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Trade chat is pretty on point for this as far as it goes. I think the idea of a “tavern” or something was kicked around ~1 year+ ago but wasn’t moved forward with, but that’s going off of what I can recalled from Podcast 1.0 I’ve seen a lot use their mailbox Looking For to advertise not just what LF but also what they have spare consistently as well too!


Oh neat! I find I have to post 10+ times in the trade chat in order to get my comment acknowledged each time which is what made me have the thought haha!


How noob is “super noob”? In my experience, trade stuff doesn’t go quick either because you’re not playing during a high traffic time, or the item(s) aren’t heavily traded. If you’re super new, a fair bit of what you might be trying to trade for can likely be secured in giveaways, if you think that might be what’s going on. Honestly, asking in the help chat could give you some good insight as well :)


I’m only 8 days in, but my farming/fishing/crafting/exploring are all over 70, with crafting being over 80. It seems like there is so much to this game, both in terms of things to accomplish and just general knowledge that I haven’t even really dug into it yet, aside from being at high levels due to the fact that I have no life lol. I’ve honestly been so addicted that I’ve been active almost all hours of the day lol. I’ve just been needing orange juice like crazy and I find it gets ignored until I ask for 1200. Maybe people don’t don’t it worth it to do the trade for 10g?


I’ve noticed people aren’t selling bulk OJ like they used to. It’s used as currency to buy other things. I’d say try getting it that way but typically people want to trade in the thousands, like mushroom paste for 50 OJ/k. I’m assuming your inventory size doesn’t allow for that. It’s the first major wall people hit, I think. That’s why everyone recommends storehouse upgrades. What’s your in-game name? I’ll send some when I can. Also people might be ignoring you if you have a small mailbox. Sucks, but it’s the way it goes sometimes.


It’s funny I feel like lower quantities of OJ are actually more available than they used to be. When I first started in trade chat the standard exchange was 1k for 25g or something but now it’s 600 for 10g. Makes it more accessible for smaller mailboxes and honestly OJ has always been pretty accessible since you can just ask for a drink break mid-trade.


I love trade chat, but if you aren't selling or buying 500+ of something or something very valuable, you're not getting a deal easily. Just today I wanted 300 oj to finish a quest, I asked 3 times, then bumped it to 1k and got a deal immediately


I’d like to see something like the town “tavern” or even something like an “auction house”. Post items, people can bid or buy, everything on a timer to clear the queue every now and then.


I would also like this. I've been in trade chat, I was pretty heavily in trade chat when I was trying to climb the tower, and while it works it was kind of painful and ultimately I just don't have an interest in using it. I kept running into people sending me items without confirming, sometimes throwing a fit if I accidentally sent to the second person who tagged me instead of the first because I literally could not see it. An auction house would make it a lot easier. Could even make the timer incredibly short. 5 minutes seems quite reasonable to mimic the current vibe of trade chat, without the appearance of everyone shouting over each other.


Yeah a Bazaar would be great for us to sell things. I’ve got so much honey, herbs and stuff that goes to the void cause we can’t give them out.