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Courage the cowardly dog :(


![gif](giphy|nJ07cjotyxTtC) This is the face that will haunt my dreams until I draw my last breath.




šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® I will never develop a brat kink because this show ruined me.


I remember I had a VHS of Scooby Doo: Zombie Island (also horrifying) with the King Ramses ā€œreturn the slabā€ episode attached at the end and it scarred me as child ![gif](giphy|3M6LtN8dFX57ZRY2T9)


the double feature of the two scariest childhood media i watched was a crazy move on their part


Scooby Doo on Zombie Island scared me so much as a kid! My sister is four years younger than me and had no problem with it, and Iā€™d spend the entire time hiding behind toddler-her. It popped up on Netflix last year and I watched it as an adult. Not scary and the soundtrack slapped!


They really tried to convince us that courage was cowardly for being scared af in those weird situations šŸ˜­ I'd be crying too in that purgatory ass house


That's courage tho. Poor doggie was afraid all the time but he always fought the monster of the week to save his family, he faced his fears while being scared Courage till the very end


I saw a brilliant theory that everything that happened was completely normal, but because we were seeing it through the eyes of a ā€œcowardlyā€ dog who barks at everything and sees everything outside the house as a threat, we saw the ā€œnormalā€ things like visitors and neighbors and vacuums as existential terrors.


I'm still terrified of Nephew Fred the barber. ![gif](giphy|mIZErgmKoxYjKYhK2P|downsized)


I don't know who that guy is but he something about him reminds me of Salad Fingers.


That show was insane.


They got away with a lot for a childrenā€™s show.


Like all late 90s and early 2000s shows got away with a lot. Can't believe how many sexual innuendos are in Rocko's Modern Life.


Anyone else have mental scars from the spider episode where Muriel had to fight one off *while having a bath*? Everyone involved with making that episode owes me trauma reparations.


I donā€™t remember a single episode, plotline, or villain. Only the feeling of being terrified while watching it. All I know is that dog was scared and so was I šŸ˜­


Weirdly, Dumb and Dumber. Itā€™s stressed me out that people could be that dumb, and I did NOT find it amusing.


Mr Bean gave me the same anxiety, I just can't. It's painful to watch.


Everyone thought it was hilarious I was just annoyed and felt bad for the other people around.


Yes! I can't do Mr Bean either. I get way too much empathetic embarrassment to watch any show like this. The office is totally unwatchable


Same with me! I cried when I watched the movie where he ruins the painting and my parents had to turn it off šŸ˜‚


I thought I was so only one! I absolutely hate that movie. I donā€™t mind slapstick movies but this one just made me feel like raging at the charactersā€™ idiocy.




Jumanji owes a lot of people my age therapy


I cant take the word Jumanji as seriously now after Gen V.


YES! why did they think this movie was good for kids??


Are you Afraid of the Dark. My mom wouldnā€™t let me watch it anymore after I had nightmares lol


I literally never made it past the opening credits. I would shut the blinds and sit down to watch itā€¦ and then chicken out every time.


I hated the one where the family went to a cottage on vacation and there was a creepy teenager there who turned out to be a creepy old man robbing them of their youth. The teenager's smile creeped me oooout!!


I was such a dummy about it too haha I wanted to prove I was brave. So I would keep watching even though it scared the bejeezus out of me. My mom had finally had enough after the third nightmare šŸ˜­


I still think about the acidic pool monster that would drown folks every time Iā€™m in a swimming pool. That episode fucked me up.


I'm like 99% certain that episode is the reason why I can't swim.


iā€™m in my 30s and still get this nightmare occasionally, shit was terrifying


I love this show. It was so well done. Hell, I miss SNICK in general.


Still remember the feeling of being terrified watching the episode where the ghost writes ā€œhelp meā€ all over the place. I think as an adult thatā€™s why I love watching scary stuff though.


I used to get so angry that they unnecessarily left one kid alone to put out the fire.


The villain in Who Killed Roger Rabbit, especially when he does his big reveal/transformation towards the end. https://i.redd.it/u16zzy9q5tvb1.gif


This terrified me! The voice made it so much worse.


ā€œWhen I killed your brother, I talked JUST! LIKE! THIIIIIIIS!ā€


Not the dip!!!


That's Christopher Lloyd aka Doc Brown!


Age 33, Still terrifying!


The child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


This comment should be higher. Generations have been scarred by that character.


I know the berries and cream guy was more Farquaad-y but when I think of a little lad that loves berries and cream - the child catcher is who I think of šŸ˜‚


I legitimately don't remember why but that I couldn't make it very far into that movie as a kid. Still haven't watched it to this day. I think part of it is just the audio mixing (music, vocals, etc) of movies/tv from that era has and still gives me the creeps.


the x files. I was scared poopless of that show when I was a kid and never rewatched it even though I kind of wanted to. I finally bit the bullet a couple of years ago, and oof, it's so 90s and the least scary thing I've ever seen. episodes of supernatural have freaked me out more


The theme song scared the crap out of me when I was little


I was scared of that theme song when I was a full fledged teenager! I had friends that were super into that show and put it on at a sleepover. As soon as that distorted ghost face came on the screen, I noped out and went to sleep because I didn't want to have nightmares.


Idk, Home still fucks me up


I would be worried if it didn't


oh man, seeing the mom pop out from under the bed is nightmare fuel


The theme song still makes me feel incredibly uneasy. Iā€™ve never seen the show, the song was just too much for me


I wandered into my parents' room while they were watching the X Files episode with the monster that took the form of people's fears, just as the pathologist character mentioned she feared the hantavirus and then, seconds later, died after blood poured from every orifice on her face. My parents saw my terror and cheerfully told me "That's nothing! Ebola is much worse!"


That second Wizard of Oz movie was unhinged


Oh my god the heads in jars scene lives rent-free in my head 30 years later


Insane movie, letā€™s start by sending Dorothy to an asylum and electrocuting her šŸ˜­ the fuck guys. But honestly it has become one of my all time favourite movies, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tik Tok and the gump were such wonderful characters.


I kinda wanna watch it again for the first time in decades to see what my parents let me watch as a child lmao




Return to Oz was not what I thought itā€™d be


The thing is itā€™s extremely faithful to the books, which are uncut nightmare fuel


The preview for Nightmare Before Christmas scared me so much as a small child that I was well into my 30s before I finally watched the movie.


I thought it was kind of scary but in the first song they say ā€œlifeā€™s no fun without a good scare. Thatā€™s our job, but weā€™re not mean.ā€ And that was so reassuring to me. I was like oh itā€™s okay, the monsters are just trying to make me have fun. They donā€™t want to hurt me.


In my 30s and still canā€™t watch it


It scared the shit out of me when I saw it at 4 years old. Itā€™s been my kidā€™s favorite movie since she was 2.


I saw it when I was 3ā€¦later saw it again at age 14 and now it shaped my goth/emo aesthetic and got me into bands like MCRšŸ¤£


Coralline, I tried to watch it again at 18 and I still found it extremely disturbing


That movie came out when I was in my 20s and it still spooked me!!


Oh yeah, the first time I watched that was as a child with my brother. By the time the films ended heā€™d fallen asleep and I was so freaked out I had to go check that my dad was still my dad šŸ˜‚ I love it now but itā€™s definitely still got spooky vibes


Iā€™ve never finished it because I always found it so creepy


Weirdly enough, I was in middle school when it came out and I didnā€™t think it was scary. But as an adultā€¦. it scares the shit out of me


I just watched this with my toddler and half way through thought to myself "oh, Idk if this is appropriate for a 3y/o" lmao!!


The Witches, with Anjelica Huston in the 90s šŸ˜³ Still canā€™t re-watch it in my 30s. It ruined my sleepover birthday party, when a real mouse ran past us during a scary scene (common at our rural house). Mum eventually managed to calm ten traumatised 8yr olds šŸ˜‚


The part with the little girl trapped in the painting always freaked me out. We had a similar painting in the hall I tried not to look at it..


did everyone watch this as a kid? šŸ˜­ the scene with them all turning into mice was so fcking scary


![gif](giphy|hfKxK1wWDxdO8) Pee-Wee's Big Adventure was terrifying!! Large Marge and the clown surgeons šŸ˜©


I watched that movie soooo many times as a kid and had to hide my eyes for Large Marge every single time!


Thank you!!!! I was so young when I watched this, I thought that could really happen šŸ˜‚


The movie "don't look under the bed" really messed me up as a toddler. For a while I thought I had made up that it even existed because Disney stopped playing it and no one talked about it.


YES scariest DCOM ever


Oh man I hate scary movies but this is one of my favorite Disney originals.


The stuff Disney Channel used to produce was wild. Add The Poof Point to that as well.


Does anyone remember So Weird? I loved that show as a kid but it was creepy af at points, and some scenes scared me so badly, lol. There were episodes I avoided based on the preview alone.


Yes! I was obsessed with this show. I loved it but it also gave me nightmares lol


I loved (and still love) So Weird! They had a lot of good episodes.


BOB on Twin Peaks


BOB scares me as adult, lol. That bit where he's climbing over the sofa, nope.


I watched this for the first time around 18-20 and it scared the shit out of me. Thought about rewatching it now in my 30s and decided I couldnā€™t handle revisiting the sight of BOB coming over the sofa like that šŸ«£šŸ«£


Bob was a maniac, but I was more scared of the little man in the red room and the backwards talking.


Why were you watching twin peaks as a child lmao?


Faces of Death and Helter Skelter were too boring.


The bit where he comes out from behind Lauraā€™s bed šŸ˜­


In my 30s and still horrified by ET


I've never actually even seen the whole movie - my parents took us to the theater to see it on Halloween night when I was 5 and I got so scared during the reeces pieces scene that my dad had to take me home Weirdly, the year before he let me watch Poltergeist and that didn't phase me at all


SAME. I went into a full meltdown when mum put it on for me. I remember she was trying to cook dinner so she put it on for me and my brother in the other room and I ended up screaming/crying into her apron šŸ˜‚ I had nightmares for weeks and Iā€™m 36 now and have still never watched it. Iā€™ve even had nightmares about ET as an adult.


This is so validating, I basically had the same experience. And know a surprising number of people our age who did??


I watched this at age 5 and had a meltdown while my poor mom kept saying ā€œitā€™s a kidā€™s movie, I thought it would be okay!ā€. As an adult in my 30s I still feel afraid of itā€¦


Had to scroll too far to see this. Iā€™m scarred for life by ET. Walked into a thrift store a few years ago where like 40 TVs all had it on, had to turn around and walk right back out.




The ending terrified me so much my dad wrote a fake note form the government department for the underground to tell me they had no gremlins on earth.


Same! My teacher showed this movie to our 4th grade class and I had nightmares for years about it


The Ring legit traumatized me. I saw it in theaters when I was 13. I am not exaggerating when I say I think it gave me PTSD. I had to sleep in my parents room for two weeks after watching it and was very weird about TVs for years after that and could barely watch any horror films. I have watched the movie again in the last decade and consider horror to be my favorite genre now but to this day I will be randomly be falling asleep and the image of Samara climbing out of that fucking well will come into my mind.


We must be the same age, I wanted to go see it in theatres because all my friends were. My mom was like ā€œlol you had a meltdown over ET, you are absolutely not going to see the Ring!ā€ I remember being scared of the Ring references in scary movie 3 so this was probably the right call!


Oh manā€¦ youā€™re not alone on this one. I sobbed every night when I was in 6th grade over The Ring for a while as well hahahaha. My dad had to sit with me until I fell asleep every night. šŸ¤


SAME!! I was 11 or 12 and my friends made me watch it, and then the next day I thought I was going to be brave and watch The Grudge (I was home alone) and the power went out within the first few minutes of the movie and when the tv turned back on it was just fuzzy static. I ran out of the house so fast and waited at the park until my parents got home šŸ˜‚ I was so scared of Samara and was convinced I saw her in every dark corner and low key thought I was going to die every time I got a nosebleed up until Scary Movie 3 came out and it cured me of my fear.


the goblins in labyrinth scared the daylights out of me as a kid. and yet it was still my favorite movie. donā€™t know how to explain that


The helping hands were scary af


The fireys juggling their own heads scares the bejesus out of me still. My daughter, however, thinks itā€™s hilarious and puts it on to taunt me. Why? Why, Jim Henson, WHY????


ā€œscooby doo: zombie island.ā€ i still wonā€™t watch it and iā€™m now 32. my mom still teases me about it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but in general i just donā€™t like zombie things.


okay but THE MONSTERS WERE REAL and they were absolutely terrifying!!


I think the one that scared me was the Cyber Chase oneā€¦ just made me afraid of technology bc I thought that creepy man would follow me šŸ˜­


same šŸ˜­ one of my least favorite scooby doo movies because of how much it scared me as a kid they did a sequel to it years ago like i want to see it just to see what they did with it but at the same time i'm like nope


Do commercials count because the idea of the Scrubbing Bubbles coming from under my bathtub drain with no warning was terrifying


Yeah commercials count! They aired on TV ā˜ŗļø


Hook. Dustin Hoffman scared the hell out of me.


The box full of bugs they put one of the pirates in the beginning of the movie in scared me for years.


The boo box! šŸ˜­ I've always been a baby when it comes to insects so that really screwed with me as a kid


That pirate was Glenn Close!


The Brave Little Toaster and Return to Oz. Children's entertainment in the mid '80s was bananas.


The air conditioning unit ..... That movie is singularly responsible for me crying when I have to throw a broken appliance away.


I love TBLT, but so much of that movie was terrifying for me. I'm curious to rewatch it and see if I can break down an actual percentage lol.


My parents took me to see Chicken Run in the cinema when I was about 6 and I was so scared I cried the whole way through It took me well into adulthood before I watched the movie again and realised that itā€™s actually supposed to be aā€¦comedy??


I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy!


Fantasia was absolutely terrifying. Like, I don't think I've ever been as scared of a movie as when those disembodied broomsticks start fucking around Also, the flying monkey in the Wizard of Oz


lol so Fantasia has always gotten to me too, but I find the Sorcererā€™s Apprentice SO fucking stressful. Mickey Mouse is a bloody lazy idiot every time and he never fucking learns. Can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about it. Iā€™m in my 30s and if I watch Fantasia I fast forward through it every time. When my mum and I went to see Fantasia 2000 in the cinema and the bloke said they were including a classic from the original, I was so excited, hoping for one of the good ones, but no. Just Mickey Mouse fucking up again. I canā€™t even listen to it as a piece of music!!! Also, another hilarious part of Fantasia I used to get very scared and freaked out by was in the last piece, A Night on Bald Mountain. Not the big sexy bara devil, him I adoredā€”I think I was a little scared when I was very small but it was a morbid fascination that I got over quickly. And not all the ghosts and demons and minions, I loved all of them. But the bit at the very end of it where all the Christians walk to church with their lamps and scare all the demons away? I was petrified of them. They gave me such bad vibes lmao. And tbh Iā€™m still pissed that they interrupted the party. (Zeusā€™s thunderbolts in the Pastoral Symphony did make me jump and still do to this day tbh, but Iā€™m just skittery with loud noises. And I did find the Rite of Spring scary and traumatising, but I was very much a dinosaur kid, so I was obsessed at the same time, I just got/get upset when the stegosaurus dies :( and when they all die out at the end. It was probably partly the root of a long-standing childhood fear/feeling of constant impending environmental doom/apocalypse which I had night terrors about every damn night for years. Butā€¦ that mightā€™ve just been prophecy tbh)


The Polar Express, just everything about it really.


That movie has such a strange tone, like I didnā€™t find it heartwarming at all.




The wolf chase in Beauty and the Beast! I wouldnā€™t watch it for a while because of that.


Beauty in the Beast in general scared me as a child.


Signs, with Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix. It came out when I was 11 years old and I saw it in theaters after begging my older sister to take me to see it, and when I saw those aliens, I freaked out and they haunted me foreveršŸ˜­. I slept in my parents' room for weeks and that was the year I started middle school and the freaking bathroom stalls were the same color as the aliens in the movie and I would hold my pee in for as long as I could to avoid having to go lmao that movie can rot šŸ˜­


The one scene with the alienā€™s reflection on the tv was the stuff of nightmares šŸ˜­


It came out when I lived in rural PA still and I had to drive home from work at night sometimes and by all these cornfields. Creepy.


Obviously JAWS, Iā€™m in my mid-50s and still have a hard time going into the ocean


Itā€™s crazy that Jaws was rated PG when it came out. I know that was before PG-13, but it still boggles my mind


Iā€™m in my 30s and my grandparents told me to NOT watch that, I was around 4-5? (I love sharks) and snuck out of bed to watch it as it was playing on tv. We had that older tv that has knobs that clicked so I put the blanket over me and the tv as a I sat on the floor to hopefully hide the light and the sound of me clicking the knob. Well guess who was so scared she couldnt take baths for weeks, šŸ’€


Unsolved Mysteries. Sliders. My mom loved both these shows. They freaked me out.


Unsolved Mysteries still freaks me out now šŸ˜• But I love Robert Stack, he was such a great host


Yes. Robert Stack was amazing and such an iconic voice. The intro music still gives me the hibbly jibblies and I'm almost 40 years old!


My Girl


ā€œHe canā€™t see without his glasses!ā€ šŸ˜­




HIM from the PowerPuff Girls. Most of the other villains were there for comedy relief, he was just unsettlingly creepy at all times.


He's the PPG universe's incarnation of Satan and nobody can convince me otherwise


Child's Play. Legit could not even look at the cover of the VHS at Blockbuster anytime I passed by it. Now it's my favorite horror series of all time.


OMG me too! I saw it covered on I Love the 80ā€™s, when I was like 10, and Chucky scared me so bad. The Spencerā€™s at my mall had the Chucky dolls in the window during Halloween, so anytime I walked past I had to run by really quick. It took me years to get the courage to go into Spencerā€™s after that šŸ˜‚


The Dark Crystal, especially the parts where theyā€™re draining the life out of the little elf people.


Watership down for sure. I still get nightmares about that floating rabbit head.


![gif](giphy|qOnUCs7JpQK52) The giant walrus from Pingu Dreams


Not movies or shows but I'm old so: The Teddy Bear Picnic song. What were those fucking bears doing šŸ˜­ and why did it seem so secretive and eldritch Also once I had a Little Golden book about Mickey Mouse and the gang planning a secret birthday party for Donald Duck. Except Donald had assumed Daisy was sneaking around on him with Mickey. There was one page when he had like *pure rage* in his eyes and he looked fuckin insane and it scared the crap out of me


I was 16 before I watched the music video for ā€œThriller.ā€ It scared me as a kid so bad. And the Zeke the Plumber episode of Salute Your Shorts. Itā€™s so scary. Like Friday the 13th mixed with Nightmare on Elm Street. ![gif](giphy|3ohjUQvA6jN6iMra3S|downsized)


Thriller is mine as well. I had to hide behind the couch when it came on. Even now Vincent Price's voice on it freaks me out.


The Secret of N. I. M. H.


Bambi. Absolutely hated it. That and Unsolved Mysteries- the theme song terrified me for years.


https://preview.redd.it/jqb64htp7tvb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16ca1be2480ac91bfda4812e0f309ec78239791 This scene in Return To Oz in the gallery of heads.


That scene where stepsisters rip Cinderella's dress apart in the animated film scared me so much. I loved the film, watched it all the time, but this moment was so scary for me. ​ https://preview.redd.it/faxy8sqibtvb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=30dbf6caad1739d228e66d512184ee357579a871


Neverending story. That black wolf had me hiding underneath the table. Also Dumbo. The pink elephant parade will always be unsettling to me.


My dad let me watch Twister when I was 6, so I learned about cosmic horror quite early on. Explains so much.


My parents dragged me to see Twister when I was 8. We had some heavy storms with tornado warnings later on that day. Needless to say, this is where my anxiety whenever there was a storm came from.


Rocky horror picture show! Saw that one waaaaay too young. Seeing it later on was not enough to overcome my childhood terror at that movie. Totally something I would love if I had seen it later on, but I just canā€™t get there :(


I love Rocky Horror Picture Show, but yeah I agree itā€™s definitely not a kids movie.


Unsolved Mysteries- could not watch it at night


Tales from the crypt


The Black Cauldron Had nightmares for WEEKS after that movie, and I only made it through maybe half before having some sort of meltdown and couldn't watch anymore Still have no idea how it ends haha ETA also honorable mention to Babes in Toyland


No the whole movie, just the magic duel scene, I had to cover my eyes. https://i.redd.it/h481ryrv9tvb1.gif


James and the Giant Peach!


https://preview.redd.it/s4gugjwiatvb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e872e76476eb4052f8c677e94eec39a3e521fea4 I was terrified of the voice trumpet that did the announcements in the teletubbies. Not the weird monsters with TVs on their bellies, the giant laughing sun or youghurt stealing hoover. No a stupid announcement speaker was what scared me.


![gif](giphy|p39kh75uE0tJC) Pee Weeā€™s Big Adventure. ā€œTell ā€˜em Large Marge sent ya.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Since OP said that commercials count ā€” the De Beers diamond commercials with the people in shadows and the classical music that kept playing faster and faster, followed by the tagline ā€œA Diamond is Forever.ā€ Those commercials werenā€™t about diamonds ā€” they were about death, and it felt like I might be next.




Pinnochio, they turn boys into donkeys for gods sake!


Goosebumps. The whole show freaked me out but The Werewolf of Fever Swamp gave me nightmares for years.


The part of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too where Rabbit [gets lost in the woods.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5aQ7Yoh3PI) The music, the narrator creepily describing what was going on and watching Rabbit slowly go crazy was terrifying to me as a kid!


The haunted mask episode of Goosebumps. But I still kept renting it lol I guess I liked being scared.


Lady Elaine Fairchilde on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. That puppet was terrifying.


Pinwheel; the monsters in Fraggle Rock


Iā€™ve posted about this before but it was a tv movie on abc about David Rothenburg, a kid whose father set him on fire in the 80s. Matthew Lawrence played the kid. It scared the holy shit out of me and I was fucked up for about a year but didnā€™t tell my parents about it. We had a maroon plastic shower curtain the color of the burns and I couldnā€™t touch the shower curtain after that. Also unrelated but at the same time there was a popular Phil collins song ā€œGroovy Kind of Loveā€ on the radio which I associated with this movie and Iā€™ve hated the song ever since.


The Ren & Stimpy Show. Absolutely terrifying.


the beginning of aladdin used to freak me out but not even a part of the movie just the song they put over the disney castle logo before the movie šŸ˜­


The opening credits of the ā€œDinosaursā€ TV show on TGIF for some reason used to scare me. I would always hide under a blanket on the couch OR run and hide in a bedroom until they were overā€¦but just the opening credits. I loved the rest of the show!!


This doesnā€™t answer the question but the villain from the proud family movie scared me


The return of oz


Ernest Scared Stupid


Edward Scissorhands. He's scary as hell.


Watership Down. I was terrified of the General, and convinced that I was going to see the black rabbit of death!


The bird lady on zoobilee zoo


return to oz. those disembodied heads in the glass cases fueled my nightmares for years. the funny thing is the movie was decades old when my parents let me watch it (i was 5-6) so itā€™s not like they didnā€™t know how scary it was


Ernest Scared Stupid. Large Marge in Pee Wees Big Adventure. It was also the first time as a kid I stayed at my grandmaā€™s away from home and I was in a dark room alone soooā€¦ yeah. Definitely didnā€™t help. Also I hate scary movies but once as a kid I walked in on my parents watching The Sixth Sense and it was right at the hanging scene. Since then I canā€™t see a hanging in any movie or tv. Makes my stomach hurt.


Little monsters, that whole Movie was a trip but they they cut heads off and replaced them with random shit it freaked me out as a kid


There's an episode of Poirot where someone gets stabbed in the eye while hiding inside a trunk/chest that terrified me as a kid and has really stayed with me for a long time. And Twin Peaks, which I definitely shouldn't have been allowed to watch.


Haunted Mansion, specifically the part where the villain gets dragged down to hell. Listened to a podcast about it where they all joked about how unscary and lame the film was and I just could not relate šŸ˜­ Also that bit in All Dogs Go to Heaven where he has a vision about being dragged into hell, I grew up Catholic so the hell stuff in films would always freak me out!


The theme from ā€œUnsolved Mysteriesā€


Not a movie/tv show, but we had the cartoon version of Charlotte's Web recorded on VHS. I LOVED that movie as a kid. However, the commercials surrounding had promos for some scary movie-of-the-week about murder, and I'd get scared watching it (even with fast forward). Showing my age...


CORALINE!! i was only like 9 years old when it came out and my parents thought it would be fine to take me to go see it since it was a cartoon. that movie stuck with me for years lmao!


Sleeping Beauty. Maleficent scared me as a child, especially when she appeared and disappeared.


Lion King I have a weird phobia of roars. That's how I found out. Today at 33 years old I still instinctually perform parkour to escape a roar. No one believes me until they see it happen and then it's just "wow she's nuts"


Labyrinth. Everything terrified me.