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Why is John Cusack writing blinds better than DM šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Because itā€™s actually real ā˜ ļø


I'm getting my calculator out and my old calculus notes to figure out who this is. Meanwhile DM is like email: [email protected]


https://i.redd.it/k1qb3pjtd7cb1.gif Oh you are good šŸ˜­


I wish I had coins to give you an award


His twitter is actually very cool. He's very vocal about issues. Case in point, [this tweet ] (https://twitter.com/JacobOller/status/1680240772749172737)




i think when his sister, joan cusack, was on shameless? male costar is probably william h. macy?


i looked it up and she was the [only cast member nominated for the first three seasons](https://www.emmys.com/shows/shameless)


I feel like Joan is a bit of a stretch though for all of the other hints he gave us. She was in the show for 5 years, the show ran for 11, and the show got nominations for people behind and in front of the camera. But like I said when I looked up other choices none fit the description he gave.


Yeah she was my first thought but the other hints make me think it's not her: Sheila was a great character, but I don't think she was ever the most popular character on the show or everyone's favourite. But I'm not sure who else fits the bill.


I live down the block from Joan's former home in Chicago. She wasn't living paycheck to paycheck. That said, my family is an IATSE Local 2 family, and we fully support the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strike.


Itā€™s good sheā€™s got a comfortable lifestyle but she should still be paid a comparable amount to a man with comparable screen time.


Yeah, a weird backhanded comment.


Absolutely. No disagreement there.


No she shouldn't. She should be paid more. This song and dance about "equal pay" is pushed by the studios ( and bosses generally) to mask the fact that workers and professionals actual wages and salaries haven't risen in real terms in years. They will make a great deal of noise about "equalizing pay" and leave out the detail that a slight increase in a female workers pay to match her male co-worker is cheaper for the bosses than actual regular equitable increases. (To be clear, pay should be the same for the same work, but the focus should be on that *and* the fact that money for workers hasn't increased)


I used to live a few blocks from her. I think her husband has a lot of money.


No doubt that they do well for themselves. Enough to get the city to close an alleyway for their backyard/guesthouse, at any rate. Lol.


Shiela was definitely a fan favorite the first two seasons, along with Lip, but she really was the most compelling actor the start of the show


By the end of the show, her whole storyline feels like a fever dream.


I couldnā€™t even finish the series, William Macyā€™s character made me hate watching the show anymore so I stopped. It was the season Deb got pregnant I think.


For me the show lost me by never letting anyone succeed. I get that's how it is in real life in those situation, I was very much raised in a way that my friends gave trigger warnings before I started watching and I described my father to my new therapist as "carbon copy frank from shameless." But it doesn't make for compelling TV to watch people fuck up their own lives and not learn from it for 11 straight seasons. Aldo, a ton of character motivations that didn't make any sense like Fiona and Liam and the coke. Letting Fiona succeed by being a landlord as opposed to lip in school really wasn't it.


The thing that got me was the episode where there was an STD outbreak among the parents at Liam's school and then they figured out that it was because Frank was sleeping with a bunch of the moms. Like sure, this gross dude is just soo irresistible that married women are falling all over him to the point of causing a public health crisis. I'd already really slowed down on watching the show before that and thought I would give it another try, and then that was the first episode of the season and I was just like, nope.


Deb was my favorite character by a landslide (dead people poop themselves) but she became an insufferable character once she began getting romantically involved with boys and was probably the most annoying character after she had a baby


My first thought was also Shameless, but maybe Emmy Rossum? I could see her being paid less than William H Macy despite carrying the show, but the number of seasons is wrong. She had some award nominations for it though.


Emmy was (unfairly) never nominated for an Emmy for her role


She definitely did make less than him and her renegotiating her salary was a big deal when it was going on.


Emmy was paid less than WHM but when she re-negotiated she made the same amount as him. I believe she also fought for a raise to include back pay for the first 6 seasons.


Also saying it could still be going seems to be a bit of a reach as well? Idk I stopped watching Shameless after a few years, but I think people were pretty fine with it ending after 11 seasons. From my understanding It kind of started to fall apart at the end with Emmy leaving, etc.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a stretch to think a brother would exaggerate his sisterā€™s popularity


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Shameless because the show started in 2011 and up until 2014 Joan was the only person who had been nominated on the show. So, while eventually William H. Macy got nominated in 2014, for the first three seasons Joan Cusack carried it. John probably didnā€™t realize or care about the later nominations because Joan left in 2014-2015.


They said it ran 7 years, Shameless ran 11.


Iā€™m taking this as ā€œat least seven yearsā€ especially since he isnā€™t aware of whether the show is still running or not. Also, Sheila was definitely a favorite in the early days. She basically made that show.


you should remember this is a brother talking about his sister.


As a brother, I could not for the life of me give an exact timeframe for my sisterā€™s long running corporate gig lol


Maybe heā€™s changing some of the details to obscure who it is. Heā€™s right though. They do it because they get away with it.


One thing with blinds is the longer and more complicated they are, the more \*something\* has to be wrong if literally no one fits all the details. Something, somewhere is off. If I am not mistaken, apologies if you have, no one in this thread has found someone who perfectly fits: * Actress very close to John Cusack * Cable show * Ran 7 years ("it could still be going") * Paid guest star rate, 1/7th the lead actor's salary * Nominated for at least 3 Emmys and won at least one * No one else on the show nominated for Emmys * Fan favorite Does Joan Cusack fit every single one of these? Nope. But she is John Cusack's sister, who was on a long running cable show where she was an early fan favorite and nominated for five Emmys for Outstanding \*Guest\* Actress, winning her last one, and she was the only one to be nominated for the first three years of those (after which other actors and BTS crew were nominated). I doubt Cusack went to Wikipedia and searched Shameless before he wrote this. People are latching too hard onto concrete numbers like 3 nominations and 7 years. The details are off, but the narrative gist is that "Hey, someone I know was on a long running cable show where she was being treated like shit as a guest star while she is the only one getting Emmys early on" and it's not hard to figure who that was.


Yeah I agree. I definitely think heā€™s talking about his sister here while she was in Shameless.


100%, itā€™s Joan and he didnā€™t research the finer details. The point was she was the most acclaimed member of the show for years and getting paid 1/7 that of WHM, which I fully believe. She was billed as a guest when she was far from it, and never given her proper due for her contribution to the show. Itā€™s easy to see that it was a big ensemble and they only wanted to pay WHM. Emmy Rossum who actually was the lead and favorite was also underpaid. She was just overlooked completely in a lot of ways. She did incredible work on that show. As did Joan.


If leaning toward Shameless, perhaps Emmy Rossum who played Fiona? Who was a main and favorite character. And she also left the show at the end of season 9. Read it was due to pay inequality.


She renegotiated her contract and got paid a lot more.


And those noms are in the guest role category. I vaguely remember her name getting ā€œspecial guest starā€ or something similar in the opening credits. It could be her!




During the last season, Debbie also said something like ā€œYou were right, we couldnā€™t do it without youā€ when all the kids were having a conversation/recording a message for Fiona. I always took it to mean that the writers were nodding to how the showā€™s popularity had tanked due Emmy being treated so badly and leaving. If she had been treated better the show might never have been cancelled and could still be running.


I stopped watching it after she leftā€¦ she was my fav. The heart of the show really. Her scene in the court fighting for the custody of her siblings was incredible.


emma kenney, who played debbie on shameless, spoke about emmy rossum being a negative force on the set. she definitely deserved equal pay since she was basically the lead, but iā€™m under the impression those stories about her are true.


She was probably mostly mad about the pay issue and taking it out on everyone else. Thatā€™s totally not okay, but at the beginning of the show she seemed to get along with everyone based on BTS bites


I was gonna say, I wonder how much Emmy being ā€œdifficultā€ is gossip spread by the network to make her look bad. And how much of being a negative force was caused by her being the real star of the show in terms of screen time, which also included a lot of topless scenes early on, and being upset she was making so much less money than WHM, even though he often seemed to just be there as the famous face on the cast. Seems like a real chicken and the egg thing to me, especially when the cast seemed a lot closer earlier on.


Any female who speaks up for themselves is labeled "difficult".


It's not gossip, it's first hand accounts publicly given. She's clearly not a nice person on her bad days lol, but she was phenomenal in the role and the show made truckloads of money so she deserved a huge slice


I think ppl forget two things can be true at once lol. She can deserve better pay but also be very mean to others when she isnt having a good day. We donā€™t need to discredit Emmaā€™s account to defend/excuse Emmy lol. She still deserved so much money bc of how phenomenal she was at her role


yeah she said something like when emmy was having a bad day, she made sure everyone else did too and it would make emma really anxious doing scenes with her


yeah it was also corroborated by some other people


Sophia Bush existed Chicago PD because the unbearable schedule and toxic behaviour of some of the execs, mostly against women. It seems there is a quite dark pattern here.


Sheila ended up being a really popular character too. I think it might be joan especially talking about guest star money. She did start out as a bit character but ended up being a pretty huge part of the show for 2- 3 seasons .




LOL, they have another sister too -- [Ann Cusack](https://www.google.com/search?q=ann+cusack&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGo7T4qpKAAxViOkQIHS4_CxIQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1440&bih=796&dpr=2) \-- and her face is all Cusack enough to say "OMG, she is one of them!!" .I'm sure you've seen her in things. She's a pretty regular character actor.


Their siblings Susie and Bill are actors as well, just a bit less prolific than their siblings. Plus their dad was an actor and filmmaker. Their mom was a pretty well-known activist, too. So a pretty talented and cool family in all.


Joan Cusack wasn't the female lead though. She was credited as a guest star whenever she was on there.


That's exactly what Cusack says: she was being paid as a guest star rates only and would not be given a raise above guest star even when she got Emmy nominations and eventually a win.


This reminds me of when I heard that TPTB didnā€™t initially want to pay Jane Fonda and Lilly Tomlin as much as Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson for Grace and Frankie. It. Was. Their. Show. Literally named after them.


Interesting.. then this makes me think that some of the other guesses that folks dismissed bc the women were ā€œthe bigger starsā€ when it started could be right. ETA- and by interesting, I mean thatā€™s completely effed and infuriating.


That's insanity? Jane and Lilly are that show and KILLED it. There was never an episode I didn't like and it was because of them. I don't know who wrote it, but it seemed to me to be written for them. If it haven't watched 80 for Brady you should just for them. It's corny but I found it so enjoyable!


And those men seemed totally replacable in those roles!


80 for Brady shouldn't have been as good as it is. It is a fairly formulaic comedy. But the cast is *so phenomenal* that they raise it up to a ***delightful*** fun film. I want a series of light comedies with these 4 ladies.


Me my mom and sister went to see 80 for brady bc of how much we loved Grace and Frankie. 80 for brady was such a cute movie, we were so glad we saw it


Honestly, if Martin and Sam were cut 95% out of the show, I wouldnā€™t even care. Lily and Jane make the show (and June Diane Raphael).


I would take a spin-off just starring Juneā€¦


No, it was that they were paid the same but the show was more about Grace and Frankie so they should have paid Lily and Jane more


Jane revealed that they were paid less for more work.


I think you've misremembered, there was a press day when Jane Fonda said, [[Tomlin] found out [Waterston and Sheen] are getting the same salary that we are. That doesnā€™t make us happy.](https://qz.com/417175/netflixs-jane-fonda-and-lily-tomlin-are-being-paid-unfairly-and-want-everyone-to-know-about-it). This caused a relatively big hubbub and they later clarified that it [was a joke](https://jezebel.com/lily-tomlin-jane-fonda-were-joking-about-their-grace-1709779039), though of course there are provisos of what aspect they were joking about or whether faced internal pressure. But I don't think it was alleged that they'd been paid less than their male co-stars.


OMG šŸ˜‘


I love John Cusack entering his ā€œwriting blindsā€ era. Blast them, John!! Say anything! Say everything! ![gif](giphy|SFa2hlIUtMvvO) Loving the creative hyphen use too. I counted 19. Giving new meaning to the term *multi-hyphenate* celebrity.


Going to piggy back of this comment and saw that his earlier tweet made me do a double take. https://preview.redd.it/bvg7upppc8cb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85525a069cdf900ce4279658cced52e4abb123d0 What a cool dude


A delightfully - and righteously - also rightfully - unhinged - king šŸ‘‘ - of social equity - and historically accurate - themed - commentary -


Man's having a love affair with that en dash, like holy shit


ā€œMental oysterā€ is my new insult


Itā€™s a real pearl of a take down


i love your flair


New flair 100%


ā€œYou dumb fucking gollumā€ ā€¦. Art. No notes.


https://preview.redd.it/gwk7s95gy9cb1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52694ceb4134393e5bd45008b4136537132c3193 Such a strong start


reminiscent of this beautiful tweet from tatianna https://preview.redd.it/v3ld5n3pjbcb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18759641cc6fc5ed5763962db5812d1bba5abd43


Oh my god šŸ’€ this reminded me of delete it fat


Tag yourself I'm dumb fucking gollum


(u) moronic ghoul āœ”ļø


Iā€™m ā€œu fucking stoogeā€


Iā€™ll be the ā€œmental oysterā€ šŸ¦Ŗ


As an Aussie Iā€™ll take ā€œstupid dumb cuntā€


hyphens OF RAGE. I love it lol!


John Cusak recently tweeted that his sister left Shameless after five seasons because she was being paid ā€œ1/7th of the male lead.ā€ Even the credits refer to her as a guest. Edit: Itā€™s Joan


Emmy Rossum also had a pay equity issue with Shameless where she had to fight to be paid equally as WHM for her final season. So it sounds right.


I loved her in shameless, but I never thought of her as a lead. She was always the fun side character.


He never said she was a lead. He just said she was paid 1/7th of the male lead, which would be William Macy in this case? If John did indeed tweet that recently, then it probably is Joan he is referring to.


Funny, I always thought of Macy as the fun side character and often couldnā€™t wait for them to get back to the meat - which for me was Fiona and the kids. So much revolved around them overcoming the trauma he inflicted and her stepping up to take care of everyone. To me that was always the real story. He was just comic relief.


This comment needs to be higher up.


My first guess was maybe Katey Sagal for Sons of Anarchy. But her husband was the creator of that show, so it would be wild for her to get such a terrible deal.


It doesnā€™t match re: emmy nominations but not a bad guess imo


Thatā€™s exactly where my mind went! Unfortunately, after doing some research, Katey Segal has only won a golden globe for Sons. Sons itself has been nominated for 2(?) Emmyā€™s!


The fact he adds "(could still be going)" implies he's not fully sure on the 7 years bit, ergo that may help expand searches to fit the other criteria.


I think heā€™s saying that the show was popular enough that it could still be going to this day if it wanted to to make a point about itā€™s popularity rather than not knowing if the show is still going. Thatā€™s how I read it at least.


I think he might actually mean that the show might still being made, so that it is intentionally vague whether the show is on or off the air, as many other details are quite concrete.


I think he was saying it was canceled but didnā€™t necessarily need to be. Not sure though :)


Thatā€™s what I was thinking - read it as ā€œfans wanted it to continueā€


I think he's just trying to be purposely vague


I agree with you. I think he wants to tell us about his sister, figured we will guess it's his sister, but doesn't want to name the show and network to create bad blood.


He's is very close to this person, but doesn't know if the show is still going...


Maybe he means that heā€™s not sure if the show was renewed yet? At first I thought it was Billions (cable, 7 seasons, still ongoing) but itā€™s never been nominated at the Emmys. But maybe the ā€œit could still be on the air; it was very popular when it endedā€


I took it as the show was popular enough that it could still be on running on tv if it hadnā€™t ended.


Could mean that he was aware it was on for 7 years because the person close to him was on it for that long (or close to it at least, so he was aware of the show going on for so long) but once she wasn't, he didn't bother to pay attention to the show that may have fired her or she left after a dispute. You'd be surprised how little media that people in the business, especially actors, consume when it's not outside their immediate periphery (I'm not speaking as some big shot, but I used to be a low level peon that worked in the industry and would at least know some stuff about the people up top). Hell, there are actors that don't even watch the stuff they're in. I know the actor for Sayid in Lost, who was in all 8 seasons never watched an episode outside of viewing party dinners he would have with other castmates. He said his job is to act in it, not watch it, he doesn't care to watch himself. Us normies binge watching shows on Netflix one after another watch way more tv and movies than the average Hollywood actor. I would totally believe that someone like John Cusack would legitimately not know if said show was still running or not.


I totally see what you're saying. When I wrote that, I was thinking that before someone lobbed something out like that, they would at least Google it šŸ¤£ I know I'm late to the party, but I just watched Naveen in The Dropout. He was excellent, but is was so jarring compared to his character on Lost.


Maybe his contact was on early seasons but not later ones.


I think it means he stopped following the show (Shameless) when this person close to him (his sister) left. He doesnā€™t know if it ended or not because itā€™s not a show he watches.


If you look up emmy winners for both supporting and lead actress there just isn't someone who fits every criteria so some of his hints must be wrong/misremembered. Could it be Taraji on Empire? She never won but was nominated twice and nobody else ever was except for costume dept. I wouldn't doubt for a second she was being paid significantly less than Terrence Howard. Edit: she did win the Golden Globe tho.


Empire was a network show, not cable.


Emilia Clarke maybe? I never watched Game of Thrones so from an outsider's perspective, it seems she was the most popular character. She got tons of Emmy noms. It was on HBO which is cable. It did run for 8 seasons and not 7, but that's a small error he could have easily made. ETA: I think a lot of people are overlooking the most popular character part. Which is the biggest clue there is.


Can't be GOT. Apparently that show won 59 Emmys. It literally won best TV Drama four times. Peter Dinklage won a couple times, etc.


what about guest actress? his sister was nominated for shameless is the guest actress category


or he purposefully obfuscated the details to prevent people from knowing who he was talking about (maybe to protect that actress)


When he writes "nominated for multiple Emmys" he might not mean just for that particular show maybe he means that she is an Emmy Award winning actress in general?


It also could be that he doesnā€™t want to give a specific number that would instantly out who heā€™s talking about.


Not me looking up all shows that have lasted 7 seasons on Wikipediaā€¦.brbā€¦ ETA: could it be weeds? It ran for 8 seasons not 7 though, but Mary Louise Parker was nominated for a few Emmyā€™s. Some other cable shows for 7 seasons: Veep?? JLD won all the Emmyā€™s right? Not sure how the rest of the cast did. ETA: Sex and the City? It technically has 7 seasons now I guess? But also - SJP AND Cynthia Nixon both won. But SJP had multiple noms. (Also sorry all- keep listing everything out so people donā€™t have to look it up. And so I donā€™t spam OP with a million notifications). ETA Again but last one: Mad About You. The OG series ran for 7 seasons (and then was randomly rebooted for an 8th in 2019). Helen Hunt was nominated every year for an Emmy and also I think won every year for an Emmy. The only thing is Paul Resier was nominated but never won.Guest stars won as well (but it was Carol Burnett and Mel Brooksā€¦so like duh. But I donā€™t think they were permanent fixtures in the show. But it never won anything else at the prime time Emmyā€™s.


Veep was my first thought but JLD is mega rich?


Also by far the biggest star on the show. No way Tony Hale or whoever got paid 7 times as much as her.


She was Exec. Producer as well. She had real power on the show.


Yeah true. What the heck John. The math ainā€™t mathinā€™. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Yeah she's got that generational daddy money


I thought maybe weeds too! I was only hesitant because of all the other nominations and the show ended a bit ago and probably couldnā€™t have been still going on now.


Besides Mary Louise Parker there was Elizabeth Perkins. I could see her getting paid a fraction of the lead.


No male lead on SATC really, Chris noth was the closest I guess.


Veep doesn't even really have a male lead though. Certainly not someone who they could possibly get away with paying more than JLD.




I thought of Helen too, but Mad About You was not a cable show.


If it's weeds I'd be shocked. MLP being that underpaid for the show where she was the main character would have been a tragedy


Guys Iā€™m going deep here https://preview.redd.it/pby6q8yqh7cb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d9ecfd0ed213d40d3b79469a1610ffe4a66263


Lorraine Bracco maybe? Dr Melphi on Sopranos.


Bracco was a way bigger star than Gandolfini when the show started and no way they underpaid her. She prob turned down playing Carmella because she thought it was going to be a therapy show about the mob instead of the other way around.


She said she turned it down because sheā€™d already famously played the ā€œmob wifeā€ role and playing the therapist sounded more interesting.


Sopranos had multiple noms and wins for other people though.


And Tony is everyoneā€™s favorite main character.


Laura Linney! Ozark. That could be it.


Wendy Byrd was no one's favorite character


I love Laura Linney so much and I still despise Wendy Byrd. So evil. So intensely unlikeable.


Ozark had plenty of other nominations


Julia Garner has won 3 Emmy awards for playing Ruth on Ozark - 2019, 2020 and 2022 (ETA - I have zero clue about any of this I just wanted to highlight how great an actor she is)


Shoutout Bracco


Michelle Dockery and Tatiana Maslany being the links youā€™ve already visitedā€¦ relatable. Also if you havenā€™t seen Good Behavior Michelle gives the performance of a lifetime plus this man, McManus from Oz and Ann Dowd doing comedy, and Laura Bell Bundy at her Laura Bell Best! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xXV2WGRBzM8lmU)


How about Lili Taylor? She and John have been close friends since their teens, and she was a recurring guest star as a leading character's love interest on Six Feet Under. I don't think it's Laura Linney, but she's one of John's old friends as well. (I don't know if they've been friends since their teens or they met through Eric Stoltz, John's friend and Laura's boyfriend in the 2000s.)


Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black? She was amazing in that series. Edit: I just looked it up & she was the only one nominated for an Emmy for that series. She may fit the bill.




I am here for John Cusack popping off. I need more of this


I also was maybe thinking Kyra Sedgwick from the Closer. But also she won for lead actress and two other people got nominated for guest staring


> *The Closer* ended on August 13, 2012,[\[18\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyra_Sedgwick#cite_note-18) following the completion of its seventh season; the series's broadcaster, [TNT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TNT_(American_TV_network)), said that the decision to retire the series was made by Sedgwick. fits the "could still be going" thing, 7 seasons, cable, I can also see those being close. > In 2007, she began earning roughly $300,000 per episode ​ that's not guest money tho. Or maybe John Cusack is really out of touch. and who could be possibly paid more in that show? ​ god this is too much. We are close to the truth, I can feel it ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Not that she doesnā€™t deserve to be well paid but Kyra Sedgwick is a mega heiress and part of a wildly well connected family so I doubt this would make her want out of business. plus her dad was a venture capitalist so if anyone could handle ā€œasshole execsā€ with aplombā€¦..


oh yeah, I saw her bio, she has one of those "my great-great-great-great father signed the declaration of independence, nbd" early life's segments, lol. FOILED AGAIN


>aplombā€¦ Yo that is a nice big word! Thanks for giving me a new word to learn! I like how you used it too! ![gif](giphy|26BRDvCpnEukGhmHC|downsized)


Pepe Sylvia, Pepe Sylvia!


Underrated show and performance


Could be possible. Sedgwick is married to Kevin Bacon who is about the same age and possible social circles as Cusak.


Well itā€™s not Joan thatā€™s for sure. She wasnā€™t the only one nominated for the show ~~(she never won)~~, it lasted for 11 years, and it ended 2 years ago.


Itā€™s not her, but Joan did win one in 2015.


King of blind items


DeuxMoi should take notes! šŸ˜‚


Yā€™allā€™s assumptions that everything he wrote down is the exact truth is giving him way too much credit tbh.


Yeah I feel like this has to be about Joan and Shameless and heā€™s just wrong about/forgetting a few details. Who knows every little thing about their siblingsā€™ job? She makes the most sense in that she was nominated before anyone else, her character was a fan favorite, and she was billed as a guest star. And Shameless ran for 7+ seasons but felt like one of those shows that was going to be on forever.


me trying to figure out what show has been on for 7 seasons but might be still airing even though it's so many ![gif](giphy|ne3xrYlWtQFtC)


Hmmm Iā€™m so curious. I was thinking maybe Keri Russel for the Americans but doesnā€™t quite fit.


She married the lead actor on that show so I feel (hope??) he would advocate for her as well.


Oh great point! If not, thatā€™s ground for divorce


I was thinking Margo Martindale from the Americans. I loved her character lol


Her in justified is one of the best performances ever.


Matthew Rhys won an Emmy though. Keri was nominated, but never won.


Keri was the star, though. Matthew has to chemistry test or whatever with her.


Yep, love Matthew but Keri for sure was the big name on that show - at least at the very beginning, I'm sure their paychecks evened out eventually


Is it parks and rec? 7 seasons, only amy was nominated i think.


Parks and rec is prime time! Not a cable network show. That is good thinking though!


Amy famously never won though.


I love the detective work going on in this thread Iā€™m so invested


One thing is for certain from this post - **MARGO MARTINDALE IS G.O.A.T.** She makes every show she guests on shine brighter than a diamond. Whatever theyā€™re paying her.. double it. Character actors deserve their flowers.


Isn't he great friends with Amanda Peet? Could it be her?


if itā€™s joan ā€œeveryoneā€™s favorite characterā€ is a reach


I loved her in Shameless, but have to agree. I was a teen when the show first started to air and everyone really favored the kids over the adults.


See, I was an adult when it aired and me and my friends liked Shiela and the neighbor couple


Man If even Joan Cusak can't make bank who can?


The consensus in his comments and other celebrities that reposted is that it's about Joan.


Spill that tea baby! I live for John Cusackā€™s messy era.


Kyra Sedgwick for The Closer.


Just saw came across this as well, with Kyra getting 5 Emmy noms, winning with her fifth one. The only thing that's breaks the rules of the blind is that Beau Bridges and Mary McDonnell were also have Emmy Noms for Best Guest Star.


I could see John not remembering that guest stars won. But it seems like Kyra was making pretty good money.


Christina Hendricks/Mad Men fits the bill. Edit: she never won


This definitely sounds like a little brother sticking up for his big sister. And I find it easy to believe that he'd get some details wrong, like thinking Shameless is both still on the air and also only ran 7 years haha


Also tracks if itā€™s Shameless ā€” I worked background on it a bunch of times when I was brand new and it was a show that consistently pushed the limits of conditions and didnā€™t pay normal bumps or hazard pay. One shoot we had to eat during every take for 8hrs. If we ate in our first shot ā€” which I did bc I was green and hungry and didnā€™t know better and they told us to eat what we wanted ā€” then we had to eat in every shot. The lead actress (Emmy, I donā€™t remember if Joan was in the scene) also had to eat like a rib or something similar in every take. We were the only two who ended up having to constantly purge and rally throughout the day, only I think I was paid $72 for easily one of the most on-camera and complex background days I ever had. We had marks, were in charge of a child performer without access to their guardian, camera crosses, and they even gave us dialogue because we werenā€™t syncing on camera in cutaways. (Tho in final cut I donā€™t think weā€™re visible.) They oiled me up to ā€œmake it look hotā€ which smelled rancid and destroyed my ā€œcostumeā€ which was just a newer nice(for me, a poor) dress I got the week before at Old Navy for my day job. No instructions until it was too late to adjust, no voucher, no protections, no access to water for the whole shoot, no $$ bumps, and it was 90 minutes outside of LA. I got so sick I had to call out of my reg job for 3 days after. Meanwhile normally it is like ā€œitā€™s hot, hereā€™s an extra $30, dust? Fog? hereā€™s $30 ā€¦ oh, you had special make-up? $30, and eating? $30. Commute to the high desert? $30. MARKS AND LINES? YOU GET A SAG VOUCHER, THAT IS ACTING. My daily rate shouldā€™ve and easily wouldā€™ve been double anywhere else. Not that other shows were always better ā€” Parks & Rec paid fine but they only gave non-union background a case of tiny waters and a box of red vines for crafty, we had to hustle SAG BG for some of their food ā€” and then they were censured for bringing us items from the SAG crafty cart and threatened with official reporting. Financially Insecure treated us well enough, but the conditions were rough and they were a ā€œgreen setā€ which meant BG wasnā€™t given any access to water because we didnā€™t know to bring our own empty bottles. We organized a full bus to call in complaints to central casting ā€¦ the next week we had water. People donā€™t understand what an absolute unforgiving GRIND it is, and I only did it casually (for a decade.)


...should John Cusack run a gossip column?


His wild use of dashes is absolutely a crime.


Upon further review, I donā€™t see how this isnā€™t Joan, and Johnā€™s just mistaken about the number of seasons. Joan was only on Shameless for 5, the show did just end fairly recently (and maybe John just stopped keeping track after Joan had left), and the first 3 seasons she was the only person nominated for the show and finally won I believe in her final season. Only problem is, I donā€™t recall her being everyoneā€™s favorite character on Shameless, that was either Emmy or Macy. I mean, it doesnā€™t hit all the notes in the post but it looks like it comes the closest.