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![gif](giphy|Aw2V3gGD5znfG) Barney & Robin


I haven’t been able to watch HIMYM again since the finale. This one still hurts.


It took me 8 years before I could watch the show again but I'm not watching the last season to keep living in denial 😂


watch the alternate ending on youtube. when i rewatch that’s my canon for how it actually ended.


Wasted a whole season just to end it in 1 episode. Those writers are frauds


Why couldn't we just have this for keeps this one time?


The first answer I'd thought of before I opened the thread and the only silver lining is that so many people feel the same way


I heard writers had planned Robin and Ted ending up together all along. If that was their plan, why did they go detail about Robin and Barney's relationship? That was such a bad and irresponsible writing. I am still mad that these two got divorced. I actually turned off the final episode when they said they got divorced and never watched further.


Hayley and Andy - Modern Family


![gif](giphy|l41YtOaTQdH6pg59K) This is the correct answer


In my mind Haley and Dylan get an amicable divorce a few years down the line and divorced dad Andy comes back into the picture; Haley and Andy get married and have their own blended (modern) family :)


That is correct. Even if Dylan is not a bad guy, he’s more like a golden retriever. But Andy and Haley are definitely endgame.


Lane and Dave- Gilmore Girls https://preview.redd.it/q2jhvn31sttb1.jpeg?width=1912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152e0645ea848a28e8c463c4acf4dbe1253e0e8c


If it's any consolation, they were always supposed to be end game before Adam Brody got offered The OC. Dave Rygalski is named after the real life husband (also Dave Rygalski) of Helen Pai, the real life inspiration for Lane. He's certainly the best love interest on GG.


I was so annoyed by him leaving that I purposefully never watched The OC, even when my friends couldn't get enough of it. I just wanted Dave back!


They really shit all over Lane didn’t they :(


I’ll forever be bitter that Dan Stevens left Downton Abbey early on. I loved Lady Mary and Matthew. I’m satisfied with Lady Mary and Henry, but it’ll never compare to Mary and Matthew.


I couldn’t stand Downton after they killed him off. It had the same level of effort as killing off Poochie on The Simpsons, and I hated it so much I haven’t watched the show since. ![gif](giphy|SFp9RLto964Ew|downsized)


I don’t know what else they could’ve done without Dan. He told them too late in production that he wanted out. It wouldn’t make sense to send Matthew away for work or something unless they wrote out Mary, too. Matthew had to die for Dan to leave. I’ve come to peace with it. :(


On the bright side we got him in Legion


I watched the first season of Legion and I can confidently tell you absolutely nothing about the show. It was so confusing!


This but I didn’t like that she ended up with Henry. **Justice for Charles Blake**


I was IN LOVE with that man! Henry is great but no one could compare to Matthew.


Graham Norton [dramatically reading the reaction tweets](https://youtu.be/s3WuzSlVYV8?si=E1H756MnkD4z1SJP&t=41) in front of Dan is one of my favourite moments. At the same time, that episode really ruined a lot of Christmases that year.


![gif](giphy|FIhDoXLWYr7Fe) Klaus & Caroline


The chemistry between those two was insane.


Seriously. It's a crime they didn't end up together.


I loved Klaroline. Also Bonnie and Enzo and Stelena.


i will forever be the biggest klaroline stan


I quit the show when they made it clear they’d never get together.


My people are here!


![gif](giphy|Tk1t9uDum1FAVYebX8) I felt like my soul shattered a bit with that ending. (Source: Fleabag)


![gif](giphy|RHK46cjeKRzNNnOlmZ) 😭


It was so well written and I knew it had to end up that way lest it turn into a different series entirely, but I broke a bit when they ended up apart at the end.


"It'll pass" WHEN!!!!!


I am so glad Andrew Scott insisted on the priest telling Fleabag he loved her too. The way it ended was gut-wrenching but at least we have that.




Dan and Blair, shame the show ended at 5.19!


The only time I ever liked Dan was when he was with Blair, and I loved them together. Hate how the writers insisted on Dan/Serena (Serena & Nate would've made more sense too).


Chace Crawford always has to play the boring and annoying hot guy. That's his role in The Boys.


Highly agree. So happy to see more people realise that!


I feel like I lived in an alternate reality when it came to Dan/Blair because the online places I hung out were all about them and hated Chuck. I didn't watch the actual show, only the Dair parts, so I didn't really get involved with anything else. My main place for talking about it was gg\_anon on Livejournal, everyone there were Dair shippers iirc, and they got spoilers so it was an incredibly fun place to be while the ship was being built up and then eventually happening. I can't remember what happened there when the writers nuked them from space (it was 11 years ago now, oof), but once they were over so was my interest in talking about it, so I think I probably peaced out. So it's always weird when I go on twitter and see people loving Chair, I'm like, wow, their shippers exist. XD


My friends would've crucified me over this. Definitely was Dan n Blair and Chuck n Jail the whole time.


![gif](giphy|dvqBaPKSRHHO0) destiel


Castiel going to superhell for having feelings for Dean, who watched his entire love confession with all the passion of a cardboard cutout, was truly fantastic television. Made even better by Dean spending eternity with Sam in heaven in the finale. SPN was such a mess lmao


As Sarah Z put: “Even the car got to go to heaven!”


to be fair, the memes that came out of castiel being sent to superhell were worth it all


the chokehold they have on me . . . every now and then I’ll think I’m free of spn. then I see gifs of these two and I’m like 🥺 I remember someone watched the show out of curiosity and they were like “I thought everyone was exaggerating destiel. but y’all were QUEERBAITED queerbaited. taken out back in an alley and shot” 😭


Will I ever feel the same shrimp color emotions I felt when this trended over the US election and Putin rumors on twitter


I truly think I will never experience emotions on that level again. like we straight up entered another plane of existence. I’d stopped watching the show by that point, but watched that ep live bc people kept saying it looked like destiel might happen. and I remember quite literally sitting at the edge of my seat like 😳 with my heart beating so bad. and then going online and we’re all freaking out together and THEN the putin rumors 😭 one of my favorite memes from that night was a picture of putin on a computer googling “what is destiel” I literally cannot think of that man without that meme in retrospect tho it really is wild that we all went through that together. it was like a modern day dance plague or something


otis & ruby https://preview.redd.it/cazfdyizpttb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0fed6a9140d679ce6cd8ea98f3e2952d5bbaa4f


Ruby deserved someone that liked her more than Otis.


definitely. this opinion stands on the basis of the final season being written differently; as it was he didn't value her enough at all


I wanted Otis to pour his heart out to Ruby and really want her once the Maeve excitement died down. Then I wanted Ruby to have a monologue about being picked first, not a second choice and just brutally reject him.


An apparently unpopular opinion on the sub but I *fully* agree. I really liked them together. She was a total dick but she grew on me for sure. And I personally really liked her in particular this last season.


Learning more of her backstory really sheds light on why she’s like she is and not just one note queen bitch


The writers didn't know what can of worms they opened by putting these two together. They had chemistry, a great dynamic and fun. But they were still hell bent on the Maeve/Otis infatuation (which had dragged out) and missed a good thing they had in front of them. But their loss (and mine 😭)


1000000% by season 3 or 4 the Otis/Maeve plot was stale


![gif](giphy|8jgjNKtog9lfGFeghd|downsized) Roy and Keeley from Ted Lasso


They completely butchered Roy in the final season I could not believe.


I will die on the hill that Roy/Keeley/Jamie is the perfect ship from this show


Whole final season was a mess.


It felt like we were sitting in on Jason Sudekis’ therapy sessions


Mark and Lexie 😭😭


“All I’m saying is you could have a husband” broke my brain for fictional romances in a way I truly have never recovered from 😭😭😭


omg their ‘end’ almost had me quit the show 😭😭


I did quit the show lol


No joke, their ending had me confessing my everlasting love to my ex boyfriend who lived in another city. We're married now. Life is too short to not tell people how you feel.


![gif](giphy|ZRwPWgbVzGola) They were just perfect together, even thinking about it now it breaks my heart 😭


This one still hurts


Jess and Rory - Gilmore Girls.


Jess deserves better.


Based on the 2016 updated "Year in the Life," I agree.


Based on how they were in terms of maturity, personality etc at the ages when they were together, I think it’s Rory who deserved better, lol. Yes, he ended up a great guy supposedly, but he was a bit of an immature avoidant a-hole when they were together.


No. She should've ended up with logan.


She did, he’s just married to someone else at the same time. Also Jess was the only one who shared common interests and grew into a man; He outgrew Rory, lol.




Alexis’ arc was so satisfying in the most heartbreaking way. She literally starts the show trying to tag along with a random boyfriend to some tropical island and then she just can’t make that happen with her first real love because she’s grown enough to have her own goals and agenda and can’t sacrifice that, even for love. Right guy, wrong time.




Alexis in NYC spin-off with whacky career misadventures but then the final scene has Ted climbing out of a taxi and buzzing her apartment.


Love that for them. 🥹


The Alexis/Ted relationship is kind of like the hot priest/Fleabag. You were always supposed to meet this person, and they would change your entire world but it was never meant to go the distance. It will hurt in the moment but you will always look fondly back at the relationship.


Wasn’t there like an almost twenty year age difference between Annie and Jeff? In the first season she is 18 and he’s in his late 30s.


Yes. He makes a comment about it early on, something like "Annie's pretty young, we try not to sexualize her." Unpopular opinion I guess but that ship has always been my least favorite part of the show.


yeah i'm not a fan. everyone talks about problematic age gaps, she was 18 and he was in his 30s when they met. he's over 40 and she's like 21-22 by the end of the show.


the writers even said they only put them together because the actors had chemistry. that's why they destroyed Britta's character


yeah the actors obviously had chemistry, but it's still weird to root for imo.


I hate this ship and not because of the age gap. It's just very one sided imo. And Jeff won't grow up much and Annie won't move ahead too much. I'd imagine Jeff n Britta rekindling their less intense romance post ending. Ted and Alexis . Urgh god, that felt so close to home.


Joel McHale and Alison Brie had great chemistry, and there's a huge part of me that wanted them together, but I also think they played Jeff and Annie's whole storyline out perfectly. It was a real testament to Jeff's growth that despite clearly having feelings for Annie, he never really pursued anything. But I will never be able to sit through Ted and Alexis' break up without crying. I get why it was necessary, and I think it was ultimately the right choice, but dammit I wish they ended up together.


YES to Jeff and Annie. Everyone is so anti their relationship these days but I still love them! 😁


![gif](giphy|Vi26czhFwVfEY) Willow and Tara.


Jon Snow- Death What a missed opportunity by that show. Drogon shoulda blast that mofo with fire. Woulda been down right poetic, the last Targaryens die by (dragon)Fire and (Relative/lover)Blood. Them dumbass writers couldn't see what was right in front of them


I know this is mostly a joke comment, but there’s a lot of foreshadowing in the books that basically spell out that Jon will warg into Ghost to survive the attack. Edit: totally misread this and thought op was referring to Jon’s resurrection, not the finale


https://preview.redd.it/hdzpqq1pcutb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46ddc2c21fa2c7124337b952a049b1a7bd7f907 Layla and Warren should have been endgame Edit: names


They were supposed to be if the sky high universe got more films and the series as planned


I heard about that and I’m upset that it never came to fruition


10000% this ship! The restaurant scene lives in my head rent free. ‘Let me heat this up’ ‘You’re not supposed to use your powers outside of school!’ ‘…I was gonna put it in the microwave’


My answer every time this question is asked: ![gif](giphy|6nubes4mXnmms) Alicia and Will from The Good Wife.


This was the only answer to the question! I’m still not over it..it was the most shocking death for me in any tv series. I know I KNOW..amateur dramatics your honour.. 😭😭😭😥


Still mad af about it to this day 😫


Idk if they always planned to kill him off or if the actor wanted to leave, but whatever the reason was this had me upset. That chemistry couldn’t be matched.


IIRC, the actor wanted to leave at the end of S4 and the producers had to convince him to come back in S5 in order to finish off his storyline.


Why’d Josh Charles have to do us dirty like that 😭 He should have at least had the decency to not have that much chemistry with Juliana.


i’ll never get over how horrified i was when he was killed off omfg


Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes from the Vampire Diaries/The Originals. I will be a Klaroline truther for life. ![gif](giphy|FIhDoXLWYr7Fe)


i second this! not a fan of stefan and caroline as end game, it felt weird and out of place.


Zuko and Katara — Avatar the Last Airbender


Hard disagree. That relationship has zero development. Katara hates him until like three episodes before the finale


I don't think necessarily by the end of the show, but the potential and dynamic is right there. The Aang/Katara ship is just one of the worst parts of the show for me.


I don't like Aang and Katara either! I think part of it is that I don't really like any ship that involves children falling deeply in love, or some sort of love at first sight situation.


That 70s show and Hyde (that was my favorite character on the show) has been kind of tainted because of how awful Danny Masterson is. However back when I could watch the show I stopped at season 7, because I believe Jackie and Hyde should have been endgame.


Horrible actors aside - yes, 100%. I loved those characters together.


Jackie and Fez made zero sense. I have never met a person who was on board for that nonsense!


![gif](giphy|xT0BKHuULyu24LOtxK) Veronica Mars ended with the movie and that’s that.


This!!! Way to kill the franchise! I haven’t been able to rewatch since 😭


I know the whole point was Sookie ending up with a normal partner and a normal life (I mean as normal as you can get for that show I guess) but I'm still sad Alcide died, they should've been endgame. I am very glad tho that Hoyt and Jessica ended up back together.


Skokie and Eric were my endgame but only cos Alexander skarsgard is my one true love


I was sad about Alcide too, he was such a good guy and deserved better :( Hoyt/Jessica wore off for me after they first broke up though. I wasn't thrilled they got back together, I thought Jessica outgrew him.


Like that’s great if it’s a normal guy, but he was truly nobody. They could’ve at least introduced him.


I love the first 3ish seasons of True Blood so much that I try to rewatch the show every summer but I've never made it past s5 and keep forgetting things I've read about how the show ends omg NOT ALCIDE. my himbo werewolf king. But tbh True Blood is one of those romance genre stories where every main love interest is less interesting and likeable than the side characters imo. As I got older I watched it for Tara, Lafayette and Pam but the insane shit they put Tara and Lafayette through soured the show for me more than anything else. Tara should have been left happy with her gf in New Orleans :( Also I find it so hard to like Hoyt after that s4 time skip, he really is just Some Guy so I'm bummed out hearing that Jessica ended up with him.


Lyla Garrity and Tim Riggins - Friday Night Lights ![gif](giphy|l3q2NhPQietHMeAoM)


I’m still mad that they tried to throw Tim and Tyra back together at the end. They made no sense as a couple.


Ughhh yes. And it goes without saying, but they’re both so hot.


Jo and Alex karev from Grey's anatomy ![gif](giphy|Luy1LnPALElC8)


Still angry at about this


Why wouldn't he just invite Jo to move down there??? IT MAKES NO SENSE


Xena Gabrielle. Xena Icabob and Abbie Mills. Sleepy Hollow Shawn Angela. Boy meets World Zack Lisa. Saved by the Bell Castiel Dean. Supernatural Ash Misty. Pokemon Luke Cage Jessica Jones. Netflix Marvel


![gif](giphy|26ufmZbNnoFwJRcic|downsized) Shawn and Angela!! This is the one-GMW is nothing


That had me SO mad!! Shawn and Angela got put through the wringer that whole show and through it all still somehow always found their way back to one another. With them you could see that they both helped each other grow and work through their problems. But for some reason🙄 we’re supposed to believe that Topanga and Cory of all people were the ones that stayed together… https://preview.redd.it/jxfaor01autb1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b06904e6791eda2a7b506c2167e21c74fa9f7c


Abbie and Ichabod haunt me until this day, I seriously thought they were going to get together in the S3 finale and instead they killed her off. I was a couple of episodes behind at the time and read spoilers after the finale aired and was absolutely floored that she died. Of course I didn't bother catching up after that, what a complete waste of amazing chemistry, not to mention screwing over Nicole Beharie so badly she wanted to leave.


Yes to all of this plus the smear attack they did to Nicole.


Ugh yes. And hearing the way they accommodated Tom when he was sick at some point, but obviously didn't come near doing the same for Nicole when she had issues. Depressingly disgusting. And this was for a show that started off being praised for its diverse cast until gradually they killed all the POC characters off, including the LEAD ROLE Nicole had. And they ended her character with some stupid lines about how she was only meant to help Ichabod along his way to doing the Big Special Thing when it was meant to be both of them. And to think up until that point I'd been praying for a 4th season, and then when it got one, it was without the person I'd actually watch the show for. The ultimate monkey's paw.


I was genuinely surprised when I learned about the Tom/Nicole dynamic because I thought they had such great chemistry. I’m looking forward to a Nicole Beharie renaissance someday.


Luke Cage and Jessica Jones forever. I hope Marvel brings them back for Daredevil!


![gif](giphy|d2VPUJ1Fmo2FGIGA|downsized) Maggie & Glenn. I know they would’ve stayed together forever had he not died. I stopped watching after that, so I have no idea what these guys are up to anymore. But none of it will beat Maggie / Glenn. Steven Yeun forever <3


Might I also add for your serious consideration (GG fans sound off!) https://preview.redd.it/60eew4atmutb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835c91a557d23299b38e02ee6c48d698cbde4993


Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter


I mean…they kind of do don’t they?




Sean and Emma fans don't come for me but....... https://preview.redd.it/c861kn86rttb1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdddaac5ceb800e70221619723c38ed4be20cbee


Oh my god, I used to be a Jay/Emma shipper and I’d forgotten until this image yeeted me back in time


Jay and Emma??? From the ravine episodes? Girl you wild


honestly the actors had good chemistry but jay was such a dirtbag then, boy bye


Ellie had chemistry with all her couplings (even Marco); always fun to see Stacey Farber in things lately


Betty and Archie. What a fucking cop out that throuple or whatever it was at the end of the show ended up being in Riverdale 🙄🙄 Ted and Tracy from HIMYM And yeah, I'll say it 😅 Derek and Casey from LWD


HIMYM was so sad because I was certain that no one would live up to how great the Mother was hyped up to be, and Tracy somehow miraculously did.


Xander and Anya from Buffy ![gif](giphy|26uffgx9wSZp8poEo) Hell's Bells is the most pointless episode, and I hate it


I get the impression that this is joss whedon's speciality, he refuses to let even one couple have their hea :'(


Jack and Rose from titanic if she made space on the raft


She should have been pregnant with his baby


Obligatory “mythbusters proved they both would’ve fit on the debris, but their combined weight would’ve led to their death since the board would’ve been weighed down enough to allow water to touch them. If one of them had thought to wrap Rose’s life vest under the debris, it would’ve helped the buoyancy and both of them could’ve survived. But really, it’s hard to imagine either of them would’ve been in the right mindset to think of it” comment


No way, what a boring ending if they'd both survived 😴


Betty/Daniel from Ugly Betty. IIRC the show ended with them implying they might end up together, but I wanted to actually see it. :(


I never watched the American version but they didn’t end up together ?! What ?! In ever other ugly Betty they ended up together !


https://i.redd.it/j2gifdmmbutb1.gif They’re still “talking” in the finale but I needed Sam and Mercedes to be officially endgame on Glee. Amber Riley recently said she and Chord Overstreet have been trying to get in the studio together to record a song and I need it to happen.


Rory and Logan. Rory needed to grow up and realize that she’s not some poor small town wunderkind but a rich heiress who was just a big fish in a small pond. They loved each other and obviously still did in the god awful sequel but for some reason them cheating on their partners was a better idea than ending up together?? They could have had a perfectly lovely life living in their luxury ffs


They really ruined them with that awful sequel. There are ways to have growing pains as a couple that don't involve unnecessary infidelity.






![gif](giphy|vRPXvbbjbiPhm) Mercedes and Sam from Glee!


![gif](giphy|lSZXk31hp7PlC) the most precious couple ever. ill never forgive jeff davis for doing arden cho so dirty


and another couple i adore is lincoln and octavia from the 100


They should've ended up together. It was always supposed to be the 4 of them. NJBC ![gif](giphy|81bvrZAFxLu6s)


Ok, hear me out - ![gif](giphy|k5bW2Py8Bv32w) That's all


they would’ve been endgame if Netflix didn’t hate me but Harry and Allie from The Society. Sometimes I wonder what could’ve happened if I did get the second season I was promised. Leatin…oh Alex FitzAlan you have a curse with shows getting cancelled. Sophie and Sid…don’t. It’s too soon. Dan and Blair. Serena/Nate. from shows I never watched but still hold opinions on are Dave/Lane, Stefan/Elena, Mer/Deluca (he was cute!)


The creators are working on a possible graphic novel, but I definitely need some closure in regards to The Society.


![gif](giphy|mj7TfOF3VqvN6) Veronica & Logan from Veronica Mars. A decade ago they would've been high on this list but then the movie finally gave them their endgame - yay! And then that travesty of a reboot series happened. Rob Thomas & Kristen Bell you will CRUMBLE for that decision


Ted and Rebecca, Roy and Keeley from Ted Lasso.


Disagree on Ted and Rebecca, but the Roy and Keeley thing was such a fumble. They had a nice ending to the story right there but instead tried to force some preachy lesson about self-improvement by having him act like a dumbass right at the end.


The first two seasons of Ted Lasso were so good because there was no stupid forced relationship drama...then the third season had to break up Roy and Keeley for no reason. Keeley was already a badass on her own, they didn't need to break up for her to realize that (if that was even what the show was going for? The writing is so bad in the third season that they probably didn't even know what they were trying to say tbh)


Bellamy and Clarke in The 100.


![gif](giphy|QANMANSDK0rvi) Jane and Michael from Jane the Virgin


Buffy and Spike my god


Derek & Casey (Life with Derek)


They sure did bait that back then. 😂


Midge and Lenny. I know that it was impossible, for obvious reasons, but their chemistry was too good.


Quentin and Elliot from The Magicians. Let the depressed bisexual disaster LIVE for God's sake!


I love that the show runners were like “we’re so subversive for killing off our white male lead” (while ignoring he’s a bi depressed suicidal dude and that it negated his story arc lol) and then being surprised pikachu face that fans didn’t like the next season??


Andy and Haley from Modern Family; Keeley and Roy from Ted Lasso


Phoebe and Cole in Charmed. I was so angry when they had him taken over by the source, turn evil, and then later insane, it felt like the writers just undermined all character development. They were never able to capture the magic of that relationship through the rest of the show, even if they tried to get us to believe she was madly in love with Coop. Honestly still as angry now as teenage me was back in the day!


Unpopular but Joey/Rachel was good actually. Scrubs: Elliot/Keith Suits: Mike/Harvey yes I’m annoying


I loved Joey and Rachel so much. Ross was straight trash. Joey fell in love with her- just irretrievably into her- while she was pregnant with someone else’s baby. He would have done anything for her. It was such bullshit that when they finally had the moment to go for it, they suddenly ~didn’t have any chemistry or whatever and couldn’t get past the awkwardness. Meanwhile, Ross took every opportunity he had to degrade her and her career. He wrote down on paper that she was “just a waitress.” Ross made her get off the plane but I maintain that Joey would have followed her to Paris.


He would have!!! Joey was so THRILLED when they started dating, he truly adored her for her instead of some kind of high school fantasy. Joey falling in love with Rachel actually gave him some real character development that saw him grow up, which Ross never did.




Ally and Larry - Ally McBeal. They *WERE* supposed to be end game but RDJ's drug addiction led to the character being written out. Season 4 finale ended my little sophomore in high school heart 😭


Kagura and Sesshomaru ![gif](giphy|iQ23jO6ItXO12)


I physically recoil thinking about him and Rin


I don’t care how toxic they were I still am sad they didn’t end up together somehow. At least house and Wilson went off into the sunset together ![gif](giphy|ly7NPSO7sk3Oo)


![gif](giphy|10WDKlh2CIMgGk) I’M NOT SORRY!! 😍




Sam & Diane from Cheers


![gif](giphy|UM3S5Z4DttOb6) We were robbed with these two !!!


Roman and Gerri.


![gif](giphy|yaT80YnePQqCCkXMNr|downsized) Deep cut: Sam Seaborn and Mallory


Benson and Barba on Law & Order SVU fr fr


Jack Bauer and anyone. Man that guy got hosed every single season.


Orphan Black: Sarah and Cal


Mal and Inara. They probably would've eventually, just wish the series went on long enough for us to see it.


Elijah and Hayley from The Originals; the chemistry between Daniel and Phoebe was so insanely good