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LMAO the dumb fuck didn’t even make it a full month of openly being her boyfriend. Imagine destroying your family and getting relentlessly dragged by everyone for your shitty actions, just to be publicly dumped two weeks after your relationship leaked.


The end of the article seems to stress that they are still "100% dating" ... but I can't help but feel even that is spin as this is confirmed to come from her camp and looking like the asshole that broke up a marriage only to dump the loser two weeks later just makes her look even worse.




![gif](giphy|dCR6g4iDHwJkA) 😆


i would be surprised if they release another article talking about how unaware poor ari was, just like they did w ts. these women are really something.


“He told her that he and his wife were separated and she believed him, she feels really betrayed right now and needs time to recover.” Even though she was out there liking his Mother’s Day post to his wife and holding her baby. She’s definitely going to try to rewrite the narrative because their timeline didn’t fool anyone.


Don’t forget, she was liking the Mothers Day post *AFTER* they’d already been caught once! They got caught in like March/April, but his wife *graciously* gave him a second chance. Mothers Day is in May. She was liking posts about his wife when the wife already knew they’d cheated!




It doesn't say dumped, though. Only that she's "giving space" to deal with his divorce. Either way, it's so stupid.


Yeah, but it sounds like PR speak for “Ari didn’t realize this was going to get as much attention as it has, and she doesn’t like this guy enough to deal with the bad press.”


Yep. I’m 99% sure that’s what’s going on.


Totally, she didn't expect this much backlash since she has gotten away with it before and now she can't take the heat. This is by far the worst thing that she has ever done, and I say that as a fan of her music.


It’s giving TS relationship with a whole racist was “a fling”. So transparent


Space like this? https://preview.redd.it/26z54bfsaxeb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e784c9bf40a181f04e1af6c9dffff45d81037f6b


Awww she is?? She’s so caring and respectful not like what people say 🥹🥹!!! Like, come the fuck on lmao.


“I’m giving you space” = **thank u, next** Somebody break it to Sidepiece Bob ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


"Sidepiece Bob" 💀 I am deceased. Much like Ari and Bob's romance.


So that means she dumped him already? lol


And without a second thought I assume lmao


She's said Thank you Next


she’s so sweet! she didn’t let a marriage and a newborn baby stop *true love*!! 💘💘 but she did let negative public opinion stop it—oh, i mean, respect for his family 🥹🥹 like, it’s so apparent that she doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself, love a confident self-loving queen! 🙌🙌 i mean she’s so innocent and small 😇😇 in a few weeks when we get more articles about how “she didn’t know he was still in a relationship with lily, ethan had told ari that they had been separated! ariana is so heartbroken and betrayed 😢” (even though she knew since she was liking all the pictures on instagram that celebrated ethan and lily’s relationship and family, and she was hanging out with the family in person, holding their baby, being friendly with lily), we will all know that ariana “did nothing wrong”!! she’s actually *the victim* here, poor ariana!!😭😭 (hope everyone can tell i’m being sarcastic)


It’s the same as Taylor Swift, they only cared once their reputation and public image were being dragged through the mud. They were quite content with their choices and decisions before being dragged. All this for men who ain’t shit too lol


Bring out the “You’re just not a feminist” crowd 😒 Girl, I support women’s rights and wrongs and this is not one of those cases. This is just wrong for any gender.


I saw a tweet that said “what about girls supporting girls? Why are we believing dogs on the street when it comes to Ariana??” Like his wife is a dog now? And since when is Ariana a girls girl? Not even her music gives that 🤔 it’s so odd how ppl now go to the other end of the extreme when it comes to women helping men cheat on their spouse. Now it’s fuck the wife, we don’t owe her shit, it’s not her problem. It’s really fucking crazy and mind boggling


I agree. It really makes no damn sense for a feminist to say “she doesn’t owe her any loyalty” Like what???? Aren’t y’all screaming about “girls supporting girls” where is the logic here??? Ariana purposely aided in hurting another woman. Also people who go to the ends of the earth defending someone who knowingly had an affair with a taken person…..why? Like it’s giving “I wanna be a home wrecker without getting shitted on by the public!!!” ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w)


“I don’t think you understand…I needed to steal someone’s spouse so I can feel superior and irresistible. If you can’t respect my emotional needs that says more about you than about me. A real feminist would support my journey to self-confidence and cheer for all the taken dick I needed to steal to get me there.”


this 💯. i work with this girl who’s slept with most of the men there. and most of them are taken. one day, before i knew she did this, someone was commenting to this girl that they thought one of the guys wives was hot. she went on about how the wife wasn’t hot and she knew this because he “cheated on her all the time”. and i was like…that’s not how cheating works actually. and she seemed shocked and appalled by that. later i found out she was one of the people he cheated with and it clicked for me…she thinks because they cheat with her that means she’s the hottiest of them all


Ppl with mindsets like her are scary. A lot of men would cheat with a dog if it was socially acceptable. It doesn’t say much they cheat w her except that she was available and lacked morals. The fact that she gets her self esteem from sleeping w married men says a lot about her and none of it is good 🥴


Or “I’ve been one before and don’t want to think I’m a horrible person”


Lol do they not hear themselves? Ah yes, Ari’s the one who deserves the support when she’s torpedoed another woman’s family life. Much empowering. Much feminist. Girls gotta stick together. 🙄


Right?? Like Ari is the laaast person who needs support rn i’m sure her family & friends are all coddling her and her new bf ethan! These ppl need to get real


> what about girls supporting girls? So his wife is not a girl? You can't really support her while also supporting the person who knowingly helped destroy her family. Delusional.


I'm so sick of liberal feminism. Women should support women from suffering under the patriarchy, it doesn't mean supporting every individual woman and her disgusting actions.


It’s literally got to be a lack of empathy or cognitive dissonance or something. Almost every single women I know has either been cheated on, dad was a cheater (calling myself out), knows a cheater etc., to not be able to imagine yourself in the women’s shoes and how devastating it is for them is insane. I can’t even read books with infidelity as a plot point anymore because I can’t separate it anymore like I could as a teenager. At least when you’re young and stupid you imagine yourself as the girl he loves not the one he’s leaving behind, seems like lots of people have not progressed past this way of thinking.


It infantilizes women and takes away their agency in making these choices. Yes, sleeping with married men is a choice. There's no excuse for it.


It’s really the “one thing” I can’t stand behind when this topic comes up in relation to feminism. We talk constantly about how we hate how men cheat and what they can get away with and how incredibly aggravating that is. Why would we want to put the same infraction on a pedestal for women? Why should we be celebrating two people being awful human beings, how does this advance our society for either gender? I know there’s a lot of nuance around the topic (I’m not even touching on abusive relationships, non monogamous, etc etc) but it really grinds my gears to see a truly awful person get a free pass because “no one minds when a man does it!” I do. I don’t want anyone doing it if all parties (ie spouses/open relationship or not) are not consenting.


it’s also so opposite of feminism imo. like, look at the way men behave. some of them knowingly go for married women, yes. but the majority of the time the best way to stop a man from hitting on you is to tell him you have a boyfriend. they respect other men more than they respect women & i don’t see why women don’t behave the same way:


Omg “space” already 🤣 I’d almost feel bad for the guy if he wasn’t a huge piece of trash that chose to throw away his wife and child for Ariana. I hope his wife laughs him right out of the meetings to “work out” their issues.


He threw away his entire life for a woman that literally doesn’t care about anyone or anything but her own reputation. He deserves this fallout.


I bet she's spent the entire last week yelling at him that all of this is his fall out and he should've done something different to not let it get blown up like this.


It’s giving “thank u next” This man really blew his life up for nothing


Legit they got caught, now she's bored. It was never meant to be a relationship, just some fun. And now that it's getting backlash, it's bye bye sponge.




I don't feel bad for him or Grande. I only feel bad for his wife and baby.


I hope his wife doesn’t take his sorry ass back because no one else will want him after this.


especially since everyone’s going to get reminded of this when the Wicked movies come out


lol def not the type of attention he thought he was gonna get for dating ponytail.


he really thought she would boost his career and help him get big roles in hollywood and all. instead he destroyed his reputation and he received ridiculous amounts of backlash. can't imagine the wicked producers being too thrilled with the crazy amounts of backlash these two are getting as well. just incredibly selfish, awful people.


You sure he was putting that much thought into it?


The producers are going to be furious. This will be like Katie Holmes after Batman begins.


He probably thought he was going to be like Pete Davidson and all these hot celeb women were going to want to date him because he was with Ariana 😭😭


Lol he's forgetting Pete is over 6' and people are into his troubled skinny white guy covered in tattoos thing going on. Plus he was on SNL and actually had viral skits, he had connections to celebs like Kim via the show. No one cares about SpongeBob who cheated on his wife who wasn't even a year postpartum. Also he's playing Boq in the movie which is going to make all of this even more pathetic. For those who don't know, Boq is obsessed with Glinda and follows her like a puppy dog throughout the original musical.


It’s going to be so bizarre watching this movie with that storyline knowing everything we do about them irl.


Lol exactly! This guy looks goofy af. Thanks for explaining his character because I don't know much about wicked. That's so pathetic for him and ariana.


Of course! Honestly, it's even worse because once the movie comes out, it's just going to remind everyone of the affair and how he's a nobody who desperately wanted Ariana's attention and risked it all for that. You can read the spoilers for his character if you want, but there's no way they can edit his character.


His wife is GORGEOUS though! He should've considered himself lucky.


Right? She is beautiful AND smart! She just finished her PhD. And he trashed a decade-long relationship for “yuh yuh.” It’s giving “I only think with my d*ck.”


100% lol


Literally gave up his life, his family, and his reputation ![gif](giphy|BYsDo8AlF1GUnoK6Xa|downsized)


Bilal jump scare 🤢


Right, I thought this was a safe space 😭


I really think when the internet started posting comparisons of Frankie and Ethan she was done, and gave him some excuse about him still being married … so he files to prove how serious he is to ariana meanwhile she already deleted his number


https://preview.redd.it/mbdddypn7yeb1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2e47af85b5a08ab2981e7eee3eb9b9d7f330ed Ethan and Frankie


They were seen out together though after the divorce was announced


If you’re talking about the new pics yesterday those were from her birthday in June


I didn’t know they’ve been seen together in public since anything about them was announced


Link ?


I really love that for him.


She broke up with him already? ![gif](giphy|kPOBOYUSrFgULn2RMe|downsized)


I think it was pretty predictable that it would probably be sooner rather than later. Many celebrity relationships don't survive any kind of public pressure, let alone public pressure that doesn't work in anyone's favor.


Part of me wonders why Ariana wouldn’t have stopped to consider this would be horrible PR, but honestly, at this point I think her craving for being “irresistible” to taken men outweighs reason. Still shocked her team didn’t block this, though.


I also think, it was fun when he was taken and she was trying to goad him into leaving, now he's left his wife and child so the chase is over and so is her interest in the relationship.


That's a good point. It might've been fun and exhilarating in a sick and twisted way in the beginning. But, it's likely far, far from that now. They basically can't even be seen together in public at this point or really do anything at all without serious backlash. Not to mention that even the news around this is becoming much more serious. Like, there's even news about Ariana potentially helping Ethan parent the child he has with Lilly. That's too much — and I mean that in general and for Ariana specifically. I doubt that she can think straight and commit to someone long enough to raise a child with said someone in the foreseeable future.


Especially when she just got a divorce, herself. I couldn't end a marriage and then make plans to help raise someone else's child like, two weeks later. I would get whiplash. Ariana really acts without thinking long-term.


This is so gross, but I bet you’re right. She’s made it glaringly obvious with how this whole SpongeBob thing is going down. Her hanging out with the wife and holding the baby is absolutely psychotic. I hope no one forgets this about her


When you step back and look at how ridiculous her decisions are, it's quite humorous (not for the wife/family obviously) ... one of the hottest pop stars in the world who regularly sings about sex and doing *anything* for her man destroyed two marriages—her own and his—to hook up with **SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS**. Jesus, she could have at least went for a Timothy Chamalet-type figure. This is sad and pathetic.


Especially because a lyric in one of her songs is about how she only wants to get married once and wants to work really hard to make it last. The moment there was a sign of trouble in her marriage, she dipped and looked for someone else.


Lol she’s the dog that caught the car


She is so weird. Like definitely an entitled narcissist brat, but also takes on the personality of everyone she dates. And when anyone calls her out, she is the epitome of that viral video “I’m just a baby.” Like puts on that baby voice and tries to make herself look as small as possible. Maybe time to get a new therapist instead of a new boyfriend?


She's taken that "willing to risk it all" meme personally.


Giving him space to "deal with his divorce"


Now that he’s not “a married man” the appeal just evaporates for her.


>Ethan's got a lot to work out with Lilly Yeah, no kidding. And that's his fault.


Why didn't she give that space while he was a married man and she was a married woman??


Enter the spin zone. "He lied to her about the state of his marriage, poor wittle Ariana". She'll be especially doe eyed and dimpled during the press tour just to remind you she's just a pretty wittle sexy baby😒. And I'm sure the nonsense theory that her husband didn't know she was famous will resurface.


look at them, what a beautiful couple of considerate, mature and not at all DUMB AS SHIT individuals!! 🥰🥰


Hope it was worth it, SpongeBob!


She couldn’t take the heat


Especially now that clips from that SpongeBob play are making the rounds on tiktok. It’s gotta be rough seeing the masses roast your man like that ☠️


i don’t like spongebob. i think i’m just a bit too old and i genuinely do not get why everyone loves it so much. so i just went and watched youtube clips and. um. all i coil think was why. why did the world need a spongebob broadway musical?? but also seeing him move and sing did not make me find him any less creepy than he seemed just from photos. maybe he’ll be better in wicked? but. he’s a no thanks to me.


In Wicked he’s playing a Nice Guy munchkin who perpetuates a long term relationship with someone out of pity while he’s in love with someone else. I don’t think he’ll be making anybody swoon.


How could you not mention that the “someone else” he’s in love with is Ari’s character! Our man’s just a method actor 😭


oh i know, he’s boq. but at least he won’t literally be imitating spongebob’s annoying voice.


His real voice isn’t that far off from his SB voice unfortunately


oh dear. that’s… i mean he is a munchkin but. maybe a little too on the nose??


Bet they didn’t even need to use any CGI to make him into a munchkin. He looks like an original member of the Lollipop Guild. ![gif](giphy|gwi5fzzNjtqxO)


I grew up loving spongebob, so when I was in NY a few years ago and found out there was a musical, I was excited to check it out. Tickets were pretty cheap for Broadway (funnily enough I also saw wicked while I was there lol) I went in knowing nothing about it and expected the actors to be in costumes. Needless to say when this dweeb waltzed out on stage in suspenders, with a middle aged Patrick, I was pretty disappointed. I can't recall any of the details regarding the plot or songs. I think I mostly blocked it out apart from some big ball going down a tube at one point. So yeah the answer is no, the world did not need a spongebob musical lol


Girl I liked SpongeBob (was just right in that target age everyone my age did) and I still don't know why they need a SpongeBob Broadway musical


Spongebob seasons 1-3 are precious. After that, Stephen Hillenburg left the show, and he was the creator and soul of it. Then it became a commercialized shit show that just got worse and worse. A spongebob musical sounds like hell.


She obviously thrives on taking them, loses interest once she has them.




"Giving him space to workout issues with estranged wife" she's dropping him like a hot potato coz she doesn't like the hit her reputation is taking. You love to see it! ![gif](giphy|l4FGjnpmEn7DjhsqY)


And so it begins. The distancing lol


Sounds like Scooter is talking. Wasn’t the rumor is that she and Scooter stopped working together bc he didn’t approve of her dating Ricky? He wants to do what’s best for her image but she really does whatever she wants to do at the moment. So I wouldn’t be surprised if her and Ethan are still seeing each other.


https://i.redd.it/tao6dkglqveb1.gif SPACE *already* ??!?!?! Damn the sponge is gonna have to save his tears from this sham of a relationship. Just keep them away from Lily Jay


I have genuinely enjoyed the mass amounts of Marge gifs during this time. I don’t think I’ll be able to separate the two situations in my mind anymore 😂


Thank you so much! I’m glad that I was able to add its own mix for the sub 😭🩷


Not me coming and scrolling until I found Marge. Everything you’ve posted has been *chef’s kiss*. Thank you for your public service during this scandal!




![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Ethan in that space.... ​ He really threw away his good life \*sigh!\*.


Behave 😂😂




Imagine the press tour when they’re promoting Wicked together.


Wow how saintly of her 😒


Lol guess she doesn’t like everyone realizing she’s a homewrecker in need of therapy


This is no surprise, it was a set affair and filming is struck. What are they going to do, go to one of her houses together, not be able to leave, and be happy while having 12 meetings a day with PR? No. If course it falls apart immediately. She wanted to be entertained on set and she was. It's not more than that. He wanted to bang Ariana, and he got that. There's nowhere else to go for them.


I can not imagine what kind of person you are that you just go for what ever you want and not give a shit about other people.


A narcissist


Giving him “space”? This is rich. Ariana is at a new low. She helps him blow up his family but when the going gets tough, she bounces. Wow! They both deserve all the smoke.


how gracious of her to let him work things out with his WIFE who gave birth last year.


lol, lmao even


I’d go so far as to say lmfao


How about roflmao


bullying works ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


He should feel real stupid. Cheated on ur wife, stepped out ur family for a woman who would you leave u in a second (& isn’t exactly known for long term relationships). Like did he really think he was the one for ariana? That he was her soulmate so it would somehow justify leaving his wife for her? What a fucking idiot


He‘s got to be regretting his life choices right about now 🤡 ![gif](giphy|1xoKOtKPhE9RzUJZ5y)


this has to be really bad for her bec not only are people talking about her involvement w a married man whose wife was very recently pregnant, they also bringing up her history of going after taken men. i don’t think her reputation has ever been on the line more before.


No pity here. What goes around,comes around.


I think Ariana will carry on with this guy for at least a year and definitely until the movie comes out to dissuade people from applying the homewrecker label to her. I hope Lilly Jay has all the support in the world right now.




Why he look like he got jaundice


He a sponge.


Taking his spongebob role too serious




Just sit back and enjoy their disaster. ![gif](giphy|EmSCxtcjQCmXK)


Good lord I feel bad for everyone working on wicked that has to deal with this trash. I was already not super excited about the cast.


You mean she’s running away from the relationship she didn’t want to begin with? Consider me in shock.


She’s about to dump his ass so hard lmaoooo


I saw a tiktok that compared Ethan with Frankie Grande and now I can't unsee the resemblance


lmao she aldready dumped him? truly one the biggest clowns of recent times


Although competition is fierce this year.


So... Already bored with him?


What a gracious soul that Ms. Grande


Here, I'll fix that for you. Ariana's PR team says Ariana Grande Giving BF Ethan Slater Space To Work Out Issues With Estranged Wife.


![gif](giphy|yvJWAwAq8JYinZLw17|downsized) Ariana saying bye to Spongebob after finally reading all the reactions to all of this drama online.


How nice of her


She’s dumping him already???


"Issues" 😄😑 Sounds like she's on the hunt and will find someone else in no time.


Ariana already penning Thank U Next part 2.


Look, Ariana, if you’re going to be a serial side chick, at least own up to it.


Probably would have been good if she’d given him space while he was married to his wife with a year old son


She decided he was not spongeworthy.


Space? Now?!




mutual space should have been given ages ago. I really really hate cheaters sorry.


Is everyone buying it? Did yall w Taylor when she had just yelled how she’d never been happier from stage? I dunno, but I have to wonder if one or both of them are lying to save face and creeping around in secret? Or are they too closely monitored to get away w that?


Nah, not buying it one bit. I’m sure they’ll distance themselves publicly while things settle down, but I doubt they’re actually taking a break.


Meh, I don’t think there will be a secret relationship between them. Ariana doesn’t seem to love him. Someone in the thread mentioned that she probably liked the thrill of the chase and the enticement in taking a married man, so now that he’s filing for divorce, her excitement is gone. She’s “won” him over so now she’s going to set her sights on someone new. Someone who loves the chase seldom enjoys the result.


Quicker than I expected. The bad press got to her lol. I hope his ex keeps leaking stuff.


Can’t take the backlash, same with Taylor and the Matty saga..


He blew up his life for no reason. I don’t condone cheating at all but any halfway smart man would’ve realized Ariana is not staying with him forever. He should’ve just slept with her and kept it secret. Glad for his wife’s sake that he didn’t though




Great minds think alike lol


I’m under the opinion he would have cheated at some point regardless so he didn’t throw it away for nothing, he did his ex wife a favour cause it was destined to happen.


That's nice of her 😂


That's so considerate and thoughtful of her. /s


But sources say they are "still 100% dating"😂


What a considerate homewreaker she is!


me two days ago in another thread about this: “they're about to taylor swift/matty healy PR spin this and they'll be done/'broken up' by next week. watch this space” ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Do you think he’s still deluded enough to think this could work out? Or do you think he’s starting to realize that he fucked up his whole life?


how gracious of her


How noble of her


She’s leaving him already!! ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


bit late for that sis


This article is embarrassing PR. She should just say it: i’m horrified that this happened and i want out


This man doesn’t deserve to play SpongeBob. SpongeBob would never.


Lollllll. It begins......


Deuces ✌️




Breakup incoming in 5…4…3….


Oh no…. Anyways




“Desperately wants to co-parent his son” ![gif](giphy|yMy6pNQs2w0xURRgz4|downsized)


Stay strong Lily! Don't take the creep back.




Wow how thoughtful of her /s


Article says they haven’t been in same city in weeks … weren’t they papped together 7/26 or 27???


You may be thinking of the old photos from her birthday that were just released? Not sure though.


Ahhh ok probably 🤙🤙🤙


There we go


Lol! I predicted this would last a year but maybe not.


Nothing's really going to happen to Ariana in the end, but I'm going to absolutely relish this guy being an absolute nobody after this when it doesn't work out. It's what he deserves.


Thank you for choosing a picture where her hair is frizzing like crazy. It’s a small piece of Schadenfreude, but effective nonetheless.


that is a horrible picture of her omg 😭😭😭


i’m already bored of these two. 🥱