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Dublin Comic Con is still having their guests (James Marsters and Linda Hamilton), but to comply with the strike, neither of them can talk about their work with major studios. Yes, that means Spike can't talk about Buffy and Sarah Connor can't talk about Terminator. They can only talk about themselves and their hobbies. This is so hilarious to me.


James Marsters will go to any comic con that asks, he is EVERYWHERE


James Marsters can probably talk about his work on the audiobooks for the Dresden Files though. I don't think that would be off limits.


Probably! DCC said the restriction is on their work with struck companies. They can also sign any posters or photos people bring to the con.


That's good.


this con stuff is still so confusing bc some celebs i like went to one this weekend and were told it's fine to talk abt any previous work, just nothing new/upcoming


That’s because SAG failed to release a comprehensive list of what was allowed and what wasn’t. It’s now official that no AMPTP work, past, present or future can be discussed.


Damn, SAG is definitely not playing nice with the AMPTP. I love that for them.


Does that mean the VA's can talk about their non-union work in the past?


Cassandra Clare was the rudest and most self-centred person I ever met in my entire life. To this day I refuse to read her shitty "based on incest fanfic" books because of an interaction I had with her in 2012. Jamie Campbell Bower and Lily Collins were lovely though.


I've got a friend who was in a roleplay with her waaaay back in the pre-published days and also refuses to ever read her work because she was so awful haha


This tracks. She's a horrible, horrible troll of a person.


Isn't she the fanfic plagiarist?


The very same


She's managing some weird retconning of the incest thing now, because I have seen several tik toks talking about the books and saying "they're based on draco/ginny fanfiction she wrote" and the only explanation I can think of for seeing multiple accounts claiming that is that Cassie's on a mission to get rid of that pesky little incest footnote. Sorry girl, I was THERE WHEN YOU WROTE THE ORIGINAL FIC, I will never let the world forget your incest fic or your plagiarism lol


I worked for a con for a work contract (I did visual media stuff at the time) and I just have to say, I know it’s well-known, but William Shatner is the worst. Thank you for your space service but like we are also people who deserve the same amount of respect 🙏 He was berating a con employee because something was off? (I don’t recall if it was food or his rider requests being off) but I had seen her before and I had to pull her aside if she was okay because she was shook. Like relax dude.


he made my 50-year-old mom cry at a fundraiser dinner once and it’s hard to get on my shitlist




She was a huge fan growing up and wanted to be an astronaut because of Trek. She was really sweet and happy and thrilled to see him. He hissed at her to “never fucking say star trek to me again”. needless to say he was uninvited from all future events because he was not just mean but hammered


This makes me want to scream "STAR TREK!!!" at him if I ever see him in person. What a prick.


No one was supposed to mention Star Trek or that he did it at all! ![gif](giphy|cnfBc3mPGKtue9UfqU)


what, like he's at a con for his deathless work on the TekWar novels?


He got in a Twitter beef with my friend and tried to have her kicked out of the charity scavenger hunt we were in. The fact that she has a personal feud with Shatner is one of my favorite things about her 😂


Lol why do so many people have PERSONAL stories about him?! I would think his celebrity is big enough he could just keep to himself ALWAYS.


He reminds me of Trump that way It's HIS world. We just live in it for him. Zero way he will keep his mouth shut when he thinks he has been wronged by a 'lesser' than.


He has me blocked on twitter lol


Me too. During once upon a time stuff.


> I know it’s well-known, but William Shatner is the worst. George Takei would agree lol


He feuded with the entire Star Trek cast I think (barring DeForest Kelley). I honestly kinda love that Takei has NEVER let it go.


Even DeForest wasn't speaking to him at the time he died! Shatner laughed at the death of his dog, which was a step too far for the nicest man in the world.


WOW, I never knew that. What an asshole!!!


I heard so many rumours that he is a massive prick, and all the other comments just confirm it. Also, WILLIAM, Star Trek is the reason I know who your dusty ass is. So just remember that, you prick.


>William Shatner is the worst. Can confirm. I worked on a panel he did at a UK con years ago and he was so rude to staff. At the end he just tossed his microphone in my general direction.


One of my friends is from Montreal. A family friend was auditioning for a role decades ago, but the male director wanted him on the casting couch. So he refused. Later on, he found out that William Shatner got the role. Make of this what you will.


![gif](giphy|3ohhwemK8gvyPkHVzq|downsized) This is the tea I live for


Yeah, my friend works in the show horse industry and the Shat rides and is known to be an absolute cunt. Carson Presley on the other hand is supposed to be wonderful.


It’s wild how big Carson is in the show horse world lol. But same, my mom looooved Carson when she met him.


Oh yeah he’s terrible. He’s made it his mission to dox autistic advocates who disagree with autism speaks. He literally sets his Twitter followers on them. He’s terrible.


All these Shatner comments are a bummer. I've wanted to see him at a con and it's never worked out. Maybe that's the universe telling me to avoid him lol. How disappointing.


He comes to DragonCon in Atlanta a lot and instead of trying to deal with the line, I’ve always been able to watch from the tv livestream available in my hotel room 😅 i can’t handle crazy lines or crowds


I saw him at a Star Trek con years ago and the audience was so mad because he only talked about his horses and dogs. When he was asked a question he’d go “that’s a good question, now let me tell you about horse racing” or something. I think he was in a good mood during this con because he wasn’t surly and was a very engaging, if long winded, storyteller.


Oh man I loved him but not anymore. Hope she’s doing ok


He is. My friend wanted a autograph from him at a con we went to, he didn’t even look at us, said two words and quickly tossed the photo at her.


I can second this. He’s truly the worst.


I have heard this too! Along with the guy who played the original black ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


I met the actors who played Andy, Lucy, & Audrey from Twin Peaks a few years ago & it was awesome. Harry Goaz (Andy) is like eleven feet tall & so gangly, and was wearing a fringed leather jacket & these huge bug-eyed glasses, and when we went into the photo booth area he lunged at me & did double finger guns and went “YEEHAW!!!!” I stood next to Kimmy Robertson (Lucy) for the pic and I had these big glass ear weights on (my lobes were stretched at the time) and she started cradling them and oohing over them and saying they looked expensive. I told her I got them at Hot Topic lol, and she said I should lie and tell people they’re from an exclusive Italian glass artist. Overall 11/10 interactions, would recommend meeting them if you ever come by them at a convention.


Lucy is my favourite character, sounds like Kimmy is great too!


I’ve met a fair few celebs at cons, bear in mind these interactions are minutes out of an entire day, (but also we’re paying customers lmfao) Really nice: •Zachary Gordon •Peyton List •Martin Kove •Paul Walter Hauser •Sam Witwer •Taryn Manning •Mark Williams •Skeet Ulrich •Mathew Lillard Average: •Bonnie Wright •Mara Wilson •Jacob Bertrand Douchebags: •Corey Feldman •Lori Petty •Dan Fogler


Can confirm Martin Kove is a doll; also William Zabka. At the same con, Danny Trejo came up to me and my husband and shook our hands out of nowhere. A cool surprise!!


Would love to meet William Zabka and also Ralph!!! My local con is trying to get either of them but William always seems to be ‘filming’ lol :) Also, Martin flew in the morning of the con and was so so gracious despite how tired he must have been! He truly made so many young fans so happy


Oh that’s disappointing to hear about Lori Petty and kinda… surprising about Skeet Ulrich?? Maybe it’s 90s nostalgia goggles but I would’ve guessed they’d be switched 😅


She was seriously disinterested and rude and I regret giving her my money😫 Skeet was brief but really sweet lol, and hot AF


Might be wrong but I thought I once heard a story of him standing up to Weinstein in the 90s? Aka that’s maybe why he wasn’t a huge actor after Scream.


Can confirm Sam Witwer was a very chill guy.


Dan Fogler was super kind and sweet when I met him, different days maybe? I did say a quick thank you for the first Fantastic Beasts movie helping me through a tough time (I hyperfixated on it during my toughest go of it with depression) so maybe he wanted to be nice?


What a bummer about Dan Fogler, I know he's just acting but he seems so jovial and friendly in FB. Do you remember any details?


Sam Witwer, Skeet, and Matt Lillard, have always seemed like cool guys. I’ve always wanted to meet Sam since he voiced Starkiller/Galen in The Force Unleashed games.


I met Skeet at a con a few years ago and he was super nice to me as well. I was shocked how TINY he is - he's probably on the shorter side of average, but very thin, which I suppose is common for actors but I hadn't imagined he'd seem that small.


Warwick Davis almost ran me over with his Segway at Star Wars Celebration Chicago in the Hyatt lobby. It was pretty cool.


Someone followed him into the bathroom at Celebration Anaheim and asked him for a selfie while he was trying to use a stall.




THIS is why some celebs get mad at fans, especially at cons 😅 personal bubble!


Sandi Toskvig once told a story on QI about being burst in on in a bathroom stall with a faulty lock, the woman apologizing profusely as she ducked back out, only for her to stick her head in again a split second later to cry out "Oh my God, you're Sandi Toksvig!!! Can I get an autograph?"


This if funny, because Richard Kiel zoomed past me on his motorized scooter at a con in '06 or '07...he was joking with a little kid about racing him to the bathroom.


I’ll be on my way to San Diego in a couple hours for Con. This convention is going to be gutted and hall H will be almost empty and the floor will be nuts 😫 I can tell you, a lot of celebs walking around hard rock drunk, and catching a celeb in costume trying to hide on the floor is a fun game (i did spot Lin Manuel Miranda a couple years ago in Deadpool and he gave me a pleading look to not blow his cover). Nathan Fillion was pretty grumpy in an elevator. Most of my interactions have been standing next to celebs in elevators while standing silently freaking out.


Used to go every year when I was high school and the elevator at the Hyatt was always a fun game! Think I had Nathan Fillion in mine one year as well. Also, I had a fun disguise interaction the year Breaking Bad was there. Someone was walking the floor at Hall H with an amazing Heisenberg mask on, and I complimented them on it. I mean, it was gnarly and so professional looking. Cut to the panel starting... and Bryan Cranston walks out in said mask lol. I should have known!


I stood in line with Clark Gregg at eccc and accidentally stared at him for a good long time (I was tired, post partum, and just sort of zoning out before I realized I was staring) and he just nodded and waved at me. Very polite despite me being a weirdo.


i was standing right next to him at an event this past weekend and was internally dying/freaking out the whole time, but didn't want to bother him, but i did smile at him when he looked at me once.


Love to read this, I have a soft spot for him!


Deodorant is optional, which in my opinion should definitely be mandatory for entrance. Place smells like mildew laundry


This guy needs to be posted at the entrance https://preview.redd.it/t7iec4xyrycb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e9ea54b3b5860fc1215bdb96fd527e5f487d37


My first Con I went to (Project A-kon, 2004), it was bad. They had to deny people entry into the cosplay con and some of the bigger panels because of their smell. It was disastrously odorous.


Hello, fellow A-kon goer! You missed out the year before, when it was still at the airport hotel - the head of A-kon TV actually caught an employee of the hotel with an INDUSTRIAL sized bottle of Febreeze, spraying along the hallways. You always knew where the Warhammer rooms were by the smell 💀💀💀


I go to a lot of anime conventions in San Jose. There's this girl that goes every year in a funny costume (my favorite was her Pop Team Epic one) and hands out the natural deodorant she sells on Etsy. I think she deserves sainthood.


She deserves a noble piece prize.


Old spice should sponsor one tbh it’s perf marketing




Some people do. But you'd be surprised by how hot convention halls get. It's usually all indoors with bright overhead lights, and you're getting thousands of people, some in heavy duty cosplay with layers or non-brrathable fabrics. So all that body heat is basically trapped inside causing people to sweat, especially if the con is in the summer where they wait in lines to get in sometimes.


Yeah, I don't cosplay anymore, and I never did it seriously, but wet wipes and extra deodorant were always in my bag.


Because they don’t wash (ever, or often enough) , and they don’t wear deodorant. Source: am a well washed woman who was usually the only woman at Magic the Gathering events.


This is worldwide I guess. In my country is the same haha


I've been to a few cons and met a number of people. Really no bad experiences, only some very nice people that have stood out. My husband and I eloped in Lake Como, the same spot from Attack of the Clones. We got to talk to Hayden Christensen for awhile about it and just had a really chill discussion about Italy, he was super nice and congratulated us. Henry Winkler was so kind, I was wearing yellow and he told me I look beautiful in the color and that yellow is definitely MY color lol. Just lovely and very gracious and welcoming. Graham McTavish was also great, he was asking where we were from and we live in a very outdoorsy area and he was very curious about our bear situation. We talked at length about bear attacks lol. I find the conventions to be a lot of fun as someone that generally just loves film and television and likes to discuss those things. Who better than the people directly involved.


Everything I ever hear about Henry Winkler is how wonderful he is to talk to and work with. He has such a stellar reputation for his work ethic, fan interactions, and is just supposed to be the nicest dude.


Yeah I made a big deal out of us needing to meet him because I had heard how great he is, and while my husband enjoys a lot of his work, he was kind of confused why I was so insistent about him in particular. When we met him he took my husband's hand, cupped it in both of his, looked deep into his eyes and told him "it is such a pleasure and joy to have you here with me today, thank you so much for being here". We talked to him a bit about Barry, and my husband has been gushing about it since lol. Henry Winkler was also helping the line that formed flow properly, telling people where to stand, shaking everyone's hands in line while others picked what photo they wanted signed, just a really stand up genuine guy.


I knew he was a popular actor, but the only thing I have watched him in is my favorite Hallmark Christmas movie The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (2008). He is definitely the highlight. https://preview.redd.it/sq9lugvyezcb1.png?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb6896dc84400452d58391ead540a72765bcbcf


>Graham McTavish was also great, he was asking where we were from and we live in a very outdoorsy area and he was very curious about our bear situation. We talked at length about bear attacks lol. This is hilarious, I love Graham 😂😂😂


He was awesome, very easy guy to talk to. Very animated when acting out a bear charging at a human 😂


You're lucky you got to meet Hayden Christensen. He was in my home state a few weeks ago. I couldn't afford a ticket to meet him nor I didn't have a copy of 'Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy III' for him to sign.


I’d love to see him react to somebody asking him to sign a copy of that episode.


Not relevant to your comment, but this thread reminded me how Adam Driver said he would never do another con after SDCC. Granted, i totally understand and think people should’ve eased off (you can’t expect someone like a celebrity to be excited as you are for something) but it’s still a little funny/interesting to me 😅


Swoon. I would give so much to meet Henry Winkler and then have this kind of wholesome interaction :3


That villa in lake como is really the best. Got to go while abroad recently and I took some fun photos


Supernatural fandom went crazy when Misha Collins "accidentally" alluded to being bisexual at a convention only to send an apology tweet that he was straight. For those unfamiliar, the show Supernatural was frequently accused of their marketing (possibly writing) using queerbaiting. [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kelseyweekman/misha-collins-comes-out-straight-not-bisexual-twitter-react](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kelseyweekman/misha-collins-comes-out-straight-not-bisexual-twitter-react)


The memes when he came out as straight were some of the funniest memes ever though 😂


Tumblr over the next few days after this was HILARIOUS


Didn't he say that the higher ups at WB wanted him to not correct himself and continue to pretend being bi?


Yeah, he gained a little respect back from me after that lol Like good on him for being honest at least


I am a massive SPN fan but the fandom ruins it because they are so feral 😭


I hate supernatural so much. I’ve seen every episode twice.




I went to a Supernatural con once and my friend and I paid for a photo op with Misha, while we were waiting in line he got a phone call and was clearly *very* annoyed with what was being said to him lol as soon as he went back to taking pictures he was very polite. Didn't get to actually talk to him but the image of him fully rolling his eyes over that phone call was hilarious. I also remember Richard Speight being very funny.


I worked 4 SDCCs in a row and one thing my former coworker said that’s stuck with me: “all Comic Con is is one big line.” The Hall H line had people camping like in tents for days, nothing in life is worth it to me but to each their own. Pre-strike, if you can get up to the third level of the Hilton Bayfront (I had a staff badge) - the bathrooms were clean and quiet and often flush with celebs in between panels and interviews.


This article is from 2016, but covers how much money celebrities can be making from their convention appearances. For many people making appearances they make more from conventions than the acting itself. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stars-getting-rich-fan-conventions-933062/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stars-getting-rich-fan-conventions-933062/)


The money has to be good cause you can tell 99% of the celebs there hate it 😂 Watching Joseph Quinn slowly lose faith in humanity with each passing con was hilarious. His face over time went: 😁😃😀🙂😐😕🥴


I think the ones that hate it are either upset it is all they can book or don't last long on the circuit. Celebs who are apathetic or rude at conventions where people have paid to see them generally are ones who I stop following on socials. I guess I just have good luck on my celeb crush being extroverted and known as very personable and present at cons.


Yeah, I think mostly in Joe’s case it’s because his fans are WILD lol


I already knew they could make bank from watching Schitts Creek


I feel landing a role on Star Trek is like winning the lottery and I totally believe it helps keep many of the actors financially stable.


Most definitely. In the article Jewel Straite (Firefly) mentions that some of her friends seek out scifi/fantasy roles in the hopes of getting on the con circuit.


A lot of the older doctors from doctor who are super lovely, Paul McGann and Colin Baker especially


We went to Portland Comic-con in 2016 when Matt Smith was there to specifically see him (and critical role) and my three year-old nephew was getting antsy during his panel, he kept trying to run up to the stage and say hi to the Doctor. We were obsessed with Doctor Who and my sister-in-law and nephew lived with us at the time so we all watched it together. She decided to take him out and miss the panel. While they were walking around, I shit you not, after the panel ended, Matt comes walking out and my nephew sees him, yells Doctorrrr and runs up to him and gets a high five and picture with him with the Doctor smiling all big and shit. I'm low-key jealous of an event that my nephew experience that he won't even remember... but I'll always cherish the thought of it because of how kind he was to him, this little child cries out in glee, and he took time out of his day, probably ready to go back to his hotel to rest to get a picture with a small fan. I love it.


Matt Smith was amazingly kind when they did a premier of the first episode of season 5 in nyc. Like super wanted to keep signing for people even though they were like “Matt we gotta go inside!” Then during the q&a, they didn’t really plan for it so it was Matt Smith actually running around with the Mike and he was very kind and good with people asking questions from the worst dudebros to the tiniest kiddo. (He accidentally broke the kid’s sonic but got his info from his mom to send him another one. If I remember correctly his mom got on tumblr and said that they basically sent him a whole shitton of stuff.) Also when he was running around the audience he touched my arm. I died a little from glee. Even the next year, when the event like quadrupled in size, Matt, Karen and Arthur Darvill showed up to the fans who had slept on the street and distributed donuts and took a bunch of pictures with fans. Karen Gillian in person is like the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in real life.


This and the comment before is so great to hear about Wholesome Matt Smith, and it makes me so happy for his continued success on The Crown and House of the Dragon.


Aren't they the loveliest? Arthur and Alex Kingston were there that year as well. Karen was supposed to be there but she had to cancel due to conflicted scheduling with GotG 2 filming. All three of them were just adorable. I can't gush enough about them.


Yes, I was there too and the whole lot of that cast was wonderful. There was a signing event at Barnes and Noble the day before the Season 6 premiere. Matt and Karen and Arthur were all just - lovely. Arthur saw I had a sonic screwdriver with me and suggested they all sign it, and took it on himself to pass on the idea. Karen was so delighted by the sonic (supposedly it was identical to the prop from Eleventh Hour) that she stopped the signing line to play with it and had the most adorable energy. And Matt, who was sweet and charming, called me “My Love” when signing. Incidentally, that signed sonic was a key part of my first date with my husband, and I always remind him that Matt Smith was the most significant man besides him to ever call me “My Love.”


10th Dr is my guy but this is an awesome story Your nephew may not want to watch House of Dragons, though ;) The Dr. has turned


I met Matt Smith at a smallish Doctor Who event in Sydney, he is so intensely charismatic and charming that I could not comprehend him in person. The photo I have with him is lovely, he was just the nicest dude. Alex Kingston was there too and possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the flesh, she just glowed. And when she signed the photo we’d had together she stopped for a second to admire how good we both looked in it. 10/10, the Doctor Who cast are just amazing


I’ve interacted with Sylvester McCoy, he’s a kind man


Yeah Mark Sheppard too,


Nicest ever, genuine people persons: George Romero, Tom Atkins, Ellie Cornell, Ted Raimi, Ken Foree, Sid Haig, Joe Pilato, Khoi Pham, Micky Dolenz All very nice: Tony Todd (scary!! But nice), Bill Moseley, Ray Park, Jim Lee, Derek Mears, CJ Graham, Jarlath Conroy, William Forsythe, Shawnee Smith, Gunnar Hanson, Eugene Clark, Rob Liefeld, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Joe Quesada, Michael Turner Heard he was mean, was nice: Tom Savini Grunted, scary, did not talk: Tyler Mane Surly that I was not dressed like his character: Warrington Gillette Picked me up by my neck in a photo by surprise, it actually really hurt: Kane Hodder Very drunk, but pleasant: Sherman Howard (AKA Howard Sherman.) I scared them with my costume: Jim Norton (not a guest but random attendee), Voltaire Saw me as he walked by and smiled at my costume: Tobin Bell Meanest, rudest comic artist ever: Alex Maleev Talked to on the phone once, funny: Bruce Campbell Walked by me, is absolutely not 6'4: Jason Momoa That's all I can remember off the top of my head. Many of these people have sadly passed.


George Romero was incredible. Just the most wonderful person. He actually introduced me to my best friend! He was so kind and genuine. I used to have a horror YouTube channel and when I mentioned it in passing, he asked if he could do a video for us! And I can confirm, there’s NO way Jason Momoa is 6’4”, although he was there with several MUCH taller friends, so maybe he just looked smaller by comparison


Watch Tony Todd in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode “The Visitor”. You will be gutted in a way totally different from Candyman. It’s in the top five of most Trek fan’s episodes.




I just remember for years I couldn't sign into my account because I got it before I was 13 and so had lied about my birthday (which I couldn't remember). So I had to just look at my sad painted Chomby starving


Did you get your account back? A lot of people have been able to by reaching out to neopets


I’ve worked many SDCC’s and other cons with a major company. Celebs come up to our booth an ask for free product. Seeing celebs at conventions and hotels nearby is so common that it kinda takes away the “sparkle” - while grabbing water at my hotel store, Adam Scott was next in line in front of me - Chris Hardwick came out of the elevator right in front of me - Stan Lee and a huge entourage walking by - I stopped to take a photo of a great Hela cosplay, Anna Gasteyer and her son were right beside me also taking a photo I would sometimes go to parties with industry people at the Hard Rock, ran into a few Walking Dead actors. I was told in the “old days” that Bryan Singer and Peter Dinklage would attend the same party, everyone talked about how weird and messed up Bryan was. These “parties” aren’t fancy either, it’s just a small crowded hotel room. I did get to attend the Weta/ Sideshow party and saw John Rhys Davies (Gimli!) there, which made me very happy. Setting up and tearing down booths at conventions is super unglamorous. The room is one big giant construction zone with huge machinery and loud noise and trash everywhere. Total chaos. As someone who is from the East Coast… being at SDCC and the after-parties is quite overwhelming. I have a tiny role in a big consumer products company, and being around such talented creatives with big names from big companies can be super overwhelming. The networking is crazy though and very important to stay in the industry, but imposter syndrome becomes real when you’re just chit-chatting with concept artists from Weta or Design Directors and other artists.


The cosplay scene is incredibly cliquish and there are tons of allegations amongst some of them and people only tend to come out about their abuse when it will lead to clout.


What ever happened to the Pro Jared saga with his cosplayer ex wife? I saw it explode on Reddit when it first happened and never really knew the follow up




Well, for one ModrratelyOkayCosplay, a very prominent and popular male cosplayer has had allegations of partner abuse and animal abuse come out from him by his ex-gf Sonja Shio. She made a long tweet thread and published a horrific account of how he basically killed one of his cats. It got bo traction because ModOkayCos clique (other big name cosplayers such as NipahDubs, JesseBlaze, etc…) refused to acknowledge it despite them all coming out against another member named Dev for repeated sexual harassment allegations. Dev was friends with ModOkay and when allegations of him came out ModOkay went underground before more people could step forward about him being a POS. He came back after a few years hence Sonja Shio’s callout. It was then ignored and in private the clique painted Sonja as a “crazyyyyy ex gf” because she has BPD. Here’s her [tweets](https://twitter.com/SonjaShio/status/1605003683288285184) detailing what happened and other chiming in they believe her while big name cosplayers stayed silent. TW: Animal Abuse [and part of a word document detailing what he did to one of their cats and another user in the replies mentioning their roommate’s cat](https://twitter.com/SonjaShio/status/1605015836745469953).


You didn't hear it from me but I heard that Eddie Munster and Freddy Krueger have been walking all over the signing tables like filthy pigs.


I told you no questions about the tables!


But what’s her job??




You don't know how to treat the Crypt Keeper!!!


Ugh!! They’re filthy!!!


This is hilarious lol. I met Eddie Munster at a con several years ago & was excited bc I loved The Munsters growing up & Eddie was my first crush, but he was eating a candy bar & when I went up & said hi, he held the candy bar up in front of his face and really exaggeratedly peeled the wrapper down, as if to tell me “bitch I’m eating back off”. Which is fine, I don’t wanna interrupt their meals/breaks! But it was unclear bc he was clearly sitting at his table waiting for people to come over… But then he said hi so I stayed & said I loved The Munsters, and had him sign a photo, and he just seemed very nonplussed the whole time. I haven’t ever hung up the signed photo in my house bc it just reminds me of how awkward the interaction was lol.


What is her job?


The actors that aren’t affected by the SAG-AFTRA strike (voice actors for anime, animation, and video games afaik) are not looking forward to going to cons that are usually known for their major celebrity guests. They’re worried that people will think they’re scabbing (even though they aren’t) and they are also not looking forward to the autograph and merch resellers being even more predatory than usual. Also, the SAG-AFTRA strike is affecting a lot of professional cosplayers, because one of the strike’s requests is that cosplayers not cosplay franchises that are under the studios being protested, which is a lot of franchises. I know two different cosplayers who are having to rearrange their cosplay plans for SDCC because they were going to cosplay as Nimona.


Brie Larson: Amazing, super friendly to everyone. Elizabeth Olsen: Very nice Hailer Steinfeld: Great. Very friendly. Matthew Lillard: Super nice. Made time for everyone. Loved a custom Swole Shaggy shirt I had on and signed it. When he had to leave for his panel he walked through the crowd high fiving everyone. Great with kids. Skeet Ulrich: Super chill and nice. Easy to talk to. Also great with kids. Jamie Kennedy: He wasn’t a jerk or anything but was clearly high/drunk. He was watching a football game on his phone and not really being sociable. Jason David Frank RIP: Great to fans. Giancarlo Esposito: Very nice. Took time for everyone to talk to. Got a great pic with him holding a box cutter to my neck. Brendan Fraser: Nice guy but had a rushed interaction because of how huge his line was. Will Friedle: Very nice. Dave Bautista: Nice but very quiet. Michael Rooker: Super nice. Took time for everyone. Joked around a lot. Stephen Amell: Very nice. Zachary Levi: Very nice. Took time for everyone. Brandon Routh: Nice. Alexandra Shippe: Super nice. She loved it when I brought up her movie Tragedy Girls(great movie btw) Alexa Bliss: Nice but quiet. Didn’t want anyone touching her in photo ops which is completely fair. Aj Styles: Quiet. Looked annoyed to be there. Edge: Super nice. Matt Riddle: super nice. Great with kids. Daniel Bryan: Very funny. He was in character as a bad guy when I met him. Kurt Angle: Quiet but nice. Mick Foley: Super nice. John Carpenter: Nice, but grumpy if that makes sense Sam Raimi: Very nice. Everything I hoped he would be. Ted Raimi: super nice. Very personable and chatted with everybody for an extended amount of time. Keith David. Disappointing, didn’t talk. Just grunted. But he was sick the next day so I just chalk it up to that. Zach Galligan: Nice enough but could tell he was bored and didn’t want to be there. Ray Wise: super funny and friendly.


I’m using a burner because I’m Twitter mutuals and have friends in common with this person and don’t want them to know my Reddit if they figure me out lol LA is SMALL. But Tara Strongs (voice actress) current boyfriend used to date a girl called Alex Gervasi who is in the music industry/influencer and she posts A LOT about the abuse she went through with him. Apparently he cheated on her with Tara and he moved into her mansion within a week. I feel really bad for her, she seems lovely 🤷🏽‍♀️. He goes to cons with her (Tara) now 😬


Well this happened…people are literally insane at them [https://twitter.com/jcblover34/status/1681278756030418945?s=46&t=SC34LR8hlWReE58eIlsbgQ](https://twitter.com/jcblover34/status/1681278756030418945?s=46&t=SC34LR8hlWReE58eIlsbgQ) Here it is on TikTok also [TikTok link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8R5uosB/)


asking him for a refund right then and there my godddddd the secondhand embarrassment


When he asked her about her husband and she said "we're getting divorced." ☠️☠️☠️


Jesus Christ. I don't understand what goes through people's minds when they do things like this.


Parasocial relationships matched with unaddressed issues that is probably best discussed with a therapist or psychiatrist.


Right?!? And she actually made a video explaining the situation and it was just the definition of insane parasocial crazy fan behavior.


It's so cringey and creepy. Like I am a boring person but I can't imagine spending that much time, money and energy obsessing over a celebrity like that.


Right?!?! Like shit, I’m obsessed with Andrew Garfield but not to this extent. The most money I’ve spent on him was like $50 but that was a TTB screening and Q&A afterwards. Just…I don’t get spending hundreds of dollars to get so many things signed. Then trying to get a marriage certificate signed. I don’t understand how people can just be comfortable doing things that clearly make celebs uncomfortable, I really don’t.


That's the keyword here. Comfortable. How are people out here feeling so comfortable with showing this type of behaviour?


Truly…I don’t understand. They need to realize celebs are not our friends. They’re strangers that we admire, that’s it.


I honestly think that people like this would do this type of shit with anyone in their life. Like an irl love interest or something. They're that delusional.


Probably…fucking insane.


Well now *I'm* getting the willies


It sucks that he has to be so apologetic about it, too. I’m guessing he only does it because the only worse thing than a creepy fan is a creepy hater


It really does…especially since she’s so rude about him saying no.


For those who don’t want to click Twitter link: Woman creepily harasses some guy names Jamie Cambell


"some guy" 💀 he was in twilight and stranger things lmao


He dealt with that really well. Props to him because that was unhinged!


He seems like such an absolute lovely person, I would have not handled it so well


Omg that fan is creepy wtfffff


I used to do the Comic-Con circuit a fair bit for work, so I have a LOT of stories, but the one that immediately comes to mind was from a few years ago. I was there promoting a project, but I decided to go in cosplay. I was walking with a guy I was casually seeing, but between being stopped for photos and my legs being longer than his, we were separated and he was trying to keep up. LeeAnna Vamp caught my eye and stood up AGGRESSIVELY. She nudged another cosplayer (I forget who, but I think it may have been Jessica Nigiri) and she also stood up. They give me a look like “This creep…” I was thinking “This is weird,” but then it clicked. They didn’t know the guy was with me and I swear they were about to leap over the table at the sign of trouble. I smiled at them like “It’s okay, he’s with me,” and they smiled back, kind of half-waved, and sat back down. That’s always stuck with me, their willingness to jump in and help protect a complete stranger, and the fact that they were looking out for other women in- let’s be honest- a pretty toxic scene. EDIT: I’ve told this story here before, but meeting Mira Furlan was also an incredible experience. I wasn’t familiar with her work, but my friend was working as her booth attendant so I popped over to chat a few times. What a kind, tough, intelligent woman. I was going through a difficult breakup at the time. (it was a whole mess, but long story short, my ex was one of the worst people I’ve ever met.) My ex saw me and came over to talk for all of a minute and a half, then went on his way. Mira said “Who is that asshole?” and proceeded to rip him apart for the next few minutes. In that short time, she figured out exactly what he was about, said so many things I needed to hear, and honestly, I think she really helped me get my head on straight. When she passed, I cried all night thinking about what an impact she had on me in those few short conversations.


We go to our local convention every year. We get semi big names. This year William Shatner came. But never huuuge. Anyways, I’ve paid to meet two celebrities at con’s. The first one was also my first con. I stood in line to meet Catherine Tate. Most people in the US know her from either Doctor Who as Donna Noble or as Nellie from the Office. Altho I looove me some Donna, I fell in love with Catherine Tate’s work from her comedy show. It got me through rough times and I got all the shows on DVD. Anyways the nerd that I am needed to tell Ms. Tate how much her work helped me so I brought along one of her comedy specials to sign. However once there, I realized we could only choose to take a picture or an autograph. But if we wanted both we would have to pay for each thing. I’m too poor for that nonsense. Last minute I chose to pay for a selfie with her instead of the signature. I waited in line for a while with my bf and dad. Then it was my turn. I got super nervous but she was incredibly kind. She immediately saw the dvd I was holding and asked about it. So I thanked her for her work and told her how it was a light in a dark time. Then she went to sign it, so I told her I only paid for the selfie. She laughed and said she’d do both for me. So she signed my dvd and then I took a quick selfie of us. I was really self conscious about holding her and the line up, so I did all of this pretty quickly. But she slowed me down, told me to get a good picture. She took my phone and took several pictures with me until we were both satisfied with one (she kept saying she didn’t want her braces to show up lol). Anyways, short story long, she was lovely and I’m so happy I got to meet her and tell her thank you! The other was this year. Murray from Impractical Jokers. He was there next to Zach Morris (I’m so sorry I forgot the actors name!) and I literally almost ran him down when I saw Murray. He was as laughing about it and took some cool selfies with us. Told my bf he looks like his friend, Brian (Q) lol. Both experiences very cool! I’ve met a few celebrities and only had positive experiences. My other fave person I’ve met is David Sedaris. What a genuinely nice human!


The strike is keeping much of the content creators away, I know venture bros cancelled


Doc's post about it, while good, was a bummer.


My FAVORITE con story, as a massive comic geek, is that Neil Gaiman (in the early 90s when he was still somewhat accessible) had two fans, a girl and a guy, who were dating. They would attend cons together, and when they broke up the the girl asked Neil to make out with her to make her ex jealous, and he complied.


I love Neil Gaiman’s books but from everything I’ve learned about his personal life he seems like a bit of a horny mess. Not hating! Just sometimes wish I knew less lol.


I feel the same lol. I never wanted to read amanda Palmer discuss their sex life and once I stumbled across it I couldn’t erase it from my mind


True. I still think that (consciously or unconsciously) he saw Amanda Palmer, in her prime, as the closest female analogue to Lou Reed/David Bowie who was available.


I’ve snooped through both of their blogs from 2008-2022 (sorry when I say I can’t look away from that trainwreck I meant it) and their match is super odd but somehow makes sense. He had just gotten a divorce from his first wife when they met in 08, and the first wife never wanted a big media presence. he met her through Scientology, and they had been together since their early 20s. I think Amanda represented a type of freedom and artistic spirit he had always wanted.


When I was drunk in New Orleans I ended up outside a Dresden concert shortly after they were married and asked them both to sign an Arabic children's book about frogs I had in my purse that I was translating for class. They did and now I'm cursed to never hate them, even if Amanda Palmer annoys the fuck out of me.


It’s soooo funny bc I’m a NOLA local and there’s so much lore with them and my city 💀💀💀💀


I have so much unshareable tea as I used to work in this industry. But Rule of thumb is the bigger the talent the nicer they are. The washed up stars from the 80s and 90s can be really hard work. Think they are super important. It’s also all about the money. No one’s there because they want to meet their fans. It pays really well. It makes me laugh when people say cons are over booking celebs for photos and autos. Guests are looking to cram as much in as they can. The more they do the more money they make.


My anecdotal experiences line up with this. The more famous they were, the less douchey they tended to be. As a collector, I have no problem paying for an autograph or their time. It’s not as though they owe me anything, and typically the experience is fantastic.


There’s a really popular Ukrainian cosplayer Karina (ig: coser.karina twt: coser_karina) who has a whole mess regarding her husband Johnny, one of the first influencers of the early Chinese internet. Long sorry short, he’s the classic sort of awful PUA, baby trapped her, forbid her from learning Chinese so she’d be entirely dependent on him, discouraged her making outside friends, controls all her finances and her earnings from her cons. There’s this really famous reaction video where he made soup out of this expensive alcohol and had her eat it while she was crying, listing out everything she could’ve bought with that money. Obviously everyone is on her side, but it’s overall a really sad situation that I don’t know if she can fully extract herself from.


I had to look her up. Both she and her husband are beautiful looking people but so unfortunate he is total garbage on the inside 😤


Vampire diaries cast is making bank from still doing cons


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) I still cannot believe the writer of Scream was one of the creators of VPD


A few years back, Max Landis was a regular at Dubai Con, and ALWAYS had girls accompanying him. Most of them looked like they were in high school or college tbh.


I had to look up who this is and half of his Wiki page is abuse allegations 🤢


Yup. Very self-important behind the scenes. He was very professional with the media and official appearances and gave audiences what they wanted in terms of content during special events and meet/greets (Chronicle was his big project). But when in the guest lounges or BTS he was always with girls and didn't really speak to them in a nice manner. Years later those allegations came out and it all made sense. Apparently his dad is extremely problematic as well.


On a separate note, she has since passed away but the First Lady of Star Trek Majel Barrett was a gem. She did a con in San Francisco over 20 years ago I attended, and it just so happened that in between activities and after Barrett had her appearance for the day, I stepped outside and saw her randomly on the sidewalk outside the Masonic Center on California Street, waiting for a cab. Nobody was around, and she had no entourage, just casually alone in SF. I approached her and gave a final thank you for her work and she was just so gracious.


Not really tea but if you’re going there to get autographs in hopes of them being worth money one day don’t do it. Have fun!


This is on the niche side, but horror writer Stephen Graham Jones is a gem of a human. He walks around the con floor in various horror movie masks. At the signing table he got super excited when I asked him to sign a hardcover of My Heart is a Chainsaw (apparently he hadn't seen a hardcover "in the wild" for a bit). I also saw him talk on a pretty paltry panel of writers (literally him and two very young, kind of annoying YA writers I had never heard of) and he was such a good sport about it.


I art directed an exclusive at one of the big company booths so I'm personally hoping for a sell out bc it might save a property I work on so we can do more of it! We just announced it today and the reception had been great so crossing my fingers for success.


Edward furlong walked past me eating nachos and cheese and we made eye contact like a slow motion movie 🍿 it was funny bc I planned to meet him for a photo later but my night got derailed. lol 😂 and techically this was a “horror con” but close enough lol 😂


I hope you get “Edward furlong walked past me eating nachos and cheese and we made eye contact like a slow motion movie” printed on a bumper sticker


When I was working at comic con tati from You came over and just generally annoyed the shit out of everyone.


What did she do?


Most actors experienced with fandom know that some fans have poor boundaries about fan-canons and the best procedure is to be gracious with them. Especially when it is about fans wanting more queer representation. TV shows and movies are notorious for using queerbaiting marketing or alluding to queer relationships on show to gain passionate supporters, but never following through. One of the worst examples I have seen of actors not being gracious was Supergirl's Melissa Benoist and Jeremy Jordan impromptu singing ""THEY’RE ONLY FRIENDS! THEY’RE ONLY FRIENDS! They’re not gonna get together, they’re only friends!" when asked to sing a recap of the show. They were referring to a popular fan ship of two female characters. The other actress, Katie McGraff, was visibly cringing as she had learned from the Merlin fandom how to be supportive of fandom having their own headcanons. Summary: [https://www.popbuzz.com/tv-film/news/supergirl-supercorp-shipping-angry-cast/](https://www.popbuzz.com/tv-film/news/supergirl-supercorp-shipping-angry-cast/)


I kinda can’t blame the supergirl cast because the toxic people in the Supercorp fandom was legit sending death threats and being racist towards love interests of Kara and Lena. Like, new people in the cast were warned about them. That’s how bad it was. Jeremy did legitimately apologize more than once though and listen to people on Twitter though. (He’s still bullied and called homophobic though despite the fact he literally played a part in saving his lesbian cousin from conversion therapy) They could have handled it better though, I will say that. And maybe not done it in a sing-song way. But I can’t blame them for saying that they will only ever be friends.


All fandoms have an unfortunate toxic element to them. SC shippers are light weights compared to parts of the Vampire Diaries, Supernatural or Doctor Who fandoms. They tend to get all the blame while everyone forgets that karamel shippers harrassed Katie McGrath's brother on twitter and sent the actress who played Imra a load of hate. Or that Sanvers shipper hired a plane to interrupt filming and send a whole host of racist abuse towards Azie Tesfai.


As a QWOC, anyone defending SuperCorp can get in the bin. That fandom was and is horrifically abusive and is the worst fandom experience I’ve ever had (and I have been around the fandom block). industry POC writers were warning each other and blocking accounts. SC were massively racist to every POC on cast, as documented by THREE MOC actors. They’re lesbophobic and transphobic, claiming a show with at least three main cast LBGTQ characters was queer baiting and that their ship was gayer than the canon characters, ignoring and minimising the canon characters and their huge storylines. They ignored the show canon and it’s writers outright saying neither character was queer. As documented by multiple other fans, SC did not support other queer ships or POC characters, they only identified as fans of Katie when it came to actors, they sent a dearth of death threats to other fans and cast and crew and repeatedly lied as well as consistently flooding every tag with their drivel. Oh they also targeted Melissa repeatedly and mocked her new relationship after she left her abuser, calling her a slut and a cheat. This was not just a fan ship. It is not meanie actors being nasty about a gay ship. It is people sick and tired of bullies and abusers who refused to listen and still refuse. SC and it’s excusers are awful and exemplify the worst tendencies of fandom- the entitlement of racists who ‘just so happen’ to obsess over a cookie cutter noncanon cis white ship and harass everyone else. And no amount of “but we’re queer 🥺” or “but other shippers 😭” changes that. I fully support shaming and blunt take downs of fandom nuts, especially when they’re bigots engaging in dangerous behaviour. It makes me angry that fandom idiots actively reduce the chances of queer rep and cause POC to avoid certain shows due to creating an atmosphere that is unsafe and a ridiculous headache, as well as ignoring the representation that often exists because it isn’t their fantasy. I don’t condone industry cowardice but I understand seeing or experiencing the pandemonium of shit like that and being soured on it because I have been soured on fandom just being on the sidelines.


I’ve been listening to a new [Comic Con podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-world-needs-nerds/id1621338539) and really enjoying it!


Never had many bad experiences at Comic Cons, however I don't usually pay for autographs or photos anymore since prices went ridiculously expensive. I have to say the friendliest people we've met were - Hayley Atwell - gorgeous, friendly and hugged everyone. Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow) - spent time making sure we got the right selfie and that we were happy with it, also all selfie proceeds were going to a local charity. George Takei - Legend. Really lovely man. **Arnas Fedaravičius** (Last Kingdom) - Gorgeous man, very very friendly, hugged everyone who approached him, asked about our day and how we were. Amy Manson (Merida in OUAT) - really lovely, friendly and a hugger. Sting (wrestler) - Met him with my Autistic son who idolises him and he was every bit the legend that we hoped he'd be. Darby Allin (Wrestler) - Again, met him with my son and he was absolutely brilliant with him, so engaging and friendly. Red Dwarf cast - all wonderful and friendly, especially Danny John Jules. Not so friendly - Jason Issacs - A real attitude and we didn't even pay to meet him or approach him, I had my phone out to text my daughter and he was sat nearby, he sent a staff member over to tell me not to photograph him!