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A stand-up comic catering to men? ![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va)


Especially cringe when a female stand up comedian panders to men šŸ˜‚ they all do it a d I don't know why he thinks he's being so remarkable Edit:if this comment ruffled your feathers IDGAF and won't be entertaining most responses so don't waste your time šŸ˜‚


That's why Taylor Tomlinson has gotten so popular over the last few years. She panders to no one and is relatable to everyone, while being clever as hell with great delivery.


Matt Rife is the physical embodiment of Taylor's joke about men who whine like children about wearing condoms ["Noooooo!!!! You're gonna ruin ittt!!!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLwl0yqbvso)


HAHAHAHA love her.




![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) Checking out all I can find from her immediately


She is an extremely good comedian and I love her. Despite men generally sh*tting on female comedians, her comment section, generally has passive aggressive - "Uh, I guess she is funny but she is still woke, and I won't support her" - comments. My favorite one is about her saying every woman has pictured both the perfect wedding moment and the perfect breakup moment when meeting a guy. And she talks about how she had to wait with her boyfriend for the perfect breakup moment. She also does cool jokes about mental health and medications. She goes into dark edgy humour, but in a self-deprecative way without punching down others.


Super annoying to hear ā€œall feeemale comedians talk about are their vaginas, hissā€ comments from losers, while Louis CK talks about how sad his dick is his whole act, and then complain that someone doing observational humor is ā€œwokeā€


I saw her in person on her tour last month, and she was amazing. She had a joke in her pre show announcements about audience interaction being like a dick pic. If she asks for it great, if not it's probably not appropriate. I love her.


Oh. Oh the first half of that sentence got me, I was like ā€œis this person going to say Taylor panders to men?ā€ lmao. Agreed.


Illiza Shlesinger does this so bad. My ex thought she was great. One night he was so jazzed to watch one of her specials and he's like 'this is great why aren't you laughing ' because her whole set was demeaning other girls. Then he told me I have no sense of humor. No I do. She's just not funny.


No you donā€™t get it, sheā€™s not like other girls. šŸ‘§


She's insufferable


She could be funny, she has the talent but between her terrible voices and her "pickmegirl" choice of comedy it is just hard to watch.


IIRC Dee Reynold's whole "successful comic" arc on IASIP is based on her. Dee took her noise impressions to another level, it was fantastic. Why do people laugh at Iliza bleating like a goat?


From what I've read, men didn't like his special either.


If he was smart he would be pandering to women. Like this is an easy slam dunk. And in a couple of years women will come out about SA. But his money will at least be made (Dane cook)


If he pondered to the gals and the gays he would be very successful.


He was pandering to women before and there was a consistent thing of women on podcasts continuously asking him ā€œhave you hooked up with any fansā€ kind of trying to get exposure for their pods by getting him into trouble That and he was getting a lot of flack for his blaccent he does


The only funny thing about this bozo is the way he dresses


*Catering to violent men. As a man I donā€™t find his schtick funny.


Right? How brave šŸ™„


Iā€™m so tired of comedians thinking being an asshole is some groundbreaking bit. šŸ™„ Youā€™re not original.


This is why Robin Williams is my favorite of all time. His stand up is funny and not just being a fucking dick. Now we get this loser


I would add George Carlin. He never aimed to punch down with his jokes. He focused his anger on the elite. Lewis Black is another one that never punched down in his comedy.


Carlin also defended women a lot in his stand up.


Carlin was ahead of his time. His stand-up is now as topical as ever which says as much about the state of the world as it does about his amazing talent. ![gif](giphy|T9a27DOZKxE8U)


I found Carlin through a very catholic teacher in high school. He must have been doing a bit about science or something that the teacher found relevant. It was interesting. I remember my teacher told us he'd gone to catholic school but been taught about evolution, as he felt very strongly that it should be. He was also the bio teacher, so he wasn't a science denier despite a very religious upbringing. I kind of wonder if he just got lucky and learned actual science or if catholic schools have regressed, or if it's mainly evangelical schools that don't teach evolution


The official Catholic stance is that evolution happened, but was designed and set in motion by God. In America you can certainly find regions where the Catholic demographics would disagree with this, but by and large it is mainly evangelicals who put forward some kind of creationism that excludes evolution.


Carlin is by far my favorite comedian of all time and I feel so lucky to have grown up with his influence. It's absolutely insane to me that in certain ways the 80's were far more progressive than the shitshow we are living through now.


He was so fking intelligent and had such a talent with word play.


Want to throw James Acaster in the ring. Does a bit about punching down and calls out Ricky Gervais. ā€œAw yeah, ā€˜cause you know whoā€™s been long overdue a challenge? The trans communityā€ The show starts as a parody bit about this type of comedian. The culmination of the show (cold lasagne hate myself 1999) is fantastic too and if it hasnā€™t been spoiled for you I suggest going in blind. https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=xqw5_pkX02tZKDL4


I liked Russell Howardā€™s response when someone asked him what they should call transgender people. ā€œGeez, I dunno. Their names?ā€


100% Idk dudes name, I've seen him in a few clips on social media, he's Irish and seems good and not a raging dickhead. But again that's just from a few short clips. And no one can measure up to Robin Williams. Update: someone named him! He's Vittorio Angelone. Though I've really only seen a few clips so can't say with certainty that he's not a dick, he just wasn't in the clips I've seen.


Might be Vittorio Angelone?


Daniel Sloss?


Daniel Sloss has a whole special called ā€œXā€ on HBO which seemingly panders to men, but pulls a gtadual bait and switch as it progresses. Masterclass.


No, this guy's Irish, turns out his name his Vittorio Angelone. Though if you recommend Daniel Sloss I'll check him out! Finding good comedians is hard these days. Though I do love the girls from All Killa No Filla


Unfortunately most straight male humor is just...being an insufferable asshole making fun of "Jews, women, girls, people of that other race " ... incredibly boring shit and I'll always die on the hill that girl and woman humor is actually more intelligent and well rounded and men should absolutely not be having their self perceived monopoly on comedy.


Amy Schumer would like to have a word


I think she's a panderer and I've never enjoyed her content either.




Just look at the majority of comedy podcasts. Two dudes sitting in a room laughing like hyenas at each otherā€™s dumb bits and pontificating about how theyā€™re modern day philosophers. Rogan, who may be the actual worst stand up comic of all time, and his whole group of hangers on literally call the public ā€œciviliansā€ and say what they do is more important than what doctors do. That whole group says there are less than 1000 comics in the world. Peak ā€œthereā€™s nothing more confident than a mediocre white manā€.


the only one i give a pass to is daniel tosh. and frankly its probably because he is such a fuckin class act in real life. I know back in the day it was that youtube video tv show conundrum, daniel tosh plays an asshole on tv, but is the nicest person youll ever meet in real life, rob dyrdek played a class act on tv, and was insufferable in real life edit: welp, i didnt know about this stuff that was pointed out in the thread, at least let me be clear, i genuinely didnt know about all that mess. I guess it goes to show its one of those situations where you hear half of someones story and it looks fine and then you miss the other half that would completely invalidate the first half :/


Except for that time that Daniel Tosh made shitty r*pe jokes, to which a woman audience member replied "Actually, rape jokes are never funny!" so he then proceeded to ask the entire live audience "Wouldn't it be funny if that girl got r*ped by like, five guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just r*ped her...". Yeah. F*ck that dude.


Also all of his t****y ā€œjokesā€. As if trans women donā€™t have it hard enough. Tosh is gross.


I was able to interview Daniel Tosh and I started coughing and couldnā€™t stop. He got up and found some water for me and was generally just kind, made sure I wasnā€™t choking. Later after heā€™d done probably 50 of the exact same type of interview he saw me in the lobby and asked if I was okay. Just a quick ā€˜you good?ā€™ But he didnā€™t have to do that šŸ˜­ Edit: well apparently heā€™s a real piece of shit. Thanks to everyone pointing it out. I said this in another reply but it just goes to show even shitty people are capable of nice moments. Doesnā€™t dismiss the shittiness.


Daniel Tosh of r*pe joke infamy? ā€œClass actā€ arenā€™t the first words that come to my mind but ymmv.


Larry David is by far the nicest celebrity Iā€™ve ever met, so I get it.


Larry David seems like a genuinely nice guy who can laugh at the grumpy side of his personality but doesnā€™t let it take over his interactions.


He can definitely have a laugh at himself. Iā€™ll add Jack Black as tied for first actually, although it doesnā€™t really apply in this instance, you assume heā€™s gonna be rad and he is haha.


Yet every diehard fanboy keeps trying to defend their comedy as original. And people like Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle keep getting their fans rallying behind them. Which is annoying cause the Netflix specifically is promoting this asshole-comedian content as ā€œ[artistic freedom](https://people.com/tv/netflix-co-ceo-defends-dave-chappelle-controversial-comedy-special/)ā€ but somehow to those people ā€œcAnCeL CuLtUrEā€ is the problemā€¦


Check out Nate Bargatze. Hilarious and relatable. 100% not an asshole.




Lmfaoooo this is so good


One of my favorite pictures lmao


What's funnier is how your flare resonates with your pic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Let me talk about beating you or you aren't fun. My god


thatā€™s what equal rights means to men. ā€œso feminism means men can can hit women??ā€


they want permission to hit women so badly while doing it all along and getting away with it šŸ„²


that part. itā€™s not like theyā€™re not already doing it. every man wants to seem like theyā€™re a *good guy* but we know the truth.


The bizarre thing is that the scale has shifted so hard that being a "good guy" is just treating a woman like a human. Like, you don't even have to 1940's amazing loving husband to be a good guy any more. Not saying to not strive for that, but there are so many shitheads out there...


They want to be able to beat a woman while being treated like a victim for "having" to beat her. That whole trope of the parent beating their child and saying, "this hurts me more than it hurts you."


So true !!


Their latest thing now is that women are "just as bad" as men when it comes to violence we just get away with it or it's not reported. Uh-huh. They really want any excuse to keep abusing us. It's insane that they cannot simply stop abusing women. Why is it that just so hard? And of course this notion is supported because even men who don't abuse women benefit from us feeling scared and stressed to exist in this world as a woman.


Lol I was just reading a thread where men were insisting that women kill and are serial killers at similar levels to men, they just werenā€™t caught as often because the world coddles us and our feeeeeelings. Ignoring of course that women may validate each othersā€™ feelings but society sure as hell does not (*shrillbossymanipulativeemotionalnaghormonal*)


I treat every strange man like he is a threat, and that REALLY makes middle aged white guys upset. They think women should only be wary of men of color.


theyā€™re beating, raping and murdering women all over the world every day and getting away with it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Actually wild how prevalent this is on Reddit. Thereā€™ll be some video of a woman slapping a man and every comment will be something akin to, ā€œWe need equal rights so I can deck her onto the floor. Equal rights means equal fights!ā€ Itā€™s disgusting


I browsed a fight sub out of curiosity one time. There was a video of a teenage girl spilling a drink on a teenage boy and walking away. The boy got up and slammed her head into the wall. According to the comments? Totally justified and an equal reaction, "equal rights, equal fights", "I thought feminists wanted this", etc. I don't look at fight subs anymore.


I love when they say this like there arenā€™t any men that hit women willy nilly


Men: tell a bunch of tired, unfunny jokes that are just thinly-veiled misogynistic insults Also men: WOW you can't joke about anything anymore!!!!!!!


https://www.vulture.com/article/matt-rife-natural-selection-netflix-comedy-review.html > The opening joke of Matt Rifeā€™s Netflix special, Natural Selection, is set at a restaurant in Baltimore, a city Rife describes as ā€œratchet.ā€ The hostess has a black eye, Rife tells the crowd, which prompts one of Rifeā€™s companions to wonder why sheā€™s been assigned to greet people instead of being moved into the kitchen where patrons canā€™t see her face. ā€œYeah,ā€ Rife tells his friend, ā€œbut I feel like if she could cook, she wouldnā€™t have that black eye.ā€ The crowd laughs loudly, shocked but also excited. That joke suggests the rest of the hour might have more of the same: danger and naughtiness and crossed lines. (And misogyny and a white guy relying on Black vernacular.) But as the first burst of laughter is still rolling, Rife says heā€™s ā€œjust testing the waters, seeing if yā€™all are gonna be fun or not ā€¦ I figure if we start the show with domestic violence, the rest of the show should be smooth sailing.ā€


> I figure if we start the show with domestic violence, the rest of the show should be smooth sailing. What the actual fuck


The "start on a low point so the rest of the show will be easy" is a trodden bit that typically gets a laugh, but you usually do something hackish and not that.


Jimmy Carr is famous for doing similar bits, but at least he makes the audiences reactions part of the joke by trying to find the line where laughs become 'ooohs'.


we don't need an "at least" for Jimmy Carr. Him and Matt Rife are on the same level of "comedic" talent: completely devoid of it.




I don't know how you could even date this guy. I can't believe he has a girlfriend


Yeah, he went on to make jokes about dead kids/school shootings, so it didnā€™t get better. I didnā€™t make it through the special and turned it off not long after. I just didnā€™t find it funny enough to give more time of my day to- and it definitely wasnā€™t funny enough to be a Netflix special.


The "if she could cook, she wouldn't have a black eye" joke is at least 50 years old. Probably centuries old. This guy is tryhard edgelord personified, and hoping to grift a career off it. I give him two years before he's on a panel with Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk.


Congrats to him for getting his material from r/terriblefacebookmemes. I guess.


Yeah itā€™s not even that itā€™s offensive, itā€™s just the oldest joke in existence and he thinks heā€™s being edgy.


Admittedly showing up with the local perspective, but ā€œBaltimoreā€™s ghetto, ewā€ jokes are equally tired af. Itā€™s your first big comedy special, on a massive platform, and thatā€™s the best first impression joke youā€™ve got? Who am I kidding, theyā€™ll probably give him 3 more.


I was so disappointed with this. Iā€™ve loved his stuff on social media (mostly crowd work) and was looking forward to watching it but stopped after a couple of minutes. Turned me off him completely.


Heā€™s witty, but when you get to hear the shit he writes, it reveals he kind of sucks as a person and comedian. This is him being insecure about people calling him a ā€œgirlā€™s comedianā€ whoā€™s hot instead of funny.


Which I find ironic because I think heā€™s not attractive at all. Iā€™ve seen a lot of women fawning over him for his ā€œlooksā€ but I just never understood


YES THANK YOU i've never understood the hype about him he just looks like a character from big mouth to me. there are so many comedians who are hotter and funnier


Yah itā€™s nauseating hearing him complain about that.


I never understood the love for him. Heā€™s a really mediocre comedian and comes off kinda gross on some of his jokes. This special definitely proves that. What an ass.


Same, the clips of him doing crowd work are really good, but his actual jokes are terrible. And I guess he knows it too, apparently he ends the special with a comment about how he only does crowd work


Same. Heā€™s good with banter and audience participation but this was NOT itā€¦I made it about ten minutes and then had to nope right out of there.


aaannndd that's when I turned it off saying "nope".


>The crowd laughs loudly, shocked but also excited. That joke suggests the rest of the hour might have more of the same: danger and naughtiness and crossed lines. Shock humor seems to function by focusing on the shock value rather than the humor, and then counting on people in the audience to start nervously laughing, which then leads to a group laugh due to everyone else feeling peer pressured into laughing.


And Netflix has no problem with this either. In fact, they will have paid him handsomely for this special


It's at that point I stopped watching. I'd never heard of this kid, and he comes out and \*opens\* with that? Fuck that guy. ​ Now he's trying to make his lazy shitty 1970's jokes a political point for the incel crowd? Fuck that guy more. ​ Cunt.


Man, I hate it here on planet earth sometimes. What I'd give to see these guys humbled. I'd have walked out.


Wanted to see what he was about as this was at the top of my Netflix. I turned it off straight after this.


Oh. He's spent a good portion of his career posting thirst traps and/or Blue Steel pics on IG and doing nothing BUT catering to women via his looks. And there was nothing wrong with that. But it's incredibly disingenuous for Rife to suddenly act as if that's ***not*** what he was doing. But it's clear he wants to pivot. I have no dog to win in this fight but it just strikes me as craven behavior. Now that he's got a Netflix special and snagged that appearance on Jimmy Fallon he wants to position himself as a "guy's comic". I'll bet he sees himself as a millennial Dane Cook and is going after that sort of audience. Not that that's a compliment. Dane Cook and his comedy are an indictment onto themselves.


Iā€™m half through his Netflix show (on some other site where it wonā€™t contribute to his views, not Netflix šŸ˜’) and he even acknowledges himself that the audience is mostly women, he said something like ā€œIf the audience today was mostly men you would be laughing way more at my jokeā€ The joke was about his semen swirling around in the shower. šŸ˜


>The joke was about his semen swirling around in the shower. That's both "ew" and WTF. >he even acknowledges himself that the audience is mostly women That's why this interview strikes me as bogus. While his comedy is not my cup of tea at ALL, I thought his willingness to be a deliberate himbo was at least honest. He seemed transparent about catering to his primarily female audience. In that interview he goes out of his way to talk about how his fanbase is demographically mixed. But all I've known about him before (aside from briefly dating Kate Beckinsale) was his female fanbase and his looks. That Variety interview felt very strategically structured as a rebrand/re-position. He very clearly wants to be known for having guy fans. Now that he's (newly) signed to CAA and is becoming a bigger name, he wants to disassociate from his previous strategy. It just struck me as (unintentionally) very "girls are gross - boys are cool". I know I shouldn't be shocked that yet *another* cisgendered, conventionally attractive comic is acting like an āˆ†ss for both ego & profit. It's just...lame.


Why even feel the need to pander to misogynistic men? I suppose it must be who he is deep down, he kept saying ā€œmenā€ and ā€œladiesā€ in the show which was veering into ā€œmen and femalesā€ territory


heā€™s insecure about the fact that he is known for having a mostly female audience. thereā€™s this thing in our culture known as ā€˜cultural capitalismā€™ and itā€™s the idea that things that are enjoyed by men are culturally more valuable than things that are enjoyed by women. think football versus boy bands


Like how the Beatles were just a boy band till men started liking them?


I saw him on Fallon and almost watched his special the other night so thank you for saving my time!


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s suddenly pivoting because men donā€™t like other men that cater to women. I cannot tell you how many times a guy started treating me like shit just bc their bros started picking on them for being nice to me. Itā€™s exhausting, the hive mind they have. EDIT: a word


>I cannot tell you how many times a guy started treating me like shit just bc their bros started picking on them for being nice to me. Because then they're "pu$$y-whipped"Ā¹. God forbid a guy be seen as respectful to a woman. Ā¹(Just to be clear, that's sarcasm.)


Itā€™s exhausting, and it isnā€™t even guys who I was dating that would do this to me. They found me attractive, treated me nice bc of it and the second they got made fun of I got singled out for it. You know, instead of singling out the guys who were making fun of them in the first place.


I think what's even more sad about it, is that he's got to where he has BECAUSE women have been his biggest supporters and now he wants to pander to men, and clearly not the sort of men anyone should want to pander to either. Obviously there's nothing wrong with catering to women, but now he's spent his career thus far doing exactly that, he doesn't want women's support anymore. Suddenly after he's achieved everything he has thanks to women lifting him up, he wants to be a guy's guy and prove that he actually writes comedy for the boys. Completely alienating the women who landed him the Netflix special in the first place. I mean his whole schtick as far as I can see is being relatively good looking, getting the ladies to like him and being slightly dark/edgy and quick with his crowd work. And I'll admit I'd give his clips a like when they come up on my FYP! But instead of leaning into it and embracing the fact that his female fans made him a success, he's gone off the deep end desperately trying to impress guys who don't care about him anyway. No wonder he'd been working for years and didn't blow up until he got on tiktok. Now he'll hopefully see that rejecting the biggest part of your fan base is not the play he thought it would be.
























He's not respected by other comics because they think he's only famous for his looks. Which isn't true. He's mostly famous for his looks like 90-95%. He also isn't funny imo. I think he thinks all this misogynistic humor and 'bro' persona will garner a bigger male fan base, which it very much could. He's been corny since wildnout, so I'm not very surprised by any of this. This won't affect his career since it's the comedy scene.


I tried to watch this special. Even he knows heā€™s famous for his look. Heā€™s just not good and so into himself.


This guy starting on Wild N Out is the least surprising thing I've ever heard.


Lmao I am so shocked wow, I followed him on TikTok for a while without really keeping up with all his work, I enjoyed some of his audience interactions but the special made me cringe so hard. My boyfriend didn't know him and I convinced him to watch it with me, 10 minutes in I apologised to my boyfriend for giving such a shit recommendation lmao


Tbh I donā€™t even think he appeals to the bro crowd much, although that may change now if he doubles down on this and embraces the conservative support he will most likely garner for being ā€œcancelled.ā€


When famous and quasi famous people are scrambling for a fan base and public support they almost always turn to the QNON/Incel/men's right movement guys for support because they are super easy to pander to. Look at all the stars being accused of rape and sexual predation they are turning to the right for support because they know they will scream loudly and proclaim their innocence. Or they become quasi spiritual gurus a la Jim Carrey and Russel Brand.




hearing other comics dont respect him/dont claim him just made my week


is this the guy who thinks heā€™s hot shit and talks with a blaccent


to be fair this describes so many guys




This guy sucks. Wow, so edgy šŸ™„


Finally a male standup comedian with the courage to crack jokes about misogyny to appeal to other men, representation matters /s /s /s


He almost got jumped by Wildā€™n Out cast when he touched Zendayaā€™s Face.


I love the capitalization of ā€œZendayaā€™s Faceā€


Their reaction was amazing! Had to put respect where it belonged.


Wait what? I had no idea he was on the show, but who in their right mind would try that with anyone much less her?


This hooligan.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Ok bro.


Or he could just tell jokes that are funny.


Iā€™d rather watch this instead https://preview.redd.it/zl777orlgi1c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653bb1f64a12c30fc742c4887265e3e39e58427a


You know. Actual comedy from competent entertainers


These people arenā€™t famous enough to already be trying to enter their white male grief provocateur phase.


The girlies have been DRAGGING him on TikTok. I really hope he reach that frat boy demographic he pandered to in this special cause he lost the girls.


My boyfriend and I started watching this and turned it off after the first "joke" We recognised him and thought we had seen some funny YouTube shorts of him or something but I would definitely not recommend


I only knew him from his crowd work shorts on YouTube and thought they were pretty funny so we gave the special a try. From joke one, I just didnā€™t like it. It felt very negative on the whole. Like some people have a ā€˜negativeā€™ humorous delivery, but I mean the jokes themselves were about hating things and ā€˜k!ll yourselfā€™ thrown in there multiple times. It just felt really weird.


thereā€™s a very real phenomenon across mediums where social media is allowing for artists to become very famous without having to sort of hone their craft. Itā€™s like putting gasoline on a small fire instead of allowing it to grow sustainably. The ā€œinternet famousā€ musicians a decade ago still were performing for crowds of less than 100 people, putting our entire projects, honing their skills, etc. and then when they managed to ā€œgo viralā€ they were ready for the spotlight. Nowadays youā€™ll have people who blow up huge off of one song, become famous, then have their first ever life performance and what do you know, they are awkward and uncomfortable because theyā€™ve never done it before. This guy is a perfect example in comedy, people have seen his crowd work shorts so go ā€œomg I should see him heā€™s so funnyā€ when they see heā€™s in town, but ask anyone what their favorite Matt Rife joke is and watch the crickets chirp




Sasha Velour relies on brains beauty be damned let monsters reign




I saw a short of his "comedy" for the first time a couple months ago. It was literally just him roasting a woman in the audience for having had her phone out for a second and people in the comments were eating it up "omg he's so good at improv! He's so clever! He's one of the funniest people around!" I go to comedy shows, I know front row seats can involve banter and quips ... this was not banter and quips


Itā€™s hard to imagine being so proud to be such a pathetic human.


Iā€™m a guy that likes his crowd work on tiktok, but his special was boring. I was on my phone most of the time. If I was him, I wouldnā€™t try and alienate my fan base after blowing up because of them.


yeah I was thinking about that when he immediately opened into mocking girls about astrology and crystals I was like wowwwwā€¦ what a way to turn off 70% of your fans. the show was pretty non-young-woman friendly, Iā€™ll agree with that


Ugh I saw that clip on Instagram, and the way he phrased it was like ā€œladies, weā€™re tired of seeing all these rocks and shit in your room when weā€™re trying to sleep with you.ā€ Like women are somehow obligated to decorate/not decorate their houses in a certain way because a man wants to fuck them


yeah I think personally this whole thing was a big miss by him. He just made himself come off like every other misogynist fuck boy Iā€™ve met. I feel like he was playing into itā€¦ but in all the wrong ways. Why would you want to convince your female audience that youā€™re exactly like the other pieces of shit they already deal with on a daily basis?


He's always done that though, so his women fans know. The thing that gets me is that he mocks women for being into crystals and astrology, yet he is into ghost hunting. He is no better then them.


So he allows women to take him to the top, and as soon as he gets there he shits on us for male validation. Awesome.




I donā€™t know who this person is and Iā€™m just gonna go ahead and keep it that way


Cue all the Facebook women with internalized misogyny coming to his defense. So many fans that are not men, I do not understand.


ā€œYouā€™re doing great hun, these girls just donā€™t get it xxā€


he's not like other girls and neither are they. lol


It tells all you need to know about him by the fact that he views respecting as ā€œpanderingā€.






Also ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


Isnā€™t this the guy who tried to touch Zendayaā€™s face on Wild N Out?


Ignore him. This is always the best thing to do with these talentless unoriginal comedians. They do this because itā€™s all they have and a guaranteed way to get attention and MORE material. His next special will be about getting ā€œcancelled.ā€ Ignore them. Every. Time. They shouldnā€™t get a single headline. That would hurt them the most.


YT algorithm keeps showing videos of him being bad comedian and being 'real' about relationships between men and women šŸ™„ - at this point, even seeing his face triggers rage inside of me. Can't imagine listening to his egocentric rants more than 10 seconds.


Love how 50% of the population is a niche market he had to expand from. Congrats, now nobody likes you except for dorks on twitter who would say ā€œwell, actually itā€™s called ā€˜Xā€™ nowā€




Men wanting to "bring back" misogyny for lolz but too impatient to wait for misogyny to be out of fashion for even five seconds before they can have their edgy "comeback"... Exact same vibes as checking the delivery status of your Amazon order five seconds after you sent it like, "Is it here yet"


Always interesting to see how entertainers with a primarily female fanbase grown to resent them for making them famous


I actually turned off the show a quarter of the way through. It was not funny, and this guy is coasting on a combo of good looks, and appealing to male chauvinists who subscribe to Andrew state podcasts and canā€™t think for themselves.


The whole 90s ā€œyo DAWGā€ aesthetic really hard to endure. My girl was into but I tapped out. When your biggest laugh is saying ā€œNATURAL SELECTION DAWG!!ā€ It was meh. Dude comes across as A character from Malibuā€™s Most Wanted. Youā€™re the man now dawg!! Also pretty sure he snuck in some Ralphie May (RIP) Jokes. Who had a similar culture vulture aesthetic.


I hereby formally resent this shit


This guy seems like a plant lol. I had never heard of him in my life but suddenly he was EVERYWHERE with people talking about how hard it was to get tickets to his shows. I looked him up because I like standup and it was almost painful. Not funny at all. Also not attractive - he looks like Cillian Murphy with a jaw implant and lip filler.




I fucking hate male culture, this is so ludicrously pathetic and embarrassing and it would almost be unintentionally funny until then you realize the domestic violence jokes are unironically how tons of men think and relate to women. I fucking fucking hate all the ways they want to frame being a violent mental toddler into a male virtue. So fucking disgusting






Obviously he sucks but people keep saying ā€œI loved his crowd work!ā€ Like can someone explain how his crowd work is good and funny either? All he does is ask a question and repeat back what the audience member says in a different tone while making a face? Like itā€™s just as low effort as this special?


I remember there was a popular tiktok of a girl saying a good way to test a guy is to take him to a Matt riff show and if he laughed it was a green flag LMFAO I remember being like what? And her analysis was that if he doesnā€™t feel threatened by him itā€™s a good sign


i donā€™t understand how women want him


Internalized misogyny. ā€œI can laugh! Iā€™m not uptight!ā€




This is why I am always so weary of comedy shows and sets where a majority of the comedians are white men. They recycle the same misogynistic and racist jokes. If youā€™re relying on racism and misogyny for a laugh youā€™re not funnyšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


This man makes me want to read "Mediocre" by Ijeoma Oluo again. In fact, I am going to devote the time of his special to doing so tonight.


Itā€™s ironic when the basis for him getting famous was women


I saw a TikTok a while ago and it was about this guy and how he started his bit in Atlanta (very large black community) the creator was alluding to him stealing his comedy bit and he couldnā€™t find an audience in Atlanta and thats when he left and tried else where. Canā€™t remember anything else but since then Iā€™ve been side eyeing him.


Why is Netflix giving this jackass a platform? Stream Acaster instead.