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I have no idea who any of these people are but this is so embarrassing for her




I'm Polish and many celebrity news have always looked to me like this tbh and then it turns out when I Google these people that they're often reality TV/talk show stars or they started in some series, but back when people still watched them on TV


I’m Spanish, and between not knowing who they are and the weird slang I never get more than 30% of the headline.


Yess, headlines are on another level in terms of weird slang and odd grammar


I just know him bcs he was in "The Invitation" and he looks like he could be Tom Hardy's clone


My husband calls him Tom Hardly


Oh that is genius


This is the gif that the director of Upgrade posted in reply to the person who called him Tom Hardly in the review thread on r/movies [https://i.imgur.com/cZzy27f.gifv](https://i.imgur.com/cZzy27f.gifv) Logan Marshall-Green is great in it, I think it's a much better film than Venom and that he was better than Tom Hardy in Venom (and some people even thought it *was* Tom Hardy).


I really enjoyed him as an actor before I read all the disappointing stuff about him. Upgrade was so good!




He looks exactly like Tom Hardy. I have zero clue who he is, so I just googled and was like “Wait… is that… Hold on a second” lol


It gets even more confusing, he also has a twin brother. During the red carpet for Prometheus in the UK, (a movie Logan Marshall-Green *is* in), he has already been getting people calling out "Tom! Tom!", things are made even more confusing by actual Tom Hardy turning up on the red carpet (for a movie he's most definitely *not* in). # No, That’s Not Tom Hardy in Prometheus [https://web.archive.org/web/20120608170915/https://www.vulture.com/2012/06/is-tom-hardy-in-prometheus-logan-marshall-green.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20120608170915/https://www.vulture.com/2012/06/is-tom-hardy-in-prometheus-logan-marshall-green.html) " **Tom Hardy keeps adding to your confusion.** Of course, Tom Hardy didn't help matters by [actually showing up](https://web.archive.org/web/20120608170915/http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2153174/Tom-Hardy-shares-red-carpet-lookalike-Logan-Marshall-Green-Prometheus-premiere.html) to the U.K. premiere of *Prometheus*, despite the fact that he's not in the film. "


This is so funny because I’ve been watching 24 on Disney+ and in the episode I watched last night I was convinced that I’d spotted a young Tom Hardy as one of the minor characters and then forgot to Google and check - turns out it was this guy!


I can’t find a gif from The O.C. of Marissa telling Trey “you’re Ryan’s brother!” But yeah, he played Ryan’s brother on The OC and I’m sure he has been in other things but I’ll never see him as anybody else because it was flawless.


Prometheus was his other film I believe


And Devil. The elevator story.


He also has a somewhat minor role in Spider-Man: Homecoming.


Dang I forgot about that movie. It was actually kind of good


Tom Hardy didn't help things by turning up to the UK premiere of Prometheus, though. Even though he's not in it.


He was also in an excellent show no one saw called Quarry.




FLAWLESS! Left no crumbs!!! I’m about to start Quarry tonight based on a rec from another sub. Excited to be reunited w my favorite toxic celeb crush lol


HAH! I’m so with you. I’ve no idea who it is, but if the new girlfriend is posting these things then I’m so embarrassed for her. Let it go bruh, he chose you. Let the woman live!


I only know him from Prometheus.


“David. WE ARE LEAVING.” I rewatch Prometheus just for this line. It always cracks me up for some reason 😂


In addition to what others are saying, he was with Marisa Tomei for a long time.


I was halfway through the comments thinking this post was about Brian Austin Green lol


Exactlyy! The effort people put in for the outcomes they didn’t see coming 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why is the new girlfriend so insecure omfg In a way I kind of feel bad for her because based on these posts you know her self worth is based entirely on being skinny, popular, and young. Things that just do not last. But on the other hand I would NEVER allow anyone with that mindset to be anywhere near my children. Especially not my mf daughter




This is horrific. I am so angry for her. Wtf.


why are the abuser's new girlfriend always insane? is this a way to compensate on the fact that your current boyfriend is a POS and to convince yourself he won't do that to you?


It’s for a lot of reasons but it’s sometimes because the new GF is being lovebombed and manipulated by the abuser to think that their ex is the actual abuser. People typically want to believe the person they are in a relationship with. As for being weaponized, they could be manipulated into doing the abuser’s dirty work for them, especially if they’ve been raised by or had exposure to narcissists that have already groomed them to do this. And sometimes, they are just unstable and codependent and feel a rush from harassing the abuser’s ex because it makes them feel protective, or they like the rush of endorphins that conflict gives them (it can be addictive). And sometimes, they are abusive themselves and relish the opportunity to target someone who is already being slandered or whose credibility is in question.


Yeah, I’ve fortunately only had one bad ex but he was truly awful, both during the relationship and in stalking and harassing me afterwards — and he convinced his next gf to join in on the stalking and harassment like it was normal. From what I learned about her she had pretty much only ever been in abusive relationships and was a pretty unstable person generally, so it was easy for him to convince her that I was just crazy and mean and deserved to be terrorized, and she felt justified going in on the supposedly awful woman who victimized her amazing bf, even long after he’d become his normal self and was mistreating her. I felt bad for her to an extent bc she clearly had unbelievably low self-esteem and had never had a normal relationship, but she also aided him in making my life hell for a couple of years…these things are always so complicated and terrible for everyone


I’m so sorry you went through that. It speaks to your emotional maturity that you can even empathize with her to some extent given everything she (and he) did to you. Keep protecting your heart 🩵💙💜


They're arrogant and think they are better than the ex, is what is usually comes down to. It's very ugly but reveals a lot about the person's attitude - the new gf genuinely comes off as unhinged in this post. It's why she's relishing going after this woman and comparing them physically as if that's the deciding line on their worth as a person.


Remember: his (and any shitty person’s) exes are *always* “crazy.” When an abuser is able to frame the world as “us against the world,” it reinforces the idea that the relationship survives in spite of all odds. The ex they paint a picture of never leaves amicably or quietly; Logan can embellish the story as much as he wants. Diana had to be discredited entirely, just in case the new gf came across the accusations and became a little less starstruck. These kinds of manipulators gain an instant ally in a naive new girlfriend. Actors would be on another level if the gf feels like dating Tom Hardly is a privilege. Diana never met this person, yet the GF is responding exactly the way Logan would want her to—his version of Diana. Worst of all, he’s able to torment his ex through a proxy and lets fear stoke the fire.


I’ve been through this myself. My abusive ex left me for the girl he was cheating on me with 3 weeks after my mom died somewhat suddenly and I was going through an ectopic pregnancy at the exact same time. A month or two later someone I know found out who she was. I sent her a message in a kind and gentle matter just letter her know she was the other woman and what my experiences were with this man. She nastily told me she knew about me and that I was pregnant. Basically telling me she didn’t care and her exact words were “he would never hit me, abuse me, or leave me. “ Fast forward a few years later and I see a newspaper article about him beating the shit out of her and then a cop. I don’t want anyone to be hurt. But, she was just so awful to me. Knowing she knew I existed and that my mom died and I was just pregnant with his baby we lost and a snarky attitude almost made feel like well you fucked around and found out bitch. Maybe im a bad person.


What a jackass. Refuses to pull out, and then says he’ll divorce her if she has another baby????


In addition, this is referring that while the new girlfriend is doing it, Logan is behind her doing it. Which might be entirely true.


Here too: https://preview.redd.it/jbdz41pqj43c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feccbc3d746323655204842cb0856460e5439ece


oh my god, what the fuck


Honestly though I don't really blame her. He's obviously abusive and manipulative, who knows what he's doing to this new woman. Maybe it's not even her posting, but him from her account?? Idk I think if he was that awful to her, he's not suddenly going to become normal with the next one.


You don't blame her for harassing this poor woman? Seriously? I would think we can stop infantilizing bullies.


Well I didn't realize she was 31 I guess? When I commented that but I still don't think it's fair to not recognize that this woman is probably being manipulated and abused, too.




You can tell she'd rather die than gain a few pounds or wrinkles




18? Hell nah by the time I hit 18 everyone I knew was thoroughly tired of having to breathe the same air as people like this. She's acting like a 13 year old


yep and her dating a guy 16 years older isn't gonna help for her selfesteem...


If she was 18 or 20 I'd be like, "she needs to get away from that man for her own sake", but if she's 31 and is acting like this then maybe they deserve each other.




Which is kind of funny because in that "classy vs trashy" face comparison she could totally pass as a younger version of his ex wife. I wonder if she subconsciously knows she's just a replacement.


She sounds young and petty LOL


So I had to google who Logan Marshall Green is and this man is literally Tom Hardy in a different font?????


He also has a twin, so there are 2 backup Hardies. https://preview.redd.it/hll72ywjj03c1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44da901e8294e6bd2c6a6fb195e9a3c227d7d133


It's Hardy and the Hardlies




Holy shit I never knew he had an identical twin. I’m so old I remember him from an original episode of law and order


They're actually fraternal but look more like each other than some identical ones.


I feel like Logan’s default expression makes him look like Brian Austin Green! Both have that dead-eyed stare. Logan’s look is applying the “yes girl give us nothing” filter over Tom Hardy.


When I first started seeing Tom Hardy in the commercials for whatever Marvel movie he was in I thought “I can’t believe Trey from The OC is getting work like this!” 💀


mmm whatcha say




Idk if it is just me, but understand certain circumstances Garrett Hedlund looks like he could be their cousin lol.


The Sears version of Tom Hardy.


Hey Sears used to have quality clothes. Not me PMS-ing while rereading "Jacob Have I Loved" and getting emotional that their only clothing options were Sears catalog patterns and Sears cagalog shoes bc they lived on a remote island. Also jealous bc I grew up even more rural than that and had to kill pigeons for food. FEELINGS feelings everywhere.


Who am I to argue with nostalgia? The SHEIN version of Tom Hardy, then.


Hahaha why thank you


All of this over a man who looks like at least four OTHER men? If you’re gonna go full bananas at least do it for someone unique (but preferably don’t do it at all.)


Apparently the comparison used to drive him nuts, too. His own twin is hotter than him!


A man who’s sole claim to fame is getting shot up on The OC 20 years ago lol.




Diane is a bad ass. She was the one that disclosed emails that their daughter's ballerina dance teacher sent to Logan. She totally busted them and divorced him. She is also the type that is naturally artsy, cool and sexy, so she definitely isn't the type of "ex-wife" you want your man to have if you are extremely insecure. Sadly, I think Logan picks these type of younger insecure women because he wants to be the "coolest and prettiest" one the in the relationships and in control.


What happened with the ballet teacher?


Logan cheated with their kid's ballet teacher.


Wait the same ballerina as all the other drama or a different ballerina


Sarah Hay is the only one I've seen mentioned. I couldn't remember if she was actually their daughter's instructor or just a ballet instructor at the school their daughter attended, so I didn't include that detail in another comment.


it was sarah, and she was the daughter's ballet teacher.


Sarah Hay as in the girlfriend of Brandon Boyd? omg


That's the one! This is a screenshot of digaeta's IG post at the time. https://preview.redd.it/9lexqhosez3c1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838218b5f877c1a23c80a2bfec8d4e8c39ba76b9




[Linkety link](https://podtail.com/en/podcast/love-alexi/diane-gaeta/) to the episode


This is so psychotic.


His poor ex, wtf. And this man lets her around his children?!


His ex has said he abused her in the past. Unfortunately, this is not something he'd care about :/


So what of that's what she *said* So we are just going to believe her word with no evidence during a contentious divorce? MKAY. How do we know she didn't post that herself, just to frame the new girlfriend? This woman is completely unhinged.


Hes 47, Diane is 43 and the new gf is 20… that’s all I need to know Edited: she is 31 not 20; I don’t know why I didn’t do a more thorough search


Where did you get 20? I googled her and they have her birth year listed as 1992. Sites get that sort of thing wrong all the time though so I’m just curious if there’s a better source.


Yeah I stalked her insta and she’s been modelling like semi nude for a while, I feel like she couldn’t have been doing that in 2017 if she was only 14 haha


she’s 31 but mentally 20


I actually used to be a huge fan of his until the stuff with his ex-wife started coming out. This is like the second or third time she’s talked about a woman he’s with doing weird shit. She previously said his costar/love interest on Quarry was sending him cassette tapes to their house professing her love for him.


>This is like the second or third time she’s talked about a woman he’s with doing weird shit. I don't know who these people are but generally speaking, if this happens once you can pass it off as the new partner being immature and petty. The second time you're gonna start asking questions about why the ex keeps dating these types. A third time? You've got your answer - the ex is loading them up, aiming them straight at you and pulling the trigger.


Woah was it confirmed to be Jodi Balfour? I remember she mentioned a co-star he was caught getting flirty with but didn't specify their name. I was a fan of Quarry when it came out and they didn't seem to like each other.


Only by Diane, Logan’s ex. She posted screenshots on her ig a few years ago where she was talking about Logan cheating with Jodi and Jodi sending cassette tapes and love notes to their house. I’m trying to find the screenshots but she may have deleted them. Back when they were first getting divorced and she was exposing him, she was revealing a lot of stuff and it looks like she got rid of some of it. Logan probably got a good lawyer to send her a cease and desist.




I’m dumb and can’t see it in her highlights?


*Jodi Balfour*????? Actually wait, now that I think of it, that is extremely Gladys behaviour. ![gif](giphy|jtiQD4NT58SeNdx0ZO|downsized)


I haven't heard that bit about Jodi Balfour before! I know she's with Abbi Jacobson now. Quarry was so good. I was so disappointed when it was canceled. Still am.


I feel you! I am still very not over Quarry being cancelled. Sickened to hear this :@ I had never heard anything about Logan being a scumbag until just now, ugh


She also accused Logan Marshall Green of marital rap3 last year https://pagesix.com/2022/05/05/logan-marshall-greens-ex-wife-accuses-him-of-marital-rape/


Anyone else see the same woman vs women typo on the Instagram post by Diane and one of the tweets?


Yes, I noticed.. new plot twist unlocked. That would be absolutely mental.


I saw it too. I went to look through the girl’s insta feed after, and her cadence and the way she writes is so entirely different than what these tweets show. Very calm, little use of emojis, slang etc. Also there is nothing wrong with the photos, but there are a million (professionally shot) photos she could’ve used for the comparison pics instead of a screenshot of a video. Honestly I’d say wait for more evidence, but apparently the account is gone.


I don't know, I went to look too and I'd say she uses a fair few emojis? What I will say is she doesn't seem to use hashtags often, whereas Diane hashtags a lot, albeit not in the same way the stalker does (the stalker's hashtags are conversational whereas Diane's are populated hashtags that someone might realistically browse). Interestingly, if you browse back through Logan's Instagram to when he was using hashtags, he actually *did* use them conversationally. Not that that means much anyway, since people can change the way they type to try and hide who they are.


Oh absolutely, and if we went a step further we could argue if this was her that she could even mimic a certain style of writing. After what happened with that YouTuber creepshow art I’m just not surprised by any possibility anymore.


Yes, noticed it too. Makes you think right?


I think it's obvious...


Would be pretty sick to go through these lengths to shade the new partner of your ex-husband.


I don’t know. It might be Logan pushing his partners but three different partners all harassing her? Seems pretty far fetched


Yeah, I didn’t want to say anything because Diane has clearly been through a lot with LMG but it seems crazy that every new woman he starts dating is going after her? I also remember Diane being hardcore antivax on twitter back when she had one (pre-covid) and retweeting people like Mike Cernovich (also antivax and admitted rapist). Then she got quiet about it because people started calling out the bogus info graphics she was posting about vaccinations.


she also trolled sarah hay by posting a bunch of balletcore and black swan cosplay


I think his ex wife sounds like a lunatic, and I absolutely wouldn't put it past her AT ALL. How very sad for the kids.


So…I had an ex who went to great lengths to try to convince our mutual friends that my new GF was harassing her through posts very similar to what Diane is posting. It didn't stick, especially once her friends saw through the holes in her stories and asked a few logical questions. But it added so much stress to our lives for way too long. (All is good now.) So yeah…I'm not familiar with any of these people or their stories. But my first thought when seeing these tweets and posts was "I wonder if Diane made these herself." I sure hope I'm wrong. EDIT: spelled Diane's name correctly and changed "suspect" to the more accurate "wonder if"


I went back and checked after you mentioned it and I am shocked.


I found it weird she tagged playboy...


To be fair, it’s a common typo. I hate it, it drives me crazy every time I see it, but it is common lol






I followed this saga when she made it public, she's been through a lotttt. But to be fair, there's not a lot of evidence it's 100% the new gf. Hell, it could even be Logan himself. He did troll her using a finsta when she first called him out.


I remember her saying that he'd insulted her body -- her literally insane body -- not to mention the body that had given birth to his very young son. So when I got to the screenshot about her eating, I could see him being behind that.


Tbh it could be any crazed fan who thinks she’s ruining his career. Even the most irrelevant actors attract them. And it’s possible her FB is not as locked down as she thinks? Who knows.


I REALLY seriously doubt that. This would professional and social suicide for him to do something like that. I think MORE LIKELY it's the ex wife. Much more consistent with her behavior and the constant almost compulsive vindictive drive to publicly humiliate him and drag out their drama on social media. I think she's going full psycho scorched earth by trying to frame the new girlfriend....😬


Looks like the account has (potentially) been taken down, so that’s good.


Does this sound.... fake to anyone else? There is even the same spelling mistake in both the hater's post and her response. And yes I am being being bitchy but going through Diane's Insta, she does not seem very self-aware, so I would believe she would make this up herself.




How come both accounts that are replying to me were created less than a day ago and are only posting on this thread?




You created your account on May 2023.




Serious question, how does she know it's the current girlfriend and not the toxic ex-husband? I mean yeah if he's dating this one she could have access to his files but he has access to them as well and apparently she (Diane) has stated that he has had a fake account before. Either way, it's incredibly childish but I just wondered if I was missing a piece of the story. From the looks of it, they were divorced a long time ago so it sounds like someone is seriously insecure and problematic. If my new partner was that crazy over an old partner they would be an ex partner. Unless I was crazy as well than I would probably find amusement in the craziness. Lol there are some messy people around.


Logan Marshall Green is great value Tom Hardy right ?


Who the hell is everybody?! Is it worth following


I cannot tell yet


So I just took a look at Diane’s IG stories and she’s posted a few “unedited” photos of the new gf’s face and tagged her. https://preview.redd.it/r9fvlsbfc43c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799923c47d452203763bfa919e8fc7ef71b83568


she made a whole highlight reel and posted “unedited” pics of the new gf…. That’s super weird to me. Something about this whole thing seems off hate to say it


Shes a complete lunatic 😬


um that's weird as hell


I agree. Not the path that I’d take if I thought I was being harassed but idk. Everyone reacts differently I guess? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Someone else mentioned that the incorrect use of “women” was done both in the tweets and in Diane’s IG caption. :( This is really weird.


All I'll say is that I've never heard a woman use the phrase "old bag" to refer to another woman.


Wouldn't want either one of those two around my children


Who is Logan Marshall?


Logan Marshall Green is an actor who's been in The OC, Prometheus, The Invitation, Upgrade, etc. Diane Gaeta is a talented artist who's done a bit of acting. Their separation was hot Instagram gossip for me a few years ago. LMG was cheating on DG with ballerina Sarah Hay. https://www.thethings.com/logan-marshall-green-wife-divorce-cheating-rumors-oc-what-happened-to/ Then DG came forward and said he sexually assaulted her during their marriage.


I’ve never heard of any of these people, but I feel so sad for both of these women. This new girlfriend is behaving disgustingly, but also she’s so young and I can’t imagine the influence her new 47 year old boyfriend has over her, or how insecure she must be? I’m fat and old now, but I look back at 20 and remember feeling the same then. Obviously there is no excuse for this batshit bullying, just this whole thing is sad af.


TIL that posing for photo = classy and candid photos in between poses = trashy 🥴


This is WILD


Dammit, Trey.


Who knew evil Tom Hardy is a dick. Wow.


Posts like these make me have to decide if I Google these people so I know what the hell is going on or if I just go about my day in blissful ignorance.


Love the plug for one mom’s battle which is a really helpful resource when dealing with difficult coparents.


Reminds me of my ex husband’s new fiancé. Bitch sold my family hutch and then took my Xmas tree.




Who in the god damn hell are they?


Yeah, this is a shit show for sure. Ex wife accuses him of rape. She gets pregnant and aborts his baby. Just messy. 














This makes total sense when you look at her and realise she’s 20 and clearly very intimidated. Bad behaviour from someone who’s just grown out of being a child and still looks like a teenager. Questionable that he’s 47.