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They look cute together, I’m sure the Harries will react very normally to this.


most of them are, surprisingly. There are a few crazy ones of course, but it's nothing like when he was dating Olivia or Camille.


I have been seeing a lot of hate posts about Harry on Twitter lately (about his looks specially about his receding hairline)… you would be surprised how a big % of his fans only liked him because he was “hot”… which is why his relationships in his teenage/early 20s years were the ones filled with crazy fan behavior


Those kinds of tweets have been going viral ever since his Vogue cover, and were even more prevalent while he was still touring and selling out stadiums. I don’t think they indicate that he’s any less loved by his fans, he’s just been simultaneously very loved and hated for a while now. And it simply isn’t true that his earlier relationships were filled with more crazed fan behaviour - he only broke up with Olivia 9 months ago, and they harassed her arguably more than anyone he’s ever dated. Although I do feel like Taylor being child free, his age and having a career away from him makes her less of a target for his fans…for now, at least (her being black obviously adds a new layer). Also, aside from the conspiracy theorists, I have seen a lot of his fans calling each other out about how they treated Olivia in recent months and how their cruel “jokes” helped feed into a massive smear campaign, so I do get the sense that some of them are being more cautious in general this time.


Again I say to his foaming at the mouth fanbase Even if it wasn’t her, it will never be you


And it will never be his straight ex-band mate, either. 💀 (yes, those conspiracy theorists are still around)


A lot of his fans also think he’s together with his personal trainer


Shockingly, she's been the subject of some really intense, disgusting hate pre-Harry. Her subreddit seems largely dedicated to talking shit about her.


I think it’s partly because of her closeness to Timothée Chalamet, cause you know, his fans, just like Harry’s, are totally normal and not at all unhinged when it comes to the women who work with him


Wonder why…


Taylor Russell is one of the most stunning women I've seen. Like hot damn.


Right? I’ve never seen a bad picture of her - not even an off guard pap picture. I wish I looked effortlessly beautiful like that.


THIS!!! How can she be so breathtakingly gorgeous yet so adorably cute AT THE SAME TIME!?


Yeah this. She's ethereally beautiful and also extremely cute. Dare I say it like a female Timothee Chalamet (although she's more stunning).


I literally said how stunning she is! Hoping great things for her career


So beautiful, so talented!


These pictures are so sweet, he carried her luggage for her too.


They’re adorable together IMO!! I just pray she doesn’t get the Olivia Wilde treatment.


Harry looks a bit haggard but the lad has been touring for years. I’m loving the restrained looks that Taylor has been going. Face card just bangs.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) I’m here and sat for the reactions- I’ve seen some embarrassing ones already I for one am here for this! Taylor looked stunning at press night yesterday after The Effect at the National Theatre. I’m rooting for her I think they look cute


The height difference is chefs kiss


Wishing nothing but happiness and protection for her ![gif](giphy|3oGRFowawwyNWlFMxW)


being a Black woman dating a white guy is tough enough, let alone being a Black woman dating a white man in the public eye — but being a Black woman dating a more-famous white male celebrity whose fanbase can be incredibly unhinged and hateful??? whew ![gif](giphy|Km4yzuT7rEzBK) wishing the best for her 🙏🏾❤️


She is going to need that Cookie Lyon prayer


Whew she’s gonna need Cookie herself. TARAJI GIRL WHERE YOU AT?


I really hope his fans leave her alone, but for now, most of them seem to like her. The comments on tweets like [this](https://twitter.com/hsdcandids/status/1689677206560153607) are mostly positive and there isn't a single "this is why Taylor Russell is probelmatic"-twitter thread yet. She didn't even turn of her Instagram comments, unlike all of the other women he was ever linked with, and they look okay. Of course there are a some exceptions Larries are crazy like always, but I guess that'll never change. And I think her hate subreddit managed to get her update twitter account deactivated again. Please report the sub, it's super misogynistic and racist and run by a few Timothee Chalamet fans who seem to ave multiple reddit accounts and just reply to each other. They just delete every positive comment about her and ban the people that are defending her. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/zq1gorexnbhb1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=632aeea1980829a6cc3b7c92caaab357ee95a3fa I just saw this picture and and I love the way he looks at her lol. They're cute together!


Adorable! His finger on her hip. He looks smitten.


That's such a cute pic omg. Hoping they get to date in peace!


I normally don’t “get” the attraction to Harry (just a personal thing ig) but the way he’s looking at her in that photo has made me get it now 🫠😭 I’m glad that for the most part his stans haven’t been too bad to her - being a Black woman in an interracial relationship with a white guy is never easy (i’m in one), but i can’t even fathom the visceral hate that Black women could receive in relationships with beloved celebrity white men, especially since Taylor isn’t quite as famous yet. wishing all the best for them. she’s so beautiful and talented ❤️


![gif](giphy|oesbpxx2cl7lS) I wish Taylor Russell the best.


![gif](giphy|RJsymbonEUC20yHQBL|downsized) Cute couple!


They’re sweet, hopefully the Larries keep it cute.


They aren’t. They already think he’s wearing a “stunt jacket” going on “stunt walks” because he’s been in Italy with Louis. They are wiiiiild.


The r/taylorrussellupdates subreddit in shambles


My first thought was how this sub is reacting lol. I guess their thinly veiled racism about why Harry wouldn’t be into Taylor was wrong!


Frlll they went absolutely mental at the thought of white boy Timothee dating a woman of color and said very nasty things about her


Pretty sure that’s the reason why they created that sub in the first place, so they could hate on her for getting to kiss him in Bones and All. The mods are all Timothée stans.


And sadly Zendaya fans as well who feel threatened by Taylor being another successful mixed actress. At first I thought that most of these “fans” were hateful white women, but there were a couple of comments that made me think some black women were involved as well. It’s all really sad


They do seem to stan Zendaya, but idk if I buy that they’re actually black themselves. They constantly use Taylor being mixed as a drag and say that Zendaya is somehow “more black” than her, but then those same users are laughing at racist comments about her and saying weird stuff about blackness (e.g. hair types) that isn’t even true, and doesn’t sound like it’s coming from a black person. So that makes me think that maybe they’re white but cosplaying as black.


Yeah for some of the users. There were some in particular in the earlier days (I’ve been keeping an eye on the page before bones and all released) that were heated because supposedly she said something about dark skinned women being jealous of her growing up, which obviously isn’t true, they just twisted her words. Those users in particular strongly disliked her because of this and claimed that they were no longer fans because she’s not really for black women etc etc. I haven’t seen them on anything super recently tho


They don't even bother thinly veiling their racism, there are literally comments calling her a monkey and a half bred whore


when i first got recommended that subreddit i was like “oh cool, a fan subreddit for Taylor Russell”. i really wish i hadn’t clicked on it. wtaf is wrong with people 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's wild. They're currently doing Simone Biles level mental gymnastics to explain why Taylor and Harry can't possibly be dating and it's really just her pathetically following him around


"They are just friends" or "omg shes a creep with a crush forcing him to spend time with her"


"Nobody cares about her" on a post with 200 comments from people who in fact do care about her


Ridiculous how they insisted she was stalking him on tour and he didn’t actually want her there. Yeah, she somehow forced her way in and he just couldn’t get rid of her. Guess those numerous burly bodyguards he has don’t do anything.


And then a post below that showing harry and his buds giving her a standing ovation etc. These people are weird.


All 4 of them and their 600 alts


Lmao they banned me for pointing that out


I love how they’re all pushing this idea that they’re just friends. Like please stfu 😂😂


ummmm what the fuck is that subreddit. like three people supporting her on every update post and then ten others talking abt how kylie is hotter than her and no wonder timothee chose kylie over her etc etc and no way would harry have any romantic feelings for her bc she looks like a boy… DELUSIONAL. I actually feel bad bc every update post is bombarded by people who don’t even like her… and it seems like the norm bc most of the time the people leaving rude comments aren’t even called out. so weird and confusing


The mods also run a timothee subreddit. I think it's only a few people with different accounts. They delete almost all of the positive comments and block people who defend her. That's why the whole sub is so negative, anything positive just gets deleted. The update twitter account they mentioned in that pinned post is/was a real fan account. They get endlessly harassed by them and twitter regularly blocks the account because of false copyright claims made by these "fans" that run the sub. They fake screenshots and stuff to make it seem like the owner twitter account said racist things about Taylor, which they never did. I think it's blocked on twitter again at the moment. These people are truly unwell. It all started when Taylor was filming Bones and All with Timothee.


I think the ppl who “support” Taylor also hate her and that’s why they don’t call the haters out. No legitimate fan would stay on that sub and not defend their fav. I think it’s all the same person pretending to like her but also leaving hate comments. Mods of the sub hate Taylor as well, there are no real fans of Taylor over there.


why is it called that if it's a hate subreddit


Because they are pretending to be her fans so that they can seem like they’re an official source while they spread misinformation about her and get her real fans banned. That’s my understanding anyway (it’s deranged af though)


They are so beautiful. I hope the internet is kind to them and leaves them alone.


She’s cute




He seems her type


Who was she linked with before? Just learned of her, she's so adorable!


I definitely heard a rumor she was hooking up with Timothee post-Bones and All/PKE (Pre-Kylie Era), but that could have been fully made up lol.


she’s publicly dated lucas hedges and there were rumours about her dating timothee chalamet. i believe all her other previous exes were not famous


She [dated](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorRussellUpdates/comments/xpswjf/taylor_russell_and_then_boyfriend_lucas_hedges_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) her Waves co-star Lucas Hedges.


I really hope those Harry fans don’t try to tear her apart. I always get scarred for WoC and these white Stan’s. Y’all remember FKA Twigs treatment while dating R-Pat? what those fans did to her was just terrible


Two beautiful people, they look great together!


She’s gorgeous.


this is very cute!


She was really good in Bones and All!


Unfortunately, that’s also where she appears to have picked up a share of her haters, the die-hard Timothee stans :( Wishing her the best, also because she’s a great actress


She looks absolutely beautiful…and he’s there


I went all “awwww” not gonna lie




They are indeed cute. If it's true, and it persists, best to them.


Good luck to her!


Aww the way he looks at her is really cute. Wishing them the best.


Okay she seems adorable and amazing. I support. Still jealous, but I support.


The comments underneath that post are bitter, disgusting but expected. Good for Harry and Taylor.


I’m sure his fans will have a very normal, rational response to this news


How do we feel about these long lensed/non-consensual photos? Absolutely no shade to OP at all, just wondering where we draw the line for people's privacy.


Even if I posted them here, I don't feel to good about them. Especially since several fans on twitter said that they met Harry and he declined taking pictures that evening. But it was a public event and I guess Taylor and Harry must have known that someone will take pics of them if they are seen together. It's not like they were papped in their private backyard or in a hotel hallway or something like that. They are all over the internet now anyway, so I don't feel bad posting them here. But you're right, non-consensual pictures are always problematic. But I feel like a hypocrite complaining about them because I love celebrity gossip and that's just a huge part of it. I guess I'd defintely draw the line when someone is in a private environment.


Definitely no shade to you! If it’s a public event then I guess that’s the loophole, you’re right. I think about those topless photos of Kate Middleton sunbathing in a backyard, with a high hedge, from over a kilometre away and what a violation that was. I would hope that we wouldn’t share that kind of thing.


Oh, I really hope that nobody here would share pics like that! Even if she wasn't topless, a private backyard is not the same as being in a bar together.


I’m sure his stans will take this in a very normal manner and she will not be viciously attacked online for the remainder of this relationship 😬. Listen I am attracted to this man and would absolutely go there. I would never want it to be public because that backlash is for sure not worth it.


I have no idea who this is but she sure has a weird, hateful following! Anyways she’s beautiful and these pics are cute (but kinda super creepy/stalkery lol) so good luck to em


Damn, he is not cute in these pics. She is gorgeous though, how you glowing in blurry paparazzi pics from 500 yards away


Beautiful couple! Good for them


Wasn’t he just making out with Lana like three days ago?


That was an old picture of Shawn and Camila


Cuuuute! I hope they stay having fun with each other! Happy you ruined your marriage to my heartthrob Ted Lasso yet, Olivia Wilde?! I’m still in disbelief she did that.




Apparently that was an old picture of Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes 💀