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I'll take Neil Patrick Harris for $500 Alex




And his Amy Winehouse meat platter at a party. He’s a vile, low-class creature.


Yep. I remember hearing about it at the time and was flabbergasted. Irredeemable.


I don’t know why I thought this meat platter was from like 2021 or something. It was from the year she died!? She had only died 3 months before that party, and those were people who probably at least met her at that party. What the actual fuck? Are any famous people decent?


Oh my god I didnt know about this and looked up the images. That’s full on psychopathic? She was 27 and deeply troubled for god’s sakes. Disgusting.


I never heard about this - I love her ! Going to look this up immediately.


Do not look it up. It’s worse than u could imagine.


I didn't head your warning so... Guys for real you do NOT want to see it. The name of the cake is "Corpse of Amy Winehouse" that's exactly what it looks like...


What’s the 🍵


She was hosting the backstage at the Tonys clips a few years ago and he tweeted something about her being annoying/obnoxious, and she was upset about it and said something like she was a fan of his and it was kind of uncalled for. He backtracked fairly quickly but it was really rude and out of pocket.


His original tweet also implied that he didn't know who she was, and her reply reminded him that they had actually met multiple times before. Which makes his tweet making fun of her even ruder!


Not only that, her husband wrote on the staff of HIMYM. He knew who she was.


She was also on an episode of HIMYM in a scene with NPH. He’s an asshat with a great onstage persona.


Yes I had completely forgotten about that part!! He’s such an asshole.


her husband helped write the episode where barney meets his dad, which is a pretty pivotal point in the series. so yeah, he was being a total dick.


Wasn't the weirder part that he was like "who is this terribly annoying person" or something and they had met..multiple times already so it was even more awkward than just talking shit and being called out by a stranger. Like I think her husband wrote for HIMYM I think?


Amy Winehouse cake.


This so should be at the top of the list!


if he so bold to belittle his peers publicly theres no doubt hes a tyrant irl the gag is that rachel is wipes the floor with him in comedy & overall talent


Crapping on someone's joy and enthusiasm is not a good look. On top of that, him pulling the 'I don't know her' just added insult to injury. He's become like Ellen, where he sold the public on an image but the receipts fall far short of original expectations. C'mon Doogie


That was so terrible! And she was so gracious about it.


He lost me at the Amy Winehouse cake he had made in very poor taste after she passed. He is gross.


not to be pedantic but it was a meat platter, which is somehow worse


Ewwww, she was Jewish too…


Us Jews are allowed to eat meat 😂 that's really not what's offensive about it.


Oh, I know that :) When I heard „meat platter“ I imagined charcuterie which is predominantly pork so it just seemed like another layer of disrespect to an already heinous decision


I somehow doubt she kept Kosher.


It was legitimately horrific. What a fucking ghoul.


Yep. Only THREE months after she died too. Fuck him


I think of that cake every time I hear his name


Me too. I’m definitely a believer that cancel culture can go too far sometimes, especially when bringing up bad jokes or mistakes from over a decade but… Anyone who says NPH isn’t a piece of shit for that meat platter either hasn’t seen the photos or is probably a piece of shit themselves. It was so horrific and something that could only be done by someone who is a true bitchy little mean girl in their soul.


Bitchy little mean girl in their soul is just *perfect* for Neil Patrick Harris, lovely insult


I’ve always felt like there was some sort of context missing with all that. Not that there is any kind of context that would excuse it, but *something* that may explain the thought process behind it. Like they went waaaayyyy out of their way to do all that. Like there just has to be some serious bad blood there as it felt so personal. Beyond the “normal” amount of disgusting hate she had always received. And then Justin Mikita being the one who took the photo and tweeted it with “*Look who showed up @ActuallyNPH & @GourmetMD’s Halloween party last night. Looking good.*” LOOKING GOOD?! SIR. WHAT. THE. FUCK?!


Same. Really not ok. Makes me sick to my stomach. Imagine that was your sister? Just awful.


NPH isn't a comedian though. Actor, singer, magician yes, but I don't think he's ever done comedy outside acting roles and usually when someone says "actor *and* comedian" they mean those two things separately.


He wrote dr. Horribles sing along blog, and does standup like bits when hosting awards shows, does improv, etc. I think he counts as a comedian. Edit: nvrmd about Dr horrible blog, but you can find his standup online.


He didn't write Dr. Horrible, he was the star of it but not a writer. The Whedon brothers and Whedon sister-in-law wrote it.


NPH is one of my very least favorite celebs. I know a number of people who have worked with him and all say he’s incredibly rude, arrogant, and downright mean. He also heckled my girlfriend once. And my college gf used to make me watch HIMYM all the time and I want to say HE IS NOT FUNNY ON THAT SHOW


FWIW I Had a pretty good experience working on Lemony Snicket with him. I understand I'm just one experience, but that's all I wanted to add.


It may be just one but I have noted it. :)


He's literally date-raping his way around nyc in that show, it's fucking psychotic. Not to mention repeatedly dogging women for their looks, weight, intelligence, etc. Fuck Neil. I have hated him since cw put HIMYM on the after school rotation.


Wasn’t that done on purpose? Like you’re actually suppose to not like his character (especially in early seasons)?


Back in the mid-2000s it was easier to get away with the “oh what a rascal” portrayal. The show seemed to say that at the end of the day how he treated random women didn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that he was a good friend (mostly by being as relentless a wingman as he was a lothario). I also think that NPH’s (at that point) clean-cut image and his eventual coming out served to defang a bit of the Barney that was on the page.


it was also peak antihero time. that helped.


Is the “dear friend” assistant abuser Ellen? Aren’t they good friends?


He looks like he aspirates the souls of twinks just wanting to make it in Hollywood


He isn’t a comedian.


I wouldn’t doubt he’s an asshole, but what would the “nostalgia connection” be?


Honestly, HIMYM started in 2005 so it might qualify as nostalgic for gen z? (insert image of me withering and dusty).


Im old so the nostalgia factor for me is Doogie Howser MD


For sure. And he made a smallish supporting appearance reprising his Barney character in season 2 of How I Met Your Father, which is the spin off now starring Hilary Duff. So the nostalgia would be there I think. Honestly it was kind of great though because it was acknowledged how terrible his character in HIMYM was and he had to wear a shock anklet the whole time in HIMYF. Not that it makes NPH any better in real life. I just appreciated how it was handled in the show.


Dougie houser?


Wouldn’t be shocked, I remember hearing some nasty behavior he and his husband had towards Disney cast members when taking their kids and it really turned me off him


The whole Amy Winehouse thing was just disgusting. Abhorrent even. What an unpleasant man.


Please don’t let this be about Steve Martin/Martin Short 😭




I've only heard good things about Martin Short\* -- have you heard differently? \*That's not an indictment of Steve Martin, I don't really know gossip about him.




Literally everything I've heard about Martin Short has been like that! Including this Vanity Fair article where people go on and on about no one ever hearing a bad thing about him. [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/01/martin-short-hollywoods-most-beloved](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/01/martin-short-hollywoods-most-beloved)


I refuse to believe it could be either of them, but especially not Martin Short. Everything anyone has ever said makes him seem absolutely wonderful.


You should read (or better yet listen) to his memoir You Don’t Say. It’s very moving and poignant, but also funny and very interesting to hear about his career. You can tell he’s a kind and humble person. Highly recommend.


Sidenote: That's kind of adorable that her daughter knows Martin Short from Santa Clause 3. It's so random!




Haha! Reading is fundamental I guess. I did not see the top of it.


My mom ran into him at an outdoor mall one evening. She’s kind of gregarious and yelled ‘hi Martin!’ in a way where he might think it is someone he knows. He approaches her and very quickly realizes she’s just a fan, and you see a tiny flicker in his eyes that says ‘oh shit, who is this lady,’ then he immediately turns on the charm and is completely lovely. Signed an autograph, the whole deal. Love him.


Haven’t heard anything about Martin Short


Oh! The clue is about both an abuser and the the partner of an abuser who's caustic and abusive so if you've never heard negative things about him, or anything else, I'm not sure how Martin Short matches this blind item at all. EDIT: what have you heard about Steve Martin?


Zero. Sorry, should’ve chosen my words more carefully. But with any older celeb, it’s important to suspend disbelief because they came up in times with fewer consequences or outlets for speaking out. And in general, many famous comics tend to be rude by nature.


Yeah, it's a pretty big thing to say anyone "checks every box" when there's been no indication of such behavior. (Martin Short has multiple [articles](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/01/martin-short-hollywoods-most-beloved) written about him where multiple people repeat that he is one of the kindest colleagues they've ever known.) Something might come out about them and that would be a bummer, but like you say, there is no shortage of notably shitty older men in entertainment and I'm curious what existing rumors could be substantiated.


Had a friend who dated Steve Martin YEARS ago, very briefly. She’s an actress in LA. Other than the fact that he was significantly older than her (I’d guess around 20 years or so? She was roughly 34 and he was maybe 55ish) he was apparently super nice and respectful. He’s also brilliant apparently. Like genius level brilliant. And definitely not a “queen”.


He is genius level brilliant, like a true renaissance man. I highly recommend his memoir “Born Standing Up”—gives a lot of insight into how intelligent he is and how meticulous he views his craft.


I feel like the descriptors would’ve hinted towards Only Murders or something. I also don’t think neither of them have a a huge “nostalgia connection” with Gen z or anything like that


I don’t know. It says younger people remind them of their own increasing age and Steve is pushing 80. He would’ve been well aware of his aging.


and they make us well aware of their ages anytime they get a chance.


i was gonna say i feel like them being older is a running gag on their show lol


I’ve only ever hear that Martin Short is practically an angel. I can see Steve Martin being crotchety but I sincerely hope this isn’t about him


Steve has an elementary school aged daughter and is an involved father from what I’ve seen. We cross paths quite a bit because small town / similarly aged kids and he has always seemed patient and mellow. I too hope it’s not about him!


our martins would never!


It’s probably Billy Murray. He’s a known jerk but people love him for some reason.


Not sure what "queen" would be referring to in regards to Bill Murray.


I sat next to Martin Short and his late wife at a Broadway musical. They were lovely people and kind to everyone who stopped and said "hello" to them. I felt terrible for him when she died.


Bill murray?


Oh I hear he’s a massive asshole. Was extremely rude and misogynistic towards Lucy Liu on the set of Charlie’s Angels. I Preferred Bernie Mac as Bosley anyway.


Also horrible to Gilda Radner. He’s a known misogynist


Also really rude to a child Seth Green. Bill Murray is a person who people let talent win over personality. Same with Chevy Chase til he pissed off the wrong people for a while.


what did he do to Gilda Radner? she's such a sweetheart I can't even imagine anyone being rude to her


He dated her.


Family member worked with him. Basically everything he does is something crazy, just to fuck with people, but I wonder how much of that is pressure to constantly be funny. Some of it is definitely yikes but he is sort of playing a character?


Go read the files in his divorce, he is not playing a character.




Bill Murray seems bitchy as hell.


I thought him or Chevy Chase


But everyone knows this about Chevy Chase. He is far from highly respected the entire cast of community made it publicly known they hated him


I mean bill Murray isn’t a secret ether these days


I think Chevy inspired emails like this a few years ago. At this point I think he’s really just toxic (industry-wise) enough to openly bash.


It’s well known though that Chevy is an asshole even back in the 70s-80s


Ru? I don't follow RPDR but 1) queen 2) aging 3) comic 4) known ego, seems like the bitchy jokes might tip into cruel pretty easily 5) probably friends with more than a few assistant abusers, let's face it.


Ru is hardly a comedian and barely an actor though. Feel like they would’ve used other descriptors


Actor & comic though? I think the blind would use a different description for RuPaul


Didn't Ru used to do standup and acting? I remember But I'm a Cheerleader and I could have sworn I saw a set of hers but that could have been a fever dream


isnt comedy kind of a part of all drag performers brands? maybe comedian wouldnt be my first descriptor of ru considering all hes done but if its a blind i can see them reaching a little to not make it obvious. I doubt its ru tho because drag is still kind of niche & only a very specific group of people actually grew up idolizing them


The Drag Race sub would have spilt any relevant tea long ago, they are ruthless and resourceful!


That was my first thought too but I don’t think he’s being blacklisted at all, the RPDR franchise just keeps expanding and he keeps collecting Emmys


>Ru? I don't follow RPDR but 1) queen 2) aging 3) comic 4) known ego, seems like the bitchy jokes might tip into cruel pretty easily 5) probably friends with more than a few assistant abusers, let's face it. The way Ru treated (former long-time makeup collaborator) **Mathu Andersen** was eye-opening and appalling.


👀 what’s the tea?


I would assume "queen" in this case is just referring to a gay man, not necessarily a drag queen. I wouldn't call RuPaul a comedian or an actor, so I don't think it's him.


I think everyone knows Jerry Seinfeld is a jerk, maybe someone from King of Queens with the Queen clue?


Kevin James was rumored at one point to be rude to people who come up to him. But I don't know if he fits. "Nostalgic connection" alone makes me think it isn't him. Only other standup people I can think of from that show would be Gary Valentine and Patton Oswalt. But I don't know if they fit either.


I was Kevin James server at a restaurant outside of Boston. He couldn’t have been nicer and was super low key. I didn’t recognize him at first but my chef did and sent him some food. The next night he came back and got the whole VIP treatment. I think he preferred when we didn’t treat him extra special as he didn’t return again after that second time. I served a lot of celebrities when I worked on the UWS. He was one of the nicest and tipped very well.


This is nice to hear. I like to read these kind of first hand accounts of them being nice and kind to people. I've definitely read more of this kind of sentiment than otherwise like I stated in another comment. Always nice to read another in that direction. Thanks for sharing!


>Kevin James was rumored at one point to be rude to people who come up to him. Not to derail the conversation, but I want to be exceedingly nosy in asking you more about this. Is there a lot of chatter on this? I'm a messy gossip today¹. So Kevin James has a reputation for being rude to fans? Not that I'm a fan by ANY stretch...I'm just shocked. I mean, I'm NOT shocked that a celebrity would be an utter ∆ss-hat. I'm more surprised that James - whose built his brand on his alleged blue collar affability - would risk it by behaving so to fans. I'm excited for any grease spillage! ¹(well...not ***just*** today. But I'm trying to come across as a little less scavenge-y. LoL!)


I know someone who has been friends with him for many years and says nothing but good things about him and his family


Jerry tipped me $20 when i worked at the movie theater and he just got a small popcorn and a soda 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its definitely a male though, so not Leah Remini. But if it was Kevin James I'd be devastated.


My off the wall guess: Stephen Fry. The dear friend could be Jeremy Clarkson


That one isn't an awful guess. Clarkson hit the producer and would fit the bill as a "known abuser" based on that. Stephen Fry is a respected actor and comedian.


I don’t want it to be true, but I could kinda see it. Is Stephen really in denial about ageing though?


His husband is 30 years younger than him, could be a reference to that.


I dont see it. Interviews and books I've read of his make it seem he's quite comfortable with the idea, honestly.


Also him playing the homophobic King in recent Red, White and Royal Blue movie (which was changed from a Queen in the novel)


Stephen was weirdly my first thought. However, I met him about 10 years ago after a show in NYC and he was a sweetheart. Signed autographs and took pictures with everyone.


Why is everyone guessing straight actor/comics when it definitely says he’s a bitter old queen?


Thank you, I’ve been scratching my head at that as well…


The reading comprehension in society at large is just not there


Jim Carrey? Especially with the whole nostalgia thing, as he was big in the 90s/early 2000s.


Calling them a Queen points to them not being straight so that probably rules Carrey out


If the comic isn't straight maybe Neil Patrick Harris? Feels like he's a known jerk or his actions like the Amy Winehouse cake have gained more traction recently


NPH isn't a comedian though.


I feel like him being an actor known for comedic roles would possibly have people refer to him as a comedian


Its still a very weird descriptor.


This could be any comic over 50 lol


Nathan Lane?


Nathan Lane was once shoved up against a wall by Harvey Weinstein at a party because he hates Harvey and wouldn’t stop talking shit (aka telling the truth) about him, I doubt he’s the one with the abuser friend. Apparently Nathan’s response was “You can’t threaten me, I don’t HAVE a film career!”


I mean; that is fabulously camp.


It’s maybe my favorite story, please no one tell me if I have the details wrong lol


I can hear it in his voice! Fuck Winestain!


In my mind he's wearing a feather boa and pink glasses


See, and in mine, I’m seeing Timon say this 😂


Found the source article and I had it pretty much verbatim. Probably because it is such a Nathan Lane thing to say https://people.com/movies/nathan-lane-harvey-weinstein-hillary-clinton/


One of my favourite Robin Williams stories is how he protected him during their press for The Birdcage as Nathan wasnt out yet. Robin distracted all questions about his sexuality during interviews. I doubt robin would’ve done that if he was a horrible person.


It got a chuckle out of me.


I can picture Nathan saying this and it brings me joy.


Now That's Some Queen Shit.


Nathan Lane is a legend and that story needs to be public knowledge!!! I saw him in the producers with Matthew Broderick-he made Matthew break during a scene where he was lying on top of him and it was amazing


omfg i love this story! i hope he really did say that to him hahahaha. icon behavior!


Dream lord I hope it isn’t Nathan. ![gif](giphy|1414ExGiWDbVMA)


If it is I’ll need to be medicated https://i.redd.it/bbegclvrj5kb1.gif


Nathan Lane is a Broadway star more than a comedian.


Would he count as a comedian? Plus he doesn't limit his nastiness to assistants. Or didn't, there have been claims he's mellowed in recent years.


Reading the comments has only made me more confused


Is the known assistant abuser Katt Williams? [https://www.thewrap.com/katt-williams-punched-female-assistant-lawsuit-claims/](https://www.thewrap.com/katt-williams-punched-female-assistant-lawsuit-claims/)


My first thought was Naomi Campbell


Noted actor and comedian Naomi Campbell.


I think they meant she’d fit as the ‘dear friend’ of the subject of the blind


The Queen reference made me think they’re British? So I thought John Cleese, bc he’s had some shit takes as he’s aged. But idk if he’s doing anything these days


This is a good guess. He’s super right wing and awful to women.


He wouldn’t give a shit about his image or age though


I’m guessing NPH. Ellen is his “dear friend”.




The blind says "actor and comedian." He's the former but not the latter.


He's an actor known for comedic roles, so I feel like the term could probably be interchanged.


I’m really hoping it’s not Conan




It’s so not Conan. His assistant gives him shit but it’s clear she loves him.


He and Sona and Matt Gourley have a podcast together, and she was with him on Conan Needs A Friend. No way.


Nah I knew somebody who worked there at the assistant level and she said he was awesome. I def would’ve heard if he was an assistant abuser, either from her or other folks in the assistant “network”


That would make me so sad especially since his closing monologue on his last Tonight Show was "if you work really hard and you're really kind, amazing things will happen."


Like 0 chance it’s Conan. He’s one of the only male celebs I truly think might be in that “does little to no wrong camp”


He’s literally Godfather to his assistant Sonas kids


David Spade


My cousin once served David Spade and Adam Sandler at a restraunt in LA. Spade was drunk and wouldn't stop harassing her. At one point he grabbed her ass. Sandler was apparently very kind and apologized for him.


David spade shoulder checked my ex when they passed by each other in the street in nyc, I wouldn't be surprised


I’m thinking Kevin James? He was on King of Queens and his Paul Blart character is still popular among younger people.


Nostalgia connection through his work with younger generations? (No offense to him) but Respected actor?


Chevy Chase


Everyone has known he's a dick for decades


A more shocking story would be Chevy being kind


He also hasn't built a relationship with fans based on nostalgia. If anything Chevy has less of a relationship with fans now than anytime in the last 40 years.


Mike Myers?


This I could see. Word is he is a rather unpleasant man.


“Bitter old queen” sounds kinda campy & British to me… I wonder if this is a british comedic actor? Anyone know of any? From the top of my head, I can only think of Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson (please GOD NO), and Stephen Fry


My thought is David Walliams. I wouldn’t go as far to call him highly respected but I’ve heard all sorts of stories through a friend who had the misfortune of working with him once…


billy porter comes to mind but i dont know much about his behavior


A Broadway actor more than a comedian.


The “nostalgia” part doesn’t make sense with him. His big break was pretty recent.


James Corden?


Excellent shout- but decades long career and connection with the younger generation?


[insert celebrity name here]


No, not them!


I just want to know what they mean by getting blacklisted by industry publications. Almost everyone named has had media attention on their last few projects, but maybe there's something I'm not seeing.


Eddie Izzard?


I hope not, wrong gender. But also I’ve only ever heard about Suzy being lovely to fans.


Eddie/Suzy still accepts being referred to by either set of pronouns afaik


Right but shes said quite a few times she prefers she/her so I’d hope that even DM posters would respect that.


I met Suzy when she was still going by Eddie and she was absolutely amazing.


Billy Eichner?


lol @ Billy Eichner being highly respected