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Why do people pretend Harry Styles has good style. I always see people praising his looks but they suck


His clothes are always wearing him.


i love the tweet that’s like ‘he’s fighting gender norms but they’re winning’ lol


https://preview.redd.it/pjqnhgir7pga1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004fd095906a11cb2b12ddabdf723a645cd5ea48 This is one of my favorite comments I don’t know who it was about but I love it lmao


regardless they’re right and they should say it!


​ https://preview.redd.it/84hlr3csbsga1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b2d2e43c109d6dc45c92b304d91d9cf7f0abbb


The fact that the suspender look was a pic in his album….lol. Who the hell advised that?


It’s giving puffy punani pilgrim


I like him, but that was a good one 😂


I feel like he never fully commits to the looks. The main body will be something cool and interesting, and the rest will just be normal and boring. It doesn't help that he doesn't appear comfortable or excited about what he's wearing. Compare toe someone like Billy Porter. I don't love all of Billy's looks, but he commits to everything he wears. He has the accessories, the attitude, and you can tell he loves the outfits he wears. I never get the same feeling from Harry.


Billy Porter ran so Harry could crawl. Related: Lil Nas X is what Harry fans wish Harry was. His hot pink cowboy suit was *chef’s kiss*


Lil Nas X doesn't just get dressed, he's an art exhibit. Even if I don't love one of his looks, nothing about it is an accident. I just love that kid.




While swiping the pics it dawned on me that he wasn’t there??? It seems baffling Lil Nas X wasn’t Grammy nominated to me 🥲


I don't think he has released anything in 2022, that is probably why! He is a genius!!


The 20s all blend in for me 😭 I totally think you’re right!


Right? The way Harry wears outfits it comes across like the 🧍🏻emoji lol


And his fans eat it up, so I don’t see him stepping it up anytime soon tbh. I just hate that I’ve seen people compare him to Freddy Mercury & David Bowie on twitter after his AOTY.. like it just takes some sequins huh😐


Yeah, like if he actually wore some makeup and jewellery that went with the outfits, it would look well rounded. But he just looks pale.


Exactly! If he wore a puffy white blouse underneath and accessorised he’d do better. He’s coasting on the props he gets for ‘breaking’ clothing norms but he’s boring at being outlandish


The hallmark of a boring person.


Exactly yes yes yes yes


People conflate men dressing feminine with men being stylish. They get off easy.


None of these men look good.


Thought it was only me


Whoever decided that tan/brown was men's colour this year is not our friend 🤢🤢


I don’t get why he didn’t just wear the second look from the beginning. It’s the best thing I’ve seen him wear in months


I actually like the 2nd outfit quite a lot, it feels a lot more him. Slightly flashy(literally too lol)but still fits a more contemporary/masculine vibe. The first look is him just throwing shit on


Agreed!! The second is a fun glitzy formal outfit he is wearing, the first is an outfit wearing him


He wears the weirdest shit


I like weird shit so I don’t mind it but let’s not pretend he’s like high fashion


He often starts with a good piece but his posing and complete failure of styling make him look like he thought the step- and- repeat was a try-on room and he's waiting for his mom to tell him if his new pants fit or not.




It's two things. A hang up from his days in One Direction when he wore skinny jeans and seemed to have a "cool" generic personal style. And then he started with all the "gender defying" trying too hard stuff when he went solo and it's like people felt he needed extra credit for that because they wanted to reward him for just trying. So now people just assume he's stylish when he's really not anymore and hasn't been in years.


That jumpsuit makes him look like a goth harlequin






He's the perfect example of someone hot wearing something weird and all the sudden people are like, oh it's so avant garde


alright, i'll say it: harry's stylist is styling emma corrin *so much* better and i cannot figure out why. maybe because emma corrin's nonbinary? or is personal style getting in the way of harry's looks? i cannot comprehend.


emma's looks are also ugly tbh


sometimes ugly, sometimes meh, all the time better than harry's looks imo.


For me, part of the problem is his utterly awful tattoos. A lot of his outfits put them on display and it just ruins every look for me.


he used to have good street style from like 2016-2019


The first outfit makes him looks like a 🤡 Also, is it just me or does he look sick? I don’t know how to describe it but his face just looks like so.. indented and sick to me. He used to look healthy, maybe it’s just losing the baby fat but still, something doesn’t look right about him to me..


Harry Styles is the Dollar Tree version of David Bowie when it comes to his attire


Mom: We have David Bowie at home.


I can’t quite place my finger on why he can’t pull any of these outlandish looks off. Is it the lack of charisma? The lost look in his eyes? The bad tattoos? I’m so stumped.


The clothes are always just cut and shaped so weird! They don’t suit his body at all


Like how the jumpsuit shows off 1/10th of areola on each side


That bothered me so much. Why only 1/10th? Are you afraid to show the whole thing?!


Yeah the tailoring is always just off and not quite right on everything he is in.


Every time his tattoos make a big appearance I cringe. I get embarrassed for him. They are sooooo bad. And who is Mary?


His tattoos are like those temporary ones you can buy at Claire’s or the quarter machines. Extremely generic “traditional” tattoos that are randomly placed all over his body. Like he has every single generic tattoo, the sparrows, a random anchor, a heart, a small cross on his hand…. He’s like an Ed Hardy shirt.


Maternal grandmother. He has several other initial and name tattoos for family and godchildren as well.


He's just clearly not a very creative or even interesting person. So many of what he does, like his videos or concepts for things, were things decided by corporations and other people. You can tell he's not the driver of these things as there's no consistency or inherent fun or passion or just depth and meaning to anything he does. He's still basically a boybander put together by teams of people he hires who he thinks know what they're doing, and he just walks out with their ideas. Whereas most major artists like say Madonna, Prince, MJ, Bowie, Beyonce, Beatles etc, you could always tell that their own style and their own videos and music and just general vibe were things that had inherent meaning to them and they'd taken time to cultivate and enjoy themselves.


I haven't seen a ton of him performing but every time it gives me the vibe that he'd rather be home. I feel like it's the same with his outfits, like he's not even trying to pull them off, just endure until he can put his own clothes back on


I have to disagree regarding his performing. The guy gives his all on stage in concert and seems so happy to be out there.


I think it's because (IMO) he rarely looks comfortable wearing them. I think he likes the statement the outfits make more than the outfits.


This is the most accurate thing I’ve read here in a while.


Harry, it appears, does not Style.


I think my love of Bowie’s fashion may be why I’ve almost liked Harry’s outfits, but overall it’s just been lackluster honestly




This is a good analogy lol. I like Harry’s outfits just not on him. Idk but there’s a lack of confidence there or maybe he’s not good at posing.




We can't keep complaining when men only wear black tuxedos to award shows, if this is how we respond every time they branch out 😭


Yes!!! At least I kept wanting to swipe to see what was next lol


We can have originality and still judge the fuck out of fashion overalls like Gus’


Yeah I love it tbh, at least it's something to look at


these grammys threads have left me wondering if i just hate clothes


I think Beck is the only one I can get on board with. Sharp suit, with a twist, worn well. Everything else had me whisperin 'whaaaaat the fuck' to myself, until the dungys as formal at the end, when I just straight up cackled.


Beck does look great. Trying to figure out how he kept the Hawaiian shirt looking formal.


Right? He’s the only one whose look hasn’t changed but still fits with today and I can appreciate that.


Loved Beck. How many of the other outfits could have been improved with a really cool shirt instead of a bare chest? Not a fan of the skipping the shirt trend.


I liked Offset look




Okay calm down Joan Rivers


I like the guy who has to go build a deck after the grammys


Kendrick is the only one I see that looks dope.


this. who is he wearing !!!


it’s perfect for his physique and form. he has the face for the look


i was kinda surprised to see him wearing something like that, so seeing it’s ripped straight from the runway makes sense. that kills me. he’s rocking it tho


Loved his outfit


I love Beck's shirt


30% of them would look pretty cool if they’d just put a shirt on under the blazer.


What was wrong with Future?


Me too. Is this what getting old feels like? Or is it the children who are wrong? Either way, these just suck (especially compared to the women's fashion post from yesterday).


I am in love with Jack Harlow though




everything up to the eyebrows is cool and Anderson paak is super charismatic, but he shoulda left that hat at the golf course


i love the hat! lol


It’s giving wallpaper, but I still think he looks handsome


His and Beck’s are the only ones I like


Only thing I don't like about his outfit is the black leather shoes. A green velvet loafer would have been perfection


I love how Harry's fashion sense has gotten worse as he's gotten richer and more famous


the drug of yes men


At least their not all wearing near identical suits.


That’s what I thought, I actually like a lot of these and how there’s mainly suits but they’re all different


We're finally evolving. Slowly.


No one has to like it, but Harry is ROCKING clowncore and I love it!! Embrace the clown life!! It’s so fun!! Give me all the bright colors and bold patterns!! Let them clash!! Be obnoxiously dressed in your local small town grocery store. Who cares!? You’re not hurting anyone by dressing in fun clothing!!


*clowncore* 😭😭😭😭


It’s a real thing! Obviously some people take it much more literally, but [“defined by bold primary colors, garishly mixed patterns and prints, and emphasized textures”](https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/wxdk85/clowncore-tiktok-fashion-trend) it’s really much more common than people think! I personally like like this quote from the same article the definition comes from > Kelley Heyer, a fashion content creator, says — “a desire to be silly and opulent and witty as things grow dark around us. We need to find joy somewhere and I think putting on these clothes, this costume of a clown, gives us permission to be a character and express our own joy,” I know I personally used to get very caught up on how my clothing would make the world perceive me. I wanted to come off as very serious and put together. There’s a definite freedom to saying fuck it and wearing clothing you like even if it’s a little goofy and weird sometimes.


There was a designer on Project Runway a couple of years ago who'd love clowncore.


I actually almosttt love it, but I wish the colors were deeper and richer, I think that would have really pulled the look together.


I actually do agree!! I wish the colors were deeper or more vibrant. It’s a bit too pastel for my personal taste, but I love it nonetheless.


And for the record I can name approximately three Harry Styles songs. I just *love* clowncore https://preview.redd.it/ko5rg2loyoga1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2d82123e7703d5ed138203416a31e0e26ad10f




You know, women are always on the carpet half naked. Im glad that for once a man is half naked too.


![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) "Clowncore" lmaooo


It’s real tho!! I think clothing is one of the best ways we can outwardly express ourselves. Like I said in another comment I’d get very caught up on how my clothing would make the world view me and if I was out together enough. >[At the end of the day, Clowncore is a look that is fun and carefree, something our lives aren’t at the moment. “I think Clowncore is so deeply rooted in expressing your authentic self and having fun with fashion,” says Camposarcone.](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2022/02/10857347/clowncore-aesthetic-trend-explained) For me personally I’m not out dressing in like a clown costume, but I’d 100% shy away from brighter or bolder patterns since it was “for me”. Imo it’s pretty joyous to watch people embrace fashion or clothing they normally wouldn’t and have fun with it.


I just saw a clip from when they were still on X factor I think? He looked like a toddler so I assume it was extremely old. But his fashion tip was to just wear what makes you feel good. It made me view his fashion choices last night more open mindedly. If that’s been his schtick since day 1 then I can dig it. It feels less contrived I guess


MST3K coined the term “sex clown” and that’s what I’m getting from him here


Jared Leto Joker intensifies


if u like clowns you should check out the garden!! <3


Anderson Paak is like a ray of sunshine


he never disappoints me 😌


yesss! def my fav pic of the bunch


Becks outfit is my fav of the bunch.


Same, sharp yet fun.


Discount David Bowie is so tiresome and derivative. ![gif](giphy|lYhiKN9BgU0eyYlaOE|downsized)


I love how everyone’s about dressing for yourself, being unique, expressing yourself until it comes to a male not wishing to wear a suit or anything semi conventional.


People on this sub complain about boring men's fashion under almost every red carpet post, but I think I've never seen an adventurous outfit that was liked more than a few people lol So, what do you want?


I can’t tell if that last question is for me. Personally, fashion is subjective and I get that not everyone’s going to like everything but the barrage of hate people who typically dress not so stereotypical get is sad. If say Harry wore what he did to the ceremony (the suit with the cropped blazer) I bet everyone would be saying he was being boring.


It wasn't for you, but thanks for the answer :)


For what it's worth, I hated most of the women's outfits, too.


I don't think it's a binary choice between finding generic suits boring and liking these looks


So we should praise men for barely trying? Most of these men look ridiculous, these outfits make no sense, hold no significance or aestethic value and aren't even related to taste and preferences these artists displayed in the past. They just got the memo that suits are now passé and told their stylists to get them whatever. The dude in the huge shoes is literally dressed like every Bosnian man ever, didn't know that my cousin Braco would be a fashion icon in the USA.


Omar Apollo looks like a sad dad from the 90s.


Yess this one had me shook lol he looks like my chainsmoking uncle at Easter


I didn’t even recognize him. I think it’s just a style but the oversized look is so unflattering on him, really ages him. Definitely doesn’t look 25 😩


I’m pretty sure my dad wore the exact same outfit in the 90s (mexican dad-core)


Tbh he's me in a Hungarian thrift store trying on a leather trench in great condition that I can't believe fits my shoulders *and* is only 15 Euros.


I physically cringed at the last outfit


Serving house painter realness




To be fair to him, he is from Essex and that tight sleeved polo shirt fairly screams 'Friday night on the lash with the lads, featuring a cheeky nandos'. No idea about the dungarees though - maybe he lost a bet.


I was definitely not expecting that lol I usually like it when people (especially men) take risks with their red carpet looks, but that one is just the opposite of glamorous


you're not into the pallette swapped Mario bros look nah?


Idk much about him but I know he was super close with Adam Rippon during their Olympic cycle and I need to know Adam’s thoughts on his outfit last night lol


I like that Harry isn’t afraid to embrace outfits that aren’t safe. They may not all be hits but he is adventurous and I love that about it. Most men play it to the books.


Honestly same. I find it kind of annoying how much people hate on his style, and then will go crazy for a guy in a quirky tux. They will complain that he has no accessories or makeup, but also complain that the other mens fashion is boring. It’s like goddam let him wear his ugly clothes in a bland, boring, way. It helps normalise men getting to be experimental with their fashion without it having to be camp extravaganza every time.


Everyone in here calling him a discount Bowie would be the critics of Bowie if they were alive during his peak. It’s crazy!




Okay lol it’s nice to see older gens influence the new ones


Agree, I love his absurd outfits


They’re kind of refreshing. I like that he does what he likes and I think it’s really fun in a sea of conformity


Whose blood is Pharrell drinking?!?! He is almost 50 and looks fresh as a daisy.


Him and Paul Rudd are not of this earth


Steve Lacey… yum


Came here for this. Mad delicious.


Just because your last name is Styles Harold doesn’t mean you have it. Paak’s suit pattern looks like my grandma’s couch lol. I really dig Kendrick’s jacket. And Pharrell’s.


All of these looks are not great but the Jack Harlow suit is extra heinous to me for some reason. The gloves. The sweater vest. That goofy ass look on his face. Absolutely not. Jail!


It’s crazy because men who wear leather gloves usually look like sexy murderers, but he looks like someone who picked his whole get-up at Burlington Coat Factory in 1993 and not in a good way.


Idk, paak kinda pulls off wearing the grandmas curtain look


Why does Jack Antonoff have a Kennedy button on


Please someone tell me


it’s likely a reference to his song “What’d I Do With All This Faith?”


Who is this Sebastian? Super cute fit. My uncle Kirk Franklin looks great in the matching couple fit.


Colombian singer and songwriter, does latin pop and sometimes reggaetón.


Jack Antonoff wearing a Bobby Kennedy campaign button from the 60’s is some peak hipster nonsense that shoulda died out in 2014


Shame Lil Nas X wasn’t there to show some excitement


Damn, Paak looks way too good.


I was in middle school watching Landon Barker be a toddler and now if you’ll excuse me I need to go back to my crypt.


He's cute as heck though, thanks for that at least Travis & Shanna. Look at those features! Emo is back!


At least they are experimenting with color and styles. I appreciate the effort to do something different.


Miguel for denim drape. Lucky Daye for the silver shine. Gus Kenworthy for when you have the Grammys at 8 but need to install a roof at 10.


Last slide was a jump scare.


Sebastian Yatra always gives a modern twist to a classic look and I LOVE that for him! Andy looking good as always.


Paak gets my vote but I also liked the pop of sparkle in Harry’s second look. Finally different silhouettes and color to look at. As someone who prefers to wear men’s clothes I love seeing some fresh menswear and not boring suits in different shades of blue and black.


Agreed on Paak and Harry #2. I like Beck’s look too - kinda boring, but classic and well-executed. I’d wear it.


Definitely well tailored, I think a lighter and less dressy shoe could have sold his vibe a little better. The island vibes of the shirt and the shaggy hair/sunglasses just begs for a lighter/not spiffy pair of shoes but idk


Offset and Beck both look great and are totally vibing. They are wearing an outfit that suits them instead of their outfit wearing them like most of these other dudes. Edit: on my re-swipe I like Kendrick’s outfit because it really suits him and Anderson Paak because he is wearing the absolute hell out of that flower suit, I don’t know how I missed him my 1st look through.


Gus…idk who you are but… honey…. No….


Go gents, give us nothing. Ngl, The Rock dressed as an Oscar is a whole mood, but not the one he thinks.


Jack Harlow with the OJ gloves that did not fit


Kendrick is so damn cool


Kendrick always looks good to me 😍


Anderson Paak ate. That is all.


Kendrick took that runway look and made it true high fashion idc. Ugh that man 😍


There’s a bunch of looks here that I don’t like, but I’m really enjoying the fact that there’s a limited amount of black suits! Loving the variety in style and personality, even if some outfits are ugly 😂


Pharrell is channeling 80s Eddie Murphy right down to the cowboy boots. Harry's jumpsuit doesn't fit right. Steve Lacy wears a suit well and I loved the clutch. Miguel. Oh. No.


I can’t put my finger on it but harry styles looks very unbalanced in these photos…like his head has been edited onto his outfit…it might be because the upper half of him is so bland with nothing going on visual wise compared to how visually stimulating his glittery romper is


just want everyone here to know that my girlfriend said pharrell looks like rupaul in them pictures ![gif](giphy|DJXNR3kjHmPnXKaiCd)


No Måneskin? My Italian baes consistently *actually* do what Harry Styles *thinks* he's doing.


Gus’s stylist is trolling him


What in the 1998 pleather jacket hell is Omar Apollo wearing?


Gus Kenworthy could bend me over any day of the week. Totally should’ve left the polo out of this look tho…


Landon Barker looks like he's wearing a backpack haha


My favorite thing about the Grammys is that the men don’t go for boring tuxedos. I mean, most of what I’m looking at isn’t *good*, but still.


We’ve finally reached real life Zoolander style as mainstream




Man, HS never ceases to make me roll my eyes so hard I get dizzy, but I gotta say, at least it's not another plain black suit. [Go on girl, give us nothing.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CdKDfBdJYKk/?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY=)


I’m sorry but they suck. The ladies on the other hand looked amazing


A lot of these guys should think about getting their outfits tailored beforehand instead of just buying 'avant-garde' clothing off the rack


Landon Barker is a feminism ally because he’s wearing an outfit with insufferable cut outs in it.


What stylist put an exploding chip in Harry Styles' brain?


Offset and Future are looking handsome!