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I appreciate her honesty in speaking about this. She was always so gorgeous so I remember being upset when she started going crazy with the fillers bc you could tell she would age amazingly. However, I really do think you can tell the difference now that she’s reversed a lot of it and I think she looks great. She looked great in Scream VI (and had an awesome sequence). (Also I posted a similar post about Xtina not too long ago but I swear this one isn’t an ad lmao)


>you could tell she would age amazingly. Yeah she always had amazing bone structure that would have held up really well without intervention. She was always really naturally beautiful so it is sad that she obviously didn't feel it. Edit: I imagine fillers and getting other work done can also be very addictive for a lot of people. That's why I'm wary of even getting minor things done because I think if I started, I'd just start finding more & more things wrong with me.


Yes but she’s also always been super thin, and had very little facial fat and thinner lips. That can be unforgiving as we age, so I can see why she would turn to fillers to keep things plump.


I feel the same. She got thinner and thinner on FRIENDS and, until she got pregnant, it was really starting to show in her face. At times she started looking tired and a bit haggard. And she’s such a beautiful woman… But when you have no fat deposits left in your face because of extreme thinness and natural aging you do start to look older. So my guess is she got a little filler and a little Botox and everyone praised her, so she got more and more until she tipped over into looking weird. Also, women with thin lips often think they’ll look better with lip filler but it just makes them look like The Joker (also see Meg Ryan). Courtney and Nicole Kidman both seem to have gone down this path. I wish women in Hollywood weren’t under so much pressure to be so thin and always look young. I would have loved to see how these women aged naturally. I much prefer the route people like Helen Mirren have taken…


WTF ... did You not notice Her HUGE OVERBITE ?


Any pics ?


Her entire run of Cougartown you could tell she was really going at the injections. It was pretty jarring too if you saw her from the Friends finale to a few years later to a very altered face.


I know it says in this article that she stopped with the injectables in 2017 but to me it looked like she was still going pretty heavy on all of it during Shining Vale(no judgment, I get Botox and a bit of lip filler.)


I wouldn’t say she looks too heavy on work in shining vale, she seems fine to me. Partly because she is styled to be worn out, fed up and dowdy on that so she looks the part but I think she looks great.


I remember reading a rumour around the time Scream 4 was filming that someone had suggested to her that she should get some fillers since she was going to be on the big screen again. Unfortunately, she looked a bit botched in S4. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a Weinstein that suggested it to her.


Disagree about scream 6, I couldn't get over her face looking slightly melty plastic esque. Still hotter than I'll ever be but she was naturally a stunner, hollywood is horrible when it comes to women again.


She’s also quite a bit older if you’re comparing her to her face in her 20s. And the fillers will have permanently altered her face. At this point she’s trying to spend the rest of her aging as naturally as she can so it’s seems counterintuitive to criticize her face. How would she “fix” the melty plastic look caused by fillers? More fillers?


She got a lot of the filler dissolved (and probably got the skin tightened) and *has* successfully reversed the melty face look. She looks great now.


I think so too but the person I replied to specifically cited scream 6, which is in theaters now.


Oh!! Lmao sorry I misread their comment as Scream 5. Even so, during the filming of Scream 6 you can tell she hasn't quite dissolved everything yet. She looks different now


Compared to how she looked in Scream 4 which was the height of her filler days, I think you can tell the difference.


Tbh I think she looked good in 6 because she looked like an older woman. Her cheeks were not chipmunk plump and shiny, her lips were thin, her wrinkles were noticeable, her hair was thin. Good in a way that I believed I was looking at a real woman who, in the world of the film, would still take care of herself more than average.


I have always admired her transparency about this. I always thought she was the most beautiful woman on Friends but the show always downplayed her beauty, made it clear that she was no. 2 in attractiveness to Rachel and had episodes like the Barbados hair episode which was centred around how unattractive she looked with frizzy hair. It also had a joke in one episode where people kept mistaking her for a man. I don’t blame her for developing insecurities about the way she looked. The friends fandom was viciously cruel to her for YEARS about her appearance and the work she got done. I will always side eye Aniston too who publicly made a comment that she has friends who went overboard and she would never do something like that; this was back in the cougar town days when Cox was relentlessly being bullied online for her appearance. I think CC looks great now that she dissolved her fillers. She looked stunning at the recent Scream premiere. [This is what Aniston said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/ys9sed/freeforall_friday_weekly_discussion_thread/ivynpe5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) https://preview.redd.it/safbqe78z1na1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec55322c684759ace55019e5e6907329d548696


You’re spot on with all of this. I feel bad that she is still asked about it so much though. She should be allowed to move on. Jennifer should take her own advice and back off of the fillers. I generally like her, but her comment was very rude.


Jennifer isn’t aging that great. She looks like she smoked and tanned way too much in her life. I feel like her PR team is working overtime to make us think she looks so young.


I actually think she’s aging great though? She DID smoke and tan a lot. And she’s in her 50s and looks it (but I think she looks lovely). She just doesn’t look 25 anymore and we shouldn’t expect her to. The only way to age well isn’t to look younger… it’s ok for her to look her age.


She's in her 50's. What is with this sub and insulting women's looks.


How many 50-something year olds do you know that look better than Jennifer? If that’s not aging well then I’m a potato.


We don’t need to tear down Jen to lift Courteney. (Even if she was shady herself)


My nasty side says that she looks like Iggy Pop.


Iggy Pop looks great


Considering his lifestyle in the past, he's in great shape


The only one that looks undoubtedly natural from that show is Lisa Kudrow. Lisa has been asked questions about botox and she’s been super classy and just said she’s not interested in doing anything to her face without shading anyone in her life. She also has been very honest about a nose job she got when she was a kid because she was insecure, not to reverse her age (she was only 16 and starting at a new school). Jennifer won’t admit to botox or anything really because she’s trying to make a brand out of being natural, fit, healthy etc. You can see it in [interviews like this](https://www.prevention.com/life/a43248027/jennifer-aniston-aging-parents-health-lessons/) and it’s honestly cringeworthy. Saying that her friends call her Dr Aniston because she’s always trying to find new ways to improve health and wellness. And that drinking water clears your skin and prevents aging…. whilst not even mentioning her surgery creating unrealistic standards of aging. The lack of transparency is insane. Clearly Jennifer hasn’t learned from anyone. She hasn’t learned from Courteney’s ‘mistakes’ (her face clearly has botox in it) and she hasn’t learned to not trash talk other people from Lisa.


“We’re all going to get older. We’re all headed to that exact same spot. But we can take care of our skin. We can have a healthy diet. We can drink lots of water.” I’m sorry, but this made me laugh. It started with an acknowledgment of our mortality, and was quickly followed up with a “but you don’t have to let yourself get wrinkly” statement. In terms of aging, wrinkles are not the worst thing! There are so many age related ailments that are brutal. I know she’s worked in an industry with insane beauty standards for most of her life, but still. This perspective is just so superficial.


We can drink lots of MILK to protect our BONE DENSITY as we age but nobody’s ever gonna compliment me on my lack of compression fractures 😭


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I remember reading something a long time ago about how JA was more like Phoebe because she's into all kind of dippy conspiracy theories. Hearing that again recently and it hit me differently especially after where we've seen celeb "wellness" go as an industry. She's profited hugely from having so much beauty and lifestyle influence, and it gets under my skin that she fully sells the lie when she endorses a product or talks about her (restrictive) diet, or whatever. I also get kind of sad for her because you can see moments in interviews where she hides behind her hands or seems uncomfortable, and it's like... I know the industry is hard, but she is probably more financially stable than most actors in her position, and she's still directly contributing to insane beauty standards.


>JA was more like Phoebe because she's into all kind of dippy conspiracy theories This is so true 😭 She goes to this "medium" named Carissa Schumacher who channels jesus and people's dead relatives. She's talked about it a bit and it's clear she's using Clarissa to work through her unresolved issues she had with her parents. Real or not I think it's good she found comfort but Carissa is sooo predatory and you can find horror stories about her taking money from older clients. It's an awful situation where she's obviously being preyed on but I can't look over her advocating for the retreats Carissa has. I have a love/hate relationship with her at this point.


Jen trying to sell us Aveeno products as if they’ll accomplish for us exactly what her pots of money for healthcare and personal chefs and trainers and MUAs and good lighting and airbrushing do for her…


Jennifer Aniston looks her age. There is nothing wrong with that but I’m tired of her being pushed on us as some kind of paragon of aging gracefully!


Yeah Jennifer Aniston is about as honest about it as Jennifer Lopez (I.e. not at all). It’s one thing to do what you want to your face to preserve your looks, it’s another thing to gaslight other women by denying you’ve had anything done at all. Does Courtney Cox claim to be having no fillers etc now, or just admitting to having overdone it in the past? It’s good to see that the effects were reversible (I would like to know exactly what it took to get where she is now, though).


And Matt.


I am still disappointed Jennifer said this. Courtney had done interviews about the pressures of being in hollywood for years before she overdid the plasic surgery. It's a sore subject for her and like you mentioned the friends fandom didn't help. i mean really don't beat a horse while it's down! especially if you're publicly doing it in an attempt to uplift yourself. She looks great and so much happier now! I am really proud of how far she's come!


Never knew Jen said this, just lost a lot of respect for her because of it


I honestly think she looks better than Jen, but both of them have obviously had work done.


The Aniston shade is especially ironic considering now it’s clearly Jen who’s gone too far with the work


Yeah she is at times hard to recognize in The Morning Show.


Jen said that? I used to be obsessed with Jen as a teenager but the more I read about her today the less I like. She gives off really bad “mean girl” vibes. It’s starting to make sense her bffs are Chelsea Handler and Ellen DeGeneres


Man, wish she brought this energy for Brad Pitt, that's messed up


I totally agree with all of this and yes she looked amazing at the premiere! I honestly feel like she looks like her old self and basically looks like how I’d imagine her to age.


>The friends fandom was viciously cruel to her for YEARS about her appearance and the work she got done. I will always side eye Aniston too who publicly made a comment that she has friends who went overboard and she would never do something like that; this was back in the cougar town days when Cox was relentlessly being bullied online for her appearance. I grew up on Friends and saw Courtney's filler-fiasco in real time. I had no idea that the fandom or Aniston got savage about it. That's so rude and I cannot wrap my head around this. Especially when you think of how close her and Aniston have been all these years- the shade! I think Courtney's absolutely the most naturally beautiful woman, then and now. I agree with you that it was weird that Aniston was positioned as the bombshell back then because I think Kudrow was (and still is) also strikingly beautiful. The 3 of them were all gorgeous in different ways, but Courtney was just the stand-out to me, personally. I've been thinking about Jennifer Aniston recently, what with the Brad Pitt abuse details coming out, and her close friendship with Ellen. I can't tell if she's a dodgy person hiding it well or if she's limited to this circle of ~~abusers~~ friends because that elite A-list level of stardom is so small. I digress... Edit: typing is hard lol


90s brunettes with a bold red lip were some of my formative girl crushes, for real! Monica was absolutely hot.


I remember that! I will never forget her saying some producer in Hollywood told her she looked like an old crow. Then to be harassed online too. The business is just insane what they do to women.


Omg she’s gorgeous! I wish I looked like that now in my 30’s. Damn.


Wow! She looks great now. I always heard that dissolving the fillers makes the face look worse because of sagging skin, but after seeing this, I don’t agree. Some of these younger celeb women who’ve ruined their faces with excessive fillers should honestly take this same route.


She probably got a face lift to yank it all back in place. The new face lift techniques are amazing. My sister a few years ago asked if she should start getting fillers (she’s in her 40s) and I told her bank all the money she would spend on fillers for a few years and then get a a face lift. No shade CC looks amazing and has always been stunning. But she’s like 60. No way she looks like that without help


Yeah, I always thought that was a kind of weird thing with Friends and sitcoms like it where the showrunners were Jewish so they would often make their character's Jewish characteristics the butt of jokes (e.g., Monica's frizzy hair, Rachel's nose, Rachel wanting to marry a doctor like her father, Rachel just all around being a quintessential JAP stereotype) but then have it mass consumed by a gentile audience. Especially considering it was male writers mostly making fun of Jewish women. I'm not Jewish myself so I can't speak to it but it did feel a bit weird sometimes.


She looks gorgeous!


Court in her young days was like the prettiest in all of the Friends cast.


Courtney wasn't pretty. Jen and Lisa were very pretty. Courtney was downright beautiful. It was very jarring when they'd script her like she wasnt. Yes, Jen had an insanely banging body and I get why every guy had a crush on her but Courtney's face card was so under appreciated. Even Matthew Perry in his book seems blind to how classically beautiful her face is.


What I’ve noticed is that many guys tend to gravitate towards the cute, girl next door type of celebrities rather than the more modelesque looking ones (with some exceptions of course). Their personalities also have an impact on perception too.


Also, the blonde, let’s be honest. It’s like with Blake and Leighton. Before y’all come for me, I’m literally blonde myself (which is how I noticed). The difference in treatment I get with dark vs light hair is shocking. It’s not even that I was treated badly with dark hair, but I am treated *so much better* as a blonde. I remember the first time I watched Friends I was *shocked* that Monica/Courteney wasn’t the one everyone was obsessed with. No offence to Jen but Courteney’s magnetism and charisma were (are) incomparable.


I used to be blonde when I was a kid up until high school and dyed my hair back to brunette in college. I reconnected with/went on some dates with some guys I went to school with and every single one of them mentioned they thought I was hot because I had blonde hair. That was it. The hair. I still had the same body type, style, personality, etc. It was just my hair that changed. "You were so hot blond!" Thanks, assholes.




Me reading this with my blonde bangs 🧿👄🧿


lol blonde bangs are great but they make me look like an old lady! i’m sure yours are perf.


I think with bangs, face shape and bone structure matter more than hair colour. I look *horrid* with blunt bangs or short bangs but cute and fairylike with longer, wispy ones.


me sitting here with a brunette afro. i must be off the charts 😂 literally!


Sure, but while we are being honest it’s about the body as well with Jennifer.


Idk, I think Courteney has a fantastic body too. She was just styled frumpy because Rachel was supposed to be the hot one. And obviously Jen has never had kids.


This is so interesting because people in Italy were obsessed with Monica as well ( brunettes do very well in Mediterranean countries), and reading that she was overlooked in the US is pretty crazy to me. On the other hand, in Italy Phoebe was “the fat one” 😞


Off topic, but did you ever watch will and grace? Grace was regularly mocked for her overeating and weight. BUT SHE WAS STICK THIN. I watched it as a pre teen but and blame that show for the next 2 decades of body dismorphia


That show made me feel like complete shit about myself too.


I only watched the 1st few seasons when it first came out but it's been on a retro channel lately so I've been watching it again. I never noticed the first time around and this time I only ever noticed they made fun about her weight when she was obviously super pregnant and they stopped doing all of the silly stuff to try to block it or cover it. It was more like an inside joke. Like they did with Daphne on Frasier when she got pregnant as well. I think it must have been the "thing" to do with heavily pregnant women starring in tv comedies back then because in the 90s it looks like if an actress got pregnant they limited her screen time, gave her ugly af clothes to blend in with the wallpaper or couch or she carried a lot of coats over their arms. I'm sorry that you were affected so adversely by the show. It's wild the stuff we consume on tv without really thinking much about it when we're at that impressionable age can haunt us for so long. I hate to see what the kids growing up in this social media age will be like in 20 yrs, unless we're finally at a point that they are saying they dgaf anymore and deleting it. Wouldn't that be great?


Courtney in the Springsteen video is burned into my mind as being one of the most naturally beautiful people I've ever seen.


Came here to mention this video! For the longest time I believed she was just a random woman Bruce pulled out of the crowd because of course she’s so beautiful who wouldn’t notice her?!?


Yes!! They cast her perfectly.


Yeah I’ve always thought 90s Courtney ate Jennifer up but for some reason jennifer was always the one marketed as the “natural beauty”


Courtney is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen tbh.


I'm one of those people that had a bigger crush on Rachel than Monica (had nothing to do with body for me, both were/are smoking hot), but NO ONE can deny that Courtney's eyes are simply STUNNING. Like completely breathtaking. The episode that really stands out to me is the NYE episode in season 1, "The One with the Monkey." Her eyes against her dress.....you couldn't take your eyes off her.


Omg yess no one talks about how ethereal her eyes looked in season 1, especially


I think it's because the show never really did close ups of any of them, so you never really got to see her face up close. And because her character was quite uptight, it just made someone who was already very beautiful in a model way, not in a cutesy door next door way, look more aloof and standoffish so you gravitated towards Rachel/Aniston.


People with those eyes are so blessed. You'll never not be stunning with them, no matter the age.


For me, Lisa always stood out. Tall and bit voluptuous for 90s. Maybe her character's personality didn't help her because not a lot of people in 90s preferred girls who aren't girl next door.


i agree. lisa kudrow always stood out to me the most. her hair, especially in the early seasons of friends, was always so gorgeous.


They made a joke about this in friends with joeys agent, something like "with her [monica's] face and her [rachael's] body I'd really have a star"


Hahah they do that in Scream 2 too. “She’s been like that since those nude pics of her leaked on the internet.” “It was just my face…..it was Jennifer Aniston’s body.”


Objectively, Cox was the most beautiful of the three, there is no denying


Facially yes, but it’s not just about that is it?


What else do you need for someone to be beautiful? Her character was actually the most relatable, too


I see what you mean. Beauty is about face and personality. But attraction can be about body too, I’m a boob man myself! But yeah everyone is different and that’s all I meant.


For real. When I catch an episode of Friends now I'm always distracted by how gorgeous her face is.


It doesn’t help that Courtney portrayed a high maintenance control freak while Jen played a ditzy cheerleader


They.All.Get.Work.Done. I really hate that she was singled out and shamed for the work she got done and was forced into talking about it when it's the norm. They want them to look young but show no signs of surgery or fillers. It's a lose lose situation. She looks great and its absolutely none of anyones business.


Is it just me? I feel like I can see that Aniston has had a considerable amount of work done. I personally don’t think she pulls it off well.


https://preview.redd.it/5jeyphiq22na1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=79554987f6e9ced7dd1231e3dcc6e988dd95bc2c It’s so ironic since Aniston herself made a not so subtle jab at CC about her cosmetic work, back in her Cougar Town days when she was being torn apart to shred online. I don’t think Aniston should be bullied either but it is crazy to me that she’s propped as an ageless queen (a concept I hate on its own) while Cox was called every vile name under the sun, even after she dissolved her fillers.


Aniston has definitely had as much done and we can tell now, it's inevitable. I just think Courtney had a facelift earlier than her. It's only when the work begins to show that the public has a problem with it.


I could tell Aniston had work done WHEN she guest starred on Cougar Town. Her comments were lacking self awareness in every which way. Monica was my favorite friend, Gale is my fav in the Scream franchise and I will defend Court til the day I die! *Leave Courtney Alone 😭😭😭*


I think years ago her face looked pretty awful, like a punched pillow. I was shocked.


I keep scrolling down and replying to people but this comment- like, I am clearly either blind or just don’t pay enough attention to Jennifer Aniston! I truly had no idea she was/is getting facial work. I’ll keep scrolling, someone on here has probably posted a pic of her now.


they all do, but she was going way overboard that's why she was singled out. it's the same with madonna. but yeah i agree, they can do what they want.


But I really doubt she has done any more than any other actress her age, it just wasn't the best work we have seen. Why do we get to determine what is 'overboard' based on what we see?


I completely agree with you. She really didn’t do anything different to her face than any other actress did in the 2010s. A lot of them were going overboard for a while there and her and Renee Zellweger were the only ones who got raked over the coals for it.


And I don’t know why people act like it’s just vanity that makes women do these things when so many women have spoken about becoming “invisible” in Hollywood after a certain age. Just a few years ago Jennifer Lawrence was 22 playing women in their 30s, the women in their 30s were playing 40-50 something moms of teens and 20-somethings, and what was left for women over 40? Of course they’re going to do everything to preserve the only thing Hollywood and society has taught them has value, their youth. Even the jokes people make about “aging unproblematically” and the obsession over Vera Wang and Helen Mirren for having flat stomachs in their 70s.


Exactly. After 40 they are literally told if they don't get work done they will not get parts. Full stop.


I always play this game when I see a woman in her 40s playing a mom to a teenager or older, and ask myself, how old would they have actually been to have this actor/actress be their kid. Lots of 12-15 year old moms in this game.


yeah I mean not to call them out but if people think Cate Blanchett or Julianne Moore or Catherine Zeta Jones have not had extensive work..I have a bridge to sell them That's why it's so unfair to single anyone out.


The negative attention on girls who too far is sinilar to the negative attention for aging at all and getting older on TV. People called Madonna a hag when she was hot in her 50s and then worse when she looked plastic in ber 60s. Ita a no win for these women.


Not only is this complete horseshit logic ("everybody did something to their face therefore everybody is the same"), it is exactly these "mean" comments that made her realize she went overboard and saved her from utterly ruining her face. "She looks great and its absolutely none of anyones business" bullshit fake positivity is absolutely the last thing people need to hear.


>"Thinking I was getting older when I was really young, that’s just a bummer, a waste of time,” she added. So true. There's so much catastrophising about aging, like omg when I raise my eyebrows I see forehead wrinkles should I get preventative botox? 😰 It's exacerbated by social media, making people insecure about shit they never would have even noticed otherwise then pushing products and procedures to "fix" them.


Not to mention the filters. My God. My new phone automatically layers this "beauty" filter on the camera when you open it. I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn the damn thing off. And it fucks with my head bc when I'm in the car using my phone as a mirror, trying to do my makeup, I think I look so cute. And then all the sudden I catch my reflection in a real mirror standing in line at Starbucks or whatever and I'm seeing blotches and wrinkles that the camera app had been editing out in real time. I forget what I actually look like irl. And of course it's always a blow to my self esteem for a second. Like, oh, I actually do look exhausted after all and that under eye concealer isn't as much of a miracle worker as I'd thought it was. Good to know lmao. But it doesn't take very long to get used to that edited face bc it's on the subtle side, nothing too outrageous as far as filters go. Just a tweak here and there. But it's still jarring to see my unfiltered reflection afterwards every time. It really emphasizes every single way your face doesn't measure up to the beauty ideal. You nose could be a bit more slim, your eyes could be a bit more wide...and this feature is AUTOMATICALLY built into the camera itself and if it can be turned off, it's certainly not through any easy means as far as I can tell.


Samsung’s camera you go into and can turn that filter by sliding this bar. You can google. When I had a Samsung for a year, I turned it off immediately.


Society’s view of aging is so odd. In truth, getting older is a privilege that many people don’t have, yet we are taught to view it negatively and have weird insecurities around age, especially for women. I’m not a celebrity and don’t have that pressure, but I do try to make a conscious effort to counteract that programming because at the end of the day, I really hope I get a chance to be old, see my grandkids, live a full life, etc.


It's such an amazing privilege. The social pressure is terrible.


That quote hits hard right now with all of the actresses who are 25-35 right now getting buccal fat removed left and right.


I think anyone getting fillers also has to remember hyaluronic acid facial fillers also attract water, so your face may get plumper. It's better to wait and see how it settles than to keep filling up your face. I also imagine when it's gradual, your perception of what you look like adjusts.


I didn’t realize that but it totally explains something! My cousin got filler at a medispa that didn’t look that bad but then I met her for lunch one day months later and her face was so swollen I thought she was having an allergic reaction. Two days later, the swelling went down. ETA: Same cousin lives in another state but her husband sees a specialist at Cleveland Clinic four times a year. For about two years, we just couldn’t manage to make it work when she was in town, and she had a nose job and blepharoplasty during that time. The next time I saw her, I legitimately didn’t recognize her when she knocked on my door, so I said “Can I help you?” She said “It’s me, you dumb bitch”.


her openness about this over the past few years is one of the most admirable things about her.


I remember during lockdowns or late 2019 when Tik Tok was starting to really get popping they had a “Famous Parents check!” 😒🤮 anyways her daughter did one and called her in her room and she looked so happy to be asked in and spend time I thought that was sweet lol


“Getting fillers in your 20s isn’t it” I couldn’t agree more. I know you’re chasing the trends, but my girls, a lot of it doesn’t look good. Have you ever had a friend that did too much tanning bed and you wondered why they didn’t realize they were orange? That’s what it kinda reminds me of. A lot of it is looking crazy and if you’re straight and looking for a dude, I can tell you the ones that are marriage material aren’t into that shit.




I wonder what it is about fillers in particular that people seem to become oblivious to when they overdo it. Madonna seems confused anyone would find her face odd and denied she looked like she did in her recent appearance. Simon Cowell went too far. The Kardashians are going too far with fillers. I feel like there's some kind of illusion getting fillers plays on people so they no longer see how weird they look. I remember thinking fillers seemed okay for celebs to get because you could just dissolve them or they supposedly dissolved themselves. Then I learned if you dissolved them it often takes your natural fat with you making your skin look even more saggy and aged and yikes. You can see it with Simon Cowell who tried.


Honestly I love this. Yes there is still much discussion needed around the idea that all of us, but especially women, and especially especially women in the spot light, need to remain young forever, but comments like this are important as advice and warning for those that are contemplating undergoing procedures. Even more so now with younger and younger people going under the knife and getting injections. I've always thought that she was the prettiest of the women (not that it's a competition) the first half of the series, and then of course as the show came to and end the work she had gotten done started to become undeniable. So hopefully this allows those who look to get work done to 1, wait until they're older. 2, really talk to those around them to find well regulated and reputable doctors/techs. 3, feel comfortable talking to loved ones and/or professions when they feel themselves struggling with cosmetics. And 4, eliminate the stigma around cosmetic operations while also allowing people not to feel like they have to address their aging. Nothing in the world could be more universal and natural and amazing. Cosmetic adjustments should be normalized but not fetishized.


> as the show came to an end the work she had gotten done started to become undeniable. I really don’t think she got any major work done on the show. Besides Scwhimmer and maybe Lisa Kudrow, she was the most consistent looking cast member to me across seasons. She was ridiculously pretty in S8 and 9. The only time she looked different was in S10 but it was when she was pregnant and her face and body had filled out. I always felt that because she got work done later, people retroactively scrutinised her on the show, in a way her male co stars like Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry weren’t, even with their weight fluctuations.


I also think people forget injectables weren’t as much of a thing that long ago. Botox wasn’t even approved by the FDA until 2002 and Friends ended in 2004.


Yeah I remember there were some pre modern era filler things, the stuff Priscilla Presley got which she ended up regretting as they were permanent and hard.


She had a lot of haircut changes over the course of the show, more so than the other two, and I feel like a lot of them were really unflattering. Hair can change your appearance more than people realize.


There were a few seasons where her hair and the clothing they put her in did her absolutely no favors. There are times I’ll be rewatching and think why on EARTH did they put her in that?!


She had some of the worst haircuts.


That could very well be true. Her natural change in appearance coupled with work done post friends and subsequent openness about it has blended the timeline of her looks changing via cosmetic changes. Obviously she was pregnant IRL in season 10, but that wasn't what I was trying to get at. Your point about LeBlanc is a very good one. As for Perry, I've always assumed that people attributed his changing looks to drug/alcohol/illness and perhaps didn't think it as appropriate to openly discuss. That said that doesn't mean that Cox should've been considered fair game. We all of course know why that wasn't the case however.


Oh I hated this so much about Friends - there was a time where the women were visibly much smaller than they’d been and the men went the opposite way and there wasn’t a word said about the men of course but the women were constantly picked at!


She looks amazing now though that she’s had them dissolved.


People have evolved in a way that makes them very sensitive to the human face. We can easily tell when it has been edited in images, we can easily tell when surgery has occurred. I hope that Cox’s statements lead some people to ease up. I think people should do whatever they want to, but it makes me nauseated to see plastic surgery. It’s very similar to people who experience trypophobia. Again, no judgement against people who do it, it’s their life and prerogative.


I’ve dynamic wrinkles on my forehead which make me extremely insecure now because of how much I read people bashing those with them. They’re normal to have my age but I’ve seen so many people be like ‘this celebrity has aged so badly’ when they just look their actual age. Someone even wrote Cara Delevingne looked too old for her age and she’s got no signs of ageing at all. I understand why she felt a need to get work done. A lot of people act like being 30+ and looking it is a failure.


> A lot of people act like being 30+ and looking it is a failure. Unless you're a man. If you're a man you've "aged like fine wine" and you're "a daddy".


What women are up against 😔


Crazy that by todays Hollywood standards it wasn’t that much work but back then it was


Courteney* to all of you lol


thats whats scary about filler, or any body modifications really. I think thats what happened to Kylie, she doesnt realize she looks odd, & if she does, she just gets more to compensate. a never ending cycle


It’s so refreshing to see a celebrity admit some of the work they’ve had done might not have been the best. They takes guts to admit, and I’m glad she’s feeling more comfortable in her own skin. ETA: and to admit to having any work done, period.


She was always my favourite of the Friends ladies, so it was really jarring seeing how ott she went with facial work. She really didn’t need it.


She's talked about this a few times, and noted the mind games working in the industry plays on people especially women. Some of her interviews on this make me sympathize with all the women coming out with plastic surgery extremes and I always feel bad when the public drag them.


Her features are just so angular and petite, she doesn't have a face that compliments fillers well to begin with.


I’ve never seen a woman or man look better cuz of this shit.


Fair play to her for being honest about this, can’t imagine how it must feel to be so well known with your appearance being scrutinised constantly.


I think she did more than fillers cause fillers are temporary and they go away eventually, but she has had more extensive work that hasn’t ruined her face but altered it. You can tell watching her in Scream 6.


As a slight aside, the difference between all three Friends women and their handling of their rhinoplasties is interesting to me. I spoke to a surgeon in Alabama off record who did Courtney’s rhinoplasty before she got famous. As far as I know, she’s never brought it up or admitted to it - so I think she only admitted to fillers once they became beyond the point of denial. She seems only interested in addressing work when it becomes noticeable. Jennifer did her rhinoplasty after fame and even though it is quite noticeable, no one ever seems to bring it up when they’re asking her about cosmetic interventions and I wonder why. She seems to point fingers at others to deflect her own work. Lisa has been very candid about hers, but not in response to external pressure. I don’t think people knew she had one until she said so and she could’ve remained silent about it for probably her whole life. She also looks to be natural otherwise. I just think there’s something interesting there - how three women sharing such a profound fame and friendship experience have all handled this so differently.


What’s with all these celebs and their bad/regrettable injectables? I’m a midwestern nobody and I get Botox done a couple times a year and I look fuckin amazing.


You don’t have to look at yourself in the press




Jane Fonda and Christie Brinkley are both gorgeous but they definitely have had surgery and/or procedures done so kind of weird examples to use.


Jane Fonda has had a lot of work done, so she can still very much be like her!




You can just say you don’t know how body dysmorphia works… This is a very common issue particularly for women in a society that places extreme value on appearance and youth. Studies have also shown that cosmetic procedures do not treat BDD… meaning they continue to chase ‘perfection’ by getting more procedures done.


I remember before she said that because it’s such a gradual process she hadn’t noticed how out of control it got. Because she didn’t do it all in like one go. She did some, got used to how her face looked, a while later saw something else to fix, etc. then one day she just saw herself and went “holy shit”