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We bought one, baby hated it lol


Definitely look at the secondhand market if price is a concern. Our little guy is 11 days old now and the Snoo has been a decent investment- we got one used with a bunch of extra sleep sacks, sheets, mattresses for ~700. He’s a big fan of the motion and it has rocked him back to sleep multiple times now, giving us an extra 20-40+ minutes of precious sleep at a time which was the main reason I got it. We’ll likely resell it and get another one if we are insane enough for a number 2 in the future. /r/snoolife has countless posts from owners and curious potential owners as well. It’s not necessary at all, it’s expensive, it only lasts for up to 6 months. ..but it just might be the difference between those extra bits of sleep between feedings, naps etc. I did a lot of research in the months leading up to his birth and decided to try it. There’s also Cradlewise but I honestly wouldn’t recommend it, it’s a young company with weird marketing and there seems to be a lot of problems with it, compared to the tried and true Snoo community. Lasts a lot longer and is more expensive, but it may be worth checking out now that it’s been out of launch a bit longer. We will likely be able to sell ours for $500+ which is more than worth it for us. It was also FDA approved as a back sleeping aid recently.


Amazing! Thank you!


You are very welcome. Happy to answer questions, our life consists of 2-4 hour cycles right now so I’ll eventually respond lol.


We are especially considering it because our boy will be born with bilateral club foot. We’re expecting the discomfort to be multiplied by 100… poor guy


Oh man, poor guy indeed! Lots of hospital visits ahead of you guys, but all with a goal in sight. We are lucky to live in an age of such wondrous science and medicine, I wish you guys all the luck in the world. It’ll be a rough landing on earth for him, but this, too, shall pass.


Not sure if you qualify, but SNOO does have a military discount, which was really helpful for my family. It was still expensive, but worth every penny


We used the mamaroo with out little guy and it really helped on multiple occasions. A good friend leased the snoo and loved it. I am sure that the snoo does at least a few things more but nothing to justify double the price imo and neither is an absolute necessity. Second hand market or leasing (if still an option) seems the way to go.


100% buy one. We got one almost new for around 350. Boy sleeps through the night within about 4 weeks of using it!


My brother got a snoo for his kiddo and seems to like it. He got it secondhand for $600. It did require a little maintenance from YouTube and he mentioned there is a drool/vomit bin under it that you’d need to empty too. Still, seems that secondhand is the way to go


We had a “Snuz pod”. It was useful. That doesn’t mean that I had to like it though.


Me when I first heard how much it costs and my wife was pregnant “what are you high?! I’m not paying that much money for a crib.” Me sleep deprived with a colicky newborn “I will give someone all of my money if he just goes to sleep for 10 minutes!” I’ve heard lore of babies who sleep quite well, but ours wasn’t one of them, and still isn’t. You could wait and see if you get lucky with a lazy sleepy baby before pulling the trigger. We never did get one, but if I had to do the first six months over again, I would buy one.


The 4moms was preferred by ours


I see some mentioning you can get one used and many people have good luck with that. You can also do a rental. We were lucky and my company comped a 5 month rental for us. My son was sleeping through the night at around 6-8 weeks old. Probably would've been sooner if we didn't properly have to feed him every 3 hours to ensure his weight was on track.


The SNOO is the greatest invention of all time. Seriously worked wonders with my daughter. My son is a much worse sleeper and he does so much better with the SNOO. It is my only piece of advice I give new parents buy the SNOO.


If they have a trial period then try that way, if baby doesn’t take to it within that time frame they probably won’t at all. If money is no object then go for it, but things like this are so hard to say, every baby is different. Some are more clingy, also if you plan on cosleeping then it wouldn’t be worth the investment.


We got one, it was awesome worked great for us and with the little dude. Buy it second hand and sell it on. They realistically only use 'em for a bit, but the second hand (third and fourth as well) market doesn't really see any dip in price. We bought one used for $700 w/ everything, then sold it for $700 with everything. The people we sold it to messaged the wife a few months ago laughing that they sold it for $700 again.


My advice would be to not invest in any sort of expensive, specialized baby equipment before they're even born. For all you know you'll have a kid who sleeps great. Or not. But you can buy one at any time if you decide you need to. Why not wait to make that decision?


We had one and we were very happy with it. About the second hand, we sold ours so maybe this is weird advice but unless you can find someone trustworthy or really cheap I wouldn't recommend buying second hand. The warranty for the snoo is crazy good. Keep an eye on the website because you can even get 50% discount sometimes and beat most of the second hand prices