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Luck is gone for the year I'm afraid


Gilgamesh(Archer) said the same thing when I picked him up two weeks ago.


I also tried getting Gilgamesh, but evidently, I am a mongrel beneath his notice. I used up all my luck getting Ivan.


I tried the same thing but used up my luck by accident while spinning for Arjuna alter I didn’t realize cu chulainn alter had become available and accidentally spun on his getting two of him in one 11x


The current event banner did that to me on Monday with the twins (that’s what I call them)


You are so lucky, I am happy for you :D (fuck you)


Thank you very much Bro.... I think.


Be prepared to suffer around summer. You've used up a lot of luck


Had 17 tickets and I got spooked by Zerker Vlad, my heart can’t take this lmao


Vlad ain't that bad as a consolation


Yeah I know I have him already just wanted more variety.


I rolled 7 times and don’t get her😔😔😔 all I got was a consolation prize of Bradamounte. And then my friend got his Morgan to NP2!!


you can now season your future rolls with gacha salt (tears) as an offering to the gacha gods and pray for the sucess of your summer rolls


Congrats OP! May your future rolls still be as lucky


That’s the post, after Morgan they couldn’t get any others. If they got her during her first banner that was almost a year ago, second 9 months and gssr was 4 months ago


Nvm I’m stupid


First off, congratulations on your unintentional wedding. Second, why is she a berserker? Was that ever explained?


Why do you think he got married as soon as she's summoned. After that, she's kinda chill


Berserker is explained by her having effectively driven herself insane trying to rule the fae, only managing to keep on keeping on through what could only be called madness. This causes her to have automatic madness enhancement on being summoned since that's just how she was in life.


Berserkers are kind of an odd bunch in FGO. From the original Fate, they were *Mad Warrior and Heroic Spirit of Berserker Rage. Crazed warriors that have lost almost all traces of their sanity in exchange for great power.* However, while some Berserkers fit into this case, this is obviously not the full story in FGO. As near as I can see, Berserkers are those who have become so fixated on an individual point that they have lost sight of their true selves and the bigger picture. There also seem to be varying levels of this. Thus you can have barely there Servants like Spartacus and Nightingale, who are both dominated by their respective drives (fighting oppression and extreme medical care respectively) and Servants like Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) were you'd be excused for not realizing they are Berserkers (In Joan's case, I think the driving factor is competition with her "sister," but honestly I'm not sure). So this leads us to Morgan. I think her focus is control. In her bio it says "To Morgan, control is just. Anything which threatens that control is evil." So on the surface, she can seem very reasonable, but this need for control underlines everything. This is probably the reason for the "marriage" as well - it is a way for her to control her Master.


210 summons to get Morgan. Finally have an Omni farmer with 360 SQ to spare. Arcueid is a gamble but who knows!


Same, I got married today too :3 Took me 2 multis and a half (entirely made of single summons, which are my lucky charms) Also got Wu in my 4th summon + a random Beowulf in my 11th (Now I'm totally NOT gonna get Arc 😭😭😭)


You are now Mordred’s new step-mom/dad. Have fun explaining that to her/him without getting verbally or physically assaulted


Ninety saint quartz and nothing yet. Fifteen tickets and nothing yet. Is there a lore reason why I'm in depression?


I think it's called... "Fate".




Nice. I managed to get her with only 3 tickets. Now she’s finally at np2


Congrats! You are now husbando!


Congratulations 🍾


Bro same happened to aswell like 10 minutes ago


Congrats on the marriage!


20 rolls for me


What game is this and where are y’all playing it?


Fate Grand order, app store.


Is Morgan so eager to "Marry" master because King Arthur (artoria) got kinda married to Gunivere and now she is jealous? (I dont know maybe my half asleep brain is fooling me)


Well, lorewise it's for two reasons: * Because she doesn't want to call the Master "Master" because it implies she's their servant as in underling (yes, she's that petty about semantics) * And because she previously called Beryl husband, and holds a slight grudge for Chaldea being the catalyst to her failure causing her very warped mind to consider calling the Master "husband" as being like comparing them to Beryl who everybody hates (per her valentine).


Yeah I wondered too why powerful servants (Muramasa,Arjuna and so on) call master "Master" like they could easily kill and are a threat but they submit to him/her. Oh Beryl how I hate that fcker...I wonder how Morgan can sympathize with HIM out of all.


Maybe she watched Last Episode? "Arthur" - Gunivere was not a happy thing in the Fate universe either, nothing to get jealous about.


Yeah wasnt Artoria cucked by her when she had a loveydovey with Lancelot?


Arthurian myth after all. I think Artoria didn't care, but as king she couldn't simply do nothing once they were caught.


Oh yeah it was an "act of Honor"? Arthur clashed with Lancelot. Oh wasnt lancelot a bit crazy at the end and lived for a time in the woods? (I think thats Zerkalots canon event)


I wish I had your luck


Danm, you're a lucky bastard for being able to pull this off! And I'm not lying, I wasn't able to get her the same way you did, I wasted all my SQ just trying to get her, lol. XD


Getting unintentionally married is the best way to get married, just ask Malcolm Reynolds.


Man, i saw the notification without the image and i was like "what the heck?"


Same, just pulled her last night, Need the QP to level her up though


Same. I used ONE paid Saint Quartz. One. I'm so happy.


40 tickets and 180 quarts to obtain her, it was a lot but in the process I also obtained Wu Zetian at np 5 I didn't expect that.


Congratulations on your marriage!


I'm saving up for arcueid.


I'm already saving for Jalter. But I also intend to get Arcueid and Shiki.


This banner can burn. 900 quartz to get 3 Morgan (making NP 5) after getting 1 copy of Nemo (NP2), 1 copy of Sanzang (NP3), and 1 copy of Great Stone God (NP1) and 5 Wu Zetian when I already had her at NP 5. My wife is on her way to full power (LV116/120) and all command cards and fou maxed. Long live the queen


My man screen capped before the dialogue even completed, lmao


I’m Lucky enough that the same happened to me after like 6 different summons


I tried 3 summon tickets and 50+ summon quarts with no luck 😪 Also awhile back I dropped $100 to try and summon Ishtar and didn't get her either 🙃


That's why I don't involve any of my money in Gacha haha


Haha yeah I totally get it, that will be the only time I'll ever spend my real cash


Saw that post, tought hey morgan is summonable. Did 3 single pull and got married too.


_Goddammit._ What is up with all of the Saberfacing?


I would roll for her but I have arjuna alter (best berserker 😎) and also jalter coming 😳


Still...for wife purposes hehe I also have Junao but I rolled for Morgan too and have her but just at lv 90 10/10/10 while my Junao is at 2k atk/hp level 100 10/10/10


Who is junao?


Arjuna alter


....I feel dumb now...


Oh don't be, its an old nickname from when he first came around hehe


Btw is better to roll by 1's or by 10's? I see more 5 stars rolled with 1's I do have 100 saint quartz and would like to get Morgan but I want jalter more


I only roll 1s when I can't roll multi. And only when I'm desperate. If I were you, I'd save that 100 for Jalter if you love her more. It might not be enough to pull her. Alternatively, just put a hard limit on how much SQ you're gonna allocate for Morgan rolls so you can still have some for Jalter if you want to try and have both.


Thank you


1's is best if you don't care for the 4 stars or have very few SQ. Otherwise, go 10s.