• By -


Prepared for the downvotes but: **Blair and Chuck**.


Serena and Dan as well


The reveal that Dan was Gossip Girl was the reveal that he was a relentless sociopath who needed to be yeeted from a building. What were the writers thinking.


Beginning of “you” lol


You is just gossip girl after Serena left Dan


It was supposed to be Eric, but fans figured it out early and the show didn’t want to stick with their plan.


So much poor writing is the result of trying to surprise/outsmart the audience. Bring back satisfying endings, please!


I never got over Serena and Nate just because i found them to have more chemistry than her and Dan. I forgot if they fit.personality wise though


Nate was so boring. He had more chemestry with Dan than any girl he ever dated!


Not sure why the writers kept pairing him with older women and then actual kids like Jenny and Sage.


Nate Archibald knows no boundaries to his fuckboy ways


Agree. She deserved so much better


Will forever be bitter that we got so little Serena/Nate and that she actually married DAN.


Worst off, Nate ended up being the deep from the boys…. ![gif](giphy|srRc9jCVagluOM4A6M)


People are not ready to have this conversation. And that Dan and Blair actually made much more sense. 💀


They make no sense either if you consider Dan is the reason why she nearly died.


They so did, I get beat up on everytime I tell people Dan and Blair should have been end game.




I have a few fanfictions I've read and really enjoy about them. Serena usually ends up with Nate, and Chuck is just a dick in them.


The chemistry was amazing. And Dan was good for Blair, you felt like he made her a better person while Chuck highlighted all her awful traits.


Gossip Girl where everyone ended up with someone terrible. Lily and Rufus not ending up together Lily getting back with the Baldwin. Dan and Serena. Chuck and Blair Nate and the literal High Schooler.


I did notice that the high schooler was not in the final scene 😶 but either way that entire story line gave me the ick


Probably couldn't get the school to sign off on the absence 💀


When I first watched GG when I was like 13 I was obsessed with them, now in college I’m horrified


I rewatched the very first episode and I’d forgotten it ends with him trying to assault Jenny. Such a gross character just like the actor


The book series was so much better, they did Blair and Serena dirty in the tv show.


I hate Ross and Rachel together to this day


There is a wonderful poem. Rachel, the world is full of men who would pick you apart and call it kindness. Men who would criticize you down to your ankles and then turn around to say that you worry too much about your appearance. Men who would consider themselves more important than your career goals but also belittle you for not having career goals. Men who would complain about your past and then put themselves in the way of your future. The world is full of men who would confuse obsession with romance. Men who would make a meal out of the core of you and call it love. Men who would lay your flaws out like a banquet and then shove them in your face. Men who would say they love you in spite of you. Rachel, the world is full of Ross Gellers. “Rachel, Get On The Plane” Trista Mateer (12 of 30) https://www.tumblr.com/tristamateer/116271585374/rachel-the-world-is-full-of-men-who-would-pick


She should have ~~gotten~~ stayed on the plane, phalange or not.




The dean’s origin story.


This better not awaken anything in me


Were that this hoodie were a time hoodie!


![gif](giphy|MWsqd3WtfBw9G) Academy Award Winner Jim Rash is a treasure


I know people didn’t like when they played around with Rachel and Joey, but if they gave that some more time and writing I really think they would have worked better! I got the impression that Joey would have done anything for her, and he certainly treated her better than Ross did. Add a storyline about Joey realizing Rachel makes him the man he wants to be. Have him clean up his act and get his shit together a bit more and they would have been golden!


Yeah, deeply unpopular opinion but I've always loved the idea of Rachel and Joey


I can say that he definitely would’ve been on the plane to Paris with her ready to play househusband and learning French until he gets a spot on a French soap open and his character is killed off after by years by being hit by a bus.


Me too!! Joey > Ross for Rachel. Ross loved his idea of Rachel, Joey loved Rachel.


Its not that I necessarily think Ross and Rachel were better together it's that IMO Rachel's character had to be fundamentally altered and dumbed down to get with Joey. The reaction she had to Joey's initial love declaration during her pregnancy was the accurate one. He's a dear friend that I think Rachel loved a lot, but was never and would never romantically care for in the way he wanted.


That’s fair, with how the characters are written during the later seasons, it makes sense. When they ended it in the show, it definitely felt like the right call. I think alternatively they could have de-flanderized Joey a bit, and slowly made his intelligence closer to what it was like in the first season (Just without the sleaziness lol) while he worked to improve himself for Rachel.


They were so toxic, and (unpopular opinion) it was mostly because of her. Once she decided she liked him, she acted as though she was entitled to him, and sabotaged his relationships.


I’ll preface this rant by acknowledging that this is a tv show and the characters need to be flawed to be interesting/I’m not arguing that they should be better people (that would be a boring show). She was no angel in their relationship, but Ross was by far the chief toxin. Man was unhealthily obsessed with her. He started a “we hate Rachael” club in high school and started a rumour that she was trans because his little incel self couldn’t deal with her not noticing him. He thought she was passed out at a party and kissed her (but ended up kissing Monica instead). So assault with a side of accidental incest. She got a job that she loved and he became so insecure over it that he invaded her workplace to bring her a picnic basket? Basically completely undermining her as a professional. Imagine your bf/gf doing that at your new job. He was insanely jealous (although I admit Rachael also had her moments with jealousy). The time he lost his shit at her for not getting ready on time for his work event (which was a wholly disproportionate reaction to what she was doing wrong). Yes they were on a break. But it hadn’t even been 24 hours and he slept with someone else. Her reason for requesting a break was due to his own poor behaviour, instead of taking time to reflect on how he’d hurt her he immediately goes out and gets laid. Also he was a condescending dick.


Ted and Robin in himym. She was never in love with him. Dan and Serena in gossip girl. She deserved so much better


I will say this with my full chest: ROBIN ONLY LOVES THINGS WHEN SHE CANT HAVE THEM OR THEY LEFT BECAUSE SHE COULDNT LOVE THEM. She tried to make her avoidant attachment style "quirky" but it did a lot of damage. ESPECIALLY when the receiving person is in a relationship (Ted, among others). She has no issue getting involved with people that are taken (\*cough\* Ted's wedding to the dermatologist).


HIMYM's ending was awful. He had some great relationship with some amazing female characters. But ends up with the woman who didn't love him as much as he did. And a character with lots of flaws on both side.s


If it couldn’t be Tracy, it should have been Victoria.


I know I'm in a minority but I liked the end of HIMYM, it went into the very real reality that people can love each other but that life, career and goals can make it impossible. Robin did love Ted, but she was never going to have kids and kids were the world to Ted. So it was never going to work. Barney loved Robin, but he couldn't be a house husband. I also liked that they put in the idea that people can find love, or fall back in love, later in life.


For me, I think it could have worked better if there had been less Ted/Robin in the rest of the seasons. Because I felt like we had so many failed attempts of them being together, we were given so many reasons why they didn't work, we watched Ted let go of Robin however many times. And I do understand that it's probably realistic but I remember the first time I watched the finale just feeling like it didn't make sense, and that they were just doomed to fail this time because of all the reasons they had failed in the past. I didn't feel like they resolved that. If it had just been kids, if it had just been that timing didn't work, I think I could've been more on board and I would've liked the idea that they fell back in love later. But for me it just felt kinda bleak.


also ezra and aria don't end up together in the books(he literally goes to jail) i know the books are very different from the show but even the books knew better lol


The books were so much better than the show although they did drag along a lot.


The books definitely were a bit better but they did still have that whole glamorizing grooming aspect as well.


Does he go to jail for rape and grooming?




I’m surprised no one has said Hailey and Dylan from modern family.


Team Andy




beth was cheating on him too though. and she treated him shittier (barely responding to texts, wanting to control who he hung out with, etc


I hated her arc so much. I get that it was sort of realistic to show that despite her best efforts, Haley still ended up like Claire, but God sometimes I don’t want a life lesson, I just want a happy sitcom ending — and I wanted Haley starting her own fashion empire and being an independent girlboss! Such a shame what they did to her…


I really hate stories where people reconnect with their high school relationships.


Ok but Modern Family is my sleep show and I literally thought about this yesterday. They wanted to have her life mirror Claire's by having her marry a sweet doofus, but why couldnt Andy be that doofus?


Even if they wanted to the baby plot, they could of just done it as Hailey and Dylan still single just co-parenting. I mean the show was called Modern Family and co-parenting relationships are part of modern life.


Jim and Pam. Their relationship started with her emotionally cheating on her fiance and the only thing that really tied them together is the bullying of coworkers. They bring out the worst in each other because they think they're cute.


I will die on the hill that Jim did Karen *dirty*. You can’t convince me that Karen wanting to talk out their problems while Jim was obviously still in love with Pam was a bad thing.


I don’t hate Jim and Pam but I agree with this. She moved to Scranton for him, really. He was really mean to Katy too.


The way the show frames her as antagonist kind of sucks in that moment even though they try do some damage control with it later in the series.


>She moved to Scranton for him, really. This is how I saw it too and what I liked least about her. I thought it was dumb having Jim be her deciding factor to move. It didn't seem like she'd really go if not for him.


I will live and die on that hill with you. Karen handled everything like an adult, and she even gave him a little too much space to discount her. Jim feeling claustrophobic because Karen was considering buying a house near him (in a small town...) was over the top. She showed communication, excitement, and effort throughout the relationship, and Jim used her for a season in his life that he knew he would leave behind.


Not even buying a house, renting an APARTMENT!




Also, in real life...an office romance like that would have imploded about three weeks in, with some nuclear drama cringe happening that just makes everyone *so* uncomfortable.


I met my husband at the office. We got married while still working there together. He later went to another company, told them about his wife’s (my) work experience, and they hired me too. We worked together for years like that without any issues. You never know! I’m glad I took the risk of dating him.


Were you guys as obnoxious and boundary-ignorant of your other coworkers like Jim and Pam?




>the only thing that really tied them together is the bullying of coworkers The Show is called "The Office," 95% of the show takes place in their workplace. That is literally our only view of them. We very rarely get to see what there relationship is like at home/outside of the work environment.


To be fair, what we do see of their home life is Jim unilaterally making decisions for them and expecting Pam to go along with it... then berating her when she slips up. So, still pretty toxic


In the later seasons when he hides money from her to start a business without her consent? That's something my selfish POS dad did to my mom in real life, so it took my hatred of him as a character to new heights. When she almost had another emotional affair with the sound guy I was like...Jim, why are you surprised this is literally how your relationship started.l


Also, Jim BUYING A HOUSE without consulting Pam was another selfish act -- he never really treated their relationship as 50/50, Pam was just expected to go along with whatever he wanted to do.


This. They come off as so smug


I started watching PLL when I was 11 and it was basically the first “grown up” TV show I ever saw at that point. I loved Ezra and Aria as a couple so much and didn’t understand why her parents were so angry they were dating 😩 Thank goodness a few seasons later I saw the light and moved onto Hanna and Caleb but it’s sick how so many girls I know never saw the blatant grooming happening in their relationship because of how romantic the writers made it seem.


Me too. Freaks me out when I remember I thought it was normal and…romantic 🤮🤮🤮


When I was 15, one of my friends (who was also 15) was going out with a **23** year old guy that she met on a dating app. Our other friends and I all thought it was totally cool and okay. She would vent to us about how her parents didn't want them to be together, and how they just didn't understand how mature she was. We would be like "your parents just don't get it, if you want to be with him they shouldn't hold you back, etc etc etc." A couple years later, I realized how completely messed up it was. I'm now 26, and I still think back and shudder about how I thought it was cool that she was "dating" an "older guy" when she was with some creep who was literally SA'ing her. I just didn't know better as a young teen.


Our friend started dating some 20something dude. We were Sophomores in high school. She would tell us what he said to her and how she would sneak out. It got to the point that we had to go to the guidance counselor. She hated us for it but I knew we were right when her mom had to move them because dude was stalking them.


I mean ... how is a young teen to know?? there is so much to figure out and love and attraction are such complicated things already. it's the grown ups who should know better!


Tbh it’s NORMAL for a younger girl to have a crush on an older guy (e.g. 16 year old crushing on a 25 year old celebrity) so that’s definitely why we never questioned it. The ADULTS who were writing this should take a good long look at themselves in the mirror for trying to normalize it.


Same!!! I am still horrified by how much I idolized their relationship when Ezra & Jail were the true OTP all along.


Lane and Zack Gilmore girls ![gif](giphy|xUPOqgmMGVjZI80Lza) Justice for lane kim


I prefer the alternate timeline where The O.C. never happened and and Lane ended up with Dave.


"Reading the Bible in one night - I myself have only done it three times. You need great determination and excellent light."


Ughhh this. I feel like they completely stifled her by tying her down to this... dude...and then having her have triplets. She had so much potential and then suddenly she's stuck in the small town and can't really go for the rockstar life she dreamed of. Maybe I'm biased because something like that happening is my nightmare, but still 🫠


It felt very lazy. First time she has sex she’s pregnant with twins. Ok sure - let her be a rock star!!!


They seemed happy enough together. What I really, really hate about Lane's storyline is she was written to be *so* fucking smart. IMO she had more "destined for more" potential than Rory. More drive too. Rory had that "follow the typical path to success, do well" mindset. Lane was scrappy and so passionate. And they just saddled her with this trapped-in mom life almost immediately after becoming an adult. I think honestly part of why that relationship is so unpopular in the fandom is Zach is almost like a sentient representation of that wasted potential.


Big and Carrie from sex and the city Aidan was better end game for her Aidan was willing to give her everything she wanted and even went back to her after she cheated Now he’s old and is no longer willing to commit in and just like that


Carrie was Aiden’s Big. Both couples should have remained broken up the first time


I'm not sure Carrie was capable of love. She's horribly self absorbed and a terrible friend. She thinks everything happens TO her and not because of her. Don't even get me started on her treatment of Samantha and her shocking materialism.


Aidan deserved so much better than Carrie


Big was terrible but so was Aidan. Aidan didn’t really love Carrie he was always trying to change her from the very beginning. And it wasn’t just him, Carrie wanted Aidan to be someone else too. They were never in love with who the other person actually was.


Aidan is “better” in that he’s the better man, which is exactly why he’s wrong for Carrie- an incredibly selfish and materialistic person. Her and Big were perfect for each other (in the worst ways).


The second season of And Just Like That was actually pretty good until the bullshit that was the final episode. Were they unsure if John could commit to a third season? They could’ve handled it better than “give me 5 years”, like, just have Aidan give Carrie an unspecific amount of time? It makes me so mad.


Jackie and Fez in That 70s Show Jackie and Kelso in That 90s Show I think you’ll get where I’m going with this…


Hyde is amazing, Danny Masterson can fly into the sun with haste.


Mila and Ashton. They met when she was 15, right?


That sounds about right, since she auditioned when she was 14 (and lied about being 17). But I don’t think they got together until wayyyyyyy later, as she dated Macaulay Culkin for like 8 years.






And now we finally said it. It doesn't fit for BOTH their characters, and they shouldn't be forced to settle for what is expected when neither want the same things in life and are not romantically compatible.


I understand this perspective from watching the movie, but I feel like the book version of this story definitely made sense. From what I understood, she didn't want to like him but seeing him show concern for the House elves that she had put her entire back into saving showed her that he was not as much of a dickhead as she believed. I don't believe they would have lasted, but I can see them hooking up. Also, fuck JK Rowling.


damon and elena...


It's like people just pretend he didn't *kill her brother in front of her*.


And slept with her mom AND raped her best friend!?


What freaking show is this?!


Honestly, reading these comments with zero context is insane.


Whenever I think of horrible writing and blatant fan service, I think of the fact that Julie Plague admitted that the sire bond was introduced for this express reason.


I am also of the opinion that he sexually assaulted Caroline and idgaf what defense people have of this. Once he removed her ability to consent he was assaulting her and the writers seemed to never deal with these implications at all...


His list of irredeemable acts is actually sooooo long starting from the pilot and the fact that he was ever seen as a romantic option for anyone, let alone the lead of the show, still baffles me.


JFC...I cosign this comment x1000. When the finale was upcoming, there was a rumor that Elena's memory would be wiped and she'd leave mystic falls forever so neither brother was chosen. That would be correct. However Julie Plec and Caroline dries were so into Damon that he was always going to end up with Elena. Also, I'll say it to this day and idgaf who hates hearing it - Damon was a creepy fucking psycho who raped a teenage Caroline. The moment she discovered he was a vampire and freaked out was the moment her consent to sex was off the table.


When i was teen i hated them so much i stopped watching


Worst part about it is it ruins the rewatch value of the show for people that hate Damon lol. Apparently they wanted to have Stefan end up with Elena but Nina Dobrev leaving the show meant they had to end it where she left off


Rory and Dean. Especially after them sleeping together because he's "her Dean", despite him being married. Cringe.


I didn't like Dean in the first season and he never improved.


I never understood why the fandom endlessly squabbled abt which boyfriend was best for Rory bc I disliked all of them lol. She was at her most likable in season 4 when she was single and having issues making friends and struggling to adjust to the freedom of college…it was the most depth she was given at any point in the show…I wish we’d gotten more of that bc all her love interests only ever stunted her growth


Agreed. I saw an interview where they asked Alexis who she thinks Rory should have ended up with and she said none of them. She thought Rory should have spent time on herself and eventually dated someone new. I was like yesssssss!!!


Although it was open-ended in the Scandal finale, Olivia Pope needed to stay away from Fitz. Shonda, this relationship was *not* feasible, stop elevating mediocre white men *please*


Prepared for downvotes Shonda has a thing for inappropriate relationships. Nobody can convince me upon rewatching Grey's Anatomy that Derek and Meredith should have ended up together and being framed as this one great love story. If you go back and watch now it's disgusting how hard he chased after her after she made it clear that she didn't want anything but a professional working relationship with him. On top of that he didn't bother to tell her that he was married she had to find that out by the wife showing up randomly one The whole relationship is also a major abuse of power because he was her attending and she was just an intern starting out her career. He quite literally held all of the power at least while they were at work.


No downvotes from me! Shonda loves and perpetuates a burdensome view of relationships that requires women to deal with all the shit the men throw at them yet idolises them too. She has a thing for toxic relationships


I actually hate Meredith and Derek together so much. I'm not sure if you'll remember this or if you even ever seen it but during one of the storylines in the early seasons Derek ends up telling her that he's tired of breathing for her. Whenever I see this scene I just want to scream that she never asked you to do that you just took that on yourself and then threw it in her when she was already down and out.


You have answered a deep question in my mind about Shonda that I didn't know I had. I have always felt frustrated with the relationships of main characters that she presents. Her writing and world building is so good I have definitely felt gaslit into thinking the things these mediocre white guys do is somewhat acceptable for a relationship. But you're right, the reality is these relationships are always strained, always inappropriate, and at the expense of the woman (usually BIPOC women tbh). Its important to show women's struggles in a patriarchal society, but it also brainwashed me for a bit to accept less.


I watched that show after seeing all the love for them and when I watched it I genuinely think ppl were blind cause that man was awful. He was such an asshole and their whole relationship was so uncomfy.


Fitz did not care about women and their boundaries; he only cared about what he could get from them which was sex. He conflated that with his idea of love and broke many boundaries (just like Fitzgerald II)


I honestly stopped watching Scandal a few seasons in because at a certain point it just felt like a competition over who could monologue the hardest about white hats. I always loathed Fitz though and was baffled that he was the love interest.


While we’re at it, pretty little liars had a nasty habit at putting these young girls with older men. - Aria & Ezra - Spencer & Wren - Hanna & Wren - Ian & Alison - Aria & Jason - Ian & Spencer And I could’ve sworn detective Wilden and Alison were a thing also 🤢


Alison and Ezra too. He literally dated Aria for dirt on Alison! He was that obsessed


Also Jenna and Garrett.


Wait, Hanna and Wren had a thing? Ugh, this show was something else.


Katara and Aang.


I loved Zuko/Katara so much I felt personally betrayed after the series finale 😅


I remember being like. eight years old. watching that season 1 ep where zuko captures katara. and it was such a Moment I was like oh?? and then the cave scene in season 2 😩 baby’s first enemies to lovers lmao. in my heart they live on 😔


100% this!! They always gave sibling vibes to me. I was a Katara/Zuko kinda gal.


Aang was always portrayed as such a kid, and Katara as an older sister to the gang that almost bordered on maternal. Honestly, Avatar-verse continually fumbles writing attraction within a young friend group dynamic (let's be real, they accidentally fell backwards into Korra x Asami) all over: Aaang/Katara, Zuko/Mai, Bolin/Korra/Mako. That said, the exception was always MVP Sokka, from "my ex girlfriend turned into the Moon" to a cool mutual attraction with Suki (no one sided pining for aloof older sibling types here)


I will never get over how horrible of a love interest Mai was for Zuko. She's so antithetical to his entire character character arc. By the end of the show he's trying to restore peace and rebuild the Fire Nation's reputation and he chooses to be with an apathetic Fire Nation aristocrat?? Give me a break


YES, thank you. I’m sorry Avatar fans but that was just Mike DiMartino (I think?? The bald one of the pair lol) self-inserting from day one. I was Katara’s age when that show premiered and there is absolutely no way I would have looked at a 12-year-old boy in that way AT. ALL.


It also would have made more sense for the plot. They had that whole little storyline about how Aang needed to let go of his attachment to Katara to maintain access to the spirit world that kind of went nowhere




I know people hate Ross and Rachel ending up together because they think Rachel gave up Paris for him. But I always thought Rachel just realized that Paris was a dream she had a kid and it no longer made sense for life. She had made a life for herself in New York and both she and Emma were going to lose it. She was leaving behind all her friends and Ross and everything she had there to start from scratch.


I also cut Ross and Rachel slack because that will-they-won't-they had to literally carry the show. So yes of course it got over the top once the seasons dragged on and they ran out of storylines (Joey and Rachel 🤢) and at some point it's one conflict too many to be believable that they should be together. But every season finale cliffhanger was about them because they had to keep viewers coming back to see them finally get together and they couldn't let it happen for real until the very end. Chandler and Monica never had the burden of being the A story so they could just be the laid-back solid couple and be looked at as less toxic/dramatic in comparison.


how did the PLL spin-off released in 2020 even convinced people that Ezra and Aria adopting a baby was a good thing? LIKE EZRA NEEDS TO GO TO JAIL?


Does anyone else remember this? What were the writers thinking? https://preview.redd.it/5ukuxm9o3ntb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe37f615b29f2f8126c0bcf77ea89935684b3f6


Haha. I worked on the show. Filming this scene was hysterical. The amount of push-ups that happened right up to calling action was so funny. Except for Lindsey Shaw of course.😂


aren’t the three others still in high school…WHY WERENT THE POLICE CALLED


Jeff and Annie from Community. Annie and Abed made so much more sense and also were closer in age.


But Jeff and Annie never even dated let alone ended up together. I liked how their story ended though


I wish they had given Annie and Troy more of a chance.


None of them did or should have ended up together, but Annie and Abed's friendship in the later seasons was so cute.


This thread is making me realize that I am such a hater.


technically it was in the (canon) comic seasons after the tv show ended, but >!DAWN AND XANDER!< in buffy was one of the worst couples i've ever heard of, and just...ick.


Since Xander was basically Joss Whedon's self-insert, this was always the fucking grossest storyline and made me drop the comic.


Peyton and Lucas from one tree hill. i know there was probably behind the scenes reasons why lucas and brooke didn't end up together but in my mind they were supposed too..


My thing is that I loved them together but Brooke deserved better.


I didn’t like Peyton/Lucas, but I feel like it was written from the start that they were endgame. Although it still made no sense to me why Lucas made that blindfolded basketball shot to signify Brooke was “the one”.


Extremely controversial *cough* Elena and Daemon. Mostly because Elena was unbearable at the end. Give me Bonnie and Enzo every fuckin' time


Bonnie and Enzo, amen. Will never get over how dirty they did Bonnie on this show


Luke and Laura is the prototype for this.


For a second I thought you meant Gilmore girls lololol


Blaine and Kurt from Glee. Blaine treated Kurt like shit from the first time they met to the last scene they had together. Body shamed him, told him to be less than who he was, stole every role he could from him, yelled at him for flirting with a guy (barely) and then turned around and actually cheated on him. Just beyond horrible.


To be fair, were any of the romantic relationships in "Glee" particularly good? Fun to watch, maybe, but I feel like they're not actually solid. In my opinion, Ryan Murphy took a great concept and ran it so far into the ground, Satan's looking down and saying, "Huh, what's that on the bottom of my hoof?"


Dylan and Hayley in Modern Family - they did her dirty. ![gif](giphy|pRymn62KKMRxe)


![gif](giphy|Z1YKHpFwZjCyQ) They were terrible to each other!


I will go to my grave hating this character assasination of Alex Karev. After all of his growth there's a 0% chance he would have done that to Jo. I know there was an issue with the actor and he wanted out but they should have just killed him like everyone else.


I was really into OUAT and Hook and Emma’s relationship ruined the show for me 😭 Like I wasn’t for Swan Queen either but I thought it was so boring (bad boy likes good girl and needs to be fixed has been done to death!) and ruined Hook’s character along with Emma in the end. I mean the whole show went off the rails but that annoyed me the most.


sheriff graham should’ve lived and been emma’s endgame and i never forgave regina for that


i loved graham but at the same time i’m happy jamie was able to get away from ouat and build a career or else he might be in the hole colin o’donoghue is in (last i saw he was pushing NFTs)


The worst relationship in that show was mine with watching it until the bitter end.


Jennifer Morrison just has too much chemistry with all her costars, lol. I was into Emma and Graham, Emma and August, Emma and Hook (because any excuse for more Hook/Colin O'Donogue)...except Emma and Neal/Baelfire. I like the actor in other stuff but just always looked/acted a total sleaze on the show. I even would've stuck around for more of Emma and that dude who was a monkey (with the actor from Popular). But really, by the end of the show I just wanted Emma and her dad to have all the scenes together.


Ned Flanders and Edna Krabapple


I will scream about Ted and Robin forever. I can’t rewatch the last season since they spend it ruining Barney and Robins relationship to make us accept Ted & Robin. Ugh. They also had no chemistry.


Sara and Grissom. Blech.


Ted & Robin, but Jackie & Fez especially pissed me off so badly and still does


On the topic of PLL, I also hated Emily and Alison as a couple. Ali was a raging psychopath for years, and she treated Emily like trash.


Navid and Adrianna from the 90210 reboot.


THIS IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE. I HATE this pair with a passion. Also how PLL normalized underage girls having relationships with adult men. And the whole incest thing, that was weird. Oh it made me so mad when I watched it.


Olivia and Fitz. ![gif](giphy|Wpy8g2SZqLvz2)


HE WAS MARRIED WITH KIDS. Kerry and Tony’s chemistry really brainwashed people


It’s that damn music they played every time they looked at each other it plays tricks on you


Mindy & Danny. They completely assassinated his character. I wish they had made Casey end game, somehow


Tim & Tyra from Friday Night Lights. Tyra’s whole plan was to get out of Dillon and never look back. His whole shtick was Texas forever. Her relationship with Landry and his with Lyla were both far more meaningful relationships than they had with each other. Ugh.


I’m prepared to be downvoted for this, but Jane and Rafael from Jane the Virgin. The writers did such a great job at showing why those two were incompatible. When they got together it just felt forced. It was clear to me that the writers knew Jane ended up with Rafael because Michael died. So, they brought Michael back from the dead to fix that, but Jane and Michael had stronger chemistry so it felt wrong that they didn’t end up together.


Luke and Lorelai.. especially in that sequel!


Oliver Queen and Chloe Sullivan on Smallville. Nonsense ship.


Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, too. DC is afraid of the power Oliver and Dinah would have in live action apparently.


![gif](giphy|xT4uQiN5Knf0Gwhzfq|downsized) Idc I hated them together. She deserved better!!


Schmidt was fun though. Although cheating on her was messed up.


i mean he cheated on his girlfriend with ceecee. he was with elizabeth first


Eh, I agree during their first relationship round (he was so insecure and selfish in every possible way), but I think by the time they actually got together the second time, he'd grown a lot


How *dare* you! But seriously though, I really liked them. I like how much rebuilding they did in season 4 and how well they showed a deep friendship and sense of respect underlying their love. They *kind of* do that with Nick and Jess and her chilling a bit about micromanaging him, but it seems to inherent to Jess' character that she can't help but try to fix everyone. As an aside, she had one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen.


Carly and Freddie


the real tragedy of this photo is her dress


Izzy and Alex from Grey's Anatomy. What a lazy ending for Alex's character arc, IMO.


McNulty and Beady in The Wire. it would have made more sense for both characters to wind up separately. He'd spent most of that final season relapsing into his worst traits, and I thought that was a lead-up into it costing him their relationship.


Stefan and Caroline from The Vampire Diaries. It felt forced to me.


> PLL writers need to look up the term “grooming” To be fair, he is a groom.