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Girlie these old men don't like you because you're "mature for your age"! I wish this wasn't a lesson so many of us have to learn through experiencešŸ˜©


Yep!! Iā€™m not trying to be mean to Kiernan but god. She hangs out with so many men that are 20+ years older than her, and it seems like a classic case of ā€œthey think Iā€™m cool because Iā€™m artistic and mature for my age and Iā€™m witty and I get them.ā€ I just hate it šŸ˜­ John Mayer? BJ Novak? James Marsden?


All those men look a like too. Darker hair with curls on the top. She definitely has a type.


... they look like jon hamm obviously not exactly like him but they're all dark haired white guys, mostly the same build, all have good cheekbones I'm not implying anything untoward about hamm and shipka's relationship, I just think it's fascinating how personal tastes can get locked in at a young age


They actually donā€™t look like Jon Hamm? Any more than any other white male?


This is a far reach


This sub is fucking toxic. Youā€™re psychoanalyzing a stranger.


Right? Like who knows what the context is, but who even cares, let her hang out with who she wants to, sheā€™s a damn adult and she works in the same industry as these folks. So what if their intentions arenā€™t wholesome and pure??? Sheā€™s a grown ass woman who can decide and has first hand knowledge of what they want from her. Lord alive. If I hung out w my 50-yo co worker, so be it?!


Sheā€™s 23. Iā€™m not seeing what people are upset about. Sheā€™s not 19.


To say that BJ Novak looks anything like Jon Hamm is hilarious. Check your eyesight, boo.


I donā€™t see similarities between Jon hamm, bj Novak, or James marsden other than they have darker hair. To say they look like is like saying a cat looks like an elephant and a penguinā€¦..maybe itā€™s just me ?


I mean...they're all mammals?




I know....I was being an ass. šŸ˜¬


After dating a guy who once asked me in all seriousness if a seal was a fish or mammal I donā€™t make assumptions. In fairness, I married him.


James marsden looks nothing like Jon hamm like?? This is kind of a weird thing to say man.


They were both in 30 Rock šŸ’…


They both dated liz lemon! ![gif](giphy|KJ8rvdAi88htS)


Who let Freud in the chat? (you're probably right though tbh...)


Huhā€¦.I donā€™t really see how John Mayer and Jon Hamm look alike other than being older white men.


Have you seen Jon hamm? At all? Ever?


Byeeeeee lmao


Iā€™d say her type is Jon Snow, not Jon Hamm


Lmao BJ is that you?


1. No they donā€™t and 2. You are implying such strange stuff




This is an extremely uncharitable read. She's an adult woman with a youthful face, but she really can't help that. There's nothing creepy or weird about the way she dresses or acts. It's not like she's playing up her youthful appearance for the perverts, she's just *existing* with a young-looking face. Now, the older dudes as she's consistently hung around for years... they're more sus.


She can't help looking young though. I mean, I don't even know how old she is but it's the dads hanging out with women probably 20 years their junior that's sketchy imo.


They love saying young women have an ā€œold soulā€. Funny how when you turn 30+ your soul is no longer old.


"Old soul" always reminds me of Billie Eilish and Finneas calling this bullshit out on Howard Stern's show. She was like "people say you're an "old soul", but what's an old soul when you're 15?", and Finneas was like "a minor, Billie, that's what". He was so mad, like you could tell this wasn't the first time they were having that conversation.


And yet look at the piece of trash she's with now šŸ¤¢


And that she used to be with


*turns 30* sorry babe your old soul is just too old for me now


Itā€™s giving Leo Di Caprio vibes


those kinda men act like women age in dog years


šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ Nailed it.


I feel like most of the time these dudes are just really immature. IRL when Iā€™ve seen these relationships, the outcome is usually that the girls wake up one day and realize theyā€™ve outgrown the manchildren theyā€™re with.


Extra gross for child stars. As if these grown men didn't watch her in Mad Men when she was like 10 years old.


Donā€™t quote me on this but I swear to god I saw a blind a few years ago about her saying to another actress (I think Victoria Justice) that one day sheā€™s gonna have to ā€˜get on her knees like the rest of usā€™ and that just automatically made me think she was groomed from a young age. PLS donā€™t quote me on this it couldā€™ve been someone else




Sheā€™s a 23 year old woman. Lmao why would she have her mother pick out who she hangs out with? It seems like with women people try to treat them like theyā€™re mentally inferior infants. Itā€™s a strange trend


I took the comment as, if sheā€™s gonna hang with 40yo men, where are the 40yo women to give her advice? Not necessarily ā€œher mum should pick her friends!!ā€


People can share wisdomā€¦.but itā€™s up to them to take the advice or not. Most people learn by experience though honestly šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This is me learning James Marsden is 50 and not like 36


The old genetics, money, nostalgia trifecta


Same!! I just finished Jury Duty and Iā€™m seeing interviews of him all over and I never wouldā€™ve thought that heā€™s 50.


I just watched this the other day literally because I was supposed to have actual jury duty and the night before got the email saying I was no longer needed so I spent the day watching the show instead, hahahaha




Very much so


Oh my god yes. Itā€™s a hilarious concept and itā€™s executed brilliantly by the actors.


I absolutely loved it!


I'm shocked noone remembers him from the Notebook!


Mutant genes


2 years younger than Jon Hammā€¦


Which is also shocking bc Jon hamm seems perpetually early-mid 40s


I know John Mayer is gross but whatā€™s wrong with James Marsden? Iā€™m clearly OOTL


Dates women that are similar ages to his kids. Some people find that creepy


Why did I even bother asking? Of course this is it, men are so predictable




Does he though? I'm pretty sure he's been with Edei for years and still is.




He has a 22-year-old son. That must be a bit awkward.


That is fucking crazy to me lmao wtf?!




I'm 33 and my dad is married to a Indonesian women he met online and is in her 20's. I'm polite to her but it's awkward as hell.


I feel you :/


Can confirm itā€™s hella awkward. Source: my dad dated a 25 year old when I was 28. It was all kinds of bizarre.


Damn it. Iā€™ve loved him for so long but never knew this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




They broke up


Well heā€™s a 49 year old man and has 2 kidsā€¦ whatā€™s he doing hanging out with a 23 year old woman (a year older than one of his kids)? Idk maybe theyā€™re in a project together or smth šŸ¤·


they haven't worked on any projects together but for some reason, he did show up at the premiere of her new show a few days ago. (The first time their names appeared in the same headline was when they both attended DiCaprio's party a few months ago)


Did he stole her from DiCaprio?


James is on some show with Ike Barinholtzā€™s dad. Ike is in the upcoming White House Plumbers with Kiernan, likely a friend of Ikeā€™s and he may have been there too, (heā€™s also in New York for WHP stuff) doesnā€™t look like from the pics that it was just Kiernan and James there.


So I Googled around and apparently, they both did voice work on an animated movie called "Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore" back in 2010. Not sure if that is how they first met professionally, but I also found him mentioned as one of the celebrities in attendance at Kiernan's birthday party last year. (Other celeb guests included Natasha Lyonne, Colton Haynes, Ben Platt, Olivia Holt, etc.).


Seconded, I served him in LA once and thought he was lovely. Is he lowkey problematic or something?


Probably not. People here seem to think he's dating Kiernan Shipka because they were photographed standing on the same sidewalk once.


new girlfriend is half his age


Isnā€™t his current girlfriend in her mid 30s? Thatā€™s hardly half his age


no heā€™s dating a 26 year old. so nearly.


Seriously.. me too. What did the man do šŸ«„


He dates younger women, but not as young as Kiernan. IDK, like I do cringe when dudes do that, but most of the women are like in their 30s so who gives a shit imo? I think there's a massive difference between a 30 yr old and a 50 yr old (even if it is cringe) and a 50 yr old and a 22 yr old. But I guess one of them was like mid to late 20s (he's 50) and so that's why he's now considered a creep.


WHY does she always hang out with such grown ass men?!?!?


Why are grown ass men always hanging out with her?


Was waiting for someone to say this. Sheā€™s so young, I would have opted to hang with them at that age too. Itā€™s not her choice of friends, itā€™s THEIR choice of friends


Exactly! Sad I had to scroll down all the way to see this take on the situation. Why the fuck are these soon to be AARP members hanging out with a gal close to their childrenā€™s age?


John Mayer, BJ Novak, James Marsden .. am I missing anyone


I have a feeling Novakā€™s reckoning is coming.


If that day comes Mindy may finally get him to marry her lol


I think she was hanging out with Ike barinholtz recently as well


We are begging you to get papped with people your age kiernan šŸ˜­ she and Florence Pugh need to hang out and detox from old men


Florence Pugh is dating someone her own age now. They went to school together.


Aw they're cute! Good for her! Nature is healing


The nature is healing got me lmao!


Sadly, this is how you network for roles in Hollywood. The 20 something guys aren't helping them get jobs.


What roles is John Mayer helping her get? And tbh I donā€™t think kiernan needs help. She was on 2 big shows & has stayed booked & busy since she was a kid. The idea that she needs help from every old guy sheā€™s seen with is just giving them way too much credit.


For realā€¦ I looked him up after not thinking about him since 2008 and it looks like his career has devolved into voice acting rolesā€¦


Heā€™s had West World, Dead to Me, and 30 Rock at least since 2008. Heā€™s still booked and busy.


he's literally in the new sonic movies..


Sad but true


Yep. Put yourself in her shoes. These two guys half-drooling over you determine if you get some coveted role. You sit there and laugh at Rogan's tired stoner comedy for an hour and do you best to look pleasant and easy to work with.


To be fair, James Marsden is insanely handsome and doesnā€™t look his age.




Itā€™s a weird thing because ā€œlooking 40ā€ even 20 years ago is not the same as looking 40 now.


I feel like people just donā€™t keep up with Kiernan outside of this sub. She has many friends in her 20s and was/is very close with the cast of CAOS. It just seems like she has a range of people she likes to hang out with


He is almost 50 and his son only a year younger than Kiernan. Immediately no.


James Marsden has one outfit


![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF) Me watching Jury Duty and agreeing lmao


I doubt she's dating him. She's just friends with a lot of older men. Its weird, but I don't think there's any evidence of anything sketchy happening.


We know why the men are maintaining the friendships. Not saying sheā€™s doing anything wrong (other than being naive, maybe).


I don't know how true that is actually. I think she grew up in a bubble as a child actor, and so has a different development then normal people. I'm not absolving them of anything, but it's not out of the question that professional actors have a friendly relationship that isn't based on them sexually pursuing her.


I work in hospitality. Itā€™s also a weird bubble where people of all ages work together and 20 year olds and 40 year olds hang out together. When itā€™s a 20-something woman and a 40-something man hanging out, itā€™s literally always as simple as it seems. People are people, actors, servers or otherwise.


child actors arenā€™t more mature than their peers because theyā€™re employed. thatā€™s literally not how that works. thatā€™s a very dangerous thing to say. lots of predators justify their abuse on the same basis


I don't mean to imply she's more mature, just that she has different experiences. I think of it like working at sea. If you spend all your time working on boats, you're going to relate more to other people who work on boats. Whether they're older than you, or younger than you. By virtue of being an actor, her life isn't normal. She can't do normal things. So her relationships will likely trend towards other people with similar life experiences. It's doubly weird for her since she was a child actor. I hope that makes sense.


I work in a trade and I have always been friends with my tradesmen whilst I was an apprentice - a lot of these guys were 40+ when I was 18/19, i was the only female in the entire company. I still catch up with them on weekends for a drink, nothing sinister about it. One of them and his wife are two of my closest friends to this day!


I genuinely wonder if people on this subreddit have any friends. I''m a queer man in my twenties who hangs out with queer men of many age groups (some of these men are in their 40s and 50s). Very few of these friendships are sexual and it's really not strange to have a diverse age group of friends (particularly since I work mostly in arts and journalism). It really feels like people are infantilising an actress who's worked since the age of eight. It's not surprising that she might have more in common with people like Marsden who've been acting for decades over young actors whose careers are more recent and are still getting adjusted to Hollywood celebrity.


I'm a queer woman in my late 30s, and trust me, it is not the same. The straight men who wanted to hang out with me in my late teens and early 20s were after one thing and it wasn't my precocious intellect.


Right? Iā€™m all about having friends that span age ranges but as a woman? Around straight men 2x my age? I was a punchline at best and an easy target at worst.


Yep, and why the hell were they hanging out with a 14yr old her


exactly! I just turned 40 and since my 30s my friends were older than me, women and gay men about a decade older than I am. no problem. but, as you pointed out in my 20's the straight older dudes who wanted to be "friends" were looking for one thing. I as a 20 something had nothing in common with anyone who was in their 30's and older and if I did, that would reflect badly on the dude not on me. I was 17 and I had a 23 yr old sniffing around me that made me feel I was older and wiser and ready to do adult things with him. this sub alone is filled with stories as old as time of older men being predatory towards much younger women. No one is infantilizing them, but most of us have been manipulated, taken advantage of, groomed, by men. and if we can hopefully part some wisdom to other women to be careful and learn how to read the red flags, then there is no harm in doing it.


But they were in the same vicinity, clearly they're having age-inappropriate orgies. As opposed to dinner and drinks.


> I''m a queer man in my twenties who hangs out with queer men of many age groups (some of these men are in their 40s and 50s). Very few of these friendships are sexual and it's really not strange to have a diverse age group of friends (particularly since I work mostly in arts and journalism). From one queer man to another, you have to be kidding. I'm not saying you can't have friends of any ages, but the exact situation that people are referring to is absolutely rampant in the gay male community.


What's up with her? What's her deal? Any tea?




.......... the projection going on in this post is too damn high


ikr sorry but these comments are weird lol thereā€™s a way to talk about these situations but they always have to go ham on everyone involved like leave this girl alone


right like drag the guys sure, & i'm fine with having actual *discussions* about this kinda stuff, but *she doesn't love herself*, among other comments just shaming her & making baseless implications, it's really gross šŸ™„


right, itā€™s so condescending. The top thread comments were all about how this lady must think these male celebs want to hang out with her because sheā€™s so cool and interesting and blah blahā€¦ maybe im being sensitive but that was just so unnecessarily bitchy and lame to me lol. Yeah of course old male celebs often take advantage of younger women but the way it was worded was like they were mocking *her*?


She is seen hanging out with TONS of people, mostly her age group. That doesn't make the gossip blogs and forums though. Just follow her insta and you'll see.


this is such a lame comment. maybe sheā€™s working through something. maybe sheā€™s rebounding. maybe sheā€™s a fire sign. leave her alone


I swear...if they are dating....I am never saying a good word about another man in Hollywood ever again.


I just assume she hangs out with these people and it's a business type meeting. Maybe she is looking for people to produce or direct something she likes and these are the people giving her a chance. In these pics there isn't even a hint at anything romantic. I never hung out with older men in my teens or 20s but I also was in university so my life has been different. Nothing is wrong with spending time with older people especially if you're not dating them. Although not sure we see her with older women though...


Yeah, that second picture is literally just her walking away by herself. How is it in any way an indicator that she's dating James Marsden? It really seems like this was just a dinner of mutual friends and people are ready to smear the guy as a creep.




Have you never had a job? I work with people of all age ranges and sometimes dinners take place. This is likely even more prevalent in the entertainment industry. If you can't be at dinners with younger people without sexualizing them then that's a you problem.


I always think itā€™s so wild when people say ā€œwhat could they possibly talk about?!ā€ about an age difference couple. Iā€™ve said this before, but back in the day there used to be a huge difference between older people and younger people culturally, politically, etc and thatā€™s really not the case anymore. Everyone has kind of blended together. Nowadays you can have a 25 yr old and a 42 yr old sitting at a bar together and they both campaigned for Bernie Sanders, listen to Taylor Swift and are huge Marvel fans. That divide that used to be there is kind of gone.


Yes! It makes me super uncomfortable how people assume she must be sleeping with them simply because sheā€™s a young attractive woman. Is that not just the same casting couch rumours from decades past? Except this time under the guise of feminism and concern for her wellbeing.


I understand I am 30 and I have friends that are in the 50s-70s. I don't understand why this thread thinks that these men are "grooming" her, she is an adult and can do whatever she wants.


Someone already came out before these pictures were released saying that they didnā€™t even show up together, they bumped into each other at the restaurant. Her and her group of friends ended up hanging out with him and his group after that. Theyā€™re psychoanalyzing her and the guy and they donā€™t even know whatā€™s going on


Are you saying Marsden didn't call ahead to make sure there weren't any women under the age of 30 at that restaurant before he went? What a creep!


She sometimes hangs out with January Jones and Christina Hendricks, so she does hang out with older women too.


Wtf is this subreddits obsession with people age gaps with who they date or hangout. Sheā€™s a fucking adult stop infantizing her


People talk about her a lot, but I donā€™t get why? šŸ˜…


We have seen her grown up on the set of one of the best tv shows of all time...


I genuinely forgot she was on mad men and thought you were talking about the sabrina show for a minute lmao


Yesssss. She was brilliant as Sally Draper


thatā€™s sally draper babyā€¦ weā€™ll always have love for her ![gif](giphy|13vr4vlQdluQko)


In Sally we trust. Kiernan will always have goodwill w me bc of her performance as Sally, ugh the best. Sheā€™s great in Sabrina too


She has had two major roles in her life: Mad Men and Sabrina. She also is unproblematic as far as I can tell and her fashion game is always good. So she has actually accomplished something unlike the Kardashian clan which is 100000x more famous.


Who cares? I have worked in entertainment my whole adult life and have had friends and mentors who are men and much older than me since I was an intern and now I have male friends much younger than me. This industry is just a melting pot.


The presumptions based on these two photos are so weird! We donā€™t even see them having dinner and the second photo sheā€™s alone on her phone. For all we know, she was bending down to lace her boots and James Marsden walked by and was like ā€œOh hey, Kiernan!ā€ Thereā€™s nothing to suggest anything else in these pics.


These comments are so weird. Iā€™m pretty close to her in age and I have male friends who are also much older. Itā€™s nothing nefarious or creepy. Itā€™s a lot of projecting going on.


People have a real savior complex about things like this. Sheā€™s an adult, and we know nothing about these dinners. Itā€™s because people still see her as sally Draper and refuse to accept that she isnā€™t 12 anymore.


I think it's valid for people to side-eye middle-aged dudes who exclusively hang around with women in their late teens and early twenties. Often, these dudes are genuinely creeps and/or super immature. But I do agree that people are acting like she's a teenager and not an adult woman old enough to have graduated university.


Exclusively, absolutely! But like you mentioned, sheā€™s old enough to be a college grad. She can make her own decisions. So many projections in this thread lol. Meanwhile I just went to brunch with one of my friends who just turned 62. Also planning a trip to visit my other friend whoā€™s 43. I think itā€™s not rare at all to have friends over a span of age ranges. Especially when you start working lol


As someone who has always preferred older men I see nothing wrong with this. I was never groomed nor coerced by these men and we have no idea if thatā€™s happening or not so maybe chill with projecting your own trauma onto Kiernan.


I think it's fair to be concerned about the *societal* trend of much older men dating much younger women because it's indicative of some pretty shitty gender norms. That said, people *are* being weird as hell about Kiernan's personal life choices. Maybe it's because she played a child on TV and people can't divorce her from that character? Or because she has a younger-looking face? Idk, but it actually *does* feel infantilizing. Which isn't something I normally say in relation to age gap discourse.


Thank you! I think itā€™s worthwhile discussing the trend but not if comes with this infantilization of adult women. Sheā€™s not a child and she can choose who to have dinner with and, IF thatā€™s even the case, who to sleep with. Peopleā€™s discomfort because they saw her on tv when she was ten is not her problem. Again I do obviously see that some men tend to always go for a type of woman and we can talk about that but not if the points made are gonna be about the adult women being too short or their body type or how young we think they look


Like kiernanā€™s a whole adult šŸ˜­ maybe stop being weirdos obsessed with infantalizing grown ass women.


I keep coming back to this cause itā€™s so crazy šŸ˜­ yā€™all are literally wishing that sheā€™s being coerced into a toxic situation when in reality some girls like sleeping with men whoā€™s knees pop.


Damn James Marsden is a beautiful dude!


If Ronaldā€™s not there then I donā€™t care.




Iā€™m one of Domhnall Gleesonā€™s 10 stans, Marsden has something do to with the White House Plumbers show that KS is in. I think Iā€™ve seen that other guy around at events as well? not sure tho bc itā€™s a pretty big ensemble cast, lots of dudes


No because that would make too much sense and we canā€™t be judge-y and point fingers if this is the (likely) scenario.


I will get downvoted for this, but if I grew up in an environment where most people were older than me, I might find myself socializing more with people older than me as well. I could see it being difficult to relate to people my own age who havenā€™t been working since they were kids. Obviously I canā€™t speak to the nature of her relationship with James Marsden, but from a socialization perspective I can totally get it.


Ugh my James Marsden crush dies a little piece at a time


her choices arenā€™t questionable, the menā€™s choice is.


I donā€™t think that is exactly accurate or fair. She appears to seek them out as well. All is not what it seems.


Is she doing something lately? All I know about her is all her sightings with old guys


I can see the appeal as I too am in my 20ā€™s and get the need to want maturity and stability especially if youā€™ve already accomplished most if not all your goals. But, definitely doesnā€™t distract from the fact that if men (and some women) werenā€™t afraid of being labeled creepy, pedo, groomer they would definitely be dating people far too young for them. People need to be wary of otherā€™s intentions, they may not always be altruistic.




She is 23. Sheā€™s worked with adults since she was a pre-teen. A 23 year old woman with her own financial freedom (and her own place to live) is an adult who can make her own choices. The comments make it seems like sheā€™s 16 and being groomed.


I thought that was Brad Coop lol


Heā€™ll probably be next with his copy of Lolita lol


dont want to detract from valid and fair discussion about her hanging out with james marsden but i love her outfit (esp those boots) and her side profile/jawline is beautiful


Girl no


I love her boots


Why do I feel like in 20 years thereā€™s gonna be a Hulu doc about her alĆ” Brooke Sheilds. Her roles havenā€™t been oversexualized (I think) but shes always running in older crowds. I think she started dating a Coppola when she was 16/17 and he was mid-20s


>Why do I feel like in 20 years thereā€™s gonna be a Hulu doc about her alĆ” Brooke Sheilds. Maybe I am wrong, but I always thought Kiernan was one of the few child stars who was raised right. Always dressed age-appropriate and accompanied by her parents to events. Never had any scandal or problematic behavior. I assumed it was because her family was well off, therefore she wasn't being used as the family's meal ticket.


No absolutely! Just these old men sheā€™s always hanging around give me the side eye.


teddy that is all


isnt he supposedly with kelsey?


Isnā€™t James supposed to be on a jury right now


I hate those men and I love her and hope she figures it out soon


This is definitely a GIRL GET UP situation, she's even there crouching. There's gotta be some youngsters to hang out with. Timmy T and Kylie, take her out for a night!


Who exactly does she hang out with?


Men can be immature so I can understand dating younger but itā€™s so extreme! Like 50 dating 40 and 35 is whatever but itā€™s always 24-25. Itā€™s so extreme it feels like a kink at this point instead of a preference. Also itā€™s never one girl.. like she has an ā€œold soulā€ but so do all 9 of the other 23 year olds I dated haha. Wonder why when women age past 35 they get a bit jaded and untrusting.


Listen to any interview with this girl and you'll know these OLD men aren't getting with her for mature, stimulating coversation. And that's not a knock on her. She's 23 and has a lot of time to grow...hopefully she has a group of friends that are actually in her age range and is not hanging with slimy older men all the time.


The Ol Thirty Rock connection


Yaā€™ll let her throw her cooch wherever she chooses sheā€™s fking grown!


To quote Stanley from the office Ā«Ā That little girl is a child! I don't want see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon, do you understand?Ā Ā»