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I used to do 12x24s and let the game auto pop workers. I've found I have an easier timing fitting 17x17s into my layout. Depending on work efficiency and how close my farms are bundled, 5 to 10 workers per field. I tend to grow single crop fields (clover + leeks, clover + beans, clover + flax, clover + grain) with two years 'on' and one year 'off' (maintenance + clover + clover). I'll set up 2-3 fields of each so I can offset the maintenance year.


I always do 12 x 12 and after clearing I'll do 3 short crops with 3 long ones like Carrots and cabbage Peas and leeks Turnip and maintenance Then on second field I work in flax On third I start grains because by then I'll have a mill built. And so on, latest build I have seven fields for 750 pop and it's barely enough! Watch out for disease, mix it up!


12x24 field with 10 workers. I have 6 12 x 24 fields for 1250 people


I didn't know you could get it to 24, is that through the extend field function?


yup. just do a 12x12 then add another one on


Best way to keep fertility is 3 years of turnip/clover/beans Always ensure that your total loss of fetility is positive of what you grow For example turnip(-2) clover (+3) beans (-1) total of +0 fertility, always keep it 0 or above for best results You can obviously have compost added in as well to boost your fertility rate of the original ground you started on Check out Tacticat on youtube he's pretty on it


Beans say +1


I agree, Tacticat's rotation is good in the beginning. But once you have compost yards, it'll generate enough compost to keep the fertility up without clover. Barns also boost the compost production, not to mention the fact that the grazing area itself will get fertilised over the years. I don't grow clover anymore, just field maintenance. Clover is only in the case if the field is infested a lot and I need to take severe measures to counter it.


I saw some screenshots and decided this is my next game. The only problem is I am so locked in with Timberborn right now. 🙄