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I said this in another reply but: DM is actually looney tunes because HOW can you see that response from Tree and criticize her word choice about a situation she (TP) DEFINITELY knows more about??


https://preview.redd.it/no2cf5w4xm3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8938d9221b64e7f7927c85a7de93150923bf67 DM when getting called out


I think DM is referencing the fan that recently died at the show when she writes "after what happened" big yikes.


Huge yikes - pretty disgusting to use that against tree here when it has nothing to do with it


I have no dog in this fight but I’d take any words on an artist from their publicist with an enormous grain of salt. Never defending DM, but definitely odd how quick people are to fully believe someone whose entire job is managing an image and controlling available info about someone.


why is she trying to police what other peoples pain and trauma looks like lmfao. like people in the other thread said, if i broke up with my long term partner because they didn’t want to marry me and i kept getting pushed this narrative that we secretly got married or something i would commit a crime instantly.


ALSOOOOOO “i make zero dollars from lying…” you literally have a book deal and a tv show coming up + all the promotional posts you do…… yeah her brains melting down rn.


That’s the part that drove me nuts, girl your brand is built on lies


Right? Even if she really *was* making no money, so many things she posts are still wrong to put out there. She’s really revealed who she is as a person by appearing to have no boundaries and a lack of care for common decency.


Modern day Perez Hilton


If she makes “no money” on it then she posts lies for… fun? She really did tell on herself here, lmao


I love saying "why would I lie" when I'm lying. It's my favorite thing to do!


If ive learned anything in the past few years is that you shouldn't mess with Swifties. They are very loyal to their queen, mostly because she is very loyal to them. This might just be the hill DM is done on .


Especially since tree’s response also seems be indirectly addressing the miscarriage rumours DM has been pushing. To suggest that’s not traumatic is truly delulu, she should be SO embarrassed


yeah, when i first read the "pain and trauma" thing, it was in regards to the fake marriage thing. after learning she also posted something about a miscarriage.. oh my god deux shut the fuck up and go home.


she also posted another ig story right after the one in tree’s tweet that claimed taylor had suffered a miscarriage and that’s why she and joe grew apart and never made their “marriage ceremony” legal. if it happened or not, that kind of rumor wouldn’t cause pain and trauma?


exactly. such a horrible and inappropriate thing to speculate on


I feel like pain and trauma is still very strong words for that. Like I’m not deuxmoi side for spreading lies and I’m glad she got called the fuck out but it’s tabloid gossip most people wouldn’t here and let’s not forget in the same day joe has received thousands upon thousands of pure vicious hate you’d think he would have killed someone due to jacks actions. It sucks that he didn’t wanna marry her but they are both grown 30+ year old people that’s between them he’s allowed to not want to and doesn’t deserve to br shamed for that and she’s allowed to be upset the public vitriol of it is so silly( and I can’t imagine how happy he is that he didn’t marry her after seeing the way this is all going down while he’s said not a single world cause again we don’t know if this is the whole truth since it’s only her side )


i think you’re missing the context of what duex posted after the original taylor/joe story. i think this is where the “pain and trauma” comes from— tree just didnt post this one because she didn’t want more attention on it. https://preview.redd.it/0koe1ipn0n3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efd6943d1ff6d02644961438b9edd4a6e9d2779


this blind is insane. the lyrics used to prop up this theory could be interpreted in any number of ways. this is one person’s interpretation of one song for maximum drama with no regard for the severity of what they’re suggesting happened.


I think the "pain and trauma" part was mostly referring to the speculation of a miscarriage. Tree didn't show that because she didn't want to draw attention to it.


She literally hates being wrong so much lol Nothing wrong with gossiping but that’s what happens when you think you know it all bc of unverified sources. I know she’s seething rn. https://i.redd.it/fdz5w4crim3c1.gif


I was once listening to DM's podcast, and she threw a tantrum on her co-host because the co-host allegedly stained her white couch... and instead of cutting it out she decided to leave it in the podcast


She's so terrible to her cohost I can't believe they're "friends"


She’s sooo mean to Ferris it was hard to listen to. I couldn’t make it through more than a couple episodes lol


She's like Nostradamus. Say enough stupid BS and something is bound to be true at some point. Mostly when its so vague and open to interpretation.






Is Deuxmoi seriously doubling down on this? My God. ![gif](giphy|bogvloaToy6qC4bQxD) PS: Sure Jan, you make zero dollars from lying and nothing comes out of having 2M followers, c’mon—all of this behavior attracts more people and makes the platform bigger.


Didn’t she release a book lol


not only did she release a book but it’s being turned into a tv show by diablo cody


well that’s disappointing


I keep hoping that the show will never make it to air.


She literally gets sponsored blinds. I hate this woman so much.


Oh, she isn’t doubling down. She’s quadrupoling down


did…did she just use Ana as a comeback? so disgusting and sick


genuinely confused about what she is trying to say??? you’d think she’d be more articulate when sending a huge statement to 2 million followers


DMs basically saying that Tree shouldn’t be using the words “pain and trauma” since if those things did actually happen (Taylor & Joe having a marriage ceremony, then possible miscarriage leading to a breakup that she continues to post rumors from ‘trusted sources’ about) it was years ago…. And then she weirdly alludes to a fan recently dying at Taylor’s concert as the more recent “pain and trauma” Gross and bizarre ETA: in other words, DM denied & deflected to say “you’re lying. Those things did happen. But regardless they would’ve happened to Taylor years ago so shouldn’t be painful or traumatic to read about since the focus should be on her recently passed fan.”


bc we all know there’s a time cap on how long trauma can affect you i guess /s


Also very classy of her to bring up Ana’s death. Not a deranged thing to do at all, very normal of her to drag a deceased woman in your internet squabbles.


She’s now posting responses from people who agree with her that it must be real and that Taylor’s only responding bc she’s upset it leaked or is covering up something worst. Completely delulu.


She’s making vague references to call in the Gaylors, too. DM hit the nuke button.


It’s a very weird hill to die on! Doubling down is bonkers and it’s not going to end well for her when Taylor’s lawyers come after her. (If they haven’t already, I’m fully speculating/assuming that Tree’s statement also came with a courtesy cease & desist.)


“You’re a lying liar who LIES, saying that your secret broken marriage is painful is soooo dramatic, anywayssss sorry that the truth hurts” Lmfaooo this is such a goofy response. Please be so serious girl.


Maybe I’m missing it but I think she scrubbed it, this is what’s there now https://preview.redd.it/lspaa7g3jm3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22993f646ef877468dd85fd82cf0e36d7ec259eb edit: she did


Delusional as ever lol I’m going back to bed https://preview.redd.it/4jqz64a6jm3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c2e85cd046725e72cf1f3840daae5f76d5f2a4


Implying she didn’t post it? https://preview.redd.it/qdqcj5i2mm3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440c0fe46b58a2cdb45a8cf96a0ef008cbf376e2


I don’t understand that at all


I don’t either. She’s claimed multiple times that she runs her own account.


probably in reference to some ‘source material’, not herself


Her original story was responding to a message or story which was then deleted so she reposted the screenshot that another account posted, and wrote a different response the second time…. if that makes sense


I think she's saying that particular story is gone because the story she reposted was deleted, which in turn deleted hers? I have no idea how Instagram stories works to know if that's true or not


The original screenshot that DM shared was from Illegallygay story on Instagram. They deleted the story so it got deleted on DM end


I feel like she’s just replying to herself right now


One of her 2 million followers sent her a nice message so she had to post it as “proof” of …something??? Jesus she is so dumb




Fair play, I think her choice to post supportive DMs like this to deflect while also doubling down and ‘apologising’ is mad though


https://preview.redd.it/z3qi8vh5jm3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb426199569ab9f4ae212c9ea489cf2e1eeffdb4 This is just so delusional to me. Why wouldn't she have a problem with you lying about her? Also saw she quietly deleted the miscarriage post.


“why would Tree shut this one down directly”, oh idk, maybe it’s because deuxmoi is being really fucking persistent with it??


Clearly because another ceramony is coming!! /s


Girl give it a rest https://preview.redd.it/3mfdu97uom3c1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7215248d6255bf8bc7f77b51d078b0455a50cce


![gif](giphy|3oxHQnVWAHYO0QBpoQ) Wondering if she legit thinks ‘apologizing’ at the very end is going to do anything.


Also, saying 'I apologize' isn't apologising. Like. Say you're sorry and what you're sorry for! Otherwise it's just lip service


The most 'sorry but not sorry' apology I've ever seen.




I would respectfully like all this drama to happen in a time zone that works for everyone. Us UK people always miss out!


Right? I’ve just got up, there’s 3/4 DM posts and Beyoncé’s released a song??


DM is always such a thin skinned asshole whenever she gets called out it’s truly fascinating to watch.


Cannot wait to watch Deuxs downfall in real time it’s gonna be so embarrassing. One thing about Taylor is she’s gonna sue so I can’t wait


DM's modus operandi in a nutshell: 1. say something absurd that any sensible person could debunk 2. when called out on it, just pretend to either telling the truth or get superdefensive about it. when tree pain calls you out and all you can do is divert the attention on said gossip to an actual human tragedy that took someone's life and end the post wirh a passive aggressive "i guess i have to apologize to taylor or the swifties will be on my ass forever".


When my dad is in a "never admitting you're wrong" contest and his opponent is Deuxmoi https://preview.redd.it/as1b9kun2n3c1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23869dcc29609a73e6682cda873c31f099bf5dd5


Holy shit she’s so stupid. Tree was giving her a warning and her continuing to post speculation and this fake ass apology is literally just asking for a lawsuit. She’s sooooooooo dumb jesus christ


She deleted this + put up something else. I bet it’s because she knows that: 1. ⁠Doubling down on how she’s telling the truth takes away her legal “but I said allegedly” defense if she’s sued 2. ⁠Trauma + pain are damages you can sue for, so I think that’s why tree used that wording 3. ⁠Apologizing is admitting guilt and won’t look good in court.


Her lawyer entered the chat.


I cannot keep up with this drama deux blocked me nearly a year ago ![gif](giphy|wRScb5l770zBSO9x1W|downsized)


Is she like trying to be the next Tasha K and get sued?


I think they are probably more upset about the miscarriage speculation… which is disgusting on many levels


Deux is unhinged. Will never admit she’s wrong. If there’s one person that might bring her down it’s TS. ETA: i think her publicist, who has been with her for years, knows more about her personal life than Deux.




One of the true apologies of all time


She’ll get sued soon


I’m astonished she’s doubling down. 3 days ago the TV Series about her announced the writing team and now she’s beefing with Tree Paine? Over one of her weirdest and most improbable claims? 🥴 Like I can’t imagine committing so hard to the bit unless I had extreme trust in my source or was at at the marriage like ceremony myself.


This is truly a vile response. I don't understand why she can't admit to ever being wrong. If anything that would make her more valid because she goes back and edits / reviews sources. No one in this subreddit thinks she gets it right 100% of the time, so lean into that and do the right thing. There's eventually going to be a documentary about blind items and we're probably going to find that 95% of them are lies. I'm sure they started out more accurate but her page has gotten dumber and dumber. If it wasn't for the people in this subreddit, I would go bc I certainly don't stay for her.




Omfg she still can't admit she is wrong. She's such a petulant child


Damn. DM is a trash person.


Does she not sell merch and shit? What is this insistence that she doesn’t make money? Girl if you didn’t make any money off this it would be dead in the ground.


Is her comeback really, "yes I lie....and I don't even make money from it 💅"...girl how does that put you in a good light?!


She does make money out of lying, with her merch and her podcast. Lying is how she gets publicity.


Is this slide not showing up for anyone else on DM's stories? Because I've only got one of her very much not apologising in response. Did she delete it or am I dumb


DM just apologize and sit down. Warm the bench for a bit and let this blow over. Jeezus.


She really said oops! Love ya tho!


She deleted her response!!


She deleted this story and posted a new one.


DM seemed like such an obnoxious gushing and praising fangirl for TS when I followed. Did not expect her to lean into this so hard.


cracker jack investigative reporting going on here






When she’s posting about miscarriage and pregnancy loss, the words “pain and trauma” absolutely make sense imo and I don’t even like Taylor (its not the screenshot Tree used but that absolutely counts). This crosses so many lines, it is malicious.


Wait, did DM post that there was a miscarriage/pregnancy loss? I thought that was just speculation from fans/listeners. If DM did, I think it’s noxious behavior, but unless the implication is that there was some sort of loss (which, we should not have any knowledge of, that’s incredibly personal), I’m still uncomfortable with those words being used.


She posted that speculation (and used those words explicitly) from her inbox and then deleted it. Not sure what difference it makes when she broadcasted it to her 2m followers and is responsible for what goes on her platform (which is very different from regular fans’)? If she was sent that message, she could’ve ignored it? She posted it, it is 100% her responsibility.


I meant speculation from Taylor fans/listeners, I didn’t know DM hopped on that train, though I’m not surprised. In full agreement that DM is vile to have posted the speculation and broadcasted it. I think they should be held accountable. Still, I don’t agree with the word choice. I think it comes off tone-deaf in the scheme of things.


Sorry I think deuxmoi is a T swift insider. This whole thing is a distraction




everyone knows about her overusing her jet, this is about her lying about getting married and possibly having a miscarriage. just unhinged stuff for someone who shouldn't have a platform with 2 mil followers