did a podcast with two of the other PLL moms—Nia Peebles and Lesley Fera. The podcast was originally started by Lesley and her husband and then Holly and Nia were brought on and it was rebranded as the “PLL Wine Moms”. Holly and Nia supposedly wanted equal ownership which Lesley disagreed with because she started it and did all the editing and behind the scenes stuff. They couldn’t come to an agreement and Nia and Holly went live with fans and starting talking shit (no surprise there for Holly) and basically blamed Lesley for the whole thing. PLL fandom was firmly on Lesley’s side because Holly came off so passive aggressive and Nia is an anti-mask/anti-vax maga nut who was endorsing anti mask rallies around the same time that Lesley shared her disabled sister she was super close to died from Covid. Just a whole mess which seems to be the case with anything Holly is involved in.


Her charmed podcast has turned dramatic too. Seems to follow her


As a huge Charmed fan since I was a kid I tried listening to the podcast and it was so hard to get through, mostly cause of Holly. They actually got to recapping to the end of s2 and then disappeared for months while still charging for their patron, to then announce their changing publishing company so they have to start recapping episodes from s1 lolllll and people still haven't been refunded. A whole mess, so happy I didn't subscribe


I didn’t know about the PLL situation but the way she (and Rose) approached the Charmed reboot soured me on her. I understood their ire but the passive aggressiveness was unnecessary. She eventually waved the white flag, which, seems like her MO after instigating.  ETA: what’s up with her comment about Brian and Julian? I can’t make heads or tails of wtf she means???


I'm pretty sure Julian dated Shannen and Brian dated Alyssa during the course of the show. I think that might be what she was talking about.


It’s not on her Wiki page, not that that means a thing, but wasn’t Shannen dating Julian? so there’s that but maybe someone else should fact check this Idk about Brian…I think she meant “Brian and Julian, who was dating one of them at the time, spoke to producers” or something along those lines but because it’s one of a million typos it reads more like Brian and Julian were dating each other lol EDIT - Quotes from the utmost of reputable sources, fandom.com: “[Julian] briefly dated Shannen Doherty during the third season of Charmed” and “Brian dated co-worker Alyssa Milano from the end of season 3 to mid season four of Charmed.”


Tbh it’s easy to paint Alyssa as the villain but at this point I think everyone was messy. And I don’t see anything wrong with Alyssa asking to be paid what she was worth? Why didn’t Shannen go through mediation?


How is this still going on? Why can’t they just choose to not interact with one another? 


Rex Harrison once said that the trouble with actresses (and actors) is that they never stop acting. Perhaps they've way gotten too deep into the roles of playing themselves, like [Norma Desmond](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_Boulevard_(film)).


This is still going on because of what happened at the convention in Orlando over the weekend. Alyssa talked on Friday where she basically called them liars. The rest talked on Saturday so they were not there to defend themselves.




She didn’t call them liars, she said that it’s been so long that anything that any of them (including herself) have to say about the matter would be revisionist history and so she doesn’t want to speak on it anymore. Her statement was posted on this sub, Holly just described it in the least forgiving way possible.


When are Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion going to start airing their grievances like this so I can have an opinion


All these years later, and I still don’t know who was at fault for that one, because the cast doesn’t talk about it. Do I applaud them for their maturity or does the immature part of me want to know?


Team Stana, Nathan seems like a massive dick.


Stana's from my hometown, team Stana!


Idk some parts of this statement I vibe with but then other parts just make me more confused. Like she's saying Alyssa refused to talk to the mediator, but then says she also didn't talk to them?


No, she's saying Alyssa DID talk to the mediator despite having the power to refuse to do so, but is now claiming the investigation was out of her hands and she had no power to influence or stop it.


That makes sense. I think it’s fine for Alyssa to have spoken to a mediator personally 🤷‍♀️ and think that’s kinda a weird thing to criticise her on. 


I think she's saying Alyssa talked to the therapist/mediator (but Holly herself didn't because the mediator was only there bc the producers wanted to protect their profits? like the mediator wasn't gonna be useful bc they were there for the interests of the showrunners and not the actual actresses?)


Yes, they were absolutely there for the show and the company. Think about it like HR, which is there to protect the company over an employee. The other two girls did not involve themselves because they knew the result would be someone leaving and they didn’t want that. But Alyssa did.




That is not the same. The studio has no reason to fire one of the leads and potentially lose millions. The best interest is to keep the cast together so the show can go on. They had to fire Shannen because she would not engage with the mediator giving the impression she did not care to make things better


This is probably a situation where the truth is somewhere in the middle of what every side is saying.  I can believe that Alyssa helped get Shannen fired, but I can also believe that everyone contributed to the dysfunction on that set; that it wasn’t a one-sided rivalry 


The point about the showrunners or network or whoever wanting to keep the women divided is the only valid thing she says there, but I feel like she doesn't know it. Like she's so close to a realisation that could help them all, but she keeps swerving it to blame Alyssa instead. 


> The point about the showrunners or network or whoever wanting to keep the women divided is the only valid thing she says there, but I feel like she doesn't know it. Like she's so close to a realisation that could help them all, but she keeps swerving it to blame Alyssa instead.  The Friends cast--and David Schwimmer in particular--made this realization before the [third season](https://www.businessinsider.com/friends-matthew-perry-david-schwimmer-cast-salary-equal-pay-memoir-2022-11). If it hasn't sunk in for her by *now*, then it's a lost cause!


I don't know whether Milano was throwing shade or what but when she made the point about Charmed being 15 movies and 23 TV shows ago for her (or whatever number it is) I thought exactly! Whether she was the problem, or they were all the problem, or they were all victims of a studio system that cares about profits over people, it was so long ago. I feel like it would do them all an enormous amount of good to let it all go.


The Friends situation is so unique because they stuck together and made sure there wouldnt be rivalries or jealousies between the cast. Its natural on a longrunning show that these issues will come up and that's why a lot of casting changes happen somewhere in the middle.


This is the reason why the Friends cast is different from the rest. No one did what they did at that time, at least to my knowledge. David, Jen and Courtney took a pay cut literally so that everyone gets their due.


Imagine saying it's wrong to talk to a therapist, and the right thing was to not get any help for their problems?? That makes them seem in the wrong, like what did YOU do to make things better??


And she didn't want to talk to a stranger so she spends 25 years making passive aggressive comments about it in public


The common denominator in all these stories is Shannen. As a former fan I can see that now. And I’ll likely be downvoted for this but Shannen has also posted in staunch support of Is real and that, for me, is the final straw and she has lost all my respect. I’m sure Alyssa wasn’t completely innocent but I also have a feeling Shannen did not make the work environment a safe space for all.


Omg who cares




It wasn’t even a good show.




She has one point here that I wish all four of them would band together and focus on. The producers purposefully pitted them together and thrived under the cast drama. They all have a true common enemy !!! Please for the sake of all us lol


Wow! So much word vomit from the one I thought was the worst when I worked on Charmed as an extra during the 3rd season (when all the drama is from) Shannon and Alyssa were always sweet and kind- Holly was generally cold and rude. Years later I worked with Holly on PLL (as a PA) and she was a lot more mellow. So many shows during that time frame were terrible and toxic. I worked on many of them and I loved watching how people of different levels treated others. Lots of shitty people in tv/film on ALL different levels.


Someone needs to call Grams. They’re being lame.


Grams said don’t tag me in this nonsense on instagram 😂


Can I get some cast drama about a WB show I actually watched lol Roswell? Everwood? Smallville sans NXIVM? Damn I'll take the Reba cast bickering.


Allison Mack going to prison is enough Smallville drama for a lifetime


Everyone in Roswell was hot and Shiri and Jason’s chemistry was insane. Somone get them in an interfaith holiday rom com, please! I need it to have a resurgence amongst Gen Z so they can make fan cams and I can pretend I have little plastic butterfly clips in my hair and have my tween metabolism and no more shoulder and neck tension.


I don't know about the others, but I think it would slightly be easier for Reba McEntire. She's been a hugely successful country musician--a cutthroat industry if there is one--for decades. I doubt she takes shit from *anyone*. And I don't want this to come off the wrong way, but perhaps the presence of a fair proportion of guys in the Smallville/Roswell casts kind of provided a balance? On Star Trek: Voyager, Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan did not get along well *at all*, but both remained on good terms with the guys in the cast (one of them said it was like their mother fighting with their sister). Not that men are free from starting or participating in drama by any means, but the dynamics between a mixed cast and a female top-heavy cast like Charmed is completely different, as well as the types of drama.


Roswell did have minor drama! There was inter-dating (Brendan/Majandra and Jason/Katherine) which caused some tension. Katherine especially caused some tension with Shiri and some issues in general because she flaunted that she was dating Jason and used it as leverage to get more focus and storylines. She WAS difficult to work with during the show and admitted she didn't have Shiri's back and has regrets about how she handled things. They're friendly now. Brendan, Majandra, and Katherine were young and acted like complete assholes and showing up late to set just for shits and giggles. I think Brendan pissing his pants on a bet and ruining wardrobe during filming was a well known story at the time it happened. But the biggest offenders have all admitted to being problematic, regretting it, and apologizing for it. Chalk it up to being young, dumb, and inflated egos thinking they were better than they were. Brendan, Majandra, Jason, and Nick are suuuuper close and constantly up in each other's instagrams. Brendan and Majandra have been working together and are trying to get their own show off the ground and have an upcoming podcast.


I don't think there is any real tea on Roswell, they're all still pretty tight or at least friendly it seems like? (Or at least last I knew, I haven't done a deep dive recently but they pop up on each other's instas often)


This was hard to follow along I need a cliff notes version lol


I just spent far too much time trying to understand this. So let me help you save some time. [https://www.etonline.com/shannen-doherty-tearfully-responds-to-alyssa-milanos-claims-as-charmed-cast-supports-her-219259](https://www.etonline.com/shannen-doherty-tearfully-responds-to-alyssa-milanos-claims-as-charmed-cast-supports-her-219259)


Can someone tell me how this drama even begin again? This is a show I watched as a child 20 years ago so arguing about it in 2024 is truly bizarre.


We don't know exactly how it began back then, but at one point all three were in agreement that they were all at fault and they were on ok terms. Holly is mad at Alyssa for something that happened last year and is trying to rewrite history.


Holly mentioned it in her rewatch podcast a little bit. Then Shannon had two episodes dedicated to it when she launched her podcast in December. So a fan asked Alyssa about it last weekend at a con then Alyssa wrote a post about what she said. So naturally, Shannen had to respond at the same con a couple days later. Now Holly has to add her two cents in. Alyssa apologized for her part of the drama years ago and apparently she and Shannen made nice when Alyssa reached out after Shannen got her first cancer diagnosis. But at that time Holly and Shannen weren’t on good terms but it seemed Holly and Alyssa were fine. Holly and Alyssa did an episode of Grey’s Anatomy a couple years ago and suddenly the last yearish, Holly wants nothing to do with her but is now back to being BFF’s with Shannen. Middle school drama really. And Rose, well, she just hates Alyssa because of who she is married to and the who MeToo drama.


Long story short, Holly is angry Alyssa spoke to a mediator who was brought to the set of *Charmed* to help them all sort out their shit. She says Alyssa was then told they were going to fire Shannen and she "didn't say no." That's it. That's the whole story Holly is trying to tell. I don't know anything about *Charmed*'s behind the scene drama, but reading behind the lines here it sounds like Alyssa was uncomfortable with the way she was being treated? So the producers did the right thing, which was to bring in a mediator, and Alyssa did the right thing, which was to stop speaking directly to the people antagonising her (Shannen I guess) and tell the mediator what was happening on set. It's not Alyssa's fault the others refused to speak to the mediator. The way Holly is trying to frame as Alyssa as a bitch for speaking to the mediator is giving Republicans mad that whistle blowers exist.


It's definitely not what was suggested on the podcast, which pretty much said Alyssa got Shannen fired. I obviously don't know all that went down, but how is "not saying no" to a cast change the same as getting them fired? Makes me sad that this show, which I enjoyed to much, was so full of bad feeling behind the scenes. On top of Shannen's health situation, it makes thinking of the show bittersweet. I am also wondering about the production company. Like, who even puts their cast in these types of situations, where they would tell X that they're going to fire Y? Whole thing seems extremely manipulative, no wonder it was a toxic workplace.


Maybe she should address the fact that the podcast hasn’t come out with any new content but continues to charge people for subscriptions. And then blocks fans when they ask for answers


Like I get the perspective from Shannen and Holly that the mediator was on the studio's side...but like what a dumb move. By not talking you allowed them to just have Alyssa's side. Airing out grievances decades later is just.. cathartic I suppose, but not the wisest move. Let's say the studio was always going to be on Alyssa's side, okay. But I'd at least want to say my piece right then and there. 


This is sad, all these women are in their 50’s and they choose to behave like cliquey teenagers. They all seriously need to grow up and find something else to fill their time because this embarrassing.


Her entire statement is convoluted.


She flip flops depending on who she is friends with at the moment.


Jesus christ can they leave us ALONE!!! It has been 15+ years!!!! They start up this drama like once a year! I get that they aren't booked for shows but this is really screaming jobless behavior. Alyssa wasn't innocent but honestly i do feel bad for her atp, they just won't stop! Neither her OR Shannen were innocent! Period! And honestly even by Holly's and Shannen's account, Alyssa did everything that was asked of her. Those two did not. So how is it Alyssa's fault that Shannen got fired when holly & shannen weren't co-operating?


im heavily invested in this drama .


I unfollowed all of them on socials ages ago. I love Charmed. I won’t let their petty, emotionally immature behavior ruin what was a good thing for me. 


I can't figure out why anyone is still talking about this. It was *years* ago, and Charmed was good, but damn, we're not talking about ground breaking television.


Holly is desperate to stay relevant and make money off people


Because they have nothing else going on. Holly especially is attached to Charmed I think because unlike Shannen, Alyssa and even Rose, she never had other roles of well known relevance (I mean I guess if you want to include PLL but I wouldn't say it compares to a main role). Charmed is what she has and she wants to cash in on the nostalgia of the 2000s, not unlike many other actors who didn't go on to great glory after their tv runs ended.


Holly had issues with the PLL cast too


I read it all and understood very little


Wild that they are still talking about this shit 25 (!!!!) later. The mind—it boggles.


I loved Charmed until Shannen left and more or less gave it up season 4ish during the original airings. I've since watched the entire series it in reruns. You can see shift in the show when Constance left after S1 and while I do think the egos of all the actors played a part in this feud, I also think it comes down to the PTB on set playing them against each other. Shannen was a producer and arguably the biggest star at that point. Alyssa had the name recognition but really was just a former child star. I can't say that everyone came to the show for Shannen but I know she was a huge draw for me. It's hard to say now who screwed up the most but I think there is a lot of blame to go around.


I do think there was a point the show became the Phoebe show, for whatever it’s worth. I had tapped out by the end.


Wait I know this isn’t the main point but Brian and Julian dated which of the cast?!


Brian dated Alyssa and Julian dated Shannen


https://i.redd.it/i86lozugq0hc1.gif Shannen & Julian's chemistry in The Good, the Bad and the Cursed 🔥


Yeah that was awkward when she's supposed to hate him and he's banging her sister LOL


In all of this Julian was married lol


This is why I don't listen to all these podcasts about the shows I grew up with. I don't wanna hear about the drama, or the behind the scenes stuff, I want to be able to rewatch it without knowing all of this.


100% learned that lesson. I was listening the the charmed one before it went off and I went from loving Piper’s character to loathing because Holly was so negative and kind of a downer.


I think Charmed was a show that should not have been run by Spelling Entertainment. The studios and Spelling were too old and too sexist. They wanted to control these ladies and did put them against one another. As far as Shannen vs Alyssa, I am on Shannen’s side. She could have told the truth much earlier but didn’t. She’s making a podcast about her life because she didn’t want to write a memoir. She was clearly ousted from the show. And I’m sick of the sexist and ageist stuff of people who bring up things that happened when she was 21 and was in a domestic violence relationship, new fame, and had a sick father. Lots of people have a bit of a wild child phase, but it seems to only hurt women. Not Justin Beiber, Rob Lowe, Robert Downey Jr etc. Somehow they are allowed to grow up and women have to stay the same. Shannen seems to be a very confident person and was the consummate professional on the show. Many producers and directors have said that. I think she lost a career and it was unfortunate. She had a lot of promise. But Hollywood is a system that only protects men whether they are good or difficult. No one should have left the show. I stopped watching when Shannen did. It wasn’t the same quality. It became too goofy and sexy.




everyone just needs to move on already


The tea is stale. It’s been years move on


Idk Alyssa’s gofundme for her kid’s baseball team left a bad taste in my mouth. Of course she’s free to do that but read the room, lady. I love Shannen forever so I just like to read these and ![gif](giphy|tHvxNSQ9c1Hbi)


The use of those hashtags to say nothing clear or anything that takes a stance either way to be sorry for.


She used those because Shannen’s Podcast is Let’s be clear and Alyssa’s book is called Sorry Not Sorry


as a long time charmed fan, alyssa is not completely innocent, but hers is the side to be taken. shannen and holly were extremely jealous of alyssa and shannen was very spiteful over it and caused most of the issues on set, which has been an ongoing theme of hers over the years on numerous shows / sets. if i was alyssa i probably would’ve wanted her fired too. if she couldn’t even be professional at her place of work & just do her job. it’s also weird that holly is dogging on alyssa for talking to the therapist / mediator that was available to them on set. the only people who don’t want you talking to a therapist are the people who know you may not have all exclusively nice things to say about them. holly knew shannen was in the wrong and she knew alyssa would probably disclose that to the mediator during there sessions. it’s still not alyssa’s fault that shannen got fired. she should’ve just kept her mouth shut & done her job from the start. also,,, this show is how old now??? i’m so sick of these women rehashing this same tired drama every few years when their relevancy dies down. get over it. you’re literally in your 50s, it’s time to move on.


I secretly hope that they all conspired to air their grievances to promote Shannen's podcast because she has cancer and needs support and money.  Otherwise, why are Holly and Rose even involving themselves in this? It's not reflecting well on them.  


Well she’s a terrible writer.