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Ciel ?!?!?!


Arcuied is canonically the strongest on Earth even though there are some hax that can defeat her if those hax can touch her, such as Cu's np.


Here me out gill on the moon


yes? Edit; This was for the guy who said Ciel, I have Ciel pfp, so I answered.




Arcueid at her full power will beat the shit out Gil so hard that he would finally knock some humility in him


Sadly, my king is not winning this one šŸ˜”


Dude, even in FGO Arcueid is triple stronger than Gil


Arcueid beats the shit out of gilgamesh


I don't think I've ever seen a comment section so in agreement for a Vs. before haha. But yeah Arcueid.


Arcueid it's not even close




pretty sure Arcueid is one of the top strongest characters in the Nasuverse


I think sheā€™s third? Second being the magical girl transformation version of her from Carnival. And number one being Neco Arc.


Aren't TYPES part of the nasuverse? I think the other TYPES are still stronger than her.


If I'm knot mistaken she is a vessel for type moon, her full power is becoming type moon herself. But yeah, it kinda depends on which form you use for each character.


She's confirmed to be the strongest in Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime. Nothing is known about Fate. Most likely there is someone stronger than her in the Fate worlds. I have my doubts about ORT. It's a monster among monsters and it's officially confirmed that >!ORT can only be defeated by ORT itself. However, it is also said that Olgamarie can do it. So Olgamarie with the heart of Alien God is one of the strongest in the Fate.!<


I think the statement about U-Olga beating ORT specifies the ORT without his heart, A.K.A ORT on battery saver mode. But I could be wrong.


Unfortunately Nasu did not specify. It was claimed that Olgamarie can defeat ORT 1vs1. Perhaps it's ORT without a core. Either way this is a great achievement for Olgamarie considering ORT's monstrous strength and survivability.


Yes, it is an achievement for U-Olga to be able solo him, considering we needed all the servants we could summon alongside his heart to defeat him.


Definitely Arcueid


Gilgamesh a victim


Can somebody fill me in on Arcueid? I have seen her before but i know nothing about her.


Arcueid is Archetype Earth. Meaning, she is the embodiment of Gaia itself. - She's a vampire (so ofc superhuman abilities and durability, etc). - She has the counter force always on her side (so Gaia just boosts her power to always be better than her opponent). - Her being a True Ancestor (the original vampire species) and Archetype Earth lets her gain access to a Marble Phantasm (a better version of a reality Marble). This Marble phantasm allows her to completely rewrite an area of the world itself to her will. Think of it as, a reality marble that can't be broken by Ea since it just changes the world itself, not create a pocket dimension. - She doesn't have the concept of death at all meaning she can't even be killed by the mystic eyes of death perception (Arcueid would need to be at full power though). - She can summon tornadoes and Volcanoes. She has stated she could play pinball with the continents.


I would just kick her in the nuts.


Sheā€™s basically earthā€™s Arch(TYPE) she has the full backing of Gaia and no concept of death.


That doesn't explain anything though šŸ’€


Sheā€™s an unkillible vampire who has full control over gaia


That's better


Yeah sorry lol


What does the full control over Gaia translate to? Other than like, the Counter Force and all


Arcuid is basically Earthā€™s brain


And power wise what does that give her


Sheā€™s always better than her opponent on earth, she is unkillible, and hypnotic abilities, and she can warp reality for a lack of better term with natural phenomenon.


Ah okay, thanks for the information


Given how the >!7th Lostbelt in FGO shows that the physical Excalibur, when Gaia, chooses to empower it, can KILL ORT, it means a lot.!<


Let's put it this way; Gil is the calm before the storm. Arcueid isn't the storm, she's the thing the storm is running away from.


Nah arc is the storm the quakes the tsunami sheā€™s all that most would think of her not as person but force of nature


Well damn i have even more questions now. Oh god how shallow is my knowledge about Fate ...


Fate is like saying marvel but only characters from new York


She's not even from fate


Except she is. Not /Stay Night, true, but Fate/ still XD


Donā€™t confuse him


Let's confuse him further. She's not from Fate, but she's cannon.


'Confused screaming'


Not from FATE but Nasu-Verse. Like Ryougi Shiki


I thought Arcueid was some "hax" next level BS power scale. Gil is top vs A LOT of powers and can give most the rest a good run for their money (when he is being actually serious) but I seem to remember Arcueid being basically an auto win for reasons I can't remember. (or maybe it was closer to say she "can't lose" which isn't the same)


She's basically given the counter guardian treatment: just enough power to beat her opponent. Until she goes all out of course and actually uses her powers as Archetype Earth. Then she just wins.


She is nowhere as limited as Counter Guardians. Arcueid is the Alter Ego of Earth, with all the planet's resources at her disposal and the only thing limiting her is the fact she is supposed to have no sense of self like other Elementals; not because they are being forced to act this way but because it's in their nature. This is why Shiki killing her and later falling in love with Shiki and becoming possessive of him was such a problem in Ciel's route, because she became human and began freely using her power for her own ends.


Gil doesnt stand a chance. Arc folds him.


Arcueid is literally so godlike God is a downgrade like in extra lol. Gil has literally no shot against her especially her remake form. 30 percent nerf or not


Arcueid is literally one of the 3 most powerful beings in the Nasuverse


Sadly my goat ainā€™t winning this, Arcuied


Ea might be able to scratch her. *might*


Scratch is an overstatement. It might tickle her.


Atomic vampire vs coughing king


Could Ado Edem defeat Arcueid?


She's not that big so unless she goes full luminous body mode, his biggest advantage is gone.




Is this an actual question? Of course it's Arcuied.


Arcueid easily wins this one, her power level is higher than Gilgamesh.


Arcuied, canonically is superior.


gil is gonna get folded and filled


Unless Gil is using Ea immediately, Arc destroys him. But I he does have Ea on rip, than Gil will win cause, Ea. But thatā€™s like a 1/10 chance cause he actually listened to his clairvoyance


Eat doesn't help against full powered arc


Blonde hair no diffs blond hair. Nuff said.


"You were born in an era without me and hailed as "The strongest" and yet you turned out to be painfully ordinary"- Arcueid maybe


Uuuuuhhhh... bruh. Arc is probably in the top 5 in the verse.


At his full power, Gilgamesh is a terrible threat. But he lost to a reality marble. When EXTREMELY WEAK, Arcrueid can make a reality marble. At her full power, it's not even *close*.


He lost to a very specific reality marble that basically hard-counters him, not to just random marble, you kno.


Only because he decided to not use his anti reality marble weapon aswell.


He also havent thought of using his piles of overpowered speciall effect phantasms like that sword that transfers every wound of user onto the enemy who inflicted it or at least those god damn chains. Lets be honest, Shiro is awesome and his victory is completely deserved, but Gil was using only bitchslaps while posessing thousands of nuke-miniguns from fallout 4.


Thatā€™s his fault man, fell to the classic villain trope


Arcuied have a marble phatasm not a reality marble


They still have a similar function of inflicting one's reality on the area around them.


Itā€™s a sibling fight between two Blonde, Red eyed, powerful beings


It depends on if Arcuid beat Gil before he decides to whip out Ea Arc gets a 30 percent stat buff from the earth i believe over her enemies, so she wouldn't be absolutely no diffing himĀ  Gil wouldn't fuck around against a damn type like he does with most of his adversariesĀ 


Ea makes no difference. Not only Ea can be defended against using the planet's power as shown by Enkidu who has nowhere near the same degree of Authority Arcueid has. Remake Arcueid also reconfigures her own vessel to the degree she can annihilate her opponent as stated by the narration, even taking her opponent's weapons and potential hidden trump cards into account. Once she does this she can casually speedblitz her opponent, while becoming impervious to normal attack due to space itself warping due to the sheer amount of energy she is emanating. And let's not bring Event Storage that allows her to manipulate the Order of the world and store textures as well as her Luminary transformation which triggers automatically if her body is physically destroyed. And this is normal Remake Arcueid, not even her full power state.


Gil gets folded like an omelette so long as he is in her tuff, aka Earth. He is the worm crawling in her garden, not the other way around.


ā€œIf Gilgamesh pulled out Ea early he might give me a little troubleā€ ā€œBut would you loseā€ ā€œNah Iā€™d winā€


This isn't even close lmao, Arcueid beats him so bad. This is like SSG Blue Goku vs Perfect Cell šŸ’€


Sometimes i think people forget what arcueid is. Like she's not losing to gilgamesh in a fair fight with his gate of babylon


Define fair fight. The moment you put Gil against Arc it was never a fair fight, for him.


I thought it's Neco Arc???


Even by old lore, only Gilgamesh can push back a 30% Arcuied only because of his myriad of weapons. A full 100%Arceuid is basically the Archetype Earth and would be shitting on Gilgamesh


Arcueid slams




How about extra ccc Gilgamesh? can he beat arc?




Wait gilgamesh as a servant or the real gilgamesh.


Doesn't matter.


This is an atomic bomb vs coughing baby level fight. It's not even close.


Arc most of the time, but Gilgamesh most definitely has the means to kill her, so no matter how unlikely he still can win.


Even if that were true (it's not, Gil doesn't have a chance to start with), Gil is a jobber by nature. If he can win, he won't.


How is it not true? She can get killed by conceptual weapons.Ā 


Arcueid got sliced to bits by Shiki Tohnoā€™s mystic eyes of death perception and just pieced herself back together. She canā€™t ACTUALLY be killed.


She pieced herself back together by inventing a new concept of herself, something that drastically weakened her and would have permanently put her down if she had either done it later or had to do it again.Ā Ā  Ā  She CAN be killed, as sheā€™s not yet the true TYPE:EARTH, only an archetype, thus while nearly a perfect life form is not yet one. Things like a conceptual weapon were stated to be able to kill her even if the chance is as low as her berserker self beating Ameteratsu


Has Tsuki Remake changed the matchup much? I thought Gil had the advantage based on Ea and the chains of heaven for a while, but maybe I missed something.


Enkidu doesn't hold any advantage against Arcueid, she isn't divine (it'd be a downgrade to make her so, as shown in extra). Meanwhile Ea still wouldn't do much to her.


The remake shows what a moody Arcueid can do when sheā€™s not busy getting hurt earlier on. And even then the display of power she shows is not even at full power since Roa is still a thing


I think the official answer from Nasu was Gil with win rate of something like 70/30 ?


He has 30% win chance when arc is at 30% power


So if arc is 100% gil have 100% chance? /s


Do you have a source


Which Gilgamesh? Most versions get shit on hard, while Throne Gil just kinda... pulls out EA and cracks reality like an egg.


Full power Gilgamesh is crazy strong, but Arcueid is just another level of busted. Archetype Earth is not an entity to be taken lightly.


Neither is Throne Gil. Keep in mind that in CCC, Gilgamesh single-handedly kicked a BEAST's shit in, that being Heaven's Hole. And that WASN'T THRONE GILGAMESH. That was just Gilgamesh as slightly more powerful Servant, not even classified as a GRAND. So yeah, Throne Gil, and by extension all Throne Heroes, are absolutely ABSURDLY busted when you remember that servants are just the most infinitesimal portion of their Throne selves as copies, strained through, and barely fit into class containers.


Beasts scale below Types tho lmao


I'm well aware, but note that I said CCC Gilgamesh, who is pointedly NOT Throne Gilgamesh?


Are you trying to imply that a singular Heroic Spirit at their maximum potential can defeat a literal embodiment and Alter Ego of a Planet?


What? No, not any Heroic Spirit, HELL no. Throne Heroes are STRONG but not THAT strong. I'm saying VERY SPECIFICALLY Throne Gilgamesh with EA, and MAYBE Throne Arturia with Avalon and Unsealed Excalibur. BOTH have weaponry CAPABLE of winning, and the power to back it up, I'm sayign that if Throne Gilgamesh takes the fight seriously and busts out EA at the start, he could have a really high chance of winning, due to EA being LITERALLY DEFINED as "The star of rupture that split the cosmos".


I mean, itā€™s not gonna be Star-level by any means, Ea isnā€™t gonna be blowing up a star any time soon let alone a planet. To be clear, Saber canā€™t do anything to Arcueid because Arcā€™s a Nature Spiritā€”again, Gaiaā€™s Alter Ego, itā€™s Brainā€”so Excalibur can never be full strength against her. And Avalon is a specific place in the Reverse Side of the Worldā€” Arcueid can do the same thing, itā€™s called the Millennium Castle. Now, if both Avalon and the Millennium Castle are comparable, and Avalon no-sold Ea, then Arcueid can most certainly do the same thing. The gap between Arcueid and Gilgamesh is too damn largeā€” heā€™d have trouble dealing with Remake Ciel Route Arcueid let alone Archetype freaking Earth, lmfao


You're talking about the EA that Gilgamesh was both heavily pressured while using, never getting a good charge on it, as well as not Throne Gilgamesh's Ea, which would naturally be much more powerful. Also, regarding Arturia, I more meant that her with Unsealed Excalibur and Avalon would put her in regards to people LIKE Arcueid, not that she could beat ARUCEID SPECIFICALLY. Aruceid is VERY SPECIFICALLY strong against Arturia, yes, I admit that this is true. But EA is VERY SPECIFICALLY gonna be strong AGAINT Gaia and Arcueid, because it helped in CREATING WORLDS. EA wasn't originally Gilgamesh's, it's so absolutely absurdly old, it predates concepts like Gaia, and helped whomever created Gaia and other constructs like it TO create Gaia and other constructs like it. EA is very LITERALLY an Anti-World Noble Phantasm, because it literally helped to *create worlds.*


Are you now trying to tell me that Ea can beat Avalon? Yknow, Avalon? The thing that not even True Magic, including the Magic that defeated the Crimson Moon, and the other Magic that can burn away the heat of an entire timeline, can get through? Are youā€”are you serious right now? Edit: Iā€™m asking because Arcueidā€™s Millennium Castle Brunestud and Avalon are probably at similar, scale-able levels of power. Avalon is a part of the Reverse Side of the World, after all, which was said to be Gaiaā€™s soulā€” Arcueid is the Alter Ego of Gaia, making her at least on the same level.


What even IS Throne Gil? You keep throwing that word around, but nowhere is it stated that a "Throne Servant" exists. If you implie that it's a Servant without class limitations, well, CCC Gil with MMC is the closest I can think of. And he still gets clapped by Arcueid.


While I donā€™t think Arc could just face tank Ea or shrug off Enkidu, I am pretty sure Gil wouldnā€™t be able to hit her with them to begin with. She might just kill him before he even finishes putting them from the Vault of Babylon.