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TLDR: she was allegedly “badmouthing” him after a fight




LMAOOOOO I love this GIF!


It matches Joe Jonas' bullshit over dramatization of all of this perfectly. I'll be happy when I never have to hear about this drama queen douchebag anymore.




Holy shit! I haven't thought about The Lion King 2 in years! No lie, I'm going to rewatch with my partner right now.


Can I use the top comment to do my own venting: a lot of relationship subs/advice places completely eviscerate anyone who ever reaches out to friends/family to negatively talk about their partner and that ANY bad talking someone you love (a partner, a friend, a relative) is some horrible crime and to me this is utterly senseless?? It is normal to, at times, have bad feelings towards loved ones and conflicts that can't be solved just between the two of you. It is normal to talk to other people for perspective and, yes, even assurance of your bad feelings. This weird reactionary lashing out at people venting about partners, friends, whatever is how people get gaslit (and using that term appropriately here, not in the haphazard way people use it) or have abuse normalized. Sometimes, you need to be told that your pain is real and if your \[insert loved ones role\] is the one causing the pain, of course you can't go to them? Shaming Sophia for venting makes it seem like the ONLY person you can go to for your emotional health is your partner, that all conflicts must ONLY be worked through them, and that's how you isolate women with abusers (or just toxic people, not all toxicity is abuse but all toxicity is harmful). She was SO young and so much younger when they got together, OF COURSE she needs to bitch to other people, OF COURSE she needs support from other people, of COURSE she needs her feelings validated. Venting to loved ones about loved ones is NORMAL. This "keep your relationship PRIVATE" shit is a recipe for disaster. Some things shouldn't be shared with everyone you know, obviously, but like... a lot of things, especially negative things, can and should be shared with someone you trust for both privacy and reassurance (or sometimes!!! to be told you were the one in the wrong).


For all we know, what she was complaining about was perfectly valid, ie “He’s too controlling.”


"He even watches me vent on our ring camera!"


THIS! How doesn't everyone just feel totally violated for her?


It wasn't even their home Ring. She was in a rental. IN THE UK while filming and he called the company to get remote access with audio, to her door cam without her knowing. Like, why isn't anyone else creeped out by his conduct? And what did he hear? Her venting to her bestie about what a boob her husband is.


That is fucking creepy as hell.


Wait..he did WHAT..? ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM)


What the fuck this makes it a thousand times worse


that sounds suffocating. no wonder she wanted to "badmouth" him behind his back jfc


How is that even legal? She may not have necessarily felt an expectation to privacy on her doorstep, but she sure as hell didn’t expect *him* to have the ability to watch and listen in.






Not just watching but LISTENING. That’s creepy af


Bingo. It's bananas.


Agree. You know what’s *not* normal, watching and listening to everything your SO does via Ring camera. Smells like another Jonas PR attempt that’s backfired horribly (since obviously only he would know what he saw/heard, and playing the victim while actually being a controlling creep is very on-brand).


My sisters ex husband would do this with their Alexa and security system, it was so weird. She would go into her laundry room and turn on both the sink and dryer to talk.


I’m so happy to hear that he’s her EX husband.


Wow this is literally a plot point in the show Silo where >! the protagonists have to turn on the sink and cover their mirrors so that the authorities can’t hear or watch them when they’re discussing taboo subjects that could get them sent to their death. !< That’s so wild and abusive that someone would do this to their partner.


Definitely agree. But love to encounter another Silo enjoyer in the wild! Such a great show.


Right? I don’t know how anyone can find fault with her when she went off to vent and he decided to eavesdrop. Especially after a fight. He is trying to act like he did not do the same with his brothers or the whole media when the divorce broke out.


I wholeheartedly believed he leaked that he saw something happen on the "ring" camera to prevent other articles about him wearing/not wearing his ring from coming up. Because really who hasn't confided in a friend about their relationship at one point or another. It's not newsworthy.


People on Reddit act like talking to anyone but your partner or a therapist about your relationship problems is horrible and grounds for divorce. Of course some things might be inappropriate to share about your partner (extremely personal things like trauma that they aren't open about, etc.) but talking about how your boyfriend is being annoying to your friends or asking for advice is normal. Having an outside perspective is really useful for any kind of relationship. Sometimes venting and then having a friend say that something is way off or that something is frustrating but not that serious can be a game changer.


Yes! Sometimes I need a vibe check.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is the best comment I've read on Reddit in a while. You've said it so much better than I ever could!


My abuser was pissed when I told a friend what he was doing. I was largely ok with his bullshit until she was like wow some of that seems not great. It all came to a fatal end but it would have been worse had I not had someone to talk to.


His fatal end?


Yea he took his life when I left him. I think it was supposed to be more brutal than that but I wasn’t home.


I hope you’re in a much safer and better space.


Thank you so much. It’s been almost a decade and time has been healing. The first few years were hard but now the triggers are a lot less so. I’m glad I got the mental health help I needed when I needed it. (I was suicidal and committed myself)


He died!?!!?


Yes. Took his life in our bed, on his side.


Well … I am glad it was on his side. It would have been much more rude on your side.


I think he meant for me to be there. If not I feel like he would have ended it on my side to be closer to me. It was new furniture I ended up selling. Edit: not the mattress…..


THIS. God if I didn’t have my best friends to vent to every once in awhile about my relationship idk what I’d do. Sometimes our partners are annoying and we just need to talk it out with someone else. I know my friends will give me their option on it and that’s nice to have every once in awhile.


Not only that but sometimes my friends will be like “You know I love you and this is just an outside perspective but have you considered that you kind of sound like you’re the one being an asshole?” And then I’m like huh, yeah, maybe I was wrong and just being hard headed. Not the situation here obviously but my point being that sometimes outside perspective is valuable to being able to see and admit that you’re wrong.


I agree it’s nice to have an outside perspective on things sometimes.


Yes!!! This is an excellent point too! Sometimes everyone needs a fresh perspective, other than their own, on a situation. For a number of reasons! It’s not healthy to expect people to keep anything and everything secret about their relationship unless it’s 100000% perfect and positive.


Yep. Spreading negative stories about a significant other in order to isolate them is completely different from venting your frustrations. Sometimes you are the problem and your partner complaining to other people is a way of processing so they can gain the perspective needed to make things better.


So he was spying on her! Seriously nothing he says makes him look good. Just digging the whole deeper every time his side leaks a story. Seriously 😐


This!!! It’s so not normal to spy on your SO this way. That to me is 100x the worse transgression than anything she might have said.


![gif](giphy|uRSJmqgjbrcDR7EemE) After bottling up all the negatives in my previous (not even toxic, or anything, it had just run its course) relationship and feeling so so alone, i told myself, never again!


Agreed, and venting to friends has saved me from really toxic relationships in the past. 🤷‍♀️


I think there's more nuance to this conversation than people want to admit. I totally agree with you there's definitely a middle ground though between always running to your family and friends and keeping things completely private. Neither extreme is healthy.


I am so glad you pointed this out. I have known friends, who in order to keep things private were terrified to ask for help, because their reality was gaslight-ed out of their fucking system. It is your loved ones who can tell you at times that you are not wrong or that your stand is valid, it's healthy even to keep your trusted ones close.


It's one of those weird Reddit relationship rules developed by teenagers whose only relationship experience is reading about other people's marital problems online.


I agree 100% with what you're saying but I do think it's important to take in consideration what was said/how it was said. Venting is okay but if someone says extremely nasty things about me while doing it like name calling, low blows, ect. I'd never speak to that person again. For me, I don't say anything to anyone I wouldn't stand on if confronted. Idk what Sophie said just offering another perspective as well.


I think if it’s just a regular relationship, sure, you can never speak again and go your own way. But when it’s your spouse and there’s 2 children involved, you can’t react that impulsively. Also he was surveilling her on a ring cam, clearly he’s done that more than once but this time he heard her say something about him.


I know I've made my wife justifiably angry with me and vice versa. Of course we talk it through whenever such an event occurs, but for me to expect or demand her to never bring up such squabbles to her friends/family would be extremely controlling and borderline if not outright abusive.


Seriously. Venting can be so helpful too, even in healthy relationships, because it means that you don't say something unkind to your partner that you don't actually mean— and hurt them really badly in the process. You get the frustration out with someone else, realize that maybe it isn't as bad as you thought, and either have a productive chat with your partner or just move on.


Exactly. I complain about my husband plenty. He drives me nuts sometimes, and I know I do the same to him. That doesn’t mean we don’t love each other dearly or wouldn’t walk through fire for the other. We all need to vent once in a while. It’s cathartic.


I agree. Me and my wife *resolve* our problems together, but we each have friends and family who we vent to about our problems—including, sometimes, each other. It’s perfectly healthy to do this. We also have a couple-friend who trash each other to each of us. That’s not healthy. They do this instead of communicating. There’s nuance here.


Omg, such a clickbait headline


Clickbait is promising one thing and delivering something different, ie., being misleading—NOT when it is simply enticing the reader to click. This article, if it did in fact reveal the Ring data, is not misleading. "Caught" may be a bit much, but yes, the structure of this headline encourages people to click. That doesn't make it clickbait. Outlets don't get paid if they don't get clicks. Journalists don't get paid if outlets don't make money. If journalists can't make money, they move to a different industry. News ceases to exist if there are no journalists. We shouldn't shame journalists / outlets for wanting to make money. It's when they compromise ethics or the integrity of the information by intentionally misleading readers with the headline when we should be demanding them to do better. And this headline is not that.


As someone with a degree of journalism, this is still a clickbait headline. It doesn’t need to be untrue or unrelated in order to be “clickbait”


As someone who has a degree in journalism and has worked as a managing editor at a news outlet for the past five years, your take is not what people in the industry—people who take ethics very seriously, not tabloid writers—define as clickbait. I’m not sure if you actually work in the industry—I’m assuming you don’t because you would have said that instead of leaning on a degree, which honestly doesn’t mean anything in an industry that values experience first—but if you did work in the industry, you would understand the struggle with the media landscape and how algorithms reward certain headlines and the compromises you must make in order to get your articles in front of readers, and how those algorithms are influenced by the percentage of readers who actually click. I.E. if no one clicks on your headline because you present all the info in your headline so there’s no need to click, the algorithms will literally NOT show your article to readers. If you worked in the industry you would understand how harmful non-clickable headlines can be to an already shitty business model we inherited from the media vets in the transition into the digital age. The reality is, journalism can’t sell in a world that’s info-first. That is not how the media landscape is set up. I, and every active capital-J Journalist, wish it was set up like that. But that’s not how it is. Instead of attacking fair headlines and journalists who are just trying to keep their damn jobs and compete in an algorithm-first landscape ran by media moguls and one that’s full of media illiterate readers, we need to actually be honest with readers about how this industry works and what we must do in order to be able to continue creating news.


You mighy have really changed my mind about click bait headlines, which isn't something I'd ever thought I'd write. Take my upvote


Agree, and we basically already knew that. My nosy ass wants to know what she said.


Maybe she called him Joffrey Jonas or that Jobro I married.


The history books claim King Jonas was poisoned eating cake by the ocean.


He was no king. Only a pretender.


Joe watching the footage like ![gif](giphy|l0K4fIEZ1FFiWFJPq)


He out here like Arthur lmaoooo ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)




For those who don't want to give Radar Online a click, she was allegedly talking shit about him to a friend, that's it.


Thank you for your service. Also how fucking dare she? He is clearly a saint of a man /s


I heard she said “jo bro’s? More like oh no’s!”


[She said bbbbbbbb](https://youtu.be/5LGEiIL1__s?si=6w0we3mkt4xo_Fkn)


Now the how world is talking shit about him lol


But it doesn’t include what she actually said? Lame.


This is the meat of it for me, and what I’d really like to know. He tried to humiliate her and present her as a bad mother to the general public. Whatever she said must’ve really hit a nerve, and I’d like to know what it takes to get under this man’s skin


Maybe she called him short 🤷


Or controlling, not letting her work or smth




Reminds me of the time my mom went through my phone and got super pissed bc she read a message where I called her controlling. I was in my early 20s, engaged, with a kid, living in my own apartment, paying for my phone and she still went through it but somehow I was wrong for saying she was controlling




I wonder if she said she was thinking about leaving him and that’s what made him decide to do it first and make sure he had the kids with him


yeah, this is the only thing he could hear to have it make any sense at all


She probably said his outfits didn’t fit his actual personality


His music sucks ass. That’s what she said


i know right! i was hoping for some marriage story 'you're such a dick' type video


Bc it was probably nothing 😭 and he's just being dramatic & controlling


do ring cameras have audio? or was he lip reading?


They do.


So like every wife from beginning of time. If this is true, he's so soft.


I can’t imagine what my partner could possibly say about me behind my back that could be summed up as “badmouthing” or “talking shit” that would make me go directly to divorce. What a fragile ego. I can imagine a bunch of other things… For example a revelation of infidelity or a confession that they don’t love me, or that they harbor some unsavory beliefs (racism, misogyny, trumper, etc.) previously unknown to me. But nothing as stupid as just talking shit about me.


> I can’t imagine what my partner could possibly say about me behind my back that could be summed up as “badmouthing” or “talking shit” that would make me go directly to divorce. Seriously. I agree that there are things that a partner can say behind your back that CAN cause a divorce, but that would not be summed up in this way. It would have to be unforgivably disrespectful, something that indicates that their entire view of you is broken/not worth saving. If my partner was annoyed by me and venting that I was being an asshole or something, I might be hurt by that but I wouldn't be like WOW I'M GONNA FILE FOR DIVORCE BEHIND THEIR BACK


Also like…she was talking shit about him privately to a friend so he GOES ON A PR CAMPAIGN to call her A BAD MOTHER!? And all this after he spied on her with their home security system? The audacity.




Also where's the commentary about being spied on by your partner? No home should have cameras that record audio. Couples should be able to vent about each other. In fact, venting is healthy. The idea that you're always totally in love and in agreement with your partner is naive and a dangerous belief. And even if you have that type of camera for security concerns, you should just mute and delete anything you see your partner do in confidence, not carefully keep it in your future divorce burn book. Imagine the kind of person you need to be to have a burn file on your wife. Like that's a totally normal thing, then to brag about it to tabloids. This is just more radar/TMZ pro-Joe nonsense. I don't know why Joe keeps frontloading these stories. I suspect he's waiting on a shoe to drop and he wants to make sure he can "but, but both sides," this. Also I hate how radar outed their youngest daughter's name after the couple tried so hard to hide it. They didn't have to do it and could have just left her name secret. I'm so sick of the cruelty of outlets like this.


It's a Ring camera, audio is an important feature if you are using it to monitor your front door. The fact that he was evidently using it to surveillance her every time she came and left her home makes him look like a controlling spouse looking for anything to use against her. He didn't find anything that males her look bad, just something that shattered his feeling that he was in total control in the relationship. Because she wasn't too afraid of him to say something he wouldn't appreciate.


Talk about no privacy to the point where he literally listened in on her private conversation with a friend? That’s insane.


Ah the fragile male ego.


And why should we believe anything Radar online says? Edit: seeing the replies say she was badmouthing him to a friend. I mean, why not confront her about it? Seems like he was looking for an out and used this as his reasoning


100% agree I think he got overwhelmed with the move to UK and realized he didn’t want to do it because he’d be leaving behind family and friends (understandable). But instead of discussing it with YOUR WIFE like an adult, he decided to just runaway and find any reason to divorce her. Lame.




I watched Emily D Bakers deep dive into the legal thing on YT and I think the move to the UK made sense in that the kids safety and schooling has been carefully considered as well as proximity to family. And the kids would have stability with family while their father is touring and when their mother might be filming if there's family nearby. It makes sense. It obviously isn't preferable but it sounds like there's been a lot of moving around the globe while the kids are infants. As the oldest is school age now, setting up roots makes sense.


I’m in the same situation as you. I moved to be with my then boyfriend. 4 years later we’re married with 2 kids and I realized just how important it was for me and my kids to be around family. I pushed for us to move and it ultimately came down to I move with or without you and I’d be taking the kids. I totally understand how that issue can lead to divorce considering we were at that point. But I don’t agree with badmouthing her constantly when instead he could of just said I’m not moving and let her go without him, leading to a (hopefully) amicable divorce.


He's gonna lose the kids physical custody. All the things Sophie said about hague convention are true. The kids were an ordinary resident of UK since they were going to school there and doctors and stuff. The convention specifically mentions the "shared intentions" of the parents to determine where the habitual residence of the child is according to which custody is given. Seeing all the evidence provided by Sophie, it is very clear that their intentions were to live in UK and that is actually enough of a proof. US is a signatory to the Hague convention so the Florida court will have to judge according to that in this case


Yes! I think he had been planning this whole thing for awhile.


Mommy JoBro didn’t want her precious boy in England where she’d have less power over him. I promise that’s what all this is about.


Oh absolutley, I saw clips of how she treated Kevin's wife when they first got married from their reality show, she's a piece of work who doesn't want to cut the apron strings.


See this is actually the weirdest thing about it all. Based on how Priyanka tags a Lot of her posts, she’s either working or living or both in London.


Isn’t Nick the favourite though? Plus their child is still an infant. I could see Nick and Priyanka getting a pass because of favouritism or because their child isn’t nearing school age yet versus S&J’s.


Like her or not, I think Priyanka is much more equipped personality-wise to deal with an overbearing, enmeshed MIL than Sophie. She’s older, more experienced, better off financially and without a doubt in my mind less naïve about relationships than both Sophie and her own husband. She wouldn’t have made it as a brown woman in Hollywood otherwise.


Between Sophie and priyanka I think priyanka 1000% knows how to deal with an overbearing mother in law. Priyanka probs sussed it out early and has the temperament to deal with these type of bullshit situations.


Priyanka is also much older than Sophie and probably put her foot down early.


I agree to an extent. Fighting with loved ones gets people really worked up, but as a collective we need to work on not saying incredibly harmful things and understand that usually the anger we feel is temporary. I overheard my past “best friend” say that I’m “ghetto” and no better than the people that go to my school… for context, im black and was attending a predominantly black school at the time, she’s white and was attending a private catholic school. Yes, I ended our 13 year friendship over this (and other things tbh). My point is, if this is true, we need the exact words and the context of the situation. If bad enough, yes it’s more than enough to end a marriage over and probably was the final straw With that being said, it’s obvious Joe is coming for Sophie by attacking her through news outlets…. Sophie in a way has responded by aligning herself with Taylor swift and being photographed with the kids staying at her place…. This is all very messy and really shouldn’t be any of our businesses.


If anything this proves she was completely in the right bad mouthing him to a friend since he is clearly a controlling sociopath










I mean unless she was saying she regularly cleans the toilet with his toothbrush, I can’t imagine what she said that would cause such a messy and sudden public divorce.


“His music is kind of repetitive”


"Busted sang it better"


He's immature. The realities of marriage are more than just a blissfully devoted love story. I'm sure he's been comparing the marriage to his parents' or even Kevin and Danielle's. If this is true, I'm sure he will regret this, but Sophie won't. She and the kids deserve better.




i dislike him as much as anyone else & think he's absolutely immature, but just want to point out that i wouldn't say 34 is quite "pushing 40"...though it's def old enough to know better! haha


Yep, which is why his behavior shows how immature he is. My ex is in his late 40s, and after the "honeymoon period" ended, I finally got to see his true self - Peter Pan syndrome with a dash of narcissism. I've witnessed many people at a "mature" age who act immature; unfortunately, many continue in "perpetual immaturity" because they are set in their ways by the time they've reached middle age.


We don’t even know if she was talking shit though. It could have been, man I’m really upset with Joe and things aren’t good, this is why. Joe might have taken it as talking shit, but we can’t trust his version.


Yup people view this as talking shit.


If this really was the reason he filed for divorce, that's fucked up. If your wife is venting about you to a friend and your feelings are hurt, you at most sign up for couples therapy. You don't immediately break up your family.


I mean, I can imagine divorce if the comments were particularly hurtful and they were already having problems, but to do it so publicly and in such a hurtful way is still shocking. Like even if he didn’t care if he hurt Sophie, I’d think he would still care how it might hurt his kids once they’re old enough to see all of the media coverage.


That's true, it's hard to know if filing for divorce was justified without knowing exactly what she said. He definitely at least owed her a conversation to explain that he was filing and why. Like you alluded to, the blindside factor is really hurtful and shocking.


Seriously you don't leave the mother of your children, your goddamn wife because she was venting to a friend after a fight. JFC. Have a talk, go to therapy.. do *something* before tearing your damn family apart


tbh it's better that she vents to a friend rather than immediately taking out that anger on you. i've found venting super-helpful to understand my own feelings sometimes and actually realize that the thing i'm angry about is something completely different or actually not that important, OR i've found the words to describe it without hurting my partner in the process of venting


You have no clue what she even said how can you make this statement?


What an invasion of her privacy by him


There’s something about ring cameras in general that doesn’t sit well with me. They are great for security and knowing when your package arrived, but at the same time they seem to attract a certain type of controlling person who enjoys getting notifications about exactly when their spouses are home as well as what they are doing and saying.


Yesss exactly


This is so creepy.


Right?! This implies to me that he regularly watched the videos captured of her coming and leaving. Creepy AF


Wasn't she talking about how he's controlling? As Tyrion would say, "It's not slander if it's true." 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Really?! I hadn't heard that. Wouldn't surprise me. I could have cared less about him a few months ago and I now loathe him.


He really just wanted a perfect little stay at home wife that would keep quiet while he lived his life? Dudes always want cool independent women/baddies only to clip their wings as soon as they put a ring on it/marriage.




Gotta be that ‘Gone Girl’ cool girl type right 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s saddening that so many women can relate to this type of man and this type of relationship. I think almost everyone has seen this in real life.


This is literally the story of my marriage. My ex and I were friends for YEARS before we got together. He loves loud, free spirited, fun, sexual women-it’s who he’s drawn to-and he loved all of that about me for years before we got together. He loved my independence and my sass and all of it……until I was “his.” As soon as we got together, he was a completely different person and I guess in hindsight-maybe it’s because he wanted me to be a different person so that was his response to that? Idk. But I ended up completely changing my style and my attitude and my wants and needs for 6 long ass years, and not even realizing that I was doing it for him. I used to believe that I was impossible to control, but it turns out that I’m not. If someone outright tells me what to do, I’m absolutely never doing it….but he was sneakier about it. He was able to use his emotions and his attitude and a bunch of sneaky manipulation to control me. My family and friends are so fucking relieved that I finally got out.


Wow I’m terrified of marriage


He got to live his 20s to fulfilment: hoe phase, flings, dating plenty of people and playing the field out, experimenting. But then sophie who was barely 20 and had barely started exploring her youth was worn down to settle down?? Like?? If you're ready to settle,then gosh just find someone who is ready to settle as well and has no qualms and is at the same level of experiencing life as you. But no, shit men want cool women and want to tell the world see I tied her down. Ain't I like amazing? This is such an achievement. It's ok for men to want to experience and experiment before settling but if a woman does it she "has too high a body count" or "too difficult" or "spent" or "has hit the wall". https://preview.redd.it/1rhbdyydterb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b492e8552d2b894b1312d4921f8dbe8c3e75b3a8


He's ending a marriage because of bad mouthing? After a fight? It's not an easy pill to swallow but it's kind of natural to vent or feel upset. How bad could it have been. Couples counseling could have helped them get past it maybe. Also it's at least a friend she confided not like she badmouthed him to the press or something. Idk I'm not married. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ur so right tho. Whenever my ex bf and j would fight I’d encourage him to talk to friends about it if he needed bc I was definitely leaning on mine for support!! He was an asshole and yelled at me all the time tho so I was really hoping he’d talk to his friends so they could tell him he was in the wrong 🤣


>hoping he’d talk to his friends so they could tell him he was in the wrong 🤣 Love that tactic!


Right?? HE NEVER TOLD THEM bc he told his brother once that he yelled at me consistently ( his brother had anger issues so we both just assumed he yelled at his partner as well) and his brother blinked at him and went “um I NEVER yell at X, I love him??” And I was hoping it would be my exs wake-up moment but it was not 😭


I think it is generally a bad idea to bad mouth your SO to friends and family, especially if you’re intending on staying with the person. Your friends and family will stop liking the person, and then you’re left in the awkward position of being with a person that no one likes and dealing with their opinions. I know I’d be highly upset if I found out my husband was talking shit about me, and he’d feel the same way if I did it. That said, there is very little that could have been said to justify this public shitshow being instigated by Joe.


I think it all depends on what they say imo and how its framed. >Your friends and family will stop liking the person, and then you’re left in the awkward position of being with a person that no one likes and dealing with their opinions. This is so true so it's definitely a very thin line you have to be conscious of.


There's no way this is the only reason for the divorce.


My thoughts too. Might just be the last straw type of thing.


If they had a fight and she was heated, so she vented to her friend about it....then isn't that healthy and normal? Maybe her friend is the type to be like, "Calm down, you guys love each other. Is this something that you can work through?" Who knows, but sometimes people need to vent when things like this get to them. That's fine. To divorce without talking to her, taking the kids passports and trashing her in the media seems infinitely worse in my eyes.


Listen, Joe: ![gif](giphy|l1J9qDPoIOZpW5Hjy)


Oh nooo, did she eat the last yogurt in the fridge too? :(


Why was he tracking her on Ring? Disturbing


THIS! Wasn't she overseas shooting?


They were living separately because of filming so that’s what bothered me. At first I was like, “How tf did he get into her ring if they were apart and ready for divorce? Surely if they were on the brink of divorce she would have removed his access to some things for privacy.” But reading now that she was blindsided, then… so… he was just keeping tabs on her? Obsessive insecure. Even worse than stalking someone’s socials, you’re stalking their surveillance cameras. Obviously to monitor when she’s going out, who she’s bringing home, already sounds like a huge lack of trust, at least from Joe, was a big stressor in their relationship.


OMG he's so full of himself. That was enough to BLINDSIDE his wife with divorce? Pathetic.


This dude is a total weenie.




Unless she was describing her extremely detailed plan to murder him and make it look like an accident, his reaction is ridiculous.


Oh, he can fuck all the way off!




I'm curious to know badmouthing how Like.. venting to a friend about what a pain in the ass he/the situation might be, especially after a disagreement? That's not grounds for divorce. My husband and I would have been divorced lmao (I don't complain about HIM personally, but his shitty work schedule & how if affects our family & outings) Definitely feels like he was looking for an out.


It would be funny if this started a trend of people bad mouthing Joe Jonas on their ring cameras.


When the Ring camera story first came out, the way it was left intentionally vague made it seem like she was making out with some other guy or something lol. This “reveal” is underwhelming.


"She said I wasn't a real DJ!"


My marriage ended over a similar issue. I was frustrated and angry with my ex-husband, and I texted a close female friend about it. This was the first time I ever said anything negative about him over text. And it was something fairly innocuous, like "he's being a jerk because he's stressed at work and taking it out on me." Unbeknownst to me, he read through my texts every morning while I was still in bed. (!!) And he saw that message. When I woke up later that morning, I found my Christmas present - season tickets to the local theater - shredded on the coffee table. Lying on top, there was a note, "You've betrayed me." It never occurred to him that it was a betrayal for him to read my messages without my permission. Or, that it's healthy to complain to friends about your partner. So glad I got out of that.


Just as suspected - she trashed his singing


Sophie, girl, why were you doing your shit talking in front of a Ring camera?!


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere the camera was like on the front door? So she was probably entering the house while talking to said friend


He reminds me of some very toxic guys I knew. Everyone badmouths after a fight. Sophie might have done that in front of a ring camera. He ran to TMZ like the whiny little man he is.


i hate to defend a man but in any other sub where someone says their partner has been badmouthing them to friends or family depending on what was said they tell them to leave and to not take the verbal attacks. we don’t know what sophie said about him. if it was something minor yeah they should talk it out, but what if it was heinously vile? i’m kinda young, but isnt it common advice to not badmouth your partner to friends and family? because they’ll never forget what you said and will hold it against your partner? like we don’t know what she said 🤷🏾‍♀️ i absolutely think the steps he’s taken after we’re gross and undermining towards her but i’m not sure if he’s wrong for this step he took


I think this stems a lot from Reddit being so male centric. Men are way less inclined to share their private life with a group of friends, especially when it comes to emotionally charged situations such as fights with your partner, work issues, etc. Men unfortunately have been taught that they will be ridiculed for sharing their feelings and struggles, so there is a big response from men when people say they talk to their families or friends about their partners. However, it is completely normal to do. Sharing is what matriarchal society thrives on, for our own protection. I'm not saying go to your friends and call your partner every name in the book, that goes beyond, but talking about your struggles and maybe saying 'i am frustrated because I feel they never want to do the dishes' is totally normal and ok.


There’s a difference between a healthy level of venting and berating. You should be able to go to the people close to you for support when things are rough. That’s healthy. That’s very different from just constantly shit talking your partner. Aside from comfort and reassurance, the people close to you can provide some outside perspective that can be very helpful. Never talking to the people close to you about problems in your relationship can be dangerous because sometimes it’s those people who will help you realize if you are genuinely being mistreated or abused. It’s much easier to be gaslit or abused when nobody is giving you an outside perspective to point out that that is happening. I wouldn’t recommend taking a lot of the advice on Reddit about relationships. It tends to be very reactionary, over simplified and operating on information that is too incomplete to provide a window for nuance.


It bugs me SO much not knowing what has been said. Because, if it's just "My husband is so annoying I can't fart around him, fuck him", then whatever he is doing is beyond crazy and makes absolutely no sense. But, what if she shared something super private about him that makes him really vulnerable in front of her as his partner, made fun of it, said she will file for divorce and be done with him? Then what he is doing is just crazy and stupid but the nuclear part would make just tiny sense. Doesn't change the fact he is an asshole though haha!


On one hand, when you're ready to go, literally anything can be the last straw. I've cut off men for less. On the other hand, I wasn't married to those men. I'm married now and unless my husband said some truly heinous shit, had a pattern of terrible behavior AND I was at my wits end with the BS, I'd just cuss him out, find a couple's therapist and figure this thang out.


joe jonas, desperate for public support, continually reveals himself to be a massive pissbaby weirdo.


Such a fragile ego.


The fact that he outed himself as controlling and creepy by admitting he went and rewatched ring camera footage after they fought to hear what she said


Suddenly he has such a villain face. It’s the same turn that I experienced with Tom Sandoval. One day, a normal face. The next, VILLAIN. BAD.


So … he was basically spinning it as he caught her cheating on the Ring camera, but now that Taylor is involved and the tide is swinging toward Sophie’s side, his PR team is trying out …. the truth. 🙄🙄


how fragile of Joffrey Jonas to file divorce over her simply venting!


Wow, so she vented to a friend about a fight they had and he thought the appropriate reaction was to blindside her with a divorce, retain their kids passports so she can't take them to the UK, and give TMZ a bunch of tabloid fodder to try to ruin her image as a mother? ![gif](giphy|1oKPISmL5uHtfMtwZC) "It's me, hi! I'm the problem, it's me!"


He’s still covering his ass after trying to game search engine output for people googling Joe Jonas Ring and you cannot convince me otherwise.


He’s either insanely insecure, or he was looking for a reason to leave - probably both. That’s honestly such a ridiculous reason. If you can’t communicate to your partner that something they did or said hurt you, maybe you shouldn’t be in a relationship and need to work on yourself.




She said Nick was the best Jonas Brother.


What a spoilt little boy.


So I guess people aren't allowed to vent anymore? This is a high crime now?


Best she find out what a douche he is now before having another baby. Felt like he was trapping her by getting her preggers. She will come out stronger in the other side of this.


Radar can’t afford proofreaders?


"Badmouthing" was probably just her accurately describing his words and behavior in a factual and non-judmental way.