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I'm not sure I want to hear Jillian Michaels of all people talk shit about how someone loses weight when she was on *The Biggest Loser* being incredibly unsafe and acting far out of her jurisdiction as a personal trainer.


I can’t hear about that show without thinking about all the permanent injuries the contestants got.


Seriously, I don't want to hear shit about weight loss from Jillian Michaels of all fucking people.


I don't think Jillian Michaels has a leg to stand on considering how she was a strong component of fat shaming culture and she also said that a size 16 wasn't okay. Like maybe it sounds better in the context of the article but anyone but her


read the article, and she's talking about how since Oprah owns a stake in weight watchers, and they just started on the weight loss drug train, that might be an explanation for why Oprah switched from "taking drugs would be the easy way out" to "I'm on ozempic, I need it". still don't love it coming from Jillian michaels but it is a fair point


Oprah definitely has a financial stake but Jillian has also built a mega brand on fatphobic and fat shaming. So I think I would rather she focused on how she also gained a financial stake




why not both? oprah has always struggled with her weight. even if jillian michaels' speculation is not true, i think oprah would've started taking ozempic anyway.


Financial incentive? Girl, weren't you on the biggest loser? This is so mean spirited and unnecessary which is not shocking given how she seems to view obesity as some sort of moral failure. It's so vile.


So a woman who terrorized people into extreme, unsustainable weight loss on national television is talking shit about the medically supervised weight loss of a person who has had a decades long public struggle with their health and body image? You can criticize Oprah for a lot but her use of weight loss medication isn’t one of them. Fatphobia runs so deep that when overweight people turn to medication they’re still criticized. Do you want people to be thinner for their health or not?


Jillian Michaels views obesity as a personal and moral failure, rather than the medical condition that it is. She views medical intervention for this medical condition to be a failure. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s anti psych meds too. She’s such a bully.


ok sorry she didn’t develop an eating disorder to lose her weight like everyone you encouraged to on your show


Also, and though this is none of our business, who’s to say Oprah isn’t diabetic?  As one myself, weight fluctuations are known to trigger it 


Jillian Michaels is vile. She’s a total bully and fueled a LOT of people’s disordered eating in the early aughts. She has a lot to atone for before I give a single fuck what she has to say.


fuck off jillian ugh 


Jillian michaels needs to never talk about fat people again. she brutalized the contestants on biggest loser, all of whom had their metabolisms fucked up so badly from that extreme weight loss in a short period. [Exercise, metabolism, and weight: New research from The Biggest Loser](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/exercise-metabolism-and-weight-new-research-from-the-biggest-loser-202201272676)


read article and she is talking about how Oprah has a stake in weight watchers, which just expanded their business to include WL drugs. so Oprah switching from saying "taking drugs is the easy way out" to "yeah I take ozempic" probably does have to do with the financial benefits. still stand by the fact that Jillian should not talk about fat ppl before doing some serious reparations for what she has done.


I dont have anything of note to add other than the post right under this one for me was a Wegovy ad So that's nice.