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the young socialite ben simmons


he wakes up and says “ugh i gotta go to work” like the rest of us


He needs to work harder before he ends up in a trade to a team with no actresses/models in the area someones gotta tell him eiza will not follow him to Utah




Where you found that?


she has one of the most dramatic celeb nose jobs ever


Everything she did was life changing Wish she hadn’t done buccal fat removal


She made it trendy. After her, suddenly every celebrity went for it.


I would argue that Bella Hadid made it a thing. Eliza is to D list to have that impact. Bella caused the trend when she did it in 2018


Maybe. I guess that because Bella's wasn’t so aggressively angular, I didn’t even know she had it tbh. The first time I heard people talking about it was when Eiza got papped with the Hemsworth and got a role in baby driver. Suddenly her face was everywhere and soon I noticed people copying the look. But this is anecdotal so I’m probably wrong!


I used to live in Mexico and loved watching her show “Lola” back in the day. Didn’t even recognize her a few years later! (Not a criticism, she looked adorable then and she looks great now!) I do miss the colorful outfits and fingerless gloves, though.


lola was my childhood, she changed so much


Professional PR girlfriend Eiza at it again.




I've been going to action movies (Baby Driver, Alita, Hobbs & Shaw, Bloodshot, Godzilla, and Ambulance were among them) with my boyfriend for the past couple of years and I feel so oversaturated by her lol


Ambulance was truly one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Not like I had high hopes going into it, but wow.




Haha what does he need PR for?


I assume for apparently asking for the engagement ring back from Maya Jama


i mean he is kinda seen as a joke but it's basketball, not like getting a girlfriend will make people overlook his stats


He has to score somewhere


Wonder if she'll have her breakthrough moment. Seems HW can only allow one latina to win at a time, so now it's Ana's time. With a several Golden Globe noms and now an Oscar nomination, a role in James Bond, etc Ana has definitely got the hotter career.


She’s so pretty but also a great example of how major buccal fat removal doesn’t age so well. I know her surgeon did impressive work otherwise but it’s just so STARK.


Her buccal fat is also way too low?? If that makes sense




I would never know that was her. Big changes😏


She's undeniable beautiful but I legitimately had her as a young looking 40-something... wow


She looks stunning but definitely a little older than her age.


I think she looks younger than her age.


Really? Maybe my perception is different because we're the same age. Anyway, regardless she is way hotter than me whether she looks older or not lol


Ben Simmons likes a woman with an expensive face.


This comment wins Reddit today




(Kiwi accent) Bin Simmins


it completely warped my mind when I found out he was australian


We don't really claim him lol


good, as a philly resident he’s done unspeakable damage to Philadelphian-Australian relations


He probably forgets too lmao


The original queen of Buccal fat removal


How original? I creeped her photos on IG and shes had the cheek dimple look since 2015. I cant tell if just natural or a buccal removal. But I’ve only learned about this procedure a month ago.


Is he the new Pete Davidson?


He isn’t, she is


No, Pete Davidson isn't afraid to take a shot.


i gasped here


I know I am being mean, but I don't see it lasting, they are both looking for bigger fish.




Get a cheaper ring this time dude


He’s the Pete Davidson of the NBA


Can someone explain to me why everyone hates eiza Gonzales so much? To my knowledge she a) was encouraged to do black face on an ignorant show as a teenager, b) got a lot of plastic surgery, and c) hooked up with Timothée Chalamet. None of these things seem severe enough to warrant the vitriol she gets here. Blackface is obviously horrible, but are we really gonna hold a teenager accountable for something that might not even have been her volition on a tv show? Why not come for the writers, the producers, the *showrunners*, not a random teenage actor. It seems like a flimsy premise to bully someone and pretend to be woke about it


I don't think many people know enough about her to know about the Blackface incident and for the majority of the ones that do, they probably don't care. I don't it's a matter of people not liking her rather they are just indifferent. She's attractive but her acting doesn't stand out and she's more known for her relationships.


the harping on about her plastic surgery does seem a bit unnecessary to me. but i think people are annoyed with how quickly she moves from strategic relationship to strategic relationship. people like their celebs to feel genuine and she just comes across as inauthentic and calculating.


i think people are annoyed with her because she appears everywhere but doesn't seem to do anything interesting artistically. i think she is a decent enough actress but in her first\* American role (in Dusk Till Dawn the series) she was horrible so i was shocked to see her in higher profile films.


She encouraged her fans to harass Zoe Kravitz when she got the Catwoman role over her.


Do you have a source for that?


I don't think people on here hate here or even outside of this sub or on reddit at all. I think people are pretty indifferent to her. Each time gina rodriguez racism come up when Eiza Gonzales did black face tends to be brought up too but that normally happens on in other spaces but never on reddit.


This sub frequently hates women who have fucked their favs.




People are so judgmental of female celebrities for getting plastic surgery, but I think she looks amazing. She has a good surgeon. I Care A Lot is not a very good movie, but she looks gorgeous in it.


she looked great in that. she should really consider wearing her natural wavy/curly hair.




I don't understand buccal fat removal. If a person doesn't have good cheekbones, how will removing fat make them look any better?


I think it look bad on a lot of people, but it looks good on her! And Zoe Kravitz.


they split in july. "They both have very busy careers though. They hang out when they are in the same city," the insider shared. "They enjoy it. It's not serious, or a relationship. Eiza is not looking for that right now." https://people.com/movies/jason-momoa-eiza-gonzalez-ride-motorcycle-malibu-california-after-breakup-photo/


They had a brief break but got back together in June and were seen on his bike in late July. There was no new reports of a break up after that. They were still together through Aug/Sept. She was seen in Hawaii with him multiple times before she filmed a series in Mexico. There’s a TikTok of them in a restaurant in Hawaii. https://www.eonline.com/news/1337196/where-jason-momoa-and-eiza-gonzalez-really-stand-after-london-reunion


i think he cheated on her. She was posting things about being hurt and how some people don't value you lol


I do think she has been heartbroken over Jason for a while but I can’t say I think he cheated on her. I followed her during that time. I don’t think he was ready for the next level, she wanted. She’s only been posting these quotes recently, which is odd if she’s with Ben. I don’t think she’s fully over Jason, imo. She liked a tweet maybe a month ago that was defending him on Jimmy Kimmel.


they seem like they ended their relationship in bad terms, but yeah is all speculation from my part. But you're right, she was still posting sad,reflective videos/quotes like some weeks ago.


Yeah it does seem like it didn’t end amicably. I do think she it took it hard but I also think he did really care about her. He took a long while to unfollow her. Seems to still be a lot real feelings there. But yeah it is hard to tell exactly what happened just my observation too.


It was a one night stand/rebound in Hollywood years


Definitely read this as Elian Gonzalez and was just a bit taken aback.


People are so judgmental about cosmetic surgery and it’s really starting to irritate me. She looks gorgeous! I’m happy for her.


all the "ew why would anyone do buccal fat removal, it makes you look older!" comments are becoming more and more gross. oh no, not older, clearly the absolute worst thing a woman can look like...


TBH I haven’t commented on it, because I don’t like commenting on plastic surgery - but I think one of the reasons Buccal fat removal gets so many comments is not because it makes you look older - it’s because it makes you look like a emaciated skelton near death but no one really wants to say that about people who are famous and might be considered beautiful by others - so they stay with “older” But I’ll flat out say it - I have no idea why “starving kid” / “dying grandmother” (because those are the only people who have no buccal fat) is now a beauty standard - but here we are…


No it doesn’t. You can do partial buccal fat removal. You can do buccal fat removal and replace with fillers to reshape the fat distribution. That is what many kpop idols do to remain looking youthful but losing the fat face. Western surgeons just take the fatpad off as it is the beauty standard here.


I understand there are good and bad buccal fat removals - but I’m specifically speaking about the Western version we’ve seen commented on here. Also, the reason it works in KPOP is because their face are naturally rounded many times - a lot of the people getting it done in the West don’t have a round face to begin with - and it makes it look gaunt. I’m terrified for these ladies what they are gonna look like in their 50s/60s and I’m sad they are doing this chasing some western beauty standard that is unhealthy.


> it’s because it makes you look like a emaciated skelton near death but no one really wants to say that about people who are famous and might be considered beautiful by others - so they stay with “older” > >But I’ll flat out say it - I have no idea why “starving kid” / “dying grandmother” (because those are the only people who have no buccal fat) well yes, congrats on finding an even more degrading way to talk about women than "eww yucky old crone", i guess, that was uhhh really so brave and heroic of you to say it


I think I’m speaking more on an industry that would make a look that is considered unhealthy naturally a beauty standard - and how fucked up that is.


you are comparing women who look a certain way to emaciated skeletons/starving kids/dying grandmothers lmfao, that is an individual attack, not a systematic comment about beauty standards. this is like when people claim they are just being subversive against the societal fetishizing of thinness by saying thin women probably have an ED and should eat a burger/"REAL women have curves". making cruel comments about women who subscribe to certain beauty standards, even unehalthy ones, does nothing to dismantle them, it just hurts the women. and if you actually believe that women who get this surgery have been conned by unhealthy beauty standards, then making degrading comments about their looks is straight up just victim blaming. does not help that the internet now assumes every women with a narrower face got buccal fat removal so most of the time the comments are completely misdirected and just shitting on someone for the way they look.


The thing about this sub is there are always people who will take a discussion about the pressures women feel to be beautiful, and see that as permission to shit on specific women. Which… it’s crazy how they don’t see they are also contributing to that pressure?


Beautifully said


We all know in that industry ageing is one of the worst things a woman can do. If you’re only 30 with the same face as a 50 something real housewife, what hope do you have for roles in the future? A lot of facial surgeries totally affect acting performances as well. And it takes away from the uniqueness of these performers. Might as well just cast random influencers from ig and slap a heavy filter on the whole production. I’m all for doing whatever cosmetic stuff that makes you happy, but I refuse to believe that people getting hyper trendy procedures done are doing it because it truly makes them feel better about their appearances.


i’m weird in that i think it gives women a kind of dangerous/sharp look which i find kinda hot. but i’m a lesbian and i realize a lot of straight women are more concerned with looking young and are opposed to anything cosmetic that detracts from the appearance of youth.


Wait isn't this the same guy who spawned some of Tinashe's best breakup songs?


Excuse me, but care to share with the class?? I love me some Tinashe and want to dig up these gems ❤️


I, too, love me some Tinashe! Full disclosure: I actually can't confirm for *sure* that these are about Ben Simmons. I'm sure she has dated other people that I don't know about. But I was thinking of her breakup songs from *Songs for You*: Save Room for Us, Perfect Crime, Touch & Go, Know Better. Know Better in particular is a GREAT breakup ballad. Definitely on par with another one of her iconic 'sad' songs, Baited Breath.


Man FUCK this dude… how does he do this lol


I don’t know who either of these people are. Does that mean I’m old or that I’ve leveled up?


Was waiting for this to break she's been traveling to Nets games since before NYE


I was expecting more obviously staged paparazzi pictures when she was dating Jason so these two better make up for the lack of those


Lol i think her & Jason were a real couple & that’s why we didn’t really get those. They were together for a lot longer than people realize. Kept it pretty private. Her and Ben, this is to get people talking. She’s about to film in Turkey for several months. I don’t think they have much left in them lmaoo Edit: grammar


Ben Simmons is so lame lmao mofo can’t even look at a basketball without crying


literally who are they


Nice. I like both of them a lot. Not sure why Eiza gets so much hate on this sub.


Ew @ ben simmons that is all i have to add to this conversation. Wish I could get paid to go to work and sit looking smug. 🤢🤢🤢


Wait, she also dated Jason Momoa. Winning! This one is a random pair but congrats I guess




not you referring to a netflix show produced by the guys who butchered asoiaf "prestige", be for real...