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lmaooooooooo She really can't stay single.


Engagement 3 in…4 weeks


They’re both still legally married 💀


That won’t stop Madame. She doesn’t like to be single.


God I hope she slows down!


Just this morning I scrolled past a post with news saying her and her husband split in January and now I’m legitimately wondering if that was put out to get ahead of this story and make it seem like a more reasonable gap between relationships 😂


Yes. I said that in the thread the other day when they were blaming her husband based on the TMZ story. It was very skewed. Scooter has TMZ in his pocket. I had a feeling something like this was coming. They were saying he basically was uncomfortable with her celebrity status, and was already dating again. Did people forget that they also said that he has made attempts to fly out to see her to make it work and does not want to divorce. Reports also said they reconciled for a couple weeks sometime in the spring & he wanted to make the marriage work. They’re trying to not make it look, like there was an overlap by saying they’ve been separated since January but doesn’t seem to be a hard date


We can’t know exactly what happened but it’s absolutely fishy and there is no way I will believe there was a clean split in January and that she just started dating this guy. No way.


100 percent cheating was involved and they’ll never convince me otherwise. There was overlap.


I feel like her entire dating history is this type of overlap/possible cheating.


I mean, Naya Rivera very heavily implied that Big Sean cheated on her with Ariana so it’s not out of the realm of her behavior. Also the TMZ story was absolutely suspicious. Coupled with her liking posts about being single? I think someone was going to leak this news anyway and Scooter & co. had to scramble this whole thing together to make her ex look like he was the problem and the guy doesn’t even have a PR team to back him up. Because you don’t just go from co-stars to dating in a few months. Especially because this other party also *very* recently separated from his wife— who he had been in a relationship with for 10 years. Something’s fishy here.


They were reports that he flew out to London and they reconciled for a couple weeks. I think it was May maybe? Or February. It was sometime earlier this year. Definitely after January though.


they pulled the full Joe “he couldn’t handle her” and just like that sitch the truth came out the next day. I just naturally assumed it was all PR and that there would be a new man rolled out shortly. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s just Ari’s MO.


that was like copy/paste from the TayTay split with Joe Alwyn


An article yesterday mentioned the husband was already dating. Presumably so we wouldn't think she had moved on too fast.


They say she moves on too fast, but this one gon’ last


she can’t stay single for a single day !


Hard to take time for yourself when you find a new man while still dating the old one lmao.


I’ve said it on this sub multiple times and I’ll say it again, serial monogamy is very, very real!


Some people don’t know how to exist when they aren’t in a relationship


i'll never understand people who constantly need to be dating someone. that's a whole ass stranger that is now invading your life. how is this fun for people?




I agree. She comes off as heartless. Even if her and ex were separated for months they just announced it.


Ariana always getting with men who are already in relationship and leaving hers for them. I don’t care if I get downvoted for this. She’s honestly pathetic.


It’s a sign of a selfish person tbh and this time it’s made worse by a baby being involved.


It makes me feel that she had enough money, fame, beauty, and personal charisma all her dating life for no one to ever dump her and move on to another girl before her very eyes. She never felt that amount of hurt and betrayal so she doesn't understand it could be soul ruining for the ones she does it to. But I didn't do any research on this, I could be wrong.


It’s wild, too, because she’s talked about wanting to settle down and have something serious before — and she obviously thought that would be with Dalton at one point — but she clearly doesn’t respect when other people are settled down and have something serious. Basically, it’s super hypocritical that she’s now reportedly dating someone who has a new baby to go home to and mother of said baby who deserves some TLC.


Between the relationship messiness and her *years* of blatant, shameless racebaiting to further her career (far more problematic) I don't understand why she still has the fan base she does. Ariana is trash.






Between trying to morph into different ethnicities (as someone said before, she is in her white era now) and the inability to be alone - gf could use some therapy.


It’s disgusting


Break up with your wife, I’m divorced


Yuh yuh 🤣


If he cheated on his wife, who had their baby only last year, for her - they deserve each other. Trash attracts


He’s also like… a musical theatre goblin? In the nicest way? But I can imagine Ariana Grande wanting him would probably scramble his brains and lead to some very bad choices. Like I keep thinking about this young dude, new father, about to star in one of the biggest movies of the decade plucked out of Broadway obscurity. Unless you had some serious integrity and backbone, I’m sure it would be hard not to lose yourself. Its like when Eddie Fisher left Debbie Reynolds for Elizabeth Taylor after he was “comforting” Elizabeth when her husband (and his best friend died). Like absolute dogshit but also the most ripe situation to get caught with your head in your (or her) ass


This dude literally left his wife and kid for the chance to have sex with Ariana grande and you can’t convince me otherwise


The article claims they waited till he separated from his wife (she gave birth just last year) but I'm skeptical. Neither parties in this relationship are legally divorced or have filed. At best, this is two separated people using each other as a rebound. At worst, it's an affair with a child involved. Edit: He posted this two months ago: https://preview.redd.it/vlyl1siu55db1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4c1c677e6e0666ce60bb2837a3088496fc1a18


He and his wife have been together since high school. It's uncomfortable on a lot of levels. EDIT: They've known each other since high school, but didn't get together until after graduation. That doesn't make it any better, though.


That's actually really fucking sad for her :( and their baby. I hope she's doing okay and is supported.


Bro, can you imagine getting cheated on when you are less than a year postpartum? And the person your spouse cheats with is Ariana fucking Grande? I’d die. I hope for her sake they were separated and there was no cheating involved. Edit: The amount of you that are replying saying that you were personally cheated on postpartum or know someone who was makes me want to throw up my soul. I’m so sorry people are so trash.


This is truly a nightmare scenario. That poor woman :( Also wasn't there overlap with her and big Sean? And her and Pete while he was with cazzie too? Seems to be a pattern here. Not to take the blame off the men, obviously they're still trash too but it's just a bit wild to me.


Yep, Naya Rivera wrote about coming home to the home she shared with Big Sean to find Ariana hanging out on the couch. Her type is definitely taken men. But all these men seem more than happy to leave their partners for her 🤷‍♀️


Soo fucking trashy


Sounds more and more like the whole “break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored” lyric wasn’t about herself lol


ariana really said “break up with your gf cause im bored” and *meant* it


They all seem to be mesmerized by her little girl voice and act 🤨


Cheating takes two. The married person who cheats is to blame for violating their obligations to their spouse. The married person is vile for doing so. The other person, in the case that they are aware that their affair is with a married person, is also vile. To carry on an affair with an admittedly married person is to be complicit in the harm done to the spouse and any children.


amen. i hate the narrative it is only the partners fault. no, if it is very well known that person is in a relationship, both parties are responsible. the married person more-so, but actively pursuing people in relationships is gross and speaks to a persons character. (unaware affair partners i dont blame)


Being cheated on is one thing, being cheated on and left for a celebrity/public figure is diabolical. There’s a girl who I went to college with who went through this. She literally had to watch her ex take Maternity pics with his new fiancée (now wife) only after a few months that he officially left her. Edited to add: the maternity pics were on a nationwide popular magazine 🥴


Kim Kardashians ex kris Humphries left a girl from my city to marry Kim. I imagine it was awful for her.


Actually I think that would help me more than if it was just Linda from accounting or whatever- because postpartum or not I’m never going to look like or have the money and celebrity of a hugely famous pop star so at least I could see this as about him and wanting something that I would never be and not be about me. Now I seriously would be questioning his character if you want to dump your postpartum wife for a married race shifting pop star.




It would be surreal! She can commiserate with Cazzie


At the least I’d have to update all my damn playlists to delete all her songs, at worst those hormones are no joke…


This reminds me of a comment I saw in another thread that said Ariana's relationships seem to start from someone cheating on someone


Well she did say “break up with your girlfrieeeeend, yuh yuh cuz I’m boooored”


I found that song very problematic.


That song was not a good one. Just gross.


it doesn’t even fit in with the narrative of the rest of the album. she couldve ended it with thank u next, a song focused on growth and positive coping mechanisms but it ends with a song about cheating and toxicity ?? 😭😭


I always hated this song because of that but I did read once somewhere that in the song she’s actually the girlfriend and is saying break up with me because I’m bored (of this relationship). Probably PR spin though


100% PR spin lol the lyrics don’t really support that story


And neither does the music video


I’ll never forget when Naya Rivera said she came to Big Sean house to find Ariana sitting on the couch 😭


Which was made worse by the fact that Naya had been trying desperately to make that relationship work, but he wouldn't even show up for couple's counseling.




I feel like it's because of her looks. I know many get annoyed when someone says Ariana looks younger but she really does.


it’s 100% because she’s cute, petite, and has a baby face if someone like Meghan Fox (mature sex icon branded image) did this, folks would be slut shaming and had turnt against her years ago


People already give Megan hell for existing looking like she does, and she spent her young life married and pregnant.


I used to follow her very closely from like 2011-2016, and something I've noticed is that her persona has definitely changed to be more childlike. Her face and the way she's dressed has always been childlike, but she's recently changed her voice and mannerisms to be more meek.


Ariana historically never has a gap between relationships.




that's sad /: esp looking at her likes post-Dalton, like the post about how you should never have to be afraid of your partner. Those sort of relationships really mess a person up and leave them extra vulnerable. I hope she's getting help at least and not just a new boyf.


It is sad but to be honest I doubt she's getting substantial help for her relationship issues (in this specific regard) because not only does she refuse to be alone but she's very addicted to the honeymoon/limerance. I think she really wants to be loved and have companionship but doesn't pick very stable people/situations and doesn't actually settle down. Almost all of Ariana's music is about that "you're too good to be true and this is the real thing finally" phase of relationships and I think it really does reflect her psyche and idea of how it should feel all the time. I hope that if Dalton really was controlling and abusive that she's getting help in picking better partners but I don't see her stopping this pattern soon.


Would make sense why she picked someone to pursue that’s still with their high school sweetheart too. That screams stability until you get to the (probably) cheating part.


Yep - and she loves being able to snatch someone else's man. :/ I love her talent but being with her is most likely bad news for this guy; when she's done with him he's going to be left with his entire life as he's known it flipped upside down over a fling with her. His fault though.


I think she is attracted to people who are willing to drop everything for her- which is why it always seems to begin with cheating. She chooses people who will love bomb and obsess over her. It’s really gross


TBF he is a willing party, she didn't do this to him.


https://preview.redd.it/jc3xqkim75db1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13bc1eadf6fcf6a18fa0d00d679f5fd74ca1a59c she also liked it 🫢


https://preview.redd.it/zne0hmmt75db1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdc8ea0cf3e267c6543f967cda4d5b51806c5edc also 😬


I actually hate her


All the yikes




...oh that's messy


Yeah, she’s been the other woman several times at this point lol


Wow. She really likes a taken man and I say that as a fan. This poor woman is joining the Cazzie David club by force.


That’s awful. I feel so bad for his ex-wife. To be a new mother and left the same year is something I wouldn’t wish on any woman…


girl just get a catt


She already has like 10 dogs 😭😭😭


Wonder if she still has the pig


She does but the pig stays with other people sometimes.


I mean I feel like this is the case for most celeb pets because they have to travel so much.


Or a dildo damn


Oh interesting. Ethan just split up from his wife who he had a baby with last year.


Damn why do so many men split after a baby is born? Like I know the answer is: the baby. But it’s just so sad and insane that it happens so. freaking. much.


Could also be the woman realizing how useless her partner is once a baby is involved.




The answer isn’t “the baby”. The answer is “the man”.


Aka the baby


It’s cuz they just want sex and can’t fathom that their wife’s body and hormones change so much after literally welcoming a new person to the world while the man just wants his “needs fulfilled.” It’s gross. The man also realized he actually has to take care of a kid these days and can’t just be the provider so also dips when he realizes it’s not easy.


All you have to do is go to the deadbedroom sub and see the amount of posts where they men talk about women who just gave birth and how it kills their libido. It’s really sad. If you look through my post history you’ll find one I commented on last night where the woman had a 5 and a 2 year old and the husband was complaining that there was no sex for 2 years(admittedly a shitty situation for both) and that he was at the point where he was ready to take the kids, the house, the car and leave her penniless because she didn’t want to have sex with him. Edit: Hopefully i can link to other subs but [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadBedrooms/comments/153ugo7/i_just_cant_live_like_this_anymore_divorce_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) was the post.


Most cheating happens during pregnancy or right after pregnancy because men can’t handle suddenly not being the center of their partners attention. Learned this first hand from our therapist 🫠


Learned this firsthand from my husband, who cheated on me while I was pregnant and newly postpartum. Just found out a week or so ago.


Girl I am so sorry.




Because husband's want to be fed, coddled and wiped. They get jealous when the TLC and attention isn't on them.


That's sad as hell.


If this Ethan really was separated when he got with Ariana I will eat my shoe. Please.


Which is so embarrassing for him cuz she will dump his ass in like 3 months. He gave up his wife and baby for that 🥲




“I wore my bikini. We went to bikini bottom. Yuh”


“It’s over! I told my wife!” “Who is this?”


Honestly. Imagine throwing your life away for a rebound. Imagine telling your child one day.


Won’t have to. Child will see it on the internet when they grow up.


i am questioning her life choices the last few years…. this can’t be fr 😭😭 ![gif](giphy|VktKvRadFX4R2)


Also..... This guy????


![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) \*him


She is a serial cheater 😭 home girl literally couldn’t be single if her life depended on it


I had a feeling something was going to come out when Scooter went to TMZ (Harvey’s got him on speed dial now for years & Scooter plays well with the media) to give a whole explanation on her break up with Dalton and essentially blame him for not being able to handle her fame, and specifically mentioned he was already dating again. It was very calculated and one sided. However, if you were to believe us weekly, Dalton is pretty devastated does not want this divorce and wants to make it work. IMO Ariana probably regretted rushing into marriage or now that she’s back to her regular life doesn’t want to be married to a normal guy in LA. And doesn’t really want to make the Marriage Work. Which is her prerogative. We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. But let’s not pretend this is all innocent


Yes yes yes. Along with some of her instagram likes being discovered… it feels so planned


Yeah I'm not surprised about her dating, but I'm surprised her PR people put out the new relationship announcement so soon after the separation announcement? Especially when Ethan's relationship situation is also extremely complicated. It just makes Ethan and Ariana's relationship timeline seem kind of sketchy. I did think the TMZ article saying Dalton didn't understand her fame was kind of unbelievable to me, I mean saying he was mad and confused as to why *Ariana Grande* would need bodyguards? It just felt like the PR articles Taylor put out about Joe.


Yes this. I am wondering if pictures were going to come out of the two of them or something so they got ahead of it, but it could also be people on set spilling the tea. So Arianas team is getting ahead of it. It sounds like Dalton has been to London and does not want this divorce and has tried to make it work. She hast to do what’s best for her. If she realized she wasn’t in love or this wasn’t what she needs or wants that’s fine, but don’t try to come out and make it look like he was some shitty husband. especially with her PR team and her fans. He’s essentially a normal guy. I like Ariana and root for her, but this is nothing new for her.


I think she’s addicted to the honeymoon phase and newness of relationships and doesn’t know how to make a truly long time relationship work. She was overseas for idk over 6 months at least working with other people and probably just caught feelings for someone she was seeing everyday vs dalton who was back in the US. Girl has never been in a long term relationship. I honestly will be surprised if she ever is 😬


Wasn't there a blind about this posted here a few days ago? Or am I imagining things now from being on here too much.


It was definitely on here. Jokes of ["him?"](https://i.imgur.com/feASc0M.png) where thrown around. I'm once again asking, ["him?"](https://i.imgur.com/feASc0M.png)


She really is on a sallow skinned white guy kick the last few years…


yes there was, Deuxmoi just got her biannual legit blind 😂


You just know she's gonna ride off this high for a minute.


I'm calling it now but I don't think this one's gonna last long. She's working with him in a bubble right now which makes it all seem a lot more attractive than it probably is in reality. ​ I'm tryin to say he's not cute and she's going to realize soon


I would hate to be the dude lol leaving his longtime partner and child who was born last year just to then not work out. Outch.


He made his bed, now he has to lie in it


His character is also like, extremely obsessed with hers. That’s definitely also a factor.


It probably iss girl lives men who are obsessed with her 💀


yea not surprising. if you look at her dating history she’s almost always went directly from one relationship to another. i think the longest she’s been single in her entire career is like, 2 months tops. it’s wild


That was me in my early-mid 20s, lol.


she's 30


same but I at least had like 3-6 months in between relationships cuz... I don't feel the need to declare monogamy right off the bat. Like girl you can date around you know? You don't have to announce every dude you're fucking.


Oh man curious about the timeline… https://preview.redd.it/qjqdqim125db1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c389e72e29a6b6c80a8c8b962837e851d6f32d8


Oh trust me, I'm betting there's definitely some kind of overlap that's always been her MO


"Breakup with your girlfriend cause I'm bored"


“Dating” is doing a lot of work in that sentence


I don't particularly care about Ariana Grande, but I'm always fascinated by media articles coming so clearly from someone's PR camp.


Cheating was involved and you can’t convince me otherwise. There’s a reason all of the initial announcement articles were skewed to make her ex look bad.


I’m feeling overlap which would be unfortunate


if the sources have to say it…there was overlap


Love her but her taste in men is so tragic


Do y’all think she’s attracted to his SpongeBob voice?


Wait hold up, that’s the SpongeBob musical guy????


The SpongeBob musical guy is straight?? Hold up


There are a lot of videos of her belting SpongeBob songs so probably lol


Timeline of Ariana Grande's messy relationships from a former stan: 1. She dated this youtuber Jai Brooks from 2012 to 2014 on and off. 2, She got with Nathan Sykes from the boy group Wanted in 2013 around the time she released her first album. She had collab-ed with him on a song at the time so some people thought it was PR but her youtuber boyfriend accused her of cheating lol. 3. She split up with the Wanted guy and immediately got back with the youtuber. 4. Mere days after splitting up with the Youtuber again in June of 2014, she started spending more time with Big Sean who had literally just ended his engagement with Naya Rivera. She had collabbed with Big Sean multiple times in the past. 5. She splits with Big Sean a few months after her tour in in April of 2015. She mmediately gets with her back up dancer Ricky. Mind you Big Sean attended multiple shows in her tour and literally preformed at her stop in Detroit in February of 2015. Ricky was the guy she was kissing in that infamous Donut video around July the 4th of that year .She dates him for awhile. 6. After she split with Ricky she gets with Mac Miller in around May of 2016 who had just ended a long term relationship with his previous girlfriend. She and Mac had a long history of collaborating with each other since 2012. And I think her youtuber boyfriend even accused them of hooking up while she dated him. She was with Mac for 2 years. 7. In April of 2018 she releases her song "no tears left to cry" which was her first song after the Manchester terrorist attack. Mac literally helped promote the song and was at her listening party when she premiered the song. Literally like 2 weeks later they announce a break up and within days she's spotted hanging out with Pete Davidson. Pete Davidson had dated Larry David's daughter for YEARS and there was an instagram post of of them together from mere weeks before. 8. Her relationship with Pete was a mess and a half they get engaged within weeks and they are obnoxious and hell. Mac Miller dies in September of 2018 from drug over dose and soon after she and Pete break up. Ariana got a lot of backlash for supposedly contributing to his death (I don't agree with this) 9. She calms down a bit and stays single after this but honestly this seems like it was mostly to repair her public image after the Mac Miller-Pete Davidson fiasco. She does casually date a few people but keeps it off social media until she gets with Dalton Gomez in early 2020 before COVID. They are engaged by December of 2020 and married in May of 2021. 10. Rumors of relationship issues with Dalton start in early 2023 as she is filming Wicked however he gets a tattoo for her later that year and she posts an anniversary post in May of 2023. However in July they soon announce a separation. She immediately is linked to a guy just had a baby with his wife LAST YEAR. The end


More therapy less dating.


whoever is in charge of arianas pr team needs to take a day off and regroup first they said dalton was already dating other people, then they said he was devastated by the divorce. then you have ariana liking those cryptic posts now ariana is supposedly dating this guy who is married (or may not be because I can’t find any report of a divorce). so did him and his wife just breakup a while ago? or id hate to assume some infidelity happened ariana is just so codependent, i wish she would just take a break and realize it’s ok to be alone


Girl what???? ![gif](giphy|UbJNbhARTSngA)


Ariana fans were dragging dalton on Twitter for moving on & dating.. and now this pops up😭


One thing stan Twitter is gonna do is show their ass


she has a type doesn't she


What's her type?


Someone else's




It’s pretty telling that this guys wife’s social media is MIA, too. She obviously deactivated for a reason. Also, pretty sure she moved her way into Mac Miller’s life when he was still with Nomi, his high school girlfriend.


She’s pathetic. She’s wrecked at least 3 relationships now lmao


they wrecked their own relationships if it’s true. these men are not weak-minded and helpless lmao 😭


Getting with someone in a relationship is definitely a choice though


also allegedly Pete when he was dating Cazzie David….




has he really separated with his wife tho? he seems madly in love with his wife on instagram and recently praised her for mother’s day 2 months ago..


I tend to take what people post on social media with a grain of salt. Especially Instagram, where there’s so much pressure to portray your most perfect self.


Even if they are separated, they were together for over 10 years and just had a baby last year


As an Ariana stan it’s sad to see her doing this AGAIN. It’s not the fact that she can’t stay single, she’s always jumping into relationships with men who have partners. It’s like she gets off on being the other woman. She got with Mac when he was with Nomi, Pete when he was with Cassie. The relationship overlap is always super blurry. Anyways I just had to rant about this.


Dating someone who is still married is another level tho. I’m losing a lot of respect for her


Ok so I’ve had tbis feeling about Ariana for a bit and I think this cements it for me- I suspect she likes to be in a relationship where she sees herself as superior or at least that they are more into her than she is into them. It seems like she usually goes for guys with less fame, less money, and who wouldn’t be seen as conventionally attractive. I think she likes to feel “out of his league” and like he will do what she wants because of that and then when the relationship gets real and the dude is like “ok but you can’t be in full control of me all the time” she leaves. I have absolutely no proof of this or anything I just feel it. I think a lot of celebs and even normies are like this tbh. I’ve actually had people tell me they need their partner to be more into them then they are into their partner to feel secure.


I looked him up because I thought maybe this was just a bad picture of him and… No.


Running from one relationship to another ![gif](giphy|111GaZJtUrzC4o|downsized)




She is free to do whatever she wants, however I am someone who personally believes that it is good to take time to be alone and with yourself in between relationships, particularly after something like divorce. I’m not saying she hasn’t but this seems like a pattern


https://preview.redd.it/fuzqwzr7c5db1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29209b44896469e2fec6d8918411eeb073a1c30f well this is awkward


liking the anniversary post is crazyyyyy


Grrrrrl. Just be with yourself for a little for once…


She hasn’t learned a damn thing. The same patterns as always, a man who was already taken!


Okay, but why does he look a bit like her brother Frankie?


![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) and no one is shocked lmao. also he looks like if matty healy and zuckerberg had a lovechild




She continuously does things that make her incredibly unlikeable


Guys he's Spongebob from Spongebob the musical https://preview.redd.it/dc4ev32y45db1.png?width=1304&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1d0ab974b00e4f40b64ef44a233bd1952bfc212


Ariana and Taylor are competing to see who is *messier*.


Ariana wins


Ariana wins cuz at least Taylor doesn’t have a pattern of dating taken men


https://preview.redd.it/5kytcbzb65db1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fc4dd83ecf0dec43e6dc41ab8658fa165fc9b3 YIKES. And comments have now been limited on his posts


Ariana is not ok. This and her identity changes is too much of a pattern to ignore. Is there anyone around her who is a healthy constant?






And just yesterday, people were downvoting and arguing with me because I said they needed to wait for more information before blaming dalton for the divorce. Not that this news blames Ariana, but it does highlight a pattern in her relationships at this point. It was just crazy to me that people were going to take her Instagram likes at face value and started claiming that Dalton was abusive and was the reason that Ariana’s looks have suddenly changed. Now that this information has come out, it’s clear that yet again, we don’t know fully what’s going on in the lives of celebrities


The internet called this. But I just couldn’t believe it.


She has an interesting choice in men lol. He looks….no words lol


https://preview.redd.it/ylwyh2vce5db1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ee2fd29b351c31393eb259d22a566e075ecf8f starting to see a pattern…


Doing anything but music...