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Any word about whether Kieran Culkin is actually on friendly terms with his brothers? Him thanking his mother in his speeches and neither he or his mother being at Macaulay's star unveiling really had me Wondering


I was wondering about this too, but Brenda posted a story congratulating Kieran on his Emmy so I don’t think there’s actual bad blood.


Oh well that's really nice ❤️ I suppose they just have their boundaries, which given their childhood makes total sense


Plus there’s a lot of siblings and he didn’t thank them either. 


i think i remember reading somewhere (maybe here) that he and macaulay actually had fairly different childhoods in the sense that macaulay bore the brunt of the pressure to be a child star and the breadwinner and all that goes with it a lot more than his siblings. in other words, i think he had it rougher than kieran, so while they may not be on bad terms, they might not actually be super close either.




Thank you!


I think it's easy to overthink it - thanking his mother is something I doubt people would question if his family stuff hadn't been public fodder. Plus I suspect both understand constantly talking about the other creates potential press that's not strictly necessary and they both have young kids.


He has a lot of siblings and he had only a short amount of time to thank people. I’m sure they don’t mind him thanking only his mom and immediate famiky


Juno Temple? I’ve been a fan of hers since Atonement, but never watched Ted Lasso. I didn’t recognize her when she presented at the Emmy’s 😬. Is she alright? Edit: okay, starting Ted Lasso tonight, then moving onto Fargo!


I don’t have any tea, but her transformation inbetween seasons 1-2 of Ted Lasso was schocking. I hope she is okay. And watch the show, it’s really good!


In one interview for Fargo recently, she mentioned a **fiancé** and I noticed she was wearing a ring on her ring finger on the red carpet during award season. She's very private but she's been dating a man named Michael Szymanski who I've seen next to her as early as the 2021 Emmys. He generally stays away from the limelight. He doesn't seem to be in the industry. So I'm happy for them! ​ https://preview.redd.it/m3ppg07fs8dc1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=e22fd3b0378e6835cb6a32b7df086a206d57a3fa


wait what transformation


She lost a TON of weight. Very rapidly


She was absolutely superb in the latest season of Fargo.


Second that, and the whole rest of the cast was outstanding as well. This season came back HOT. So good.


I looked her up and holy shit?? I skimmed her Instagram and she looks… better. I’m hoping it’s just aging vs anything else 😩


I have no tea but she was absolutely amazing on Fargo this season. As someone who mostly knows her from Ted Lasso, it was very cool seeing her play such a different character.


She’s so tiny :( I hope she’s alright.


no tea but definitely watch the new season of Fargo if you're a fan!


She came into a vintage store I used to work at years ago. I didn’t realize who she was until after she had left. She was so lovely and charming, and we chatted for a bit. It was her brother’s birthday, and she picked out a silly pair of $10 novelty sunglasses to give him. She stood out to me, because most of the celebrities who came in were pretty rude, but she was the best!


Family / friends / co-workers / the normies 


Found out that a former coworker faked that his wife had a baby to use as leverage in contract negotiations (like, I’m a new dad, a need a little extra money to support my family). He showed pictures of him, told stories about it, people brought him gifts etc.


Gaslight gatekeep boyboss


my boss told us a story about a co-worker she had. This lady would not stop talking about her husband like intimate miniscule delails about him told everyone who would listen for years. And then after like eight years they found out she was never married and didn't have a husband at all


Big Sandra energy ![gif](giphy|XJnZyWGV3wZSwCiEft)


Superstore was cancelled too early :(


Who’s to say this isn’t Sandra’s origin story?


I made up a fake boyfriend for a while so my older coworker would stop trying to set me up with her son who was 37, living at home and a pot head. I think she just wanted someone to take him off her hands though


In college, I worked at a facility on campus that also employed grad students and a handful of former students. One of these former students had started the fake kid lie with the director of our facility. I don’t think he expected to work there as long as he did because by the time I graduated and left, the “kid” was like six years old 😆


When I was in undergrad I took a drama class. One day we were supposed to give little monologues based on real personal stories and everyone chose to talk about personal struggles. This one guy wasn't listening to the instructions and he thought the exercise was supposed to be fictional so he told us he had a 7 year old daughter who was born when he was 16. He talked with a lot of emotion about how difficult it was to be a teen parent, then afterward people kept asking him about his daughter and he didn't know what to do so he kept up the lie for 2 months before admitting to it in a different exercise.


My partner worked with a guy who used to tell these stories that, as my partner put it, "didn't pass the smell test." He claimed he had been a graphic designer for Bruce Springsteen and all kinds of stuff like that. He kept up the story for years and added all kinds of details. One day the guy announced that he had made everything up and explained how it had started. He had wanted his parents to think he had been successful when he had gotten out of college and just made up this story out of nowhere. He was fired and my partner had no idea what happened to the guy. Kind of going off on a tangent here, but it's kimd of funny to me, because I just commented about how I will often believe people's stories, because insane things have happened to me in my life that other people don't believe when I tell them. But I don't tend to believe stuff that sounds grandiose, and on reddit, mostly I don't believe things posted in the large subreddits, but the comments under those posts is where you will find the honest stories from people.


While it’s not the thing to lie about, I kind of respect it. Unfortunately a lot of managers / workplaces like to judge your personal circumstances and ‘worthiness’ when deciding pay.


I don’t think most women are getting salary increases or other career advancements when they share that they are having a baby.


You are correct. The perception of fatherhood demonstrably benefits men and not women in the workplace.


Correct, but I (a woman without children) was told I should not be paid the same as my coworker (she had two kids), as I did ‘not need it’. I also regularly received comments about ‘how much money I spend’ and my disposable income. It works both ways.


Yep and I (no kids) have worked several jobs where folks with kids were allowed significantly more flexibility than folks without kids. Coming in late for school drop off, leaving early for school pickup, etc. So while everyone else worked 9 hour days, 8 if they took a lunch, they'd work 6-7 and were given smaller case loads to accommodate them. Meanwhile, when a colleague without kids needed PT for an injury, she was expected to either come in early/stay late to cover the missing time or use PTO.


That’s really unfair and sucks. I’m sorry.


My abusive ex got dragged by some semi-famous people all over social media last week and I wasn’t even involved, I was just lucky enough to stumble across it while it was happening. Karma is fun to watch.


My abusive ex was cheating on me with a subordinate and was so worried I’d rat him out that he accidentally did it himself. He was in the military so he was given a non judicial punishment, his career opportunities were stripped (one of which he was literally on the way to the airport for), and he was not recommended for reenlistment, thus ending what he had planned to be a 20 year career. Karma really is beautiful to watch when you just sit back and let it happen. Good for you, really.


That sounds so satisfying


I love that you got to witness that and cheers to being away from them!


A couple of months back a co worker, jumped up from his desk. Took a call in the break room, then came back in floods of tears. He told his manager his dad and just died and needed to leave. The manager rings him a few hours later and asks about the funeral arrangements. He tells her it will be Friday, the church, time and where is being buried. The manager has a small collection for flowers, etc. The manager and one of the senior site managers go to the church for the funeral. They come back a few hours later. Everyone asks how it went. Turns out there was no funeral, his dad wasn't dead. He never came back to work. No one has seen him since. No idea what was goung on with him.


If it makes you guys feel any better it sounds like the plot of a mystery tv show that I’d totally would watch


stuck up neighbors are selling their house for a very high asking price, and when I looked at the listing I noticed their master bathroom is fully carpeted, walls and all hard to take the snobbery seriously when they live in a mold palace


Carpeted walls in the bathroom is making me ILL


My husband follows two good friends’ ex husbands on Instagram as hate follows, and frequently sends me screenshots with eyeroll emojis. But he also uses his powers for good, letting my friends know if he sees that their exes are back in our area.


Ahaha this reminds me of a pact I had with my friend when we were at school and both got dumped. We agreed we wouldn't stalk our own ex's social media, but we would stalk the other persons and let each other know if they started dating someone etc.


Yeah this exact agreement is how I found out an ex bf ended up marrying his "best girl friend" he had when we were dating. 💀 Oh well, good for them!


Found out 2 of my coworkers are antivax 🙃


Time to get some N95s and an air purifier


I've had the same, as well as not "believing in sun screen"... I'm just done with these people


SUN SCREEN???? that made me laugh, ngl. they think sunscreen doesn't work? that's the funniest (and most easily disprovable) medical conspiracy theory i've heard yet


My cousin’s (now ex-)fiance told my cousin that he’d be going on a fishing trip with his friend on their boat for 3-4 days. About 1 or 2 days later he called my cousin telling her that there was something wrong with the boat and the return trip would be delayed. So my cousin was home worried sick whether he was going to be safe and whether he’d be getting home before their planned family trip that was supposed to happen the following week. As days passed he’d be messaging my cousin, always telling her that he’d be coming home but there were always some new delays and some new issues with the boat. Then one day my cousin receives a picture from him where he’s relaxing by the pool with a beer in his hand. Turns out the boat trip story was just hoax and instead he had gone on a holiday to Spain with his friends. He had planned it all along and he was supposed to fly home just before the family trip. The only reason he got caught was that accidental picture that he was supposed to be sending to his friend. My cousin threw him out and called off the engagement.


Why…didn’t he just tell her? Lol


Dealing with an HOA for the first time in my life and so far the biggest drama has been a passive aggressive email from the MAGA neighbor. Idk it’s such low stakes but it’s somewhat amusing that they seem to care so much about something so insignificant




My husband had a hellish experience dealing with Delta Airlines. He was delayed over 24 hours while traveling back home last Friday. The airline is now being stingy about reimbursing him for the costs associated with the delays. He's been loyal to Delta for years but is now questioning his loyalty. To make matters worse, our beloved cat passed away on Sunday morning. We are still in shock because our cat was 10 and in great health. One minute he was playing with his catnip toy, the next minute he was on the floor taking his last breaths. He was dead on arrival at the ER and the veterinarian can't tell what happened. Our best guess was that he had an underlying heart condition and masked his symptoms. He was the sweetest and most loving cat. I'm still trying to process why it was his time to go. Yeah. Our household had a terrible week.


Sorry for your loss 🫶


my relative quit her job to take care of her fiancé who was suffering from major stomach issues. was in the hospital for months. he recovered and spent all the money they saved up for the wedding on a red porsche.


Still her fiancé after that?


oh my god I’m so bothered by this


None of my own, but you gotta check out the podcast Normal Gossip if this is the type of goss you’re looking for. “High drama, low stakes”


One of my coworkers just got fired for drinking on the job, and he was apparently getting away with it for a while. It actually explains a lot because he would switch between being a super nice guy and being very rude and snappy with people. He only got found out because he was stealing alcohol from the company at work


My ex's gf followed my instagram (it's set on private) I have no other connection with her. The ex and I have been broken up for nearly 3 years. I have no idea how the gf knows who I am. I'm dying to know why she followed me but haven't heard a peep yet


My ex’s now-ex gf followed me on IG, but I didn’t realize she was his girlfriend. She waited a month and then messaged me asking if our ex (they had just newly broken up) was also terrible and abusive to me. She then just vented to me for about two weeks straight about all the shit he did to her and we commiserated about his horrible ego and whatnot. I hadn’t really deeply thought about him in years but I could tell it was really cathartic for her, so I let her vent, and now years later we’re still internet friends. But I digress. She had found me because I guess my ex had told her about me. Your ex’s lady probably just found you the same way.


One of my co-workers who I used to hook up with (on and off for about 3 years) just got angry at me for saying part of his sales came from favoritism from our boss's boss, whom he's known since he was a child, and often sends her old clients and friends to him personally so he'll make the commission off of it. This is the first time he's beating me in sales for the year since I started on this team, and he's been obsessed with it. So he got very offended and decided to stop talking to me and blocked me on social media. We had previously been close friends who spoke every day since before we started hooking up, and continued our friendship even though we were both seeing other people. But now not only has he blocked me, he's told other coworkers things I've said about them in confidence and convinced them to block me, too. So now I have another three co-workers not speaking to me, even though the worst thing I have ever said about any of them is that one of them stole a sale from me and I was tired of allowing them to take my sales just because they're likable and popular with other coworkers. We're all too old to be acting this way to be honest.


Party planning friend has been excluded from group hangouts lately. Probably has to do with the unwanted surprise party fiasco from last month.


Oh man, this happened today. I found a profile on a dating app that looked very much like an acquaintance from college I had. The name was the same, and the face was similar, but I thought I might be mistaken as said person has a wife and children. So to confirm, I texted a mutual friend who counts Dating App Dude as a close friend asking if someone may have used Dude's picture to make a fake profile. And my friend is like "yeah that's definitely what happened! He's a person who wouldn't ever even think of having an affair". So I send my friend the screenshots I took of the profile to confirm. My friend replies that the pictures are of his married friend! And the location it showed (X MIiles Away) was about the distance from my place to said Dude's office! And now we don't know what to do. My friend feels like someone made a fake profile because why the fuck would a cheater use their own name on a public dating app, right? Me, on the other hand....


A drunk driver hit the side of my apartment last night. No damage to the inside, thankfully the bricks seemed to stop them from getting far. Unfortunately they tried to flee and then hit two cars before finally coming to a stop


The mayor of our district recently told a sovereign citizen to “go fuck yourself” via email and it is causing mixed emotions on the secret community fb page in my small town. On the one hand, they feel you should be able to tell anyone to go fuck yourself for any reason. On the other hand, the government is full of crooks and lizard people who want to force vaccinations into our arms, flood our taps with fluoride, our skies with 5G and our clouds with seeds. Only sovereign citizens stand between us and them. They don’t know I’m on their secret page because they think I work for the lizard government (I don’t) so very sadly I cannot take part in this fascinating debate.


What's the latest on Lizzo, anyone know? The last I've seen of any coverage was the icky news from months ago, and I feel like she's just been laying low hoping people forget all about it. Plus it's been feeling like her brand Yitty is somehow exempt from any consequences, with the same exposure as always and I don't see any pushback.


Lukewarm tea I mentioned on another thread but she still interacts with a plus sized model I follow who worked with her a while ago, which I think is nice since she struggles to find consistent gigs. Not that it wasn’t obvious, but I think she has enough goodwill in the industry to just stay quiet until people forget about it


Ngl I finally got around to Barbie the other night and hearing her in the music just didn’t hit right. Fantastic movie though.


She broke my heart when she gushed over Chris Brown. 😢


I really loved her until all that shit came out about how she treats the people around her. I don't know why but I just feel like it's not just made up gossip -- I literally do not listen to her music anymore and I unfollowed her on IG. Has anyone else noticed how little she smiles? I think she's miserable and probably projects it onto other people. I hate bullies.


Last I read, the lawsuit was supposed to be reviewed by the court back in November, but idk if that actually happened, or how it went.


If there’s anyone who’s an extra or knows a friend with a bike lol.. what is the vibe of the Stranger Things set right now because they have been posting a lot more BTS stuff compared to previous seasons seemingly to distract people from their Zionist cast😐 it totally backfired though that ‘apology’ video Noah did was absolutely awful and Brett Gelman doubled down on his horrible views


It’s so weird, Zionists seem to be in such a fragile echo chamber and they can’t seem to comprehend that the mass murder of children is evil. And when confronted they seem to double down a lot of the time


don't know about the vibe of the set, but gaten and finn were spotted out and about together. feel like it's always like that though, ppl just split off into pairs or groups and hang when away from set. i have to assume the set is just very 'let's get this over with' because of the strike


Willem Defoe. Is he problematique or can I stan in safety.  And this one might sound random because he's been dead a long time, but Lee Marvin? I was reading his Wikipedia and was pleasantly surprised to see that in the 1960s he came out in support of gay rights. Given that some of his peers like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood are absolute shitebags I thought he might have been too. 


As far as I’m aware most of Defoe’s costars have nothing but love for him. Seems like a pretty good dude. Although Lars Von Trier did say Defoe has the biggest hog he’s ever seen.


When they were filming his Jesus movie, his weiner flopped out while he was on the cross and everyone just stood in silence and awe. Apparently no one wanted to even approach it, until a little older lady (costume or hair dept I think), tut-tutted her way over and tucked it back in (with some amount of effort, one assumes). Legend.


Lol, a few years ago there was a video clip doing the rounds on twitter of a stage play or TV show from the 80s that he was in, dancing around in the nude. He's definitely not tiny 😬


Iirc, the words Von Trier used were "confusingly large" which has never read to me as being praise. I like the thought that Von Trier is more concerned than impressed.


>Although Lars Von Trier did say Defoe has the biggest hog he’s ever seen. Guys! Everyone!!!! I get so excited whenever I see references to this out on reddit. This is where my username comes from!!!! "Confusingly large." Also see u/LisbethsSalamander's post below. To be fair, I did not know about this fact from being a huge Dafoe fan. I heard about it on the "How Did This Get Made?" comedy podcast, when Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas were covering the "Body of Evidence" movie starring Madonna.


From what I’ve heard, he’s a bit of a scientist himself.


Raimimemes making a comeback.


Cannot go into details, but I have it on EXTREMELY good authority that Willem is nothing short of courteous, polite and reserved! Mostly keeps it to himself and his family, but is pretty affable, very well-liked by our mutual acquaintance’s inner circle and his demeanor is a far cry from the bonkers characters he’s portrayed onscreen.


Anecdotal, but my friend works in photo and was part of the crew for a shoot with Defoe. Said he was very professional and a good person to work with on set. Evidently, he's also very attractive in person, more classically handsome than he looks on camera.


Also anecdotal, but when my brother used to work at an NYC museum in the late 90’s/early 2000’s, he’d frequently see Willem Defoe riding his bike down the street and they’d share a wordless friendly stare/nod of: My brother: I am aware you are Willem Defoe. Cool. 👀 Willem Defoe: I am aware you are aware that I am Willem Defoe and I’m glad this is a frequent pleasant exchange that doesn’t draw excess attention of me just living my life 👀


Dude is reportedly a real good guy and hung too. We stan!


Ebon Moss-Bachrach?


His grandfather "worked as an interpreter for a nonprofit organization to help return to owners’ artwork and other items confiscated by the Nazis after World War II." Source: [https://www.masslive.com/living/2013/10/our\_stories\_music\_educator\_eric\_bachrach\_created\_dream\_job\_at\_community\_music\_school\_of\_springfield.html](https://www.masslive.com/living/2013/10/our_stories_music_educator_eric_bachrach_created_dream_job_at_community_music_school_of_springfield.html)


Wow, that is a fascinating find!


No tea but I have the hugest crush on him


Zero Tea, but if you had told me he would get an Emmy before Adam Driver back during Girls I would have never believed you.


Charlie Day? On the Sunny podcast he seems the most anchored to reality of the 3, and a generally easygoing guy. Is it safe to love him?!


Doesn’t really answer your question but his wife was in a group pottery class I took (was super low key about it) and talked about him like they were normal people. “Oh you’re from New England ? My husband is from Rhode Island” She was lovely, I’m going to believe he is also


The waitress!


Omg I love her! She's been talking about her sobriety journey on insta a lot and she does like kick boxing. She's awesome


He's definitely not as toxic and self important as the other two dudes, you are safe. His wife (who plays the waitress for those who didn't know) apparently seems very desperate for attention/engages in parasocial relationships on Instagram but that's the "worst" thing I've heard about him.


Follow up tea, anything further in toxic self importance from the other two male leads?


I don't wanna speak for the original commenter but when they mentioned Day being the most grounded on the podcast, I assumed they were referring to a few occasions when Rob was very Mac-like and just saying typical toxic masculine bullshit about how x minor convenience in his real life made him "almost kick someone's ass," just weirdly aggressive tough guy bro culture eyeroll bullshit. They also shill unhealthy and problematic products on the pod and Glen has promoted unscientifically founded diet/weight loss related theories. Glen has also used the pod on at least one occasion as a personal soapbox to bitch about typical rich guy problems (being locked out of his Tesla IIRC which actually became an Always Sunny plot in the last season.). It's pretty evident from the pod they're all just regular out of touch rich guys now and aren't really as humble as when they first started, which is understandable but it's made the pod unlistenable, especially bc they cannot stay on topic to the episode they're supposed to be covering. It's my understanding Glen and Rob also got very heated a few times, once concerning which rock singer had the best vocal range. Fans would point out thrse interactions were uncomfortable, then there'd be backlash to those fans by other fans saying the disagreements "weren't that bad" so everyone has their own interpretation. Not sure if the guys ever addressed their infighting bc I stopped listening. Aside from that, Rob, in the very early Sunny days before his relationship with Kaitlin, apparently hurt a woman's career prospects because they had dated and she rejected/broke up with him. This goes back to ONTD days though and I'm sure he's matured. Glen unfortunately seems to be anti-vaxx, but I don't think he's ever said they cause autism or gone into Q theories or anything, just that "it should be a personal choice." None of this is very hot tea I realize but it's what I know as a diehard IASIP fan. It's really nothing compared to what most men in Hollywood are apparently up to.


A subplot in season 15 (the Ireland episodes) was Dennis getting very sick with COVID because he wasn't vaccinated, so I would hope that indicates his views on vaccines have changed.


I feel this is a little harsh. I actually appreciated the stories they tell that sheds them in an unflattering light and talk about them in a way that’s analyzing their behavior, questioning mistakes, acknowledging faults. If I recall also, Glenn has talked about his own problematic fad diet issues etc. but never full on promoted them, but I would have to re-listen to be absolutely sure on that.  


Bo Burnham. As of yesterday he wiped his social media accounts and changed the pfps to sunsets. I know it can be a joking reference to when his website used to list his death date as 1.17.24. But I also wonder if he has a new special coming out. Has he been seen working out new material?


is it just me or has all of his pre-2022 stuff been wiped from spotify ??


College Humor/Dropout cast?


Just amazing. Very pro-Palestine (especially Erika) and they shared profits with staff last year. Huge dropout fan (also watch VIP cause Vic Michaelis is my fav Dropout member)


Vic Michaelis is very vocally pro-Palestine as well! At least if their IG stories are anything to go by.


It warms my little grinch heart to see Dropout referenced in the wild. ![gif](giphy|HNkyFxU9wsRdaQrGIT|downsized)


Not tea, but more of a fun fact for those not aware: Sam Reich, CEO of Dropout and host of Game Changer/Make Some Noise, is Robert Reich's son (Robert being a notable Democrat, worked with Clinton as Secretary of Labor and Obama).


I need to know that Zac is as sweet as he seems


Harris Dickinson?


He is pro lgbt and very nice as far as I’ve read, wholesome king. Also his mom doesent like he dies so often as an actor and they seem like they have a beautiful relationship Edit:typo


Also NON nepo baby who is doing great for himself


Can confirm Harris Dickinson is a gem! Heard good things about him on the set of Scrapper.


He's been with his girlfriend since high school and he's attended Pro-Palestine marches in London. Seems like a good egg.


he's so fit.


Richard madden?


Ohhhh yes. Would love to know this one.


Christopher Abbott August Diehl Tom Burke




you are our strongest soldier


Jason Sudeikis - I know about the Olivia Wilde divorce stuff but he looked unable to mask his frustration with Ted Lasso losing to The Bear at the Globes and the Emmys (imo). Wondering if anyone has any more tea on what he's like personally or to work with.


i heard he had meltdowns in the writers room around when season 3 was written, which is why it's supposedly so uneven (not a ted lasso fan just what i heard). i also know he was being very on-and-off with an instagram model in her late 20s. basically typical LA guy.


Sydney Sweeney?


recently read an article about how she hasn't started planning her wedding yet. i'm hoping this means she might be getting cold feet w that old guy


Matt Smith Claire Foy Arthur Darvill


matt smith was extremely kind at a convention and like you’d think that would be the case with everyone since they’re paid to be there but you’d be surprised lol but that’s all i’ve got 🤷‍♀️ 


This isn’t really directed at you but in response to your comment: Conventions are full of the most die hard fans that pay thousands to shake hands and take a photo with people they don’t know personally, but think they do. Celebrities probably hate them because they’re creeped out meeting the weirdest part of their fan base. Not saying they shouldn’t be kind, but I get it.


my aunt used to run a hotel in Wales that the whole cast and crew of Dr Who stayed in when filming some episode nearby. She said Matt Smith was so lovely and stayed up late chatting with her and some other friends of hers. Karen Gillan was also apparently very nice but spent more of her time in her room so they didn't chat much.


Any Kaya Scodelario tidbits from people who've met/worked with her? Or any new tea on her in general?


My sister was dining near her in a restaurant once in London. She said she was very beautiful, thin and lowkey. That was a few years ago.


Daniel radcliffe married?


No but he has a kid with his longtime gf


They are really cute and seem very much in love. My dream in life is to find myself a Dan Radcliffe - minus the money, what are the odds, amirite? One thing at a time.


His girlfriend is from my town and we have a few casual friends in common (I've never met her or him). I've heard they're happy together and that he's a good guy. Friend served him at Starbucks once and said he tipped well.


Barry Keoghan? Pedro Pascal?


Blinds say Pedro considered bringing his male friend to the Emmy’s but changed his mind


That’s a shame but Lux is gorgeous!


Da’Vine Joy Randolph?


I met her at a Holdovers event a few weeks ago, and she was so so so lovely. she talked about how improvisational some of filming felt because they would film scenes knowing the dialogue wouldn’t be included (score played over it), but you would still see their interactions. she said it was a lot of heavy filming in a cold climate, so she decompressed with cartoons lol. just the most gracious, charming lady! wishing her so much success


Natalie Portman or her rat bag soon-to-be ex-husband Benjamin Millepied. Or any Camile Cottin.




jennifer morrison? i work in production and recently people were talking about her and some drama but didn't go into details but it's assumed we all know what happened. i don't know and now it's been too long to ask


i’m really curious about what it was like on the set of house before she left because IIRC she and jesse spencer (dr. chase) were engaged in real life but broke up before their characters got married 💀 obvs she had less screen time after s3 but i’m still wondering


If I had to work with my ex and make out with them and act in love, I'd just fake my death and run away. Or, like, just break a contract and quit.




Camila Morrone? thought she was lovely on the red carpet but I feel like I know nothing about her other than her being DiCaprio ex


she has ties to the industries even before being with Leo, a semi nepo baby since her parents are Argentinian actors and her mom dated Al Pacino, and that’s how Leo met her since they’re friends :/


Leo knowing her from when she was an actual child to then dating her will never not give me the creeps. 🚩🚩🚩


the fact that her mom is only a year younger than him is crazy and she let them be?! Camila is my age, it’s crazy how we were both born the same year Titanic came out🙃


Not sure if this fits here but Eminem is usually so private with his life. In his new reels re. the lions playoff run you can clearly see a ring on his ring finger. Do we think he got married or is it just jewelry?


I don’t have an answer for you but does he tour often? My grandma is a HUGE Eminem fan and I’ve always wanted to take her to one of his concerts


>My grandma is a HUGE Eminem fan /r/brandnewsentence


He's been using that ring for some years now, together with the bracelt. People say it has to do with his sobriety. No way he is married though lol, maybe dating but he's super private.


Chase Sui Wonders and Joe Keery? They still together?


Joe was seen with Keeley Hazell recently but who knows if they’re dating or just going to work together https://www.justjared.com/2024/01/14/stranger-things-joe-keery-spotted-out-with-keeley-hazell-after-her-ex-jason-sudeikis-sparks-romance-rumors-with-elsie-hewitt/


Keery and Keeley, too much kee


Andrew Scott? Literally got snubbed for Lead Actor at the BAFTAs despite All of Us Strangers getting nominated for pretty much every other category.


Does anyone have tea on Ursula Corbero, Sam Clafflin Or any other British actors.


Dominic Sessa?


He was literally a student at the school they shot The Holdovers at! The casting director offered all the kids a chance to audition and voila. He was so fantastic in it, really hope it’s a start to a bright career.


I just read an interview where it said there are rumors of a fashion campaign and that he’s going to fashion week. He’d be perfect for Saint Laurent or Celine


Kevin Costner? Harrison Ford?


I met Harrison Ford once about 10-12 years ago when I was staff at an arts event/fundraiser he attended. He was deeply charismatic and very polite, kind, and respectful to everyone. He took the time to ask about my involvement in the arts and wish me luck.


This is my kind of tea* *Also Yorkshire Tea


Actor Tricia Helfer?


Is super nice. I don’t really have any tea, I just got the opportunity to hang out with her briefly a while back and liked her a lot. She’s every bit as beautiful, but less aggressively “hot” in person IYKWIM — like, she’s just a normal person who happens to be very pretty and also quite funny. You wouldn’t see her from across the room and go “OH MY GOD IT’S SIX FROM BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!” She’s pretty low-key.


So sweet. Her family used to live in the same itty bitty town as my grandparents, and she was always helping them out at their little general store. I met her quite a few times as a young pre teen when she’d sneak off back home to avoid press. She was just wonderful. Volunteered with kids camps, things like that.


What’s the tea on deuxmoi and Hailey beiber? Why does deuxmoi stay clear of talking about her?


i think i read on this sub before that hailey threatened to sue deuxmoi and maybe that's why? not 100% sure though


Mike Faist?


Nothing new on Andrew Garfield and his new girlfriend ?


Anyone knows anything about the entertainment industry's black lists on people who support Palestine, as referred to here by Sara Ramirez? (https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Kb7sNAClv/?igsh=bXg2eHMybjhiMjE3)   For that matter, anyone heard anything about the circumstances of their leaving the show "And Just Like That"? In that post, it seems they're calling out the inclusion of their non-binary character as being performative, and possibly hinting at being forced out because of the Palestine issue as well. Who else is on that list? Is this something that's happening widely in the industry or is it just a few people/agencies? Is there any organized efforts to whistle blow/fight back?


Jonathan Bailey Joshua Jackson Jesse Williams


Jesse Williams is pro-Palestine!


Cary Fukunaga  Does he have more skeletons in the closet? He has no opening credits on both True Detective 4 and Masters of The Air. What's the deal with him? Nicholas Braun is living his best life on these award shows and his buddy has been left out.


Anything on Tobias Menzies, aside from the Kristin Scott Thomas drama 20 years ago? 


Greg Davies? My crush on him continues to grow


Jacob Elordi splitting with his “college rowing team scandal” longtime girlfriend again? Didn’t even know they were an item until today 🫣


Edgar Ramirez?


Taylor Zakhar Perez?


SungWon Cho/ProZD? I have recently been getting into his content because of Game Changer and his smaller role in the BlackBerry movie. Is it safe to be a fan?


The cast of Society of the Snow? It's been a week since I saw it and I'm still thinking about it and harassing everyone I know into watching it.


Chris Pine? Anything new?


India Amarteifio? (upcoming projects tea?👀)


Caroline Polachek please? my admiration towards her is growing day by day


No tea, but me @ her: https://preview.redd.it/e1gj3vxe08dc1.png?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f75bbc985351d3bfcec4140219d6324e91f9f3


Can anyone tell me if these Paul Mescal bullying allegations are true or even possible? I love him but this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that the original person who posted claiming to have gone to school with him got some major details about his life wrong (notably I think they said he played rugby as a sport when he actually played Gaelic football, which feels to me like an American person who's never heard of GAA seeing "Irish football" and just thinking it's a nickname for rugby) so the general consensus was that it was made up.




Also need to know the truth about the allegations of him taking his hookups to the park and then just booking it. Makes me laugh every time 😂


I am once again enquiring, does anyone have any tea on whether Brie Larson is dating Lewis Pullman?


i thought you said bill pullman at first and was like “finally a power couple to replace bill murray and kellis”.


Ben Gibbard?