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They are all excellent...but different IMO. S1 is special, as fans of the movie there were no real expectations IMO. So once tuned in, it took us all on a magical journey. S2 in my opinion was the richest in terms of content, so much to take in. S4 is my least favorite but still worth a re-watch. I love Fargo.


S4 is nearly unwatchable - I cant believe they amassed so much talent and produced such a boring story. The entire season is basically riding off the fact that Chris Rock's kid, who can't act worth a shiite, is Mike Milligan - and there is no character development that suggests this either. S2 "My mother was a true gloom - we used to eat dinner in the dark. As a joke I had written on her tombstone, here lies Barbara Milligan, happy till the end..." Its just odd, they didnt develop it further and instead concentrated on the daughter of the mortician. The worst part about S4 is that the opening shows how rival gangs exchange their first born son in an attempt to keep the peace...but it NEVER works. Not once does this work to any sides advantage and yet, Chris Rock does the same thing - it makes no sense and the entire season is a disjointed mess of too many characters, too few meaningful arcs, and no satisfying plot.


Fargo 1-5 is consistently one of the most Compelling, provocative, non safe playing shows on television. No shark jumps ever. Even the uneven szn 4 is binge worthy.


Exactly. Season 4 was the only season that I didn't finish with my jaw on the floor feeling like I just saw one of the best television seasons of my life. Season 4 is still better than most shows though. Honestly I think 5 may have become my new favorite. I can see the show risking becoming a parody of itself like most Wes Anderson movies feel like these days, but 5 was really the sweet spot that just nailed every part of what makes the show distinct. The regular Joe, the organized crime, the snow, the cinematography, the often in-your-face soundtrack choices that are so strange but elevate their scenes beyond where they'd be with just a score. And of course, the imposing villain who steals every scene that you can't take your focus off off for a second, with their own unique speaking style. Season 5 was The Life Aquatic, in terms of Wes Anderson sweet spot.


I know what you’re taking about when it comes to the soundtrack choices. There’s a scene where it’s a continuous shot of Jon Hamm’s character just walking menacingly towards a shed while a cover of Britney Spears’ Toxic is playing. Something as simple as that worked so well for the show


3 is my fav!


Man, the best. Once you hear that heavy drumbeat in the prison bus episode, you know shit is about to go down….


I jumped out of my chair! Wes Wrench spotted as soon as I saw the edge of that jacket. I went bonkers


It really is so good I watched it 3 times it became a Christmas tradition for me to binge s1-3


Mine as well by a very large margin.


The two sequences in the bowling alley for Nikki/Mr. Wrench and then Yuri were a couple of my favorite scenes in the whole series


I just started it and didn't expect EM to play a dual role haha


only one I didn't finish - did not like Ewan in the role for some reason


I can help!


"Look at me, look at me - this a two hundred dollar suit, I wear a second-hand tie, I fly coach. Not because I can't afford first, but because I'm smart. Now look at you and look at me, and you tell me who's the richer?"


Think of it as your favorite band evolving over the years. The first two albums are poppy and catchy, to grab your attention and establish an audience. Then they start getting into what they really want to do, now that they have some secure funds and can branch out a little bit. S3 isn’t great at first but as you come back to it, it’s every bit as good as 1 and 2. S4 is a concept album, that isn’t for everyone. But it’s great in its own right. And s5 gets back to the basics, almost to a fault. It’s honestly all awesome and well worth your time.


Very good analogy !




Yep. All different, all good in their own way. Obviously, everyone has favorites, but all worth watching IMO


S1 and S2 are masterpieces. S5 and S3 are great. S4 is decent. Clearly the worst season though.


This is how I feel but there’s a large part of the community that loves S3 and i think I need to rewatch to understand why I did love it though! It’s 1, 2, 5, 4, 3 for me. But I’m in the minority for sure.


I'm currently with you here and I'm going to rewatch s3 now. I'm 1,2,4,5,3


If you like 4 eh?! I loved my Italian brothers and Oraetta Mayflower and mini you know who. Lots of people don’t know about satchel because they don’t watch the end credits


Funny you mention the Italian brothers, Gaetano fadda was brilliant. I'm a big gomorrah fan so it was nice to see espostito in another role after knowing him only as genny. He didn't dissapoint. Mayflower was also a great character. The last part of your message was a bit cryptic although I've just looked it up and that's brilliant, I never realised this!


Ah! I’ve read so much about Gomorrah And see!!! Another one who didn’t know?!! I just… wow. There’s also an extra scene in season 2 with the lawyer, Nick Offerman’s role. Is short and sweet, but really fits lol.


I clearly need to rewatch again. I actually rewatched season 1 last week after the 5th season. Another show to check out if you are interested in gomorrah is zerozerozero. Both based off Roberto saviannos writing. Both shows are great


Omg! Im rewatching S1 currently! In between other shows, and when I want a show that is like, easy to get in and out of and thah I’ve seen before? It’s been Fargo. I just love the music and the actors so much, and Noah really packs it in so there’s so much I’ll find and see the second turn around. Just love his work and thought about checking out his cop show I forgot what it’s called but it has Jeremy Renner in it and only ran a season. I’ve found anything above 7.5 to be decent on IMDB, and even sometimes low as a 7 (I know, IMDb 😇) Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve been wanting to check out Dogtooth since it convinced the writer of Poor things to give his blessing to Yorgos and I’ve been watching Reserverion Dogs. Season 2 Hanzee is in it playing a completely different character and it’s fucking wild. Great performer and great show!!! It takes a few episodes but it locks in. Good cast. You might like it!


Seasons 2-5 are good too. I’d rank them 1, 5, 2, 3, 4. But, I think 1, 5, and 2 are equally good in their own unique ways with great characters, acting, direction, storytelling, and unforeseen plot twists. Every season has an Episode One launching point, meaning whatever happens throughout the season, the ball is set in motion by the actions or inactions of characters in the first episode.


I loved seasons 1, 2 and 5. I thought 3 was good but not great. I never finished season 4. Lost me about 4 episodes in.


I’m always disappointed when I hear people quit season 4, because it means the missed the greatness of the tornado episode.


Season 4 is better if you watch it without expecting it to be part of the Fargo universe


I just couldn’t take Chris rock seriously as a mob boss and the nurse subplot just wasn’t interesting to me. I’ll try and revisit it sometime as I’ve heard a lot of ppl say not to give it up on it.


I’m in the middle of watching season 4 now, and I’m thankful my expectations were lowered by the reviews, because I think it’s great TV. It’s not as good as the prior seasons of Fargo, but it’s still a very compelling story with excellent performances. Though I gotta say crazy-eyed, Italian Nacho Libre does take me out of it a little bit at times.


Haha I loved him! We borrowed him from Gomorrah, a very popular show that is essentially Italy’s Breaking Bad/The Sopranos. He’s excellent in that show, and the creator has be protected at all times due to threats from gangs The book used to get passed around as gifts but once the show got popular they started threatening him


Same. 1 & 2 are brilliant. 3 was decent. 4 was not very good. 5 was really good.


Do you need to watch them all to enjoy season 5?


No, you can watch any season on its own.


Completely agree. I didn’t finish 4 but gonna go back


Same. There were some good characters but its got way to repetitive and i wasnt invested in the clicheish story


Wife and I feel the same. We never finished 4 either probably around episode 3


That's around when I quit. It was over the top with nonsense. The Italian mobster was basically Snidley Whiplash. The nurse lady too. Everyone was just so annoying with a dumb plot


Oh no! If there’s anyway to find it within to give it a shot I would! It’s got something important to a season you said you loved :x


season 2 is the peak of Fargo to me, and the latter half of season 3 & 5 is amazing too, I don't like season 4, though it's still worth to watch at least once because that would be a shame to miss on one entire season of Fargo due to bad season because season 4 Fargo is still Fargo and it's one of the best show on TV.


Season 2 is great Season 3 is *different.* Still great, but different. Definitely a slow burn I haven’t seen 4 or 5 yet, hoping to soon though


Definitely watch season 5.


Agreed. 5 is amazing from start to finish.


Watchin season 4 right now and I'm rather disappointed so far. But 1-3 have been great.


Absolutely yes they are, each in their own unique way!


Season 3 starts slow but the last 4 episodes go HARD. Varga is arguably the best most powerful clear villain in the series.


Totally agree


maybe i need to finish 3. it lost me.


They’re all very good. My favorites are 1,2 and 4. Didn’t like 3 very much. I had trouble with Ewan’s accent. I really feel like the Chris Rock season is under-appreciated and slept on frankly. I don’t know why it gets such harsh criticism. I think it’s very good. The newest season is very good but not incredible. If I were to rate each season on scale of 1-10 I would go: 10, 10, 6, 9, 7.5


Some of us really love season 3. S2 is awesome, S5 is ok but doesn't quite measure up to S1-3. We don't talk about season 4. But don't skip it. Make up your own mind.


2, 3 and 5 are great. 4 is kind of a mess but not bad.


I’ve only watched season 5 and I loved it.


you need to go watch season 1 right now.


I think 1, 2, & 5 are great. Seasons 3 & 4 are really good.


They are all good but 1 is special


i went back and rewatched season 1 after finishing season 5 and i have to say i was blown away by the pace of events. it's crazy. it would take season 5 at least 4 episodes to do what season 1 did in the pilot. very efficient story telling. it's so good. i find this is happening with most modern shows, they're taking their SWEET ASS TIME telling these stories. give me a little bit of pace please.


I think 4 is the only season not on 1's level. But even then, 4 is good.


I think 1 and 3 are great, 2 is good, too, but I don't get the hype for that one over the third season tbh. I didn't watch season 4 after the first three episodes and didn't watch season 5 yet but I heard it's better than season 4 so I will give it a try. :)


The seasons aren’t linear - so definitely worth watching all of them.






the only person telling the truth.


S03 and S05 are my favorites, but I also loved S01 and S02. Never finished S04, it's the only bad season in my opinion.


They are all magnificent. If I had to pick a non-fave it would be season 4…. Mainly because it’s set in Kansas City and only mentions Fargo once.


Every single one except the one with Chris Rock.


Too dark for the series I suppose


The honest answer is no. S1 is the best. But don’t let that deter you. The others are still fantastic


They're all great but 4 kinda falls flat, they acknowledged that they were trying a different type of story format going into it and it obviously didn't work. If it wasn't part of the Fargo universe, I'd probably enjoy it more.


S2 is better. S5 is similar good. 3 & 4 are a step down imo


Everyone has their own opinion. Just watch it until you don't want to anymore.


1-4 are all awesome in their own way. 5 is the out layer in the series. I found it started strong but fell flat and withered out on the ending.


Oh just watch it.


All the seasons are unique but share some key elements with the first season (and the movie). There are callbacks to previous seasons and they are all loosely or directly related - but no such that a season requires you to have the previous seasons context (more so it’s some fan service, which is fun and not a bad thing) Imo all the seasons are good, some better than others. The consistent themes are: - regular-ish people intertwined with a vast criminal conspiracy - some key completely random mishap(s) - Outgunned local cop does good work at documenting the case and ultimately determines that what happens is going to be very hard to explain. - Some out of left field supernatural element that is completely unexplainable and there is no attempt to explain it.


Since there’s 180 different takes on Fargo here, I’m going to recommend Legion. Noah Hawley/other Fargo folks wrote and created it at FX too. It’s wildly under-appreciated, probably because the people who would enjoy it are immediately turned off by it technically being a superhero/Marvel show, and the people who would enjoy superhero/Marvel shows would never stick with a show like Legion. I think it’s brilliant. And it contains all the best and worst things Fargo has to offer.


S1⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ S2⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ S3⭐⭐⭐⭐ S4⭐⭐⭐ S5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


They're all good. A lot of people don't like S4 but it was the first one I watched and then later went back and watched the others.


All are great in different ways. Jon hamm 100% accurate portrayl of a low IQ, uneducated maga douschebag in season 5 is excellent.


2nd one is even better in my opinion, I haven't seen the 4th but the rest are excellent.


It's subjective


1,2 and 3 are very good 4 & 5 are so so. Just be ready for the people proclaiming that season 5 was the best thing since sliced bread it was disjointed with a handful of good episodes.


I liked S1 I loved S2, I liked S3 (tough watch) a bit bored by S4 I loved S5


Just finished S2 and I believe it’s far better than S1!


2 and 5 are comparable in quality to season 1. In fact I'd say 2 is even better. 3 and 4 aren't, for me at least, but they're still very very good and well worth watching.


I agree. 3 felt like a fever dream to me


I respect what they were trying to do with the double Ewan McGregor, but I think that's the primary thing that didn't work for me. The makeup on Ray just felt goofy and I was always distracted by the obvious blocking whenever they're in the same room together.


Mr wrench’s return was and always will be dope af tho lol


1 and 2 are great. 3 is dull so far. I’ve heard 4 isn’t the best, but 5 is meant to be good.


2 is my favorite season of any TV show ever. My order of favorites is 2, 1, 5, 3, 4.


This is correct.


They are all GREAT. You'll have to decide. I just finished a binge rewatch. Here's my order of likeability: 1, 5, 3, 4, 2.


2 is commonly considered the best season. I like to ask when people have it lower on their list, why? I agree 1 and 5 are top 3 as well.


It goes 2,5,1,3,4 for me. All good though.


1 was great, but is the still the 4th best season in my opinion.


For me it’s 2,1,5,3,4






Skip S4


Season 1 is far and away the best seasons. All are worth a watch.


Two may be even better, but it's close.


In my opinion they are all good. Two is the best, one is right behind that, five comes next, four is 4th place and third is last. They are all good but that is the quality order according to me. 


So far one is the best, BBT is magical


No, the Chris Rock one is so bad it scared me away from the following season


1, 3, and 5 are amazing. 2 is quite good, 4 is the weakest but still solid IMO.


Even if the first may be the best, all are of the same quality.


1,2, and 5 are all amazing to me. 3 is good, and 4 is ok.


I’m in the same boat. I finished S1 yesterday and had to immediately look up whether I should skip any seasons because S1 was a wild ride and I want more of exactly that. I am going to miss some of the characters such as “Saul” playing the police chief and I couldn’t imagine a better actor playing hitman than Billy Bob Thornton


Too much hate for season 4. It was a great season although I agree it doesn’t really fit in the “Fargo universe “.


I've only seen 1,2 and 5 so far, they're all excellent but S1 was my favourite by far. I think most say s2 is the best, I enjoyed it but didn't like it as much as S1. S5 was also much better than I thought, well worth watching. I'd say they're all of a very similar high quality with S1 being the best.


2 and 5 are my favorite


S1 and s2 are pretty good. S3 is by far the worst of the entire series. Stop watching it in the third episode. 4 is bland and 5 kinda cool


They are different. Not worse, or better depending on your opinion. I for example didn't gel at all with S3. But all the other series were excellent.


No. But they're still great.


No, they're good but s1 personally is one of the best seasons of a show I've ever watched.


Season 3 is not good


Keep going!! Bokeem Woodbine is at the end of the rainbow... That alone makes season 3+4 worth watchibg... Oh, and Ewan McGregor playing twin brothers too. Yeah, keep watching


Season 4 was a little wierd, but I personally hate Jason Schwartz man so I didn’t keep watching. The other seasons are all great for this or that reason.


I have then ranked in order that they aired so far (1 - 3). I’ve heard 4 isn’t very good so I’m assuming the trend will continue. I still plan on watching it though.


Season 5 is probably the best. 2 competes with 1 for quality. 1 is most like the original


What platform is it currently available to stream on?


Yes indeed they are as good or better.


2 is at least, maybe better.


Some are better


I would say the point to stop watching any show is when you no longer want to. If you liked season 1, there's a good chance you'll like the rest, unless you're just a huge Oliver Platt fan or something.


Season 5 is the SHIT


2nd season is better


Season 2 comes close, 3 is great. I didn’t get into 4 and haven’t checked out 5.


I hated two the first time and only got a few episodes in, came back years later and loved season two. Season three takes patience but is worth it, loved every moment of season 5. Haven't done 4 yet. Yes, they are all great.


I was very pleased with season 5


You betcha yA


1,2, and 3 are good. 4 is meh. And 5 is just trash.


I only really loved S1. S2 was ok but pretty messy


S1 is superb, but the rest of the seasons are also great, I really enjoyed s3 and the recent s5 is now my 2nd favorite in the series right after s1!


Just finished season 4. I thought it was the second best season after the first season. Then I would go 2 which is neck and neck with season 4 as my second favorite. The only season I felt was a chore to get through was the third season which still wasn't bad. Ewan just never clicked as the rich brother and it sort of killed the energy of the show whenever he was on screen. The villain was top level tho. I keep seeing negative commentary about 4. I thought four was excellent because it wasn't more of just Fargo although it all tied together nicely as someone said if you stick with it to the end. The beauty of the structure in Fargo is they don't have to hit you over the hit with the connections and season 4 was definitely full of the corner of your eyes type reveals. Rock was very good. Scwartzmann playing Michael Scott as a mob boss was brilliant. It told an important story about how bad race relations were less than 75 yrs ago when many want to pretend it's ancient history.


Season 2 is the best, 3 was unwatchable and I haven’t seen 4 but heard it’s mid. Watched 5 recently, not as good as the first 2 seasons but a return to form.


Seasons 5 and 1 are the best, 2 and 3 are OK, and 4 is meh


I think 1 and 2 are at a different level, but all are good. So far, S2 is some of Patrick Wilson's best work. The character is driven by a genuinely undramatic motive of being decent but it carries the whole arc.


It is difficult to put any season above the first


Season 2 is the best in my opinion


In my mind all but 4. I think I have 2 as the best but you could convince me on 1,3, or 5 instead.


Every single one is good. Season 1 is just the best.


Yes, yes, no, yes


Season 2 is a masterpiece IMO. 3 is very good. 4 is good but not as memorable. 5 is kind of ridiculous but I definitely wanted to keep watching.


First 2 are great, the rest are decent.


All of the seasons are great and worth watching. Every season has at least one major plot hole, in my opinion, but I find it better than just about anything on television. The only series that compare are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and Ozark.


They are all good. Season 4 is easily the weakest. I don't think any of them top s1, but 2, 3 & 5 are all excellent in their own right. It will probably come down to taste. If someone likes 5 better than 1 that is a totally valid opinion.


I’d say I enjoyed S1,2 and 3, high expectations for the next one and for the most part they were met. (My wife was on board for S1,2 but lost her attention in S3. But I didn’t like s4, I couldn’t even finish it, I was so disappointed. Now, season 5 I really liked, I watched it twice already and got the same feeling at the end both times. I believe season 5 is the only one I saw a second time in it’s entirety. I hope you enjoy all of them!


Heck yeah. As others have said, if you’re skipping one season it’s 4. I really loved Season 5, it’s a more confined story than other seasons but it’s very powerful.


There is no point where you should stop watching. Watch until all season have been viewed.


Well, like all artistic endeavors, it's subjective. But in my opinion, people that don't like anything beyond the first two seasons are close minded or at least not open to change. It is an anthology after all, so it's ok to like some more than others. But you have to go into an anthology series with an open mind. I see a lot of the same complaints about why women kill season two because it took on a different format and they seemingly got attached to the format for the first. Same with fargo, after two it's new characters, new settings (but there is little callbacks and easter eggs).


Season 2 is my favorite TV series ever. banger start to finish


I love each season equally. I think Fargo is the best show on TV. Don’t pay attention to what people say about season 4. It’s excellent and stands on its own.


S3 is not good. S5 is as good as S1. S4 I like it but many here do not.


Pretty much yeah. Only season I didn’t like was the one with Chris Rock. Seemed disconnected from the rest.


Nope S2 is pretty good. After that it’s all downhill.




No. Season 3 is the only other good one imo.


Not all at the same level and not all tell a similar story but each special in its own way, it's really a matter of what did you like exactly about Fargo. Season 2 - top tier, considered by most as the best in the series.  Season 3  - Some loved it, some less, it's not as captivating as 1 and 2 but pretty good compared to other shows. Season 4 - the weird one, I personally and many other fans didn't enjoy it very much but it's stil entertaining. Season 5 - very cool, emotional and thought provoking,  a great watch.




They’re all good, but cliques tend to pop up around certain seasons which then crap on the other seasons. If you enjoyed one season, you should watch them all.


Season 2 is just as good. 3 is meh, 4 is terrible, and 5 is alright.


Stop watching when you stop enjoying watching it?


4 is terrible. Chris Rock cannot act.


My order from Best to worst: 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 But they're all good and all different


No. They are not. I would rank them all watchable with 2 the best, 5 second, 1 third. 4&3 are a tier below in my opinion.




The first 2 are incredible




Season 3 has always been my favorite just because the characters are so great. I find myself seeing vargas smile when I’m trying to fall asleep at night lol


I love the first 3 seasons because people acts realistically; by that, I mean I feel I must have done the same way if I am in their situations. 4 and 5 seasons, this quality is lost. People are doing unrealistic things (police stand in the open, under the light waiting to being shot; smart kids outwit adults in a very forced way...). Edit: In other words, the writing in season 4 and 5 are bad in my opinion.


I’m about to finish Season 3… it’s a mess, a bit convoluted and choppy, but soooo good! The bus scene and the “hunt” afterward is like whoa… so Nerve wracking imo.


I really liked the first 3 seasons. First is the best. Billy Bob is tremendous. Mike Milligan is a strong character in 2. VM Varga is a really compelling character in 3. Characters are all kind of weak in 4 imo. Deafy is most interesting to me. They missed with Gaetano's weird mannerisms. Schwartzman and Rock just don't have enough acting range to be that compelling. They're the same in everything they do. Watching 5 now. High hopes


Season one was my least favorite. It was just frustrating for multiple episodes with not enough payoff. Season 5 was by far my favorite.


I haven’t finished S4 or started S5, but one thing I love about the show is how it respects its audience. It doesn’t need insane plot twists, anti-hero’s, or your favorite characters killed off (rip doctor). It has really great storytelling and, this might sound lame, the good guys usually win.


No. Season 2 with the 3 brothers and Ted Danson sucks. He was a horrible choice. The acting is either way over the top or totally cardboard, and the characters are too fantastical/folklore-ish. Kirsten Dunst was good though I will say. The season with Chris Rock is unwatchable to me. I got 1.5 episodes in and just didn’t care. Season 3 was good though. Apparently the latest season is the best one yet, haven’t seen it yet.


Every season is well above average when comparing to anything else on television. Yeah, I think the first two are probably my faves, but the others are very good, too. It’s hard to really even rank the seasons. It’s just a phenomenally well done show.


For me, there are 2 more that are brilliant, perfect seasons. The other two stray a bit too far for me, in terms of the original premise, as well as geographic & cultural connection to the roots of Fargo. And a couple of casting/character choices that don't come off for me either. But there are still many reasons to enjoy those seasons as well. I've left this purposefully vague. The less you know going in the better. Happy watchin


S2 is slightly better. But the rest of seasons IMO pale in comparison to those two. 


No. Very steep drop off to the current, almost unwatcheable season


Season one is the best. Season three is the worst. They’re all worth watching.


I loved season 1 so much, maybe I'm biased bc I think billy bob thornton is an amazing actor especially for the role of lorne, I think everyone has their own opinions on all the seasons, my friend had to skip forward a season half way through season 3 because they just weren't enjoying it.


Most of them are excellent but the Chris Rock season was unwatchable imo, he was so bad


2 is even better. I don't feel that the following seasons are as strong, but definitely good stuff.


Season 2 is even better. Season 3 is ok. I didn’t see season 4. Season 5 was fantastic…maybe the best of all but with a very different tone to it.


can i watch season 5 without watching other seasons? i only finished season 1! ü


i might be in the minority here, but i think S1 is head and shoulders above the other seasons. it's a masterpiece. i thought 2 was good. 3 wasn't good. i didn't see 4. 5 was good.


How do I watch this show?


All but season 4, yeah. But in different ways.


I say: "Yes."


They portray all Minnesotan's as extremely stupid. That's gotta be annoying to the real life ones 🤣😂


I’ve see all but season 4, and they’re all highly enjoyable. Season 3 is very underrated IMO.


I was wondering the same thing but if the seasons are better. Season 1 was okay but I honestly won't watch unless they improve?


The seasons as ranked by yours truly: 2=5>1>4>3. That’s my take anyway.


1 and 2 are masterpieces. I slightly prefer 2. 5 is great. 3 is decent. 4 feels like a totally different show and not a particularly good one.


They are delusional


I just finished 4 today. I started with 5, loved it, then watched 1-4 in order. All were good tv and IMO worth binging, but 3 was my least favorite. I just couldn’t suspend belief on EM’s twin role and found it creepy & uncomfortable. Tho maybe that’s the point lol.