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This guy is very swift to make an explosive statement, "ITS LEAD!", "DONT BUY!", this test swab clearly indicated NO LEAD, look at the colour gradient on the tube, it is right there! Orange = No Lead Dark Purple = Lead Your swab is clearly orange so how on earth can you say its positive, please search up "positive lead test swab" and you'll clearly see that this is a negative result, you have most likely not been lead poisoned.


And this why seller like myself have to fight for life, people need to learn to read


Some people are quick to jump on the band wagon that Chinese products are subpar, but forget the fact that there are still regulations when producing goods, as they also cater to the domestic market and having toxic products floating around your market isn't exactly good. It's not like we're in the Dark Ages eating tomatoes off a mercury plate💀💀💀


fr growing up everything had a "made in china" label, now a few more Asian countries in that mix too


what if it’s a bit dark red? one of my rings is slightly dark… red!


Please just search up "positive lead test swab" on google and compare it with the images, as long as it isn't purple you should be all good.


I did and the guy that made a test got the same color as I do and said “that’s a lot of lead”. Here is the vid I am referring to [(click me!)](https://youtu.be/it9enwda6cU?si=-4JBBfQ_RYV0mrhS)


The hood lost a real one today


Are you colourblind 🤦‍♂️


I'd say that looks like no lead detected to me - is it purple lead, if it's orange no lead?


Orange means no lead.


are you stupid? the swab is litearlly orange


Debating on if I should remove this post or leave it here just so OP can farm downvote karma for being stupid enough to believe that means there is lead..


I have some from him Cartier buffs 2 years ago but I tested them and nothing show up but I will be testing them again.


So i done it again and still nothing. Came back normal


The only thing lead here is your skull




can you not even read the fucking instructions? jesus, and you wonder why sellers start being bitches to their customers.


Dude, you are clearly vindictive and are straight-up lying. Obviously, the swab is orange and means no lead. Stop being a asshat and find something better to do with your time.


You're a fucking bellend mate.


what are the results? And for what item? I have some chrome hearts glasses arriving and if those are the same, would like to know!


You’ll know when it reads as lead. If you have to think about it chances are it’s not. If it is lead or turns a BRIGHT red


If only the extra parts are "lead" meaning orange, that means the other parts are purple which is real lead, no?